Ne es Both Sides Of Senate Support Curb On LSD' that < | WITH MONEY ited States, in 1785, rst country to adopt irrency. THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thurdoy, April 20, 1967 NOW! HOME CEMENT JOBS ARE EASY WITH to relieve | Use Dodd's Kidney Pills for prompt relief from the J systemic condi- OTTAWA CP)( -- A govern-|tortions Jast forfree LSD use that it expanded! ment bill to tighten restrictions} months, jthe capability of the mind was| lagainst lysergic acid diethyla-| The claim by proponents of "just complete balderdash." jmide, the hallucinatory drug ay PONE : lknown as LSD, got strong sup: |LINKED WITH PROBLEM6 _ port from both sides of the Sen-! Price Increase The people that go after it | are those with personality Sullivan ate Wednesday. H : blems."' sug- For Milk May 16 " hee tid been "undue prop- Senator Joseph A, (PC--Ontario), a doctor, gested the bill's penalties for; TORONTO (CP) -- The|aganda"' about LSD, and the possession of LSD--up to three Ontario milk marketing board/use of it 'for kicks by untrained |years' imprisonment--are "not|Wednesday announced a price|thrill-seekers" -made it neces- drastic enough." increase for fluid milk of 35|Sary to restrict the drug. He said Timothy Leary, the)cents a hundredweight paid by| The bill was introduced fn the American professor who advo-|dairies' to their farmer - sup-' Senate, Tuesday night. cates free use of LSD as apliers. Senator A. H, McDonald (L-- mind - expandjye exercise,! 4 similar announcement was|Saskatchewan), proposed sec- |'should be locked "up. made by the Ontario Milk Dis-lond reading of the bill, | Another doctor, Senator F.|tributors Association. | Senator David Cri W. Gershaw (L --. Alberta),) The announcement put into) tario) said: pointed out the dangers dn aleffect a recommendation made) «pic drug int drug that in effect creates "alearlier in the week by the ad-| 4 mind of man tion causing the could backache. Soon you feel better -- rest better. Dee pend on Dodd's. MIXES! ATION nd Township of Set posts and garten | SAKRETE Concrete Mix (90 and 45 tb, bags). Amalgamation eholder in both QUEEN SCOUT BADGES PRESENTED HERE Four ninth Oshawa Scouts _held by the 9th Oshawa (St. from left,: chairman, con- 15, Paul Mamelka 16, Doug- rh er ee eer worsestine he Bt Hens than 'fecteast." ~ were presented with Queen Gregory's) troop. Bernard gratulate the boys on their las Baird 18, and Tully "Senator Sullivan told the Sen- tors and: ihe marketing hoard | CSD har been actor in aay: Scout badges during the an- Dickie, left, scout master, achievements. They are, D'Alleva 16. ate of the effects of LSD he has! 'The new. prices ere effective! x § \ ah stioOnaire ond have nual father and son banquet and Tom Simmons, second from left: Gregory Price (Oshawa Times Photo) seen fh experiments I May 16 The mainitauia nike eral recent deaths, one involv- Patch concrete steps with SAKRETE Sand Mix (80, 45, 25 and 11 Ib. bags). 3 Special Sakrete Mixes to choose from--all you have to do is add the water. Ideal for stop-and-start pro- jects because there's no waste OF esswork. There's a size and mix for every job. FREE BOOKLET You'll be amazed how easy it is to work with SAKRETE mixes. Find out about them at your department store, hardware, lumber or building supply dealet's today. And make sure you get your copy of a 16- page booklet on home im- provement projects. It's fully illustrated--and it's FREE! The Flintkote Com- ohn R. Frost lerk Administrator 'own of Whitby fe oe ene The drug' could produce an|paid by dairies for fluid milk ing a Toronto youngster who 9 W ° f W { | Bills Simplify acute "panic reaction," violent|will be $6.10 a hundredweight|jumped off an overpass. 1987 orries O ater Sa et V | psychoses and perceptive dis-lin Northern Ontario. |bate on the bill today. Pl Pinkert T me Laws On Loans . ague 1c ering Owns IP, roxows in the legislature r4 : |Wednesday by Attorney - Gen-| e at f f the start of summer weather of equipment aiyd boats probably mal patro! duty is not suitable lify Ontario's laws on sma 5 oe anor aes and water safety around thejhas prevented many serious for use in a fast open boat. The loans and permit the govern- §, ™~ = EG with its booming population,| «Tye present boat is much too the boat's finish, his hat blows|puterized registry system for) may be facing a serious prob-|small to be used in the open|0/f in the wind and his belt gnd liens. | you may Obtain a emotional upheaval, prolonged/in southern Ontario and $6.67) The Senate will continue de- TORONTO (CP) -- Six bills d A PICKERING (Staff) -- With|during that time the inspection, "he uniform worn on nor- cral Arthur Wishart will simp- W es re < , 7 yr oe 4 % ' ' VoL A SS \\ corner Township of Pickering,|tragedies in the water. officers' boots do damage to ment to set up a central com- ' y ; lem. waters of Lake Ontario. A boat/8un would make it impossible to| The key measure is the pro-| Build decorative Block Wall. Use SAKRETE Concrete Mix (90 and 45 Ib, bags) for base. Lay Blocks with SARRETE Mortar Mix (80, 45 and 25 Ib. nald Parker announced twolpe ground 20 to 25 fect and @ weeks ago that with the cutting| many of our officers are not ex- of the police budget by township|perjenced in the handling of ajti council, preventing the hiring of|craft of this size, particularly) w three additional members to the| when they will be required to|p force, the water patrol pepiice) by police will be abandoned. With the exception of the oc-!the casional RCMP patrol boat the| waters of Pickering Township extending to the U.S. boundary are now without police protec- tion. Under the Ontario Police Act, township police are responsible for the area of the township be- lakefront and water under _ adverse'tl weather conditions." jand add to 'this cost the cost training the entire department in the necessary jto perform these duties|C jproperly and sa'ely. No police!a yould obviously be an expensive 2nd conditional sales acts. | duties. He "To do an adequate job we|necessary to bring in men on Son eae vo nlet must replace the present boat |Overtime if the department was and borrowers and any claims to operate this year. seamanship |of water Township Police Chief Regi-| of minimum size would probably |swim if thrown into the water," posed Personal Property Secur-| dded the chief. ity Act which will supplant the} Chief Parker said the proposi- assignment of book debts, bills on of patrolling the water|of sale and chattel mortgages, | The 34-page bill is similar to} roposition since there were not manoever close to overturned/enough police officers on any |Ne introduced and given first} |boats and people swimming in|shift to operate the boat and at|reading by, the legislature in 966. The {clearly out land|! would be le sametime carry ; said it bill the spells out rights of more | lenders of third parties. | ver One of the main concerns is To meet at least the minimum |j9ang against cars safety requirements is i hief Parker has suggested that}CHECK DIFFICULT | present, loans against a} volunteer group be' organized) At MUS = ae ye ¢ lena ane sak eo \ \A.\ \ \ CHEVROLET @ CORVAIR © CHEVY Il CHEVELLE © OLDSMOBILE © CAMARO Fa oh aE PE: TS ONTARIO MOTOR SALES any of Canada Limited, pt. 00 P.O. Box 160, Toronto 14, Ontario. SAKRETE' JOHN SWAN HARDWARE LTD. Oshawa Shopping Centre bags). 725-3527 LANS! bis PMs ae would buy an air-|to patrol the Frenchman's Bay\car can be rezistered in the| ' acne plane and then expect eveigy|area. town where they were ar- ELEPHONE 725- 1 models. Get MANY RESCUED jofficer to fly it without training.) The chief met with delega-\"anged, making it almost im- 140 BOND ST. WEST is ons G. S. WHITE & SON LTD NS and ik Until this year the Townshif\the same principles apply to the|tions of the Frenchman's wer george' for fe -adeas ge a oe : your near! * my ats" i *hief Parker. var . Pe ; | us car to ass ear! i y Police Department has operated larger boats" said Chief Parker.}Yacht Club, the Power Squad. |i rag Pe fads of clear HARDWARE == FEEDS --= PAINT <2' FENCING a 16-foot boat in the French-| 'Many of our officers cannot|ron a local Rover Scout Group ectaaliathe -- . FERTILIZERS -- SEEDS -- TWINE & PUMPS man's Bay and surrounding|swim. It could be necessary tojand two commercial marinas 11300 Simcoe St. North, Oshawa 728-4696 . , INUM ING 9-75 1 Sparkling hite! OSHAWA Lake Ontario waters and has/the boat operation to require|Tucsday night. Also at the meet- rescued many persons in dis-|that each officer operating the|ing was a representative from tress during the past six years./boat have at least a Senior Red|the Toronto Harbor Police. Police Chief Parker said that!Cross Certificate.' At the meeting Henry Moore |the operator of a commercial |marina in Frenchman's Bay Guaranteed Annual Income = *as sain, 1 Merits Study, Says Marchand meeting at the Holy Redeemer School on Liverpool Rd. this Friday at 8 p.m. Anyone in the area with marine experience is MOUNT ROYAL, Que. (CP)jrecipients a minimum income|\?*®: ; The concept of a guaranteed/of $105 a month. invited to attend the meeting. annual income for all Canadi-| «The guaranteed income ans deserves immediate atten-|plan would make possible, in- Hasty ie Sea deed necessary, the abolition ary to anpower inister!and dismantli & Marchand said Wednesday|of our ceri Me cera "| Of Theft Charge night, ; f | "Welfare .benefits at munici-| LONDON, Ont. (CP) Mrs John Munro (Hamilton East} pal and provincial levels would! sana eee ie bd a a told the Mount Royal Federal |be superfluous: the federal pro- | lice ~~ habe a ot Liberal Association the guaran-/grams of family allowance and| a5, Scauitte Sirah ig bei teed income "seems to me the|the like would be unnecessary: a site fee ng Teeat Ane tor most practical and important/the means for determining in- pea 1 Hg A OER) Uae concept of fighting poverty that !come subsidy are already avail-| °°! Oct. 27. we have today, able in the income tax pro-| Mrs. Grey was accused of Under such a program, ey jcess." |planning the theft with John eryone would file an income tax) Under the plan, the "billions pactitigal Pi ee coke Woman Cleared report. Canada spends today in all], "i ; init "Those who fall below the/forms of relief and assistance pr his i Migs iN da minimum acceptable income,|would be diverted to this more a DATE ML Me eereee which would be gauged accord-|sensible and logical plan." ing to family unit size, would) 'And over the long run, we HAVE SWEET TOOTH receive a rebate to bring them|would save money. . . ." Americans eat more than up to the standard," | Text of Mr. Junro's remarks |275,000,000 pounds of honey each OPENING SPECIAL till closing THURSDAY NIGHT ONLY "Dominion's Own Brand" RICHMELLO ICE CREAM 'vou FLAVOURS FRIDAY NIGHT ONLY "Bargain Buy"--Clark's PEA SOUP SATURDAY NIGHT ONLY SAVE 4c KRAFT DINNER 2 »:: 27° WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES PKGS. Values Effective at the Following Locations: KMART PLAZA -- MIDTOWN PLAZA -- DOMINION STORES LIMITED PINT BRICK 2\* 15-02, TINS gr WHITBY PLAZA -- DOWNTOWN OSHAWA AND BOWMANVILLE (3p.m. Mr. Munro said the scheme|was released before delivery. |year. is an extension of the basic con-| cept of the recently-approved| guaranteed - income plan for older citizens --which ensure Ottawa Assists Guelph Program OTTAWA (CP)--The federal government will pay half of the cost of preparing a plan for a 230-acre urban renewal program in central Guelph, Labor Minis- ter Nicholson announced Wed nesday. ae ea The first stage the $103,010 plan will provide for over-all renewal of the entire area and the second part will be a de- tailed renewal for a. smaller area given priority within the area. | The city and the Ontario govy- ernment together will meet the other half of the plan's cost. a community of quiet elegance FREE! New 7-Day Diet Booklet Ask for one at your food store or write: located in oshawa's northern residential area. Simcoe and Taunton PHONE THE HOLLYWOOD BREAD MYSTERY PERSONALITY ON CFRB-CKFM ® CKEY Win silver dollars compliments of Hollywood Bread and your local Hollywood Baker. Listen today for details, If you are looking for a lot to buy .. . visit cedar ridge -- use a builder of your choice for information, phone 723-1194 Po) arin ee te ey "Honestly Eleanor, he went all to pieces when I discovered Hollywood BREAD... He thought Hollywood Bread vas just for us gals, then he tasted it and asked for more. For once he agreed that when | bought Hollywood Bread I'd done something right. Of course, I knew he'd like it because each loaf of Hollywood Bread contains 8 vegetable flours. They supply unique flavour, besides being good for him. | know I sound like I'm doing a commercial but really Eleanor, I'm sold on Hollywood Bread. DISCOVER LIGHT AND DARK HOLLYWOOD BREAD TODAY AT YOUR FAVOURITE FOOD STORE Hollywood Diet Booklet Wonder Bakeries Limited 462 Eastern Ave., Toronto, Ont. nL HOLLAND LUMBER LTD. Taunton Road East at Ritson Road North (5 points) OSHAWA 725-4709 OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS LTD. Courtice Road Oshawa 728-1611 | MILLWORK & BUILDING | SUPPLIES LTD. 1279 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa 728-4791 HARRISON HARDWARE LTD. 337 Simcoe Street South OSHAWA 723-4425 THE T. EATON CO. LTD. Oshawa Shopping Centre OSHAWA 725-7373 ERNIE CAY LUMBER CO, LTD. 53 Aibert Street, Oshawa 725-1121 BATHE & McLELLAN BUILDING MATERIALS LTD. "81 King Street West Oshawa 725-4761 McMULLEN HARDWARE LTD. 36 King Street East BOWMANVILLE 623-5408 LANDER HARDWARE & ELECTRIC 51 King Street East BOWMANVILLE 623-5774 96 King Street East BOWMANVILLE 623-3388 WHITBY HARDWARE LTD. Whitby Shopping Plaza Brock Street South WHITBY 668-3540 @Neationa! Bakers Services ing, HBS--20-4-9 BEAVER LUMBER CO. LTD. 419 Dundas Street East WHITBY 668-5818 BEAVER LUMBER CO, LTD.