2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mondey, April 24, 1967 -A GLANCE AROUND THE GLOBE Uninhibited Joint Worship . Called For By Archbishop PARIS (Reuters)--The Arch bishop of Canterbury, Dr. Michael Ramsey, today called for uninhibited joint worship between Roman Catholics and Anglicans in each ~ other's churches as a first step toward Christian unity. Sculptor Upset + TORONTO (CP) -- Montreal | sculpture Armand Vaillancourt | said in Toronto Sunday he is so | upset by remarks that a sculp- ture he made for Expo is anit- "Semitic, that « up. From ong' angle, the =pound grarite sculpture sembles a8Swastika, symbol. Hensal! Fund HENSALL, Ont. (CP)--Wee nado damage in the Hensall Dublin areas, Sunday d $2,816.92 to the Huron - Perth Tornado Fund. Murray Baker of Hensall, a member of the newly - formed tornado fund committee, said donations were received from _ the occupants of about 3,000 cars. Agriculture Minister William "Stewart said Sunday night: he has received a request from the federal agriculture department for detailed information on what Ontario is prepared to do in aid of the stricken area. Republic By 2000? LONDON, Ont. (CP)--Canada has a 50-50 chance of becoming a republic by the year 2,000, John White, Progressive Con- servative member of the legis- lature for London South, told members of London's Interna- tional House Sunday night. But republicanism will be a hot issue if it does come up, he said. Mr. White made a few other predictions. In 10 years, post secondary education will be "virtually free to those who want it." In 15 years, the Canada Assis- tance Act will provide for a guaranteed minimum income for everyone in Canada. And by 2000, the political party caucus will come out from behind closed, secret chambers and become a political forum. _ . PM's Birthday HARRINGTON LAKE, Que. (CP)--Members of the family joined Prime Minister Pearson at his summer residence here Sunday to help him celebrate his 70th birthday. During what was described ARMAND VAILLANCOURT + - « Threatens Art Dutch Elm Fight CHESLEY, Ont. (CP)--A pro- posal calling for local horti- cultural societies to ask for municipal bylaws for destruc- tion of trees infected with Dutch elm disease will be brought be- fore the Ontario Horticultural Society meeting in Guelph in June. The proposal, passed by Dis- trict 8 of the society Saturday, also asks for provincial aid in the campaign. GENERAL DcGAULLE + « « Itinerary Soon De Gaulle Visit PARIS (CP) -- Details of President de Gaulle's summer visit to Canada will be an- as a quiet family dinner, Mr.!nounced in Ottawa this week, Pearson accepted gifts sliced portions of a birthday cake for himself and his quests. ". Afterwards, he played ball outside on the lawn with his dchildren and posed for tographers. "Mr. Pearson received more than 50 telegrams of congratu- lations from friends and asso- ciates and heads of state includ- ing one in Russian from Premier Kosygin of the Soviet Union. ® ese Meningitis HAMILTON (CP) -- A five- year-old Ancaster, Ont., boy died in hospital here Sunday of acute meningitis. Hospital authorities refused to reveal his name. A spokesman said the child, a@ Grade 1 student at Bethesda schoo] in Ancaster Township, three miles west of here, never 'regained consciousness after becoming ill on a school bus Thursday. About 225 children at three Ancaster Township schools were to return to classes today after spending the weekend in quarantine. and/External Affairs Minister Mar- tin 'reported Sunday night. "Tt is definite that he is com- ing, and details including the dates will be given in a few days--this week," said Martin, who met Saturday with Foreign Minister Maurice Couve de Murville of France. Martin gave no further hint of the dates except that they will be some time after June 18, when Martin is scheduled to meet'in Paris again with Couve de Murville, who will accom- pany de Gaulle to Canada. 19 Flee Fire TORONTO (CP) -- Nineteen persons fled or were carried Sunday from a burning house owned by the Metropolitan Tor- onto Housing Authority. Suburban Scarborough fire- men said there was. "wall-to- wall bedding" on the ground floor, occupied by Louis Le- pine, 50, his family and numer- ous relatives visiting from Ren- frew, totalling 14 persons. Firemen had to put ladders up to rescue five more persons who were sleeping on the sec- ond floor. : WEATHER FORECAST Cloudy, Col d Continues ~ Across Southern Ontario TORONTO (CP) -- Official forecasts issued at 5:30 a.m. today. Synopsis: A fast moving dis- turbance in southern Ohio spread wet snow across the 'north shore of Lake Erie from Windsor to Niagara overnight. Most areas received only a light fall but Windsor recorded nearly two inches of wet snow. This precipitation is now heading rapidly eastward across New -York state and will not reach * the north shore of Lake Ontario, Cloudy,: cold weather will con- tinue across the south today. ,Clearing will take place by late -today and it will be mainly ~ sunny but continuing cool Tues- ~day. Across Northern Ontario, mainly sunny but cold weather will continue today and Tuesday. . Toronto, Hamilton, London, Windsor, Lake St. Clair, Lake Erie, Lake Huron, Niagara, Lake Ontario, southern Georgian Bay, Haliburton regions: Mainly cloudy and cold with scattered snowflurries today. Clearing and cold tonight. Sunny and contin- "uing cool Tuesday. Winds north- erly 15 to 20 today becoming *light tonight . Sudbury, North Bay, northern Georgian Bay, western James Bay, White River, Cochrane, Timagami, Algoma_ regions: Sunny with a few cloudy periods today. Clear tonight and Tues- day. Continuing cold. Winds northerly 10 to 15 becoming light variable this evening. Montreal and Ottawa regions: Cloudy becoming mainly sunny late this morning or this after- noon. Tuesday sunny continuing cool. Light winds. ' Forecast temperatures Low overnight, high Tuesday Windsor ..........- 30 48 St. Thomas ....+.... 30 45 Hamilton .....060. 28 45 St. Catharines ...... 30 45 TOrONtO ...ecccccce 32 45 Durham Native OTTAWA (CP)--Dr. Gordon C, Ashton, a University of Guelph statistics professor, has been elected a director on the national council of the Agricul- ye |tural Institute of Canada for 1967-69. Born near Bowmanville, Ont., Dr. Ashton is a graduate of the Kemptville Agricultural School and holds degrees from other institutions including a ,doctor- ate in animal husbandry and #\experimental statistics from North Carolina State College. The institute is an association of more than 3,700 professional agriculturists. Youth Better KIRKLAND LAKE (CP)--An 18-year-old youth was reported improving Sunday following ad- ministration of drugs rushed here from Toronto by a relay of provincial' police cars. A spokesman at Kirkland Lake and District Hospital said the youth, being treated for tu- berculosis when fungoid com- plications set in, was showing signs of improvement with the help of the drug, Fungizone. Dr. John Morphet said that without the drug the ailment could produce inflamation of the heart, brain and intestines as well as pneumonia. Gateman Charged TORONTO (CP)--Joseph In- trocaso, 60, a Canadian Na tional Railways crossing gate- man, was arrested Saturday on a charge of criminal negligence after a car-train crash which Ha Robert Main, 68, of Flint, Police said barrier arms at the manually - operated level crossing on Kennedy Road in Metropolitan Toronto had not been lowered as the train ap- proached the crossing and the Main car was hurled 94 feet after being struck. Introcaso was released on $1,000 cash and property bail and will appear in magistrate's court today. All Boys NEW ROCHELLE, N.Y. (AP) The Pitofsky family hasn't had a girl born to it in six genera- tions, and the 50th boy in the line James Russell Pitofsky, was born Sunday. Grandpa Louis Pitfosky has offered a $5,- 000 savings bond to whichever of his three sons first has a daughter. ; Railroader Dies MEMPHIS, Tenn. (AP) -- Avery Warner, the railway en- gineer who turned the throttle to Casey Jones at the start of the latter's ride to death, died Saturday, 67 years after the legendary accident. He was 93. Warner brought the Illinois Cen- tral train into Memphis station. Jones took over and died when his locomotive crashed into a freight train at Vaughn, Miss. Church Robbed: BOSTON (AP) -- Two armed bandits threatened a 90-year-old Roman Catholic pastor and a woman housekeeper at gunpoint Sunday night and made off with an estimated $6,000 from a rec- tory safe. Police said the gun- men, apparently familiar with the Holy Name Church, forced Rt. Rev, Charles Finn to open the safe and then to lie on the floor while they emptied it. Babies Stricken MONTERREY, Mexico (AP) Temperatures up to 102 degrees have sent 238 children to hos- pitals during -the weekend, mostly for treatment of dehy- dration and diarrhea, author- ities in this northern industrial city reported Sunday. Most of of the Cannonball Express over |! Col. Thomas Stafford, a member of the United States' astronaut team, points out features of the' Gemini VII space capsult, one of the earlier U.S. CAPSULE AND ASTRONAUT AT EXPO t an automatic rifle. SHOT IN THUMB wounded in his right thumb, the chief of staff, which overthrew the govern- ment of President Nicolas Gru- nitzky in January. He set up a national reconcili- ation committee to rule the country while he remained in his army post. But he an- nounced April 15 that he had abolished the council and as- Ivory Coast Official Shot ABIDJAN, Ivory Coast (Reut- ' ers) -- Togolese president Lt.-|sumed the presidency. : Col. Etienne Eyadema was shot} He is a tough professional sol- and Mprensticd a enlace a dier who joined the French in an assassination attempt in), -my in 1953 and saw service in omc Pegg ¥, diplomatic sources) (th Indochina and Algeria. The sources said the 29-year- old president was shot at close range as he drove to his office in the presidential palace. The guard who fired the shot was immedia overpowered by the other guards and dis- armed, He is said to be a rela- tive of Emmanuel Bodjolle, the army sergeant who in 1963 led an insurrection in which Presi- dent Sylvanus Olympio was killed. Travellers arriving in Coto- nou, Dahomey, from the Togo- lese capital, said the guard used Fast Action HOUSE SALES! Call @ Member of the OSHAWA and DISTRICT REAL ESTATE BOARD | and List Photo MI cals) MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE HEAT WITH OIL - DIXON'S OIL Eyadema was only slightly ravellers said. Eyadema, at the time army led the coup space vehicles to orbit the globe, during the preview opening of the U.S. pavilion at Expo 67 Sunday. (CP Wirephoto) By JOSEPH MacSWEEN The 17-country Geneva disar- PARIS (CP) -- Canada's Ex-|mament conférence will reopen ternal Affairs Minister Paul|May 9 following a six-week ad- Martin today called on the ma-|journment when the major pow- jor nuclear Powers to acceptjers, principally the United international inspection of their|States and the Soviet Union, peaceful nuclear projects as/undertook to rewrite a draft part of a treaty to ban the|treaty which Germany and spread of nuclear weapons. some other countries found un- Such acceptance by the major|acceptable. powers would make a treaty LIMIT POWERS more palatable to the non-nu- The argument of these non- clear countries, Martin told a 5 press conference as he left sssonge digas gn gees pen Faris for Bonn to confer withlimit their own commercial ex- seca gp af nO Ther Willy jploitation of the atom while the Rébaaae e Sonrad) nuclear giants would continue to state funeral. th th di "T think an agreement on non-|CU%ace the rest of the indus- trial world through their vast proliferation is one of the most control and development of nu- important objectives in the in- clear power. Inspection Advocated By Martin Of Nuclear Work 313 ALBERT ST. 24-HOUR SERVICE 723-4663 SERVING OSHAWA OVER 50 SEARS OPTICAL Established for over 30 years 10% King Street West 725-0444 Amy Cyclists To Start Tour KINGSTON (CP) -- The 31- member armed sree Bags accept the rewritten draft, lead- eat ee visit 112 Ca- ing to widely-held suggestions !,.qian communities from Brit- pat the Adenauer funeral may|ish Columbia to Newfoundland. be remembered as the time the The helmeted, navy-blue-clad Obstacles to the treaty were cleared away. members of the team, in train- Martin emphasized that Can- ing since last May tq put their ada ardently desires such a pact heavy machines through intri- What does a great taste look like? It looks like this... even though there may be/cate manoeuvres and make it flaws in the draft. He does not,|iook easy, will give an opening however, expect that France performance at Kingston air- would become a party to such|nort April 30. es er ee sited iinveie Their first official ae artin conferred privately|bhe in Nanaimo, B.C. May 19. with French Foreign Minister Maurice Couve de Murville Sat- urday and said details of Presi- EED FUEL OIL ? hon de Gaulle's visit to Canada nN CALL is summer--accompanied by Couve de Murville--will be an- PERRY nounced later this week. He said de Gaulle will visit Quebec and 723-3443 Ottawa during his Expo 67 trip. DAY OR NIGHT MORE FIREFIGHTERS REQUIRED CITY OF OSHAWA Minimum quelifications: Age 21 to 28, height 5' 10', weight 150 Ibs. Hove successfully passed Grade 10 high schoo! examinations. Medically and physically fit. Have e minimum of one year's residence in Oshowe. Chauffeur's licence in good standing. In addition, experience in driving heavy trucks en asset. You can borrow $50 for 2 weeks for just 47¢ +. just one example of many "payday loan" plans to meet your needs. SUPERIOR FINANCE ternational community at the President Johnso: " : n is reported moment," he said. jready to press on German Chan- R \cellor Kurt Georg Kiesi to Oe | ta ad Oshawa Fire department re- ory 1S es Ports bi false alarm and ~~ . i tine calls over the weekend. A rE In police spokesman reported that or vitation all was quiet over the weekend. ST. JOHN'S, Néld. (CP) What does an "opposition mem- Owen 4 a wae of|ber of the legislature have to police of Oshawa from 1919 to/2° to get te Pav eee wae the 954, is a patient in the Osh-|8°vernment's fishing lodge? awa General Hospital, where} A. J. Murphy, Progressive he was admitted last week. Conservative member for St. Mrs. Friend said today that/john's Centre, got his chance he was "resting comfortably. during a debate on wildlife ROCHESTER SCOUTS Boy Scouts from Rochester, |f N.Y. are visiting Oshawa this/t gram that has been carried on since 1964. weekend on an exchange pro-|four years. Murphy hadn't be While in Oshawa, the scouts cg eR gal aac He said he had been "fishing" 'or an invitation to the lodge on between the hours of 9:30 a.m. he Gander River for the last Premier Smallwood said Mr. OSHAWA Apply in PERSON ONLY, before Friday, Mey Sth, 1967. and 4:30 p.m. THE PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT CITY HALL 32 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH, 725-6541 DON REES, MANAGER The fastest growing all-Canadian Loan Company will be guests of Ost an district scouts and will be bil- lited in their homes. The visit is sponsored by the seventh, St. George's Anglican Church group and scoutmaster Chuck Collard. Part of the schedule for the scouts will consist of a visit to the auto museum, bowling and a dinner at a local restaurant. CLOSE BRUSH PICKERING (Staff) -- Ed- ward Kendall Taylor, 4 Roose- velt Avenue, Ajax, had a. close brush with death at 3 p.m., Sun- day. He was crossing the CPR tracks, on Valley Farm Road, FREE Estimates, Reasonable Rates, Repair Specialists. City Of 1967 BUSI Oshawa NESS TAX Serv Hydro Meade Tanks Up. Installed For Fast Dependable Redie Dis- patched Plumbingi Service Made Us. Call 723-1191 when a 'train struck the car's the children affected were three months to two years old. Jamaican Vote KINGSTON, Jamaica (AP)-- Norman Manley was returned unopposed as president of the Peoples National Party at the second session of the 28th an- nual PNP conference at King- ston Sunday. Nominations for the four posts of vice-presidents rear bumper. guard. 'The damage was slight," said a Whitby OPP spokesman, '"'but a few seconds later and... ." CARS COLLIDE WHITBY (Staff) -- Two east- bound cars on Highway 401, near Liverpool Road, collided at See the Major Pool exhibit at Swimming SPARTAN Pots Commissioner. DUE APRIL 28th PAYABLE IN FULL ON OR BEFORE DUE DATE ABOVE Business Tax Bills were mailed on or before April 13th IF YOU HAVE NOT RECEIVED YOUR BUSINESS 'TAX BILL PLEASE TELEPHONE THE TAX DEPARTMENT AT ONCE. IF BUSINESS Is CLOSED -- NOTIFY IN WRITING AT ONCE giving dote closed to the Tax Department AND the Assessment PENALTY OF 1% ON FIRST DAY OF DEFAULT and en the SATAN ER ET TEEN ET OLS ETE Oshawe Sportsman's Show 4:30 p.m., Sunday causing $1,600 damage to both vehicles. The automebiles were driven by Allan Near, 24, 46 Spring Street, Trenton and Donald Collins, 35, 491 Parnell Street, Peter- borougn. They were uninured in the crash. were being taken when confer- ence broke up in disorder. Po- lice were summoned and at least four persons were reported to have been injured, none se- verely. Spy Elected EAST BERLIN (AP)--Atom spy Klaus Fuchs and propa- gandist Gerhart Eisler, once regarded as the No. 1 Commu- nist spy in the United States, were elected Saturday to the central committee of the East German Communist party, the official news agency ADN re- ported. Walter Ulbricht was unani- pong ré-elected first secre- ary. The elections took place at A. E. JOHNSON, 0.D. OPTOMETRIST 14% King St. East 723-2721 16%% Money To Invest! outstanding after Due Date. Civic Administration Bldg. i Corner Centre and Athol Sts. Oshawa, Ontario first day of each calendar month thereafter in which default BAILIFF and DIVISION COURT PROCEEDINGS WITH Costs are provided in the Assessment Act of Ontario for any amount City Tex Department Telephone 725-1153 Locals 209, 210, 228 or 229 SPRING RESEARCH EDUCATION CANADIAN CANCER SERVICE SOCIETY the seventh Communist party on that wound up Satur- ay. Peterborough . 25 45 Kingston .. 45 Trenton .. 45 Killaloe .. 45 Muskoka...... 42 North Bay .. 40 Sudbury .. 40 Eariton .. 40 Sault Ste. aces 40 Kapuskasing ...... 10 ° 40 White River ........ 5 40 15 35 | OSHAWA ALUMINUM Soles & Service @ ALUMINUM SIDING @ ALUMINUM PATIOS & RAILINGS @ ALUMINUM AWNINGS, ETC. 58 Nesseu St. Oshawe Ph. 725-7922 bans 1 Give Generously Cancer Campaign When a Canvos-er Calls April 10th to 24th = qs a per annum for five years by i ing in G d Investment Certificates which are Guerenteed--as to Principal and Interest. ete as eo cc Take A Drive lateral for loans. To R Bs Executers in son ee | VAN BELLE GARDENS For The... DO-IT-YOURSELF. CENTRAL 'ONTARIO TRUS & SAVINGS CORPORATION ores, Van Belle NIGHTS and "Your Friendly Gar SATURDAYS SM Gardeninc 19 Simeos, St, N.. Oshawa @ FERTILIZER © @ SPREADERS 23 King St. W., Bowmenville @ TOOLS @ TOPSOILS 623-2527 ® SEEDS, ETC. CENTRE @ Advice on your Garden Probleme Gardens 'den Centre" inutes Eest of Oshawa On Highway No. 2... 623-5757 The BARON I LAS 5 E ALL ONE LOW PRICE 65 STYLES, SHAPES AND COLORS TO CHOOSE FROM 13 95 $ 1935 OMPLETE WITH ES AND CASE Now a European-styled frame improved upon and made in North America. The "BARON" is a new type contour bridge frame. Better fitting requires practically no adjustment; made to fit the hard-to-fit, Featherweight, in beautiful smoke colors, it is one of the best engi- neered, most modern end distinctive frames in the optical world. DON'T SETTLE FOR LESS THAN NATIONAL BRANDS @ BROKEN FRAMES REPAIRED OR REPLACED WHILE YOU WAIT @ WE FILL ALL PSI, OCULISTS AND OPTOMETRISTS PRESCRIPTIONS AT SAME LOW PRICES, 17 BOND ST. E. 2nd FLOOR: | Phone 728-1261 Hours: MON. to SAT. 9 am. to 5 p.m. CLOSED ALL DAY WEDNESDAY nada and US --Founded 1904 * FBI SEIZES } Spy 8 For Sc NEW YORK (AP) shechkov and Vinograi viet intelligence agen blew their cover then themselves out of a c: gone home. But not w spy spoof ending month's look around Ni and Washington. The FBI held up depz their plane for 2%4 hours night while they exar parcel hurried to the | just before takeoff. It c a spy novel, and mi papers marked "'top sec "for eyes of president c Several phone calls t ington later, the FBI ca reading material off plane left for Paris. stuck in the book, An E Place-to Die by Len D said it was a practical "Best regards,"' the ni "Hope you enjoyed yo Sorry about that chief Your American friend. The two visitors, ass be here for a check-up embassy security, were V. Mozshechkov, travel der the cover name of sox, and Nikolai F. Vin Both were described by ment sources as officer KGB, the Soviet Union mittee on state security Their movements be New York and Washin; cluding an incident i 26 Die In Across Car By THE CANADIAN At least 31 persons di dentally across Canada the weekend, includins traffic mishaps. A Canadian Press from 6 p.m. Friday to 1 Sunday, local time showed three drownin death by fire and one | fied death. Ontario recorded 10 tr talities as well as one d and. one man killed crushed by a car that fe he was working on it. Quebec had eight deaths and one drownin Four persons died in accidents in Alberta, drowning and: one in while British Columbia ported two traffic fatal Newfoundland and Ne tia each had one traffi New Brunswick, Prir ward Island, Manitoba : katchewan reported no tal deaths. The survey does not natural or industrial known suicides or slayi SUNDAY Kathleen Alexan Maidstone, Ont., when in which she was riding into a ditch near Winds James Ian Salmi, 1 William, Ont., when the Efforts Resi To Find Su WASHINGTON (CP) - national efforts to find stitute for gold begin round here today, and n hopes of progress can tected. This is despite the h power plays recently fi the U.S. on one hand and on the other with We many, for one, in the It is 'also despite cons domestic furor about wh the U.S. has for protec Gunmen Se Nigerian P} LAGOS, Nigeria (Re Gunmen in civilian clotl day night seized a Niger ways airliner while it flight, it was learned t They diverted the pla rving about 20 passen; Enugu, capital of the region of the country \ in dispute with the fede ernment over a new | tion. Members of the crew the hijackers to be Nigerian army men. The plane, a 42-seater Friendship turbo-prop, w scheduled internal fligh Benin in midwest Nig Lagos, the federal capit As well as Nigerians, sengers were British, Ar Irish and Italian. They gunmen searched the treated them courteou landing at Enugu the housed in a luxury re: hotel. All flights to and fr Eastern region were ba cently because of Easte ance of federal authorit: constitutional dispute. ------------ BUSINESSMEN'S LUNCHEON: 95e -- 1.35 DINNER 5:30 p.m. to 8:00 1 Good Food Reasonable Prices Parking Rear of Hote MOTEL LANCASTE 27 KING ST, W