18--Mole Help Wonted ie LASCO |18--Male Help Wanted _ | EXCELLENT '19--Male and Female Help | Wonted DARLINGTON T. 5 A. GUARANTY 3 BEDROOM HOMES |20--Real Estate For Sale [20--Real Estate For Sale |20--Reol Estate for Sale 20--Real Estate for Sale | * GUIDE THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturday, April 8, 1967 17 20--Real Estate : for Sale 20--Real Estate for Sale - $14,900 -- BRICK, " O Shae | CAREER requires for September, 1967 OPEN ngalow, 'paved ar Ae Requires OPPORTUNITIES Experienced teachers for new T ©) u TRUST $ Ort al service. Day : | 18 room Senior school | 15 995 Schotield-Aker Ltd. fi Intermediate for young men 18 - 24 yeors | 1, Teacher--Librarian | REALTY L D. CO. | ! HO USE Feed ene ohn terok ine eae, | thy st side 4 Cost Accountant 7 enter the banking | 2. Senior Opportunity } 16 Simcoe St. S. BE Droants | BUILDING erik wabeenh on the east side of Oshawa. Early pose HE POSITION: T { : : 3. Rotary Subjects 708 5281 | ASSOCIATES McMullan and Co., Realtor, 725-3557. + S N: To perform na aye $2,500. DOWN. Lovely brick two-bed- daily costing function ond Ma nagement Salary Schedule NEW, DETACHED | ome off i é) A hs rsorn bungalow win: ctr three-piece ¢o assistant cost accountant : $4,400--$8,100 in 4 cote- e | PRESENTS N r ue Nk wa gg tin pad ihly. Call WillsraJonetiony Pen-toee, pe in the further development Trainees | gories, Full allowance for ex- GOING CONCERN a e [ FAMILY HOMES i ; Hu + t ¢ OM. | Ua Sa ee i i ects dba [3 pavienes ory eneryie. 1 @ Country store and gos sto- B BARKLEY eet dalhsel At ik $10,300. -- SPACIOUS fwo-bedroom bun- ' j / galow, one acre lot, Courtice. Hardwood THE PERSON: A second or | Myprtent pvtion dow rt | Apply giving details of qua. | ton Cove Yo Oshowe, & pig | |' SQUARE BEACON fernstaes or ie Mama third year R.I.A. student | future we would be pleased fications, experience, present mencren --_. seth asa MARIANNA | Keg ae 9 : with option | NY VATE SALE, $1,500 dowr c . who hos had experience in | to discuss our training pro- | ("spector to: SL oe dat at we fore IN AN | DEVELOPMENTS | ONLY HOMES Invern brie ag I~ product and/or process cost gram with you H. R. MOORCROFT, family business. Call us for fur-| $2 399 ETD. merene i iyane Sve ae accounting Supervising Principal, ther particulars | at 1 creer. o To SCHOOLS and bus, @ 8 sturdy R APPOINTMENT CALL Hampton, Ontario, : ' : finy Rome from the ground up, to TRE COME AD. SDs | be Mr anak Phone 263-8841. HANDYMAN ARMSTRONG Senne s Rod oqucls | eats | etn hase eh, a gg Han Pres ram hen : namic steel plant with ex- | : mine | ; : ; | y sh a Man Hidgeaee 128-284 .; ceptional growth possibili- | 725 1 188 | TELEPHONE SOLICITORS I] @ See the oases possibili-| North of Rossland Road W. | $975 if you qualify | $19,900 Guide Really td i tesa ties | - | ties in this older | storey | , FRIPLEK UROL RAST EGR IS | | Boperancs., fam commit: | hoe" excepioroly 'ert! HO)MAE | OPEN FOR $94 $3,661 reo or Mea des invited. to s Pp pe tu r hi , y ow. Don Stradeski, Realtor, Applicants are P | DVANCEMENT | bedrooms and family kitchen MONTH P. ond I f ut . send resume in confidence to: | A ' or part-time working ot Located on Bloor St. East. Ask INSPECTION | At . DOWN isa Sat | SALES to SALES home. New product. No in- ina only. $12. 500 Bo 3 $2,000 DOWN plus $90 per month buys @ LAKE ONTARIO STEEL | MANAGEMENT vestment. Apply Lightmaster eed e | | All model homes open daily 634% One , toesiate "Bhi fay Bogan CO. LTD | Corp. Ltd., P.O. Box 451, COUNTRY LIVING IN | SATURDAY and SUNDAYS 9am. to9 p.m | INTEREST MM. Bullied Realtor, 723-116 An opening exists for two Hamilton, Ontario. Il @ 3 bedroom brick ranch | | For further | CARRIES FOR $65 MONTH, PI, Oider n r J porticulars call, SUnusiow. saath . Box 330 men between 22 and 40 © WanreD -- Qualified and experienced] bungalow, stone front, carpeted 1 P.M, to 5 P.M. | | DIRECTIONS: | Ernie Wilson *tiving. Mae whine pill investigate a sales career and |hairdresser_ to take over built-in clien-| Jiving room, brick planter divid ; 2 lapses tues ea eee | endsceped ot, 75, % ' WHITBY | fuahure menagenent -- Telephone 'Collect Peterborough 745 | er. Family style kitchen, 4 pce DAILY BY APPOINTMENT | ne id sigs hg W. FRANK ot shade trees. List price . se Mey a ee ns { ~| bath with colored fixtures. Just [ pchciet . : REAL ESTATE LTD : d sould have o reasonable edu- (20-----Real Estate for Sale | outside city limits, five minutes O @ 3 Bedrooms awa Shopping Centre | 3 - as PRIVAT 7 hawa its, L - ee Ee -- Six house In Oshawa : STATIONARY | ine ial he "lf, and will- "| from public school. Rustic pan-} @ Car Port's or Att, Garages b 3 3393 estore of Lake Ontario "ttieshone Lead ; HAG 10 ORK Ty elled recreation room with na-| raemor d @ Hardwood and Tile Floors 345 DIVISION ST. Immed. possession for J A complete training program F. | tural stone fireplace Price! ; veo daedhd, . Pos slo . ENGI NEERS is available, tasether with di- JOH N | $23 800. Call and make an i @ All Plastered Walls gardens eg rd Pi eampiste V anavaied brick Als room | : , : rect mail plan and establish- | . pointment to Maeaas e 'a @ Oj! Heating | Lay egret -- RENTAL U Hhoors is Is an rcailent tay with only, | ed leads fro $2 + pt ortg all Steve Le 28+) & : 3rd Class For interview contoct: e iT | = ] @ 3 models to choose from N ie Meracalla. Gnd thea S E E Sibby's Real Ese Ltd det ase hacte de ntervi ntact: : - = SSPE SY i Ground floor opportunity in VIC BURKE (Open House | . @ 634% NHA Mortgages west ee St. Open Se eee orieuiie nether oui, stic Resin PI Co- : Real Estate Ltd | x < Ban Sunday ° TOWER dénturing alominuny Sidine" And wR Toe Oe Sune | CONFEDERATION LIFE si a | Noon - Dusk H e| tS ee pees © OM rents? payment" ose Far mare surg, | i information ask fo old Ff ae ASSOCIATION 14 Frank Street, | DUPLEXES | AGENTS N 357, J. Be MeMullan and Con Cleon, modem working st ys ahily Mba Bowmanville | [Ecce Hecting triple seal FOR FURTHER INFORMATION H MILLEN t <) |CENTRE JOHN STREET -- four iti «cell ge shnwe, tarlo | |rooms, self-contained, monthly. fit | : | | NTACT . | | Telephone 728-5123 or 725-8333. reese 576-3020 | 623 3950 | ye oii en | | e Overlooking the park located errs Interested? - ees 'Guclified buyers | DRIVE OUT JACK SHEPHARD REAL ESTATE on Mary St. North |20a--Summer Properties Call Pot Lo Belle -- Areo | i REAL ESTATE DEPT. : swinieine peal: sauna. bath, For Sale or Rent td. Code 416-372-2221 in con- | PORT PERRY. 7 roomed home | |COME TO d rec room - wed : e I 00 nd rec room. haares 8:00 am. -- 5:00 | on 3 acres, furnace and bath- | SEENIIDL DERE | SUNDAY Business nexiagace 728-1678 | Ae all | LAND O'LAKES ids | for room. About 30 apple trees. | Drive south on Simcoe St. | | | 728-1653 725-6113 - | FREE | ae ¥ | Call Tom Donnelly 987- | to Wentworth then | eas Hons es ga | RI | F . BOY'S CLUB 7264. | West to Cedar now | HAVE A GUARANTY TRUST | | KASSINGER se | UNDERGROUND PARKING | TOU ar Dist re) ¢ MARBON | come South fo the (ee) [| | | TO THE FIRST 65 TENANTS | 4 Preference will be given to gy Hares i. pre | |GUIDE REALTY COFFEE | CONSTRUCTION | ay Many lodges and resorts, orm, brick home, oi eat- | -- 4 OPEN D Good bass, walleye, trout, e CHEMICAL man with Red Cross swimming at 4 |MODEL HOMES | | , , -pc. bath. Barn. Pond. | FROM 1 P.M, - 9 P.M muskie and northern pike fish- ond R.L.S.S. instructors certi- Asking $28,500. T Call a saceczicls | | . if es mn Donnelly 987-7264. | AND LET US | We'll Cust Ha PSUs aot S ficates: Apply by letter only, Tom Donnelly 987-7264. | | =] usTtom or by: appointment, Bird and deer hunting. For in- ; DIVISION stating qualifications ond sol- | 29 ACRES. Brick home, 2 UNBEATABLE VALUE, VE WE REAL ESTATE LTD. erg o5ab formation end folders on 100 2 i ' ) - 6 He : | ary expected, to, Director barns. Small stream. Priced lovely twin home close to Osh PRO E 155 SIMCOE ST. 5. Build Your Home 725-9750 ae one Whitfield iit BORG- WARNER | Simeoe Hall Boys' Club, 387 | to sell owa Shopping --s ac 3| HAVE THE | 723 8144 | or . Manager, Land 0" Lokes Toure Simcoe St. S., Oshawa | large bedrooms, bathrooms, | : } ist Assoc., Box 9, Tweed, On- ang A alacdad AWA, HARCOURT DR. ; heat, Well lot 4 W. FRANK nada LIMITED OSH electric heat. e ae 5 : tario, Conada _(Canada) ) a Almost new brick bungalow, Monthly payments of only $ NORTHWEST AREA Anywhere eased REAL ESTATE LTD. en NIGHT with gorage soy ptt including toxes. Lot is 155 teal $17,300, three bedroom Poca ws iH HOUSEKEEPING COTTAGES on Stur neor school, etc eoutifu' deep. A really good buy. 'Phone' 1 {| '4 ing St , Bowmanville eon Lake, # thre 4 MANAGEMENT | WATCHMAN Sachin dactis, S.bemaare: |. tee, ° lage roi tag abe FEATURING: ee |Retonaba' Motert content Poe -- JANITOR sieve diieglen de ciel ° IN THE chen, broadloom in living MARIANNA ~|Fro-seatosn aon apa TRAINEE DAIRY FARM, 230 ocres. Ex- NORTH END room. An excellent buy. Call @ Experience in Building, DEVELOPMENTS Lake, Just south of Bancroft. 200" of lake cab Required by cellent buildings. Stone house, Vv tia ge ] Margaret Lee planning, finoncing Nantes See ees c modern conveniences. Stable bg Lei tiehatt sect RIGHT PLACE cy = 44 Kite Selene nee: Ta% A challenging, 2 year train- Hasler sleet aa eleshar in born. Large milk bungalow is located just inside | POET'S CORNER @ Always on time--follow INVITES YOU to see and con- fhing. '72 e507 pee mean mine ing program for aggressive sulees sable 5 oh 'able 46 contract. Asking $55,000 the city limits away from the AT THE | asl nes eerie ie schedule closely sult a me ae ete ice CARE Gees Thseae at aod C ie } ers © ' ungalow oday eparate ne n room homes ~ a Pins and capable young men, ork with ralnimumsupervi | hustle and bustle of city troffic | yd Toso aati. decorat: : mew OLIVE ond HARMONY. [Slab2ileboro. 4. bedroom furnished ent. Good leading to management co- Eveallant d LARGE 2,200 sq. ft. mew | yet close to schools. We offer | 3 | @ Strict inspection and a 0 Call reer in production administro- barat sisal halal iii ld brick home near Leskard, 2 | you broadioom in the living) | ed. Carries $105 P.I.T. Ask | control, RD. and the new location on | CHANDOS LAKE, cottage, beautiful mo- vr, tive and tales department of dsl od bathrooms. 2 stone fireplaces, room, 3 bedrooms with an entre RIGHT PRICE | for Helen Bryant | TAUNTON: RD. = SIMCOE. (darn: these, bedrooms. tire. Aon here eae . - hi j i ' . led ave a) the ear wits WOR G08 | oe | ee, aa |INVESTMENT PROPERTY | © tee zou aonc.gu™ | open Tis Werke Sh ; s | ; north west corner re Applicants must be 21-30 OSHAWA. TIMES | sized gorage may also serve! Central logotion. {iva for | winning designs TRADE-INS ACCEPTED ith heny extra, 10 foot ening Bote Ne hone ears of age, have atricula- NEAR HAMPTON, 2 year old, you as your work-shop. Reduced) $56 monthly. Double house | Sar As Call ino epower danish motor, and dock. me y ivi 5 roomed brick bungalow with f -- one side featuring 2 | ; or Appointment Call. | 72a 0883 sal tion or equivilont standing oil Aalkcsh i to $17,500 for quick sale. See partments with income. of | @ Very competitive pricing. Snithiols lly fit. gorage. Oi ed, 4-pe. t now. rtmer / aun oh and be physically fi TRAINED Site Mik camber: (coe * | $155 monthly, Close to.pub- | @ We can arrange complete 723-0575 \21--Farms for Sale tom All major employees bene- Call George VonDyk 623- | | lie and high schools. Vendor finencing ee ery eT a Dalry, beet, horse, hobby. ane is cid banelipet Serie OP ORDERLIES aa Open House | | most anxious to sell. Act now NH A. or conventional CHOICE LOCATION - Serre, Omnen, Crem, ate me portunity, during training. 10 ACRE LOTS. Some weod- | - j ene an offer. Call Dolores Mortgages available One owner custom home, uloah hari write Pall) hone Kindly reply in person or in (Permanent Position) ed. Some with a stream, All 2-5 all weekend ! | IF YOU. QUALIFY | NEAR ALL SCHOOLS © All balding partenones a ver Hee ad ae ha, | to: near Bowmanville. Priced from i] Jed L ' : SUI | 114 ACRES, good clay loam, good bull yman pega C.U.P.E. Contract $8,000 and up. WALNUT COURT | | DOWN PAYMENTS | | 3 bedroom brick bungalow lo- completely guoronteed. ters. Spacious two bedroom ing, creek. Baring "Yoo,too" vite terms Dad PERSONNEL MANAGER ' ONE ONLY | | . tal potad on on tirective cour, | bungalow, dining room, wood | Near Lindsay. Call John Sandy, 725-8010, Apply to BETHANY. 7 roomed home Bungalow with Garage et ais Carries for $145 monthly in- | burning fireplace, exception. |W aN ec Ce ------ on 6% acres. Asking $7,000. 4B EI H 1] | Phone Today ally roomy kitchen with built- [47 47 ACRE FARM -- North side of aly How. OODYEAR ' Fr 2 acres. Asking $7, ft edrooms, Electric Heat | | | cluding taxes. Separate and just west of Bowmanville, good barn, ound Director of Nursing Terms. Call Ross Davidson, Olive Ave. East to Hes | Public sehools close by. $3, in stove and oven, and gra- | three-bedroom house with bath. Call Cee efere Bethany 30R2. Florell Drive then | | / 500 will hondle. To: see call 728-7583 cious ertronce. Attached, | Elliott 723-1133 or 725-9442. Cari B. Olsen -- a Wal rt. partially" enclosed car port . ths pea esnariotaers ee | ili nd a | ee and ph bias Nine lot eo aye S CO. OF CANADA LTD, ; : : ----Lots for Sale ae Bowmanville ® | OPEN 9 AM. to 9 P.M Professionally landscaped. Of- pone BOWMANVILLE CENTRA | NEAR BOY'S CLUB | : gl fered at $27,900 with sub- ae ee -- L VI @ A.11% storey frame home| 3 | MEMBER OF O.D.R.E.B KASSINGER stantial down payment. For | LOT aS in excellent condition. This 3 4 | AFTER HOURS CALL: appointment ca | ed HELP WANTED BODY MAN ONTARIO bedroom home on Central Park | i 725-3605 | gan! RIENCED | | South features a hedaed ond | ean Ae Lee EE eM pS ce : = | ZONED FOR EXPE Ist Class | fenced in back yard and @ pav-| | oeae Bel 98.0099 RETIREMENT AND INCOME | APARTMENT BUILDING A | ed driveway. Economica! oi ' IN NORTH WEST OSHAWA to 20 Suit : PARTSMAN TRUST | | Seen ta'to" patio sonity| NLH.A, MORTGAGES | Morgoret Lee -- 723-2894 | up to 20 Suites ™ Top wages. Hourly rote. 19 SIMCOE ST. N | | Asking only $15,600. : Ethel Tronter --_ 728 S917 x Bom brick home: with Simcoe N. Area iby For General Motors Dealer- 3 pie ee e | double © attached garage. j if REAL ESTATE | ae tae saa ineee We seer Re SE r lose t hool re) ship. Apply Stee et ig HILLTOP DEPARTMENT | A LUXURY HOME ~ | W. Real Estate Ltd. pee ne IP oid rinse 0 school, shopping and ing references for the past | ' | IN. YOUR PRICE RANGE PRICED FROM | ringing in 2 an s. | years. Give type of experi- 9:00 AM, to 5:30 P.M. | | Vil @ From time to time we are | 728-7576 $95.00 respectively. Lovely : 1a 5 ence, stock ordering, mer- BODY and FENDER | 723-5221 | eriulleged fo offer a: really lel | fireplace in living room, 2 For further Information chandising, wholesale, wor- Ralph Schofield ce th f ait 18 700 | | bathrooms. Only a few steps TELEPHON i | ptional home for your person FOUR BEDROOMS | HONE ranty aoe etc, 500 852 3803 | Manager al inspection. This 8 room bung- | f | | | sk 900 for this Cod- vom nied ge theily Ace Rate $350 to $500 per UXBRIDGE Base --------- | low in excellent northeast !0-| | Includes built-in range, oven,| | REAL ESTATE | illac Ave. S. 1% storey brick Rie : 725-8451 ~ month. Life and disability in- | | cation was carefully designed to | | church, surance benefits, free P.S.I. ASK FOR LEO } Northwest Oshawa d f d storms and screens. | LIMITED | home. Immaculate condition, walle i { Pl f : provide maximum comfort an | close to park and club facil- For further information call LOT, 50 x 134, on Queensdale Avenue, Ontario Hospital Plan, Prestige Home | convenience. From the electric- M sewer and service on lot. Telephone 72% Accommodation: for married ~ SINGLE MAN | The spacious grounds:of this | ally controlled garage doors, the 21 King Street West, ities eu Fogel, 723-5281, 1349 } rtd seasebSouitcnst Metin LY Or unmarried men, Will ossist beautiful bungalow ore a | bell chime intercom system to ponmanyille STORE and HOME oT ee Hoke) eo A ae Sar a6 ue -- In moving costs --Experienced with dairy bonus that you will oppreci- | the divided bathroom and den} BUNGALOWS, SPLIT- 93 Good neighbechood grocery PRIVATE -- $2500" down, seven-room| Call, Leon Manitivs, 728-2754 or 723-5281 APPLY TO herd ote. A few luxury items to | with separate entrance. A mos-| 1 EVELS 3 gnd 4 Bed- 623-33 Store with'7 room brick four {Prick home. Oil heated, garage. Cen-|Guide Really Ltd. - SPADONI BROS. --Permanent position with consider: Built-in appliances | terpiece of a modern home, Of Be Q | bedroom ottachad: hone. All al Telephone 728-1773 for appoint-|12-ACRE LOT, large enough for VLA, medical coverage, pension in kitchen, broadloom in liv- | course, there is broadloom, rec- rooms, Fireplace, Gar- | Member Oshawa & Distriet equipment in excellent con- |SOLID FIELDSTONE, fifteen miles Cites t6 aianey No. 5nd gee plan and alternate week- ing and dining rooms, large reation room and a_ veranda. Car t | Real Estate Board | dition, Inspect this money east of Oshawa, a'few minutes to High-|Paved road, nice trees on property. '- LIMITED ends patio, 2 bathrooms, 250 x 75 Yes, all this for the reasonable) [9&, "Orport. 'hare way 2 or 401, Nicely. landscaped|Priced at $3,700. with convenient terms. ly General Motors Dealer Lodging available lot, rec room and stone fire- price of $27,500. Talk to us SERVICE STATION |. Maner : on three acres with an assortment of {Call Leon Nanitivs, 728-2784" or 72% * . baayices . ¢ i - sha i a , GU a Schreiber Ontario on place. This home is just over birth se ta payment. You! aig vilposeeig Gos ahi COURTICE AREA Wid Erur Secreomk: ERIN 2 x CAKE <iee mon Oshawa 20 re) i t ised. | and good repair business. Ex~- ey 24', living ; ble firep! f es , 1 Oshaw ° (phone 70) ee ed ets |e DIRECTIONS: srietr opportuni et 819. | Four Badroom home ono 24 Hiv thei "tats "nmsise wae desi oda tin a Times G ve cre ' room, w , attached 5e, al DARN LA Sto ~~ NEWSPAPER | tube approximately $380 are ri- ] wae % Coed H Bead: North 500 -- Terms. and breezeway. See Oshawa [aluminum storeye "earn. *foining. nine. |150" X 200' PARTLY wooded lot "on 4 i y y ! 1| tee: Is lable. L taxes. | d road, Zion. T eT ' EATON'S of Canada _ | aailonly lew. Ac row! it | (Omen House || Mermony Roo' Nev NEWCASTLE from your kitchen and breath |private, 'Suri, God 'esth 'down' &ls"|Ler "pom -gaveen hen eeeydesabie x SHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE | won't last at ; ji | || Opposite Eastdale Col- Bxtestional fine. 7 <.room | the fresh air of the country. [7539 or Box 143, Bowmanville. Neth San oberon ok he fe desicapie 4 0! | ' 2-5 all weekend | ; : Pp : ; | Priced at only $15,500 with |SIx-ROOM house near the Shoppinglices prepaid and underground. hydri ' ; CAREER ' ; | Asking $11,900 | || legiate and Vincent | home, lot 130% x 150'. Many $2,500 cl ae SCH Ue Rein: Gana a Meiealselponcnee veales 0. 4 Requires an experienced | 3 ac ualk io | | APPLEGROVE | | extras. Only $15,000 -- ' Onn Balance: 20 at $15,200 with $2,800. down payment.|... hoe ~ : | OPPORTUNITY Furniture | Motors sa ae Padre lps iaoet on Kina St te || Massey Public School. a a one open mortgage. Daciniee BERTH GoM a: Gk ee FIVE "serviced lots, NHA" approved, 4 | uth plant -- . | : ' \| ' month. Call Les Hall, 728-5513 or J. B,|U" wiring. Name Your own Ba | room home in excellent con- | Melrose then south to || I t th d other list- |McMullan and Co., Realtor, 725-3557. jferms. Telephone 723-119 5 Salesman dition -- many feotures, in- | | Applegrove. | CLAREMONT inet by mailing: oni oF cur |FOUR BUILDERS ~lo's from which "fo|NHA APPROVED building lot in north three Oshawa Times Sports Excellent opportunity. Com- cluding aluminum siding -- | QUALITY BUILT by IF OOD-LIT Avera pone pitas eursun mienrie listed be- | Coe Telephone. zasals lesion Te rane 723" woe other 4 Wa faults 6 oung man pany benefits. located on deep lot and zon- GEO. LYSYK ond SONS. | Li L li ree lot, Only $16,900 low pei eNO ares Te as ree: |TEN ACRES well wooded, north-east of e 4 es room 1 ri xtr irge in yf " csi Seenly sustains 9 sports APPLY: ae semmmercial: e iMODELS chs Lo Mtele Siklaake 725-5701 {ation Disioh and Calning. Foon: BUNT: In| Oshawa. $2,995 full price. Call 723-6053. 'cus: with an aptitude for writing. P i UIT ORONO -- ESTATE SALE Leh 728 5326 aundry centre, TV tower, paved drive./10-ACRE LOTS, some with bush and pauty i ersonnel Department Income Home -- , SUITES Steve Lehan - Full price $11,000, Phone 942. stream, situated 15 min, drive from time, rt eo pat : Asking $17,900 VII @ The smart investor will) Open 9 to 9 Main Street, corner property Charlie Rankine 728-3682 FIVE - ROOM bungalow, east of city, [Oshawa Terms to. be, arranged. Cail dera- ¥ Grad et M4 Han. Ones SALESMEN Cihawa Bid South V7 take advantage of the situation with 3-bedroom home. Lorge Anthony Siblock 725-4362 | acre lot with pony stable. Asking only |Frank Smith 723-3833, J.B. MeMulian rade XII education. (Applic- ; - . | aia : = ay and pick up this modern apart- Includ Sund greenhouses. Only $8,500 Tony Zakarow 7254866 210500 with low sown: payment. Act nahin baleen 30 ont with satisfatcory quolifi- Required immediately for lovely 2-storey home in ex A ncjuding Sundays | 00 Mi Id quickiyt Call 728-5103. W. ©. Martin|\LARGE LOT, 60° x 205. This Is an ; : ' ment which shows an annual | $2,000 down. Must be so Jerry Coady. 723-6356 _| Realtor ideal building lot siutated In the north 2. cations otherwise might work Oshawa Paving, Sell Oshawa cellent condition. Ideal for 9 aie veeik asf dst Hl oy Mie income of $14,000. Hot water at once to settle estate. Open LARGE FAMILY HOME with only (east. Call Frank Smith 723-3533, J. B, inthly ; port time until school year and surrounding area. 20% roomers. Main floor has large i ter OFF McMullan: and Ca gly 4 ends.) commission or par. Paid daily den (or bedroom) long living De teal ce Geert oe TEMA oreo flee fe Dus. varvice (LOVELY. CORNER" LOT" NA SE q 58 } inl i h - town. iat ee : apely gel eg pleas ad or weekly. bhi Ramage dt eatgh ae al area, A pleasure to show by EXCLUSIVE Call 623-3393 $$C A S H $$ eal Witiard. Johnston: 728-1066. Scho: Simic: school" In. weg oe i ran interview CALL 576-1020 fer fall Poa pals Cinatte appointment. ater 9:5 hi fleld-Aker Limited. berger Real Estate, 725-8851. ea y . r ; -- ---- --_ a -- 2 ' THE EDITOR: [BR SOUP gmartaen's| fone st ony for toter de | cay 725.522, "-- Emie Wilson 725-9750 | Hove quolified buyer with |ftiepeatoors Taras" tvingroume' ainiwldos se, Gersard ena' "Thickegy wie a ty as _THE | OSHAWA _TIMES |Jan's Garage, 83 Ritson Rd. th. tails, Open daily 9.o.m. to% p.m. | | Bob Johnston 725-6788 | substantial, amout of cash for om eS, gle two - bath-|blueprints, $4595. Telephone 725-6121. Hh : oe Pigg bs spot time| OUR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE eroeet Setar 728-0208) Glare Mecullough | Toa:1eee large 4 or 5 bedroom home private, siso00 down, a5 monthly. Sayan aie ot Teniwa cook tonneen sat = ger. UP M AN 1 ee eee na te take ever e:| MAY HELP YOU SELL OR BUY renee Armstrong 723- 1884 | | ak sey St ohh in Simcoe-Mary area, south |Just north of Hampton, three bedroom|720-254, Keith Peters Really Ld. Real x i tablished business. Write Rawleigh, ian Bertrand 5-7251}| | U . wo storey, low taxes, large lot. Im-\t ce Dept D-310-L, 4005 Richelieu St St. LIST WITH Evalun. Cassel 725.3710| | Pat Yeo 623-3077 of Rossland. Call Willard |mediate possession. Telephone 728-6541, | o<------------___--_ ea hed Henry, Montreal, Bog a CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST Steve Englert 728-5581 | | Ken Hockin 623-5055 Johnston, renal ae crikll ~ split- wel; . ed, iT Sy Ya er cen' shion FOR PRODUCTION -- [Two MEN reauired, by leading food. AFTER HOURS PLEASE CALL | Roy Flintoff 725-3454) REAL ESTATE LTD | ye See, eet 728-1066 first mortgage. Carries for' $133. 639 * ings. Must 6 + and willing 1 Jack Graham 728-2634 : 'eston Banister i 2421. FRESH FRUITS Dept MACHINE SHOP earninee, Nan oe Training dl 'Vane Hervey, Hegen pee Wetec AARP 576.2345 | Campbellcroft 102312 PRIVATE! Three - bedroom, storey | rd portation supplied. No selling involved. a . | tio, C i: ed drive, lovel an Must hove proven back- [ri saimasNe etiam | From ms, gaaadie. | Eleanor Thompson 728-4731 | Howard Forder ass SCHOPTE AKER. (RR pe ae A coal one qual+ ground in machine shop prac- |ijcENSED MECHANIC. Apply Cana-| Allan Thompson 728-2870 ~ oa. oo ae | Clos Benin LIMITED jes. $14,900, 728-9780. hone tice. dian Tire Corp., 311 Brock Street North.) Rolph Schofield 725-5067 'orge Nymeyer ¢ 723-6461 Pee en ----|THREE BEDROOM completely furnish- 87584 Whitby. Leonard Bissell 725-2070 Port Perry 985-2987 led two storey home. Close to. schools VEGETABLES Please reply in writing giving Italo Bortolussi 723-6329 FOR and, churches, Apply 458 Albert 'Street. » full details of past experience Vernon B. Corson 723-9785 new 3 bedroom bungalow with aifach. READ AND USE THE : fo WANT. RESULTS? JOB SWITCHES Marilyn Fitzgerald 668-5313 = 723-8144 |DAILY NEWSPAPER READERS RESULTS SorHee WHT: Ate batiraome end: otfeened : The average bet 2 ana | Morris Fogel 723-2563 | An average 300 million copies of 8,000 garage located in the N.E. Area, and BOX M63220 GET WITH THE ACTION! can expect to switch [obs six or seven| Leon Manitius 728-2754 |dally newspapers are sold throughout the) Times a Gets Tallis Tew. ter Inaction MARKET Oshawa Times TIMES ACTION eee ee | bled 'Conon 723-2537) oe el a Action Classified cf these fine homes. 723-2008, 723-2265, aes CLASSIFIED ADS, And the place to look for the oeet lobs}| Lucas Peacock 725-4330} @ 949-3310 \verlite in: fom Ties Classited. secon Ads Senate Aker Reel Seige FILL SPARE ROOMS with paying| is the "Help Wanted" column in The Dick Young 723-7183 -.-,{'8 80 popular. it's the one place PRIVATE SALE Cony, ae room, BASKET i wr ict a auder le cond!- a guest, Phone 723-3492 now for an "| 723- 3492 Unemployed. or loking or «Bete. lob, rey ir egy Da aga peop "oatore 4 SLey sibactinanrboders © 723-3492 tion, sue = lt drive, deep dot. Tele i] writer te help you phrase your ed, check "Help Wanted" imcoe >t, tow cost, dial 92, phone ' " { | } 4 { )