Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 21 Apr 1967, p. 17

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ive to curb tendencies to- obstinacy and jealousy. JOUSEHOLD HINT © i milk in a double boiler ou'll have no _ worries boiling over or scorch- RASS IRSARY Fr ee @ D WAVES | OF APRIL h Salon ° 728-0662 = t's S-t-r-e-t-¢-h-? f WIN ICtb> OD CLUB . $100.00 Year have your Representative PHONE wees Som. 'House Furnishings. Miss Donna McGahey, represent- ing the Oshawa Centennial THIS PIONEER living room is on display, in its window, as the unique cen- tennial project of Royal Committee, tries out the old-fashioned rocking chair as she discusses the items with Mrs. Reginald Owen, representing the Oshawa hat's what fertilizer. guarantees It. re you'll get food. And gardens. » growing er burn @ grass Rose Doctor R. | DEN 'RS EN CENTRE HIGHWAY NO. 2 ~668-3396 y Stock" SENTRE 725-6551 jarden"' le Prices In Oshawe Sree net NR AEA REPRESEN ARE LTD. ENTRE Z and District istorical Soci- ety. C. E. Cornelius, treas- urer of the Historical So- ciety, finds the ancient Pioneer Living gramophone an_ intriguing piece of machinery. --Oshawa Times Photo Room Display Is Merchant's Centennial Project A well-known downi@yn re-|deal of pleasure observing the tailer has made a unique con-| genuine interest of passers-by-- tribution to Oshawa's centen-|the oldsters with their lengthy, nial celebrations. |nostalgic glances, the teen- Bernard Crozier of the Royal/agers, amazed and amused and House Furniture Co., Celina!parents explaining the antique Street, wanted to do something objects to their bewildered of interest for all citizens, both youngsters. Since the setting old and young from all walks/has brought enjoyment to so of life. He has used one display|many, Mr. Crozier plans to do window to portray a pioneer|more historical displays during living room complete with pine|our centennial year. furniture, hurricane lamps,/ The antiques belong to a pri- spinning wheel, foot warmer, an|vate collection owned by Mrs. early gramophone and _tele-|Crozier's brother, Dr. and Mrs, phone. Many other accessories|Norman Levine, Willowdale. have been used in this authen |Dr. Levine is known in this tic, historical display with the|area as he was born and edu- Mrs. W. T. Watts, presi- the auxiliary is presenting dent of the Ladies' Auxil- to the Oshawa General "jary of the Canadian Corps Hospital. Mrs. Verna Association, Unit 42, tries Corby, treasurer, looks on out the new wheel chair, as Mrs. C. Baker, AUXILIARY PRESENTS WHEELCHAIR TO HOSPITAL sae physiotherapist, pushes it. Mrs. Baker accepted it on behalf of the hospital. --Oshawa Times Photo St. Mary's Council, CWL, Retires Executive At Annual Meeting Mrs. Leonard Weeks, president|bers for their work at ills- of St. Mary of the People Coun-|dale Manor. cil, Catholic Womens' League| Mrs. Robert Loney, reported and her executive retired at the /that scholarships were awarded annual meeting after a two/to the top boy and girl in Grade year term of office. The in-| ight entering the Oshawa Cath- coming executive will -be in-jolic High School; scholarships stalled at the next meeting. went to the top boy and girl rs, Maxw : an report- Mrs. Maxwell aon ; ths| Phies were presented to a boy ed that during her first months|.1q girl winner of the Public jentering Grade 13; and that tro-\ as social welfare convener, par- cels being mailed to the Congo lced that the annual Communion Breakfast would be held Sun- day, April 23, with Toronto con- troller June Marks speaking on Urban Redevelopment and Welfare". Mrs. Leonard Weeks reported on her activities as president and thanked her executive and members for their support. The Reverend Norbert Gignac, con- gratulated Mrs. Weeks on her excellent leadership and expres- sed his appreciation of her work on behalf of the league. WOMEN SEE NANCY GO Speaking, Contest. Mrs, William Puchalski, an- NEWBERG, Ore, (AP)--Six- theme "Our Canadian Heri- tage". the store have derived a great jcated in Whitby. His extensive collection is often on loan for poses. Miss Jo-Ann Hall, whose mar- riage takes place tomorrow in Simeoe Street United Church to David George Jarvis, has been honored at showers, a luncheon and parties. Mrs. Joseph Smith held a miscellaneous shower at her home, where the hostess was assisted by Mrs. Wilbert Hall! A pantry shower was held at the home of Mrs. Sherwood Reid, Toronto, by the maid of honor, Miss Susan Reid. A miscellaneous shower was held at the home of Mrs. Leon- ard Tyrell. Mrs. Victor te bh and Mrs. Fred Johnson assisted the hostess, | Mrs. Stewart Clapp held al miscellaneous shower assisted| Showers, Luncheon, Parties Fete Jo-Ann Hall, Tomorrow's Bride simon 2s, ', announce, init" the" [by Mrs. Donald White and Mrs. \John Goodwin. Mrs. Walter Harmer and Miss {Barbara Harmer held a miscel- \laneous shower with Mrs. Fred |Thompson, Mrs. James D. |Hamilton and Mrs. Myron Shes- |towsky assisting. A luncheon' honoring the Glen Somerville, the best | man, entertained at _ the) Georgian Motor Hotel in honor of the prospective bridegroom, who was presented with a bar- ometer and a sum of money. Following the rehearsal to- night the wedding party will be/8taduate, have a good moral entertained at the home of the future bridegroom's, parents, Mr. and Mrs. George W. Jarvis, Central Park boulevard north. By ROBERTA ROESCH When you know what com- pany you want to work for, is it wise to ask a friend who al- ready works there to find out whether there's an opening that you can fill? Or should you go and inquire yourself? A. F. Dear A. F.: Visit the personnel office and apply for a job on your own. Then your application will be on file for present or future openings. On the whole, you will find| that this is a much better pro-| cedure than depending on your' friends, because, even though| give you leads and put in a Enlistment In Armed Services Allows Girl To Pursue Education jclouds that she wants to work '|for the aerospace program, We . * lAj ny oy " , , your friends can sometimes Air Force) can offer your for youfself and selling yourself on your own. Dear Roberta Roesch: Py My daughter who will grad- uate from high school in June has her head so far up in the cannot afford to send her to college or give her training as a nurse, so she says the only things she can do is enlist in the service. Do you think that will give her what she wants? And, if so, where can she enlist? Mrs. B. D. Dear Mrs. B. D.: The WAF (or Women in the aughter fine opportunities to work in the aerospace program. bride-elect was held at the Bo-|With your local Air Force re-/program to include bowling. and Mrs, Michael Sherba. |Peep Restaurant. out dependents and be able to|Kosub; Mr. and Mrs. Harold pass a physical and mental ex-| McNeill; Mr. and Mrs. A. FE. |Derumaux; Dr. and Mrs. John amination. THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, April 21, 1967 15 SOCIAL & PERSONAL | Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor | Telephone 723-3474 for Women's Department Controller June Marks of To-Jiaries, was in Brooklin, Wed- jronto will speak on welfare and |nesday evening, to organize the |housing at a communion break- |Ladies' Auxiliary of the Brook- |fast arranged by the Catholic/lin Branch 152. Zome Com- Women's League of St. Mary of |mander Mrs. Robert Williams, the People for mothers and/Oshawa, assisted at the meet- daughters of the parish o jday. Mrs. James Seaver \Wwill!crest School. [preside and at the head table jernment has seen fit to set up and/a Royal will be the Reverend N. J.| Mrs. James Anderson Gignac, spiritual adviser; Mrs. |\ree Gear , James Matthews of Willowdale,|US: George V. : CWL archdiocesan president; |2 Successful night of cards for Mrs. Kelly. DeGray, regional|/the Legion Auxiliary Tuesday president; Mrs. Ernest Marks; jevening, assisted by Mrs. Al- Mrs. Leonard Weeks and Mrs.|treq Lavender and Mrs. Doris William Edwards, retiring and| he w ~ incoming presidents of st.|/2W Who were in charge of the Mary's CWL. |draw prizes. ' Guests of honor who have| Mrs. Lloyd Down, Mrs. Wes- accepted invitations to the up- ley Down and Mrs, Murray coming annual Police Ball at/Qsborne will provide a musical as Ga ee ee pag rs the rg ding Des- b a) a § MYS.isert Tea .being held by the St. Marks; the Honorable Michael|stephen's United Church Wom- agg gg ages ede the first Wednesday in May. MLA and Mrs. , i 3 Walker; Chief of Police Walter tie en te eit and tha tems Johnston and Mrs, Johnston; |pers will be wearing period Controller Robert Nicol and |costumes Mrs. Nicol; Controller F. N.| : McCallum and Mrs. McCallum) eM ~ 9 and = Mrs. Harold formerly of Oshawa, and a past eadick. |president of the Golden Jubilee Mrs. Charles Lamb, a 40-year Chapter of the IODE. attended) member and a. past-president|the annual meeting of the Sg of the Ladies' Auxiliary of the|Vincial Chapter IODE of On.) Royal Canadian Legion, Branch|'ario, held in Hamilton last 43, is undergoing treatment in| Week, where she was returned) Oshawa Genefal Hospital where|@S 8 councillor on the Provin-| she will be a patient for about cial Executive and as the Pro-| two weeks, vincial film convener. She was} also elected one of the Ontario Lee convened Mrs. John Vivash, Columbus,| Mrs. Jessie Tompkins, Brock-|/nominees for the National Ex-| ville, a Provincial officer of the|@cutive. Others from Oshawa Royal Canadian Legion Auxil-|attending the convention were ---- |Mrs, D, A. Brown, regent, and Mrs. R. F. Kelly, treasurer of | SOCIAL NOTICES the Golden' Jubilee Chapter and |Mrs. Leo Glover, Mrs. Allin RECEPTION Annis, Mrs. W. G. E. Robinson | Mr. and Mrs, John Cameron, {and Mrs. C. J. Luke from the | Sr., 161 Mill street, will be|Prince Philip Chapter. | happy to receive their relatives, | friends and neighbors at Ade-| | Mrs. Bert Seeley was laide House, 199 Centre street,|Charge of the April meeting of| Mr. Crozier and his staff at|charitable and educational PUr-/on Saturday, April 22, 1967, from | Lakeview Handcraft Guild, held | 6:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. on the|it Simcoe Hall, and Mrs. Wil- occasion of their 50th wedding !ia ~ anniversary. jess. Plans were finalized for | i. |the booth at the Sportsmen's | ENGAGEMENT | |Show. and | Mrs, Wendell Hi.) Mrs. Harold Beaton, on be-| Oshawa Scout ; ; Group Auxiliary, presented a op el engage ic son of donation to St. Stephen's United Mr. and Mrs. Carl Mankiewicz Church at the Auxiliary's April Winnipeg, Manitoba, 'The mar-|tecting held. in the. church, riage will take place Saturday, the donation for St. Stephen's hop Rast 1967 if ha Church, (Ete: Terrence Graham and DaAeaai Few's United: ChUrCh, Mire. Bric Phillips were ap- |cchhensinaiinihinniicnhiieiasieiinnnan OEE 80 CONVORS & fen ment jing for May with part of the Mr. Stanley cruiter. He will be listed in the/Scoutmaster. Donald -Olafsen telephone directory under U.S. | spoke on the 'Queen Scout"'. | Government. | To be eligible for WAF, a girl) Head table guests at Fi the | iy must be between 18 and 27. If|"Timmy Charity Ball', to be Sun-}ing which was held in Meadow-| m MacGregor was the host- |i | National President, CWL., Says Women Must Accept Their Duty "Women must take their place in the world and be ready to assume responsi- | bility," declared Mrs. H. T. Donihee,. national president of jthe Catholic Women's League |of Canada at the annual dinner meeting of Ontario County South region of the CWL at Denis, O'Connor High School auditorium, Whitby, on Tues- \day evening. | "No longer will they be able to shut themselves up in their house and their own private |worlds and remain indifferent |to what is going on around them. Canadian women nust jtake their place in @ fast-mov- jing world. They must exercise | their gifts to capacity; to face |the world as it is and to strive |to develop as integrated and jresponsible persons. The gov- Commission on 'the status of women. This is timely and only good can emanate} from this enquiry." | Mrs. Donihee who was _in- troduced by the Reverend bes Forgach, Pickering, was addressing two hundred direc-} tors, sisters, guests and mem-| He presented Mrs. bers who had been officially |With oe ; welcomed by Mayor Desmond) Mrs. Kelly DeGray presided Newman. . and introduced head table Mrs. Donihee described some |SUests and Mrs. E. J. Spraggs, highlights of her trip to Europe dinner i convener, thanked the during which she was granted |SPeaker. a private audience with Pope|_, ts. J. J. Matthews and the Paul VI who recognized a Reverend Francis C. Robinson, papal cross, an honor bestowed 2"Chdiocesan president and di- on her, that Mrs, Donihee was|'ector respectively, both spoke wearing. briefly and incoming parish j jcouncil presidents were intro- In- their conversation, Histaueed. Holiness told Mrs. Donihee that he was well aware of the won-| -- work of the CWL in Can-| ada. "Go back and tell your women that I am depending on| MONEY ? tem to Carry on ine 'social iti, ics money vou' con. eer Os & action of the Church," he said. |Marvel graduate is only a stort. Send for our free brochure which describes The Holy Father emphasized !o}; the wonderful, glamorous career the new and more relevant role |opportunities you can enjoy as a Mor ' ivel-trained professional airstylist, erm, world, inthe light of the| "mses! ¥ 4 in 1g] 0) e Vatican Council meetings, In MARVEL BEAUTY SCHOOLS his closing remarks, he said,|210 Bloor St. W., Toronto, Dept. OT, ae . Day or Evening Courses. Branches in olf Ask your women of the Cath-|Divcinal 'cities. Established over" 40 MRS. H. T. DONIHEE (CWL National President \for me and I will be praying {for them." Donihee JUST FOR olic Women's League to pray |years, FOOD SERVICE Complete Service For All © RECEPTIONS @ HOUSE PARTIES ©@ SOCIAL AFFAIRS CALL 728-7305 _ wanicte MANAGER Fine Dress and Drapery Fobrics in the latest designs, colors and materials. immer fabrics | HOUSE of FABRIC , 11% King Street East, Oshawa, Ontario 725-4551 OPEN FRIDAY TILL 9 725-4551 she is under 21, she must have|held at the Carousel Inn, will! her parents' written consent,|be the Honorable Michael Starr She must also be a high school/8"d Mrs. Starr; this year's Tammy, Anna Kosub, and her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gregory character, be unmarried with- After her enlistment she will Chmara; Dr. tae Mrs. Derek receive basic training at Lack-|/Bowerman, and Mr. and Mrs. land Air Force Base in Texas. |%00'8® Boychyn. 2 EN Later she will be assigned to a a technical training school, to one ' of the many Air Force bases | BRUNO Ss in the U.S. or, possibly, to an} HAIR STYLING overseas base. } IB Hairstyling ond shoping is eur fl During her stint in the serv- | speciality | ice, a girl can advance and con-| 212 King St, W., Oshawa | tinue her education through a 576-2010 | variety of training programs. | NOW all-new SABRE TOPS to go with your epfcbe Mens' SHORTS wh 461, good word for you, there is no|She can obtain information on real substitute for speaking uplenlisting by getting in touch 'ier Institute of the Family and nounced the formation of the 37th Oshawa Girl Guide Com- pany, and organization of a Brownit Park, sponsored by St. Marys Council. Mrs. Joseph Corey, conduct- ed a workshop on the topic "'In- dustrial Life'. Mrs. James Seaver, announ- were not reaching their desti- nation. owever, subsequent packages containing tinned sar- dines and school supplies were dropped over Leopoldville by the RCAF and were received by the Reverend Augustin Aw- ka. In his letter of thanks Father teen-months-old Nancy Peder: son knocked the emergency brake loose on her family's car while it was parked on their inclined driveway but she turned the steering wheel so it rolled into the front lawn in- stead of a busy street. "See the car go!" said Nancy. Awaka describes a tin of. sar- dines being shared by five Cong- olese and the benefits derived from the sardine oil. Eince is time Mrs. Coleman report- d shipping hundreds of pounds of powdered skim milk and sup, plies of clothing by boat, as the regular mail was now being delivered to the missionary. The members of St. Marys Council this year joined the Van- | Wide Selection of Fabrics Workmanship Guaranteed (5 full years) a cheque was sent to the In- | stitute. Mrs. George King read | a letter received from Mayor Ernest Marks, thanking mem- OSHAWA ALUMINUM Soles & Service @ ALUMINUM SIDING e ALUMINUM: STOR . PATIOS & @ ALUMINUM AWNINGS, ETC. 38 Nessou St. Oshawa Ph. 725-7922 H RE-UPHOLSTERING @ Over 20 Years of Experience @ Easy budget Terms -- Free Estimates THE FURNITURE CENTRE 90 SIMCOE ST. N., OSHAWA 725-9332 Rexdale, Ontario The manufacturers of roll-eff modern way to embroider. Our new 'Canadian turing centre is now ond review new lower prices. Weare unifying Perspective new Sales Personne NAME oes ADDRESS ... TELEPHONE CAR AVAILABLE? Return to: ARTEX HOBBY PRODUCTS INC. 56A Shaft Rd., Rexdale, Onterio. Phone 416-248-2887, complete orders on a daily basis. Write now for the name and address of your nearest Instructor, the attached coupon for consideration, ANNOUNCEMENT | Artex Hobby Products Inc. | embroidery paint products, the warehouse manufac- accepting and filling | Available through Artex Painting Parties. | | | our Sales Force. | are invited to visit or submit y y "TOPS" IN SPORTSWEAR . . . *%, COLORFUL - ORIGINAL! CHILDREN'S RAINCOAT SALE ] GIRLS' 4 of RAIN'N SHINE COATS Nylon and cotton, Canadian mist; all water repellent. Terrific choice of the latest in colours and styles. Adjustable hem and sleeves, Sizes 2-12. Reg. 12.98-23,00. LADIES' RAINCOATS All new for spring; from our regular stock, : Ten styles to choose from. Water repellent. ' Beautiful fashion colours. Sizes 5-17, 8-20, Reg. to 30.00. wnt 18.89 ~~, TOPS--Sizes 8 to 20, 8.98-12.98 | SLIMS--Sizes 8 to 20, 10.98-14.98 | SHORTS--Sizes 8 to 20, 8.98-12.98 WARD'S DRY GOODS LTD. 31 Simcoe St. South 725-1151 Fashions since 1867 OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE) '

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