egal ION OF SHAWA | CLOSING of The Corporation eting to be held on 967 at 7:30 p.m. at I], Oshawa, intends art of Athol Street Avenue established Corporation of the which i# to be closed is parcel or tract of land ing in the City of Osh- Ontario, being composed on_MeGregor Plan "'C'* . for The said County of parcel are described as of Centre Street has @ inutes 40 seconds West >reto; angle of Lot 8, Block B cc"; ites 20 seconds West in 8, 7 and 6, Block B of t to @ point; utes 40 seconds East a ) the North limit of Lot utes 20 seconds East a th East angle of Lot 5, ites 40 seconds West @ of commencement. established by by-law City of Oshawa which parcel or tract of land ng in the City of Osh- Intario, being composed 1 the City of Oshawa, Orporation of the City id parcel are described I! Street as shown on 7 degrees 34 minutes in thereto; gle of Block "A" Plan utes 45 seconds West 2 a point in the West- being also the easterly rerly along said West- n iron bar found marke "A" Plan 302; utes 15 seconds West Street, 67 feet 614 »s 45 seconds East 278 point in the Easterly Northerly in such limit ll Street 67 feet 6% nent; erly limit of Farewell 'less to the point of West and the port of number 3679 of The closed are on file and City Clerk, City Hall, the said meeting the nsel, solicitor or agent , Srlueticlony affected ard. 9F APRIL, A.D, 1967 \RRAND, ESQ. rk, i re Street \, Ontario. NOTICE CREDITORS D OTHERS Estate of WALTER EY GARDNER, eman, deceased. rsons having claims the estate of WALT- "ANLEY GARDNER, ian, deceased, who or about the Ist day sary, 1967, are here- ied to send in to the jned on or before the ry of April, 1967, full ars of their claims. ately after the said assets of the said de- vill be distributed hav- ard only to claims of hey shall then have at Oshawa this 4th April, 1967, Y MAY GARDNER <ANTY TRUST PANY of CANADA tors eir Solicitors NING F: SWARTZ & ALD L. SWARTZ, ters & Solicitors King Street East, va, Ontario. TIMES lassified \CTION ADS for ESULTS 2lephone 23-3492 other departments 23-3474 Monday - Friday m. to 5:00 p.m. Saturday n. to 12:00 p.m, '36--Legoal |38--Coming Events NOTICE To CREDITORS and OTHERS IN THE ESTATE OF DONALD EDWARD GIBSON, deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of Donald Edward Gibson, late of the Town of Whitby, in the Coun- ty. of Ontario, Real Estate Broker, deceased, who died on or about the 30th day of March, 1967, are hereby no- tified to send particulars of same to the undersigned on or before the 5th day of June, 1967, after which date the- ossets of the estate will be distributed having regard only to. the claims of which the Executors shall then have notice. Dated at Whitby, Ontario this 12th. day of April, 1967. ELIZABETH SALOME GIB- SON, ALLAN | BERNARD GIBSON and FRANCES ELIZ- ABETH GIBSON, Executors, by their solicitors, Coath, O'- Connell and Edmondson, 306 Dundas St. West, Whitby, Ontario. 37--Auction Scie _ Suddenly affer a short illness, RUMMAGE AND BAKE SALE fo be held in the Whitby Brass Band room above Allin's Drug Store, Whitby. Satur- Gay, April 22 at 1.30 p.m. BIRTHS DURNO Ken and Mary (nee Aughney) are happy to announce the arrival of a daughter, Noel Regan, 8 Ibs, 7 ozs., Thursday, April 20, 1967, at Oshawa General Hospital. A little sister for Keri Lee. FARLEY -- Bud and Cathy (nee Wright) are very happy to announce the early arrival of a daughter, Chris- tine Helene, 4 Ibs. 4-0zs., on Saturday, April 15, 1967, at Oshawa General Hos- pital. Very special thanks to Dr. Mc-',] Kay, and the fourth floor staff. PATTERSON -- Larry and Linda (nee Michael)" are pleased to announce the birth of a daughter, Kimberly Lorraine, weighing 8 pounds, 6 ounces, on Wed- nesday, April 19, 1967, at the Oshawa General Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. A. E. King and fourth floor staff. PEEL -- Don and Marilyn (nee Nor- fon) are very pleased and proud to an- Nounce the birth of their 8-Ib., 7-0z. son, Robert Dean, on Sunday, April 16, 1967, at Oshawa General Hospital. Dean is a little brother for Kim and a grandson for Mrs. V. Peel and Mr. W, R. Norton, TAYLOR -- David and Sylvia are pleased to announce the arrival of a son, Lawrence Frank, 9 pounds, 1 ounce, on Tuesday, 18th of April, 1967, at the Oshawa General Hospital. A brother for Shetia. Many thanks to Dr. Butts and/{ 4th floor staff. | ADAMS, John Richard (Dick) at the) Oshawa General Hospital, on Wednes- Gay, April 19, 1967; Dick Adams (King- |ston Road West, Whitby), beloved hus-| Oshawa Police ~ Department SALE by AUCTION UNCLAIMED BICYCLES and OTHER PROPERTY to be held in STIRTEVANT'S Auction Rooms 33 Hall St., Oshawa MAY 11, 1967 at 6 p.m. {band of Dorothy Brown, déar father of) |Robert, Toronto, and John, at home, |dear brother of Mrs. T. Kober, MD, |(Susen) Oakville, Mrs. M. Glancey | (Betty), Owen: Sound, William, Toronto, and Robert of Whitby; in his 57th year. |Resting at the W. C. Town Funeral Chapel, Whitby, for service in the |enapet on Saturday, April 22, at 2 p.m. j!nterment Mount Lawn Cemetery, Osh- jawa. Minister Rev. J. McLeod, de |sired, contributions to the Gideon Bibie |Soclety would be appreciated, | GAMPBELL, Dena Dariene |At Toronto Sick Children's Hospital on |administration policies, VIETNAM POLICY Strong Support Shown For LBJ WASHINGTON (AP)--A Sam-President Johnson's inability to ple survey of U.S. newspaper editors Thursday indicated strong support for President Johnson's handling of the Viet- rst problem. But many editors fee bungled in telling people about it the administration has 'Seventy-nine of 103 editors polled during the 1967 conven- tion of the American Society of Newspaper Editors voiced gen- erally enthusiastic support for U.S. Vietnam policy. The 24 who objected were di- vided between hawks and doves: Nine urged a step-up in the pace of the war and 15 called for an end to bombings of North Vietnam and more in- ensive peace efforts. The editors, Many, regardless of views on expres- sed ignorance about some facets of the Vietnam much of this is because of,leads.' situation and communicate. Meanwhile, two convention speakers criticized the handling of news in the U.S. } Floyd McKissick, national di- rector of the Congress of Racial |Equality, charged that U.S. newspapers ignore the news cities unless one Negro attacks another -or utters radical or violent statements. | Newspaper treatment for the jwords of Negro spokesmen {which are rational and earnest, he said, is "a total blackout-- and I use that word advisedly." McGeorge Bundy, president of the Ford Foundation, criticized U.S. newspapers for concentrat- jing unduly on "hard, hot news" jurged newspapers -- and their jeditors -- to 'rise above the jrather tight and narrow circle of preoccupation with firsts and "Reading" Water Tricky Like Detective Story "Reading" the water is a lot |middie of a current or tide THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, April 21,1967 93) FORT ERIE ENTRIES SATURDAY, APRIL 2 CLEAR AND FAST FIRST RACE -- Purse $2,000. Claim- Ing (3000). Three- and four-year-olds, 1 Mile and 70 yards. Valley Queen, Grubb X104 Hapala, Kelly X110 | Double Bounce, No Boy 102 Crafty Commodore, Kornblum X109 Edgor's Whistle, x97 |Randy Sue, Kinojosa 104 Seventh Line, Brownell X110 SECOND RACE--Purse $2,200. Claim- |ing (3000). Three- and four-year-olds |(Divn of First). 1 Mile and 70 yards Royal Regret, Hinojosa 112 [Danish Dancer, Grubb X112 {Baby Dill, No Boy 106 |Chempion Nat, No Boy 117 |Vital Mahn, Grubb X112 |Natural Visitor, Griffo X117 Thunder Jay, No Boy 102 and needs of Negroes in their). THIRD RACE -- Purse $2,000, Claim. &% jing (3000). Four-year-olds and up. 6 Furs Twinkle Jay, No Boy 114 |Phantom Flyer, Grech XXX101 Try Brandy, No Boy A-122 |Martin's Ark, No Boy A-116 Judge Burns, Fitzsimmons 119 |Sky Spark, Kelly X108 |Day's Best, Walsh 119 |Pioneer Polly, Griffo X106 Kay's Woody, No Boy 116 Brillie, Gubbins 116 |A--Faicon Stable and Willow. Downs | Farm entry | FOURTH RACE -- Purse $2,600. Al- |fowances, two-year-olds. 4'2 Furs |Poet's Dream, Griffo. X117 |Muzeldick, No Boy 122 | among 550 as-jand ignoring the journalism that)Fashion King, Barroby 117 \sembled, were asked for their|he said goes below the surface-- DEATHS j}personal views -- not those of |the analytical stories. jtheir papers. | The former White House aide Tarfoot Shirl, Hale 119 |(EXACTOR WAGERING) | FIFTH RACE -- Purse $3,000. Allow- | ances. Four-year-olds and up, foaled In |Disney Flyer, Gomez 122 THURSDAY, APRIL 2» 1 FIRST RACE -- Purse $2,200. Maiden 5 three-year-olds. 6 Furlongs. 6 -Star Tudor, Gomez 7.90 4.70 2.80 7 -Simmering, Dittfach 7.00 3.30 Walsh 2.60 in Order: Momentarily, B- |Break Camp, A-Petit Lori, B-Lawless |Rambler, Gay Polynesian and Ho, lAccBajurny, Zucchiatti and Cocomile | Entry. |B--Lerch Tree Farm Entry. | 1A-Periodical, | Also Ran ii SECOND RACE--Purse $2,000. Claim- |Wednesday, April 19, 1967, Dena Camp-|like reading a good detective|should be regarded with sus-|ing. Three-year-olds. 6 Furlongs. |bell of 52 Jackman Road, Bowmanville, jage nine months, beloved daughter |Mr. and Mrs, Wallace Campbell and | granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Murray |Porter and Mrs. J. Campbell and the \late Joseph Campbell. Resting at the Northcutt and Smith Funeral Home. Funeral service 10.30 o'clock, Saturday |t 38--Coming Events MONSTER © INGO | Over $ 10 in Prizes cemetery. [fperninw, Interment Bewmenvilie come: A bouter is in much the same estimated because you are es ent ol abla By fey | f spot as he reads the water for/looking down the backs of thel7 "Khaki Rag shoal 2180 2.60 liq eabowe Caracal' esi on Thurs |SUCh villains as submerged/waves. Anticipate that the 4 iavel, Rood, Serroby | 3.90 | day, April 20, 1967, Alice Maud Harmer,|POCks, sand bars or floating/breakers are as much as 50 per|, oN? ren i" Order: Prince Brother, widow of Alfred Martyn and dear moth-| debris. cent higher and rougher than|Comet, A-Golly Solly, B-Federal. Grant} er of Mrs. M. Siblock (Delphine), Har- and B-Transmixer, old V, Harmer, Walter J. Harmer, and |Everett T. Harmer, all of Oshawa; inj|t her 74th year. Resting at Anderson Funeral! Home, 152 King Street East. Service in the Chapel on Saturday, [April 22 at 2 p.m, Interment Union Mcintosh: that careful usually turn up one or more clues to aid the boater. skimming the erialize. However, the boating authori- ies at Mercury outboards say observation will When crusing offshore, study SAT., APR. 22nd. AT 8 P.M. ST. GREGORY'S AUDITORIUM SIMCOE ST. NORTH "ADMISSION 50 CENTS Includes Tickets on 10 Hams te be drawn March 25th All Prizes Doubled on ' Admission Ticket Children Under 16 Not Admitted within reach of all Kindness beyond Price, yet the nature of the coastline for hints. High bluffs rising steep- ly from the water's edge usual- ly indicate a rocky shore and GERROW FUNERAL CHAPEL|® 390 KING STREET WEST b Telephone 728-6226 the presence boulders. of submerged Often there is also onsiderable current along such luffs. story. It's difficult to pick out|picion and avoided, since they|j-peckin ithe villain by can signal the location of un- book casually, but if you read|derwater obstructions. thoroughly and know what to look for, the clues always ma-|from When looking toward breakers can be easily under- they appear. On a river, the deepest wa- ter will normally be midway be- tween the banks on straight stretches, but. will swing wide on bends. Sand and silt tend to build up at the mouths of tributaries, creating sand bars and mud banks. As a general rule water turns lighter in color as it becomes more shallow, particularly when the bottom consists of sand or other material that reflects Eddies and swirls in the! considerable light. STAFFORD BROTHERS LTD. Authorized Dealers ROCK OF AGES FAMILY MONUMENTS 318 Dundos St. E. 668-3552 Whitby, Ont. IN MEMORIAM CARR -- In loving memory of a deer husband and father, Albert Carr, who Paver remembered by his wife and family. TO-NIGHT SPECIAL BINGO 8 P.M. : AT HOLY CROSS SIMCOE ST. S. Snowball Jackpot $110 in 56 Nos. Reg. Jackpot $200. in 57 Nos. BINGO ORANGE TEMPLE SATURDAY, APRIL 22nd 7:30 P.M. 20 GAMES -- $8 Share The Wealth 4--$40 Jackpots To Go 1--$150 Jackpot To Go Children Under 16 Not Admitted PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE ASSOC. Centennial Ball In the Oshawa Civic Auditorium on Saturday, April 22 at' 8 p.m. Dancing to BILL MILLAR end his 7 piece orchestra Admission $5 per couple All are welcome. For reser- vations Phone 723-0561 or 728-7516. LIBERAL NOMINATING CONVENTION April 24 UAW HALL Bond Street 8:00 p.m. Everyone Welcome ST. JOHN'S PARISH BINGO EVERY FRIDAY AT 7:45 P.M. Corner Bloor and Simcoe Jackpot 56 -- $160. 20 Games $10 and $15 Two extra games ot $25 step up food supplies to Bihar described the situation as a seri ous and unprecedented calam- ity. HARPER -- In loving memory of a)" dear husband, father and grandfather, | Cecil Harper, who passed away April 21, 161. Resting where no shadows fall, In perfect peace he awaits us all, Where God will link the broken cha! As one by one we meet again. ae remembered by wife Delia and family. SZAIKOWSK!I -- In loving memory of e@ desr grandmother and great-grand-| +3, mother (Baba), Anné, who passed away = ime takes away the edge of grief, But memory turns back every leaf, --Too dearly loved to ever be forgotten by granddaughter Jeannette, Ray and great-grandson Chad. e& SZAIKOWSKI -- In loving memory of|o @ dear grandmother and great-grand- April 21, 1963. It broke out hearts to lose you, But you didn't go alone, Di For part of us went with you The day God called you home. --Too dearly loved to ever be forgotten | bi jby granddaughter Estelle, Mike andjg great - grandchildren Christine and | Michael. - WALL -- In loving memory of a dear tal April 21, 1963. gional HA May 10 in Oshawa. Training' program will also be presented by the department of mother (Baba) Anna, who passed away sion. Ajax to Peterborough are ex- spasmodic but we are hoping |for a good turnout this year," Assessment Department Converts To | The city's assessment depart- the province will pay Oshawa ment is converting to a provin-|30.cents per entry on the assess- cial data processing system, says G. H. Meredith, assessment /assessment role itself. assed away April 23, 1959. commissioner. He said that under the system Hospital Meeting Planned For City A panel discussion on hospi-| - community public rela- ons will be held during a re- meeting of hospitals, A "Middle Management ducation at the afternoon ses- Hospital officials from ected to attend. "Attendance of board mem- ers in the past for the region- 1 meeting has been somewhat husband and father, Alfred, who passed away April 21, 1959; also @ dear son, Teddy, who passed away March 7, 1943, In his 17th year. When ties of love are broken, And loved ones have to part, It leaves a wound that never heals In an ever aching heart. A LASTING TRIBUTE For Permanence and dignity we suggest MOUNT LAWN MEMORIAL PARK BRONZE MEMORIALS For courteous advice please visit the Park. Office. CARD OF THANKS cere thanks to my friends, relatives and neighbors and organizations, for cai and flowers sent to me during my re- cent stay at Oshawa General Hospital. Special thanks to Rev. Father Myers, Dr.J. A. Patterson, Dr. S. Mankiewicz, nurses end staff on 5F. ~Michael J.. Ryan. Help Stepped Up To Famine Area NEW DELHI (Reuters)--The government planned today to state, where drought and famine have reduced millions of people to walking skeletons. -- Food Minister Jagjivan Rar |, a Indradip Sinha, Bihar stat revenue minister, was quoted a saying that thousands of prc 'ons in the northern state we trekking through . the count: side in search of food and we * Jockpet end Shore the Wealth: |' er, FUNERAL OF MRS. ADELINE S. BANNON --Always remembered by wife Elizabeth, The funeral service for Mrs. Adeline Sarah Bannon, 756 Law LOCKE'S FLORISTS olga Ps ae fort 18, iy Funeral arrangements and fe Oshawa General Hospital, floral Siranclements for all |W8s held at the MclIntosh- occasions. Anderson Funeral Home at 3.30 OSHAWA SHOPPING Pp.m., April 20. CENTRE Rev. John K. Moffat, minister 728-6555 of Simcoe Street United Church, conducted the service. ment was in Orono Cemetery. Bannon, Cecil Bannon, "Hap" Hamel, Pat McAdams, William Smith and Peter Wilson. The memorial service for Peter Dubyk, who died at Whitby, April 17, in his 36th year, was held at the Armstrong Funeral Home at 2 p.m., April 20, rdsjRev. N. F. Swackhammer, pas- tor of First Baptist Church. Interment was in ©! Cemetery. McGinty, Paul Kowalski, Ed- ward Donald, Grant Dodd, John Mitruk and John Mountain. WILLIAM RALSTON MARTIN iam Ralston Martin, 171 Gib- sons Street, who died April 17, at the Oshawa General Hospi- 'rank Pearcey of the Gospel fall, Interment was in Mount awn Cemetery. sardy, OBITUARIES Inter- The pallbearers 'were Walter FUNERAL OF PETER DUBYK The service was conducted by awa Union The pallbearers were William FUNERAL OF The funeral service for Wil- 4-A'mac 7-Queen Blue Frost, Norris 1-Dixie Wick, Gelsel Jr. Tom Dryer and Riverdale Jennifer. shore| Echo Pi seaward, the height of OAILY 5-Dark Fitz'ns Hinojosa Walsh F'dom, Paul, |6Off The Bi | Also Ran in Order: Pincio's Gift, |Mahmoud's Star, Genie's Touch, and An 3.60 2,80) 3.00 'arty DOUBLE, 6 AND 5, PAID $31.10 THIRD RACE -- Purse $2,100, Claim-| A--Willow Downs Farm and J L Agro Entry. B--Janiey Stable Entry. FOURTH RACE -- Purse $2,000. Claiming, three-year-olds. 6 Furlongs. 7-Gerdon D'Or, Gomez 3.30 3.00 2.60 2-Bella Regina, Grubb 4.60 3.30 1-Maiden Myrtle, Hinojosa 3.60 Also' Ran in Order: Roman Cutie, Sensationally, Royal Beginner end Hyper Blue. FORT ERIE RACE RESULTS |S -Tony's Count, Bantu/ 9.80 4.50 2.80) jCanada. 6'2 Furs, Arctic Canuck, No Boy All5 Holyarctic, Fitzsimmons 115 Bye and Near, McComb 119 Belmonarctic, No Boy A-115 Des Erables, No Boy 121 Carodana, Inouye 117 Native Victor, Furs. Tickled Silly, Gomez 118 Piedail, Armstrong 112 |Lil Eddy, No Boy 115 Tricky Scamp, Inouye 115 Tall Indian, Coombs X107 Rubber Stamped, No Boy 115 Blue Mel, Fitzsimmons 112 (EXACTOR WAGERING) SEVENTH RACE -- Purse $10,000 add- "Star Shoot Stakes.' Three-year-old HP foaled in Canada. 6 Furs. | Oo! Dance, Griffo 116 Nearanna, Walsh 114 Miss Snow Goose, Barroby 120 | : Flamatory, Kornblum 114 i Ruling Crewn, No Boy. 114 | Northern Blonde, Fitzsimmons 114 Marron Glace, Turcotte 114 Cusmax, Hil All We Have, Gomez 120 H EIGHTH RACE---Purse $2,300. Claim-| ing (5000), Four-year-olds and up (Divn of 6th). 6% Furs Mr. Tot, Griffo XXX113 Brother Leo, Bell X114 Wee Lassie, Kelly X105 Abuso, Dittfach 115 Upire, Dittfach 115 Con Cecilio,)No Boy 115 |Nardoo, Bar y 15 Bonnie zenro Boy . 107 | X--5 Ibs AAC; XX--7 tbs AAC; XXX-- 10 ibs AAC, |POST TIME 2 PM EXACTOR, 7 AND 2, PAID $15.60 FIFTH RACE -- Purse $2,000. Cla\m ing. Four-year-olds and up. 6% Fur- longs. 2B-Hot Ribs, Grubb 7.50 7.10 4.90; 2B-Weill Now, Kelly 7.50 7.10 4.90 Tartaglia 6.60 in Order: Field Trial, Lion's Head, Sandeen, A-Zoom Z Cadet, Leo's Yingel, Jazz etor Gray and Canisted. A--Drouvin and S Horvat Entry. B--Moldowan and Ziegler Entry. Also 'Ran i A-Top 'oom, Round, Sen- SIXTH RACE -- Purse $2,400, Claim- ing. Four-year-olds and up. 6 Furlongs. | 1A-Brockton Boy, Griffo 3.60 2.20 210} 5 -Quick Response, Hindjosa 2.30 2.10 2B-Rullas Image, Coombs 2.40 Also Ran in Order: Quick Thought, | Robin Whippet and B-Chance Encoun-| ter. A--Chapman and Roberts Entry. | B--Sweet and Hemmer Bol | EXACTOR, 1A AND 5, PAID $5.70 SEVENTH RACE -- Purse $3,000. Al- lowances. Three-year-olds. 6/2 Furlongs. | fhe Knack 2nd, Grubb 34.20 11.30 4.20 240va Hill, Turcotte 5.00 3.50 6c rren Stinger, Walsh 3.40 Also Ran in Order: Judge Wudge, Sun siopper and Gilmore. EIGHTH RACE--Purse $2,200. Claim. | . Three- and four-year-olds. 1 Mile | and 70 Yards. 1A-Blue Whistle, Fitz'ns 9.30 4.80 3.70) Sa-Short Affair, Gomez 40 2.60 9 -Breezy Breeze, Valenzuela 9.70 Aiso Ran in Order: North Duchess, Anita Lea, Sunset Isle, Rose of York,| Galanx, Needlin Al and Haven's Glory. | A--Dane Hill, King and Mason Entry, | Atténdance 4,264. Total Handle $287,168. | Negotiations Only Solution Affairs Minister Martin of Can- New System ment role as well as processing the voting list, tax bills and the "We get a grant from the provincial government to offset the cost, also the time element under this system will be cut down," said Mr. Meredith. The city will use the provin- cial program set up in Toronto with IBM. In a speech this week, P. G. Gillis, municipal assessment branch director of Toronto said more efficient use of - present provincial grants would cover five data process- ing centres across Ontario. Officials now feel present methods of municipal assess- ment data processing, backed by combined local and provincial funds, are costing twice what they're worth. GREENWOOD RACE RESULTS THURSDAY, APRIL 20 FIRST RACE -- One Mile Pace. Cond. Purse $800. 4.20 3.70 3.10 6.00 5.40 5-Cape Grattan, Shea 2-Davey Lee, Coke 4Stewart's Hoot, Wellwood 4.30 Also Started: Ole Faithful, Armbro Frolic, Miss Avalon, Tom's Lady end Liza Row Girl. SECOND RACE -- One Mile* Trot. Claiming. Purse $800. 5-Brilljant Mir, G'braith 16.80 9.80 7.60 &-Miss Todd Riddell, W'wood 8.70 5.40 8-Danny K. Peters, Beitlich 4.80 Also Started: Elvis, Lu Nelson, Speedy fora, Lord Dean and Miss Fly Bail. DAILY DOUBLE, 6 AND 6, PAID $49.80 THIRD RACE -- One Mile Pace. Claim- ing. Purse $800. 5-Ida_ Howard, Ingles 3-Alpha's Dean, Zirnis 8-Northwood Beaver, Gemmill 5.90 Also Started: Trina Lee, Jimmy Bel- wyn, Sonya Baker Adios, Dick's Henly and J.L. Trail. FOURTH RACE -- One Mile Pace. Cond. Purse $800. ' 3-Spud Rico, Varcoe 9.10 6.30 5.40 2-SUCCESS Pride, Anderson 5.90 4.50 1-Rideau Led, Curran 6.90 Fite! ere! vite yaya Miss Trudy cer, ss Star Ic, Leonardo Pick and Henry T. Grattan, FIFTH RACE One Mile Pace. Claiming. Purse $800. 5-Leo's Pride, Osborne 13.00 6.50 3.40 Cunny's Lou Yocke, Davies 11.00 4.40 Eddie's Pride, Feagan 2.40 Iso Started: Irene MacDuff, Brother Dillon S, Wil Lor Kim, Dynamite Grat- tan and Royal Dominion. SIXTH RACE -- One Mile Pace. Cond. 103.70 41.30 18.70 1 9.50 Purse $1,600, Sih A os ce inch; color chart. ro » G'bra' F i * Thi i 1-Rip Herbert, Herbert 600 &20| Thirty-five cents (coins) for 1-Ra Ra Putney, Kopas a9ojeach 'pattern (no stamps, Also Started: Midnight Bold, Brown! please) to Alice Brooks, care of Ned Cherridale and Dilly Bob. EXACTOR, 2 AND 1, PAID $91.80 SEVENTH RACE -- One Mile Pace. Cond. Purse $1,100. G'tn, W'wood 6.10" 3.70 2.80 12.50 ot 3.1 Also Started: Maggie T., Myron Scot, 1, was held at the Mclintosh- The pallbearers were R. B. own, Matthew Bajor, Doug- McColm, Clifford Trick, -arles Powers and John Op Claiming. Purse $1,800. 'a Success Jan, Robert Maggie McBride. Claiming. Purse $1,000. 1-King's Buddy, W'dell 4-Little Etsel, 7-Grattan Portage, Port, Sailor Mon, Fin's Hat and Merry- EIGHTH RACE -- One Mile Pace. \nderson Funeral Home at 2|7-Missjle Dares, El'et 13.20 5.90 4.20 2 m. April 20 3-Roger R Grattan, Feagan 4.60 3.00 he Ai singe &-Tempe McKlyo, Wilson 2.80 The service was conducted by} Also Started:, Lucky Sis, David Baron, McGregor and NINTH RACE -- One Mile Pace.|, 5.80 3.90 3.10 6.30 3.1 4.6" Pas Feagen West Also., Started: Ellis McKinney, fashions, everything, 25c. of Prize AFGHANS has 12 com- »lete patterns. ada said today the Vietnam war could only be settled through ne- gotiations requiring concessions by both sides. "We would certainly like to see the bombing of North Viet- nam stopped but we would also like to see the infiltration of the South ,stopped," he told a Commonwealth Correspond- ents' luncheon meeting here, The conflict in Vietnam, while not a Commonwealth problem, was of great concern to the countries of the Commonwealth, he said. Canada believed that only through negotiations could and other world problems as LONDON (Reuters)--External| Well as economic and trade is- \su | Martin led a Canadian govern- ment delegation at a two-day meeting of the Anglo-Canadian ministerial economic committee here which discussed Vietnam Auto Engineers _ Meet In Windsor WINDSOR, Ont, (CP)--More than 300 automotive engineers, executives and industry leaders from Ontario were to gether to- day for the annual one-day meeting of the Ontario section of the Society of Automotive Engineers. | Dr. J. Francis Leddy, presi- dent of the University of Wind- sor, will address the society at an evening. banquet on the topic; A new university in a @ genuine solution be found. new city, Action Picture By ALICE. BROOKS Fun for grandma, aunt or mom and daughter to embroi- der together. Use vivid colors. Playful pets in a moment of mischief! Embroider "action'"' picture in easiest stitiches. Pattern 7299: transfer 15 x 1914- The Oshawa Times, Needlecraft Dept., 60 Front St. W., Toronto 1, Ont. Ontario residents add 2c sales tax. Print Plainly PAT- TERN NUMBER, NAME, AD- DRESS. 210 MOST BEAUTIFUL NEEDLECRAFT DESIGNS in new 1967 Needlecraft Catalog! free patterns, knit, crochet Sensational, new value! Book Beginner-easy snit, crochet. 60c. Museum Quilt Book 2 -- com- 'ete patterns for 12 superb eirloom quilts. 60c. Bargain! Quilt Book 1 -- 16 Wood Atom, {Attendance 2,498, Wendie, 224618, ' OSHAWA TIMES PATTERNS nants and applique butterflies. ed pattern; med. size. each please) to Alice , Brooks, care of The Oshawa Times, Needle- craft Dept., 60 Front St. W., Toronto 1, dents add 3c. sales tax. Print NAME, ADDRESS. | NEEDLECRAFT DESIGNS new 1967 Needlecraft Catalog! two free patterns, knit, crochet fashions, everything. 25c. ey 7143 | Greet Spring A By ALICE BROOKS Look fresh, pretty at meal- times and the family will show- er you with compliments. Get into a Spring mood -- sew a charming apron of rem- Pattern 7143: transfer: print- FIFTY CENTS (coins) for pattern (no stamps, Ont. Ontario resi- plainly PATTERN NUMBER, | | 210 MOST BHAUTIFUL in Sensational, new value! 1 A 1 i s C Limited j Kornblum XX110 A Division of the S. S. Kresge Company Limi Grand Galop, Gomez 12! e A--Viscount Hardinge entry SIXTH RACE -- Purse $2,300. Claim Ing (5000). 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Regulor K MART Price 3.99 Special Discount Price ...... complete patterns. 60c, Book of Prize AFGHANS has|,# 12 complete patterns. Beginner- : easy knit, crochet. 60c. . Museum Quilt Book 2 -- com: On Highway No. 2 Between Oshawa and Whitby plete patterns' for 12 superb ) MAIL. ORDERS heirloom quilts, 60c. ; L --E -- NO PHONE OR Bargain! Quilt Book 1 --~ 16) PLEAS a complete patterns, 60c. 1 Re > 1 -