Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 11 Apr 1967, p. 13

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Worden, skip, 29 ty cle and j ® s THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdoy, April 11, 1967 { Number Steadily Climb | SUP SURVIVORS |__ = -- n, Bob y ; Mark 4 By THE CANADIAN PRESS Combines, Moncton Hawks, heller Miners, Winnipeg Ma- ®&® & @ er and Of N I K Cc Pitas EAST Drummondville, Que., Rockets. roons, Calgary Spurs. | Wor Wi im | Sault Ste. Marie Greyhounds, Se ee x FUTURE GAMES egroes n ey areers Cornwall Royals, Toronto Marl-| FUTURE GAMES Friday om, @. > boros, Hamilton Red Wings,| Tonight Nelson at Drumheller (Nelson & : e es By STUART UNDERHILL launched intensive _ inquiries api a ea Thetford! Morrisburg at Kingston (best- leads best-of-five semi-final 2-0) Open Doily Your One Step : LOS ANGELES (Reuters) |with a view to eliminating the Mines Canadiens. jof-seven semi-final tied 1-1) Sunday Y am te S pie u E@S Building. Supply ey Having a black skin in - thejroots of trouble. But it is im-| FUTURE GAMES | Wedaccia' | Calgary at Winnipeg (Calgary Friday till 9 p.m. a Centre... 4 United States is not necessarily possible to find any co-ordi- Tonight Moriehibe. at Kin eebbn leads best-of-five semi-final 2-0) @ | , a barrier to a career, especially|nated program of help. The Halifax at Thetford Mines (fourth game of best-of-seven, Nelson at Drumheller (fourth : 5 for those who have education,|Negro, already cynical, sees it (Thetford leads best - of - seven pont ee f ' caine of beacottive semifinal Where Porking 7 § self - ee or a pleasing|as sigs evidence of the. white quarter-final 3-2) : mrinnenavitte at atone if necessary) e e ee Pelee = 4 rsonality. man's "'big talk." ' ndv Moncton sa Los Angeles, as elsewhere| There se six or seven job) ,, Wednesday | : (Drummoneyile. leads _best-of- SEALS GO SOUNDING in the U.S., there is a stead-|training programs, with 1,000 Pt Spend oe Ste. ge et five semi-final 2-0) Wed lal maken tolecas is ily increasing number of Negro participants at any one time, : pocSeyen, SUBTIAE Onal We WEST dive as decp as 1,500 feet in judges, educationists, high-/but 90 per cent of them are!" 'tyami1 ats : Nation Manis. (oath. Dei lncereh ck cd ranking civil servants and ruc-\w / , i amilton at Toronto (first of * Lee: eats, Drum-'searcn 0 : eye women. The Watts Chamber Of pect of-seyen OHA Jr. A final goes riamiesesorncinin cessful businessmen. Commerce is trying desperately|.,, 4 tT aath In Los Angeles, there is also|to attract industry to the aa Eastern semi-final) ' 4 a place called Watts that has /but big business is aware that! WEST NOW SHOWING! : become a symbol of the race jf it guarantees jobs to Negro) New Westminster Royals, Ed- ai rg of es big mine - residents it must also foot the monton Movers, Port Arthur atts is where, roughly bill for expensive training. Marrs, Flin Flon Bombers, Sas- 4 Se ett ie er eaten, comming as | "GREAT ENTERTAINMENT! an rustration bolied up intojinterests -- city, county, state i bicts Veiga five days of rioting which left and federal -- further con'uses| FUTURE GAMES e 34 dead, more than 1,000 in- j , | ak Tonight the issue. Many businesses' in Fion at Port Arthur (Flin jured, and hundreds of stores/burned out in the 1965 rioting|,, : : and properties looted and haye not returned because otlnen Peg best-of-seven semi- : burned. exorbitant insurance rates. i) i ': : q Watts is an enclave of 29,000 New Westminster at Edmon- in the vast urban complex of! stuart Underhill, a Canadian ton (New Westminster leads Los Angeles. It is not a ghetto who is managing editor of Reut- best-otseven quarter-final 3-2) of narrow streets and tall tene- ors, the British news agency, is| EAST ments. The avenues are broad travelling in the United States. Kingston Aces, Morrisburg and lawns front the neat one-| - ze eis st eto family homes -- many of which| PARAMOUNT PICTURES presents A HARRY SALTZMAN Production have been forced to accommo- date three families. On some q | Sy oe See ee ee streets, tall palms reach toward| Harry Palmer hoped €xP067 | CARY." DORIS BRINGS YOU YEAR ROUND SAVINGS ON ALL YOUR REPAIR VI] MT \ fe hNP REMODELING NEEDS! SUSPENDED CEILINGS ee ; Lower those high ceilings with an easy to install suspension ceiling system. Saves fuel, modernizes, , hides unsightly pipes and. wires yet keeps them accessible, eer Tokilla.. Mockingbird GREGORY PECK = a | 'Team sae 1GYOUNG:AUDREY MEADOWS i EXCLUSIVE 3 DAY ENGAGEMENT. Mon. Tues. end Wed. One Showino ot 7 p.m. the hazy blue California sky. this lovely funeral "Watts is a big zero for the wouldn't be his ' colored man," said a Negro on me a shopping street where irregu- lar gaps, now used as parking lots, show where shops existed before the 1965 riots. "Zero for hope, zero for op- portunity, zero for everything." "Everything except the wel- fare cheques," interjected a by- stander amid hoots of laughter from his friends. fl CURTAINED OFF aa j There are Negroes in Watts & f trying hard to give their town tryin nad te eee one! Bawt Huescumin - Oscar Homoixa =--EwaRexn its reputation for violence, to tte ty CHARLES KASHER + toamety GUY HAMILTON « terete EVAN JONES * [Panaligaer 4 ODEO oe i aes 74) find opportunities for its resi- TECHIICOLOR® PANAVISION © . Besos on te Mowat by Len DerawTOn + |' _* | PHONE 725-5833 dents. This is what they say: TODAY ati: ; < < , Po ed - ig fiom oog shied pe ees ke 7) soonest - i Tough, durable asphalt shingles in several s Angeles attracts the Negro eae Bae : ayy oa we ; fleeing from the southern states 7:33-9:45 CY ed ° ; : : colors and patterns. Spring Is = $5.90 er. % 2 WW. 349 the time to replace your roof, Cash and Carry D "That Touch Tn ne coLOR: PANAVISION™ Eosiman Micnaei Cane e Te BCA lr 7% You'll be amazed at the low cost of installing suse o pended ceilings in your home. An aver- age sized room only, For Arnon: 64.95 Use pre-finished paneling for rich and lasting beauty in your favor. ite room. Available in a wide va- in search of work and new op- raya sent rcanomermnniseorserscaeco tee age itv rs [=] - { _ = t i sey By hy gdh Mg, curaenm Is B If \ riety to naet your decorating ree a § i A virements, own kind and because it has} THEATRE qui s UNFINISHED LUAN MAHOGANY a reputation for low-cost hous- 4x 7. Reg, 3.35. SPECIAL 2,99 sPEclAL bed 3.45 CASH AND CARRY emer -- DAYS OF SCREAMING WHEELS... , | i A there is a cotton curtain around | NIGHTS OF RECKLESS eo The material ef @ thousand uses hie 9? fa bd tej cue Waenne-enaecen! %" Birch for cabinets, 4' x 8' sheets into other parts of Los Angeles he is rebuffed, either due to discrimination against the col- lored man or his own ignor- ance. "If he can get work it Is usually as an unskilled laborer, at rates that don't exceed what he could get by staying home and drawing unemployment re- lief. In fact, the welfare rates are such that his wife may be | better off if he deserts her and) leaves the state to look after | her. PETAR RITES " "If he does get a job, he val i Me . quickly leaves Watts. Fifty per cent of the people have lived V4" Birch--good two side, 4' x 8' sheets 9.95 LATEX CONCRETE "THE BIGGEST MAME IN CONCRETE REPAIRS" REPAIRS ALL CONCRETE Concrete Steps Sidewalks -- Patios INDOORS OR OUTDOORS Porches -- Curbings $0 SIMPLE, enybody con mix end apply $0 VERSATILE, con be weed on ony dlean concrete, brick, stone, er masonry here less than five years. That | " surface... . gene ond papapseion shows what a. transient place Plus,..A GALAXY OF COUNTRY MUSIC aa ak waneet see. it is. Fifty - four per cent are ae grad die unemployed. Most of the work-| etl dee SF in aaa Be woter, grease, oils. . . most acids ond > a ers are women. They can get | i jobs as waitresses and domes- | 4 tie help. That further under- | i mines the normal domestic pat- | be tern, with mother away at work i and father idle at home." + AID NOT CO-ORDINATED 7 Shocked by the Watts explos- é ion, civic, state and federal au-| i thorities have allocated substan- | y tial sums of money and} 4 Aqueduct Back | TONIGHT ONLY: | Requel Welch in © In Racing Form «ove wow years 8.0." ps "1 DEAL IN DANGER" NEW YORK (AP)--With the horsemen's boycott ended, Aque- | duct is back in operation after being closed five days with an . R T Resurfacing Old Concrete elkelis--SO MANY USES om encyclopedic Ideal Underlay for Floor Tiles wovld be needed te list thom! ML ii ECONOMICAL TO USE H Wi EASY TO APPLY ui JUST MIX--THEN FIX tArex CONCRETE .. 9,95 Patching --Repeiig T. LATAWELD THIS WEEK ONLY a 65 | GasH and CARRY 5% OFF All Concrete & Masonry GALS, 8.45 IN-CAR HEATERS @ NO EXTRA CHARGE SHOW STARTS 7 P.M. @ ALWAYS A COLOR CARTOON Children Under 12 Admitted Free OSHAWA NOW PLAYING 'GOAL' IS CERTAINLY SOMETHING TO SEE! Captures the frantic excitement of the World Cup Soccer Series!" [Glwwmsia PICTURES presents ict ualueeiabel if gauge green FENCING plastic 2" mesh : {1 gauge green 48" height x 50' roll 11 gauge green plastic 2" mesh plas ic 9" mesh Reg. 15.35 313 89 36' height x 50' roll. : 42" height x 50' roll This week.. rik vec... 10,59 | roe vou... TAQ mon pe per roll tive Association voted late Mon- day to accept a $3,500,000 in- crease in purses. In ending the boycott of the entry box, the horsemen got a per roll YY the swinging Mg, Hh Wf ™\ part of what they originally -- Presents 10n% wanted. They originally asked = CASH ond CARRY CASH end CARRY available at Similar Savings. for an additional one per cent = THE ELEVEN a TEEN = : Mi of the parimutuel takeout, but > = accepted the one-half per = = PAINTED Steele Briggs cent originally recommended by = ina ich -- PEG LAWN FENCING wooD Goy. Nelson A. Rockefeller, but = aturda = which never reached a vote in a ; Yr = Psp SEED CEDAR FINISHES the state assembly. Zz April 15th SS ONLY : - pes' The plan, drawn up after con- y Ss -- . ' ference among the governor, Zi 75 12 gan? oe SS 1.39 Ve Ib. S9¢ | 1% 4 per kin. Ft. . 6e By Lepages legislative leaders and racing LZ No, ~ 3 colors, rustic brown, cedar] executives calls for the New (eo) : 9 ne Reg. 4.55 1x 6 per Lin. Ft... 9e JF ond redwood hue. York Racing Association to fur- nish the money this year and | Sale $3.89 | 1x 8 per Lin. Ft. 12/2¢ Requiar 8.85 gol. 1 x 10 per Lin. Ft. 16¢ | Clearance ZL rN \ i the state to provide it next year wari 38 nenanee ae. i Reg. 2.33 69 Inder e current law, e y Hats collects 10 or pat of-a a x {Sole $2.19 | 1% 12 perLin. Ft... 21e e ollar wagered and the track Seek), soe y . fH i ML) five cents. ae \ See dded Attraction emeeini ce fac FERTILIZER SPRUCE oa at? at. Starri i ; : 50: tb. IZZA \ © arring Gj PETER SELLERS -- MICHAEL CAINE peso tiky stand. renin LUMBER 1 99 ings. ; Phone 723-0241 N he MANDALA ty ' 25 Bb. 2x3 per Lin, Ft. 7c or 728-0192 SS ; QF "THE WRONG BOX is the CLEARANCE ON 5 Evergreen A S > ieee The Lords of London BZ right movie and an irresistibly R. S$ MAHOGANY DOORS Kh CA 2.49 2 x 4 per Lin. Ft. Qe EPI = S The Symbol bes as BZ delicious delight!"-98¢-7V Today Stow 10% OFF soos Nia] Free Use of | 2x 5 per Lin. Ft. 11%e -- - 7 Cetalogue Price ¢ Spreader > Serkan & the gnd The ES : 2 x 6 per Lin. Ft. 13% ------~ = Majesties sen = COLUMBIA PICTURES Presents 2x 8 per Lin. Ft. 19V4e ' THE 7 --_ The Yeung a The juckdane BRYAN FORBES BRIGHTEN and WATERPROOF 2 x 10 per Lin. Ft. 2434 Q ROYAL ROTEL = eee ee 7 2x 12 per Lin. Ft. 30% Advance Tickets while they last 2.00 THE™ WRONG BOX EASTMAN COLOR TICKETS AT: Auditoriim Box Office, Windsor Discount Sporting Goods, Marty's Record Centre, Disc Shop--Oshawa Shopping Centre, Bolahood's Sportshaven, Jim Bi.shop Sporting Goods, Sam = = T WALLS! S S W iene: we a Cowie Jonyand Cdl Travel and ANSI REAT School Representatives, \ Wer Covers to 500 sq. ft. PLANNING A HOME 25 Ibs. makes 3% gallons | Ler us HAVE YOUR Tha oriping| Sal Bote oy WHITBY § LOUNGE & DINING 2:00 - 5:35 9:20 zine TAKE OFF 3:25 ; LOUNGE : nett featuring... Suitoble for back splashes ete. AVAILABLE PLAN FOR FREE rg gs rsp 4 | 6) nes See ah (5-95 IN WHITE MATERIAL LIST oer : et the Honky Tonk Pieno Y; \e& AND 4 COLORS 79¢ vite WU * Z) Guaranteed WATERPROOF or Money Refunded Veal Cutlet Dinner $1.25 Dine in our Cocktail Lounge. Feoturing « Full Course oa

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