OSTER ab) NT re HEART Technicians checg the pile cap of the nuclear power station at Windscale, Eng- _land, The machine on tracks | | | | | | ; i a | OF THE POWER PLANT at rear loads and unloads from the fission action in- | fhe urenium oxide fuel side the reactor to the elec- from the reactor cap. At . A right are two heat exchang- __tricity-producing turbines. ers which transmit the heat (CP Photo) Quebec Intends T. Gain More Control, Says Johnson By THE CANADIAN PRESS Premier Daniel Johnson of Quebec said in the legislature |t Friday the Quebec governmentitional television and radio. intends to regain exclusive con- trol of the content of educa- appointing a com mittee study audio - Manning dissolved the 15th leg- tional radio and television pro-|islature and announced a prov- grams broadcast in the proy-jincial general election will be to|report it has found that interna- crime syndicates have contacts learning |tional criminal visual echniques, especially educa- In Alberta, Premier E. C.|frauds and corporate thefts. to learn more about the inter-| est of crime in the province bu 3 Michener, Pearson Met Ont and may be avawed, in pny Friday's 13,000 - word report) The commission said it hopes dustry § InGreeting Of Warmth - By BEN WARD |guards to an informal reception;chamber. Until then he remains OTTAWA (CP) -- Two oldiin the VIP lounge of an RCAF Hon. Roland Michener, Gover friends met with obvious hangar nor-General designate. warmth Friday night as Roland! The Yukon, which flew Mr.; Mr. Michener, high commis Michener returned to Canadian|Michener and his wife from sioner to India until his vice- soil for the first time since his London, landed at 8:22 p.m. regal appointment, paused selection as governor - general EST. briefly for photographers on his| and was swept into the welcom- wieipep WITH QUEEN way into the lounge. First to] ing grasp of Prime Minister Sie 4 Woy him there was Mr. Justice! Paerann: Earlier. in the day the Mich R. Cartwright of the Supreme eners left. Windsor Castle after Mr. Michener, former Con-'snending Thursday night there Court a Naan pg hor Tasch servative MP and Commonsias guests of the Queen. They lereau, the acting governor-gen- Speaker, literally bounced dowi8 dined with her Thursday after|eral who was 'Ne 8 8 the ramp of an RCAF Yukorishe signed Mr. Michener's for-| With Mr. Justice Cartwright aircraft here for the greeting/mal commission as her repre-|ware State Secretary Judy (a- by the Liberal leader who hadisentative in Canada |Marsh, whose office is in charge announced Mr. Michener's ap-/ The Mounties and RCAF per-|of the installation, Esmond But. pointment 10 days earlier. sonnel snapped into smart sa-\Ier, the Government House sec Both men were close friends |lutes as Mr. Michener's silver ue and Netherlands ne 586-| since their student days at Ox-/haired head appeared in the cador 4. H. Lovink, dean of ford almost a half-century ago.| doorway of the four-engined air-| oftawa's Abinextte corps, Post Mr. Michener will be 67 next craft. master - General Cote joined Wednesday, Mr. Pearson 70 just) There was no guard of honor, hel briefly. four days later. no hand, no artillery salute. All Mrs. Michener and Mrs. Pear- the pomp and ceremony is re-- VETS SHARE, PLANE when Mr. son threw arms around each served for Monday Outside, the Yukon began un other and exchanged -hearty Michener will be formally in-jloading a group of First World |kisses. The two couples then|stalled in a ritual that begins|\War veterans returning from| FRIDAY, April 14, 1967 t armed forces unification bill. who want to leave the forces AT - A - GLANCE By THE CANADIAN PRESS The Commons completed | wo weeks of debate on the Conservative Patrick Now: lan. said some servicemen PARLIAMENT | 'More Time To Be Given Federal Housing Program THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, Apri 15, 1967 3 By DAVE McINTOSH OTTAWA (CP) -- Federal re-| |sponsibility for housing Is ex-} pected to be taken out of the} hands of Lahor Minister Nichol-|lson's expression. |son soon and given to another| after serving their agreed |minister with more time to time are being denied re- |qovote to it, leases, He culation here Js that Jean Defence Minister Hellyer is nas substituting promised a statement on the 's | matter Monday. | | | Roland Michener was to ar- rive from London and New Delhi to take up on Monday his appointment as Governor- | General, rejected a suggestion by Op- position Prime Minister Pearson | Leader Diefenbaker Expo '67 'Tax Bite OTTAWA (CP) = Expo 67 jopens in two weeks and already. ltax collectors are counting their for a Commons resolution ask | hayl--$135,000,000 to be exact i | of North Vietnam, ng a pause in U.S, bombing This tax bite at the six-month deficit of $138,000,000, the fair MONDAY, April 17 planners predicted Friday in The Commons Meets at their fourth annual report. 2:30 p.m. to resume the unt- Practically every dollar spent fication debate stands adjourned until Tues- The Senate jat visitors and exhibitors will ben-|Paying a good deal of attention the Montreal fair site by day. jefit the governments of Canada, | 'Quebec and Montreal. latrolles along a line of RCMP| at i a.m. EST in the Senate the 50th anniversary events at| tion of the big aircraft. The _Micheners spent 15 min- Canadian Ship Industries "203" HasChaotic Labor Relation '1. wc"ests nes, wet guest house located just By BEN WARD ment labor management across the street from Rideau OTTAWA (CP)--Labor pia | committee "that can act as al Hall, the official residence of catalyst to expedite the prog- governors-general. ress of joint plans. Hee in the Canadian shipping} lindustry remain in a "frag- jmented, almost. chaotic state,' 4 the government's maritime un- lion trustees warned Friday in| their annual report to Parlia-) ment. | They said that unless shipping | companies and their five unions} take some solid steps toward a better relationship, the federal were repeated from last year's volved. government mav one day have/report,- but in stronger terms. | The installation, to step in again | with far more DISCUSS WORK WEEK live on the CBC television net radical surgery.' The unions were placed under| The trustees also dealt with official guests and about 50 per- jtrusteeship in the fall of 1963 |two matters that form the core sonally invited by the Michen- after a federal inquiry into la-| of a current contract dispute be- ers bor violence proposed drastic| tween the SIU and the shipping government action to clean up| |companies. These are adoption |troons, ithe situation. The inquiry | of the 40-hour work week in blamed the violence on the Sea- place of the seven-day 56-hour} farers' International Union of bee and a manning scale for Canada. es sey The three - man trusteeship y was originally due to expire last stands on both sides: The un- Dec. 31 but it was extended a ion's insistence that seamen lyear by cabinet order, Labor|cannot be denied the 40 mae Minister 'Nicholson said at the| week provided by federal law, time that the trustees had not\and the companies' complaint yet accomplished all their aims.|that rigid adoption of the 40- |hour week would price them out | REVIEWS CONFLICT lof business. But the report offers no solu-: | tion to the deadlock. It recom-| 4 ted 40" neti] jmends only that nd gb and appealed to jwork out an acceptable for- \sides to adopt these recommen:| muja, t dations: On manning, management of the seamen'siers this weekend. Some old Ot- hiring halls, by the SIU. The report im-/to call, but Mr. Michener is ex- demanded by the SIU for job|preparing a speech for the in- preference. |stallation ceremony and brush- three military trumpeters and a forest of flags) ment Hill and Rideau Hall, Just 40 days earlier, agreed with the main | troops, bands and flags were out the funeral of Mr. |predecessor, Gen. | Vanier Mr. Michener will be the coun Vv 'incent Massey. reviewed the history of labor- management conflict in the in- it says an inde ce. held May 23. added that it is not in the pub- u F iR Mr. Johnson said that Ottawa| Legislatures were also in ses-|ji¢ interest to detail ee in- ahi oy atta oh 20 pendent review board should be eview ar should not attempt to dictate|sion in Newfoundland, New|stances in which infiltration has| %2)™ eae "the untortunate|Set UP to establish through ar- nee the educational and cultural|/Brunswick, Ontario and Mani-|appeared. " en ing on Bey among|Ditration the crew sizes of varl- Fe ILTON (CP) -- New content of its programs to Que-|toba. Three volime randrt thy Oni egree un : ous types of vessel. emocrat Party leader T. C. A them. The companies were Douglas, NDP leader, sald Fri-| c. His statement followed an an- nouncement by Education Min- ister Jean - Jacques Bertrand that | the the Quebec government is Breach Of Independence In Shulman Firing - NDP BRANTFORD (CP) --NDP leader Donald MacDonald said Friday night the government's firing of Dr. Morton Shulman, chief coroner for Metropolitan Toronto, was '"'an extraordinary | breach of the traditional inde- pendence of a judicial officer." Mr. MacDonald told a nom- inating convention a coroner is not just another employee of Attorney-General Arthur Wish- art who can be fired for in- subordination when he does something which the govern ment does not like. "As a judicial officer, the coroner is invested with certain | powers under the law and it is his responsibility to exercise | those powers in getting the full! truth of any inquest no matter) CRIME IN ONTARIO commission said in its annual Cotnam has the right to super- In other legislatures: Toronto--The Ontario police "As a supervising coroner Dr. vise and advise other coroners under the Coroner's Act," Mr. MacDonald said. jtack on him in the legislature tario's advisory committee on Confederation said the idea of binational state in Canada with Quebec as an _ associate state is unworkable. The idea has been urged by some Quebec politicians. Fredericton--Progressive Con- servative Leader J. C. Van Horne said in a statement out- side the house he's considering legislature action about an at- Friday by Worke Minister Andre F. Richard. Mr. Richard called on the Conservatives to dismiss Mr. Van Horne as leader and said "But he does not have the |! right to intervene and take over) an inquest which is under the control of the chief coroner.' The text of Mr. MacDonald' s| speech was released to the! press in advance of delivery. Former Secretary Blasts Dodgers TORONTO (CP)--Pierre Sal- inger, former press secretary to two United States presidents, said Friday night young Amer- -|was introduced in the Manitoba| ' ; jcrime syndicates have criminal who may be embarrassed injicans who flee their country to| -- the process,"' he said. lavoid being drafted for military he is as much an enemy of the PC party as the Liberal gov- lernment. Winnipeg--A resolution ~ call- ing for establishment of a uni- law in Canada h |form divorce legislature by T. P. Hillhouse} (L--Selkirk). Russ Paulley, New Demo- cratic Party leader, told the legislature alternate uses should be sought by the federal and/a Manitoba governments for Canadian forces bases no longer accused of trying to exploit the division to obtain a com- petitive advantage. --Closer affiliation of the un- ions, ,."'a logical necessity." There still was too much un- necessary rivalry. --Readmittance of the SIU into the Canadian Labor Con- gress, providing machinery to settle inter-union strife and eventual merger of the rival) groups. _--Establishment of a govern- lOttawa. 4 agp gape hg ae tela FY night that a national price Ithe skills oe tenes in keeping|eview board should be set up with the trend towards greater aig rising consumer mechanization in the industry. | e is special maritime trainin east Doulas told » Hamilton program is proposed with fed-li) ot i¢ labor had to justify. wage eral and provincial departments}; 1 +e ages to a conciliation co-operating in it. board, so should business. The trestees are Judge Rene) He 'said that if business did Lippe of Montreal, Charles Mil- Inot comply with such a board lard of Toronto and Joseph|the federal and provincial gov- |MacKenzie, a CLC official in| lernments should be prepared to jgive the board the power to} International Crime Rings Have Ontario Contacts TORONTO (CP) -- The .On- tario Police Commission says it|from complete." as found that international contacts in Ontario and may be involved corporate thefts. in. stock frauds and The commission says in its nnual report tabled in required for military purposes. CAR RUNS WILD SOUTH BEND, Ind, (AP)--A the} legislature Friday that its know- Dr. Shulman was fired after) he ordered an inquest into a} fire death despite orders to the contrary from Dr. .H. B. Cot-} nam, Ontario's supervising cor- oner. Shipping Rates Cut Refused PORT COLBORNE, Ont. (C Ralph Misener, president of | Scott Misener Steamships Ltd., said Friday he has refused to} accept an unannounced half- cent cut in shipping rates by | the Canadian wheat board, Mr. Misener moved the 24,000- ton bulk carrier John A. France, sent up the lakes to load wheat, to an ore dock where she was loading iron ore for Chicago rather than take} the cut. Speaking in a telephone inter-| view from his St. Catharines office, Mr. Misener said an in- crease in the shipping rate from last year's 1044 cents a bushel would have been warranted this year because of higher costs to ship owners. BUSINESSMEN'S LUNCHEONS bandos -- 1. 35 DINNER. 5:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Geod Food Reosonable Prices Parking Rear of Hotel MOTEL LANCASTER Lennmesemmnnenenemmemmenn§ ST Crowth Hormone Increases Height SYDNEY, Australia (Reu- ters)--Five undersized Austral-} ian teen-agers have their height after service are contemptible. "Incidentally." he added with a grin, 'if you people in Canada ever become involved in-a war, you'll find these draft-dodgers _\of little use to you.' Speaking to delegates at a meeting of the Personnel Asso- ciation of Toronto, Mr. Salinger said the current efficiency and ' Absoe Medical realism of communications are Journal railway commuter car ran wild ~~ | make business and industry pull) back price increases, Mr. Douglas also called on} Ottawa to abolish ex parte in-| junctions. He said it was unfair when industry has the right to} request a judge to sign such an| right to explain its stand. The MPP for Wentworth East, | Mr. Reg Gisborn, won the nom- ination to contest the riding for) jledge of this subject is far} The report says there Is evi- dence that persons connected with criminal groups in Canada and elsewhere have "substan- jinjunction before labor has ss Hamilton East under redistrict- | Russia Boosts Agriculture bee tax collectors will rake in - Russia a direct eight-per-cent sales tax! No formal engagements have;moved Friday night to boostjand the city will levy various --Joint control by labor and been arranged for the Michen-|agricultural of- | municipal fering now run solely tawa friends have been invited | sreater and increased bonuses for plied criticism of the $340 fee! pected to spend most of the time| harder work. |governmént - approved project All of these recommendations ing up on the rigid protocol in-|will extend industrial reforms | now being introduced to agri-| to be carried |culture. wide jwork, will be attended by 700 /planners. state farms will be switched to| /a cost-accounting system under It will involve more than 800 which they will operate on a bands, | profit-and-loss basis. lalong the route between Parlia- jcounterpart of economic re- | \f the!cover some 2,200 factories. | |for another historic occasion--| \farm managers are given wide | Michener's |freedom Georges P.|many directives from govern-| ment offices try's third native-born head of|considerable portions of their/| state, following Gen, Vanier and! profits to pay bonuses to workers, |greater per-cent materials MOSCOW (Reuters) production by state farm workers| The report does not estimate each government's share of the 35,000,000 pot. The federal) government will collect its 12- sales tax on building} items at Que- and other he manufacturer's level, fees. Chretien, 33, who joined the cabinet last week es minister | without portfolio, will be handed the "housing crisis"--Mr. Nich- Prime Minister Pearson in- formed the Commons April 6 |that the cabinet was considering lappointment of a full:time min- ister for housing ehd urban \affairs, Mr. Nicholson has sald en- couraging progress has been made recently in housing. But he conceded in the Commons |this 'week that housing unit completions this year will fall short of the 170,000 units the |Economic Council of Canada 'lestimates as necessary. Mr. Nicholson said comple this year will number fair will offset Expo's forecast |Detween 150.000 and 155,000. Mr. Nicholson {s reported un- happy at the prospect of hous- ing being removed from his responsibility Mr. Pearson, who has been jto housing of late, said at Cal- gary March 29 that the federal government cannot ignore the rising dissatisfaction among Canadians with urban living. VISIT Canadian Automotive Museum freedom in planning Tass news agency said a It gave farm managers | independence of central! At first, 390 of Russia's 12,000 The plan is the agricultural) SALE Electric Baseboard HEATERS Ideal for Home er at the Cottage 99 Simcoe St. $. -- Oshawe OPEN Mon, to Fri. 9 @.m. te B p.m. Soturdey 10 a.m. te 6 p.m, Sundey 12 p.m. te 6 p.m. l, price of f Limited Supply RUDDY ELECTRIC WHLS. LTD. (Consumer Division) 94 Richmond St. E. 725-3539 orms in industry which now) Under both, factory and state | to plan without too) They are allowed to withhold] thus giving employees | incentive to produce} Douglas Secks --$<--<-- An Ovens 0. D. HEAT WITH OIL DIXON'S OIL 313 ALBERT ST. 24-HOUR SERVICE 723-4663 SERVING OSHAWA OVER SO. ¢EARS CANADIAN CANCER SOCIETYS Cancer Campaign April 10th to 24th |Give Generously when @ canvasser calls, fy PTOMETRIST PHONE 723-4811 8 BOND ST. E., OSHAWA the NDP in the next provincial | election. The riding will become | | | tial financial interests in cer- tain legitimate businesses in |!"8- Ontario." The commission says it Is not HEN YOU NEED in the public interest to detail | "HOME: NURSING" the instances in which infiltra-| CALL A tion has appeared. | Knowledge gained by the com- | V. 0. N. i mission during 1966 shows or | urse ganized crime is interested et increased! injections of} a human growth hormone, the of Australia 725-2211 "Home-Nursing Care for "EVERYONE" RED FEATHER AGENCY bankruptcies, arson, stock frauds, counterfeiting, narco- tics, prostitution, the protection and extortion rackets and the; |Friday night, injuring seven [persons and damaging several autos as it ran through down- {town South Bend. Breaks on the|distribution of pornographic ma- Money To Invest ! per annum for five years by Investing in Gueranteed Investment Certificates which are Gucranteed--os te Principal and Interest, Flexible---moy be used es Col- lateral for loans. Redeemable--by Executers in the event of death, Authorized--os Trustee Act In- vestments. CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST & SAVINGS CORPORATION 19 Simeoe St. N., Oshawe 723-3221 23 King a. née Pttee geld ied | ap | FRIDAY bibs ihe SATURDAYS your income tex get you down. Take it to BLOCK for of every tax return, We g we make eny errors will the thot cost you any penslty or interes, bnberest. - Canada's Largest Tax Service-with Over 9500 Offices in Morth Acnerten 22 ONTARIO ST. Weekdays 9 a.m.-9 p.m.--Sat. 9-5. Ph. 723-7071 |single- unit electric car failed as/terial. it approached a west-side termi-| The report also says the nal here. The car went on a 33-\incidence of crime in Ontario block rampage, demolishing five increased by 11.8 per cent last automobiles and damaging eight) year over 1965 but this may not the source of a major problem facing U.S. President Johnson. "How do you imagine a presi- f|dent can arrive at a carefully- jassessed, balanced decision re- garding escalation or no escala- ltion in Vietnam, for example, when public opinion is being af- fected directly by the sight of Johnny being killed--sometimes in living color--on the 11 o'clock news every night?" Mr. Salinger, who served the late John F, Kennedy and then Mr. Johnson as press secretary, jleft his post to seek a seat on \the U.S, Senate. He was de- feated and now is a vice-presi- reports. Two of them added nearly} seven inches and doctors at- a tending the five are concerned) others at intersections in the|be a true picture due to the ay. None of the 52 passengers|improvement in 'crime report- board was injured. ing. about what height they should| reach before the injections are stopped, the publication says. The teen-agers, who tang | in age from 13 to 17, were be- tween three feet eight ated and four feet four inches tall| when they started the treat: | ment, the magazine says. | The treatment, involving in- jections of hormones made from pituitory glands from human cadavers, is being carried out in four Melbourne hospitals and dent of a California-based air- Melbourne and Monash Univer- Everyone Hates A Loud... Noisy Power Mower Before you oil . sharpe overhauling your old mower, the NEW 1967 LAWN-BOY SHOP 'CHERNEY'S, spend a lot of money look over line company. sities, OSHAWA DISTRICT ART ASSOCIATION (O.R.€, Affiliote) New membership evailoble te April 24 onty ACTIVE -- year round program $2.00/year INACTIVE --saminars only $1.50 /yeor PATRON ---- $1.00 /year (Fees ore for membership in Assoclation ently) A forms are at the McLAUGHLIN PUBLIC LIBRARY, N. H. EDGAR &SON LTD. 34 I ssssseislicis i; ct chiicscinesiaainties amanmeaeneiaiel St, W, | LAWN-BOY Lawn-Boy does a great job on your lawn, Without making a lot of noise about it. TRADE-IN - TRADE UP TODAY! Cherney's See Hear Lawn-Boy... You'll like whet you hear. OPEN THIS SUNDAY 4: 30 TO 8:00 P. M. With bar facilities. Make your reservations NOW. Phone 723-4641.