Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 24 Apr 1967, p. 5

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PARK Factors Favor In Fall | O'HEARN Will the election til fall? say. "Oh, no, not ere and through- nce has been so a spring election ht of it being de- | is almost shock- y disappointing. things are going spect more and lay be fall before its. arts gave a slight this when he opposition mem- ouse for elecion> than paying at- business of the nd he told the government had n of business to s wouldn't mean could be just a ctors tend to fa- nt of these is that s that the timing h better for the the fall rather z. it reason for this ld give the gov- ince to do some- inicipal taxes. | PROBLEM juestion that local biggest political the government, e going out at e whole province 'ms about them. 500 people and ng up at protest relatively small action is called overnment here. adical action will ed on the Smith ition, And as of that Mr. Robarts ow when he will it sometime this ', and by the end could have defi- ready. k price increase d-May and will test from house- it will have been the consumers the Shulman af- | out of the way. se delaying the ean the govern- lete a full legis- jaying the vote June. But the appear to be that ikely be im Oc- AGO RS AGO 24, 1952 r. Everson, past } Oshawa Rotary named District otary. y $36,000 aerial rived yesterday local fire depart- 1 testing it all St. Andrew's Approves Plans For New Church WHITBY (Staff) -- Members tion committee and James Ast- of St. Andrew's Presbyterian vhurch, at a largely attended eongregational meeting Sunday afternoon, voted unanimously to approve plans for a new church puilding and church hall. It is hoped to start construc- tion in July of the congrega- tion's new church on Cochrane Street, adjacent to the Masonic Temple at an estimated cost is $188,000. The new church will replace the present building on Byron Street South which was erected 108 years ago. The congregation's steering committee was authorized to proceed with plans for the new church. Approval must be ob- tained from the Presbytery of East Toronto and the plans must. also be approved by the General Assembly's committee on archi- tecture. The congregation has approxi- mately $68,000 in a building fund. The remaining funds will be raised through a mortgage from the synod mortgage fund. PLANS PRESENTED During the meeting W. J. Morrison of the planning com- mittee, L. F. Campbell of the worship committee, Mrs. W. A. Andrew of the Christian educa- ley of the finance committee made the presentation and ex- plained various aspects of the proposed plans. The new church and associ- ated buildings will be approxi- mately 16,900 square feet. The church auditorium will be de- signed to seat 350 persons and will be 75 by 50 feet. A unique feature will be that the choir and organ will be located in a gallery at the rear of the audi- forium. The walls and roof will be supported by a series of laminated beams. _ The church proper and the church hall will be connected by a three-storey structure which will have a minister's vestry, church office, ladies' lounge, kitchenette and kitchen, wash- rooms and nursery. MOVEABLE PARTITIONS Beneath the church audi- torium space will be provided for the Sunday School class- rooms 'with sound-proof, move- able partitions to accommodate both small and large classes. The church and church hall will be of brick and field stone construction, heated by hot water from an oil-fired boiler. The chimney, located in the WHITBY, AJAX CALENDAR MONDAY, APRIL 24 Co-op Credit Union banking night; 1st. Whitby Scouts; Whit- by Baptist Church Explorers; St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church Women Group 2; Whit- by General Hospital Womens' Auxiliary; St. John's Anglican Church Ruth WA: Vimy Ridge LOBA 639; All Saints Anglican Church 3rd Scouts and Cubs Ladies Auxiliary. TUESDAY, APRIL 25 Al-Anon Family Group; Whit- by Whittlers TOPS Club; Wihit- by Shrinking Violets TOPS Club; Whitby Happy Hopeful Af'ternoon TOPS Club; Whit- by Duplicate Bridge Club; Red Cross work room; Faith Bap- tist Church Pioneer Girls St. Mark's United Church Women Unit 4; Whitby Baptist Womens' Society for Ohristian Service Pentecostal Church Women's Missionary Council: Ajax Wom- en's Institute; Pickering Pound Peelers TOPS lub. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 26 Whitby St. John Ambulance; Salvation Army Prayer and Bible Study; St. John Nursing Cadets; Whitby Womens' Insti- tute; Royal Canadian Legion Ladies Auxiliary; Ajax White Dove Rebekah Lodge; Ajax Senior Citizens' Friendship Club; Ajax St. Pauls' United Church CGIT. THURSDAY, APRIL 27 Whitby Baptist Church Cubs; Salvation Army Womens' Home League; St. John Ambulance Cadets; Whitby Chapter 248 Or- der of the Eastern Star; Christ- ian Reformed Church Ladies Saciety Work and Pray; Ajax Happy Melting Shadows TOPS Club. FRIDAY, APRIL 28 Red Cross Senior Citizens' Club; Pentecostal Church Young People's Christ Ambassabors; Co-Op Credit Union banking night; Salvation Army Timbral Brigade. SATURDAY, APRIL 29 Salvation Army Young Peo- ple's Band. SUNDAY, APRIL 30 St. Mark's United Church Hi- central part of the building, will include a bell tower to which the chimes of the organ can be connected, The large narthex, located in the central section, will have two entires, one of which will be at ground level. Planning for the new church was commenced in October, 1965. Since that time the con- gregation purchased slightly over two acres of land which will provide ample parking and ample room for future expan- || sion. Factors entering into the de- cision to erect a new church are the increasing size of the con- gregation and the fact -that major repairs to the existing church are required. Plan Campaign Adult Workshop AJAX -- The second half of the campaign to raise money to build an adult workshop will be commenced in May by the Ajax, Pickering and Whitby Association for Retarded chil- dren. The campaign will con- tinue for two weeks. The campaign will open with a-Mother's Day Tea, May 14, at Aldon School, Burcher Road. The school will be open to the public to provide the opportun- ity for residents to see the work being done and how the association has progressed. Following have volunteered their services as area captains in the areas designated: Pickering Village, Rev. Frank Conkey; West Shore, Mrs. Ger- vais; West Shore, Mrs. Hos- kins; Bay Ridges, Mrs. M. Mc- Lean; West Rouge, Mrs. Mc- Lean; Fairport Beach, Mrs. Gates; Rosebank, Mrs. Irwin; Ajax, Mrs. M. Browning; Greenwood, Mr. W. Mitchell; Glendale - Glengrove, Mr. G. Airey. APPOINT COMMANDER OTTAWA (CP)--Col. H. C. F. Elliot, 46, of Toronto has been appointed to take over com- mand of the Canadian Contin- gent with the United Nations force in Cyprus, the. defence department announced Friday. Col. Elliot, commander of Ca- nadian Forces Base Borden, Ont., will succeed Col. William W .Turner, 45, of Winnipeg]. Col. Elliot takes up his duties in C Group. July. In recent weeks pupils from schools in the district have been furthering their education through the medium of visits to various points of interest in Oshawa. group of pupils from Mitchell's Corners Public School through' the Oshawa SCHOOL PUPILS VISIT OSHAWA POLICE BUILDING Here Desk Sergeant William Tane of the Oshawa Police Department conducts a Police Building. He is seen showing Mrs. Stewart Har- ris and the members of her class the department's file system. --Oshawa Times Photo WHITBY BOWLING MONDAY MIXED BOWLING Congratulations to the Can- dies on winning the 4th section. The following teams bow! at 7 P.M. Manday, April 24: Whitby Cleaners, Rockets, Big Five, Candles, County Bowl, Neighbors, Lucky Thir- teens, Woodpeckers. 9 P.M. Monday, April 24, consolation playoffs, H. D. Pon- tiac, Slick Six, Blowers, KPPS, mer 698 (229, 256, 213), Ron Childs 694 (218, 227, 249), Cyril Garratt 689 (223, 203, 263), Ag giet Trower 681 (314)* John Pisani 659 (216, 221, 222), Clare Rowden 642 (237, 208), John Howland 626 (278), Doug Row- den 621 (257), Hib Mander 617 (212, 253), Clare (273), Don Grant 608 (258). FIRE STATISTICS The Ontario department of lands and forests says 1,920 fires in the province during 1966 burned 14,342 acres. Holter 608) Pinheads, Headpins, Pipers, Night Hawks. High triples over 600: V. Jordan 768 (203, 291, 274). Roger Houghton 736 (298, 250), Bil! Vaughan 725 (209, 320), George Chase 722 (253, 232, 237), Rita Cane 721 (232, 206, 283), Charlie Gill 720 (253, 240, 227), Ron Pas- @ LAWN MOWER TUNE UP! SALES & REPAIRS WILDE RENTAL SERVICE & SALES Whitby, Ontario 668-3226 coe 711 (210, 309), Hans Zim- PIGS AT THE HUNT Pigs have been used by man -|to flush game for hunters, KITES DATE BACK The first knwn kites were flown in the Orient about 2,500 years ago. Almonds UCW Plan THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mondey, April 24, 1967. 5 Display of Antiques WHITBY -- Further plans |tr: were made at a meeting of the Evening Group of the Almonds United Church Women for the ORCHESTRA FOUNDED The National Youth Orches-/a SPENDING ON GUNS Sweden spends $1, 044,000,000 a year on defence. " a of Canada was founded in 1960 by Walter Susskind, then conductor of the Toronto Sym- phony. June 3 in the church hall. Antiques will be displayed with Mrs. Lorne Atkinson and Mrs. E. Ward in charge. Mrs. R. Weatherall will be in charge of the homebake table. Approval was given for the | purchase of children's clothing! which will be sent to Hong) Kong. Mrs. F. Reed will be! the speaker at the May 3 meet-| ing of the Afternoon Group. An invitation was accepted to attend the centennial tea to be held May 10 by the Colum- bus UCW group. Members will also attend a similar event May 13 at Audley. The May 15 meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Norman Gibson. | The hostess, assisted by Mrs. | "Confederation Tea" to be held R. Guy, served. refreshments. BINGO Columbus Club 133 Brock St. N. WHITBY EVERY RENTarne TILDEN. ce: LOW | RATES se Hourly, daily, weekly, teleds Ges, oil, Insurance TUES. NIGHT |" LDEN ... the CANADIAN neme in world-wide eer rentals. Doors Open at 7 P.M. Admission 50¢ No Children Under 16 Yeors of age please. Bingo Starts at 8 P.M. SHARP DONALD Travel Service 102 BROCK ST. SOUTH WHITBY a WIN CUP | DUBLIN (Reuters) -- The| Crusaders won the Irish Foot-| ball Association Cup here Sat- urday when they beat Glen- toran 3-1 in the final. The winners will play in next sea- json's European Cup Winners' |Cup soccer competition One-Stop | DECORATING SHOP @ Wellpeper end Murels Custom DVreperies TOWN of WHITBY $70,000.00 De Town of Whitby debentures dated terest at the rate of 614% per 1970 to 1977 are being offered for sale. Debentures will be in $1,000.00 Purchase orders may be obtained Treasurer, 405 Dundes Street, West, Whitby, Onterie. benture Issue May Ist, 1967, bearing in- ennum and maturing from denominations. from the undersigned F. N. McEWEN, Broadloom sieieeaiaian C.I.L, Paints end Vernish Benjamin Moore Paints | DODD & SOUTER DECOR CENTRE LTD. PHONE 668-5862 107 Byron St. $., Whitby e lle je | ig BE WISE - SAVE DOLLARS ! Save on Premium Quality FUEL OIL DX FUEL OIL ECONOMIZE ! SERVING OSHAWA -- WHITBY -- AJAX end DISTRICT | PH. 668-3341 | BROCK WHITBY tSerring--Robert Goulet, This Feature Begins et 7:30 Now Playing One Complete Program Each Evening at 7:30 ' HUDSON ) SECONDS ALSO--"! DEAL IN DANGER" Color By Deluxe CO-STARRING SALOME JENS WILL GEER Begins 9:05 RECOMMENDED AS ADULT ENTERTAINMENT Christine Carere TOWNSHIP OF EAST WHITBY AUDITOR'S REPORT and FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1966 The Reeve, Councillors end Ratepoyers The Township of East Whitby: We have audited the books and accounts of the Township ef Eost Whitby for the year ended December 31, 1966 and hove prepared the attached financial statements ond supporting schedules in accordance with regulations prescribed by the Deportment of Municipal Affairs, We hereby report thet in our opinion: 1, The financial transactions which have come under our notice have been within the powers of the municipality. STATEMENT OF REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE Fer the year Ended December 31, 1966 f ' ' ' ' ' ' t 2. The audit has been conducted in accordance with the instructions ef the Department ef Municipal Affoirs. REVENUE EXPENDITURE RS AGO 3. The fipancial Hr age fairly the financial position of the municipality es ot December 31, 1966 and the results of its operations Actual Budget Actual Budget 4, 1937 for the yeor ended on thot date. : 4 Tote! Revenue from General Government staried 'eo os February 21, 1967, DELOITTE, PLEND ER. HASKINS & SELLS Wee ios peas $285,111 $279,254 Executive ond Legistlative.. $ 1,825 of coal today. License No. 3046 fain Long-Term Debt Cherges Administrative ....ss06. 18,388 nuaa- ane Recoveroble ..........4. 6,630- 6,630 Oe : 8,649 $ 25,829 $ 30,518 ms are Urged. 10 CAPITAL AND LOAN FUND BALANCE SHEET Contributions Gronts & Subsidies Prajcton Pernt ond Proper uy an apple te December 31, 1966 pyre aay = s iin eee ; 5,000 outs, . re eee e896 , Low Enforcement .. sess 27 ASSETS LIABILITIES Highwey Improvement ... 107,132 Street Lighting ....sssse. 2,140 Poyments in lieu of - Other Geral. Pied «see ia $106,998 Debenture Debt Issued: ond Unmotured rh ieee os. 236 ne ee oe ILE Py Sete Stent Sones ash att $ 6.485 Unconditional Per Capita Dog Control 922 8533--'11,184 (for Debentures) OWES SHG, Sac ektassc cess ss F : re Wi re ee rt aaee nee ' Public and Continuation ...... ' $192,173 Schools eccisde ened ae oo Public Works--Roads, Highways erage ge Debentures Aftumed by Other pad os deb © ck 204,173 122,380 123,815 ond Streets, etc. .......-. 168.675 175,000 haga Merce gc Municipalities ........ 00: euteia saeerte TROD 710,658 Other Municipolities ..... ' 920 150 Sanitation end Waste Removal 2,015 2,015 | - CO suas sstatenestionserevensrsvanenes TAS ree a as Ages eaici Welfore ur minds a INVORTMONIE Fo ive dee ca caw sseeesicec pibiee Santee ees h ete Ofher: Funds oii s as ere ae a rts and in the 6343625 Investments in Copital Assets ....+ssseeeeeeee 100,513 Recovery of Municipal Welfare Assistance ...... 7,351 5,000 our eternal Total $343,625 Total 1 $343.6 625 Course Fees ........ 48 50 Education, including debt he | " ee 133,575 heart night? oes Lieenuss and anhite charges ..... '<eade F 7 (include dog tox) ....... ° 2,400 2,050 Recreation and Miata rt $75 nA ' 5,520 gg | Sa RASS CEM DS oe 37 REVENUE FUND BALANCE SHEET ee cele Debt Oncroes Dec 31, 1966 oe Long-term debt charges ..., 37,271 meee As Rents, Concessions and Less own share of school debt ASSETS LIABILITIES Franchises ........4. An 1,070 Pe Sica scans 29,897 Cath oe HAMA oo, ce lB Sok Oude ees $ 57,503 Service Charges ..sseeees = _ 442 7,674 y $ 100 Accounts Payable MON isis Goan: ; 11,374 1,812 2,346 Short-term Interest and ' R bl Other Local Boards and CAMiloni:. other charges ..... hire 368 8,042 8,174 yee coe 15,337 Fost Whitty Game Commission .... ssi sag ogee baek 311 Discount for Taxes ...0+000 1401 1,000 Provi Cal i. REE I an eES 59,228 Deferred Revenue ...........+, AS EAy hdd | a Taxes written off ......, ie 507 500 7" hepa HP oy 2.680 - Building Deposits Refundable .......++. 1,600 eink ed eouioment te oa so algae an Other Municipslities ; 63 Reserves i ........ee sees se eeeeeees 19,500 seg d eee \ 2 Revenue .......... ee 20,349 1,700 Youty/ Other Loca! Board and Commissions Surplus. ......., see eye ® <¢ 66 0:69i00 _ 14514 ermine a Adjustment ae re Joint or Special Bevan . School Area Boord ....... peeves 2 Sele of old Town Halli--net . 15,200 ane SOUTH + Total Liobilities ond Surplus ......4++. $106,274 > a ie County Rates... 2. ..ee05 69,998 Taxes Recelvep ie: coins 5 94o sane ns 28,864 = sitar od dae cing -- od Other Joint Expenditures ... 1,318 Total Assets ssseseveceesevvvesence $106,274 Gross Tota] Revenue .......+. 445,421 422,588 Ontario County Health Unit 1,356 i. Palin, La : 1 P; bed Central Ontario Joint Planning a ee Hii eG oot Aree 19.411 19,411 Board Veaeerseey 1,245 73,917 75.164 oo Dae eu ek Miscellaneous Z ny Total Revenue Section ..++.. $464,832 pi nAhaad Provision for deterred charge 39 ag Gress Toto! Expendture ...,.. 450,318 441,999 - Surplus for the Yeor ......+. 14,514 ee REVENUE FUND SURPLUS ACCOUNT pee ty December 31, 1966 Total Expenditure Section ...++ $464,832 $441,999 eecsond , Debit Credit. Balance Total of Debits end Credits column $19,411 $33,925 ae. Balence et Jonuery 1, 1966 wo» $19,411 =-- ee AR Surplus or dares Netviee sy.an) Balanee ef Surplus et weer eS weeee F PSE ' sic tr te a ne 14514 December 31, 1966 ......seeeeeees $14,514 ly (TES 2 fo / é 4 ¢.

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