A TIME, 16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdey, Apri 25, 1967 17 Rye ASA AGRE RSRSER ERS S RR RRRRRE RRR RRR Ree eee ARARee Ase Resenessacaaas seen Ford Extends R dP oe : e ecord Pace|s ; : 3 - Packingest Place il Delivery Of C Sie te " oe For Retail Delivery als) in West And Markets Growin older in Masters' TOD AY'S STOCKS "| OAKVILLE, Ont. (CP)--Ford)2.6 per cent increase over 1966. g ampionship Play) BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT Co. of Canada Ltd., continued; Mr. Scott said he took serious By JIM OSBORNE little from previous years. SOONTD. iA AMA. TOCKS its record pace for retail deliv-jissue "with claims that govern- ele ; I | Before the plant was started, Dictributed ty Ce . Wile Net | eries of new cars and trucks/ment participation in automo-| VAUXHALL, Alta. (CP)--It8igrowers received an average ulnerable. y jock Soles High Low a.m. Ch'ge| i F F long way to Hawaii from this f Tome Soe eee oon en, Molt 1s $21 2 2a + | ' " jfor he first quarter of 1967,/tive manufacture is .necessary sitet Hills teva ta he haart of "ni ne call ganas ag Senge $1 Odd let, xd--Exdividend, xr---Ex. jcomppny president Karl E.jin order to ensure public : oi undred-pound sack, Last year NORTH Ge wes warren vie Manag tte se ke hk Detailed Publ 1c Stud Start 'Scott' announced Monday. safety because of deliberate|S%ut Alberta's expanding P0-/the grower price from the plant 983 from 'previous board-lof closing sale. | CSL 100 $32% 32% 32% He attributed this i se t li by th tato industry. |was $50 a ton. KT4 sb Na | Con Baw. a aie oa oe | e attributed this increase to|negligence by the automotive I 1 far tot as Stock Sales High Low-a.m. Ch'ge| CB Al B w 500 300 300 900 +6 the U.S. - Catiada auto trade|industry." |__ Its almost as far to Texas or srt © chem w 175-50 $35 535 210 ' pact | ac aald ocd's vehicle inspec |Toronto, or to a dozen other) WERE LOOKING AHEAD MINES € Curtiss 2000 61 60 60 --2 ae : | SPec-/areas where the prize commod-) 'The 60,000 - square - foot plant CG Invest 155 $62 62 62 | For the ifrst quarter, Ford's tion programs "are exemplary |j - 9 Blan net _ MMS ou | ot die eee Of Carter Taxation Report jt: jyiscrcrtetin mace cemetary io Si rt dh sin 910985 'Auer 70 11 neha * ve ce 7100 $218 avi a : cm to 26.6 er rage the ihe Suheat onder , Potatoes mean $2,000,000 ajmind; when it reaches peak 3958 Adi 100 315 315 315 +1 si es oe y market, compared w' 9 per ' y i i- i oA Avocet ae ae at +10 Cer Me mn 170% 70% Tk Ve : By KEN SMITH said Canadians have been wait-| "If the federal government cent in 1966. Truck sales were] A text of his remarks was is- peer 0 ee ee ee structural capacity, workmen Am Larder $00, 2626 € Petrofin 200 $14 1414 Canadian Press Business Editor|ing a long time for advice and|concluded that it would take say|33.3 per cent of the market, alsued before delivery. lanme a1 606 a Vauxhall will simultaneously load 10 rail- 4105 Arg O° Bev 1000" 80. 80" 80 San tt 4 al TORONTO (CP)-'The federal guidance on tax reform, and] five years to work out an agreed| __--__--|some $ age . Sti sate pe way freight cars and four. semi- AJ63 Area 100 335 335 335 --§| Clairton 150 $13% 13% 13% + Ve (CP)--The federal|quring that period successive|program of co-operation and in-| dee Bee eee aac cacl¢taller ticks: Argosy 2067 109 106 106 --1| Columbi 110 $19 19 19 -- % government had better have an d ins ' ; F afs s s potato capital of Alberta--once Q102 pes A on me 41) coe eR 8 % alice ative Geoatneh ot the re governments an the tax admin-|tegration with the provinces, or hat' season 40 Pak-Well has an agreement te AQs Arcadia 1000 228 22% 222+ 4! Computr 220 $102 10 10% prog istration generally '"'have made|then it should seriously consider aml 1Ca 10ns 1 es réa ; 5 a ship over-size and under-size po- Bethim 50 +51 Con Paper 50 $42 42 42 form standing by, just in case|/no real effort to grapple with|some alternative approach The impetus came from P0-ls toes to Sun-Alta Potato P 2 ' Bralorne 200 ne Yaa 12 E | Con Pap w us 90 940 940 =the $8,500,000. 44-year Carter|the ever - increasing problems| "'It would be unthinkable fo tato-oriented Pak-Well Produce| °°or* ved. at Taber, 28 miles | West North Cam Mine See list below. Cons Gas) 717 $17, 16% 16%---~ ve royal commission on taxation!ang complexity of a tax struc-|expect Canadian business to en-| [ [ Lid.; the town's orincipal indus- south of here, which sells virtu- Pass 8NT Camtio 4410 405395. 395 CGasr 14625 90 47 a7 \gets sidetracked. tite WHICh Was essentially oft ther t | 0C. NVESTIAATLON |t»., wrese, $800,000 piant heads Tataede Cemp 300 $71 1 Corby vt 35 930% 30% 30% + $6! ; e s essentially of/dure another five years of un- hen ally all its production of instant jack of ¢lub: ¢ Tung 300 160 160 160 Coreen Po 1 padi seer | That is the suggestion of two/their own devising." certainty. for its third season this summer. mashed potatoes to British mar- s. € Dyno 250 135 135 135 Corontn 2p 225 305 300 --2s |experts who addressed 1,700! With a massive new blueprint "If the federal government, jy "ORK us ifi- i i i »| _Pak-Well is owned by a group! Kets. of most hands Cdn Keely eR Be | Crain RL 370 $45¥e 45 45 --2"lother authorities at the annual ! NEW YORK (AP) -- Ramifi- leged manipulative activities. herivals f © Lencourt See list below. Crush Intl 350 $14 13% 14 | , _ annual offered by the recommenda-|can conclude that it likes the cat; 'i | id th , i of farmers, once arch-rivals for i eclarer depends dn' Nist See list bel lconference of the Canadian Tax|}; , : cations of the American Stock} He said the investigation is ke h .|. Poatoes unsuitable for either ; Can Nisto ee list below. Cygnus A 170 390 390990 | le Cana: @X|tions of the Carter report, it/package, surely its first and|j , vestigation into |bet: ducted : ion | Potato markets, who saw practi w the defender's Candore 25 Cygnus B 230 $8%e BY BM \Foundation, which ned the _ § , oe Exchange's' investigation into|being conducted in co-operation in a Id ad qajfresh or processing industries Cantre a0 17 17 41] Blan Sen pe Dn, h opel would be deplorable "if action|most important job is to assess|trading i in stocks -ap-|with the federal Securi cal usevin an 0 lapel PT ibuted. Since de- a anu 9 76) $38% 38 38% + Sl tinct detailed public study of the|; ; ' '€SS/trading in certain stocks ap-|with the federal Securities and d rather than fight are sent to a potato starch plant abe the adverse Sener 1G Sa 1 eh | Domne Pate. 0 Sok Sik Brn I P taalon' y ms, unduly deferred on manyjas quickly as possible the like-Iparently are widespread. lExchange Commission and U,S,|/0med rather than fight. in Vauxhall for use in Saskatch- equently has to Coch Will 100 100 180 180 --5| D Electro 225 $i6vs 16% 14 -- Yl Mand er commission's report'things that should and could/lihood of selling it to all prov-) pRainh §. Saul, exchange pres-|attorney's office. Only terse humor remains Of/ewan's potash mine extraction Cain Lake 1000 20 20 20 Dofasco 23) $244 244 244 | Monday. , jhave been done in the tax|inces." \; ieee ny 8 During the weekend it was|Past market-place rivalries, the 1 numerous lines Coniagas = -2600 50. 50 50 Dom Glass 1050 sll 11 114+) The three-day session moveS/fieiq." ._, \ident, said Friday that the trad- ig ; process. + ha bah As feomn ben iat Bhiows Pio Boe uere ay inte aetaled ana & S \field. | Speakers at the foundation's ing under investigation '"may|learned that a federal grand|battles by long distance for Pak-Well officials know they " € Callinan 1000 15% 15% 1544+ 4! Dosco 110 $8% 8% 8% jtoday into detailed and techni- ' lopening session greeted the!) ahs -\jury in New York has been/|Sales in Winnipeg, Vancouver or} |; genet pgs ¢ ta ee | Bom Store 785 si8va 18% 182 cal study of specific recom-/DON'T WASTE TIME commission's efforts with wade been influenced by al carrying on its own investiga-|California and the produce deal- hd Baas pe gant oe oer appears to offer og | Domtar 040 $17%4 17% 17¥%8--% mendations contained in the| Toronto accountant A. J. Lit- ; ice ammonia. eRe Fev , eh cng RORY or long. The province's potato C Morisn 3030 560 540 545 --5| D Textile 45 $24% 24% 24% c aap oe | ~"iwords, although most offered tion for months and that re-ers who once under-cut one}, 7 = ooo € Mosher 1500 30 30 30 | Dupont 125 sa7i¢ a7' a7' -- 4 commission's 2,600-page report,|tle told delegates that time iS|reservations about some details DIVIDENDS lated inquiries are being con- farmer's prices against another. industry has continued to grow, , e this case Cc Neg 32066 264 25¥2 26 -- Ya) East Chrir 70 $37% 37% 37% -- vs'made public Feb. 24. jone of the most important as- Ge e ia while in several other provinces ets the jack of Con Nichol 2000 15 142 144 ~--|_: Emeo 225 $162 1632 16¥a T TT 4 ideri rt |°f,its programs. ducted by the Illinois state at-. Home - base competition had|annual production is droppin; € Red Pop See list below. | Emp Life 150 $12% 12! 121% 'oronto lawyer Stuart Thom/pects in considering the report.| The foundation is a non-profit| : torney-general and the Chicago ao. P ee: hich Ei la i 1 1 | By THE CANADIAN PRESS YB 8° cost hundreds of thousands of gg yl nga oa ae tae | Ram ay Se te she ore organization supported by the| ellis ok Chane GL |police department. : segs L. G, Jorgenson, secretary- i -o bd Daering See list below. | Fed Grain 200 $6% 64 6% | = 2 Canadian Bar Association and| Barber- i iru rugen '|, 'The Wall Street Journal asks dollars a year. manager of the newly formed 4 7 a ore ca ah ee = ee ea ea a . Prox Fi ht To Gain ontrol the Canadian Institute of Char-|COmmon $1.25, June 15, record|i, an article on the investiga-/ Pak-Well was considered too|Alberta Potato Commission, es- mmunication be- Haale ie sk a el Eee ee ie tered Accountants. | May 31. tion: small to meet demand after the|timates 1966 potato acreage in i West, but, be- East sull 255 $40 sa 40 | FPE Pion 250 $24 2424 ie Beaver Lumber Ltd., com-| "Are aggressive underworld|first year of operation. Orders|Alberta at 22,000 acres, com- le switch would Frobex 134 5 465 465 10] Fruchaut 28 $10 Tove toM s 8 . NEW SYSTEM mon 40 cents; pref. 35 cents; |operators beginning to achieve,were being turned down, yet re-|pared to 18,000 the previous assing, South Sn Masct wid 1" 19 19 +2} Greynnd 560 $25 25 25 + | nin Irm ost n est In essence, the Carter com-|class A 25 cents, July 3, record|success in muscling a beach-|quests for a provincial govern-|year. with the ace. heat eee ake Uy | Geer tet Be sie ts ow | mission calls for a new tax sys-|June 10. head among the nation's estab-|ment loan failed to win ap-| He sets the total value of Al- idray | Hard Carp 450° $145 14% 1455 -- Ve r Bolly ool soci oe anaes tae W282 ES | vancouvER (CP)--A group(D. A. Bers of Toronto and luting & tmuchwider tax base,|A ii'cents Tune 18, record May| The Journal says Chicago p0-|o Se nly real hope of v4 22¥ 2244 Pag Ja SR (CP)--A group,;D. A. Berlis of Toronto and|cluding a much wider tax base,/A 11 cents, June 15, record May| The Journal says Chicago po- ani i iN ith lies in hearts, Suney 300 ota Hind Dave 0 ss" se" se" of Eastern Canadian business-|W .A. McEImoyle of Victoria. |generally lower tax rates, in-|26. lice were investigating the|/PLANT SHOWED PROMISE year, producing # revenue turn ithout thought at ome a ee OR HS ee A le seh a oe men Monday lost out in a proxy| The board, on a management tegration of personal and cor-| Campbell Red Lakes Mines|2angland-style killing of a se-| By last pod the plant wasjover of an estimated $60,000,000, 'ight lead a heart pine. So 8 oe) Het ea Ue Sy aeas -- | Dattle to gain control of Bra-|motion, was expanded from|poration taxes, introducing alygd. 11% cents, July 28, rec- curities salesman who had a/Shipping 21,0 pag Oo Canadian | finesse the jack Guy ae as Pigg Huron Eri 100 510% 10% 10H -- % |lorne Pioneer Mines Ltd. five to seven members. New ad-|capital gains tax for the first|/orq June 28. Pee police record. pace Soa mea agli -- *k. : Hastings 300 145 145145 Husky Bor 'as gold gong gore ut|_ The incumbent management/ditions were W. Clarke Gibson/time in Canada and making the) Dome Mines Ltd., 20 cents,| The Journal says trading ac- total 1 ill be some 40,000 tons-- | thand, this line Headway 1000 20, 20,20, Husky Dw 273585 S80 Sas jand board of directors needed ajof Vancouver and Peter Revell-|family instead of the individual August 15, record June 30, _|tivity during 1966 in seven . r bi 80,000,000 hundred. fail when the reel ee ie ringevinige ring Imp Oil 1126 $8934 S956 S94 + | seven-hour session to thwart the|/Smith of London, Eng. the centre of tax computations. | 4U8ust 19, . stocks is undergoing -particular|¢t™valent to 80,000,000 hundred. e queen and it Hydra Ex 280 15 15 15 Ind Accept 7270 $24% 24% 24% eastern attack at the annual| Previous to the voting there; The question most fre- Falconbridge .Nickel .Co. scrutiny. It identified these pound sacks. t the suit was fr Pee ea ie ie oh fee ates 200 $74 7 Tht W meeting, attended by 200 share-|were shouts and challenges be-|quently raised was what effect|Mines Ltd., 75 cents, May 31,)oompanies as Diversified Met-| Pak-Well President Stan Kane ead of 3-3. South Jaye Exp 1000 1 ot wwe tine aint Hot pd holders. : tween eastern and western dele-|the commission's recommenda-|record May 5. als Corp., Duraloy, Co., Her-|8Wa says the plant is still too ly go down one shine on a A I ee 'The meeting was punctuated gates. : tions would have on the over-all| Grandy Mining Co. L4d., 25jclues Galion Products, Inc.,|Small, despite one expansion | way. Jowsey nm 60 60 60 Intend Gas- "125 $10% 10% 10% -- 1 hee a succession of challenges} David Fleming had ordered leconomy if they were imple-|cents U.S. funds, June 15, rec-|Leece - Neville Co., Pentron|that included some of the most ie that he would Kam Kotla 740 355355. 385, | Inland G p 180 SI7% Wie 174 + y,|to the chair and a series of|the western executive to ae mented. ord May 26. Electronics Cor p., Rowland|modern electronic equipment in Sok nurs Gon Kary Bon 2 A a Mi) Inter-city 100 $15¥e 18s sii? polled votes. Many in attend-|available to shareholders the fi- An answer provided by Mont-| Husky Oil Canada L4d., se-|Products, Inc., and Sovoy In- Canada and another designed to é Pay 6 Cper 14000 81 77 80 IMC 100 $97 376 370 ance refused to take time forjnancial statements of the oper- f 1,\dustries, Inc. provide storage for 8,000 tons. dopting this line L Dvfauit 1250 $12% 12% 12%-- | Int Nickel 2158 $96 95% 95% -- %|lunch in fear of missing an im- |ating subsidiaries real accountant Howard I.jries A 75 cents; series C 717q|CUSIIICS, . ct -is that South L Shore 275 170 170 170 Int Util 50 $309 30% 30% 4 ta portant vote. When Mr. Davenport declined, | 088, also chancellor of McGill|cents, July 1, record June 1; sn Underground flumes will wash e his chances by ba tur 0 S84 F_un] [ner pipe, 119281033 103, 1034 14] The eastern challenge came|Mr. Fleming moved that the| University: series B 75 cents, June 30, rec- PRODUCE 18 to 23 tons of potatoes an hat differently. MacLeod mn inter Riel I oe oh he trom A group calling itself almeeting adjourn "until the|, 19 my view, our economy is ord June 1. page ee phasing rlbagersrg a community part finesse is madsen -- 108 1H} 13) TH --1'| ny Grp. 290 $11 11H 1% + %4|«'shareholders' committee" and|courts of this jurisdiction deter-|t00 delegate, too complicated.| Rapid Grip ari Batten, class) TORONTO (CP) -- Wholesale autneantinaiiy aveaid. ciel oad or sumption or hope Matigm! 850 $138 13% 13%¢--~ 3%! Jefferson 260 $343 aula aaa q-ta|consisting of three Montreal|mine matters to order the com-|'00, unpredictable an organism) 4 15 cents, July 1, record Juneity retail carton eggs average ik al Rey sella' of quiet elegance the queen, South Mayorun 1000" 11 ta | deffersn w 435 $26 25% 26 men and one from Toronto,|pany to distribute the financial|to justify us in introducing vio-}14; 15 cents, Oct. 1, record Sept.| weighted prices quoted by the packed in sizes ranging from 10- as well or better Mowat" joo st set 1] Cope § 48 ght ot e+ VeiThey were joined by one Van-|statements of the subsidiaries to|!ent and radical changes--how-|14. RE arimaad oF canine ds fl es es ee located in oshawa's he suit by firs Midrim 1000 48 48 «48 «+1! Lafarge $00 $13% 13% 13% -- % e the shareholders." ever well researched in advance |-----------------_---- | SeP@ 8 ure as Oflor 100-pound sacks. y Mui! ----2800:*135.«130:«132:--«s+ «S| Lont 4 couver man. le shareholders. : Monday: A large 45.4; A me- | northern residentlel e and then lead- Mer Ghat 1b IMA aw TR | Gaara ane tar aloe tems tes When the proxies were tallied,| Mr. Davenport explained that|°T however confidently sup-| cup paPER OUTPUT dium 40.8) A small 314 Mr. Kanegawa says the ahs 'y to the king. Newconx 1000 $25 520 825. | Levy 200 318% 18% lé%-+%\the western management,|on March 6, directors had, on a\Ported by a prior reasoning. ' ms i plant's proudest achievement ts insis ond case, he catches N Hart ee ag a 2g 7] bevy A pr 200 $10% 10% 10%-- Ylheaded by George Davenport,|resolution, decided not to make Firmest support for the rec-| Another paper machine was| Eggs: 'Wholesale price to/the prices growers receive while imcoe end Teunten his worries are N Hence, ae ee dss ts | LMt nv wt 1900 1s 125 125 -- 8 | president, held 573,026 shares. |such information public 6o that|Ommendations came from H. A.|shut down Sunday at the bigjcountry stations fibre cases}consumer prices have changed) |, sclined fone: lek te if it turns out 000 8 at | Lob Co pr SS su kaa The challengers, headed by |it would not go to petitors vice + pr t of|Bowaters Nfld, Ltd. newsprint|quoted by the Toronto Board of A digs ore on a mig 1 doubleton heart Nee Rael tm asa as ase | peta 4, 130 $4 37% 14) + Yel lawyer-broker David Fleming of} Mr. Fleming said his group|Power Corp., the Montreal bas-jmill in Corner Brook becauge|Trade from wholesale egg deal- : y Hale bie me cal ven, South would New Taku $00 33 33 32 +4 |-MB Lid 440 $302 30% 204--%4|Montreal, as nominee for new|would consider legal action|¢d holding company. of a current power shortage on|ers: Extra large 37-38; large|f See the Major Pool exhibit at Png ee A lag contract 'by lead: Nick, nim 1a) Le is "| Hone eG Sis ie Wat president, held 386,28. A tolal/against the directors. for ex-|, Calling the recommendations |the west coast of Newfound.|$5-36, medium 132%; small Swimming round of hearts Norbeau 000 40 40 40 1 | Mass-Fer = 850 $2414 24% 24ve-- 4lOf 1,617,000 shares have is- |ceeding - authority in in-|both workable and fair, he said|land. It is the fourth of the|24; B 31-32; C 27-28. hone 723-1194 ack. 'The safety Norlex See ist below, es Met Stores ms $20% a = sued to 7,000 shareho! ers. vesting i the pre-stressed con-|they would lead to more eco-|company's seven machines, one| Butter prices: Canadian PARTAN POOLS P g against » dou- orthoat $50 $10 510 510 Molson a 10 ee a, aS, + * 1 Included in the eastern nomi-|crete business without prior ap-|nOmic growth than most critics|of which produces pulp sulphite Dairy Commission tenderable OSHAWA ays @ very good NW Rock 23003, 31 HL, +1] Mon Food 400 9% 946 94 = nation slate were Ray Fleming|proval of the shareholders. He|had recognized and could win|for export, to be closed by the|carlots: Buying 39 score 62;)| Oshewe Sportsman's Show Orisko 4d 66 6566 | Montex w 1299-100 'm + {and James Doherty, both of - ae ol ge might chal-|widespread public support. shortage. buying 40 score 63; selling 63. _-... a amour 12 7 -- Mont Loco 250 $15% 15% 15% Montreal; Lloyd Elford of Tor-/lenge the validity of some of the per sone Big Mare : is in slot wont vs a vance rr Prieree owns the producing dustry Pine Point 225 $51, $2 $2, | MI Contain 220 $54 54 5% | The elate was defeated, and|Bralome gold mine in B.C. It Preston 2115 $17% 170 17% Noranda 595 $52% 52 52 ~¥%|Mr. Davenport was returned,jalso is engaged directly with y Pa PY ee ee aa ee ae Gor SLO Ses: Se: 36 1a i * with incumbents George |other companies in mining oper- WILL YOUR AERIAL DO THIS? tion Rife Matigm! 1800 2 +1] Ocean cm cos seta vz 4-H. Davenport and A. S. Mc-|ations, in oil and gas projects Quemont a 825 aus os Oallvie 3 300 $14 14% 14% + %|Lean of Vancouver, J. Mortonjand in Concrete Technology N, N.Z. (CP) aa Renabie 100 160 160 160 --5 Pac Pete 2255 $13% i ma Baxter of Wilmington, Del., (B.C.) Ltd. » NZ, Rio Algom 700 $2914 294 2%4-- | Pac Pete w 340 380 380 <3 yr Pel Rysnor 1000 "10/4 108 10a + M4| Philips, ch 75 $504 say 53 p ight BOND MARKET merican car 0 y p 53% T d L h ritain with auto- wie 2 Be --5| ee fae oe ieay| SRGGUNG dG n Australia and Sigma 225 450 450 450 QN Gas 416 $10% 10% 10% TORONTO .(CP)--The Cana- Sil Miller 7120 12 «#«12~«12 Rank 420 475 470 47: i a tie ee eB oy | Reel? BR") Qn Exchange __sstinto oneauaner or pom ; Steop R 200 $90 $85 S85 -- R Nodwell 100 300 in quiet trading Monday. ans discussed b T 2 490 480 Rothm ae Coes, wiih To" ame ae Royal Bnk 668 $8314 814 a24--%| TORONTO (CP)--ITL Indus-| Short - term Government of and government TAOS eee ae ae | gear 1170 $10% 10% 10% -- "sltries was the feature of the ses-|Canada bonds were higher with ealand as a base Un asbestos | 108 320 320 32 || | Seaway H 120 "s6% 'sm '3% "sion in a generally higher day|the 4%4-per-cent April 1, 1968, Bees U Buffadn 9000 35° 34 35 +1 | Select Les 100 130 13 130 --5 ligh dit the Toronto |issue closing at 100.15 bid and ers for Common: Vespar ooo 38 38 38. --1| Shell Inv w 600 950 94s 950 pip (OF Hight trading on onto | 00. Neri ae att ag at 0 | sive Me eM aw, (simck Exchange Monday. 5og| Langterm Canada and pro : est Mine = f 1 ae ee . . , export director White "Star 1000 29% 29¥4 29¥4 Simpsons . CH $264 Mh abla FM a WG VO 074 08 27,008 vincial bonds were unchanged Don't let your television viewing mit raionallbe Wilrey, 3a 187 "106" 106" --2.| Siter'Sn) 340 $lom low 1%! Analysts say one reason for|With the 4¥s-percent Sept. 1, : - % "a 1 AA, : lati, i We ig org er GG | Bree akan om om. ite Sal ee Mammen ee ane be interrupted by a faulty aerial mblers built in Sendo A a Se Gok ee [toate @ major U.S, pharmaceutt|' 'Day-to-day money traded at longer be eli- Stuart Ol 35 * %ical company will adopt a medi- geese 8 oda OILS, GAS Suptest "od 275 $234 4 294 "|cal_ safety container with a|4 per cent. or tower... contact a Cable TV Weat Thdien and Alminex 200 490 430 420 -- 5 | pera , 300 $26¥4 264 26¥e-- M4) «child - proof" cap manufac- Poko yg A ne th ih re : ' Paap Am Ledue 1000 16 16 16° Id b L's Reflex |C2ang w 0! e y : s * cereatii sontaot PO seed toh Ta Trager A * it Ga "toe "a Gite A deere 'TTL has|@Nd 182-day bills closing at 3.96 (NOTE DAMAGE TO CAR) Representative now, before it € Grido! 400 670 670 670 --15| 7/ Can gil 53 $30% 30% 30% | |denied that any ag' t is |Per cent. te increased ts Salers Be Bh Mn Shag ul Tech Oe 2, imminent, K Reals | papper er cent to make Can Tent Stise iva ive we] UN Carbld 2125 $23% 2046 237% Among other industrials.) Kanata ought | U 1 r Commonwealth Dynamic 1100 97 9797 Wren 70 See 12 ive ,|Beaver Lumber rose 2 to 37 and g. WILL YOUR TOWER LOOK LIKE argo 500 360 360 360 Un Wourn 333 430 430 Calgary Power pref. 11 to 101. B I t b | aa ' French mt 400 to 4 AD x | Venez Pw 100 41 41 4) -- 4! The gold index rose 3.21 to y nterurban | HIGH TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE ae ad: Sing Gt COlisds 200 $12% 12% 12% Ni ed bas ge " --5 1154.31. Dome gained 134 to 443, MONTREAL (CP) ana | THIS ? narket in Britain ici" oe i fap fos "| Magu Ste dey Hey 2 |Campbell Red Take 1 to 21 andl alan Interurban Properties Li. FOR YOUR TOWER OR AERIAL sembled in Aus- N Dae Oe a ah | Weed rae are Sera elowknife 3" cents '°/announced Monday it will take gestion has been Numac wt 2100 65 65 65 yee ee es ie "Urani slipped with Den-|0VeF the 3,500-acre townsite of ican Motors Place. G 47750 270 245 251 -- 51} Weston A 100 $20. 20-20 , Crna See Kanata, and plans, over the mer! x Provo Gas 4024 640 635 635 --10 | Won y, 55 ison down % to 6314, Rio Algom ' so have its eyes Ranger ms OS Bs +3) Ba em. setis ik ta , to 995% and Roman Corp. % next 15 years, to develop it into market. pooner 220065 6585 2 | Woodwd A 750 $28% 282 2812 He * ®\a city of 50,000 people, at a cost Te eh) ee eg | calles 100 $2614 26% 26% -- w4|'0 167%. of $200,000,000 ni 24 | i " i ' ' 7 ind or another. v cane primary Distribution " Sales to 11 a.m.: 1,012,000 lott ite te wae, beaeey-fainioe The townsite is situated im- i . nn | ' , mediately west of Ottawa. ire to do so un- THT orn alee Rachnsek fine een fico TOREIGN, TRADING 1 to 22 and Home A % to 20%. | The company said it has pur- dvised that the following) companies| Aghico 100 130 130 130 --5 On index, industrials rose .23 ' have entered into underwriting and. op-| Dickinson 900 355, 355, 355, --20 |to 166.70. Base metals dropped chased all the outstanding tion agreements which may result in| Kerr Add 100 $12¥2 12Va 12a -- % aay PPeelshares of William Teron Ltd., + Will ex- at Dn] Mad RL 100 149 149 «149 --1 |.28 to 93.27 and western oils ner: Will you e treasury shares of these companies be-) (We, 200 420 420.20 170 to 15041, Volume wal original developer of Kanata, ning of erosive ing bear agar pated Gaia 9044.00. shaves compared watt for cash, debentures and shares een aT MeY loo 34 at MA . 2'644,000 Friday. si pen ines ; ; ite zs illiam Teron will remain as oie go 2 Bee; Fall Predicted |i toans MaieGiareee toe e cervic w! 'onigo "a+ "a e ans a ei" will also ome a director » chronically in- Sa ea an For Car Prices of Interurban. rhagia means Daering 2100 14a 14 ~-- ig between pe- Uh AY a WINDSOR, Ont. (CP)--Prices For Low - Rentals BOOSTS NET INCOME on which should Nori o 1000 17a Wie of Canadian-built cars will fall OTTAWA (CP) -- Three fed The New York Times has re- ; ( CS' Pete" 1100 205 205 205 ~--5 |t0 levels compatible with those eral loans totalling $1 $34 784 ported in New York net income in. the United States, says a la- 8 91,904,704) of $9,955,496 for th a. ' have been awarded the Ontario 355,496 for the year ended ALLIES INDUSTRIALS bor relations expert for the Ca-|ifovein° Corp, for construction |DEC- 31, the equivalent of $4.28 voborownsessl 'Abit ie vies ah ime a vba stag +s of low-rental housing projects,|2 Share. In 1965 its net income : ; Aekiinge iy cara sme ru | In an interview here, Norman ¢ootrai Morigage and Houding |"%S, $531,901, equal to $2.25 4 For complete details on this offer... contact... Alta Gasw 315 875 860 80 --I5 | oa. ty aut ghd aes Corp. announced today. share. : igoma 112 $25% 25% 25% + i4|ada: auto pact and assistant Alean TAO $486 308 360 + Ue professor of industry at the (3 NHA loans, for a period | OSH AW A mach as 7s Suu eu +2 [University of Pennsylvania, Of in 'cost of construction. The | MEAT WITH OIL | i ae m3 nn 6 16 pend oe P aloiolt pagel Sek province provides the remain Argus 2 irms ha collected .enoug ' x 7] ! Args 250 py five tim tiv {profits to pay for the transition |!ng amount. DIXON Ss Atl Sugar ri 810% 10M 10% period under the pact, prices! The township of Atikokan will H Auto Elec 1100 $5 ss, |would be lowered. receive $343,420 to assist in the OIL Bathurst © '2 Satm 30% 3% | STEEL PRODUCTION UP seg inher ah piiigs, aes thurs! 'or low-income families. Bait We we ie ta +h Canadian production ot steel ne wl receive a ee ST. Bell Phne 1674 $501 ed ingots during the week ende F assist in the con- 4-HOUR . SERVI | Seaet 50 $1212 122 122 | April 22 totalled 197,526 tons,|Struction of a 30-unit project for VICE se Pores ain sa increase of 2.1 per cent over|Senior citizens 723-4663 z an * e! . iC Frest p 50 $52¥2 52% 522+ line week earlier and 1.1 per| Metropolit | C Sugar p 190 $1776 17% 17% Roe ropolitan Toronto will re- x mrt o CPh 4s 125 $28% 23% 232-- %|cent higher than the same week|ceive $1,344,400 to assist in the |] SERVING OSHAWA OVER | 600 KING STREET EAST 33 iclan your plioe Burns Fs 110 $i4i2 WWva Ws la year earlier, the Dominion| construction of a 77-unit project 50 CEARS | ST, in the East Mall Telephone 723-5278 r is, dear, EtigeryP 150 $208 26% 24% ~~ [Bureau of Statistics reports. 'for persons with low income. |