that Canada become a bi-na-jopened the poke, that the pig|bec criticism. , Soturday, April 15, 1967 Pa ) " 10 THE OSHAWA TINS, Pate wid Avid Se ae | tional state of English Canada|was paralysed. | Three papers discuss whether j anda (@ | epu 1C ea and Quebec, Dr. Forsey wrote:| 4 paper by Dean W. R. Lei-\a province should be permitted "It is difficult to believe that german of Queen's University,|to negotiate treaties with a the other nine provinces will|Kingston, considers how Can-|foreign power. The consenus is ever agree to buy such a very ada's constitution should be|that successful exercise TORONTO (CP)--The idea of transfer of jurisdictions would;inces, Ontario and British Co- a republic of Canada with Que- ibe going too far. lumbia, the report said. large pig in such a very thick,|"repatriated" and comes out in|of treaty-making power by a black poke. ltavor of the Fulton-Favreau|province would be tantamount bec as an associate state gets} Canada is a constitutional yy yr es faa dre "If they did, they would al-jformula, agreed upon by mostito a "declaration of independ- harsh treatment in a three-vol-;monarchy but "'we are free tolof special studies for the Cana- most certainfly find, when they of the proyiaces but under Que- ence." ume report by Ontario's ad-\hecome a republic if we want|dian Labor Congress. visory committee on Confedera-|to." However, the change would) Considerigg a proposal from jtion. {be resisted in the Atlantic prov-ithe Ste. Jean-Baptiste Society Six specialists in constitu- tional law who wrote papers for| | | AN ADDRESS OF DISTINCTION New York's Best Location! the report agreed a bi-national status urged by some Quebec politicians was unworkable. ho 265 . spi volume yh tabled in the legislature Friday by Premier John Robarts who FIFTH AVENUE AND 44th STREET stressed that the views of the NEWLY DECORATED ROOMS and SUITES report "do not necessarily re- THE MANSFIELD is convenient to all trans- present the views of the govern- portation and within walking distance of SHOPPING CENTRES - BROADWAY - THEATRES - UNITED NATIONS - RADIO CITY - BUS fA, RAIL and AIR TER- MINALS - DINING hod mea nantes a RE a IN THEELEGANT-AIROF = OLYMPIC AIRWAYS = i = ment." However, the papers '"'will be of great value to the govern- ment in formulating policy." | Among conclusions reached in evevtontarradg mr \the nine papers was that Quebec |has a "'perfect right" to opt out jof federal or federal-provincial programs but a large - scale ROOM and COCK~ TAIL LOUNGE. Special Weekly Rotes To Canadian Guests HOTEL | & rad | TOOTHACHE | piu } Don't suffer agony. In seconds get re- | ' WHEELER STILL SKIS lief that lasts with ORA-JEL. Speed- ' release formula puts medications to ; : a ' f work instantly to stop throbbing pain. | Lucille Wheeler, who in a third - place bronze -- Vaughan, they live in Ot- | Recommended by many dentists as ; 1956 won Canada's first still skis at least three tawa with children Jake, "first-aid" for toothaches yet so safe | medal in Olympic skiing-- 12 WEST 44th STREET JUST OFF FIFTH AVENUE , --_____--_----------_ former football player Kaye . . ' ' Robbers Run, Too Much | TORONTO (CP) -- A sprint} around a downtown city block) was too much for a bank rob- bery suspect Friday afternoon. At the end of the race, with) two bank clerks and a customer times a week. Married to 314, and Merle, 5%: doctors recommend . (cP Photo) it for teething. 89¢ ORA-JEL Daily Transatlantic Service; ' Superb Equipment -- Superb Service Between New York and -- Paris, Rome, Athens, Cairo and Tel Aviv -- , S%., throughout Europe and the Middle seven audio channels®, including one East to--London, Amsterdam, Zurich, that gives you interesting travel tips Frankfurt, Brindisi, Corfu, Istanbul, Nic- about the city in which you land. Sit osia, Rhodes, Beirut. back and relax in, elegance. Call your Enjoy first run movies, listen to any of travel agent soon. The RAMBLER 74 Victoria St., Toronto 1117 St..Catherines St. W., in hot pursuit, a man sat gasp- 363-7012 Montreal 849-7428 ing on the front steps of a : : furniture store and, docile, ' Out of town call Toronto ZEaith 0-412 handed over to his pursuers ics ded Blue $2,000 from the Bank of Mont- real branch at Queen and Yonge streets. "T can't talk. I've been run-| ning," -he said. | The man walked into the bank just before closing time and handed the first teller a note) saying: "Give me all your bills. | I'm well armed." He stuffed the money into his @ coat pockets and fled. | ansion Implementing © Carter Tax @ APRIL 17th to APRIL 22nd @ Trent Is Shooting for The Top 10 Rambler Dealers In Canada TORONTO (CP) -- Imple-| mentation of the Carter com- mission tax proposals probably PETERBOROUGH and BOWMANVILLE GERRY KRAMER KEVIN CHIPMAN would cause a fall in consumer prices and an increase in Can- ada's exports, a Bank of Can- ada economist said Friday. John F. Helliwell said the integration of personal and corporate taxes would lower the cost of equity capital to. busi- ness and stimulate investment in new productive capacity. Mr. Helliwell, until recently a research fellow at Nuffield Col- lege, Oxford, was speaking at a tax seminar held by the In- stitute of Chartered Account- ants*of Ontario. In September, he will go to the University of British Columbia as an assoc- iate professor of economics. Mr. Helliwell said business would look for investment op-| portunities that would not fur-| there depress prices and this| would lead to investment in| plants for export trade. | Special Offer! Order Now MAIL-AWAY COPIES of ) She Oshawa Times SOUVENIR EDITION Ruto Workers | | Rete! 550 sports Sedans .......... 6 67 Rebel $.8.1. Hardtop 67 Ambassador 880 Sports Sedan tind Ela aed mesreiseannns " , mapseasenes: soscamucesseat Wa e Parit Sau os Door it see sere ene 12 Complete safety package. 200 H.P. engine, Complete safety package. 145 H.P. engine. ebe tation Wagons ......... 6 automatic, power steering, light group, ' ' -- a ti Rebel 7704 Deer Sedank ck: " bee ae rg tires, full of gas. s710 Factory List aes veers 3002 To Be Published June 20th 1967 by Ciiedian pal apg Rebel 770 2 Door Hardtops ........ 2 Trent Ex sittin: Sol "one 3191 ig -- ae ee wage parity with similar occu- Rebel 770 Station Wagons .... .... = 1 Less tienes docs" Bae 20 Lesa Finance Gonus ....... _-20 mations in the United Statesil | ment Gees Ran eaa se we A ee eee ee ' 4 could lead to the devaiwation 7 Rebel SST 2 Door Hardtops a) dak aided 4 Your: Got o.oo ey 3171 Your Cost ......... reves 2512 bd the Canadian dollar, Dr. A. M. Rebel SST Convertibles ........... 2 user sal seni gang econ- | Ambassador 880 Sports Sedans ..... 11 City of Toronto said Friday. | | Ambassador 880 4 Door Sedans ..... 18 67 Rebel 550 4 Door Sedan 67 Ambassador 9904 Door Sedan (SINGLE COPIES 10c) Speaking to delegates to the Ambassador 880 Station Wagons ... 4 Personnel Association of Tor-| Ambossuder O80 4 Dour Sedna... 8 Complete safety packege. 145 H.P. engine, Complete Safety package, 200 H.P. engine, MAILED ANYWH ERE IN THE WORL onto, Dr. Kruger said he felt) kink dor 990 Hardt 4 automatic, whitewalls, wheel discs, deluxe automatic, power steering, power brakes. In- the major move for wage parity mpasracer talks eee . steering wheel, full of gas. dividual reclining seats, wheel discs, light aoe in about five to eix| precscessss al Mg piste Wagons ... : ink lar 3046 fan ne oaas eS : or mrdtone. . 6 ses --.._ | | Factory List ......... eas "Tf it comes, it will be a dol- * Trent E i Sale . 2631 ; Swe : At less than 10¢ per copy (postage included), this : Amb dor DPL C ie ent Expansion Sole ..... Trent E oly 17 iar, acy of uth becaane if | Aumvowvonier Die Semrereee °° 5 1 | Mane inane: Bemis 2 "et ueon ee oe | ba, Sowenir Edition provides on excellent oppor of the U.S. dollar, and it will| 100 Vout Gost kr ne . 2611 Your Cott 3... Sc Stee tunity to remember family and friends in far away places. Those who have formerly lived in this area lead to devaluation because of/f smaller production in Canada,"'| he said. Dr. Kruger advised delegates that the way to counteract | such a move would be to "put will appreciate the photos and news items, that will tell in @ most interesting way the history of ' Ontario and Durham Counties, and their contribu. IMMEDIATE DELIVERY -- 100 REBELS AND AMBASSADORS TO CHOOSE FROM, NO PRICE MYSTERY -- YOUR TRADE EVALUATED ON THE SPOT. ALL NEW CARS PLAINLY MARKED WITH THE LOW- EST PRICES IN CANADA. | tion to Canada during 100 years since Confedera- | tion. Extra copies should also be purchased for your youngsters for enjoyment and education in | the years to come. Act Now to avoid disappoint- | ment in obtaining this outstanding Centennial | I documentary and Souvenir Edition, your money in French francs, or German marks." OSHAWA ALUMINUM Sales & Service e@ ALUMINUM SIDING @ ALUMINUM STORMS, PATIOS & RAILINGS @ ALUMINUM AWNINGS, ETC. 58 Nassau St. Oshowa Ph. 725-7922 100 YEARS OF PROGRESS se SPECIAL FINANCING ARRANGEMENTS, FURTHER DIS- COUNTS TO YOU WHEN YOU FINANCE, -- $195. DOWN -- 36 MONTHS OR MORE TO PAY. DUE TO AN OVERSOLD CONDITION WE REGRET THAT WE ARE UNABLE TO MAKE IMMEDIATE DELIVERY OF RAMBLER AMERICANS. CARS PRESENTLY IN PRODUCT- = ION ARE BEING RESERVED AS ORDERED. ie ahi cade ae | in | ye SALE HERE'S ALL YOU DO: ; T T T Make out a list of Names ond addresses of those to whom you wish the Souvenir no me Sere | RENT AU Ke SA LES LIMI ED Edition to bé mailed, along with a cheque or cash at 3 copies for 25¢ and Mail or bring ap Ideal for Home or i} to THE TIMES CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT. All orders will be mailed promptly on gZ0 me abe Serene Ki St H day. of publication. \, price o ei | i ing Street East, Bowmanville 623-3305 su ics bese 16 Landsdowne Street, Peterborough 745-4695 ALL ORDERS WILL BE HANDLED BY the RUDDY ELECTRIC | EARL LLOYD HARRY WEESE KEVIN CHIPMAN THE TIMES CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT | 5S cont: LID. BOB WOOD DAN KEARNEY GERRY KRAMER ed 96 Richmond St. E. 725-3539 || JOHN SHAW LARRY LISS | nt | up ho ag 8a: