oth le When It ures: wide 20" ch stroke ross woe 1" te 3" indie fer ie, green Diamond weering. logging. "a 13" ated with dle- WEDDING ALBUM A record for your Wedding Album 1s provided by The Oshasva Times: Women's Page. Forms are available at The Oshawa Times office. Early publication of this wedding record is facilitated by submitting the completed form and a picture of the bride to the Women's Editor as soon as possible afier the ceremony. You are asked to submit the names of out-of-town guests attending the wedding to the social editor either before or the day after the wedding. Lapa - Goreski Now honeymooning in Aca-{bouquet of Briarcliff pink roses tlco and Mexico City are Mr. |and bebo rye gerege oes : ie maid of honor was Miss ay nad Baward Lapa follow: Natalia Zadorozna, Oshawa. ig their marriage last Satur-/The bridesmaids were Miss ay morning in St. Hedwig's|Lynda Strynatka, Toronto; Miss toman Catholic Church. | Vicki Varcoe, Oshawa, and Miss | * Bra The bride is the former Isa-|Doreen Campbell, Downsview; el Jean Goreski, daughter of|With Miss Cindy Kowal, Bow- fr, and Mrs, Frank Goreski/Manville, and Miss | Cheryl ind the bridegroom is the son| Balko, Scarborough, as the jun- jior bridesmaids. copes en The best man was Matthew ; Lapa, Oshawa, and those usher- The Reverend Anthony Bag- ing were Donald Andrey, and 'ik officiated and, the soloist) nayid Goreski, both of Oshawa, was Konrad Hejna, accompan-| ang Edward Kowal, Bowman- ed by Edward Kolodziejezak. | vijje ' Given in marriage by her; Following the reception held father, the bride was wearing ajin the Polish Hall, Banting formal lace gown in a sculptur-| Avenue, the couple left for their ed rose pattern, with a scal- honeymoon with the bride don- loped semi-bateau neckline and/ning for travelling, a two-piece lily-point sleeves. The skirt suit of imported brocade with a swept out from the waistline in stencilled pattern of large flow- five horizontal tiers of scallop- ers in light rose against a deep ed lace. A small cluster of Alen- ivory background. The semi- con lace flowers and leaves en- fitted jacket was finished at crusted with rhinestones and the neckline with a graduated seed pearls formed her Cleo-|scarf effect sweeping from patra headdress, which held herjright to left shoulder and she misty illusion veil, falling softly; wore a corsage of medium pink over her face and breaking in| Tea roses. He the back to a cascade of tiers) On their return, Mr. and Mrs. of veiling to below shoulder-'Lapa will reside at 66 Ridge length. She carried a colonial'road, Deep River, Ontario. MR. AND MRS. | { Reeson - Morrey | The Reverend L. W. Herbert crusted with seed pearls and officiated in Northmister United |Crystals held her bouffant veil) Ghroh lest Saturday. when of silk illusion and she carried) t Ad _. |a bouquet of silver-frosted deep Ann Morrey became the bride | pink roses. of Roger Ronald Reeson. The} Mrs. Bruce Carter, Kitchener, bride is the daughter of Mr. and was the matron of honor and} Mrs. Percy Morrey, and the|Miss Pamela Frauts, Oshawa, bridegroom is the son of Mr.|was the bridesmaid. ._ and Mrs. Edward Myrle Reeson,| Kenneth Brack was the best all of Oshawa. {man and Richard Johnston Given in marriage by her|ushered. | father, the bride wore a formal| The reception was held in the classical gown of silk faille. The} Fleetwood room of the Hotel fitted bodice had a scoop neck-|Genosha, following which the line and lily-point sleeves. Ex-|couple left for a honeymoon in quisite Guipure lace enhanced|Florida. As they left the bride) the bodice and made a redingote| was wearing an olive green and} effect down the front of the|white dress and coat ensemble | semi-A- line skirt. A full cathe-|with beige accessories for| dral train edged' with similar travelling. SATURDAY, MAY lace was held at the back waist-| On their return, Mr. and Mrs. Wins do wane: Marien line by a self bow. Her semi-|Reeson will reside on French| as : Cleopatra self - headdress, en-|street in Oshawa. Glover and Frederick Thomas Cowan have chosen McKee ae Smith Saturday, May 6, as the date of their wedding to take place in Northminster Unit- Saturday evening in North- ed Church at 4:00 p.m. ac- minster United Church, Donna cording to an announcement Ruth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, made today by the bride- Murray H. Smith, Oshawa, 'RGR SCR CORR EERIE RRETERS was united in marriage to John F. W. McKee, son of Mr. and Mrs. Terence B. McKee, North Bay. The Reverend Dr. H. A. Mel- low officiated and the wedding music was played by R. K. Kel- lington at the organ. Given in marriage by her father, the bride was wearing a fqrmal semi-A-Line gown of peau de soie with a sleeveless lace appliqued empire bodice. A removable coat train trim- med. with similar lace had bell- ENGAGEMENT Lauren Vivian, to Gys Bert} Koese, son of Mrs. Jan} Koese, Middelharnis, Nether- lands, and the late Mr. Koese. The wedding is to take place Friday, May 19, 1967 at 7.30 |p.m. in Christ Memorial Church, ,, Oshawa. shaped sleeves. A jewelled chignon self headdress held her ENGAGEMENT scalloped veil of silk illusion Mr. and 'Mrs. John K. and she carried a cascade bou- Glover, Oshawa, wish to an- guet of white roses, chrysanthe- mums, stephanotis and ivy. The matron of honor was the bride's sister, Mrs. Frank Horner, North Bay and Miss Sally McKee, also of North Bay was the bridesmaid, The flower nounce the engagement of their daughter, Joanne Marilyn, to Frederick Thomas Cowan, son of Mr, and Mrs. Andrew F. Cowan, RR 1, Essex, Ontario. | The wedding will take place |Saturday, May. 6, 1967 at 4.00 girl was Miss Lee Horner, |p.m. in Northminster United} North Bay. Church, Oshawa. Brian Buckley, Toronto, was the best man, and Frank es Sel ENGAGEMENT Horner, North Bay, ushered. M d Mrs. . Edward = , s. . N. EE r. an rs.. Edward Me After the reception held in MRS. JOHN F. N. McK Cumber, Frankford, Ontario,| EDWARD LAPA es i MR. AND M Be --Photo by Sneyd | Mrs. Herbert Brately, street, Whitby, will open home for the April meeting of Pereyma, to help paint the in the Oshawa Silver Cross Chap-|terior of St. George's Ukrainian |ter of the Remembrance Asso- Catholic Church, by its Junior RS. ROGER R. Perry! A cheque her sented to THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, April 14, 1967 13 SOCIAL & PERSONAL | Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor | Telephone 723-3474 for Women's Department for $1,000 was pre-| the Reverend John} 'Salvation Army Home League Annual Rally Salvation Army Home League members from Whitby, Bow- |manville, Uxbridge, Cobourg, Port Hope, Peterborough, Lind- \Say and Fenelon Falls, gathered at the Oshawa Citadel, Monday jafternoon and evening for the jannual Home League Rally for the district | Mrs. Major John Wood, Osh- jawa, opened the rally by wel- |coming the delegates and the special guests, Mrs. Commis- sioner Edgar Grinstead, Home League president for Canada land Bermuda and Mrs. Colonel |Frank Moulton, both of Toronto. Mrs. Grinstead presided for jan énrolment of members in the {afternoon, drawing attention to |the fact that these were Dia- jmond Jubilee members, the |Salvation Army being formed in England in 1907, Mrs.. Captain Herbert Fraser conducted moments of remem- brance and Mrs, E. Randall of Lindsay read the scripture les- son from a Braille Bible. Mrs. Grinstead concluded the afternoon session by an object lesson with a piece of cord illus- trating a verse of scripture, Ec- jclesiastes, chapter 4, verse 12, ~ --'and a three-fold cord is not quickly broken,"' comparing the three folds to the moral stan- se Sage ' 'dards everyone should have, ' |"loyalty, purity, and faithful promises." The Divisional Commander, Lieutenant Colonel Wilfred Hawkes welcomed everyone to the evening session, when the hall was again filled to capa- city. | The Oshawa Citadel Band, : junder the direction of Norman Ritson, was in attendance. |Three Home League members from Peterborough sang in a trio. The Oshawa Home League ; members presented a playlet jentitled "Sixty Years of Home Building," after which, Mrs. Grinstead was presented with a | cheque for $2,000.00 to be sent to help rebuild the Indian Girls SOCIAL NOTICES | 6, IS THEIR DAY elect's Mrs. John K. Glover, Osh- awa. The prospective bride- groom, the son of. Mr. and parents, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew F. Cowan, RR 1, Essex, Ontario, re- ceived his master of science degree from the University of Guelph and will be em- ployed in Toronto. ciation, after noon, next Thursday Auxiliary members at the April! meeting in the parish hall. Out - of - town guests attend-| Her Royal Highness Princess ing the Reeson - Morrey ding last Saturday in North- centennial exhibition minster United Church, were:\tg od" on Tuesday, May the Royal {Peter Morrey, Edmonton, Al-|¢ b-titl a 1 .|versations will |berta; James Bruce, Windsor; ee ne wae ron lat a Memory Book of Oshawa. bea and Mrs. Donald Bain, the items displayed were worn| |Newmarket; Miss Penny jin Canada in the last 187 years| \Northfold, Miss Irene O'Grady, | years although not all made in| \both of Peterborough and Mrs. | {pis country. AT HOME \Douglas Collins, Windsor. Mrs. Michael Kawzenuk, Unit g of St, Mr. and Mrs. George Bray of Glenecho drive, will open her|Church Women, the unit and its Raglan will be at home to their/home to the members of the Red Cross co-workers presented engagement of their daughter, | p.m, to 4:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m.| Ukrainian to 9:00 p.m. on the occasion of | Mrs, William Yasminicki, and their 50th wedding anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Newton Rich-jrelatives and friends on Satur-|dance committee arranging the Mrs, 'Tloyd Pegg with a set of ards, Oshawa, announce the/day, April 22, 1967, from 2:00 Spring Dance being held by the/ry tables, prior to her depar- unior Auxiliary of St. George's |t f Osh i Catholic Church. | sgh taeda nhl Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ball, Mr dort John Andrewskiw are inj and Mrs, Ronald Pine and Mr charge of ticket distribution. 'and Mrs, Bruce McArthur are the church hall, the couple left wish to announce the engage-| for a honeymoon in Niagara|navy blue accessories, for trav-| ment of their daughter Ruth| Falls and New York State with|elling. (Monica, to Arnold. Douelas the bride changing into a navy; Mr. and Mrs. McKee will Stuart Redknap mon. of Mi. blue and white wool suit with|make their home in North Bay./anq Mrs. Alfred G. Redknap, Oshawa. The wedding is to . take place Saturday, May 13, Dignard - Hawley 1967 at 2.00 p.m. at Frankford Free Methodist Church, Frank- St. Gregory the Great Roman,shoulder - length bouffant bie | a . fr Ae ; ing|and she carried a bouquet of) aay ee Catholic Church ib the sig pink roses and white chry- FORTHCOMING MARRIAGE last Saturday morning for the | -¢nthemums. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Christl, marriage of Karen Lynn, daugh-| Miss Mary Munroe, was the |Courtice, wish to announce the| ter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward|maid'of honor and the other at-'forthcoming marriage of their} Hawley, Oshawa, to Jean- Paul |tendant was Mrs. Grant Gud-|daughter, Anna Marie, to Ron- Joseph Dignard, son of Mr. and \geon, both of Oshawa. 'ald Edward Keith, son of Mr.| Mrs. Thomas Dignard, Traca-, Paul Basque was the best and Mrs, Clarence Keith, Osh- die, New Brunswick. man. and Grant Gudgeoniawa. The ceremony is to take The Reverend Philip Whiley | ushered. place Saturday, May 13, 1967 officiated and the soloist, Miss} As the couple left for their/at 11.00 a.m. in St. Mark's Ang- Beverley Henderson was ac- pe fhaiage Niagara Aer a Church, Oshawa. companied by John Driscoll. (following the reception at the) js ne ee Gives in marriage by her Acres Restaurant, the bride was| FORTHCOMING MARRIAGE father, the bride wore a formal|wearing a turquoise dress with! Mr. and Mrs. Leonard J. gown of silk organza with a lace;matching empire coat and tur-|/Barker, Oshawa, wish to an- bodice and sleeves and accented |4uoise and black accessories. |nounce the forthcoming mar-| by a peau de soie train edged) On their return, Mr. and Mrs. jriage of their daughter, Mau-| in lace. Her headdress of beaded | Dignard will reside at 234 Glid-'reen Beverley, to John Stuart leaves held her _ scallopediden, Oshawa. Isles, son of Mr. and Mrs. Se a AR a BAR TOL ales, Toronto, The cere- M t Women |sote. university announcement) ony is to take place Satur- ature | "Support for the action comes 48% weit al 1967 at 4.30 shat BY B T ined lnot only because of the oppor: | 2 : or' minster United Church, oO be ifal tunity 'this decision will give| Oshawa. s married graduates whose fam-| py rHC 1G: iE As Social Workers jiiies are growing up and de- salon ect Lage wh WINNIPEG (CP)--The haul is|anding Jess of their time, but| oy yon oan 'he tarihees : See lalso for the help it will give ey BenaUUce ae a long one but the University of social work agencies with their "8 Marriage of their daughter, Manitoba is offering a place in| staff problems." Marilyn Rose. to Vernon David the social worker elite to "ma-| Prof. Helen Mann, director of Moen ae wid get ane Mrs. ture women" who have the urge|the .university's school of Social|ne vi <2 008, B of : shawa. lwork, said women. registering The ceremony is te take place to go back to school and fashion for the program will have to Saturday, June 3, 1967 at 2.30 p.m, in St. George's Memorial wvasnersce acecegennneeet a@ new career, qualify the same way as do hunch. "Anglics Under the plan, women uni-|regular students. AUrch, ANguCan. versity graduates who had put! They must have a BA or its} family-raising ahead of further|equivalent with good standing, academic training may enrol in|they must have completed four the university's master of social|full undergraduate courses in| work program on a two-day-a-|the social sciences, and they week study schedule must show personal suitability And, they may take as long|for the kind of work they pro- as five years to complete the | pose to do and the intention of | two-year program. practising after graduation. | BRUNO'S HAIR STYLING Hairstyling and shaping is eur speciality 212 King S%&. W., Oshawe 576-2010 ervice. ite e _ . a public revere ° vi senoo--accLUsiVe AGENT al Estate GRIFFIN Re PLAN UNE WEDDING Home at Prince Albert the J Home League's Centennial pro- A June _ wedding ts urday in June. The bride- hg ta Henry Parnell, Peter- planned for Miss Marilyn to he is the daughter of Mr. horoich pronounced the 'banc Rose Stolaryk and Vernon and Mrs. John Stolaryk laiction. David Wood, The ceremony and the prospective bride- | _-- ot PPO SIE ME oem is to take place at 2.30 groom is the son of Mr. and | ' p.m, in St. George's Memo- Mrs. David Wood, all of | | rial Church, the first Sat- 'hoping to reminisce with Osh-| wed-| Alexandra will officially openjawa's oldest residents in Mc Ontario Museum's|Laughlin Library next Tuesday,Richard Hunt, 8, beat the 37 "Modesty |evening. Notes from the con- members of his class--17 of : : | form the basis|them girls--in a_cake-making| competition at a Leicestershire school. what he wants to be--a chef FOLLOWS FATHER Tony before|in the soap opera The Edge of 1 L cooked crumbled|Night, is the son of Ken Rob: Andrew's United bacon, pan-fry the slices thenlerts, announcer of The Secret drain and break into pieces. DICED OR CRUMBLED When a recipe calls for diced| \bacon, cut the slices into pieces with a pair of scissors At the Wednesday meeting of | cooking. For |Storm Oshawa. BOY TOPS CLASS | WIGSTON, England | (CP) He's decided already VIFE PRESERVER A one - pound coffee can tap- vd to the leg of pour stepladder nakes a handy holster for our electric drill when you're ising it up high. Roberts, leading actor Nearby PHONE 6 6 - FEATURING THE _ Registered Exterior Saturday, April (5th Have Their Bring Your Family To The Mercury Color Party ZELLER'S Oshawa Shopping Centre Pictures Take Photographer in Kodacolor. Your Color Photograph Will Be Returned: To You Mounted On A Beautiful Portrait Folder. In "LIVING" Color by « Professional !!1QUR SPECIAL OFFER !! 1 ne 32" x 5" Color Portrait SATURDAY, APRIL (5th FROM {0 A.M, TO 5 P.M. (Lunch Hour 11:45 to 12:30) 79: LEAVE YOUR FILMS. HERE COLOR BLACK AND WHITE Quality Developing and Printing