Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 24 Apr 1967, p. 13

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closed securely ; and ironing, 1re-t-c-h-? HOU LUB 00 Year ur Representative eesevessrecocs Pee ererensres Hege urse tanding. Why other Courses Low Tuition 5, 1967 he Regular +25, 1967. to Friday ge. n TRAIN for /1 Enrolment * 25-3375 Age .cccwrs -- -- ------ fcame MRS. GEORGE PEARCE, MISS M. A. LaFORME, MISS EDITH WHITUNG One Hundred Years Of Romance, History, Told I As Simcoe Street Church Marks Its Centennial Part of the gpg Mido i stroyed by fire on November hi 15, i019 ve kept for posterity | better educational opportunities was a picture of the fire as well as some of the record books, badly water damaged. Mang group pictures of Sun-| 4 day School classes, young wo-|_ ™ men's bible classes, the Boys' |!ndians, groups|coming teachers, returned to through the twenties, thirties|teach and help on the reser- . the Second World War|Vations. From a small beginning 100)Stone family, on the old King- small|ston road, then just a pathway Simcoe/through the bush. The Stone family were of grown, to serve not only its own|United Empire Loyalist stock who had come from Massachu- ways in underprivileged areas|setts in the 1700's, Romance en- |tered his life, he married Mary The romance and history of|Stone and settled here. The Ritson family name ap- Saturday|pears often, down through the church |history of the church ant™of the|and 100th anniver-| city, rated some of the history of the! po og por aca ak years ago, serving a number of families, United Church Street has families but assist in many of the world. the church and its people was on display Friday, and Sunday, as the celebrated the sary of its building and incorpo- Canadian centennial, in the displays. in its growth over the years. Ritson, the first choir master, 1819 or 1820, and started life in Canada working for a farmer in son, instead of paying the two lads, the farmer wanted to give them land. REFUSED A FORTUNE of Ottawa. SIMCOE STREET UNITED CH in 1881, bearing the nantes ofjent 7' members of the congregation In the Church history room, |of that day, when the Reverend were displays of photographs of|John Learoyd was the encum- people who were active in/bent, Other names embroidered starting the church and of ped-jon the quilt that are still com- ple and groups who were active | mon Luke, One picture was that of John|and others. The church seating arrange- who served in 1860. Mr. Ritson | ent in 1914-18 was interesting. f from Northumberland), peg poard, studded with nail with another young man about heads showed the seats and pews and a register showed the Ottawa.' At the end of the sea- eo of the people who rented RENTAL OF PEWS It was interesting to note that some pews were cheaper than others, Four seats on the floor Mr. Ritson, being well edu-jof the church cost $11.00 per cated, did not want to farm, so|}month, presumably these were he took as his wages, a wagon|in a choice place, because they and a horse, and left. The land|were the most expensive. Seats he was offered is now the heart|in the back of the church were for $8.00 while those in the Mr. Ritson travelled west and|balcony were six for $7.50. Some south and was making his way|of the familiar names through what is now Oshawa,jregister were Lovells, when his wagon broke down|Langmaids, Gays, Kemps, and outside the farm house of the!lT, H. Everson. A ad in Oshawa today are: Brigade, day sionary_ bales the program, Oshawa, Mrs. George Pearce. Miss Edith Whetung, assistant commercial director at Laughlin Collegiate, and was educated in Lakefield, Ontario and graduated Queen's University. Miss Mary Ann La Forme was reared on the Six Nations Reserve, Brantford educated at the. Mohawk Institute and at- tended High School in Brant- in the/ford before taking her commer- Lukes, |cial course at the Oshawa Bus- iness College. secretary in the Royal Bank. missionary years, were on display. In another room of the church, | displays were showing the pres- activities, the and their con- tents; the log cabin settlement} in miniature made by the Ex- plorer's group of the church; | letters from missionaries b ce of th have gone out from the church the cours, because, of the can illi t in other countires; 'filed Ary i '| : Phillips, Lovell, Bryant United Church Women's i ine native Indian's lack of incentive. with the Indians and a display of Indian crafts. Saturday evening as part of two young In- dian women, now working in interviewed by were She URCH FIRE, NOVEMBER 15, 1915 \interview that the Indians in |the Province of Ontario had who} grew up is NOW Alrealized that others HOUSEHOLD HINTS Considering both nutrition and} Clean waffle iron grids with price, turkey is a "best buy" at)baking soda applied with a pas- present, combining as it does|try brush. HOUSEHOLD HINT high quality protein with a low calorie count. This year, con- ture and Food, Whitney Block, sumers will find turkey in as|Parliament Buildings, Toronto. good supply in April or May as it was last October or January. Turkey Tettrazini--an exotic name, but a délicious as well as easy-to-prepare dish for serving a Jarge crowd----is popular with many. For the recipe, to serve 25 or 12, write Food Council, Ontario Depariment of Agricul- KITCHEN CHAIRS Complete Range of Materials From $4.50 Oshawa Upholstering Co. 725-0311 i | BRUNO'S HAIR STYLING Hairstyling and shaping is our speciality. 212 King St. W., Oshawe 576-2010 i FOOD SERVICE Complete Service For All © RECEPTIONS CALL 728-7305 © HOUSE PARTIES © SOCIAL AFFAIRS CATERING -- MANAGER BETTER OPPORTUNITIES It was brought out in the \for a longer period of time and |so had come to the citites, been \gainfully employed and had ised their standard of living. Miss Whetung was asked if in general, after be- | | "This is a misconception", jshe replied, "most stay on the outside, to help' others who jare trying to make the adjust- | An Indian girl applying for |work was disuaded from it on the. basis she couldn't cope with Miss La Forme stated that when she left the reserve to attend High School in Brant- students were not generally ac- cepted into the social group at the school. She felt that in gen- eral they received no encour- agement to advance their edu- cation. When asked whether the sud- den interest in the Indian was because the nation was taking a look backward because of the centennial or was there another o! * Be Ot en a MRS. ROBERT CURRIE DISPLAYS QUILT MADE IN 1881 jentrance to University in social ib ford, she and the other Indian 2 reason. The girls agreed it was because there was a better ee President Earl Myers and|parliament Buildings, Toronto. | THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, April 24, 1967 3 SSR SESEECETOTS:: : g Cutom Made or > : HOUSEHOLD HINTS Ready-to-Hang Naval Vet 5 Club Here's a suggestion for the g DRAPERIES 'Executive Part ' |very first barbecue of the year. | ry: fo welcome the return of ate 6 @ HOMES s --aud outdoor eating--celebrate @ OFFICES Much Appreciated with barbecued turkey, Turkey # © INDUSTRIAL aes : . jis in plentiful supply right now : 919 ' Pail -- and presi-|_anq served with a barbecue p -- Since 1 _- ents of many service organ- vill be tender, jui an 4 izations in the city were guests altogether pathogen Reig p WARD S of the Oshawa Naval Associa-| For delicious Barbecue Sauce & Simcoe St. at Athol tion at an "Executive Party" |to serve on turkey, write Food| g 25-1151 held in the arrractive club on|Council, Ontario Department of| # 725- Saturday night. Agriculture, Whitney Block, | Oop ppp ppp pppannnpBRD, Mrs. Myers welcomed guests! aboard and two senior cadets manned the companion way. ~ 4|Following the reception and 'idancing a midnight buffet of- '\fered an enticing array of coid sjcuts and salads prepared by 4|Master Chef Peter Tulloch. The invited guests included Ernest Marks and Mrs. Marks; A. V. Walker; Commodore and Mrs. Paul Taylor, Hamilton; Com- mander Timothy Turner, CO HMCS York, and Mrs. Turrer, 4 |Toronto; Police Chief Walter Johnston and Mrs. + Johnston; ;|Lieutenant William Askew CO Oshawa Sea Cadets; Lieutenant David O'Flynn; Major William Clark, St. Major T. Korson; National president Herbert May- "inard; the Reverend John Ro- | meril, chaplin, Navy League a |president George Campbeil and their ladies and Mr. and Mrs. William Paynter, Mr. and Mrs. Hayward Murdoch, Mr, and Mrs. George Patterson, Mr. and George Paterson, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Duncan Foreman, Mr. and Mrs, Clifford Pilkey Mr. and :|Mrs. Carmen White and Mr. +|and Mrs. Robert Bennet. Curling Club Has Closing Dance Fun Members of The Oshawa Curl- + \ing Club completed their social ' \activities for the past season »|when more than 90 couples at- : |tending the club's annual '"'Clos- + |ing Dance" on Saturday night. 5 The Cavaliers, headed by club member Bev Smith, provided the music for the dancers, who + |thoroughly enjoyed the variety of numbers. Mr. and Mrs. and Donald Mac- Millan and Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam Harnden, were the prize- winning couples in the evening's "lucky spot" dances. Following the dance program, _ |club steward '"'Dick"' Eng served ' |a sandwich and coffee lunch but * jeven after this, the members were reluctant to call the season "over" so they indulged in an hour's sing-song. The dance committee in charge of the event was headed : |by chairman Oscar Parker and included Reginald Fair, Leslie Harrison, Douglas Blair, Robert Skitch, Douglas Taylor, George ..4 |Campbell and Steven Piper. SPRING CASHION CLEARANCE SPRING COATS a more than I, off Over 25 great styles to choose from. (You'll notice the famous label on each coat.) Fabulous fabrics. Spring into summer colours. 5-15 8-20 Reg. to 60.00 29.99 Reg. to 40.00 79.99 SSverther Fashions since 1867 HOUSEHOLD HINT means of communication, with radio and TV and the Indians had come to realize what they had been lacking. They had more progressive their problems. SUCCESSFUL EXPERIMENT in self government at Walpole Island Reserve had proved suc- reserves. the department of Indian Af- fairs functioned on behalf ofjgourmet dish--Turkey Divan-- write the Ontario Food Council, | the Indian. of their|giving or Christmas or during}ment Buildings, Toronto. people on other reserves were/this month of April--and on into in solving/summer and fall--turkey makes excellent eating. Turkey is in/contains 75 calories, the same . good supply right now. and long/as one orange, one egg or a one- The two - year experiment! ster the first delicious dinner|inch cube of. cheese. from the roasted bird has been| cessful and legislation was being|eaten and the remains have| sought to extend it to other|been carefully packaged and| frozen, leftovers may be made| Mrs. Pearce asked how well up into delicious casseroles. | HOUSEHOLD HINTS Department of Agriculture and| any q". mated, Coconut Bets, 1 Whether it's served at Thanks-|Food. Whitney Block, Parlia-lin'¢ mouerate oven. _ ake oc- casionally to brown evenly. OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE ---_-- gi ----_ Walker MLA and Mrs. ms COUNT THE POINTS The average slice of bread EXPO 15' Trailer FOR RENT, 8 Miles From Expo, Electricity, Propone Frig., and Stove. Sleeps 6. $100. kt For a practical version of a/-- Weekly. 728-8253 The two girls felt that the department wag a social agen- cy and that a more encourag- ing basis of help and under- standing would be a warm con- cerned relationship Qn the part of the non - Indian. In order to enri education of the Indian child, great importance was _ being placed on the updating of text- books at the elementary level for instance - rather than stor- ies of fire halls or police stat- ions and city life it would be more meaningful if the stories were about the woods, animals, and streams, | Missionary films were shown | of Dr. Robert McLure in Rat-| tam, India; puppet shows were | held; the teenagers had a com- fee house, with bands, and folk singers, Saturday evening; and| on Sunday Dr. W. H. H. Nor-|} man, a missionary from Japan was the guest speaker, telling of his experiences at his church} at Shiojiri. | The United Church Women, | the sponsoring group, served tea and cookies from recipes of by- gone years, to the many visit- ors who attended the three day celebrations. the early ANNOUNCEMENT Artex Hobby Products Inc. Rexdale, Ontario The manufacturers of roll on embroidery paint products, the modern way to embroider. ay < + se ane ' > Bsa s SB soweetoowtns oaks REEES SBE OD Scie. 4 pe' 4 BR is FRERKERT RED tine nee ee % Bos VERE one Rete ; FREES LOSE ORES SB ese sanegesctweres a8 SR BREE HERS 4 5O RBRR ESE CREPRE Available through Artex Painting Parties. TOURS ERE BE SRRES Our new Canadian warehouse manufac- turing centre is now accepting and filling complete orders on a daily basis. gets Sy BREE EBRD SG RERED : Es Write now for the name and address of your nearest Instructor, and review new lower prices. Weare unifying our Sales Force. Pe.spective new Sales Personnel are invited to visit or submit the attached coupon for consideration, NAME Dortteseessensessevesecsestesscauenseeaaaieeses New York Is the Board Room of Big Business... CAR VAT ABLES the Big League in Sports ... the Big Time in Show | Alr Canada has Return to: : Biz... the Big Bargain in Shopping. . . the Big 7 flights daily to SA GHIA RG, Rano, Oat | Town of the World--and it's just a /ittle way from New York from Toronto i Net el | where you live by Air Canada, Before you go, drop One-Way Economy: $28 Pitt Lior : WOOLWORTHS Super Bakery Special BAKED FRESH DAILY IN OUR KITCHEN Seé your Travel Agent for further details or write to. us in Toronto at 130 Bloor St., West. | in to see your Travel Agent. He'll suggest one of | our convenient flights to New York and explain our special discount fares for family travel. AIR CANADA @&) WATCH THE OPENING OF EXPO '67 ON CBC-TV 8 P.M. FRIDAY, APRIL 28 FOR RESERVATIONS AND TRAVEL INFORMATION CALL DONALD TRAVEL SERVICE | OSHAWA--WHITBY--BROOKLIN 102 BROCK ST. S., WHITBY, PHONE 668-8867 @ | PINEAPPLE Regular .89c Your Favourite's... Large DOWN CAKE FOR TRAVEL ARRANGEMENTS CALL OR SEE FOUR SEASONS TRAVEL a. KING ST. E. OSHAWA--WHITBY--BOWMANVILLE--PORT PERRY 576-3131-2-3-4 & CALL FOR COMPLETE TRAVEL ARRANGEMENTS UPSIDE Special This Week 63° | * FANCY ASSORTED SANDWICH TRAYS * $3.95 Serves 10 -- $6.95 Serves 20 ween EF Ey fh UT UU da haar = MEADOWS TRAVEL SERVICE ™=/25 KING ST. OSHAWA PHONE 723-7001

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