t) tunities \ 4 ING 1,500 show- Modern 9 woter oms 20 -- 1d laun- ge stor- 2 bed- ent -- in water ind with 'al come aversion us base- 500 on write Ont. IVE ITY highway ally de- welling, water, . OW East . evenings Nanted ADISE ESSORI rool he won eaching. appoint- handyman house and lephone 723- rsing experi in her home, lephone 576 i baby lassified Ads spot cash, - condi- call OR woman anizing small ffice ind de- ential, ications 03 AES ONS for full ur area. > of car nal in- 23-6296 ED home, ly week, AES i EXPERIENCED "WAITRESS shift, Apply in person to Rainbow Res- "wanted to : sTuDI0 sents an exciting new opportunity for you Legion fe earn extra money. Territories open in utilities su: hawa and district. For an appointment Box $3653, ; hod 725-5186 between 7-9 or write Luella TWO MEN required by leading nad. "Drive North. Telephone 725-7871. PENSIONER fo live in, room and board, | -- Reply stating | 19-- --Male and Female eeeeee eee Semmes |!S-cMele Help Woented Upholsterers Large national monufactur- ing company has openings for upholsterers in Plants at Winnipeg and Montreal. If you are an experienced up- holsterer and are desirous of becoming established with a long established progressive organization offering steady yeor round work, please write to us giving details of your age, experience and salary desired. WRITE BOX M-63637 OSHAWA TIMES Avon Calling If you need extra money don't delay --- become an Avon representative. Terri- tories available immediately in Oshawa, Whitby and Dar- lington Twp. No experience required. For personal inter- view phone or write Mrs. J. Hill, 140 Nonquon Rd., Osh- awa. 725-9696. for taurant, 163 Brock St. N., , Whitby. Good wages. East end. 723-7463. English. Also shop. Must sewing. speak learn |. Sheriff, 37 Prince Street, over Rose Bow! Restaurant 03 Pine Avenue. area. Two schocl children and one pre-school ) mediately. Telephone 728-3636 "Fesearch company LICENSED MECHANIC. LEADING "MARKET part-time work, helpful. Please write Box M63180, Oshawa Times. sce EXPERIENCED shirt finisher. Arnold Palmer Dry Cleaners, 255 * Street West. BABYSITTER, 42-day week. light household duties. wages required, References, please. x 63350, ( Oshawa Times. 18--Male | Help \ Wanted _ We Pay You To Train For Retail Store Management Rapidly expanding Canadian Retail Firm with stores from coast to coast has immediate openings for younger men to train on the job for Store Management, with future op- portunities in Home Office end administrative positions. @ Ages 20 to 30 desirable; but we have a few open- ings for men 18 to 20. Single men preferred. @ Starting salaries depend on age, education, and past work experience. @ Future salary depends up- on the ability and perform- ence of the individual. Salories at the manage- ment level range upward from a minimum of $6, 500 to over $35,000 an- nually, @ Extensive expansion pro- gramme and supervised training provides excellent opportunity for rapid pro- motion based upon indivi- dual performance. @ Employee benefits include: Pension Plan, Group Life Insurance and Health Plan, Profit Sharing, Sum- mer and Winter Vaca- tions. QUALIFICATIONS: -- @ Leadership ability. @ At least High School edu- cation, or better. @ Attractive starting salaries for both High School and University Graduates. @ Willingness to accept periodic expense - paid transfers during training. Reply stating full particulars: Name, address, telephone number, age, marital status, education, and previous work experience. BOX NO. 188 OSHAWA PRESS BRAKE OPERATOR Fully qualified for 225 | ton press brake. Must be capable of doing own layout and die setup. SHEAR OPERATOR Fully qualified to oper- ate power shear with a capacity of 4%' x 10'0". For interview, appoint- ment. JENSEN STEEL LTD. 66 RUSSETT AVE. OSHAWA 728-7318 }GOOD OPPORTUNITY. ture type with night plu: - lang: au CLEANING WOMAN, iwe days weekly. | resident preferred, age 2] - 40, no travel. Position offers stantial income and to the right person ~GOOD HAND SEWERS. wanted in tailor managerial opportunity. girls|dence to Box 63629, Reasonably id while learning. Apply in person to|TOP MAN, also waiter references, upstairs position. IABLE babysitter, "live-in preferred, earnings | North Oshawa age meet Needed im- |Portation supplied Write Box 63031, Oshawa Times. requires woman with car for interesting |dian Tire Corp., Interviewing experience | Whitby. The years © old, Telephone 723-8818. Times. PERSON TO TRAIN y Must be able to work any hours and have neat appearan 63752, Oshawa Tim WANTED -- Qualified and experienced hairdresser to take over built-in clien- tele. Top wages paid Telephone Collect Peterborough 745-3667 FULLER NEEDS manager Can make $40 for ten hours weekly or more. Choose. your own time. 728-4922. over 21. NEWSPAPER CAREER OPPORTUNITY Oshawa Times Sports We require a young man keenly interested in sports with an aptitude for writing. Applicant should be in 18 to 21 age range and have a Grade XII education. (Applic- ant with satisfatcory qualifi- cations otherwise might work part time until school yeor ends.) Apply in writing to arrange for an interview to THE EDITOR THE OSHAWA TIMES. | YOUNG "MEN between. the ¢ ages, of a and 25 who are presently employed and are anxious to have a part-time income, to assist Circulation Manager for large} Metropolitan own hours, |M63868, employment and age newspaper. Choose your Reply in confidence to Box Oshawa Times, giving Present | Permanent tu- for a responsible executive or sales individual accustomed to contact the public. Three-year initial salary incentive group benefits. Oshawa area stable career with sub- Reply in confi- Oshawa Times. steady Older man acceptable. Royal Hotel, Whitby. 668-5012 GIRL of Canada Cosmetics pre- ~ COUPLE TO ACT as caretaker-janitor. Hall, Bowmanville. Apartment, pplied. Monthly salary. Write Oshawa Times freezer company, higher than average Must be neat and. willing to the public. Training and trans. No selling involved. Apply. Cana 311 Brock Street North, you want in the Want Ads, place a| item as APY | "Wanted ad and get It! Dial 723-3492. : DESPERATELY NEEDED Riverside Player ani lead guitar and organ player for Rhythm id Blues group. Between 16 _Help Wanted TAILOR OR TAILORESS required to take charge of alterations for men's cloth- ing store in the Oshawa area. Write box 63427, Oshawa Real Estate Agent Wanted MALE or FEMALE We require for our steadily increasing business an ex- perienced, aggressive and en- ergetic person. Excellent com- mission arrangements. Apply to: W. SCHATZMANN Realtor 114 Brock St. N., Whitby 668-3338 desk clerk. to person selected. with car, 20--Real Estate for Sale NEED A JOB ? Read Help Wanted Ads Daily In The Times GORDON Osborne REAL ESTATE LTD. 218 DUNDAS ST. E. WHITBY No, 2 Highway Dial 668-8826 WARDMAN CRESCENT A newly decorated five room brick bungalow with a par- tially finished rec room. A fenced in lot. Call and in- spect tonite LUPIN -- TWIN Central to shopping centre and bus service. Only $14,- 500. DREW ST.-- OSHAWA A seven room 1¥2_ storey home with four bedrooms, a fireplace, rec room. A well landscaped lot with many extras included. A low down payment 1o one mortgage. Call today. NEW HOME Pick your colours as the house is being finished. The rooms are all large, the basement is divided for extra rooms, the heating is oi! and the lot is 50' by 140'. The mortgage is 634%. The monthly pay- ments are $113 PIT, Call for appointment. LIVE RENT FREE in a two bedroom apurtment with kitchen and living room and rent out the remainder of the house for $80 per month, Full price enly $15,- 300. BUILDING LOT 107' by 133' in good loca- tion, Whitby Township. COUNTRY LIVING Two acres with five room house, mew born, two gar- ages, chicken coop. Call to- nite, N. Vanden Broek 668-2675 Clare Shank 723-5145 Gordon White 668-6337 Borbara Reynolds 723-1887 Georae Sullivan 668-6226 Marlow Hancock 723-0288 George Abramoff 723-4871 Stevenson-Rossland Area Well built 5 room brick bung- alow on acres (may be divided) in Education Corner. WRITE BOX 63334 OSHAWA TIMES {Reet Seeate Fer Ser | | HOW TO GET IT: If you donot find the | and 20 Apply to Box 16 Simcoe St. S. € A REAL MONEY-MAKER GUIDE REALTY LTD. 723-5281 e INCOME HOME 1 @ Excellent 4 bedroom 112} storey home. Nice jarge rooms) presently divided into 2 apart: | ments bringing in $175 per| month, Hot water oil heating.| A down payment of $3,000 is) sufficient for the vendor to hold his own mortgage. It will be a pleasure to show you this clean| home any evening e IMMEDIATE SALE | 1] @ It is our privilege to offer a really distinctive tome with] so many features at such an at- tractive price. $20,500 for a 3} bedroom bungalow with attach- ed garage. Wall to wall broad-} loom, fireplace, extra large lot. An. excellent buy on today's market. Located in choice Park| Lone area, only a short walk to} schools and bus. We welcome) your early inquiry. | e DUPLEX 111 @ Not a conversion but a 2 year old true duplex, 2 bedroom apartment downstairs, 3 bed-| rooms up. Forced air oil heat-| ing. Large kitchens and 4 piece, tiled bathrooms, Separate en- trances. Very good rental area on bus route near schools and churches. Particularly attractive to investor with better than av-| erage down payment. & EAST END BEAUTY IV @ Believe us, you foo will be impressed with this immacu-| late 7 room bungalow, Closed/ in breezeway, attached gorage.| Nicely finished recreation eal with fireplace. 2 bathrooms, oil heated. Family room 14 x 18'. Excellent location near high 'school or easy east-west commuting on Highway No.| 401. | e PRIDE and JOY | V @ Most homes today offer some broadiloom, T.V. tower, modern bathroom, oil heat. This| 4 bedroom bungalow near Osh- awa. Shopping Centre with love- ly modern kitchen ¢nd built-in stove and oven will appeal to) your taste but the lovely recre-| ation room is the owner's pride} and joy from the carefully re-| finished real old barn wall] panelling to the cleverly oon in bar, Here is a real home en- tertainment centre. You are} cordially invited to visit by ap- pointment. e STONE FRONT Vi @ and aluminum awnings grace this 3 bedroom bungalow with attached garage, extra large recreation room, close to schools, transportation, churches and downtown Oshawa, Lots of cupboards, built-in ironing board in kitchen. Possession immediate. Call tonight make an appointment to see this home. Price $18,900. e RETIREMENT HOME Vil @ We heartily recommend this charming 2 bedroom brick bungalow just north of the Oshawa Shopping Centre to any- body going inta retirement. Lovely sunporch, tree-shaded backyard. Only $3,000 down and: vendor will hold his own) mortgage. Taxes ore only $230.! OPEN HOUSE! Once Again This Whole Week-End Guide Realty | Will Hold Open House at a | | Selection of Fine Homes, You ore Invited to Visit us at Centennial Acres Applegrove Model 612 Athol St.. East 127 Labrador Drive Vill @ Excellent income pro- ducing property located on Sim- coe St. South. 8 suites produce $860 monthly.: Very reasonably priced. $12,000 down payment required. Call us for all particu- lars, e A BREATH TAKING VIEW 1X @ Beautiful tri-level plan. Everything you always dreamed about. Sunken living room 1642 x 23' with 122" stone fire- place. Fir beam ceiling. Dining room has stone barbeque. AM/ FM intercom throughout. If you are looking for something out of the ordinary with quality This is it. Call for further in-; formation today. | e BRICK BUNGALOW X @ Threw bedrooms, a fomily size kitchen, large living room and just 10 months old, Luxur- ious wool broadioom in living room and master bedroom. Cup- boards and closets galore. Mort- goge carries for only 614%. Phone for appointment before this exquisite home is sold. and} |20--Real Estate For Sele ICENTRAL ONTARIO. | TRUST 19 Simcoe St. N. REAL ESTATE DEPT. RALPH SCHOFIELD ~ Manager Lot -- Residential In good Oshawa north-end lo- cation. All services fully paid for. Size 50' x 113', Good lo- cations are hard 'to find so make your offer at once to secure this good location. Boatman's Bungalow Here is the answer! A fine new roomy 3 bedroom brick bungalow, convenient to the boat marina in Port Perry. Spend a little more time driv- ing to work and you'll have many extra hours to enjoy your boot and fishing, and, best of all, you buy for $16, 500 a home which would cost you $19,000 in Oshawa, Just Listed Completely duplexed 10 room, 2 storey brick residence. Conveniently located in north- east Oshawa, just one block from Simcoe Street. The in- terior elegance of this resi- dence is simply amazing, fea- turing broodloom carpeting in spacious living and dining rooms, family room, 1 master bedroom and halls. The ex- terior appearance of this pro- perty is keenly marked with good care. Must be seen to be appreciated. Asking price $32,000 -- terms arranged. Asking $16,900 Northwest Oshawa -- 3 bed- room brick bungalow in excel- lent condition with finished "rec"' room, apple trees, pa- tio and close to all schools, bus and shopping. For fur- ther details, call at once. Highway Location One acre corner lot with frontage on concession road. Good water supply. $2,000 down. Rossland Road W. $28,000 Beautiful custom-built 6 room bungalow. This home is oc- cupied by the builder and is a luxury home in every re- spect. There is broadléom in the living room and dining room as well os a beautiful stone fireplace and planter boxes. Extra quality is the rule in this home. Low TAX- ES and a 75 x 254 lot make it even more attractive. See this one soon! OUR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE MAY HELP YOU SELL OR BUY LIST WITH CENTRAL ONTORIO TRUST 723-5221 9:00 to 5:30 AFTER HOURS PLEASE CALL Tom Houston 668-4416 Allan Thompson 728-2870 Hervey Hogan 655-3663 Grant Burns 942-3733 Ralph Schofield 725-5067 _(20--Real Estate for Sale 'Paul Ristow Ltd. "Your Realtor" 187 KING 9474 EAST | SPOTLESS ! Yes, we're proud to show you this 5. room owner built bung- alow with large single garage. Lots of room here for a gar- den as well. Owner retiring | and will hold open mortgage | at 7% with around $3,000 down payment. Don't miss | this one! Coll Tom Huzar at | 728-9474 or 728-5422 even- ings. SPRING IS HERE | | Time for a change? See. this | comfortable seven room home to-night. Located in a much desired northwest area, this 4 bedroom home is cnly 2 years old; Enjoy the crackling fireplace on these still cool nights, Walk-out at rear, broadioom = =and = aluminum storms and screens are among the extras. Call Bill Knight at 728-9474 or 725-3606 evenings. RETIRING ? 1 don't know of another home in Oshawa's, north end thot combines all these economy features. Taxes only $227, heating around $85 a sea- son. Two bedroom bungalow with family room, broadloom | in living room, well landscap- ed grounds and single gor- age. Asking $13,900 with around $3,000 down. See it to-day! Call Tom Huzor at 728-9474 or 728-5422 even- ings. RESALE VALUE Only $107 a month includ | ing taxes carries this snug 3 | bedroom bungalow. Nestled | cozily in the north end, the asking price of $16,900 in- cludes broadloom and clum- inum storm doors. Relax and enjoy the country setting with city conveniences -- and it's | only 4 years old. Call Bill Knight at 728-9474 or 725- 3606 evenings. BUSINESS ANYONE ? We have two excellent busi- ness opportunities available. One is a variety store and lunch counter combined and the other is a prosperous del- icattessen. Both show good returns. Full details to inter- ested parties. Call Tom Huzar at 728-9474 or evenings 728-5422. DELIGHTFUL TWO BEDROOM You will have to go a long way to beat this value. The owner is asking only $13,- 500 for this brick bungalow including aluminum awning, storm and screen sash, Fi- nancing can be arranged so inspect to-night and try your down payment. Call Bill Knight at 728-9474 or 725- _. 3606 ofter five. Leg REAL ESTATE LIMITED 40 King Street East SCHOFIELD-AKER REALTOR LIMITED Servicing Oshawa and District for over 31 years 723-2265 2 STOREY Beautifully appointed four bedroom brick and stone home -- from the lovely chandelier in the dining room to the attached garage this home is in immaculate con- dition. Recreation room, 2 baths, patio are only a few of the extras. Located in ex- cellent school area. COMPACT 3 bedroom bungalow on a 136 ft. deep lot. Only $3,000 down payment and very good terms. Home is ten years old. Close to all facilities. Toxes $367. SCHOOL AREA Excellent older home in A-1 condition. Three bedrooms, new kitchen, natural fire- place centering the panelled - living room wall. Gold broad- loom, finished recreation room, 2 baths. Very close to bus and shopping. EXECUTIVE HOME For the person that likes something different. Plan is ideal. All very large rooms throughout. This home boasts a large entrance hall; 4 bed- rooms, 2 fireplaces, 2 bath- rooms, attached garage. Sit- uated in a scenic setting. For full particulars call 723-2265 Irene Brown 725-3867 Marg Hall 723-1358 Mike Belmonte 725-8300 George Twoites 723-2008 Willard Johnston 728-1066 Irwin Cruikshanks 728-5205 Ed Drumm 725-9345 Maible Boudreau 728-2233 Mel Dole 623-5638 Reg Aker 725-0201 Bill McFeeters 725-1726 OPEN DAILY 9 TILL 9 Members of O.D.R.E.B. WE LIST and SELL M.L.S. e NORTHEAST | MORTGAGES ARRANGED 360 King St. West. Oshawa XI! @ Do you want to be near! North G. M. plant or hospital?| We have a 2 storey brick home} which features 3 bedrooms, combination living room and dining room, separate kitchen, full basement. Asking prite only $10,900, Call us now. Call 723-5281. Open daily from 9 am. to 9 p.m, @ GUIDE REALTY LIMITED 16 Simcoe Street South 6%4% N.H.A. MORTGAGE Asking price $17,500. This charming, modern 3 bedroom bungalow situated in quiet, safe, neighbourhood with very little traffic on this street. Close to all conveniences, northeast section of city, Real Value, approximately $5,000 down payment required. Guaranty Trust Co. 32 King St. East 728-1653 JACK SHEPHARD 725-6113 residence MARY ST. A' beautiful bungalow in an area of fine homes, 3 bed- rooms, fireplace in the living room, built in stove and oven in the kitchen, paved drive with carport, large rec room, broadloom, draperies includ- ed, listed at only $23,700. ESTATE SALE 2 storey brick home with private drive, within walking distance of downtown, 2 kit- chens, 2 bathrooms, must be 'sold. Can be shown by ap- *pointment. A real buy at $17, 500 SHOPPING CENTRE Is only steps away from this 4 bedroom home with paved drive and garage. Owner mov- ing out of town and will sac- rifice at $14,200 with good terms. CADILLAC NORTH Attractive corner location close to shopping, bus line etc. 3 bedroom 1% storey home with built in drawer space in the bedroom. Fin- ished rec room, extra wash- room and broadioomed living room, All in excellent condi- tion -- don't poss up the choice location. Dial 728-4678 John O'Driscoll 725-8585 Jack Hogan 728-1554 Joe Maga 725-9191 Eldon Kerr 723-9178 Bob Johnston 725-9365 Frank Frankfurter 728-5416 member 0.d.r.e.b. we list exclusive ond mls. OPEN EVENINGS TILL NINE RAE R. Realtor 668-884 | 20 ACRES LARGE BRICK HOUSE BARN $26,000. Seven-roomed brick house with new oil furnace, dondy. large tiled 5-piece bathroom, kitchen 14'-x 16', built-in cupboards, _ living- room and dining room on the main floor. Four good bed- | rooms upstairs plus room for a second bathroom, Located northeast of Oshawa, 10 min utes, good roads. Terms avoil- able. Office 668-8841. Resi- dence 668-4003, JONES '20--Real Estate for Sale | FRANK | | | | | | REAL ESTATE LIMITED 21 King Street West Bowmanville 623-3393 Member Oshawa & District Real Estate Board 100 ACRES, Lindsay Area 4 bedroom brick home, alu- minum garage, barn, driving shed. Plenty of water. Ask- ing $26,000. 50 ACRES,: Hampton 5 room home. Barns, 34' x 68', 35' x 50' with automatic pig feeders. Stream. $23,000 =a Terms TAUNTON ROAD--100 Acres Exceptional fine stock farm. Solid brick 2 storey home, large barn. Trout stream through entire property. $40, 000. -- Terms. Trout Stream Retreat 150 acres neor Omemee. Trout pond and four streams. Very scenic property. Large born, $22,500. Call 623-3393: or 728-7518 After 9 p.m Ken Hockin 623-5055 Pat Yeo 623-3077 Joe Barnoski 723-5787 Clore McCullough 723-7843 Rod Kruger 723-7900 Ernie Wilson 725-9750 Bob Johnston 725-6788 Roy Foster Orono 983-5801 Weston Bahnister Campbell- croft 102)12 Howard Forder Brooklin 655-3853 George Beaton Port Perry 985-2987 JACK RICARD LTD., REALTOR Bowmanville 623-2503 RETIREMENT HOME 5 bedroom house on nicely landscaped lot.. Garage Sunporch. Asking $13,900. NEAR OSHAWA 4 bedroom 12 storey home just east of Oshawa and north of Highway 2. Clean ond well kept. Ideal for large family. Asking $10,500 NEAR ORONO Owner will build good quality home on this 100' x 150' lot just off Taunton Road, near Orono. $16,200. FARMS 97 acre farm with pond north of Port Perry -- Barn, pig pen, implement shed and gor- 4 bedroom house with age conveniences. Asking $26, 500. Good brick house -- 150 acres, Large L barn. Good farm, well fenced. 120 acres working. Asking $53,000, 30 ACRES Rolling wooded land with good stream and two acre pond. Ideal for cottage. Good swimming area, $13,500 Dorothy Vivian 263-2138 Garnet Ricard 623-7397 Harold Peck, Blackstock 986-4252 Milford McDonald 623-3911 Wilf Hawke, Orono 983-5274 Howard Wight 623-2524 GRIFFIN REAL ESTATE LTD, 155 SIMCOE ST. S. 723-8144 WE DARE YOU to pass up this lovely 3 bed- room bungalow. Interior and exterior unbelievably clean, and perfect location. Carries for only $107 monthly, prin- cipal, interest and taxes. Don't buy just any home until you have seen this mas- terpiece for yourself.. Shown by appointment only. Call Dolores Ross. SPRING CLEANING DONE ? Not necessary in this newly decorated 3 bedroom brick in northeast location. Close to schools, Full price only $16,500. Ask for Helen Bryant. EAST OSHAWA 3 bedroom bungalow with finished rec room, attached garage. Forced air oil heat- ed. Handles for $116 month- ly includes toxes. Don't de lay see today. Call Ethel Tranter. TRI-PLEX Rents for $350 monthly -- Carries for $130. monthly Newly decorated, only 6 years old. Fridge ond stove Good rentol 'area, To see coll Pauline Beal. Open 9 a.m, to 9 p.m. Member of O.D.R.E.B. AFTER HOURS CALL: Margoret Lee --- 723-2894 Ethel Tronter -- 728-5917 Helen Bryant -- 723-5369 Dolores Ross --- 728-1964 Pauline Beal -- 725-0239 JASMINE CRESCENT (Beau Valley) Here is your opportunity -- owner has been transferred and must sell his 6 year old brick ranch bungalow with ot- tached garage. Two finished rooms in basement which has a walk-out to a torge land- scaped lot. 2 bathrooms, fire- place and many lovely feo- tures. Reduced to $22,900 with terms, Inspect now by calling Jack Appleby evenings 723-3398. Bola- hocd - Brothers Limited 728-5123, _|20--Reol Estate for Sale | | | | $18,500 | Located in northwest) ae a yeor old) REALTY LTD., 728-7328 | late condition, consist- 103 KING STREET EAST | ing of 3 bedrooms, Rea!tor large kitchen, ving] BURK STREET -- Two storey Rica Rall: basement | brick home, six rooms, hard- (dial Hae bRe oo wood floors, hood and fan sarnalataly landscaped] for stove in kitchen, private lot Comins charges drive and garage, deep Ict S86 monthly. & 207 feet. Very attractive Coll. 728-1678 i home. Phone Bill Ratcliffe ; 655-4457. N.H.A, RESALE | $8,900 FULL PRICE -- 1 Nearly new 3 bedroom) bedroom bungalow, full base- brick bungalow com-|} ment, situated on a nice lot plete with built in| 130 ft. deep. A real cutie, stove and oven. Close} Cal! Bob Johnson 728-2548. to Oshawa Shopping} : Centre. Carries $101; NEW LISTING -- 10 yeor month P.I.T. Call 728-| old bungalow, 3 bedrooms, 1678. hollywood kitchen, iarge rec- reation room with bar, extra CHARACTER shower and toilet in base- Do you long to inspect; Ment, garage 14 x 24 with an extra ordinary red; attached screened in patio, clay brick bungalow? asphalt drive, broadioom in Would you like spa living room and hall, Call cious bedrooms and| Earle Allen 725-7782. large country styled' $1600 DOWN -- Close to tied If fee -- | north G.M., 3 bedroom home ee ik ee with aluminum siding, forced "| air oil heat, 1% storey, pri- | ing? Call 728-1656. vate drive. Call Morley. Bur- Re $13,900 aess 723-0049 | Whitby, inspect this 3 bedroom solid -- brick! semi detached bunga- H KEITH LTD low, partly finished a ® ie aii paved aye REALTOR | le garage, large} | pie shaped. lot. Call 181 EGLINTON AVE E, | 728-1656. | TORONTO H. MILLEN Real Estate Ltd. | CONSTRUCTION _ | | KASSINGER | We'll Custom Build Your Home Anywhere. ; . FEATURING: @ Experience in Building, planning, financing. @ Always on time--follow schedule closely, @ Strict inspection and control, @ Use your plan or ours. Hundreds of award winning designs. Very competitive © 2. We can arrange te financing N.H.A, or conve il Mortgages availa All building performance completely guaranteed. Phone Today 728-7583 KASSINGER "CONSTRUCTION Guy LEBLANC REALTOR 623-7461 $1,000 DOWN 3 bedroom brick home, large dining room, living room new- ly panelled, new oil furnace, asking only $12,000. EAST of BOWMANVILLE 3 bedroom brick bungalow, in immaculate condition, only 5 years old, spacious lot, osk- ing $18,900 terms. NORTH of HAMPTON 3 bedroom home, exception- ally clean, new bathroom and oil furnace, asking only $11, 500 terms. PORT PERRY Scugog St. 3 bedroom bunga- low on large lot, large kit- chen, asking only $10,900 low down payment. 85 ACRE FARM with 10 room brick home, all modern conveniences, large barn, creek, highway location, 30 minute drive to Oshawa, Ater Hours Please Call Mrs, Inger Jorgensen 987-4491 BBY'S REAL ESTATE LTD. 728-7576 TRESANE ST. Full price $15,900 for this 6 room stone and brick 12 storey home with poved drive and large garage. Paonelled living and dining rooms. Large rooms KEEWATIN ST. $20,500 almost new 5 room brick bungalow with attached garage, large rec room and walk-out basement. This home is lovely thru-out SERVICE GARAGE and HOME Established auto - mechanic garage, fully equipped. Six room 12 storey brick home. Corner property. Inspect this money maker now, Call Tony Zakarow ot 728- 7576 or 725-4366 now to in spect these properties, THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, April 13, 4967 25 20--Reol Estate for Sole PETERS DUPLEX -- MONEY MAKER Only $19,000 full price on this beautiful divided income property, on Ritson Rd. N Retired owner leaving for Arizona will take small down payment and one first mort- gage on your terms. Call Idso Wiersma 728-5683 RESTAURANT Your equity in your home could buy this big money maker on Park Rd. S. by the 401 Highway. Lots of fantastic profits this yeor. Call .Gord Charlton 728- 8569. WHITBY RANCHER $2,000 down payment buys this large beautiful lived-in six room brick, 4 car drive- way, huge yard. A sacrifice at only $15,900. Call Doug Carmichoel 723-7463 RAE R. JONES REALTOR 668-884] | 10 ACRES NORTHWEST $5,000 Located 10 minutes from Oshawa on excellent roads. Bus service for the school children, Lots ore reasonably level, 2 with some trees. : After hours phone 668-4003. RANCHER $25,900 will buy this bea- utiful, electrically heated, northwest rancher, with large 30' x 12' attached garage. Very close to Golf Club, yet has a lot of privacy! Large, modern, kitchen with ideal eating areo. Yes, it has a-dining room as well, with valonce and indirect lighting. Ceiling to floor fireplace in recreation room, plus extra 3 piece bath. Grounds are nicely land- scaped with patio in rear, fenced yard. Call Willard Johnston, 728-1066, Scho- field- Aker ltd. HER iio ghee on beauti- ful treed lot in choice north- east area. Living room with open hearth, and picture win- dows overlooking a_ lovely view, leading to a 25 ft. bal- cony. Family dining room, 3 | bedrooms, and a luxury bath- room, and 2 pc. powder room. Completely finished lower level with walk-out from fam ily room, and billiard room to covered patio. Pool sized lot with winding creek, attach ed garage and paved drive. To see this charming home, please call Jean Peacock 725 4330, or 723-5281 of Guide Realty Ltd. Bde Hooey Real Estate Broker 36 LIBERTY STREET NORTH BOWMANVILLE 623-7264 180 ACRE FARM, a. real showplace, stotely 2 storey 7 room brick house, 2 barns 60°" 94, 20° * 30,2 creeks, spring fed pond stock- ed with speckled trout. One of Ontario County's best farms, Located near Canning- ton on paved highway. Ask- ing $85,000 -- Terms. STRIKING--RAVINE LOT |20--Real Estate for for Sale REAL ESTATE SALESMEN Immediate openings for 5.go- getters with Oshawa's largest Real Estate firm. Age no bar- rier if you ore over 21, Ex- perience preferred but not es- sential. On the job training supplied, This is your opport- unity to earn as you learn, Become a somebody with an | above - average income. For confidential interview call Mr. | Sheriff 723-8144. GRIFFIN Real Estate Ltd. -- $$CASH$$ qualified buyer with substantial amout of cash for Have | large 4 or 5 bedroom home } in Simcoe-Mary area, south | of Rossland. Call Willard | ° Johnston, | 73-1066 | SCHOFIELD-AKER LIMITED ia-STOREY, three-bedroom briek. Quiet street near St. Hedwig's and pub- lic schools. Oil heat, garage, Substan- tial down payment required. 725- 2325. BEAUTIFUL ranch style brick bunga- low. with patio entrance off dining area, French doors, electric heat, broadioom jand other extras with 15 acres of land. Tel. Jim Gibbens, R, Martin Real Estate. 723-9750 INCOME BUILDING--Two-storey ing in downtown area. store and two apartments. Ideal for small business. Phone for details. Doug- las J. M. Bullied Realtor. 723-1168 |$14,900 -- BRICK, one owner, three- |bedroom bungalow, paved drive, very close to school and bus service. Only $3,000 down required. Call Willard John- \ston, 728-1066. Schofield-Aker Ltd PRIVATE SALE -- One year old bunga- | low, In Rolling Hills Estates, near Grand- \view Golf Course, Only $1,000 down. Tele- Phone 725-3043 a |ONLY $1,995 DOWN buys these new 3 or 4 bedroom electrically heated dwellings, featuring aluminum siding and with low monthly payments of $90.44. For more Information ask for Harold Segal, at 725- 3557, J. B. McMullan and. Co. |$12,500 BUYS bungalow, 5 rooms, North |Oshawa, garage, cil heating. Low taxes and carrying charges. Tel. Jim Gibbens, build- Complete with |723-9750. R. Martin Real Estate. |PRIVATE -- $2,500 down, seven-room brick home. Oil heated, garage. Cen- fral,' Telephone 728-1773 Yor appoint. ment. FOUR BUILDERS lots from which te choose. Telephone 725-2159. PRIVATE -- $1,000 down, » four rooms and bath, furnisned or unturnished, oil heated, 'a-acre land, taxes $107 yearly. Full price. yy, 500, 423-2808 after 6 p.m, SIX-ROOM HOMB on shore o 'J Ontario in Oshawa. Telephone 7h 3183. SIX-ROOM HOME, double garage, , Now 2 Highway, village of Newtonville, double lot could be used for commer cial purpose. Ideal for young couple or as retirement home. Taxes $130. year- ly. Twenty-minute drive to Oshawa, $12,500. Oshawa 725-8846 after 7.30 p.m, or Newtonville 786-2933 all day. |CHADBURN ST. The upstairs rent nt will help pay your way. Downstairs has kitchen, Ilving room and two bedrooms, | four-piece bath and recreation room, Up- stairs has large modern kitchen and bed- \sitting room. with two-piece washroom Nice lot 40° x 128'. Real good area. Call George Twaites at 723-2008 or 723-2265, Schofield- Aker Ltd. Real _Estate. FOR SALE OR RENT -- Seven-roor brick, four bedrooms, two _ kitchen: paved drive, garage. Apply 295 Wol |Street. No agents, please. NORTH-WEST AREA, three bedrood home, dining room, two bathrooms, re€ | room, covered patio, attached garage, [ment drive. Call 728-9285 for appolint- ment [WHLEBY -- Immediate possession. Five room, three - bedroom brick bungalow with basement apartment. Private sale, $21,500. Telephone 668-4588. WHITBY -- Private sale. Two - bungalow, large living room with fire place, finished rec. room and laundry room. Garage and paved driveway. Tele- Phone 668-8616. | MUST SELL. Owner moving out of city. |Mary St. area north of high school. 1Y2- | storey home with garage, good condis tion. Low down payment, carries for $80 monthly principal and Interest, Call Cec Elliott at 723-1133 or 725-9442. Cari B, Olsen Real Estate. COURTICE AREA -- Four-bedroom, | 1'a-storey frame home on a %4-acre tot. Attached garage and breezeway. Asking $2,500. down., blanace on open mort- gage. Call Anthony Siblock at 728-7576, Sibby's Real Estate Ltd. BUILDERS. Ten-room country home, downstairs newly reconditioned. Modern 4-pc. bath, fireplace, double garage, 3 extra building lots. Call Jack Osborne. | Tel. 728- 5836, R. Martin Real Estate |OWNER ANXious -- "$19,900 - = Two- jbedroom ranch bungalow with attached garage, on Miller Ave. Finished recrea- tion room, extra three-piece bath, over- size kitchen and living room. well landscaped lot. Down paymi open to offer. Call Irwin Crulkshanks, 728-5205, Schofield-Aker Utd. DUPLEX -- Full price $18,750, situated on Mary St. This is an attracitve in- come property with very large living rooms and bedrooms. Call Frank Smith, 723-3533, J. B. McMullan and Co. Realtors, $1,000 DOWN buys 4 acres of commer- cial land, frontage on No. 12 Highway. Good location for motel or drive-in res- taurant. Call Jack Osborne, Tel. 728-5836 R. Martin Real Estate. NEW BUNGALOW, 1,160 : sq. aad foil price $17,990 with downpayment as low as $1,979. Fully prepaid services, 694 per cent NHA mortgage. Call Frank Smith, 723-3533, J. B. McMullan and Co., Realtors. ONE ONLY, | bungalow, ; close t Yo down- down- town and shopping. Payments $92.94 per month and with one NHA_ mortgage, 6% per cent. Call Frank Smith, 723-3533, J.B. McMullan and Co., Realtors. 1,525 $Q. FT. of "living in this two-storey semi off Rossland Rd. Electric heat keeps you warm and clean. Large living bedroom room, dining room and ultra-modern kitchen, three bedrooms up, the largest is 12° x 14' with his and her double closets. Four-piece bath with vanity. Just listed so call now for appointment to in spect. Call George Twaites at 723-2008 or 723-2245, Schotield-Aker Lid. Real Estate. ANXIOUS VENDOR drastically reduces asking price on well located four-bed: room brick home near schools, trange portation and shopping. Must be sold in | April for as near to $14,900 as possible. |call George Nymyer, 728-4241 or 723- |5281, Guide Realty Limited |MAGNIFICENT RANCH bungalow {ea- turing large living room. with natural fireplace. Three realiy comfortable bed- rooms. Finished recreation room on V4 acre of fenced level orchard land, only seven minutes drive from Oshawa on outskirts of thriving rural community. For full details phone Walter Mittler at 576-2345 or 723-5281, Guide Realty Limited. DO YOU HAVE $1,900 down payment? Then call me now to see this brand new three-bedroom brick bungalow on @ 170-foot lot close to schools. Call Ken Hann evenings, 723-7963 or J. B. Mc- Muilan and Co., Realtors, 725-3557. WANT RESULTS? GET WITH: THE ACTION! TIMES ACTION CLASSIFIED ADS, | 723-3492 INCOME PROPERTY, Consisting -- "of three houses, income $335 monthly, large lot. Asking $27,000 with terms. \Call Elmer Fredin, 725-2753, W. .O. Martin, Realtor, 728-5103. }EXCELLENT VALUE, large family |home, five bedrooms, two complete bathrooms, two full kitchens, new broadioom, stove, frig, washer, and loads of quality extras. Large, deep landscaped ravine lot. This excellent brick ranch bungalow family home must be sold. For your appointment to inspect call Ken Hann, evenings, 723- 7963 or J. B. McMullan and Co., Real- tors, 725-3557. i WAVE A SMALL two-bedroom home and a large two-storey family home for only $1,000 down. Others. available for slightly more down payment but act fast! Call Ken. Hann, 723-7963 evenings or J. B, McMullan and Co., Realtor, 725-3557,