1y Advised Teen-agers NTO (CP)--All 16- to 18- ; should have a year's in the armed forces, ite Donald Graham said lay night. d the experience would n-agers develop respon- build self-respect and useful to society. agistrate made the sug- during a panel discus- Canada's penal system eting of the Elizabeth ety. | THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, April 21,1967 7 | KAAKKKKKAKKK GEORGE MEEK PRODUCTIONS (Canada's Biggest One-Night Promoter' presents ZELLERS RETAILERS TO THRIFTY CANADIANS Open Daily 9:30 A.M. te 6:00 P.M. Thursday ond Friday to 9 P.M. 4 i} = Newsprint Firms | cas j newsprint producers are cur-|work weeks, he said. , tailing production because of | Only Consolidated Paper SO U N D Aifourth will step up its output, nounced a production increase announcements said Wednes- after a partial cutback in Feb- lruary. and March. | THE TORONTO (CP) -- Three have taken the form of vvorerf CENTENNIAL uncertainty in markets but a Corp. Ltd. of Montreal an- f day. ; ; companies} MacMillan Bloedel Ltd. ands Saturday, Other newsprint said they plan no change in|British Columbia Forest Prod- production levels. jucts Ltd., said they have no Crown Zellerbach,Canadajplans to change production lev- Ltd. of British Columbia said/els. But A. D. Hamilton, presi- s with a. much. less adjustment by the fed- ernment, would be eminently un- " ;AGEMENT Wednesday it will curtail news- print production at its Ocean Falls, B.C., plant because of an over-supply of its market area. Domtar Ltd. of Montreal said Wednesday it reduced the work week at some of its newsprint dent. of B.C. Forest Products, said reduced production might become necessary. C. J. Warwick Fox, president of Great Lakes Paper Co. Ltd, of Toronto, told the company's MAY 13th 12 Noon 'til 12 MIDNITE © 12 HOURS @ SUININTERY annual meeting Wednesday that/ the company expected to ship 540,000 tons. of newsprint and) chemical pulps in 1967 com-! -|pared with 463,403 tons in 1966. itibi Paper Co. Ltd. said oper-/He made no comment on pro- ations have been curtailed by|duction levels. Abitibi because of a general| Canadian International Paper softening in newsprint sales. In|Co. of Montreal reports no most cases the curtailments|changes in schedules. 1 Tiny African Pavilions =| ™ Lack Only Equatorial Rain |e | MONTREAL (CP)--The baby |brightly-colored murals depict- '\crocodile and equatorial rainjing the jungle, its animals and \storm haven't arrived yet, but|people. e "ithe doors of 15 tiny African} The baby crocodile and the) pavilions at Expo were opened equipment with which the Congo | 4\for a sneak preview Wednesday | Republic says it will reproduce | janyway. jan equatorial storm inside its *| Bounded by canals on three|pavilion are on their way here| lsides, the cluster of white cell-|and promised for opening day, like pavilions has been de-|April 27. scribed as resembling an Afri-) ~~ : --- can village but is completely | modern in design. | Wandering footpaths separate the little exhibit houses of Whitby Arena @ {2 BANDS @ featuring the 12 BIG BAND SOUNDS OF 1967 ' LITTLE CAESAR and the Consuls SHAWN & JAY JACKSON and the Majestics BOBBY KRIS and the Imperials THE LAST WORDS} E. G. SMITH e e and The Power e a MEN'S DRESS PANTS Continental, or belt loop. In grey, charcoal, black or green, Stock Up Now -- Reg. 12.99 9.88 THE DANA JACK HARDIN and the Silhouettes ROY KENNER THE 'INS' | (|° " ug - : Ghana, Kenya, Madagascar, and the Associates ¢ Chad, 'Gabon, Congo Republic, | GO OUT e THE WEE f ALL READY FOR TAKE - OFF Tanzania, Ivory Coast, Senegal, Dancing i ; : Togo, Uganda, Rwanda, Nigeria | BEASTIES § § Hostess Geraldine Smit Expo pavilion. The $1,500, |and Cameroon. SATURDAYS i "bebe oe al dé td 94 big hi Mogge at | In the centre a broad space OPN PS OPS A ° THE TRIPP H ; 4 ; rough a telescope as she Je Verte tells the story o} baat 5 ; rouge ad and hostess Simone Michaud man's quest for and his Hed ee et ane rhage ¢ Bobby MINNS q e THE SYMBOL ; } § \\ Aotiit. Pre Oe prepare to take off in a achievement of flight. highlight of the fair. | SHOW BAND ? © THE UGLY | Ril S balloon at the Air Canada (CP Wirephoto) Although the emphasis every-| Pruwranuvnnann e "BLACK PAN- Exotic Dancer. dded Attraction iful singer CARRIE DUCKLINGS M.C. Duff Roman of CHUM Radio DRESS:--Casual where is what African have ~accomplished Quake Brewed 1,360 Years in2"wstisin:, iis Atomic 'Footprints Show' | on a | 'y LADIES' SLIMS native handicrafts. <I In petite, reg., tall and extra size ERYS The Con ic' . a5 go Republic's pa-) @ Ad Ti ; ; : vilion held two African artists eA hc kekate----72;00 stretch nylon slims in spring fashion colors. 6 P.M "ale e Door--$3.00 oltle WASHINGTON (AP) -- New-|land_ shorelines, Plafker indi-|Putting the finishing touches on * FRIDAY * TICKET AGENCIES: SIZES S-M-L 15-9 p.m. found atomic "footprints" on|cated, the submerged sands The Big Fun Ba renee Rasatd (awa Siveat! 44 . submerged Aleutian Island|were in the form of tiny steps - & un ince ® Record World (In the Village' MEG. GOP. i ic encaes ences. be 3:30 P.M, shorelines suggest that the great|marking a progression of new | The Sounds of the Big Beat WEST ROUGE day Dinners Alaskan earthquake on Good|shorelines as the seabottom low- The Place to Meet I Rayer Meee. Restaurant ' . Friday, 1964, may have beenjered in responce ro pre-earth- EXCITING |f @ Centre Smoke Shop a renee building up for as long as 1,360|quakestrain. Canadian Automotive |) GROUPS Bi Alex Cornee tere 386 SSS || crt etn Joey 1 + Bishop Ss Across @ Pat's Place |B BAY RIDGES @ Ray's Smoke Shop PICKERING e ©. N. Sounds WHITBY @ Corner Store @ Whitby Arena @ Shorty's Cigar Store OSHAWA GIRLS' SIZES 7 to 14 3-97 LADIES' G.W.G. Never Press 50% cotton, 50% fortrel. Proportioned lengths. fully washable. 'They Wear longer Because 7 95 They're Made Stronger" from nytt ees « years, a government geologist reported Wednesday. Under this concept, the devas- tating earthquake that killed 114 persons and caused an_ esti- mated $750,000,000 damage pos- sibly had its genesis deep in the planet some 800 years before Columbus landed on America. A tidal wave associated with the quake caused severe damage on the west coast of Vancouver Is- | The oldest of the notches ap- peared to have been formed 930 to 1,360 years ago, he said. Some seismologists told a re- porter they would be inclined to estimate the buildup time as} only about 100 years--based on| the record of California bib CONTINUOUS DANCING JACK DAWS Plus MR. PAUL Dancing 9 p.m. to 12:30 Admission $1.50 | | Museum | 99 Simcoe St. $. -- Oshawa | OPEN Mon, te Fri. 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Seturday 10 @.m. te 6 p.m. Sundey 12 p.m. te 6 p.m. SAME AS ABOVE Reg. 5.99 \f e@ Marty's Record Centre they said has a' major quake about once a century, There have been previous a nouncements that the Alaskan! | @ THIS GARMENT NEVER ! EVER NEEDS IRONING! fi THAT'S AGUARANTEB ff WASH IT] DRY IT! WEAR ITI © This le © ne Iron garment @ The eresse te permanent © keeps ite ehape forever @ it's wrinkle free 4 i) Wacere oF Ore Orn--O0 amt wing @ Crest Hardware Booked Through CANADIAN ARTISTS GENERAL FOO ok 2 dend, id Researcher. George Plafker of|earthquake itself sent the ocean bod a. ec na ce floor in the Gulf of Alaska surg- abou e 'foo s | a port to ps annual convention Of fo pedo as ey 50 i Geophysical Un- U istory's greatest known Hie Smyecat e juplift of earth-mass and caused horizontal earth shifts of up q Toronto ion. He said the suggestive evi- dence about the buildup came|20 feet. from radiocarbon datingof| Plafker said other evidence) Aleutian Island shorelines. bia gathered Hs the last three yéars shorelines became progressively|suggests the earthquake origi- submerged to depths up to 15|nated in the same "thrust-fault" DANCING feet over the centuries by a pro-|that gave birth to the Aleutian'! Oe to 3 A cess linked with the impercep-|Island arc-like chain millenia M. tible earth motions constituting |ago. FRIDAY & SATURDAY the prelude to the earthquake. | eee * SPiciaL * SEA FOOD MENU % Wash Them »* Dry Them GIANT GUN SHOW at ZELLER'S Friday and Saturday Live Lobster, Crab, Fresh Shrimp, Alaske King Crab Legs VE! Radiocarbon dating is a tech-| Dance to the exciting WEDNESDAY and SUNDAY Himmating the ABO of | sounds of . . . EVENING 6-9 P.M. BUFFET oy SPECIAL QUEST STARS reilly estimating g | IZZA lie "Gord Donnell Service Weapons of 'every kind, military antique army rifles, In the case of the Aleutian Is- Phone 723-024) y * GEORGIAN machine guns, pistols, etc. you name it -- you'll see it! cr7as.ciea |) & The Chancellors Uae uate SATURDAY, APRIL 22ND ONLY T] Woman Lawyer EPI'S After Hours Club .For Reservations Call . . . 723-4693 ARONA C00 AM: 106 91M. D Oo : Sponsored by the Service Rifle Shooting Association ef Toronte. Against LSD Curb TORONTO (CP)--Legislation MEN'S 0 any drugstore." "Ym against excuses for| rounding up flocks of kids,' she 1] added. Pa Isabel Macneill, former head jm of the women's prison at Kings- 'GERRE ton, said: "Outlawing LSD and mari- juana is just building another crop of lawbreakers. The only way is to take the profit out of narcotics by making them avail- able to addicts -- this takes the push out of peddling, because there is no profit." 109 Colborne St. W. -- Oshawa SATURDAY, APRIL 22nd Country Style Entertainment by Dancing 9 p.m. to 12. Bor Facilities (fied J Jt lf Js We eRe e yiemaRE OeeRa cay ADULT DANCE Club Annrene ON SCUGOG ISLAND MOST MODERN DANCE HALL IN THE COUNTY OF ONTARIO SATURDAY, APRIL 22nd MUSIC BY THE "Royal Ambassadors" Modern and Square Dancing ADMISSION -- 3.00 PER COUPLE Refreshments -- Buffet Supper @ EVERYONE WELCOME @ We cater to Weddings - Banquets - Parties - etc. Accommodation availoble for 500 Sponsored by the .. . CARTWRIGHT FIREMEN'S _ ASSOCIATIO! For Futher Information Call Oshawa Big clearance of G.W.G. Slacks and Dress Pants at reduced prices. Come on down and browse around, 3.00 per couple "NEIL MATTHEWS and HIS regulating the use of LSD is il DANCE a " WAY-OUT RUGGED ia | Sunday Night Jamb MOD SLACK ae ciretd wom Hl Sunday Night Jamboree WESTERN WeaR JAM MOD SLACKS ednesday night. | N ide! on angsome, nee jou Aenas ca, tt tt «6 NEW LEGION HALL & renga ln Olek ee, ose "7.97 * 10,96 toy setting P r S er oe a Beier, ee 4 471 SIMCOE STREET SOUTH 7 SUN., APRIL 23rd -_ 8 P.M. ino ~ Ce ee 4,95 when variations of the drug can z ss : + a be bought over the counter in he BILL BACKWELL COMBO . KINSMEN COMMUNITY CENTRE . ~ BOYS' SLACKS ry I ® | Zeller Crest JEANS Authentic Western- Cut. ONTARIO COUNTY BOYS and GIRLS" | | There are slacks for every | WITH SPECIAL GUESTS | | i | | member of the family at ZELLER' LEROY GLAZIER end R!P SANDERS Advance Tickets -- $1.25. -- Available at . . . Alto Music--Osh: and Ottenbrite's Men's Wear in Whitby. se ae OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE Sizes 14 to 18 4.79 MEN AT /1/(2))\ WORK! V7 \ Sizes 7 to 12 3.79 Proceeds towards the Simeoe Hall Crippled Children's School end Treatment Centre, The Canadian Concert Association of Oshawa SATURDAY NIGHT DANCE OLD TIME and MODERN Dance to / RUDY VELTRI and his RED BARN NEW TORNADOS Toronto's Most Versatile Group We v=. || Proudly Presents THE NATIONAL BALLET OF | CANADA WITH ORCHESTRA Under the direction of 'CELIA FRANCA MON., MAY 8th, 8:30 P.M. EASTDALE THEATRE -- Harmony\Rd. N. SHIRTS © PANTS Adults -- $2.50 Students -- $1.25 I Tickets at Saywell's Book Store <-- 2.97 3 97 ty, t j | ) ! Men's WORK SETS \, SAVE3.26 \ Matched sets of Sanforized twill wear » tested fabrics, shape retaining, collar | linings, battle dress drill pockets. ee GIRLS! MATINEE tare i ~. * + * + + ¥ + * * + + + + + * 4 + + * ve * + ve * ve ve + + * + * + + iN 723-5731