Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 12 Apr 1967, p. 3

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, April 12, 1967 3 oval we have, to the extent we in- .| ee : nm | Randall Given Advice Armed Forces Unification 'six: """-"# ee le »» , On Housing Problem | Hits Another Rough Phase ':°i"'isser "3 ho was de- ommission : : 2 SS old office. ! 4 | aw A p : : F anti unification quotes from ions com- Pe poe : : : TORONTO (CP) -- Members|ter the second mortgage field|into the second mortgage field. npr d as ae Feige single on. of the alleged 'testimony of retired officers be- d that de- ; +. jof all three parties in the pro-|to lower down payments on| In other business: on armed forces unification hit|deception of Parliament. fore the C . 4 . vincial legislature Tues da y\homes i 1. Higl bs aM Pe, another rough phase in the| "Where is his sense of Brit: mit he Commons defence com : : : : ; E } j . Highways Minister George\~ Se ae ' ? fis sens -\ mittee. yille faced , + 4 ; ae gave advice to Stanley Ran-| During the night session of|Gomme said the department ee agent 8 riokgper| bed justice?" asked Mr. Hell- tion with i j ne a as # dall, minister of economics and|the legislature, which ad-|plans to modify safety 'guard steal saps a of ieee: ile he was oe Z # :*. : development, on how to relieve journed at 12:15 a.m., 1% hours|rails and bury the ends of them} oa] action by Defence Minister| "Where is his regard for the sts 3 e nal the housing shortage in Ontario.|later than usual, Elmer Sopha,|to eliminate accidents in which! Hellyer . ; IBill of Rights?" eh. : , Spee , i rern- Si man?? dy . Aves e bench. a _ Cut government red tape and|(L---Sudbury) said the govern-/cars are "speared by the end Mr. Hellyer said he will take| Mr. Hellyer said both he and ° : , institute planning, said Eddie/ment should not hesitate to ex-jof the rails. He said all guard Te : N rd nt. (PC--Hdmonte lExternal Affairs Minister Mar : : é Sargent (L--Gray North), add-|propriate. Speculators madelrails would have buried ends|.°'TY "use --OMOntONn:| : : at eat 3] i a ail ing that it took four years to/their profits through social/eventually. Strathcona) to court if i na cin cee si ; complete a housing project for|pressures they had no hand in} 9 attorney - General Arthur) on repeats outside the Com-)P0 a dakoee to a Ni é sant iti i antl \ 4 ah ey - General Arthur/mons a charge he made in the/@med forces to a United Na- senior citizens in Owen Sound.|creating and do not work for wishart said he wants the in- ca 'Tuesday nigh tions peacekeeping role Abolish provincial and federal/their profits, he said. ae | House Tuesday night. : ' ales taxes buildi ae | ly, Mr. Randall id quest Inia the deauy Of 8 man Mr. Nugent had expressed ad-| "Yet the leader of the Oppo- 1 = . ' ' ae : me jemes taxes On OUGins mA an Pep, Mit. Aantal' SalClin the Workmen's Compensa-|_ 93> wgaad sition repeats the lie as his fol- oP = + ' ° : Fs terials to reduce the cost of|the government was interested |tign Board Hospital in North miration for what he called Mr. | fore have ee Me. St raeklagg : f : Bi ' % ; "@ |homes, added Bernard New-jin any pre-fabricated buildings toronto to go ahead as soon as|ellyer's skill in using "the big | tee a ake es De ee ee hora | j : ' ' man (L -- Windsor - Walker-|that could meet National Build-|joccible. However, he said, be-|e",, technique developed by sae uring the course of this ie hips Z ie P ; : Mee ate, | Ville), ing Code specifications. fore it could: be proceeded with| Adolf Hitler. The defence min- @°%ale "Nl, , % net ] ' vinci j % ik = | r i i ; ing . wenn ox return the : AN Why couldn't the provincial, He said he would like to see/ye woulg have to consult with ister said if the same thing LIKE BIRTH CYCLE Ir money : : : 4 sales tax be rebated to the/provincial sales taxes on build-/an inquiry commissioner to be|\ .\~ sald outside the Commons) iia defence minister o , way en- : -- eae builder or purchaser after thejing materials removed but that appointed into ihe disiiecnl of | Where there is no immunity pared fis program fo oe Gi G have tried ; ' : : home was complete? asked/he wouldn't recommend it be-|Toronto's chief coroner, Dr./.0™ legal action, "I'll have|' ned ede te ee the ive enerously ring back George Kerr (PC--Halton. cause similar demands would) 4, < : '/him prove it in a court of law.")* Atak oa ee a aac . . '.. |Morton Shulman, nares ; {eyele. Integration and unifica graceful oF: Edwards (PC--Perth) be made by other industries. «Wik Wiahact took exce Mr. Nugent said he would re-\tion are like conception and When a Canvasser Calls y quickly } ; ; said municipalities view more Where would you draw the line, *» Mr. Wishart took exception ti. ctatement i neech!c Rl eee ak te much bet- ; d j lfavorably the. construction of he asked. to a remark by James Renwick/Pea! Me statement in a speech aca over Per OF te same Cancer Campaign , youthful ' } ye ' ; homes for elderly persons if, The Home Ownership Made|(NDP--Toronto Riverdale) that tonight at St. Anne; Man., just natural phenomenon, he said ; home|2" amendment to the Coroner's outside Winnipeg. Once you start integration April 10th to 24th |they paid the same amount of Easy plan to rent land to " \local taxes, as home owners. (owners would reduce some| Act in 1966 cleared the way for STILL ON FIRST CLAUSE 2 | George Bukator (L--Niagarajdown payments to $600, said the government to fire Dr, SPILL OD § AUS | |Falls), a real estate broker,/Mr. Randall, eliminating the Shulman as Metro's chief coro-| Other remarks Tuesday had suggested the government en-|need for the government going |"T- He said Mr. Renwick's re-,almost the same bite. It was] --__--_--_---- ---- -----~ mark was "a complete mis- the seventh day of clause-by- statement of the law." clause debate on a government 4 e 4. Provincial Secretary Rob- bill to transform the armed 4 50 (O74 aA - 8 is P d fe s s Tu entia resl ent, rien ert Welch announced the cab-|forces into a one-uniform, com- | 40) PHOTO BANNED cr gel erg ic enforce prkcag yd MORE INTEREST last year which will require first of 65 clauses. IN i This photograph, chosen Pierre Dupuy following a that her husband had been Ms ; for an exhibition in an Expo _--_ protest from the Greek pa- killed in a Greek attack on 0 e omml e or rla "an exceedingly high standard] At one point in an hour-long, | 67. theme pavilion, was vilion. The photo shows a __ the village in. 1962. of disclosure'? by public com-|wide-ranging attack, Opposition} land proceed to the extent that jsible to a provincial ministe vestigation into his company's|holders under an_ indenture|" ! ' % . affairs and were laid by Rich-jagreement, had been trying to|S!oners now only receive ex- Mr. Hellyer hit back, saying SAVINGS DEPOSIT RECEIPTS Securities Commission. | Mr. Ripley said he began ex- ment has forecast record ex- ; | fault 1 at i penditures in the 1967-68 fiscal|f the 15th Alberta legislature|producers or suppliers. pe igre rag an tee vear in the budget tabled in the(PYorogued after sitting 41 days. urc ax me apparent Nov. 9 that he| y g' x Charlottetown--A report by a was getting '"'the run around," » FP 8 /(Q) COLD WAVE GOVERNMENT OF CANADA INCORPORATED AND SUPERVISED there would be no increase in|TRation, the house approved a|Georgetown, P.E.I. companies, jion Glass Co. Ltd., the prop- last year. Tel. 728-1653 | ' aie' | Ltd. id Gulf Garden| : pal Affairs Minister A. J,|Tine » an u arden $9,738,588. jthe Royal Bank of Canada to Island and Newfoundland. net post to further his own|Garden before being closed) ay. | way it ie gations to consider using eit throne 'March 14. minimum wage in the province|ment announced earlier would| Earlier, Mr. Hord said: especially for those who need| tem ever undertaken by a prov-|municipal affairs minister, an- | incial government." nounced Tuesday. He made the ae Ss 4 AR & OMORROW at 9 A M * ® e To Be Modified we building, demanding that A ARIGTER SOLICITOR the province take over all edu-| Pree ay i erators, Save on Ranges, Save on' Dryers, Save on Wringer Washers .. . they all have his department plans to modify} Quebec--Free drugs for wel-| . : metal guard rails to prevent |fare recipients and the reform Stephen M. Zubkavich, B.A. L.L.B. | y ROGER GCOFED .ee WE LOSE ..- BUT YOU GAIN Replying to a question from|Quebec legislature. Agriculture ed Stanley Farquhar (L--Algoma- | Minister Clement Vincent said SUITE 303 -- THE TIMES BUILDING al REFRIGERATOR REFRIGERATOR ordered removed by Expo tearful Turkish Cypriot aa ; panies incorporated in Ontario.!Leader Diefenbaker said of Mr.| Commissioner General woman after she learned (CP Wirephoto) Bsc apaeeid no resale dec felted i sevla 5. A bill introduced to the|Hellyer: | , president of Pru-| Thomas S. Ripley, executive) >: " ; i_.| "The minister withheld infor- | dential Finance Co., was com-|vice-president of Metropolitan|!esislature will make the Nia- iiaHon. Hk Gta Gok BIVb 7a. fle mitted Tuesday for trial on six|Trust Co., testified earlier in |8ara Parks Commission respon: | jicture, and he iaieered with -- Free Drugs For Welfare = xncieniist ait i tht meimonr tear nned athe che ante, erence ones be year-old re followed an in- i Prudential Fades note. | will also provide for a salary|{re it was given to the Com- ifor commissioners, Commis-|™0"S defence committee. Recommended In Quebec ard Gillman, investigation ac-\get a financial statement since Pense allowances. Mr. Diefenbaker had not given} countant for the Ontario|March, 1966. scagiieeneae ee Redeemable ANY tine | le Al 1 By THE CANADIAN PRESS | In other legislatures: said was aimed at guaranteeing; Magistrate S. Tupper Bigelow |ertj i | : The New Brunswick govern- A that milk merchants will be|-- - eee Bradenu - een 7TH ANNIVERSARY | Interest on daily balance Edmonton--The fifth session|able to pay sums owing to milk when Prudential Finance de- MINIMUM DEPOSIT $5,000.00 ; |Standing in the 63-seat house is ' A tie ana as a Eeea lee es fra eo conse. et Bri ached GUARANTY TRUST Brisay brought down a record| Oalition one and New Demo-|Ctiticizing the financial and) theft of 24.000 common shares $313.500,000 budget but said(Cratic Party one. Before pro-|technical operations of tw o| ugges e [Oe the Capita! fyock Of Eyaie: J lover ; i tabled in the legislature.| lerty of O'Brien Gold Mines. Capital and R $25,000,000 taxation despite increased|S0vernment motion calling for a) Was : { TORONTO (CP) -- Churches ' capital and Reserve $25,000, spending -- up $90,000,000 over|judicial inquiry into allegations |The report by Naval Architects| ould be taxed if they cater| The fraud counts include DURING THE MONTH OF APRIL Deposits in excess of $350,000,000 of impropriety in government and Consulting Engineers was|only to Sunday morning congre- charges that he used improper Rein Hormatare, Manager Revenues will exceed $300,-/by Garth Turcott (NDP-- commissioned by the province S!gations, a United Church offi- balance sheets for Prudential r 1 700,000, leaving a §$12,800,000|Pincher Creek - Crowsnest), _|Liberal government to give an/ciai said Tuesday. |Finance and O'Brien Gold) | 22 King St. E., Oshowe deficit. The province's net debt | Mr. Cutcott had questioned|9Pinion of the present status of Rev. J. R. Hord, secretary of Mines, where he was secretary: wv is forecast to increase by|some land dealings by Munici-\the companies, Bathurst Ma-|ie nati of evangelism hina gee waa a ~ yo he caused| : 3 rl sat : ood, Gundy Securities and | Is ses, said at the annual id e Legislatures were also in ses-/Hooke, and said E. W. Sie | Boe te Bae report says Soeet wweting churches should declonauad a Coane BT 728-0662 sion in Alberta, Manitoba, On-|"an, former provincial treas-|'hat Bathurst Marine, which |). eiigible for taxation if they|2° 0 false statements. tario, Quebec, Prince Edward|urer, may have used his cabi-|&5 building trawlers for Guitare not working seven days a , down some months ago, could The New Brunswick budget|ends. | ; vite 0 th ting's resolu: provides for financing the first| Winnipeg -- An attempt to U@ & it ha 'tome toad a ne Bh gg Sgee vA congre-| full year of the government's|have the Manitoba legislature) Nig een financed and ; f massive municipal reform pro-|prohibit the use of injunctions|°Perated. = : properties for high-rise, low- gram and for the new citizen|'0 force employees to remain at) St. John's--Finance Minister| ota) apartments for senior| and community services an-|work was defeated along with alF. W. Rowe gave a breakdown |i ens i | nounced in the speech from the Liberal resolution to raise the of the $10,000,000 the govern- aa jto $1.25 from $1. |be paid in increased salaries} 'There has been a shameful | MASSIVE CHANGES | Toronto--The Ontario govern- during the next two years for lack of fellowship in the church, | : Mr. DesBrisay said spending)ment may introduce legislation|nurses, civil servants, hospital} "i . for education will bring about!to allow tax credits on fixed in-|workers and other government|it most--the lonely, mentally) ] "the most massive and most!comes of older citizens who are|employees. The increases ara ill morally-defeated and the} E MUST MOVE OUT! rapid overhaul of a school sys-|homeowners, Wilfrid Spooner,|retroactive to April 1. jpoor."' | statement in an interview after s the other members of the cabi- i Is net met w ! THOMAS A. GREER, B.A is bulging wi Metal Guard Rai eis need Oe loci. . , O.A. Ouch .. . our warehouse is bulging with stock that must be cleared. Now is your opportunity to save many, many dollars on brand name appliances. Save on Refrig- TORONTO (CP) -- Highways |cation costs. * ° ° ° ; ° ini Gacres Gomune tld] | been slashed in price in effort to clear them out. Early shopping is advised... so Minister ge | the legislature Tuesday that FREE DRUGS is pleased to announce don't delay, accidents in which cars arejof the government's planning| "speared" by the end of the apparatus were ea pa ing is now associated with him in the practice of law at : ils. in two' reports t in. th : ° oo MiGKOR: Tenimataee' A criaitnte ® GE 13 Cubic Foot 2 Door @ GE 14 Cubic Foot 2 Door Frost Free Manitoulin), Mr. Gomme saidjthe government feels it has a ¢ i z : a : : " research has shown the prob-|duty to give a better guarantee | - Wi, ONT Automatic defrost, List Price $319.00 199 95 lift out egg tray, porcelain meat keeper, automatic lem can be overcome by bury-|of payment for their products 86 KING ST. EAST, OSHAWA, : With working trade vice . butter-keeper, Reglar $419.95 319 G5 eeeeee s ing the guard-rail ends. to farmers, especially dairy} es With k FS He said all new rails will|farmers. Mr. Vincent was| Telephone 728-6209 ith working trad © GE 14 Cubic Foot 2 Door have buried terminals and the|speaking during a debate of al Se uation ons ny wt ges gi Ade 3 ; F REFRIGERATOR ® Kelvinator 14 Cubic Foot Frost Free -- 1 PRE RRAET nr 131 Ib. freezer, automatic defrost. REFRIGERATOR is Fale cciccrscocsss AEE WD Welty Soe 299.95 © GE 13 Cubic Foot 2 Door Frost Free ® Kelvinator 13 Cubic Foot Frost Free REFRIGERATOR REFRIGERATOR with adjustable shelves. Regular $439.95 299 95 Moulded egg storage, chrome shelves. With working: (1d0e. .. cis sss 5 6 cares . eich ee 279 95 ith working trad@....eseeceseeees . it @ Kelvinator 30' RANGE : BER 54 SIMCOE ST. NORTH J evr terer Resor $2995 199 95° taglis, WEDREER ASHE HIGHEST QUALITY MEATS With Working trade | ie ee es 55° ct ini ves fe Kelvinator 30" RANGE --@ Meclary Easy BLADE ROAST ib POTATOES I Infinite heat switches automatic oven. Spiralator Wringer Washer & GE DRYERS ROLLED BEEF Cc FRESH PORK Me Pot Roast 53 Shoulder 49 b : Busi ale LEAN ¢ cy Ml With Working trade....... aoaes fio al Bassi a3: EGGS i: APPLIANCES Prime Rib 9% |Pork Chops 69 ROGE and FURNITURE Mary Miles MEATY-TENDER §9 oa Mee ; bi 7 | Easy Budget Terms @ Plenty of Parking Beside Store Short Rib quarrer czz 44; | Wieners [50 BOND STREET EAST - Next to U.A.W. Hall - 728-2151 @ GE Self Cleaning Ranges -- 299.95 @ McClary Easy 14 cubic foot Frost Free REFRIGERATOR @ Kelvinator Wringer Washer © "cover Constellation With Working tade........ IOQ.G9 Beaute 199.95 44Q.Q5 Reaver 9795 413.95 Regular 469.95 299,95 Regular $169.95 119.95 VACUUM CLEANERS . 44.95 #4 s With trade. ...cccseseceses WRAPPED

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