NOT WHAT WAS ASKED ISLAND AFLOAT | e e € | Fines Levied At TV Station WARSAW (AP)--A woman in| Britain used to administer the | Inorthern Poland asked at the|34-square-mile island of Ascen- \fish market for some haddock| sion as a man - of - war com- manded by a naval officer. 20 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, April 13, 1967 LEWIS : OPTICAL mes Established for over 30 years 10% King Street West eee and found a strange fish in her Shows Advertising Booming} 23.72.35 & jlong teeth. The local zoological 725 institute told her she had bought a two-foot dogfish shark. | By TOM MITCHELL | OTTAWA (CP) --Fines lcharged to television stations recently for exceeding commer- cial time limits are an indica- tion the TV advertising business is booming. But the logs submitted by sta- tions are used by the BBG as an indication of what stations should be monitored. When the logs show that a station is near the maximum sales of commer- cial time, it can be sure it will be monitored with some regular- | ity. 14 It was summed up this way: "When the police patrol car spots someone doing 30 miles an hour in the 30 zone, that driver is going to get more attention than somebody doing 20." | SALE This is the main conclusion| that can be drawn from recent SMASH LOTTERY infringements of the regulation that there can be no more than| TORONTO (CP) -- A major 12 minutes of commercials injlottery selling tickets on the; an hour of telecasting, an in-|Stanley Cup semi-final between! Easy to formed source says. |Toronto Maple Leafs and Chi-| Electric Baseboard | sci ost rooms, cue itlcagy Bick Mavis as been] ates, | TV in Kitchener and $350 for|/Smashed, police said Tuesday. at the Cottage CKLW-TV in Windsor, Ont. |Two detectives netted more +4 ff H The stations were brought to|than 12,000 tickets in a raid at vp) price eo 1 a e, court on complaints issued by nearby Brampton, Police said] inte Sno nors, But an official said detec- each ticket sold for 25. cents.| RUDDY ELECTRIC '2% . tion of the violations was not|The lottery would have netted| WHLS. LTD. That is if you like an easy whisky. If so, you should have the result of any watchdog activity by broadcast-|a game. ing's regulatory agency. ee | 'The key reason is that the) f inetworks and an_ increasing) f |number of individual stations c LD id = are getting ever closer to selling | all the advertising they are al- (pooh etal: THEITRUTHIABOUT KING OPTICAL CO, no difficulty liking 5 Star. Where things get difficult is in making a whisky this good. it means selecting whiskies from our five distilleries across Canada (only Seagram's has 5, by the way). Then blending and re-blending them to get 5 Star's easy taste. 96 Richmond St. E. 725-3539 increased|its operators more than $3,000 (Consumer Division) | 'The BBG receives program | is it worth all the trouble? Easy for you to find out. Le logs from every station, outlin-| ing everything that was broad-| Cae B; : cast. The board also has its | ; 3 a monitors spot check stations by | tape recording segments of their | ™ BRITISH FOUNTAIN oaigersps ee | mer Sir Basil Spence, left, vilion's decorative fountain. pavilion hostess Dorothy |,, po tt Pigg pn sada | ct architect of Britain's Expo Stephen Sykes (centre), the Rogers. thecking logs and doublecheck-| ALL GLASSES | . = ; j British artist who designed | --CP Wirephoto !'ng through its monifors. | | i ; 67 pavilion, Tuesday switch- and constructed the foun- |--_ : | boa ed on the water at the pa- tain, looks on with British | | ba COUNTY LINES IV AN SINGLE VISION , BIFOCALS tron ' 0! es I $ mur [ latf A 95 $ 95 cre Community Club Members Macally "oo Ly" | SEAGRAMS fe | with lenses $31. ' x | LONDON frames end cave e $5,0 s s Eniov Variety Program iitaonctincn B5 STYLES, SHAPES AND COLORS 70 CHOOSE FROM tar. asy WS ' Hair Stylist Choose the Glasses that you want and only you need for your special S Nas dlgaloeva oe from a wide raat = ve the one de- ve os . oe signed especially for your taste, personality and facial contour. Kin AUDLEY (TC) An enjoy : Visit Hawaii PARIS offers the Greatest Value and the Highest Quality at ONE Low B able variety program was ve] ano H PRICE. Won't you compare ; . . comparison proves. See King and Save! sented at the Community Club}, MAPLE GROVE (TC) -- Mr.| |] NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY a tin jand Mrs. S. S. Morton recently) Saag meeting. returned from a trip to Arizona, | VIENNA Dek D The program included read-/Southern California and Hawaii. oF ings by Donald Guthrie and/ y, re | ove Glen Squire, piano. selections * on by Peggy Squire and Arthur Attend Reception Now at... | Q e O | free Puckrin, guitar selections by | | 5 Darrell Winter, vocal numbers r eg seg ll ba i d | | fie by Barbara, Beverley and Dor-/8™ rs. H, G. Freeman and) Hours: 9 A.M. to 5 P.M. ad Smith, uations by|Mrs. Charles Greenham attend-| Mn 17 BOND ST., penal fipeotingt fy DAY | pe Wendy and ammy Izatt,/eq a reception h N ' Tackle Lambie and Diamelaiem, tvenguth, DDG, for 27 Celina Street 728-0662 | mast WeOntBAY tr Puckrin who appeared as Theli,, ¢ : , eel 2nd Floor Phone: 728-1261 whe and Leonard|""® ooksville area cha Little Monkees Waltham and Harold Guthrie who presented a sleight of hand act. WE FILL ALL PSI, OCULISTS AND OPTOMETRISTS PRESCRIPTIONS AT SAME LOW PRICES. peageesee sins sates Romecntarnonngnancemennecnemeten tnnetece senasnnagannent std | | | 1 Brougham Group | oo gine ogS votes | |g EO in. ure! omen mem- bers attended the meeting of | Mit Pog eters group -- Miss Oo words to Pe A e was the speaker. Mrs. . hpoammie sang several selec- r emem ber ; { m fo i. 3 : TO! 2 '. A Croeee of the $ 8 Hennge Compery Lonced the Special Service when you add « : ' * ay AUDLEY (TC) --- Members th of the HC Club attended the an extra room: er special service at Pickering an mn took part in the discussions. VIRGINIA STYLE COOKED er . pro Surprise Party mil MAPLE GROVE (TC) -- Mr. tas and Mrs. R. McColl, Bowman- h ville, were hosts at a surprise Ap! party for her parents, Mr. and tlor Mrs. Kenneth Lewis, of Forest boa View Lodge, Highland Grove, Car .@n the occasion of their 35th if oo -- --_ Al rom Cayuga, St. Mary's, x don, Warkworth, Ravenel. *, ow Milliken and Oshawa) las attended. | twi the Guide Party ae : 1 MAPLE GROVE (TC) --| 9: Ms Zwenty siz Girl Guides from| f° ve is area were guests of the '+ Hampton Guide Company at an i ant evening of games and fun iad Up to 5,000 extramiles of safe driving onus! we sar Take Course ec ric That's right. The Premium HT will deliver those aaa TUBELESS ino MAPLE GROVE (TC) -- H j . : WALL snc' tenes aes, Y en heating extra miles and perhegs more, because it actu: WHITE a and Mrs. K. Whitney took an ally has 20% more tread rubber than the tires lint oe oe ' Girl Guide that come on most new cars. And tough? The ee | Premium HT has the extra muscle of 4 full plys T EDGAR'S of Premium nylon. Premium HT... extra mile- INSTALLED I | E DECOR CENTRE | age, extra safety -- at no extra cost, a re ee F | actually tess eh ire | Me ie Ww. no money down-- easy .BFG terms ocrww-eat t re ] Ne @ Decoration to Fit Electric heating is almost as easy to install ai YOUR B joa : ie : dia Sins tee signi as it is to enjoy. It eliminates the expense of THIS WEEK'S: SUPER SAVERS Ht bef Phone 723-7351 enone susie and pipes. In fact, RUBBERMAID : TERRY SEAT COVERS cal electric heating puts no strain rm eresentheatingeyatm-oryourbuspec "CY oe MEW/ LITTER BASKET # pssziesespsas wore me : JOIN ' ' 9 Sy: y' ue ludge Aiea ad e i popular colors. Fronts ea | if you're adding a room, or making an existing | CANADIAN CHEDDAR Sinigue brckst Kole fe Pel FOUR SEASON'S TRAVEL? room cosier, consider electric heating. Just contact | P basket securely. Use ing Exceptional Value # e. a aie a qualified electric heating contractor. Or call us, io) | ESE front and rear. Assorted / o mae sec on their URS | colours. | : | F pri TOUR to live better electrically AND Super i 9 | Saver C a EXPO '67 : -- oo 1 LB. FEARMAN'S price A EACH gar as he Fe Oshawa Public Utilities Commission -- ) SpE oe | i 1 Sa Viera Bre | PHONE 723-4624 : The straight-talk tire people m ion, trans - tion, passes, return sheced. | -- In Co-operation with -- : | FOUR SEASON'S TRAVEL WHITBY PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION TELEPHONE 668-5878 for $ 88 KING ST. W. 57 King St. ©. | PICKERING PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION TELEPHONE 942-2930 & TELEPHONE 725-4543 Phone 576-3131 BOWMANVILLE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION TELEPHONE 623-5471 ERGs aoa Re NNR NA AE LS LTE A OATES TT L.