Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 22 Apr 1967, p. 8

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ge THE OSHAWA TIMES, Soturdey, April 22, 1967 TEEN TALK Donevan Collegiate Institute . < "Plane are well underway for Prom '67 on May 5. At this time one of our senior co-eds will be chosen Miss Donevan, ew-This Wednesday and Friday, She music department presents . the Annual Festival of Music. egunlor and senior bands and & estras, under the direction <of Mr. Alan Reesor, will per- ger and track and field. The coming performances at Expo. Some 15, fashion show on March 15, a night of cards, April 19, chocolate bar sales an opportunity to try out for rug- senior orchestra has raised adequate funds for their fund-raising activities were a decal drive on April even a discotheque called Al's LIBRARY NEWS AND REVIEW The following book re- views were written by the Rev. N. F, Swackhammer. a member of the Oshawa Public Library Board, Mary Verghese is an Indian girl who qualified as an ortho- pedic surgeon at Vellore Chris- tian Medical College in 1951. Two years later'an automobile Gregor. Take My Hands Praised As Story Of Modern Lepers awkdard title, takes some read-|New 'Testament studies andidemonstrated to parents and ing and some thinking but it will richly reward the persis- tent seeker. Dr. G. H. C. Mac- , was professor of Bib- lical Criticism in the University of Glasgow until 1963, and these essays were prepared and pub- lished by a number of his for- mer students. The writers are they have sought to represent the main areas of New Testa- ment studies and to deal with field. Such well known and (co-editor), James S. Stewart, A. M, Hunter and William Neil the latest development in the; pop- ular names as William Barclay, will be found and such wide) Pathfinders Hold Display At Tuesday evening's annual ---- Piet 2 ingsway e nasium 80 Pathfinder bore' en ments of their club during the past year. t Tumbling, acrobatics, badmin- finders in classes. the s and girls friends activities and achieve- ton and trampoline acts were demonstrated, and on display were objects made by the Path- their various craft NEIGHBORHOOD PARKS Storie Park Elections were held at Storie Park Neighborhood Park. New executive: President, John Muzik; vice - president, Dave Bayus; secretary, Karen Tordiff; treasurer, Carol Har- rison; CCNA representative, Frank Hoefs and Carol Harri- son; alternates: Pete Muzik and Dave Bayus; membership chairman, Frank Hoefs; sports Association Holds Annual Elections . Pete Muzik; property, Frank Hoefs and Pete Muzik; publi- city, Mrs. Ethel Muzik. The Ladies' Auxiliary held a Centennial Tea with proceeds of $100 going to Retarded Chil- dren's Fund. Sports Night was held for novice and mite hockey teams. Bob Chamberlain was present- ed a trophy for the most valu- able player on the novice hock- » form. Place." all outstanding in the field of|themes as the text of the New : 'i Bill F . jal Last week, the boys had the JANE MANNING rome Ry oye = for Me. " Testament, the 1 Barter wines, Fetal ht fener sen a o -- oe m= reg Nome rg Ngo yore pe unity "lcaptain, John Sawdon; two|sented a trophy for the most ™ Bowmanville High School Se Leo' Ps Mi yea HIT PARADE Christ of faith are dealt with.ling in the following classes: jauditors, Mrs. Fry and Mrs.|goals on the mite hockey team, a g her arms downward she would The editors are contident|stamps, physical fitness, cer-|Williams; rental committee,Jand Eddie Hoefs, the runner-up that these essays are for the Mrs. Fry, Jean Rogers and was also presented a trophy. = Talk about action! The rest|gratulations is extended to alijnever feel again and never amics, dogs, cats, birds Bt "ol the xchool year will have to|members of the teams and offi-|move again. All she had left FOR TEENAGERS Baya pag Pow yg jing tiles, baking, cooking 'eee The Ladies' Auxiliary held a "Have re-runs. There are just|cials. : was her head and her two arms./ The following is this week's her Ponce thy most Lbecrh husbandry, conchology first Mal Ch ern Fo By 2 tne. late se Stour dances before the year's} Tuesday afternoon saw: the| It was a bitter blow for this hit parade as chosen by ly are for the Clergyman wholaid, orienteering, trees and| e orus Tweedy. The quilt is to be RE. end. The 'Screech Owl,' our grade 11 and 12 Industrial Arts brilliant girl who had dedicated Oshawa and district teen- |wants to see the best and~tat- shrubs, beginners and interme- fled off with the proceeds go- ing to the Ladies' Auxiliary treasury. Some of the men just finished painting the kitchen and hall of the clubhouse, and plans are underway to tile the floor of the main hall and also to tile the floor of the girls' and boys' washrooms as soon as possible. We will be starting our mem- bership drive in May. Our park opening will be sometime in June with rides and games for the children and refreshments for everyone. RRC Chain Link Fences "yearbook, is coming out. Stu-|at Lasco in Whitby. Here theyjall her skills and power to heal-| agers and supplied by the Jest in the field of New Testa- Gents' Council elections will be|saw the operations performed|ing. With tremendous faith in] Disc Shop of the Oshaw@ |ment studies : diate swimming, and rocks and 0 rform You owe it to yourself to get our wheld. Track and field with alin this modern steel plant. A|God, and despite every warn-| Shopping Centre. ; ° minerals, hes geld ern om price on any fencing job, residential WHITE mixture of badminton {s. start-|sincere thank you is extended|ing to the contrary, she express-| 4 comethin' Stupid --Nancy _f NEW BOOKS Gordon Boutcher, son of Mr,| The 48-voice all male chorus Michizan, of re vail yey or industrial, big or small, Ian Ireland ~ing. iS 8 ro ' Be re sal" ond the' ftnallmade this Reigecon ga nity ee alat'he inn full medical work| . &%¢ Frank Sinatra Alex Dunsmiur's Dilemma {and Mrs. Howard Boutcher was|trom the Review and Herald|ing, members of this year's|l wemnip ere recronatie eet, . ambitious y 0 8 The best of all happened Fri-lagain, She became interested| 2. If You're. Thinkin'--Dino, |p) By James Audain awarded the J. L. Leatherdale|Publishing Association of Wash-|choral organization were pick-|| "*™™" *% © reeseneble eee in Little Wh On 'Tuesday, BHS had theld Nothing | . on the y lepros tients, and was Desi and Billy Bibs Corman trophy as the best Pathfinder|ington, D.C. presented a sacred/ed by audition, and all 19 mem- dramatic. stor a. ve seg be a ier EP gerove poy ' : : -- by Donald Stephens of the year, Unit 2 of the girls'|concert in the College Park(bers are soloists in their Colt us now for @ free ostimete, a "pleasure of hosting this year's|Quiet Jungle provided the en-|encouraged by. the success of] 3.1 Think We're Alone NoW |rne Canadian Rose Annual {division was awarded the Dr.|Seventh-day Adventist Churchjrights. Oshawa is b rig me" of image-bu' ~COSSA _ Badminton hag poo at Hg og ie gpaie yes Bi eee g <y Tommy Jame sand -- 1966, Edited by 0. E. Bow-/and Mrs, A. E. King trophy as|at 1148 King Street East. Mas-|the nineteen cities in which they thn nm pment. Pr ws ig ee natura nA met with --_ " ge = ca --. ho = - Shondells less (Gift of the Oshawa Hor-|the best unit for the year. ter of ceremonies was Law-|will present concerts on their A-ONE FENCE C "MeLaughlin in the finals. Con- "BARRY KRAWCHUK|Mary went under three long) y jee yee ive wae [tbe Ie A, Mechum youth sigentialion. Ot. theldiihens abheheine Galle bake toa niet ; » Happy e y L. A. Seventh-day Adventist Church eae or uae Gees ome REGENT -- Oshawa Catholic High School operations which resulted in her being able to sit upright in a wheelchair, Then she began to specialize all over again. . Sit Down, I Think I Love You--Mojo Men . Sweet Soul Music Later Collected Verse -- by Robert Service Legends of Quebec -- by Hazel Boswell for children and youth of the |ages ten through sixteen. Junior Guide, Appearing in another sacred concert at 5:45 p.m. were the baton of Alonzo N. Lang will present a concert at 8:30 p.m. in the college auditorium. call 723-5377 | Paul Newman : to in the Hombre. He w and the Hustle Spring has certainly brought rewarding efforts. We would|Today she is reckoned to be one Arthur Conle -T-f-Telsinintalal, TT TTY no a. ' life to the Oshawa Catholicjalso like to thank Sister Maryjof the most skilful surgeons in} g 4 Tittle Bit Sipdic ties ~~" My ba = f PD Dia upspasapapayayeyayayayesalesesalasayann Newman is H High School; but the flowers|Sheila, our principal, and thejin the East. In the operating) 9° » 4 Pia 1, trun' hen t Be : ring Frederic 'that are blooming at our school|staff for the zeal with which/room at Vellore she is doing 9. Dedicated to the One I bey FH Monte a if 8 bhtie. Cament 'are the numerous activities|they made our practices an en-|reconstruction work on hands, Love--Mamas and Papas wet ee ee | 1 9 6 7 t & i T & hee he IA L , h The elected Poe | 4 Barbara Rush. oexing, place. ' joyment. ; ' feet and face, the kind of ~~ 10. ae a Baby ie Ay Marieris Pin . ee Shown today ~ April 26, Oshawa Catholic} Also, on May 12, we havejgery that can be perform 'ollectors on cktha : ifligh is holding its 'First An-jour annual social affair, the|from a wheelchair and the kind Silverthorn Bush and other ¢ 196711987 BUSINESS and SERVICE DIRECTORY gs Gag hy wal Talent Night. With so|Daffodil Tea, plus the addedjof surgery she would never Poems -- by Robert Finch #2 vor veer through Thurs¢ 6.50 and 9.10 p 'many eager participants, itjattraction of a Masquerade have qualified herself to per- ODIDDD DDD Saaa DD DDIDDLO SSDI DISS SSSPPLDPIRID % js will likely be a tremendous|Dance the following night. Re-jform had this cruel tragédy. not 'success, Watch for it! port cards have been dis-|deprived her of her normal NEW ODEO) On May 5, the school band|tributed and it looks as though|strength. La Dolce Vita, and the Glee Club will partici-|many students have improved.| The big 'why' of it all became : eee A REALLY GOOD PLACE about, the mos 'pate in a centennial program|By the way, congratulations to/for Dr. Mary a prayer. Though film of our et the Civic Auditorium, 'Thelii§ and Sister Anne on theiriseemingly helpless and depen- TO BUY Anita Ekberg ¢ 'choir and band wish to extend|superb centennial project. We/dent on others, she found the ana er uc y A FINER USED CARI Mastroianni. sincerest thanks to Mr. Herbert/hope to see more like it in the/key to her new life in the words j Shown at 5:: Gentry, our music instructor, |future, of an old hymn, . s 166 KING E, BOWMANVILLE, ONT. 623-3396 only. tor his diligent, and may I add, --JANE SIMIANA Take my life and let it be licence winner : Gtarting 2 And Collegi Insti Tees sey hands and tet oo j Unfasten Your Eet Belt for . . . Saini and Ala erson egiate Institute move This CHIPS 'N GRAVY BEATTY Russians are ( A ians are Com Anderson's formal, Lepidop-) Anderson's Grade 13 boys| At the impluse of Thy Love. -- OR -- be tera, proved to be a most en-|were victorious in both games| "Without the accident," she space ENGLISH STYLE HAULAGE xa ning make joyable evening for all who at-/of a two-game basketball series|said, "I might have been only FISH 'N CHIPS ! e Construction On the sam tended. Students danced to the/against Henry's Grade 13 boys.|an ordinary doctor. Now I available t AG eciie' R Lemon and music of Pete Schofield's Or-| The annual ISCF Gym Night/have been shown the way to McMUR Y S Loom : winner Walter chestra in an atmosphere filled|was held recently and featured|help patients whose needs, in fer your & Top Soil tor Wilder's, The | with butterfly mobiles and|basketball, volleyball and bad-|India, were unmet before." DRIVE-IN-RESTAURANT Lendscoping hilarious come Roman arches. Peppy Lie-|minton games. A good time was| This thrilling biogra' is i bregts was chosen Queen while|had by all. Congratulations go| published pine the tie rane message. ge re " a -- a 725-2156 Pg rif om Frances Heron and Linda Gar-|to Judy Batten who con-|My Hands" by Dorothy Clarke meee Maris Taunton Rd., Oshewe showing only rett were the Princesses. Special|vened the evening. Wilson, Starting on thanks go to members of the| Anderson's beard growing con-| The New Testament in His- a ard winne! Formal Committee and especial-|test is well under way with only |torical and Contemporary Per- J V , AVIATI ON AB s MOTORCYCLE SHOP pe winner 'ot ly to Mary Jane McKnight,|three weeks to go until judging/spective, Essays in Memory of g rie ' Introducing: The KAWSAKI ies' best acto Chairman of the Decorating|takes place. G.H.C. MacGregor, Edited by * Private & Com aoe 'i raphe rue B.S.A Werner in Fa Committee, --LYNDA RUTHERFORD|Hugh Anderson, and William Po Etc br Path aber gst SS ay el St Prey 6. nenes Ber color. Barelay. Oxtord, Basil Black- Gukee Mocleipsl itp a vate a 'aie nye Service & Accessories Shown daily A ® -} well, 0 = 114 Stevenson South -- 728-7780 .m, Saturday Eastdale Collegiate Institute This book, ax indicated by its Poo" pm. and ---- ous , Election '67 has now come tobe ECVI's Archivist for ty year Oshawa Monument i U a close and the results of a full|'67 and '68. Also elected was a NEI LIS | Co Spring Is Joe s Color TV TED'S AUTO PLAZA -- | week of campaigning were an-| Junior Speaker, Roman Szkilnyk | mpany Here! and Radio Service BODY Countess from nounced at the dance: last Fri-|of 10B. Monument be Marker In Gro Ae duced by the day. The new executives of Stu-| Last night the school band HOME H Nitti sisoy Vaur Mik bake (4 Listens hes - of the silent dents' Council are as follows:|performed for the public, This | ---- pletely Serviced for 36 & Tepe Recorder Free Estimates Chaplin. Starr President, Hugh Dougan; Vice-|unforgettable event was called IMPROVEMENTS We detign engrove t the Spring! % Tune. aval. ; BODY & FENDER and Marlon B President, Terry O'Reilly; Sec-|'"Musical Moments '67." It was e letter and erect our J Lmal Oe Kessenies Drive Gmia Awelngee bin love story in retary, Carol Morison; | Trea-|very paccontel and we would GENERAL REPAIRS own monuments, = || in today to" Ss De. © napa te AN cto ye at 1. surer, Bob Smith; Organizer,|like to thank all those who at- is Y models, and 9.45 p.m Rhonda Waisglass. Congratula-|tended. 'as? tine Secning STATHAM'S BA Repairs ~~ show at 9.20 D tions to all ten who ran for --GISELE DUSUREAULT ing E. 8-3111 255 King E. e re Starting on El gE a gs ULT] © Ree ing 723-4733 || 13 Bond W. 576-1670 || Rp. No. 4 (King £.) 728-3401 picture that executive. » Pelating academy awa) Congratulations also go out tol] Buying or Selling! | nee A J MOVING ai Womna, ster the students in 9B for selling the bd Lad jellets an most school crests. For their GUIDE REALTY @ Remodel- B beget re a arty love 'drat hard work Students' Council pre- LTD fing : ox 313 Oshawa 728-5930 beh lt Showing da . efinishii penne ss with ice cream @ LLOYD CORSON, President ARMSTRONG HOMES Let's face It... there ere very few of us who get any enjoyment out of Restoring» P. & : @ DICK YOUNG, Vice-Pres. "All Work Guaranteed" Pp moving but very often for practical reasons or financial advancement @ * Custom Bullt recs, RUSS! The monthly meeting of Stu- ' resents move le essential Furniture wi dents' Council was held last @ LUCAS PEACOCK, See.Treas For Free Estimates Call . . FOREST GLEN . Darlin p PP at ie week and future events were|} 16 SIMCOE ST. $., OSHAWA Sree ane tie te bene WS: 00m atte: fea fom. ofPilane gto totes 5643, discussed. At that meeting|| PHONE 723-8281 728-2061 HEIGHTS eee re ee. powinanevile omaad Christine Miller was elected to The kind of service that A. J. Moving has been doing since the day they Koide won % Bungalows Split-Levely | ttorted their business. Although ofly © year eld A, J. Movers elready 623-7341 ier ie * 3 & 4 Bedrooms Priced from enjoy an enviable reputation with similar businesses throughout the area, S ketball ' only Art vee Aad "drive" behind this young progressive firm end his pe "The Sov! yeors usiness makes him well qualified te supply that 'drive' pi ' Down Pe cide ay es ont ®@ greot share of the experience and scien any to keep ve shag Toddlers Paradise Australia 75- $1,434.00 Y Increasing number of customers happy. Most of the experience he gained Us! the FROBEL lace mark, 6% N.H.A. Mortgages gi -- @ local firm so Art is well known and respected for his ability. SCHOO RenTessont ednesday in mony Rd. N., rucks comprise the company transport and additional vehich be me: . PE LCE TRTESG Get your en ferFarter nkneanea' | sind sans ter snvon ana enh ey orn | UGS. st tg i: local a lo! istance househol i - : Mr. Arthur Thompson (above, left) of London, receives 723.6461 @ member of the Gosia Distret 'ae hee ih Alek didi EXPERIENCE Peete PREST Sasi Manabe ne Pring lations Sur ' 723-8144 otf sal pie enced In Oshowa for 20 yeors is married and hos 3 sons 1967-80 nen, fevencies bef to FAR ' 942-3310 4 Children. Call NOW. For furtt new Last week, Mr, Arthur Thompson was on @ business 11 Brock &, 723-0734 Waite 1 trip In Forest, Ontario when he stopped for service at a Oshe Lawney Wilson's Supertest station. Fortunately he | wifeiream checked the weekly list of Lucky Licences, posted in COMPLETE YY avings on Used Cars A) MOVING the dealer's window. There It was... his rig tes num- ah ot Unitcaned ber E46-629, listed for a $1,000 cash award! This week, | I | )SCAP [8 torme water heater Mr. Thompson ts $1,000 wealthier and he is now a \ } ke \ BONANZA SALE us bees eligible for the $5,000 grand prize draw. *& Plants = -& Fertiliz ecal Moving 8 $5,000 grand pi + task & Ratio bore RENT or LEASE Specieliste All Available at: One day to 5 years, YOU Too CAN BE ANSSEN Terms Arranged 77/7 at oon 8 A WINNER! 'arden Centre PELESHOK MOTORS Lid. for estimote, ING 843 King W. 728.9429 || Harwood and Station St., Ajax 942-6300 728-5930 = 612 creer Your car licence Is automatically in the weekly draw of Lucky Licences. Just check 3 LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU BETTER the list of 2,150 licence numbers posted each week at Supertest stations. If your number is listed, you can win $100... $1,000... $5,000: % Soft Ice Cream % Milk Shakes 4% Sundaes all at 1347 Simcoe N., Oshawa -- 235 Simcoe S., Oshawa 1003 DUNDAS HWY. gE, WHITBY STANLEY HEATING & APPLIANCES Nothing to buy... to save...to match... ae, Ait or to pull. Supertest Lucky Licence is the L by aol A MODERN GRILL OSHAWA NIGHTLY j (UN IEW MANAGEMENT) crc aE 128 Barrie Ave. Oshawa easiest way to win the biggest money. any CLEANING (UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT) TUNE UP CENTRE SAND Phone 725-7783 g baie Reh epg aicega * a DEE JUST DRIVE IN TO WIN li hee 'a, % Disle Lee Chicken POW + givens GEOR' 7] PHONE TODAY *® Groceries and Smokes ' \ ; Revatn a HAMT a : : Z ree Pick-up Autiectend, Connors: Ges, Bester: 723-1471 Orned Satta nor sb SS oa" iene Appr T } 50 Mil St. 345 Ritson S. 725:3887 || 222 King W. 728-0817 Specialists in Gas Warm Air and Hot S bons | Water Systems for Residential, Com- : Meadows Travel Service W. B. BENNETT DAY 'TA ieceiel oe bvbetriel une, Canada's All Canadian Company A Complete Travel Service pemcpvem) Paving and Moterials Ltd. *& Tours *& Cruises %* Accommodation PONT SCRE * Drivewoys * Play Grounds [ Lond -- Sea -- Air ak Porking Lots * Subdivisions ; UENE «625 King E. 723-9441 ee 1290 Somerville 728-4661

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