Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 8 Apr 1967, p. 2

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2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, April 8, 1967 A GLANCE AROU ND THE GLOBE | WEATHER FORECAST "ithe... NF U, 80,000 Members | Temperature To Rise In 50's tmnt Marchand Says Separatism Call Halt To Purchases "Plain Simple Demagogery' izations moved Friday to use| The new policy, in effect|they lack the federal support "Synopsis: Temperatures will|25. hs ged on ee federal govern. [since tendet cual far nee aig ye ek rise into the 50s in most local-| Ottawa: Sunny and_ milder RETIREMENT UEBEC (CP) -- Manpower ,...., x : jment to giving tarmers & Setter yt saga i e CFA also told Mr. Greene jities as fine spring sunshine|today. Sunday mainly sunny aac sn Mitenean i #4 Engineer Dies |financial break. Payot gee pag short |the promised $4.75 to dairy pro-|warms the air today. A storm|with increasing cloudiness late SAVINGS PLAN clenching his fists during a 35- NORTH BAY (CP) -- Jack). The National Farmers Union | arm ae pairs dine y many /ducers will not materialize un- |under way in Colorado andiin the day. Winds light. minute defense of Confedera- Barnaby, 63, the engineer who decided to ask its 80,000 mem-|'", 04, the boveott and demon- (oer yee, ne™. Policy, but willlwyoming will head toward orth Teniparatites 1 tion, Friday night slapped aside put publisher Roy Thomson's|bers to halt indefinitely the] 1 ion plans. , fall 10 cents or more short. 'northern Lake Michigan late! lew teat : Saves Income Tax and $ a sh : Hh ;-»+|purchase of automobiles. trucks|* plans were launched at h ae " : : ; | w tonight, High Sunday PRY Se . separatism for Quebec as "pure first radio station "on the air"|P! utomobiles, Ottawa meetings of the organi- On the bright side, the gov-|Sunday and bring rain to much... Pi and simple demagogery." in 1931, died in hospital here|@nd farm equipment. zations' top. officials ernment did not rule out alof the province. Windsor «+2000» 40 65 ye oe Mr. Marchand spoke before a |Friday. The aim is to dramatize the| second look at the problems of} Windsor, London, Lake St.{|5'- Thomas ve 35 60 vernment Approvi Liberal audience of more than Mr. Barnaby came from Tor-/|farmers' case for higher income|CFA MEETS GREENE farmers who produce both milk |Clair, Lake Erie Lake Huron London tees . 35 60 % No loading fees or charges 1,000 at a $10-a-plate banquet onto to install an ancient trans-|through a sharply increased) The NFU's national rival, the for industrial use and the table. /Sunny today. Mostly cloudy wopeenes heat . a | & Payments made before Feb- honoring him as new leader of mitter in the studio of CFCH|role in the farm industry by|canadian Federation of Agri- These farmers lost their indus-|showers and scattered thunder Mount Forest 32 5B ruary 28, 1967 are deduct- the Quebec Liberals in the here for the former radio sales-|both federal and provincial gov-|cuylture, sent 20 officials to a|ttial milk subsidy under the showers Sunday. Milder. Winds| Wingham 32 58 ee ee federal government at Ottawa. 'S|man: who was to become Lord /ernments. meeting with Agriculture Min-|"°¥ policy. light today, southerly 15 Sun-| Hamilton sete » 35 60 i : He was flanked by at least Thomson of Fleet. The NFU's powerful Ontariojister Greene to seek a review) On the buying boycott, Roy day. oie SAMI TNeS 0+: 38 a Ren Oe ee eee eight federal cabinet ministers, : : s branch decided to organize ajof the dairy policy, but said|Atkinson of Saskatoon, NFU) Toronto, Hamilton, North Bay, FOLDED a2) oe . ; including External Affairs Min- os | Priest Will Quit mass demonstration at the Par-|later there was no hope for|President, told a press confer-isydbury, Killaloe Niagara |/ctetborough 30 58 * Oficial receipt for Tax pur- ister Paul Martin. There too ' | \liament Buildings to protest/much improvement in funds al-|ence that pledge cards are being |},ake Ontario, Haliburton, Geor- Kingston .. + 30 55 deste was formeer prime minister | PITTSBURGH (AP) -- Ro-|what President John Dolmer|lotted to the industry. circulated among farmers t 0/9; oy aS ew "|Trenton .. - 32 55 'SBURGH | -- Ro-|wh 3 ' |gian Bay: Sunny today. Increas-|4j))3) 5 | CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST Louis St. Laurent, who ap- man Caueie prietis Wil qu) ---- jallow them to sign up for the ling cloudiness Sunday followed| illaloe .. ae |) 60 | plauded the Marchand remarks \the priesthood in rapidly in-| |boycott. It starts now and willl by showers and scattered thinset es N st 4 & SAVINGS CORPORATION pao! New Governor-General can rntsego™ sethoers ithe strony ana NOP BAY vis 28 8 Extradition OTTAWA (CP) -- A delega-} tion of six Jewish survivors of|-- Nazi concentration camps ap- pealed to the Brazilian ambas-! sador here Friday for the extra- dition from Brazil of Franz Paul Stangl tioner of 700.000 persons. many, Poland and Austria have ernment encourages sought the extradition without\development of prosper- result ous southern Ontario but ig-/at $120,000. . nores the under - developed * v ' Javelin Stock =». Canadian 'Breaker Ltd Stock Exchange Friday after it|the and Elmer JEAN MARCHAND Manpower Minister Sopha resources for was suspended Thursday pend-|people." ing information on plans by the Newfoundland government to acquire temporary control of the company. cP "Resources Rape" TORONTO (CP)--Liberals J. Nu ncil reported execu-|B. Trotter (Toronto-Parkdale) |Pleted Friday the strippi (Sudbury) | $5,600,000 in assets from ouste' The governments of West Ger-|said Friday the provincial goy-|President Kwame Nkrumah, the|who lives in exile in Guinea. The government is content to NEW YORK (AP) -- Trading| have Americans "rape our re in the stock of Canadian Javelin|sources and cart them away, resumed on the American|Mr. Sopha said. "We must use our own British Mortgage TORONTO (CP) -- Wilfrid P ' he Gregory, former president and|by ship-to-shore telephone Fri- British|day that ice in the bay is loose ay. Ghana ACCRA (AP) -- Ghana's rul- ing revolutionary council com- ©Mer, | Ne ng of| new Governor-General, will ar- d tive in Ottawa next Friday to Assets jcreasing numbers if they and| the laity are not granted more} decision - making responsibili- ties, a priést-author said Fri- Vv BY KEN CLARK | OTTAWA CP - Farm organ- dairy policy. because Possibility Of Rain Sunday TORONTO (CP) Official | jcalled the inadequate federal] The CFA says cream shippers forecasts issued at 5:30 a.m jsuffer discrimination viaeal ope i ais a few showers tonight becom- | Central Ontario Trust ing overcast with rain. Sunday. | Milder, Southwest winds 15 to & Savings Corporation OTTAWA (CP)--Roland Mich- designated as Canada's prepare for the formal swear- ing-in ceremony in the Senate It left him Ghana assets valued |Chamber Monday, April 17. SAULT STE. MARIE, Ont. | where A government spokesman said Friday an RCAF Yukon aircraft is being sent to pick: up Mr. and Mrs. Michener at New Delhi he | Alexander Henry is expected to|The Micheners now are com- reach the Lakehead by Sunday |Pleting a round of formal fare- after ice conditions in Whitefish | wells in the Indian capital. Bay at the foot of Lake Su-/ The Yukon is scheduled to |perior were found to be lighter|leave New Delhi Wednesday at than expected. Capt. Claude L. Ball reporte Whiteman Honored | managing director of NEW HOPE, Pa. (AP)--While |Stratford lost more than $1,100,- a@ small combo played the songs |000, for a net loss of $411,000,|ported still to be fast and 36 that made him famous, band-jin the summer of 1965, the inches thick. leader Paul (Pops) Whiteman|Hughes commission was told . toasted his 77th birthday with! Friday. Chairman Named | dancing and champagne. as f Whiteman told about 300 per- WINNIPEG (CP) -- Marc} sons who honored him at the annual dinner-dance of the New Hope Historical Society Friday night of the night in 1924 when his band introduced George Gershwin's Rhapsody in. Blue. Caribbean Islands KINGSTOWN, St. Vincent (Reuters) -- British administra- tor Hywell George Friday dis- § solved this Caribbean island's legislature and called for a general election in three weeks. The move followed weeks of political unrest after general election results _ provision- ally gave ex + chief minister Ebenezer Joshua's People's Po- litical Party a 5-to-4 majority in the legislative council. Decision Postponed WASHINGTON (CP) -- De- fence ministers of seven NATO countries have agreed to post- pone a decision on whether the Atlantic alliance needs an anti- ballistic missile defence system Concluding' two days of talks on various questions of nuclear policy, the defence ministers said in a communique Friday NATO's offensive nuclear capa- bility is adequate. HERE AND THERE SCIENCE DEGREE Kurt G. Anlauf, son of Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Anlauf of 251 Greenwood St., who has reciev- ed a $2,500 National Research , Council bursary for further stu- dy at the University of Toronto received a bachelor of science degree in 1963 -- not a bachelor of arts degree as previously re- ported, TAX HELP To assist residents of Durham County in the preparation of their income tax returns, offic- ials from the Belleville taxation office will be in Port Hope Ap- ril 18 and 19 and in the federal |@@Cch. building, Bowmanville, April 20. 6 PER CENT INTEREST A spokesman for' the Cana-| dian Automotive Museum said} today that 6 per cent interest} will be paid on any loans to| the organization not 5 per cent} as stated in a news story this week. The museum is seeking loans to help meet a financial crisis. President Herb Robinson said this week the public would have $150,000 if it was to continue operation $40 DAMAGE A collision: at 11.30 p.m. Fri- day resulted in $40 damage to a car owned by Joseph Parson of 129 Mill St. The vehicle was damaged to the left rear while parked on St. Lawrence St. Oshawa. MOTORCYCLE-CAR CRASH The first motorcycle - car ac- cident of the season caused an estimated $45 damage to the cycle at the intersection the intersection of Simcoe St. N. and Richmond St. at 5.15 p.m. Friday. No damage was reported to the car driven by Thomas B. Jones, 35 of 761 Fernhill Blvd. who was northbound. | The motorcycle was driven | by Barry E. Wright, 20, of R.R. | 1 Locust Hill. Wright was also proceeding north. | Oshawa Fire Department re- | e @ quiet night with no to loan the organization | Woodstock Theatre of | the season caused an estimat- | ed $45 damage to the cycle at | of|and causing no problem. Ice at the Lakehead Mortgage and Trust Co named chairman of Fort Garry of the Winnipeg - based com- pany's board of directors. Mr. Bienvenu is chairman of British International (Canada) Ltd., which holds ,con- trolling interest in the Bank of |Western Canada, ¢ A. model parliament conducted Friday by four area high | schools, was disolved 30 min- utes ahead of schedule when the minority Liberal govern- ment was defeated by the op- \gressive Social Democrats. jbacked by New Party representatives, French President | Gill d R : illard Retires French Government! TORONTO (CP) -- Harry R. PARIS (Reuters) -- President Gillard, formerly of Hamilton, de Gaulle approved Friday &jhas retired as secretary-treas- new French government headed|yrer and general manager of by Premier Georges Pompidou|the Navy League of Canada and retaining Maurice Couve after 40 years of service, it was de Murville as foreign minister./announced Friday. | Bight new men were intro-| He will be succeeded by W. CHARLES DE GAULLE seven dropped, including jandre Sanguinetti and Jeanidian Navy. |Charbonnel who both lost their month. lan, chairman of the Niagara parks commission, denied Fri- day charges that he was '"'dic- tatorial"' with. the commis- Nine Fewer Eggs | OTTAWA (CP) -- Canadians reacted to an average 10-cent- a-dozen price increase in eggs last year by eating about nine|have . hans ifewer eggs apiece. | Former chairman Charles In 1965, when a dozen large|Daley and five others resigned Grade A's cost about 54 cents,|i". February, and Mr. Daley |per - capital consumption was later accused Mr. Allan of dic- |255 eggs. The Dominion Bureau tatorial marae He al tae lof Statistics reported Friday|Ported by Mayor Frank mee that in 1966 Grade A's cost about _-- of a Falls, who 64 cents, and Canadians ate 246° der diy dhe : Extortion Successful Crossing xrrcnener (cr) --wo i ' <,;men and a woman have been BORDEN, P.E.I. (CP) -- "Tlarrested and charged with ex- guess we did it to prove the/torting money from a_ Kitch- younger generation is as tough|ener man and are to appear in as the older generation" com-/court here Wednesday. mented Ken Judson, one of six! Kitchener police declined to Prince Edward Islanders who|name the alleged victim or made a_ successful centennial! reveal the amount of money in- iceboat crossing of the North-| volved, umberland Strait Friday, Bachelor Party' WORLDWIDE CRUISES AND TOURS FOR SINGLE PEOPLE If you love excitement, meeting people, going to far-off places... you're invited on a Bachelor Party holiday! Travel with your own age group. Enjoy evening entertain- ment...be a special guest at oa cocktail parties, night clubs, famous restaurants. No tipping, baggage or reservation worries... the problems are ours, the fun is yours! ORIENT/WORLD © EUROPE e@ SPAIN @ BRIT. ISLES/SCANDI- NAVIA © 0, AMERICA / MIDDLE EAST @ MEXICO © HAWAII @ CAR- IBBEAN ¢ CALIFORNIA ® CRUISES "A brilliant solution to the headaches of traveling alone" LONDON, Ont. (CP)--Wood-) stock Little Theatre Friday night received the highest praise given so far to any group competing in the Western Ontario drama festival by ad- judicator Esse Ljungh. He rated the production of James Reaney's Listen To The Wind 'very, very high, chal- lenging, entertaining, with all the ingredients for good, new, modern, free-form theatre." AMATEUR HOUR CONTEST Anyone over 21 wishing to audition. | PLEASE CALL -- Holiday 723-4693 For Free 36-page color catalog MR. STREET MITCHELL & WAITE TRAVEL SERVICE 614 Prince St. Ph. 72°-73°S-6 GEORG'AN MOTOR HOTEL is re- Bienvenu of Montreal was Trust Co. at a meeting Friday Finance | : ve fey .) mya. (67. position Progressive Conserva ' \tives combining with the Pro-| When that first | | , A|band was formed in 1876, the| 134 - 131 vote of non - confidence|instruments had to be hauled | defeated the Liberals who were |250 miles from Winnipeg to the Democratic post at Swan River, Man., by d duced to the government and/J. Hodge of Weston, Ont., an! member of the 1938 group. two|engineer and former lieutenant: | former cabinet members--Alex-|commander in the Royal Cana- same year as the band, repre- lseats in a general election last | Niagara Chairman lieeres TORONTO (CP)--James Al-| sion's 11 members, six of whom} 6:30 p.m. and arrive in London qjat 8:50 a.m, Thursday, The Micheners will dine' with the Queen at Windsor Castle To Arrive In Ottawa, Friday ise!" wei ne. ' has been Canadian} »»|(CP)--The Canadian icebreaker |high commissioner since 1964. ichanges its approach. night, Milder. Winds light today, |F 19 Simeoe Street. North | Mr. Atkinson said the CFA}. . had not been asked to co-oper southerly #2 annoy, rae i" MIE MID CIT y seca jate in the boycott, but he hoped Algoma, Timagami, Coch- HOME-NURSING 23 King Street West, southern White River: | 623-2527 today. Rain gradually CALL A do so, 3 , | Boycotters would continue to|SPreading over region Sindy. | Vv 0 A id uy "soft? goods such as fer- pape Southwest winds near! aVulte urse |London for the Queen's signa-|,, OPEN ture. tilizer, seed and so on to keep Nigivs 725-2211 "EVERYONE" RED FEATHER AGENCY DRUG STORES OPEN THIS SUNDAY 12:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. JURY & LOVELL LTD. STAY AT WINDSOR the farm going but they would) Northern White River: Sunny After remaining overnight at|make do with old equipment by today. Variable cloudiness with the castle, the Micheners will|P00ling resources. -- nn ' leave London Friday on a esi] NFU membership accounts | lar Air Canada DC-8 flight at|for about one - quarter of the; 12:55 p.m. A special section of farm force in the four western the jet has been prepared as a|PrOvinces and Ontario. private cabin. Prep Mr. Dolmer said the date for "TT : : | The flight is due at Montreal OE ase Le th : : real tawa would be set at an April | OIL 1 at 3:55 p.m. Friday. The Mich-|19 meeting of the organization's eners will leave immediately for } board. Tractors might be used, 313 ALBERT ST. Ottawa, either by government |he said. | Aan * a ee po! . The CFA's Ontario branch 24-HOUR SERVICE ey will spen e weekend may also be planning indepen- 723-4663 at 7 Rideau Gate, the luxury|dent protest action. It will de- | SERVING OSHAWA OVER 50 /EARS | end SATURDAYS HEAT WITH OIL | DIXON'S mansion recently purchased and | cide what steps to take at a! refurnished by the government! meeting in Toronto next Thurs- | for the use of important state! day of the representatives of its visitors. 80 member bodies Thursday night when Mr. Mich- ener will receive his formal|couple will take up residence at commission of appointment. The|Rideau Hall, official residence commission is to be flown to!of Canadian governors-general. 'And Expo In September | OTTAWA (CP) -- When the|Macleod, Alta., June 14: Cal-| Mounties played at the signing;gary June 17 - 20; Edmonton jof Treaty No. 7 with the Black-| June 22-24; Saskatoon June 26; |foot Confederacy in 1877, it was|North Battleford June 28; Sas-| the first time most of the In-/katoon June 30-July 1. | |dians had ever seen. a band; Winnipeg July 3-5; Fort Wil- med with trumpets andjliam July 7; Fredericton July | + ar Model Parliament \drums instead of bows and ar-|14-15; Summerside, P.E.I. July | NIAGARA FALLS, Ont. (CP) |TOws. 18-19; Halifax July 21-23; Syd-| | This year, the now-familiar|ney July 25; St. John's, Nfld., IRCMP band, | \the famed Musical Ride, will |stop at 21 Canadian centres on a} jomtennial tour, including two/9-16, Toronto Aug. weeks next September at Expo|tawa Aug. 29-Sept. 11; Mont-| | voluntary | Nov, 10-18. good names to remember If you have a Commercial Property To Sell or Lease REG AKER, pres. BILL McFEETERS, vice-pres. SCHOFIELD-AKER ] 723-2265 Over 33 years in Business og sled. It was another 62 years before the musicians were recognized as an Official unit of the force. The 50-member band had to perform regular police duties until RCMP officials decided in| 1958 that demands on the unit! made its full - time opera- tion necessary. | Band director is Supt. E. J.) Lydall, the only remaining The Musical Ride, formed the RCMP Band Tour Canada After Monday's ceremony the sere CRAMPED for TIME? MAY 1 IS THE DEADLINE... INCOME TAX GUARANTEE ROSSLYN PLAZA PHONE 728-4668 TAMBLYN DRUG STORE 6 KING STREET EAST PHONE 723-3143 CENTRAL PHARMACY 211 SIMCOE STREET SOUTH PHONE 723-1070 a | | Leave those tax worries cedures, Pick up your copy today. accompanied by (July 28-29; Grand Falls, Nfid.,| to ws. Our service is * " July 31, Corner Brook Aug. 1-2.| prompt, accurate and COMPLETE | A TAME POR FINE CLOSES Quebec Aug. 6-8; Ottawa Aug. | complete...andwe RETURNS 18-26; Ot- usually save you more than the nominal ' real Sept. 17-Oct. 1; Toronto| chargel See the BLOCK office in your neigh- LIFE borhood today. UP We g we will the penal is KO CK ES Canada's Largest Tax Service with Over 1500 Offices in North America Pp we make ony errors that cost Pp or int 22 ONTARIO ST. Weekdays 9 a.m. - 9 p.m.--Sat. 9-5. Ph. 723-7071 of every tex return, if any penolty er interest, TUXEDO RENTALS We carry a complete line of: Syd SILVER'S formal wear and accessories for all occasions, Free Booklet on formal weor and wedding pro- 23% Simcoe South 723-7974 Open Fri. Evening Until 9 P.M. /sented Canada at the corona-| ions of King George V, King! e VI and Queen Eliza- beth. Its 32 Mounties ride three- quarter thoroughbred horses} raised on the force's ranch at}! Fort Walsh, Sask. Horses and riders train to- gether for four months before | they appear in public. The first | ride performed in public in 1904. | The 1967 itinerary: Sudbury June 1; Regina June 7-9; Moose Jaw June 10; Fort ADULT OSHAWA'S MOST EXCLUSIVE APARTMENT ADDRESS! A very few suites are now avoilable for rental: | PRESTIGE WM. HUMAN Lise oe we fe : KEN RUNDLE CLEMENT'S SUPERTEST STATION RESIDENCE plies, and Power Equipment. RUNDLE GARDEN CENTRE LID. Announces Management Changes We are as usual prepared to offer you the very best in Nursery stock, Lawn fertilizers, Garden Sup- NO FIRES TOWNSHIP OF WHITBY NOTICE Bylaw 1872 prohibiting Open Air Fires is effective from March 15th to June Ist in the Township of Whitby. The Bylaw carries a penalty up to $300. in the ease of a conviction for an offence. SONTACT MR. NORMAN OSTER AT 723-1712 or 728-2911 FOR AN APPOINTMENT ABLE. LET RUNDLE'S 25 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE HELP YOU MAKE YOUR GARDENING MORE ENJOY- G@ORGIAN mansions Mr. A: W. Rundle will be available at all times for DESIGNING" and as HORTICULTURAL CONSULTANT. id ARK ROAD NORTH _-- ne Jit eee SERVICE STATIONS OPEN THIS SUNDAY 7:00 A.M. to 9:00 P.M. HOUSTON'S SERVICE STATION 67 KING STREET WEST, 723-7322 102 SIMCOE STREET NORTH LAWLESS SHELL STATION 227 SIMCOE STREET SOUTH MEADE'S SUNOCO STATION 388 KING STREET EAST BRUCE'S SHELL STATION 478 PARK ROAD SOUTH JIM CROWELL'S B-A SERVICE STATION 263 KING STREET WEST KEMP'S SHELL STATION 1047 SIMCOE STREET SOUTH Jean- down t proache Ste To OTTAW field-Robl nipeg thi: erable st committe: the Conse national | One vet high batt: read it as Premier support fr Duff Robl ership col Even tl Scotia pre the leade: shake this of the me Roblin m Mr. Sta he has n politics a in Nova § Neverth here say t vent him he gets a | cessfully | Septembe: Other gq field visit Lak Wo TORON' the brew! batt Ltd. « be returne offer mad Jos. Schl Milwaukee Three € Brazilian Investors Ltd., and Ltd. --h -- slightl, share--for common « Ltd. Schlitz cent of I and worki nadian fir for $39,10( deal annt mean a $3,000,000 Canadia loss of. co the buyer: opposition ment, wth lenged the trust laws The U. Schlitz to OTTAW. (PC--Car! ace of af Friday: C public bil vate oppo But his done at tl former ci don Chur South Cen It is at a public b position M the Comn Stanley nipeg Nor often an the grade Centennia' thing diffe The bill former i would ha' parliamen liamen made thei definite ir MCILRATr Works governme: mediately bill. He sug approve t which it d governme: would in f parlian 'wo for tl

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