Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 8 Apr 1967, p. 5

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TTT TERS readers tia, the er, to rices at market. tigation yas that middle- id nore ce con- erer is hat pa- 9 com- oracle ) throw itor or zy. ial cor- ogorsk, long ar- laining ind un- 'al mil- o taxi lie or. district repri- itenant ther, WHITBY DAY - BY - DAY Couples Club Members Get Dance Instruction WHITBY (Staff) -- Memberslevening and the decorations on of the St. Mark's Unitedithe "April Fool' theme were: Church 4W's Couples Club re-|/Mr. and Mrs. Art Reynolds, ceived instruction from Mr.\Mr. and Mrs. Matt Millar, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hutchinson,}and Mrs. Roy Mollon, Mr. and dance instructors at the Osh |Mrs. Everett Quantrill, Mr. and awa YWCA, at their social eve-|Mrs. Harry Rammler, Mr. and ning. Mrs. Gerald Robinson and Mr. The club members were in-jand Mrs. Harmen Siersma. structed in how to rhumba,} The president of Whitby waltz as.well as various types'4W's, Gordon Mifflin, thanked of square dancing. Prizes for|the invited guests for making elimination dance were won by|this social evening so enjoyable| Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mesher and/and also those who arranged} Mr. and Mrs. Jim White. the affair. | Making arrangements for this! A buffet lunch was served, TOPS Clubs In Competition Whitby Shrinking Violets] Lenetta McKinley and Linda, were guests of the Whitby/Barry were presented with rib-| ' " bons for their 25-pound loss by Whittlers TOPS Club. The clubs 7.46 punter. challenged each other to a| "Queen for the month of weight loss contest which will| March was Sandra Thorne with! run for six weeks, ending Maya loss of 5% pounds, Laura Mc-, 2. All members were urged to|Carl and Doreen Carrington attend the weekly weigh-ins. tied for "Queen"' of the week. | The speaker, Miss Linda} KOPS division winner was 2088 : " : Edwards, a dietitian, ois an |Marg Devolin. Eyedy g Hevo preys cage - -- ' seagamconsen foots Mah te aulrhtvn' 'volo WONG, Lacie Mecarl, rene SHOE STORE OLDEST RETAIL OUTLET IN WHITBY erations of the family. The present owners are Russell B. Collins, right and his son, Robert, left, who are seen with an old style high laced shoe. They say that shoe styles run in cycles and the | from the present location on Brock Street South. In 1892 the founder's nephew, Mathias Collins, moved the store to its present location. Since that time it has been operated by successive gen- but low in calories. Cubmasicr Presented With Warrant Mrs. Russell Hayden, former office she assisted at several Brooklin Cubmaster, was pre-jevents and promoted ideas for sented with her warrant byj|various projects and saw the Fred Evans, chairman of the |Cub Pack grow each year. | The shoe store, operated by R. B. Collins and Sons Limited, is the oldest re- tail outlet in Whitby. The original store, founded by Matthew Collins in 1872, was located across the street Gaw and Gwen Brear, | shoes which tury are now coming back LTD into style. They say that it is takes about seven years for MONUMENTS a modern shoe to achieve popularity and return to 668-3552 oblivion. VON Makes 117 Visits WHITBY --- The Whitby Branch of the Victorian Order of Nurses made 117 visits during March. | There were 110 adult care jvisits, two post - natal instruc- tion visits, two new-born in- on behalf of the patient. included two post - given. ROVER, COME HOME ROSTOCK (AP) -- The man who left his dog locked in a car on a_ busy street was warned he'd face a charge o disturbing the peace, the East When the dog got tired of being locked in he put his paw on the horn and kept sounding it until his master returned. Creoted To Individual Requirements were fashion- able at the turn of the cen- STAFFORD BROS. 318 DUNDAS EAST Oshawa Times Photo) group committee, on behalf of; Upon leaving Mrs. mayaen | WHITBY TOWNSHIP Exiled Leader the Cub district commissioner, |said "that her work has been Mrs. Hayden has been a/most rewarding in trying to } Cubmaster for the past fourjassist the boys in becoming | years, During her term of|better citizens." ma ul get, pat y wi eaves For U.K. 4 OTTAWA (CP) --The exiled | president of the outlaw South- |west Africa Peopie's Organiza- \tion left for the United Nations WHITBY PERSONALS John Brian Slauson, former] The Blair Park Vista Rate-| | Deplored By Chairman ' | ' ss iati | mel : : P ghetet Ye CO mig 7 Se ie tnee a ha Brooklin (Staff) - What doesjin the proper manner for our Friday still hoping his country oe ai he gy : ne vA alti if 1 . i Hie Centennial mean to)Centennary." |will be able to achieve peaceful ral, Halifax, will present anjvery successful event wi Whitby Township? : ; organ recital at the Ontario|couples attending, most of them!) «nothing " 3 Robert Lind-|f 4 bey 1 Pe ag gp was independence. Hospital, Whitby, April 18. The|in costumes. Judges were Reeve Nothing," says Rober a porns ogy ay, 36 ned se gr 'But we'll fight for our free- recital will consist of German|George Brooks and Councillor, eA Rob a chai i a rit ing th othe ride w (dom, alone if we have to," San) ian|Thomas Edwards nial committee chairman. planning the celebrations. OW | ome said th ah lntarvinw. He baroque a igs a gr es : "T fail to see how it canithe number has dropped to|"WJoma OS ee Hy oanteaary ier Staastn is|_ 'The First Brooklin Scout/mean very much to anyone inj¢ight. said his 100,000-member party minister of music at Davenport| Troop. held a "Cook Out" under|the township, when we have| "It just goes to prove thatjalready has selected: a new) : , the direction of Scoutmaster|only eight people diligently|people couldn't care less about|name for the future nation --| Tni z Road United Church, Toronto, Michael Wood, Sr., on his' prop-| working for our celebrations,|our celebrations'a said Mr.|Nambia. | First Instalment Of PROPERTY TAX First Instalment Of BUSINESS TAX Due Monday, April 17th, 1967 1967 Property Tox is payable in four instalments and Business Tax is payable in two instalments. For your convenience all taxes are payable at any Whitby Bonk without bonk charge. PAY NOW -- AVOID PENALTY CHARGE F. N. MéEwen, Tex Collector, Town of Whitby. = | The 37 - year - old political | THE OSHAWA TIMES, Scturday, April 8, 1967 5 RESPONDS TO SPRING rises to the surface in spring- Aquatic duckweed spends the|time by filling itself with buoy- winter on pond bottoms andlant gas ig a J B struction visits and two visits New visits during the month natal, two i |newborn instruction and seven jin which adult nursing care was a a | Banquet Entertainment & Dance a Royal Canadian Legion Hall German news agency reports.| i MESSE 5ENSeRCRRS ee aonmy, * x * ATTENTION * x * Whitby & District Veterans VIMY NITE APRIL 15 at 5:30 P.M, Tickets $2.00 single $3.50 couple All Veterans are Welcome 117 Byron St. S. "960888840 OR eee ema e oe goes ad of The Times) erty, The weather co-operated|out of a population of 7,000",| Lindsay, "and if we don't some- with the Scouts and all enjoyed'said Mr. Lindsay. jhow get more people interested jeader has been approaching) Mrs. P. J. Gordon will beja wonderful outing. The centennial committee has'soon we are going to be in|the governments of the 14-coun-| guest speaker at the April 10) a budget of $150 for celebra-/trouble." ltry committee set up by the meeting of St. Mark's United 4 aaa oe Page bed (Ory compared with the Town! The centennial committee is|General Assembly to settle the! Church Women Unit 1 and a eoroligh, id spent Taat 'wenkond of Whitby's $7,200 and Oshawa's planning two parades complete|case of the former Teague of eee " 1$5,000. with bands and floats, as well!Nations mandate that the Union Mrs. John Hares and her SrOuP vith his th M v will lead in the worship service.|P i chardson, Georgian Court '| "With the $150 we received as special events, sport events of South Africa refuses to give Mr. and Mrs. Roger Houghton ne ; lfrom township council," saidjand a variety show. These will/up. He says South Africa plans Ajax Varsity Chapter, IODE,)Mr, Lindsay, '"'we purchase d!be held in June. 'to annex the territory. | and family, Carrie, Michael and). : ' | ; : he pana nei Lisa, Elizabeth Crescent, have|!S Sponsoring a wine and cheese!3,500 centennial lapel pins and returned from a two-week vaca-| Party today at the home of Mrs.|300 specially - inscribed pens. | here's always a welcome at The lorida.|W. A. Parish, 68 Hill Feit have been on sale for) s itiaalesl deur ements | Ajax, |more than three months and we| Members of St. John's Ang-| ; : ,...|have sold only 2,500 pins and : Ajax Womens' Church Year/nait of the pens." 419 BROCK STREET NORTH REV. DELOSS M. SCOTT, Minister lican Church WA will attend the) it hol le with | Deanery Conference at Black-|Will hold a rummage sale with) io) i¢ we sell all of our UNITED CHURCH Mr. Gordon Harle. B.A., Organist Organist Mrs, W, &. Summers, A.T.C.M. 11:00. A.M. ab OA : --"'Waiting" INFANT 7:00 P.M The Peril BAPTISM oo Tomorrow 9:30 P.M. Juniors, Intermediates Seniors 9:45 A.M.--Bible School iB Primary Junior Congregation, In- font Care. ST. MARK'S _ | WHITBY BAPTIST (Colborne Street West at Centre) Minister: Rev. John McLeod Centre & Colborne Sts Rev. J. M. Smith, B.A. B.D Miss !la Newton, Deaconess 00 A.M. Nursery, Kindergarten, Bible Study and Proyer Wed. at 7:30 P.M, stock April 8. The speaker will|Mrs. R. Roper, Mrs. R. *'souvenirs", we will require at) be R. Risebury who will also| Sone ae ey Se Lae in| feast $500 more just to do an SUNDAY SERVICES | show films. |average job on the celebrations aid, Brush, 1097 Centre Sree athe daughter, Joyee, wil|sid the chairman," and more General Hospital, is reported to|be attending the 50th wedding | to have the celebrations done) ye mealies Enere, lin honor of bee parents, Mr. and] t40N fo AFRICA | wit and Mon CR, Rolarrs, Forey Chae, Belelle| crascow (AP)--two Sct 9.15 A.M.--"Faith Tidings' Radio Broadcast CKLB -- 1350 on your Diol 9:45 A.M.--Bible School with a class for you. 11;00 A.M.--MORNING WORSHIP AND PRAISE Pastor's Message "SO SEND | YOU" 7:00 P.M.--EVENING GOSPEL SERVICE BROCK Evening Programs Start 7 and 9:05 WHITsy Feature Starts at 7 and 9:20 newliat ANGRews wmreubdi on eer Recommended As ADULT ENTERTAINMENT Also--Cartoon--Sport -- ALL COLOR PROGRAM IT TEARS YOU APART WITH SUSPENSE! Begins ot 7:00 & 9:20 SAVE $ $ ON, AUTO INSURANCE If you are an Abstainer you save up to $22.00 on your auto insurance. "JOHN RIEGER INSURANCE LIMITED PRESIDENT -- CLARE A. SHANK 597 KING ST. E., OSHAWA DIAL 728-7567 ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN Corner Byron ot St. John itby Rev. W. J. S.' McClure, B.A. Mr, B. G. Devereux, Organist EMMANUEL REFORMED 403 Rossland Road West Rey. Harold Hesselink 9:45 A.M, 10:30 A.M. CHURCH SCHOOL CLASSES Jimmy, visited his parents, Mr./Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lean, Osh-| Joan 5, are being shipped to| and Mrs. R. J. Pickard, Mani-/awa, will also attend. -- la South African nature preserve | toulin Island. The occasion was a reception held at their resi- dence at Ice Lake to celebrate MANY ARE MAIMED Nearly 500,000 people of the|Sydney Benson said, 'I thought from: their birthplace, Glas-! lgow's Park zoo. Zoo director) their 60th wedding anniversary.| whole West German population|I'd seen everything but export- | The celebrants received congra-|9¢ Minister Lester B. Pearson and numerous cards and greetings. Eight of their nine children : : 58,267,000 were tualtions from the Queen, Prime | highway accidents in 1966. in|ing lions to Africa beats them injured | tall." | WEDNESDAY EVE., 8:00 P.M. MID-WEEK SERVICE of prayer, praise and bible study. ANNUAL MISSIONARY CONFERENCE _ Sunday, April 16 thru Sunday, April 23 11:00 A.M.--Guest Speaker English Service and Mr. Cecil R, Roberts (Exec. Sec. of the Gideons) International of Conada Nursery Kindergarten ond Junior Congregation during Divine Worship EVERYBODY WELCOME Sunday School 7 P.M. ENGLISH SERVICF EVERYONE. HEARTILY WELCOMED were present. They have 25 grandchildren and 28 great- grandchildren. Whithy Salvation Army Wo- men's Home League members will attend the Salvation Army Rally, April 10, at the Oshawa Citadel. Commissioner Mrs. E, Grinsted, wife of the head of Salvation Army in Canada, will be the speaker. Mrs. Charles Barter, at the St. Andrew's Presbyterian Wo- men Group 5 meeting, read a letter received' from Doreen Morrison of India telling of the famine and relief difficulties in distributing what is sent and also the great shortage of staff for distribution. Rev, W. J. S. McClure led the Bible study. An invitation was received to at- tend the Melville Presbyterian Church Luncheon, April 13, at West Hill. Tea hostess were Mrs. John McMinn and Mrs, C. R. Pickard, The Seventh Guides and Brownies Mothers Auxiliary will meet April 10 at the home of Mrs. P. D. Tane, 12 Valley Court. The president, Mrs. Ron- ald Plummer, will chair the meeting when arrangements will be made for the mothers and)' daughters banquet to be held May 12. @ LAWN MOWER TUNE UP! SALES & REPAIRS WILDE RENTAL SERVICE & SALES Whitby, Onterio 668-3226 FREE 24-HOUR | BURNER SERVICE By Our Leeal Service Contractors SAWDON"S FUELS FURNACE OIL -- STOVE OIL AND COAL 244 Brock St. S., Whitby 668-3524 MORTGAGES can be obtained right now at the Commerce! © Up to 75% of the value of your home. e Amounts available to $40,000. e See your local Commerce Manager CANADIAN IMPERIAL for the conventional mortgage money you require. BANK OF COMMERCE 4 109 Byron St. & Whitby Invite everyone to their Monday, April (0th 7:30 to 9 P.M. Also:-- Styling Demonstration ond refreshment will be served, b . t TOWN OF WHITBY PLANNING BOARD PUBLIC NOTICE on Amendment No. 4 to the OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWN OF WHITBY PLANNING AREA Location of Lands Affected This Amendment applies to the whole of the Town of Whitby Planning Area, the boundaries of which are the same as the municipal boundaries of the Town of Whitby. Purpose of the Amendment The purpose of this Amendment is to establish in Section 3--~ "Land Use", policies relating to extensions and enlargements of uses existing at the date of approval of the Official Plan, but which do not conform with the .land use proposals of the Official Plan. A copy of the Amendment may be viewed at the office of the Secretary-Treasurer of the Planning Board in the Town of Whitby Administrative Building ot 405 Dundas Street West, Whitby. The Planing Board will be pleased to receive any comments or questions on the Amendment form the inhabitants of the Municipality at its regular meeting to be held on April 18th, 1967, in the Town of Whitby Municipal Building at 7:30 p.m. Earl S. Cuddie William G, Bently Secretary-Treasurer \ Chairman h "ond ae ons:

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