14--Business Opportunities '18--Moale Help Wonted __|18--Male Help Wanted _ |20--Real Estate For Sale |20--Real Estate for Sole |20--Reol Estate for Sale 120--Real Estate for Sale | THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturday, April 15, 1967 17 " ae cenee oe ee TYPE COMPOSITOR, experienced [our- W q i neyman, combination machine operator S $20. pariment ules "within." aitmie We Pay You referred. Must be gentleman with good : 3 BEDROOM 20--Real Estate for Sale |20--Real Estate for Sole sixer now on pr f erty, Call Marliyn Fitzgerald at 668.5313 | To Train F Raa HOMES | / | Stevenson-Rossland or 723-5281. Guide Realty. Lid. © jain: Tor age oe ae j | rl |WORM PICKERS, experienced, 15--Employment Wanted | Retail Store [alt water ak, Toronte. q REAL ESTATE REALTY LTD. $15 995 res fatal or n Zan cies ; EAC ERT AGE UO | Well built 5 room brick bung- 'i i 16 Simcoe St S . alow on acres (may be TODDLERS PARADISE WRITE BOX 63334 | | . | BUILDING 728-7576 | divided) in Education Corner, |COUPLE TO ACT as caretaker-janitor FRoBe. -- montessori | Management _[tepicr, tall, Bowmanvile. | Apartment LIMITED hi Box 63653, Oshawa Times. / s es Kes ve ooh ~~ | Rapidly expanding Canadian ay aie oe 21 King Street West, 723-5281 ASSOCIATES A PRETTY BUNGALOW OSHAWA TIMES Wy MIL lene derful method of teaching, | Retail Firm with stores from 19--Male and Female | ; Bowmanville. | Just listed this 5 room home |TWO STOREY -- Beautifully appointed ing. | F | | ; four-be brick and stone home -- nby crib. Tele Register now. For appoint- | ee Help Wanted | 623 3393 e PRESENTS oe Grive ee URSIN BCE Ot SO a | e and 20 x livir i a ed OR A SOUND INVESTMENT | BARKLEY |. Svie'trmace sues (08 tea ei elas yom suite, con- carpentry and "paint. Man os : j | jroom, two baths, pat are li a few ser and other ree estimates, Cell 723-8994, | certian ie te Gike TYPISTS | aig ay et -~ "gal brick bungelow within four SQUARE seas home jis ideal for on |CF"the extras. Located In excellent school nan yeer old, P ERIENCED BARBER would like d | wal estore Paar blocks of Dr. $. J, Phillips 1 AOE SOURIS: area. Call Irene Brown at 725-3867 of and administrative positions. ' ' | Sr 4 | Schofield-Aker Ltd. POLS a or part-time work, or would rent or ia shool.. H: h | liv- dé oe PER Spring two-chair chop. Telephone 725-2052 dees BO 80 ena | Lessin ont of ed NEWCASTLE lp TING oom D aaees ont N.H.A. RESALE IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY. Newly deo nl ¢ Edgar's econ "in hedge trimming and| @ Ages to esirable, | pists to operate Flexowriters, xcentional fing 7 kom ised Wicker and. & a oi | $2 399 Close to Oshawa Shopping orated three - bedroom bungalow, large eet West, Osh- free removal, also demolishing old but we have a few open- both days and evenings ' , sags u Centre: One yeor old brick ving room, ample kitchen cupboards, Sdneronre Bulldings. Free estimates. 942-5646 or | ings for men 18 to 20 ( ; | home, lot 130' x 150'. Many | Back yard completely enclosed DOWN | and stone bungalow with [Acre [ee Foon. 6 par cent mortgage, er ' . Se M n off 7 on ae d THE. | Single men preferred. Flexowriting experience pre- d extras. Only $15,000 Call _us now and get further $975 if you quali | large divided kitchen and yaa seudllasigen Mute died cottage. $2: CARE FOR CHILD over 3 years, five-| ' an Terms, particulars. Only $15,400. Te quenry Pes -- Wee day week. Playmate for mine. Also care} @ Starting salaries depend ferred but not essential. Per- plenty of cupboards. Mort- i pavine LOT -- overlooking the city of wringer waste S. aey. Shopping: Centre joation, 576-| on age, education, and manent position with grow- BEACON HOMES & $94 gage carries for $121.34 in- Oshawa, 56 x 247', builder's terms. Call r, etc, $3450 Oshawa. past work expereince, OSHAWA | cluding taxes, Harold Secal, At 725-3557. J. B. McMule ind Appliances, aaUABLE LADY will do "sabyanting| @ Future salary depends up: ery Founton RosdW. ond $ tna Meare tl | PITS F008 | ui due ae ee In her own home, Five-day week, Whit- e ounton . and Simcoe ll @ Eleven suites in perfect} DEEP LOT DR. PHILLIP'S SCHOOL, only one Aust sail elee by 668- on the ability and perform- MR. D. SELBY St. New 3. bedroom brick renting, location. near G.M.| All model homes open daily | Five room frame and com block away, large two-storey brich oa nso SPRING o NING -- Windows, -- wails| ance of the individual, bungalows. Excellent work- South. plant showing excellent . ain 0 on | i { home with garage. Asking only $15,500 and floors, stores, offices, homes. 725- Salaries at the manage- 723 2233 h re ' Ps plete stone front bungalow |with reasonable down payment. Call Wik Ne irre 1885. ridht level tonue. Gbwerd - abi Lg ee awa's best pits return of 18%, on investment on a lot 38 x 563. Private |!ard Johnston, 728-1066. Schofield-Aker , two sump ------ FOR APPOINTMENT value any extras. inly of $2,500. Stoves, fridges, in-} | 1 | ved dti nd Good |"? 4 WILL BABYSIT in my own home as + at | Pav ve a garage. Goo é ion, Telephone FeAl a pha UNE LG Aid Pad By fo Bigs ie 7 neni oy 250 H $19,900 -- $3,660 down. cluded, Paved parking. Don't) | DIRECTIONS: value for $13,000. NEW THREE- and four-bedroom elee ss, high chair eee eee ee ee Se nuall : j¥ver appy "TOWER on the GREEN" hesitate. Now is the right time Waverly Street south of King | trically heated dwellings, featuring, pay, SS, a ually. ! . n @ ments as low as a rol jood condition. MOVING? Move with Hub's Cartage. | 4 MANAGER \Buyers of | Off N Road N 5 to give us a call. Street ond just west of Osh-| | Inspect these fine homes by jSegal at 725-3557, J. B MeMullen' ae Big or small, reasonable rates insured, | @ Extensive nea paena laa y' Oh 0a 'aa im~ e | awa Shopping Centre calling one of our courteous Co., Realtors me aa "4 728-2882. | gramme an supervise coe - oice apartments x é ' | salesmen listed below | ray Baar iy and = custom --_------ ~ --- 1 ' and some old WILL DO BABYSITTING in my cw wn | training provides excellent FOR MILK STORE for rent. Swimming pool | 3 Se a fea a ate Wa ec y, home, five days a week. Child under} opportunity for rapid pro- | 1,000 cash a Sauna bath, free underground | braemor | Steve Lehan 728-9326 |brick NHA bungalow. Priced at only eens two Preferred, $3.00 a day. Phone 655-| Fration "eed "sbR IRAIVEE | $1,000 cash bond require: parking. Refrigerator and = | Charlie Rankine 728-3682 |$16.900. Try your down payment on this post, size 107, -- ---- dual performance BOX 63984 stove. Call Ernie Wilson 725- |4" Bed eal 2 St gardens Tony Zakarow 725-4366 Senoteld Akar Line Pn ae ee R: ! | earoom ----- ore' | he n $29.95, mab 17--Female Help Wanted | @ Employee benefits include: | Oshawa Times HOMES fel \Gamet ool Meat || § and, beter priced a ik ee a Ma eee Nn $29.95, mate eS --__-- : me: | ---- + , | Anthony Sibloc 725-4362 ; ungaiow priced ai Fe aslo |; Pension Plan, Group Life |PaRSON To TRAIN, as desk clerk, SUITABLE for V.L.A 612 Athol St. East from $20,600. Stevenson Rd. | Nick Siblock 725-5701 _|$29%, wilh $2400, down. Vendor | anxt +3889. | Ss ust be al '0 work any hours and! s é ms ba I 2 a pee AJAX RETARDED | Blak. Broti Barks ee have neat appearance. Apply. to. Box 6 room ranch style bungalow Open all weekend feu nie ai es ag iy Bulg 3557. J. B, McMullan and Co., Realtors. rs, files, new, j 1 ' Winter Saree Venaea sine ' just outside of Bowmanville | from 2-5 p.m. Lo es ven |$3,700, DOWN will buy beautiful new trades. Bill } CHILDREN'S EDUCATION iar and Winter Veco: |S ae lales mamee on ceri) Oshowe Will Ba Walt Gere" oF land. Alt | P Sunday 2 to 5 H. KEITH 'TD. NHA" Kessinger bullt home in north see a jover 21. Can make $40 for ten hours large rooms, fireplace, at- e | eee wit reasona le monthly pay- eigen' AUTHORITY QUALIFICATIONS: -- arene or more. Choose your own time. Supply the Answer | tached gorage. Large "L" | ELIZABETH CRESCENT AGENTS OSHAWA PHOTO MLS REALTOR fnents, Can ale. you saither tres. 9p Dil Company. j requi | @ Leadership. abilit shape ponelled rec room. garage. Will show these homes by ap- | quires a | p y: TWO PART-TIME advertising represen: | Asking $20,000 \Il @ Large spacious ranch style BASEMENT APARTMENT - |pointment 'only. So please call Willard jon's leading 4 | @ At least High Schoo! edu- |fativesi aualitine Apponinents ¢ to 12 : bungalow, fireplace in living H MILLEN Only $17,900 buys this long jJohnston 728-1064, Schofield-Aker Ltd. : | jours. Can earn wee rience $17, ng, AES. hd home apart- ' Kindergarten | cation, or better Heed WOCRSETY,. GON Conia. training & | Call 623-3393 or 728-7518 room. Large lot, beautiful view low brick rancher with rented |W2STOREY, -- three-bedroom brick. Paton. Ta | @ Attractive storting salaries | Telephone 576-2370 | | 3 bedrooms, forced air oil heat- REAL ESTATE separate basement apart- |irc' "schools, Or heel, "garage, "Substene | --_--------- ~~ -- | | | ic 1001s. ' rage. ubstan- a re Teacher | for both High School and la F | | After 9 p.m ed. Here is your opportunity to ment, double paved drive- |tial down payment required. 725-2325. rom factory | Uni Grado \20--Real Estate For Sale | | enjoy country living with oll - - ern, Provine f 1967 niversity Graduates. | | | Pat Yeo 623-3077 het 728-1656 way. This house takes the income BUILDING--Two-storey _build- d custom up or September, 196 | @ Willingness to accept ey rae 4 | Ken Hockin 623-5055 city conveniences eninge worry out of owning your Own |ing in downtown area. Complete with ry 668-6909. periodic expense - paid Visit With Us Joe Barnoski 723-5787 reasonable $19,900 728-1678 home. Imagine only 6% |store ee two apartments. ideal for SaeiSaesempaccaend 67. smal iness. Phone for details. D ry avOnN REV EVULE (7708 «| transfers during training. GUARANTY Thi Ww k og et al es oH & mortgage. jias J M. Bullied Realtor. T1168 el a | e - : i -- DAILY -- Standard 1. $4,700-$6,200 Reply stating full particulars: | ee end at | Erni Wilson 725-9750 | NEAR OSHAWA DIGHEAND AYRE = |pRivare _ oecpe ap oe dena bunga- awa, 655-4752, Stondard 2. $5,000-$7,700 3 | le ~ Three bedroom brick. A bet- | low, in Rolling Hills Estates, near Grand+ Se edbedl g ' ' N dd | | | SHOPPING CENTRE | ore or home, Standard 3. $5,300-$8,900 ame, address, telephone | | Bob Johnston 725-6788 | tercbuilt hone With for |Bhon Golf Course. Only $1,000 down. Tele- a ean staat ; $ { rH! number, age, marital status, | Roy Foster Orono 983-5801 IV @ Every good gardener plans) phone 725-3043 : ; Ww 15,9 ie mn Standard 4. $6,100-$10,100 education, and previous work CO Weston Banister his work now. Come and see the| ee t o> oO" end ONLY $1,995 DOWN buys these new 3 or n stock pie experience Compbelleroft 102J12 erful tunit this| owner has reduced price /4 bedroom electrically heated dwellings, m stock pick. Apply 'in wating, stating p 5 ampbellcro Ongar! Gppertunities, Ch Wiel ark WEEKEND again. See this weekend |featuring aluminum siding and with low hal race ane qualifications eben BOX NO. 188 | Howard Forder 64' x 133' lot, on Fernhill |monthly payments of $90.44, For more i fence and name of last in- OSHAWA PRESENTS | | Brooklin 655-3853 | Blvd., @ very clean 11% storey) VARIETY STORE -- One of were ask for Harold Segal, at 725 SCO sbactor to: MRS? N FALLON eee a eas alee NEW, DETACHED | George Beaton | insul brick home, 2 bedrooms,/| NEW the nicest moneymakers we stants lot "s ick Euciateny Tsahiurer: bs ' RG Re reesmcaats: FAMILY HOMES | Port Perry 985 2987 | living room, dining room and TRIPLE SEAL have had for some time. In heed Tense nis which ta pn ae . -- ~| kitchen. Detached garage. Ai' ELECTRICALLY cludes property buildings and | eee free to good PRIVATE -- $1,000 down, four rooms sale, $7 per short walk to Shopping Centre PLEXE © corefree future, and bath, furnished or unfurnished, oll 63-2717. BOX 204 CHEMICAL BY makes this on ideal retirement HEATED DU s Ids6 'Wiersma 728-5683 |neated, acre Jand, taxes $107 Hallion, dap- AJAX, ONT MARIANNA K A S S | N G F R home. Asking $13,000. | Priced to suit your Gord: Chorlton 728-8569 jeer. Pull price 'sys00 623-2008 after nie nies | Gree ' ' ketbook | -- ns with white poc : Do Carmichael 725-4841 SiX-R Hi eal ANALYST DEVELOPMENTS pene ® ccwecaies $2825 DOWN be - Ontario in. Oshawa. 'Telephone. 758-3183, ram ; ot H O M F S TRIKING--RAVINE LOT | sx: veal HOME, double garage, Ne Rrohiehaetee Avon Calling An inorganic onalyst with ; H V @ Solid brick bungalow in) 4¢ Yeu Quality STRIRING ey, village of Newtonville, rs 9 ys Somerville and Iroquois y RANCHER sublet (oh CSUN De cuiaas ter' commie ) years old, If you need extra mone i i P northwest of city near shopping 1, hae y' Y technical diploma in analy- EASY TERMS Raceh beauti cial purpose. Ideal for young couple or ee don't delay -- become an tical 'chemistry or equivalent, Noch BE Founton Ba. West centre. Completely self-contain-| EAS : | Executive Ronch on hae as retirement home. Taxes $130. yeare spend Avon representative. Terri- is required by the St. Mary's ssh gp ite ahs one ed aportment. 3 bedrooms up-| TRADES ACCEPTED | ful treed lot in choice north- lly, .rwenty-minute ° drive | to Oshawa, imelon. Teles tories available immediately Cement Co, to fill a: vacancy Pome ene | stairs. Let us show you this well D i" SiecKeey eost hae ghly Si pan Wt TSANG SCID all ow ectia ; rive so on Simcoe St. t nm- | bind LEANN in Oshawa, Whitby ond Dar- created by company expan- Harmony Rd. South and | The Courteous Staff on Duty | st AM Ate lel fies | fe Wartiorth Then west | pe hy ke Sine ca los) |CHADBURN ST. The upstairs rent will a lington Twp. No experience sion at Bowmanville, Ontario. Olive Ave | atde A Y : chek pie eats 1 Y |help pay your way. Downstairs has 125-2762 after meaulred:. Por perasnel inter 1 . . | «weil Be Plaskad' te Show e to Cedar St. now come | view, leading to a 25 ft, bal- -- |kitchen, living room and two bedrooms, , F ; | w You | south to our Model Homes mily dining room, 3. | four-piece bath and recreation room, Up- SORE view phone or write Mrs. J. " OPEN FOR | | cony. Family dining q |stairs has: large modern kitchen and bed- $200 or best Hill, 140 Nonquon Rd., Osh- A good knowledge of inor- Through Our Models. | | OPEN HOUSE. I bedrooms, and @ luxury bath- [sitting room with two-piece washroom. |George Twaites af 723-2008 or 723-2265, Completely 'finished ~ lower |scioneld-Aker Ltd, Real Estate : Vewfoundiand ewa, 725-9696. goric soiy ne seeeritict:: Dur INSPECTION | 1 P.M. until 5:30 P.M. | |127 Labrador alee Oe ties will include routine con- 985-2645. 2-5 p.m. this Weekend | | in | room, and 2 pc. powder room. | Nice lot 40" x 128'. Real good area. Call | | level with walk-out from fam- REGISTERED Soe. re ROOT Saturday and Sundays INSPECT . | Drive ce ice Mi as | cen t enn i a | ee ong ily feo and silat re ee lene, STt belies. te nee | tio. Poo ed lot 4 drive, Apply 295 Wolf arling $300, NURSE 1 P.M. to 5 P.M. | | Rock Cliffe (opp. Seven | a Nee cr Hi h- |Street Ne tients, whee pid EES j Salary will commensurate with | DAILY BY APPOINTMENT | | Doy Adventist Church) acies Be adable deliv ahaei al hts tr on - work af for licenced nursing home, pla itt Sha euch feanen | and | Pp | N EW @) @) D te blasie acai te Belvedere | ed garage and paved drive. [MUST SELL. Owner moving ut of ity. ; ; 0 igh ' rere. 7 a.m, to 3 p.m., 5 doy week. Redlies "should inellide-de. @ 3 Bedrooms | turn right, 1 block to To see this charming home, | storey home with garage' good condl- avices Write box M63966. folk: OF "aducbtion, w@apedi © Carport's or Att. Garages | LC ahrader j SOLD BY | please call Jean Peacock 725- tion. Low down payment, carries for nag a od ° | I rinci = ot ae OSHAWA TIMES cc, Oh cae te. |B Aen ee fears COMPARE TERRACE cathe ne | 4330, or 723-5281 of Guide | /#0 tarihiy princibal, and interme! Call r Binechers ground. Address replies to the @ All Plastered Walls | bd GUIDE ase oo | Be Ghee Rent Eeate wet hes s © Oil Heoti a . --~|OWNER ANXIOUS -- $19,900 -- Two- aices sae TELLERS iba titia er aie enter cren @ Hardwood "ond Corlon You Will Be So HOME ON | | R N bedroom ranch bungalow. with attached ge a for CHARTERED BANK : Flaore DIRECTIONS 10 ACRES LAND | REALTY LTD. | JASMINE CRESCENT -- Jgarage, on Miller Ave. Finished recrea- : @ 3 Models to Choose From Glad You Did! WILSON RD. NORTH VI @ Very picturesque location (Beau Valley) ite Wan an Miehe ton ae IES, ready Experience Necessary. St. Mary's Cement Co., Ltd. @ 63%4% NHA Mortgages : : Poved road, 20 minutes from] Rental inquiries invited | Here is your opportunity --- [well landscaped lot. Down pay apely%s j Write Box 64442 P.O. Box 1000, @ Lots Completely Sodded | 1 BLOCK SOUTH OF Oshawa. Apple trees and cedars.| | owner hos been transferred [open 10 schol tart aah Se | Laban St Marys, Ontario. © Low Down Payments to | ee ROSSLAND RD. E, Home recently redecorated. Gar- 723- 328] | and must sell his 6 yeor old |i555-s9~ gr. of living in this Twostorey pal to quar. OSHAWA TIMES Erle con aS Aas ic te aaa Qualifying Buyers | IF YOU QUALIFY | oo eet aneen house included brick ranch bungalow with at- [semi off Rossland Rd. Electric heat ------ er k ny ri i m ease BABYSITTER needed for six-year-old CENTENNIAL FOR FURTHER INFORMATION | @ BUNGALOWS and tid | poe aloe thas nies |room, "aioing tor, ery ichinese sPetisuictieacin Bake a Edliboran aves; Tepohon Fis. CONTACT | DOWN PAYMENTS 2 STOREYS e | | tee eae i a {kitenen, three bedrooms up, the largest 8133 between S$ and 8 p.m. | | } o walk-out to a large land- is x_16' with his and her double Be: t -- ion From NEAR DONEVAN HIGH d lot. 2 bath fire- _|closets. Four-piece bath with vanity. Just hae be EARN $23 WEEKLY plus FREE @ GARAGES--BALCONIES scoped 10 athrooms, fire ii A ' 725-201 oe be WARDROBE In your Spartina a SCHOLARSHIP eb gre bya | $] 434 | a dane aasbuniet Vil ce, S200 full Pye | place yal mey , Nas spect Cal George Twertes ot 725-2008 a iow Fashion Frocks to frien Ss E ; | Re | men r spacious room tures educe to $2 723-2265, Schofield-Aker Ltd. Real Estate, rine oe wane cones ewe | FOUNDATION | tusinne Ruidoes | | / iy bungalow with double ettached| REAL ESTATE LTD. | vith terms. Inspect now by |00 YoU HAVE §1,%00 down --peymentt 38-6526, ion Frocks, Ltd., 9900 Parc George,| | , @ LOT COMPLETELY gorage. Beoutiful broadloom IMCOE ST. S$ calling Jack Appleby --- [Then call me now to, see this brand table tele- Dept. ¥-3911, Montrave, Que. | Requires 2 enrollment officers. | 728-1653 725-6118 SODDED Finished recreation room with 155 SIMC oes evenings 723-3398. Bola- [EO uae eee Fie ae ilies sphone 725 4 TYPIST for plant area of Mailing Divi) for the Oshawa District and 32 King St. Eost @ COMPLETELY naturol stone fireplace and| 723-8144 | hood Brothers Limited ----- [Hann evenings, 723-7963 er J. B. sae sions Must betas) aod gol) Syplet one eoch for the Whitby, T walkout to patio. A truly superb} c | 728-5123 jmatien snd Co, Restore, 720-0007. Alt tn oon 3 sonar sere Apply Ih person fo Ajox and Pickering districts. Guaranty Trust 3 DECORATED home for the Junior Executive! mR a a ad rnd -----|INCOME PROPERTY, consisting of 'i D. A. Houlden, General Printers Limit Age 28 - 55. Responsible pos- (@) who con afford good monthly} HERE T'S REAL ESTATE. ive houses, Income $33. 85. monthly, _ F ed, 57 Simcoe a Oshawa. ition in a community service Co. | 4 PRICED from $19,675 payments. Call now for appoint eeu en le arene SALESMEN |call_ Elmer 325-2753, W. 0. g GOOD HAND SEWERS wented in falior organization for which there | | ment to inspect this lovely lux- ae ay 3 . |Martin, Realtor, 728 7 ee eee Remorasiy| is 0 tremendous demond in | | N.H.A. MORTGAGES | DOWN PAYMENTS ury home, | brick, attached garage, liv- Immediate openings for 5 go- |EXCELLENT VALUE, large family } Bald' white Iearning. Apply (x person to) this avec. | | from $1,436.40 a a Whitt | getters with Oshawa's largest |beinraome" twer ai', Kicnene nee NDS cir fn Bow aur | Sraneec A a a | IF YOU QUALIFY | Ve ce Oniy. $19.90. {gd | Real Estate firm. Age no bar- |broadioom, | stover | frigy washer, and ob Hirt a ai experience helpful. Benefits | Re | ' ~ | tier if you ore over 21. Ex- loads of quality extras, Large, deep LEADING MARKET research company comparable to teaching prof- | OPEN - US | spect call Helen Bryant. 3 landscaped ravine lot. This excellent x requires woman with car for Interesting g | | perience preferred but not es- brick ranch bungal fa hom NT _Beetiee eae: Imarnaeing sizerieng| sion. For eppointment coll PRICED FROM | | Exclusive Agents 2-5 All | HO E | LISTED sential. On the job training [mus be. sea, For, your appoiniment To : . Pl | lied, This is te [OEE Sell, Ken Henny. exeninghy 2d: seach D Faltionar ts tee i team wd wr semen R.P. TRADED $] 8 700 | SCHOFIELD-AKER LTD. | |APPLEGROVE || 'Neste aed = 3. bed | Solty ts kort te pe orn, fee Se OA Om Oe a oO i" o | | " - a = Reaet inloneaiaa i light household giuties. Reply stating 372 2958 ALL CASH | | 723-2265 ethers va yee Be to | pect ag ao pe BOLL g cen a somebody with fn 7 HAVE A SMALL two-bedroom home ey i f weges required. eferences, please. Ox 'e * | r en sou ie} | - ., . a ve - a fel g and a large t Storey fami! home for pied i mi63350, Oshawa Times. ee - | T.G. TRADED ltheludes bullt-in range, oven, | | _ | Applegrove | ly, includes taxes. To inspect confidential intcestew call Ae only "$1,000. down. Others avaliable for we LADY REQUIRES day care. (children) | CASH TO MORTGAGE | ee Peep eat | 360 King St. W. Oshawa [Seo Lvov _ || call Ethel Tranter | Sheriff 723-8144 fast! Call' "Ken. Hann, 793.7963, evenings 3 dies, summer resort area. 'Telephone 668-6340 TRUCK EL. TRADED | \~ | js an | NEAR SOUTH M | GRIFFIN or J B, McMullan and Co., Realtor, between 8 a.m, and § p.m = ei | | | ee G. M. | 725-3557 ees et! sah AB Wh Meet an SPN & | Immeculate -- brick bunga- Real Estate Ltd CARRIES FOR $$ MONTH, Pi. Older NT cae WANTED -- Companion - housekeeper MECHANICS CASH TO MORTGAGE oe H 9) {ean ; + Cook for three months in summer. Lake} Dae | Vv |. low, fenced d, ivate bieidieen on rick bungalow, south-west area, three jacks, : of Bay District. June. 15th to. September | y A.R. TRADED | BUNGALOWS, SPLIT- | KASSINGER | MODERN 2 STOREY Bovee drive. S cutee from [Weree chen so' icon lot, ae ressors, 15th. Write to Box M63182, The Oshawa LEVELS, 3 and 4 Bed- | VIII @ Call now and moke an : | COMMERCIA 9 5 andes ped lo Times CLA ALL CASH G a e CONSTRUCTION j | Dr. Cannon school. 6% | L plenty of shade trees. List price steam- Times. _ ae : ( SS A) F Dtiasessial bid ee appointment to see this 4 bed-| yy acolo for 497 rent BUILDING }$13,400. J, B. McMullan and Co. Realtors orches, HAIRDRESSER with paral wae, F.M. TRADED rooms, ireplace, Gar- | room, 2 storey home, natural Hee a ij sd % Mo orl ag. 668-6201 ni jours, | ™M, 4 . See it wi rgar - xi Sel Serena EY Commission. Telephone 728-9651. Apply CASH TO MORTGAGE | 9°98, Carport. | / trim, distinctively modern in| 'Y ') ON SIMCOE 110 ACRES, NORTH-WEST -- $5,000. iT nmission. Tal i | We ustom every woy with large living] O36, 9 am. to 9 om $10,000 DOWN lescallen toate: Gua secuice ter we nishing 18--Male Help "Wanted _ | Curran & Briggs | A.J. TRADED | room, 2 bathrooms, partially ie fee school children. Lots. are reasonably , elec- | Ready-Mix Ltd | ALL CASH | B ild Y H completed recreation room, 62') Member of 0.D.R.E.B, 300d in ree. bien y seven level: two wilh some. trees. Call Mr. iessor, | . | DIRECTIONS: Ui our ome lot, carport. Asking price $21,- AFTER HOURS CALL: years old. Two businesses op- bind "fi ones; Realtors 3 F or | | : | ; ( ik Hs bed Jafter hours call 668-4003 es = SUPERVISOR OF, SS. | Gg BATRADED Sie sel ee, | Seiten tat Sore (pea et awe 'og ye | | ° e Lent ® : 5 » 1Ya-st brick hi . situated lectric hicdebe | CASH TO MORTGAGE Harmony Road North Anywhere e Dolores Ross -- 728-1964 with rear parking len Candee eed fone ct onnwats yl Br role BUILDING Ask for BOB SNEAD J.P. TRADED | opposite Eastdale Col- aes : BOE Gn | Pauline Beat -- a taawe wel [Migh Schools. Nice ""iving 'room, tat mos- YOUNG MEN between the ages of 21, CASH TO MORTGAGE | legiate and Vincent * | | VISIT "kad pasha | : size dining Foor, 18 x 19 "Master Bede j | | th ter -- 7 917 | Garage and ed drive. 147 ft. jocks, and 25 who are presently employed and | - | Massey Public School FEATURING: our MODEL el renter 28-5 BILL MILLAR dash ik onner will hela Peet ° appointment to inspect call Cec »_evenings 7 725-944: ~ OPEN or 725- 2507 |PRIVATE. 12 acres of aa (with four za 2 _-- |bedroom house with all conveniences, |also barn and shed. On paved road twe HOUSE MARIAN NA etn tect Will sell house mg , elec- Metropolitan newspaper. Choose your; home for new homes through sond own hours. Reply in confidence te Box) our office. Why not enquire @ Experience in Building, an planning, financing. |Centennial Acres hole piexpedd oeere Times, giving erates inders, The Oshawa Boord of Educa- employment and age. FLOOD-LIT cc " centeanial den MODELS @ Always on time--follow Wentworth obout your home -- No Ob- ligation. 1} boxes, CUSTODIANS fo assist Circulation Mansger tor iarge The above people traded their | | DUPLEXES Hee 725-1186 appaintm | | | | | F res experienced |GOOD OPPORTUNITY. Permanent { 'a | weld- CIO regi Tes an). SFP ture for a responsible executive or sales lectri and quolified person to super- tyne individual tomed to contact | schedule closely, | |PRESTIGE AREA, excellent home, si me vise the cleaning personnel lwith the ate Three-year initia salary OPEN HOUSE | y e THIS WEEKEND DEVELOPMENTS well planned rooms 'conn fos Full ; di Us } pecs dini ; . For ' in 35 school buildings. Be ail Braue bensrits. Oshawa ve Open 9 to 9 | @ Strict 'nara ond Call 723-5281. Open daily from P sh Ae pire os he i ang oe appointment. call 28-9383, eels ' id rred, 21 - 40, vel. trol, | Ls t t ° | ee ee eee oe eee eee Including Sundays | ey eae | Wet veer Stems' shor | hewS ond bedvonc hore: (Gm AM gyal Se Wraanes Is Ltd pidtbusdali Beach ee Mag TU SIT gic da Blt Peet Drive up Simcoe St. N. @ Use your plan or ours. Morris Fogel 723-2563] New' NH.A.. 3. bedroom, | on OLIVE and HARMONY |children's piay room with a door te : job evaluations and assign : ? Leon Manitius 728-2754 ' |the spacious backyard. Try your dowa al iments ond to peiet in hinhy a weet ied i. just past Taunton Rd., and cage award Ea filet 728.0208 brick bungalows built by, Oe an eine new Fat eh payment here. Call Marilyn Fitzgerald . carpenter, mus e ex . . winning lesigns. i C on - a 668-5313 r 723-528) Guid Realt and training new a. perienced! Good 'wages he working|. turn left into Cedar Ridge : ig ud Kathryn Armstrong 723-1884 B E A @ C) N TON RD. - SIMCOE N Lid : os is weal Experience. in cleaning |conditions. Inexperienced need not ap) | ook for our signs. Mo- EXCLUSIVE 1 a Very competitive oriein Allon Bertrand 985-7251 h BROCK-AT MARY -- Eight-room brick sees methods, products and equip- ald ForOnID SENT. Me LE evold. shee dels will be open from 12 AGENTS | us as Eee Evelyn Cassel 725-3710 H O M E S OPEN THIS WEEKEND two-storey home, private drive and deep i -- 7. e i lot. Aski $3,000. di id bal. Dish- mnt Sstatii0l, | TAP MAN, also waiter references, steady| noon until dark @ We con arrange complete Steve Englert 728-5581 TRADE-INS ACCEPTED pabragpeel is Fea inspect this home now offee Reply in writing stating age, |Pesition. Older man acceptable. Royal | financing. Roy Flintoff 725-3454 LTD. Kat Call |by calling Jerry Coady at 728-7576, Bridal gaication; quslificotions si Hotel, Whitby, 668-5012. NAA. a) onVannenal Jack Graham 728-2634 93-0575 all Sibby's Real Estate Ltd. Hae White ABS Ap EE A ok LB Lda debeded RE Am ag oH 725-3557 | Morteanes evelleble. Walter Mittler 576-2345| Your guarantee of quality " * |POPULAR Location -- "$2,000 down, enmee and salary expecte: leigh business holds excallent prospects. bi jel en a eat craftsmanship, Priced from, --_---- colRinined PachuMtlen poe entrar tues Durham counties, No capital or selling @ All building performance ean Peacoc - jpiece bath, broadioom, enciosed patio, TALS J. R, BACKUS, for hatha ace te) JB McMull REAL ESTATE LTD completely guaranteed, . | George Nymeyer 728-4241 $19,900 INCOME CROP ERTS ae WG aude see ae 3338 Business Administrator, Henry, Montreal, ne d Cor ul an : Leonard Bissell 725-2070) $3,661 Nine nee 7 cinch tel AL hah Ifield-Aker Ltd ae : eagaeres re ; : = aver: Gas Italo Bortolussi 723-6329 Q | ators, broadloom, balconies, | zi Sen : EXPERIENCED TRUCK driver, t | |GLADSTONE AVE. -- One-year-oid oom pe Eee ney be familiar with Oshawa area," Refer- al 0. | < : 723-646) Phone Today Vernon B. Corson 723-9785 DOWN electric heat, washer, dryer. trick bungalow, 84' per cent mortgage. ; oo. 1644, 555 Rossland Road West, ences. Rutherford Furniture, 156 Sim- e - 46 Marilyn Fitzgerald 668-5313) Pry $90,000. 7% mortgage |Asking $18,700, terms. Owner anxious err} Oshawa, Ontario. coe Street S. Telephone 725-6559. COUNTRY HOME 7 Llayd Corin 723.2537! 634% Six plex -- stoves, refrigera- E sel. Cal pon Sandy, 725-8010. W. 0, for. ban- | How TO ORT IT: rit eyo fa a $1500" dae cig 28-7583 Loess Peacock 725-4330 INTEREST tors, washer, dryer, electric |Mertm Reallory TBSIU _ kitchen, lem you wan' D , D rooms, j } Oshawa Salesmen |"Wanted"" ad and get it! Dial 723-3492. both, furnace. Good well. 1 S 793 8144 Dick Young 723- rane For further particulars coll, | Laie gd ae flats. $28,- EERE bog dh between 29 and 24 on : required immediately [DESPERATELY NEEDED (208, eultar acre lot well ieee ik goed GUIDE REALTY Ernie Wilson; i 000. Duplexes from $16,900 Rl bh change will be ancy : land Blues group. Between 16 and 20| trout stream. Excellent pon KASSINGER | W FRANK 'and up. And the place to look for the oest jobs tion se Te sell driveways ond park- years old, Telephone 723-8818. site, large garden. Schoo! bus LIMITED Coll Jeannette Nugent DON . |!s the "Help Wanted" column. in The ng! Ing areas in Oshawa ond sur- |LICENSED. MECHANIC. Apply Cana-| at door, Full price $15,500. . | REAL ESTATE LTD. | STRADESKI REALTOR 723. eee eee ee tar' 6 keller ke 2 reundi Se ore eer, Mier Seen Ney 263-2997 @ 942-3310 CONSTRUCTION | 623-3393 | 4651 evenings 725-5639. 'cneck "Help Wanted" now! ; ing e@rec. Whitby. " 16 Simcoe Street South evening . ry ' ' as ' ' \ %