@ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, April 21, 1967 PRICE DIF More In Ai TORONTO (CP) Canada - U,S. aut prison food. A. E. JOHNSON, 0.D. OPTOMETRIST 141% King St. East 723-2721 giate students at a_ regular! without food for two days over Robert Stanfield says his Pro-|avoid that." band's trip to Expo this. June,|legiate will begin to canvass in| . *, : 5 a NERS STARVED turned out he was a non-Chris- . | $575 Coll d | Oshawa centennial co-ordinat PRISONERS ST. u pty Barc Benin | ing committee authorized the _ pr j,|tian and has t Stanfield Calls N.S. To Vote ecte sale of the car stickers by Mc-|. MANILA (AP)--Prisoners in| icappropriating funds with meeting of the committee sev-|Faster and a warden reported ,|eral months ago. jhe forced them to fast as "a i [gressive Conservative govern-| He said speculation on a/have collected $575 to date and|the west end of the city, April] MONKEY BIRTH RATE ment, in office since 1956, will/spring election was one of the|Will continue the door-to-door}, They aie: ta taike 800 A a Philippines jail protested to). 'upposed to buy || For Expo Trip Laughlin and Donevan Colle-|4,. 'governor that they went|Wbich he was suppo s 7 May 30; Stands On Record Donevan Collegiate students canvassing in the school area 1 in Christianity." It HALIFAX (CP) -- Premier|ord and I wouldn't want to|to raise money for the school] Students at McLaughlin Col-\lesson in ristianity. | i i In the wild, a mature female j i fi i di tting|Canvassing until they have sold|**: : : ' fore teas vas is gies the dates" ne ee "8/411 2,000 Oshawa' centennial a 2,000 decals to help finance ati has a baby every 'two or three vears. \decals. the school band's Expo trip. ,jelection date Thursday in a '. |berta votes May 23. The worst April storm in Lethbridge's recorded weather history dumped 24 inches in a three-day period to 2 p.m., Thursday. The ~ SNOW CLOGS LETHBRIDGE STREETS storm made roads in South- ern Alberta treacherous and forced the closing of schools. (CP Wirephoto) NEWS I CALL FOR PEACE ; LONDON, Ont. (CP)--A peti- tion calling for an immediate and permanent ceasefire in Viet Nam has been sent to Prime Minister Pearson by the faculty of the University of Western Ontario. The petition asks Mr. Pearson to take the matter to the United Nations. STUDENTS FROM ABROAD WATERLOO (CP) -- Practi- cal training with Canadian com- panies will be provided for 30 students from 18 African and Caribbean countries, it was an- nounced Thursday. Prof. Paul Dudgeon, in charge of the busi- ness study course at Waterloo Lutheran University, said in an interview the two weeks of training will be provided by firms in the Kitchener-Waterloo area, Brantford, Toronto and other Ontario centres. DEPLORES CENSORSHIP WATFORD, Ont. (CP) -- There is too much censorship applied to Canadian radio, tele- N BRIEF about 150 were from Australia and New Zealand, and 16 from Canada. PRAISES FOOD EXPERTS | VATICAN CITY (AP)--Pope Paul praised Thursday the ex- perts who try to 'multiply bread on the table of the great human family." It was the sec- ond Vatican appeal in three days for solving the hunger through more food output. The problem of overpopulation through more food output. The pontiff addressed delegates from 24 nations, members of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization world food program's intergovern- mental committee. He donated $10,000 to the program. "Buy Oshawa" Plan Pondered City council attempted to ini- tiate a "Buy Oshawa" cam- vision and newspapers, Patrick 'Watson, former co-host of the CBE television public affairs program This Hour Has Seven Days, said Thursday. Too much is being left to the government, Mr. Watson told the Watford Rotary Club. MARTIN FOR GERMANY OTTAWA (CP)--Canada will be represented by External Af- fairs Minister Paul Martin next Tuesday at the state funeral of Konrad Adenauer, the former West German chancellor who died Wednesday. Prime Minis- ter Pearson said in an an- nouncement Thursday that R. P. Bower, Canadian ambassa- dor to West Germany, also will represent Canada at the funeral of the 91-year-old statesman, YOUTH REMANDED VANCOUVER (CP)--An 18- year-old youth charged with in- tent to extort $5,000 from MP Frank Howard (NDP--Skeena) was remanded five days in magistrate's court Thursday at the request of defence counsel. Gary Stephen Ross, an iron works employee, was remanded by Magistrate James Bartman. ADVERTISE POLICY LONDON (Reuters)--A full- Page advertisement carrying the names of about 2,200 per- sons from five countries, in- cluding Canada, appeared in The Guardian Thursday urging the British government to dis- sociate itself from American policy in Vietnam. More than 1,400 of those who signed were British, 600 were American, paign at its meeting Mond: Alderman (Dr.) James i. Rundle proposed a motion to advertise Oshawa's products to its residents and try and per- suade them to buy in Oshawa. Alderman Gilbert L. Mur- doch opposed the motion on the grounds that businessmen sell- ing products not made in Osh- awa would suffer. Alderman Ernest Whiting took the same cial election Tuesday, May 30. The premier announced the three-paragraph statement. Liberal Leader Gerald Regan welcomed the date, but NDP Leader James Aitchison said 4 |the premier should have held fal off until the fall. Mr. Stanfield's PCS ended 23 years of Liberal administration in the 1956 election. They were re-elected in 1960 and 1963, in- creasing their majorities each time. The Conservatives won 39 of the 43 seats in the 1963 election, with the Liberals winning the other four. There will be 46 seats at stake in the May 30 election. Three new seats in the Halifax-Dart- mouth area were created by re- distribution. ALBERTA ALSO VOTES The Nova Scotia election is the second called for May. Al- Mr. Stanfield said in an inter- view: "We'll be presenting a program, but I imagine basic- "I think people have antici- pated and expected an election and once this atmosphere sets in it becomes more and more difficult for government to transact business in a normal way. There doesn't seem any good reason to wait for the} 1 | The premier said the timing | of the election is not connected with the national PC leadership | convention to be held in Toronto | in September. He has consis: | tently denied he will seek the} national leadership. | Mr. Regan said "I welcome this opportunity of now convine-| ing the people of Nova Scotia | that . .*. the interests of Nova/ Scotia would best be served by | electing our team .. . to ad-| minister the affairs of Nova Sco- tia in the years ahead." Mr. Regan dismissed the NDP} as a serious threat in the elec-| tion. | Dr. Aitchison has said his party is anxious to get a voice) in the legislature. The only | NDP member of the legislature prior to the 1963 election was| Meet Your Match In A Distinctive Sport Coat From Our Vast Selection! ally we'll be judged on our rec-|defeated at that time. REAL ESTATE BOARD OSHAWA and DISTRICT M.L.S. Sales and Listing Salesmen For The Month of MARCH Now's the time to weaken a bit. When your wife or the gal in your life sees how good you look... . you'll tell her how smart you were by getting the sport coat you've wanted. You'll both wonder why you didn't buy two. Admire the arrangements and maybe you will. Robert Johnson LLOYD METCALF LTD. REAL ESTATE M.L.S., sales for Month Listing for Month List PHOTO M.L.S. Oshawa & District Real Estate Board 'o-k Appleby BOLAHOOD BROS. FROM $) 5.0 2 LOCATIONS OSHAWA ST. E. SHOPPING CENTRE Open Fri. till 9 p.m. Open Thurs. and Fri. till 9 p.m. BOTH STORES CLOSED WEDNESDAY AT 1 P.M, 36 KING stand stating that the city shouldn't favor any one product. The motion was sent back to committee. A WHALE OF A TIME To attract females, amorous bull humpback whales beat the surface of: the sea to a froth with their mighty flukes. Gives a hot dog status Cresta Roja is a deliciously medium dry red table wine made from French hybrid grapes grown in Niagara, NEED FUEL OIL ? CALL PERRY 723-3443 DAY OR NIGHT SPRING Take A Drive T 0 VAN BELLE GARDENS For The... DO-IT-YOURSELF @ FERTILIZER @ TOOLS ® SEEDS, ETC. Van Belle "Your Friendly Ga 5 Minutes Eest Garaenin CENTRE @ SPREADERS @ TOPSOILS @ Advice on your Garden Problems Gardens rden Centre" of Oshawa On Highway No. 2... 623-5757 f \ NOW FROM THE BANK THAT PAYS THE MOST & onus Savings FOR THOSE WHO FIND ORDINARY SAVINGS ACCOUNTS NOT INTERESTING ENOUGH Here's a new idea from the Royal Bank for anyone who wants his money readily available, but working. It's a BONUS SAVINGS ACCOUNT--an investment earning 4%% interest, calculated on your mininiuin monthly balance and paid semi- annually. No chequing privileges to tempt you in a weak moment. Now your money can earn 4%%, be readily accessible, yet completely safe and secure while it is working for you. If this 4%% return sounds interesting, you should look into @ new Royal Bank BONUS SAVINGS ACCOUNT as a wise investment. You can bank onit... at the Royal Bank, ROYAL BANK you can bank on the Royal : Canada Deposit a pt ce trade agreement hi far more benefits lems for Canada, minister of econom velopment said Thi Stanley J. Rand: Atitomotive Parts ers' Association (C since implementati pact Canadian mg¢ production has risen and 20,860 new job: created. He also said price on comparable cars U.S. and Canada hi from eight per cent three and five per c capital investment from the pact, has mated at $506,000,00 The agreement hz reduce Canada's t with the U.S. on au said. 'Science | Lyceum ( "Science with a s the title of the fir club program for year at Kingsway ' The program was present the facts of istry and physics ir hold the attention ¢ most amateur of s In his lecture R. of California, treate elements of earth, a water as the basics all more complicated are made. Mr. Stanish was b where he was non the Outstanding You Cleveland. He holds of science degree and mechanical e Also a master of | gree in engineering Dead Gi Fire Ha At this time of grass and other de tion can produce | hazard conditions, ¢ ester A. W. Leem Ontario department and forests, for the coe district at May today. "One warm day. | light fuel very inflan when aided by li fires travel rapidly areas," he said. Mr. Leeman was 1 the reforestration firs at Port Perry which about 1,000 acres ¢ reforestration proper "The effects of ra are usually very and until green ve, well advanced this condition will persist ed, "Fires so often : cigarettes that have properly put out, or ing rubbish not pro trolled. Carelessness at any time should be he said. Savings Acc Pays 41/2 Pe MONTREAL (CP)- Coleman, vice - pre: chief general manag Royal Bank of Cai nounced Thursday. bank has set up a ne Savings account that 4% per cent interest. The new "bonus si count"' will go into e 1 and interest will be and payable half-ye Coleman said in a | As the. new service signed to encourage save, there would be ing privileges. Howe' drawals could be ma' time at the branch the account. iF YOU ARE THINKING ABO LIFE INSURAN Why Not Ca TOM FARQUHA SUN LII Assurance Com Of Canada RESIDENCE: BU 668-4371 7