at 7.00 and continuous sunday con- m, ost , 3-4693 hawa dN $1.25 RT" d. W . $1.00 'GOAL" 00. 5:35 9:20 cmmeeneamanall ig" Dunbarton High School Dunbarton students are caught up in the exciting finall/member of the properti 2 r es d weeks of the school 8S production|partment in the Stratford Fe of "Our Town" which will beltival Company, brings muchlcial room in the Band Shell held May 4, 5, and 6. Director Roy Higgins, an ex- perienced theatrical person of movies, live theatre and tele- vision, is largely for the better-than-amateur per- formances of students,"' said a school spokesman. Mr. Higgins' most recent works are: Quen- tin Durgens, MP, and Wojeck. McLaughlin Col Everyone is back from holi- days and the halls are ringing with laughter as students re- count pleasant thoughts from the previous week. Sorry to put a damper on things but exams begin in about eight weeks. The drama club presented Stalag 17, Friday, March 17 at Dundalk, Ontario. Our curling team defeated | knowledge to the play's cos-|which he had decided to build speciallin recognition of the high stan- tumes which have a professional . look," said school spokesman. responsible} Costume authenticity is re-|tive Dominion Chamry |quired in antiques like the| jat the CNE under the late Jack) " Broadbent Markham Street Village") ,, : "Journey's End" and "Thiel Concerts in the shell start in CENTENNIAL Plantation," legiate Institute j0 Neill March 22, jreadying them for the finals. | | The graduation ball commit-| tee has already gone into its first huddle and plans for this jevent are taking form. Watch! for the hall posters for further) \developments. | By the way, Mr. Hotton can! really drive @ pony team. | CAROL WALES Collegiate | Oshawa Catholic High School Students of Oshawa Catholic High took part in the school's annual retreat March 21 and 22. A good number attended closed retreats at the Senacle retreat house in Toronto and Quééen of the Apostle retreat house in Port Credit. Persons who stayed at home attended the showing of The Greatest Story Ever Told at thé Plaza theatre. The following day, five young Jesuit seminar- ians conducted an enlightening retréat, appropriately off with a folk Mass. Central Collegiate Institute Come on, let's hear it for| OCCI. It's school spirit week and a parade and rally with £0-£6 girls will be held to get your school spirit up. A $0ck hop will be held in the gym Tuesday after school to raisé monéy for the school band's exchange trip to London. Chariot races between forms will also be staged. The driver of the chariot will be the lightest weight girl, the chariot, anything with whéels and as many "horses" -- mus- tered up volunteers as possible. Grades nine, 10 and 11 race Wednesday; grades 12 and 13 én Thursday and thén finalists' competition. O'Neill Collegiate After the preliminary yawns and groans of Ocavite students as they adjusted to the familiar routine Of regular classes, the topped | | the Parents' Guild will spon-| sor a centennial ball, Friday, | April 7 at St. Gregory's audi-| torium. Parents and friends are) 'cordially invited to attend. We are looking forward to the centennial ball for students that will be held in May. Other events in the near future are: a talent show in April; class centennial pro- jects; centennial festival at Civic Auditorium; the Daffodil tea and report cards. JANE. SIMIANA| Variety Night is a BAA) \"first" for Central. This Fri- |day, an assortment of games, including volleyball, shuffle- board, basketball and badmin- ton, promises to be fun -- espe- |cially with a lot of school sup- iport. | | The London band and choir, |at our | meeting April 9 at 7:30 p.m. arriving Friday, will perform at an assembly. | Student Council's "Slave Day," Saturday, April 15, winds up school spirit week. It's your school and your coun- cil so be a slave or rent one. Go Central! JOAN SMITH turing folksingers in the cafe- teria-turned-coffee-house. \room in the 'iain \needed for other purposes that Miss Bernice Harper, as @|\Col. R. S. McLaughlin saw the e-)need for a permanent home for S-\the band. He included a spe- jcial evenings, but, with the ter- Continued From Page 21 ried the band to four consecu- developed into community gath- erings. Even on rainy nights, It was at this time the band|the tA plays on for ihe _ amateur "ian ] Armories was|fit of those who always sit in chief interests lie in the enjoy-|outstanding of which is cars, because quite often thisjment of playing and present-|Massed Militia Band Concert unseen audience is made up of|ing bgt music. : cripples and shut-ins. And so,|course of a year, weekly con- ; year after year, the band keeps|certs are produced from the hier ligy Bovina or playing and bringing a meas-|McLaughlin Band Shell during each year in Toronto. ure sf a and -- June, July, August and part of ment to a large n y the|dard of performance which car-|people, . umber of/September and usually Oshawa's Band of the Ontario|torium during the winter. the city lifé. This group which is the principal musie organiza- j tion of Oshawa, is composed of|SChools. Visits are made musicians, three| LONG HISTORY Pop Concerts in the OCVI audi- Concerts and entertainment oC BAN T T TH Regiment has become through D 0 PLAY HIS M N the years an integral part Of/are presented for local church groups, boys clubs and training not been killed by musical stag- nation and have taken a ser- which will advance the profic-|sented the Band Shell to the fency of the band having won the Dominion Championship at), A the Canadian National Exhibi- | concerts in Memorial Park.' tion 8 times since 1938. For many years, the friend whoselother communities, the most During thelreid at the C.N.E. Park Grand The bandsmen have seen to|without his it that there enthusiasm has|would not have maintained its}States. THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, April 8, 1967 23 interest in those things|continued success. Since he pre- City of Oshawa in 1942, the band has presented well over | So, for nearly 100 years, the) LTD. liberal generosityjover Canada and the United! Buying or Selling! GUIDE REALTY and band has been a great asset!l ¢ soy 5 sponsor of the band has been|to our community life with the | LOYD SORsON,, Eresident Col. R. S. McLaughlin, to whom |present generation extending its\| @ LUCAS PEA ithey are gratefully indebted for|influence in many ways to pub-| sepbaecshbbeces jequipment and instruments and/licize the City of Oshawa all| @ DICK. YOUNG, Vice-F'res. 16 SIMCOE ST. S., OSHAWA PHONE 723-3281 the second week of June and) continue through the second) week in September. They have, Southmead -- Centre Has | New Status» Recently the Southmead Com- munity Centre was completed! and a bylaw was passed by Oshawa City Council legally recognizing the building as a community centre. The next step of securing a government grant has _ been taken. Possibly by the end of the year, we will have the fi-, nances to do something with the, approach to the building. A successful euchre was held in February with over 125 peo-| ple in attendance. Other activ-| ities planned for the immediate| future are an official opening} dinner and dance and adult so ' KRREK rible conditions of the grounds, these events have been delayed} until the weather permits out-) side work. | The teens are a hardier breed and have been holding dances every Friday evening, 7:30 to 11:30 p.m., since February 17. They have an active executive and membership, and plan to organize other activities besides dances. The park opening will be held June 3. Plans will be concluded general membership The election meeting, held} March 12, was conducted by} Council Representatives Colin La Valle and Peter Muzik. | Those elected were: president, | Mr. F. Pesarchuk; vice-presi- dent, Ted Campbell; secretary, Mrs, F. Pesarchuk; treasurer, Mrs, C. Musgrave; sports chair- man, Mr. T. Campbell; CCNA Representatives, Mr. F. Pesar- ehuk, Mrs. F. Pesarchuk; CCNA Bingo, Mrs. C. Mus- grove; Thursday Bingo, Mrs. J. Trott; memberships, Mr. E. A preview of Music Night, April 14 and 15 at O'Neill audi- Easter holidays were forgotten|torium was shown at a Wed- as everyone turned their minds to the school work ahead. These were the teachers' hopes any- way. A eantential committee meet- p> Reig held Monday after 6 t6 discuss project ideas. Suggestions are welcomed, 60 if anyone has any bright ideas, lét's knéw them. Our fabulous spring dance was held Friday, April 7 fea- fesday morning assembly. If the preview is any indication of Music Night, everyone should make plans to attend! So start selling those tickets, Ocavites, and make this the most suc- cessful Music Night ever held. Remember the fabulous prizes offered to the class sell- ing the most tickets. --CAROLE HOOKER Anderson Collegiate Institute While most Anderson students weré enjoying their Easter va- éation, members of the Decor: ating and Advertising Commit- tees were at the school, hard at work, preparing for our for- mal, "Lepidoptera". It will be héld on April 14. Congratulations go to John Porter who placed first in the Ontarié Public Speaking Con- test, He competed against 14 finalists in the contést which was held in Toronto during the Easter holidays. --LYNDA RUTHERFORD Kingsway College ' On Wédnésday évening, March 2%, the Young Artists' Récital was held in the College 'Auditorium. Ralph Couplarid, head of the music department éf Kingsway, chose Gale Leath- erdale to represent the school in this recital. She sang two vocal solos, The Trout and Come My Beloved, accompan- ied by Miss Lily Pan. "April Fool" was the theme of thé Sunday evetiing Supper Club held in thé Dining Hall. Following he dinfiér, a pro- gram was presented in the auditorium where Wayne Cotie and Sharon Dick were crowned Culture Prince and Princess for March. The bulletin board in the ad building has been drawing Donevan Last night, the walls of Done- vah a#hdok with the swinging sound of the Ohaficéllors and the Just Six. The théme was Sadie « Abnér and was spon- sofed by the music department to raisé funds for their up- coming trip to Expo '67. Many thanks are extended to the Chancellors for performing and organizers John Walker and Kevin Russell for making the dance such a complete success. Some important dates to re- member: April 18 -- a night of cards, sponsored by the Senior Orches- tra. April 26th and 28th --Spring Festival of Music. MANTLE WILL PLAY FORT LAUDERDALE, Fila. (AP)--Mickey Mantle will open the baseball season at first base Monday when Néw York Yan- kees appear in the American League's opening game at Washington. The former star cefitré fielder madé the shift this spring and has played in most ef the exhibition games. i crowds of students all week. The centre of attraction is & display of many photos depict- ing scenes of school history for the past 64 years, The Alumni, who will be on Campus this weekend, will likely be visiting the display. Sixteen of Kingsway's over- seas students were guests of the Oshawa Rotary Club, Mén- day, April 3. The students were taken on a tour of the city and then were supper guests in Ro- tariah homés. The anntial Mother - Daughter Brunch, sponsored by the NSN to honor mothers or sibstitute mothérs, will be held Sunday morning, April 9. --WAYNE SHARPE Collegiate May 5th --Spring Prom with thié year's théme as Expo °67. May 13th Orchestra goes to Montreal. 'This week we extend welcome to students from Rosemére, Quebec who are staying in Osh- awa and hope they énjoy their visit. --JANE MANNING Ferens; publicity, Mrs. F. Pesarchuk; Teen Committee, Mrs. F. Pesarchuk, Mr. F. Alli- son, Mr. L. Beal; building and maintenance chairman, Mf. T. Campbell. CHAIRY TALE Rumanian Television has bou- ght its first package of Canadian films. This contract includes "Chairy Tale', 'Universe', "Men Against The Ice' and "Romance of Transportation". FAN RREKKKEKKRRKRKERRRRERE | z € % J EER When they saw this amazing TV/FM antenna in action... -- delivering incredibly sharp, clear _ in Color and Black & TV experts all over the country Ned the same reaction--"Fan- NELLIS HOME IMPROVEMENTS e GENERAL REPAIRS @ Painting @ Pépering @ Remodel- line | "All Work Guaranteed" For Free Estimotes Call... | 728-2061 We agree. For performance and value, the finest antenna we've ever sold is the patented new Color Crossfire » CHANNEL MASTER world's largest manufactures Distributed ond Installed by OSHAWA TV | SUPPLY LTD. | Taunton Rd. East 723-8131 KRRKEKRRKKRE | | | tae Calendar of Events " 1967/1] 1967 If you have an event of public interest please advise Mr. C. Funday, Secretary of the Centennial Committee c/o City ihe Office, Oshawa, Phone 725- 33 Oshawa Centennial Committee Oshawa Schedule of Centennial Events April 1 Commencement of Beard-growing Contest--Oshawa & District Labor Council. April 8 Skating Club Carnival--Civic Auditorium April 8 Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 43--Simcoe Street South (official opening of new building and dance) April 9 Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 43--Cenotaph Vimy Day Service. April 10-15 Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 43--Simcoe Street South open house. April 14 & 15 O'Neill Collegiate & Vocational Institute band's visit to Ottawa. April 15 Canadian Concert Association -- Stars of Oshawa Eastdale Collegiate. April 15 Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 43--Simcoe Street South dance. April 21-23 Simcoe Street United Church Wormen--Simcoe Street United Church (World Church Festival). April 22-23 Oshawa Rovers observance of St. George's Day (Flag raising ceremony & Church Service). April 26-29 Sportsman Show--Civie Auditorium.. April 28 City Hall Dance 'Millionaires' Nite Out" put on by oe Local 251 -- games and dancing -- Kinsmen all. April 29 G.M. Male Chorus, The Kingsway College Choir, The Oshawa Choral Society, Oshawa Barbershop Chapter and The Canterbury Singers (Centennial Choral Fes- tival)--Eastdalé Collegiate. April 30 Spinorama (Harvey Dance Academy)--Civic Audi- torium. May 1-15 Secondary School Students' visit to Expo. May 5 Oshawa Separate School Centennial Concert (Salute to Canada)--Civic Auditorium. May 6 Policeman's Ball--Civic Auditorium. Ma y 7 Pleasure Valley Park--1 p.m. Oshawa T. T. Riders Motorcycle races. Canadian Concert Association (National Ballet) -- anCadian Concert Association (National Ballet) -- Eastdale Collegiate. May 10 R.C.A.F.A. Wing 420 (Air Show featuring the Golden Céntenniares Aerobatic Team & Armed Forces Vehi- cle Display)--Oshawa Airport. May 12 & 13 Shrine Circus--Civic Auditorium. May 13 Oshawa Little Theatre (oné-act plays)--McLaughlin Publié Library. May 14 Air Cadet Inspection, Navy Cadet Inspection--Civie Auditorium. May 15 & 16 a Collegiate Institute Orchestra to play at xpo. May 17 & 18 Oshawa Public School Centennial Presentation -- Civic Auditorium. May 19422 Salvation Army Citadel Songster Brigade (choir)-- Appearing at Expo '67. ay 22 Fireworks Display--Several Neighborhood Park Open- ings--Various Locations. May 27 1.0.F. Ball--Civic Auditorium. May 28 Hank Snow Show--Civie Auditorium. June 1 Children's Theatre--'The Tinderbox" June 3 Credit Union Dance--Civie Auditorium. June 10 & 11 Ontario Kennel Club Dog Show--Civic Auditorium. June 11-18 Simcoe Street United Church 100th Anniversary -- Special Service at Pioneer Cemetery. June 14 Oshawa Public Schools (Field Day)--Alexandra Park June 17 * ULA.W. Picnic--Lakeview Park. June 17 Don Messer Show--Civic Auditorium. June 17 Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 43 (25 year members banquet)--Simcoe Street South. June 16-18 Oshawa Rover Scouts (CAMAS 1967--rangers, rov- ers, cadets and venturers, weekend of self-contained camping)--Camp Samac. June 18-24 Senior Citizens' Week--Program to be announced later. June 25-28 R. S. McLaughlin Collegiate & Vocational Institute band to play at Expo. July 1 X! Alpha Eigma Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi--Silver re Pollet for all Oshawa Babies born. on July 1, 1967. uly bedi Troop Salutes--Ontario Regiment--Memorial ark. June 25 - July 1 Folk Festival Centennial Birthday Week--Full Week Program to be announced. July 25 & 26 H.M.C.S. Kootenay--Oshawa Harbour East Wharf. July 27 & 28 Oshawa Choral Society--Appearing at Expo '67. July 27,28 & 29 Oshawa Fair---Alexandra Park. July 30 Canadian Tire Centennial Tour (Antique Cars) August 1-11 Confederation Caravan--Alexandra Park. September 6-9 Oshawa Home Show--Civie Auditorium. September 8 Judging of Beard Growing Contest. September 16 Canadian Corps Association Drumhead Service and Parade--Alexandra Park to Memorial Park. September 22 & 23 Scandinavian Group & Weavers Guild (Weaving & Spinning Exhibit)--Y.W.C.A. September 24 Trooping of Guidon--Ontario Regiment. October 1-8 Ukrainian Association (Ukrainian Week)--Full Week Program. October 1 Official Opening October 2 --Speakers on Ukrainidh Matters will be available t6 Oshawa Clubs Oetober 3 --Film 6n Ukrainian National Costumes and @ Fashion Show October 4 --Ukrainion Bozear October 5 --Showing of the only film produced in Oshowa--"'The CruétDawn'" October 6 Youth Day October 7 Banquet--Honouring of Pioneers -- Distinquishéd Speakers October 8 --Centennial Concert November 11 Remembrance Day Parade Watch The Oshawa Times Showcase Edition For Further Weekly Events ® SAVE THIS ADVERTISEMENT FOR FUTURE REFERENCE * * '" 200 30 Se eld KERR = KKKKKE cK KKKKKKKKEKKKKEKRERERRKKKRERE rRRE "* ar