16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, April 8, 1967 "To Buy, Sell, Rent or Hire...Read and Use Times Action Want Ads' Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 8.m. to 8 p.m. Monday to Friday, Saturday 8 to 12. BUSINESS SERV CE DIRECTORY SCOTT'S SCRAP BOOK Accountants Building Trade: BOB CLANCY'S ACCOUNTING Service. Complete bookkeeping service. 178 Sim- coe Street North, 725-0397. Res. 723-7605. WILLIAM' C, HALL, B.Comm., Charter- ed Accountant, 36/2 King Street East. No Down Biavienk Monthly Instalments Mortgages Septic Service MORTGAGE sepric ice on calls, Street West, Whitby 668- 2563." TANKS cle Walter W. Surveyors LOANS By R. J. SCOTT x AR nyenin MEK otuen's SUTTER, ™ GOMSKIME SUSPEXDED FROM CRUDE |8--Articles for Sale DAVID BRADLEY GARDEN TRACTOR FE |\8--Articles for Sale 13--Articles for Rent urnit CARY goon. condition. BUY AND SELL -- good used furniture and appliances, One location only. Pretty 444 Simcoe South, 723-3271. ANTIQUE ORGAN in excelient condition ASY automatic washer, in RENTALS OF ALL KINDS and orray of equipment 25 ore chasiertines $101 ae ue "" cnr * * ' i i. 6" Plough, Dise Harrow, Cul- j Telephone 725-8608, REDUCING EQUIPMENT -- tivator, Planter, Sickle-Bar | FRIGIDAIRE STOVE, large size, In ood massaging belts, rowing ma- Mower, Lawn Mower, Air |working condition, | Reasonable. chines, bikes exercises -- all Compressor, Sprayer, Snow panei + an -- $6 per month, idi MU: i Kitchen suite, steiniess ' . her to P sso erin and steel, 30° Tappan stove, eye-level oven; PLUMBER'S TOOLS _-- Pipe dion eockahins tok $375, single metal bed) ride-on toys, After § cleaning rods, --- ition. Everything + [RM | tripods, pipe wrenches, pipe Call 1965 SOLO CHAIN SAW, like new, $100.) cutters, pipe threading dies, Pickering 942-0692 sea new, $125. Apply. 253 GID] toilet cuger, PAINTER'S EQUIPMENT -- stepladders, ladder jacks, Telephone Oshawa 725-6539. = en j DONEVAN AND FLEISCHMANN, On- Telephone 723-7407 after HOPKINS, BEADLE AND CO., Cha Remodelling tarlo Land. ng hem blue A Ee U M | N U M ® steel scaffolding, compressors, tants, Fi | Trade Build- ; prints, intar eet, 725: e R for $ ee wae King "street East, Oshawa, On- @ Bathrooms Moneys available for first 4. FLIM AND T 7 Ontario @ SIDING PwiLLi g ditt hy Wg sire ee guns, wallpaper cine tario, 725.3509; S. 7. Hopkins, CA; H, E. @ Kitchens and second Piortaeaes A ish Tana survensrsy: 111 Thy "stroat 'ast' @ AWNINGS East. Telephone 725-8377. ers, leg blow torches, CA; ukow, es mortgoaes. lo bonus. First |Phone 725-688 @ WINDOWS ry i propane torches. FRIEDLANDER AND CO., Char- @ Recreation Rooms mortgages, second mortgages ae @ DOORS pata Grain eat 7%, s BUILDER'S EQUIPMENT -- tered Accountants. Licensed Trustees in Gérnnes ond agreements for sale pur- Tailors EX for $375. May be seen at Dearborn| cement mixers, finishing ae han chased, ON BOT S)DES DURING Phe geal ES Shall Service, Highway 2 and Thickson! trowels, wheel barrows, elec eee ere mn| §6A new department of Osh- nIS ? hawa p rahewa, 121 ee $ NAMEWAS JON ROWLANDS=Hof STANLEY, tric vibrator, air compressor, GORDON R. Certified General } " Geesuntant, Suite 208W, Oshawa Shop-| awa's Quality Builder. oe ae kgs og Custom Made at vt. DO Most DA\RY EVENISS jock hammers, hand trowels, ping Centre, 725-9954 ______!_ KASSINGER CONSTRUCTION aye King St, dost SHAKE aver HERDS GIVE MORE. SALES LTD. sty -consove, overhaviea,-e707) 170} woter pumps, portable heat- JOSEPH GUTMANN, Chartered accoun- shawa, Ontario H PERFORMED MILK INTHE SPRING 15 P. S 725-4632 |bass accordion and case, $100, Telephone} ers, steel scaffolding, electrie tant, Licensed Trustee, 17 Bond Street! Coll today for Free Estimates 723-4697 1ece SYTHE AMAZOXN HAN IM ANE, FALL. rince St 725-4089. generator, ramset power role cate sn AND other |728-7583. : DB ator CITY TV televisions, radios, |FILING CABINETS, used, $29. up. Cash] ers, electric hommers, mos- oo Rage ge ong A MONIES AVAILABLE FOR DEOUS 1x ALL yes~ fn service and repairs. Service |fer) Region. Act now, saves3's. "| OMfY sow, building jacks, Bankruptcy. 52' Simcoe Street North, Roofing and ME WorLD. 5 ce. dept. open 7 days ao 'week. : Wai INCHS Yair conditign| 'mortar mixers, mortar boxes, Oshawa, 728-7371. MORTGAGE from : AS MUCH, Also T.V. towers, color and Teen raat INCH, fair condition. chain hoist, miter saw, elec NS, BEADLE AND €O., Charter. ois Cts Het 7 a Acoatilal gekics ach iseieelca '4 Honea ane Financial Trade Bulld Eavestroughing OE 44 | black and white us igs USED TIRES most val shes, B.-F.| tric plane, tarpaulins, sand ing, 167 King Street East, Oshawa, On-| Iki d Painti nas, rotors installed. Sales |Goodrich, 88 King Street West. 725- blaster, power post hole tario, 725 3509. $s. 1. Hopkins CA; H, E Caulking an ainting LOANS 100% All English Wool Cloth and Service 9 a.m, to 9 p.m. | 4543 a auger, oscillating sonders Beadle, CA ukow, oe | 248 Quebec St. Call 725- |TRACTOR, Case 3108 industrial with) g f Bluepr ng et by | Ist. and 2nd. mortgages. N ULLAN 2 Personal be Merine Equipment 0500. All work guaranteed. loader and backhoe. 725-7284 after 6 ie sun, Ser ae ce J___-_____|A. FOSKETT & Sons] open. No bonus: Mortgages LEN P ge a a RUTHERFORD'S " (SIBEROLAS, FENDERS from $2295] welders, BELL. DRAFTING and Reproduction } Whitby 668-5906, 668-8901 ohd Sse added for sale. 10. Prince St. -- 728- 5311 CUPID UNITED 3-room groups, Living Room uly Str and generators, 1175 Nel- ; ' \ chased: Aided hela ro bea Mies sti Bat "roo , 1 son St. 725-2162. Blueprinting and photostatic coples. All work guaranteed, ur ITV--Redio Re airs Computer Dating Service RENT-ALL and MARINE Bedroom, Dining Room. $399, GOLF EQUIPMENT -- New and used. S ab A N S Building Trades | Free estimates, | Bruce V Macke P THE ULTRA Modern Scienti- Sales, Service and Parts | $499, $599, $699. Easy [Spring Sale, excellent values, Open Sharpening & Rental Ltd oi _ tached re ulndiha Ne aune es : 2 el fic Selective Process using an Chrysler outboords, Chrysler | terms. Immediate delivery or |dally. Thunderbird Goit Pro Shop 9 als : REPAIRS | ; acs 36% King St. E., Oshawa IBM COMPUTER -- A uni- Gects, Bawtardler Stilton, 4. levewey. | king SW, Oshaws | Chimney ' Bangs, gover que confidential me hod of Snowmobiles, Homelite chain RUTHERFORD S jails, Reasonable ae oy Foley Plumb-| ------ __Phone 723-3224 ALTERATIONS | ee I ee 723- 1107 finding mony, more dates or saws, Castrol motor oil, Pitts- 156 Simcoe St. South ing, 319 College Avenue, Oshawa. es and repairs. Work guarante- your True Love. If you want burgh marine: paint. ~ HONDA PORTABLE generators, 300| Tables, Chairs, Linens, Dish- ADDITIONS ad. Free estimates, No job too = |--------_+-_-- oo SERVICE Perfect Love, Companionship. 728 5565 "APRIL TOWER SALE watt, AC DC. Ideal for cottage, boats,| es, Cutlery, Glasses, Coffee mall, ests for In- 'g camping trailers. Only $229. Honda ' ; to NEED MONEY? __ COLOR bie AB Boo bi 555 King E. at Wilson TV Towers TV Sets |Shop, Oshawa, 7784202." Wook Moe pce wee HOMES-OFFICES-FACTORIES MEL MEULEMEESTER PAYMENTS, TOO HIGH ? or élosing. 256 [SF besiege and "Specializing in nome brand Used Furniture OUTFIT YOUR COMBO -- Ludwig 28") FO Fire "Mink Stolen sing ' taal? le tension bas: p " ¥ Ree Rooms ond Kitchens : _728- 4797 one Re Why not consolidate oll ee BLACK and WHITE Handling to -- CUPID, 62 quality for your protection" 723-9525 fantion snare ae Taaimer, Gariiane ; a' Specialty AL TYPES building and repairs, fram- ae ae gb gt FOR meen St. W., Toronto. 1, ChaRIS CRAFT sc sax, B Flat sousaphone. A, Leng, 725 he as RENTALS ing, roofing. Free estimates. 723-2413 0 int. ini t. 'j awa u - es itson 725-33 James Allen & Sons | mortgage loan, THE BEST CALL re SALES and SERVICE cls ee SORE FEET? See' the world's finest| (ie 1S, hospital = |ROOFING, chimneys, all types of McV. fibreal arene Near Shopping Centre Arch Supports at McGuire Shoes, Ajax EL CHAIRS, hospital beds, wake 725-6126 ___|gement work, stoops, | sidewalks, etc. aid teal pect call Removal of superfluous hoir a nt ' isle bey ond -- == | Plaza, write or phone 942-1570, [pligs, Ata ent ete e et rem OER a MBtrdleim dncl 655-3061 eCann, RR 3, Oshawa. ERWILLEGAR. i i restliner, Peterborough ani | ag eee ------ | Bil , eatrice, 725-1644, ALL TYPES BUILDING REPAIRS --| fics G Marie Murduff will be in RABE Rancho Ron RUSSELL'S TEXACO [FURNITURE on pone dibs ENTERTAINING? Fifty to one hundred roofing, chimneys, eavestroughing, fire ATLANTIC PAVING | ae concrete. ett BRANCH REALTY ' Oshawa, April 17, tg Pros File Butbebrd werees Osan 24 Hours Dally niture, rorvisning $5 monthly OOF besbles Gahawe Te ue hundree ' 'd May, Whi 'our dri' xp yn A a \e Bryan Masonry Gord May, Whiiby Square toot. All work' gueranteed. 723:| INVESTMENTS LIMITED oINet. ° pg ig Re an Be cg OSHAWA _YACHTHAVEN GAS, TOWING, REPAIRS | BUYING-OR SELLING furni ap a ee, hee estan eeenanoé PAVING. F rh 51 King St. E., Oshawa TELEVISION shank . iti 723-8186 Auto Parts, Camping, Speed pliances, Call Elmer, 263-2294, 263-2695, cludes grading and fill, two-year EAVESTROUGHING. Free estimat Bus. 723-1157. _Res, 725-6210 ' and Custom Supplies 1 WILL take away household discard- antes, 11. years im business. 17 Bond| guaranteed work. Murray . Holliday, ns-|_--* ene FOR ELECTROLYSIS SPECIAL Cars Bought and Sold ables, tree, from garége, basement end) Chis? WEE Te East. 723-5841. Home Owner Phone This Number CLEANER, SHARPER 723-464] 12 ¢ 1600 King St. E 723.0851 CTC 2 San tee pRAUIRPED * Roe truck (cone ROOFING, shot far and gravel: shingles, 728-5623 ECREATIO hi os t. aluminum car top. sawing MACHA iearamcar naw and| KNITTING, MACHINE, new 3210, jas iness for an energetic persone Wired for irs, H. il 5 ind | used ver tle, $99. e CLASSIFIED RATES (feng aod Conctin, Tarr For an open Ist TOUR OWN eh a LE ee $159 Sed en sin sigur" Eince™analsaeag™ "steer Tleohene iara "elpnne as ten ga? tion | of 24 words, 1.20; blll "oui Pierre, ¢ ll or YOUR OWN 723-0722. MARINE STORAGE Bonds, Wren Sewing Centre, 38) piaNO -- Apartment aize, for sale, Tele- SELIVERY | aUEINERS I 'ash -- nse! imneys built and repaired, gas lin- 7 _ eer ragag Ft REN 5B ORAL hy 723-2981. 4 staal way en Sag [oo i inh in La | gy, 2 TP ey See A= se ea SAL se ne as ay vag_vor arltoie Soe tive insertions o' wor s, Y GRAV , f ae . and bag, $45, " 3506, ~ 1 DRIVEWAY GRAV! good quality, phone after six, 728- 6627. ie 'dition, $25. Telephone fore sertiona of Ba words, 8.76 endl a a ered at $2. per CALL AAD TRAR M k OS oO -|SOUBLE SED, 'spring, _maireis, ooo WE BUY, SELL AND re yan ioral oes My ee + 7. 4 | . " . i 8 ir sesame ronsaate ' FIRST AND SECOND mortgi ry idles [seats i eet 'tre with, bucket wulldr at hee. a ee Trading, Post Stores, sub. siensoe 2 ifect|location,. living quarters. adjoin. cal Chorgée--10 per cent additional charge | Carpentry agreements purchased and sold. Hennick YAMAHA Powered with a 1964 50 HP Mercury|aller_or camper. 728-7616. __.. | South, 723-1671 now. 728-5103, W. ©. Martin. Realtor, If not paid within 8 days. REMODELLING, Trim works cunboards,|2Nd, Hennick, Barristers, 31 King Street | del ioret outboard, and trailer. Ideal for all sum-|ONE-STOP BIKE SHOP Sales, Service,|serrEee ana oval table for sale, Tele I! "-d ef Counting -- Less then rd PACrORIGn Heelies and. wraira, Pree ea eate Te | , New mo O80": 100 c mer sports. 623-2158, segs OY pad Centre, 204 Bond Street) chong Claremont 649-2477. 3 15--Employment Wanted _ wor isc unts os 24 words; each word| mates, Telephone crest AND SECOND mortgages 350 Pang! er heh C.C. |is FT, Arkansas Traveller boat, convert- savenees BUILDING REC ROOMS, repairs, re initial, fic: Realtor, used bikes. ible top, 40 HP electri ; SS BARGAINS. All type lion Mid ene. rds ghene. number UA aT Beaty tet Nort Woy, sok 728-5143 gly bee elec wie Se 2G tate eee ek Aanee Galena" Bar| o----Market Basket modeling and 'howe plana. Teloshon words. rt. Honest, dependable potekiy ease é ONTARIO CYCLE fully equipped. Cash, trade or terms,| tresses, $29.7 crib mattresses, $9.88) m eect Tors -- a orm Nursery Schools Corner Bond and Division bsg eit hahe es is x. sdk a 726-7351..__|tresses. for bunk beds, $16.88) roll-away ase 4s Moped $1.75 ay NG. CUmARI Oa ee, Ze .|Dentistry . W. tf ", Grew Traveller boats ture, 20 at n rade Spy i 1885. z . per Insertion arte, eat TODDLERS PARADISE 728-1422 Evinrude motors. Open seven day bebe RE, all snakes houst. ea ee Terat mish if not ypatd Sumin's cys \CAREPOUT, OR, 400n Ma CMe So ee be NE PPNAIEDC | luc. ek. Marine St a' Supply 'Ltd. | VACUUM RE We also have Ist Grade Sp' AQUARIUMS repaired and cust iN MERA Surgeon, 172 King Street Mast, Oshaws.| -- FROBEL -- MONTESSORI a |I9s4 RONDA 90, Fc. Telephone 72580, | Brooktin, 655-364 fadadaae tach iat | brushes, et. Tec, ailvery a and Tit Creda. conwclled at ibe "Telephone 725-2647, " CO ee eas Ok aera and & for appointment, 728-5171, ui? sg a LA CHEMONG YACHTHAVEN -- The new.|picruny, Cuum Service, Main Street,! ocohere Mcintosh. WILL DO ANY JOB. Tree trimmi each thereatier plus 13¢ per fine ot ki Day Nursery School "BUILT IN OSHAWA" -- [Siygigen ae? St 87 sna Aves modern. marina en beautitul Lake Che-| -cxerne- aeacspeld Saiainae and cutting, clean-up." fobs," gardening, verse; 25c additional charge If not 'bald ressmaking Let your child enioy the won- AT OUR OWN PLANT | _ =~ |mong. For summer slips and winter |GUARANTEED, USED wringer washers, : painting, etc. Free estimates. Telephone within 8 days. derful hod of teachi 1964 SUZUKI motorcycie, 80 cc, sports, |storage reserve now, Also year round television, refrigerator, etc., $34.50 and ALGOMA ORCHARDS LTD. 655-3542 or 728-6636, DRESSMAKING -- Expertly fitted suits, erful method of teaching. < good condition, $150, Telephone Picker-| pack (hee ices Up. Alcan Furniture and Appliances, 452 ; ' Ss Sa e CARD OF THANKS nd tel ee, Senet Beeutlfully tollores sitp-| Register now. For appoint- ue give you a better tower [Foot |avallable, 723 TM Fentals, All services| simncoe South. 723-001, Thickson Rd. N., Whitby ee ae tab WANTED, ~ pandyman words @ Ic 8. ris, 668 i Pike saideidineiaiiaaann: sor ake sh e ir your 8 around the se al peed oi Rai di Jee eaditional SLYERAYIONI-'oe "aster "Srames "ana ment call 723-0734, or less money YAMAHA, 90 Sey ooed condition, og bade -FT. plywood boat, equipped TYPEWRITERS, hew, Used, sales, s0-V-/9A-- Eggs & Poultry yard. Have small truck. Telephone 723- if not pald within 8 8. miles. Many extras, 5 15 HP Viking motor, controls, boat trall-;!ce all makes. ree estimates. a! pores ~ day' py done professionally. Telephone 728- |Painting and Decorating OSHAWA T V Telephone 728-6635. ie $400 complete. Telephone 723-4781, [your local Royal dealer, 728-3664 ®Y-/ CLEMENT POULTRY, chickens, 3 to GARDENING UNDERTAKEN - How ton DRECEMA EXPERT PAINTING, Interior and ex- ° . * 14' HUMBER LAPSIDE boat, hel eee |4% Ibs., 39c., orders of 12 or more, Calljever large or small. Ten years all-rou! breed 46 worm oe ee ack nrecltor BREESMAKING, suit oe tag 2 Ne i donee All workmanship. guaranteed. 5--Trailers |tible top, fold-down seats, 40 HP. elec.| GUARANTEED, USED wringer washers, 987-4353, | Newcastle experience. Good fast worker. eter ea Fey yee anced. are: erat. aW8) i owest prices' in town, 728-0257. SUPPLY LTD. |tric Evinrude motor, Tee-Nee tilt trail- Eee? refrigerator, etc., $34.50 and eggs DAISY FRESH" DAILY --|°"Ce®:_Phone 728-0592. TION SALES as PER INCH PER INSERTION, DEADLINES WORD ADS 5 p.m. DAY PREVIOUS T AND FOUND vam. DAY OF PUBLICATION BIRTHS AND DEATHS 9am. DAY OF PUBLICATION IN _MEMORIAMS Ped CARD OF THAN 5 p.m. DAY PREVIOUS CLASSIFIED DISPLAY 1 column--4 p.m, doy previous; 2 col- umns or larger -- 10 a.m. day previous, cANeeLes AND RRECTIO! Sam DAY OF PUBLICATION Any advertisement cancelled before Gardening and d Supplies Garden Supplies C.1.L. 10-6-4 Golfgreen 12-6-6 Evergreen 6-9-6 So-Green 7-7-7 So-Green Premium So-Green High Organic Milorgainte Sheep Manure Bonemeal Cow Manure publication will be eharged one day's oe BS 4-12-10 insertion. ILL. 5-10-15 BOX NUMBER RENTAL $1.00 Ci While every endeavor will be mode to] C.1.L. 10-10-10 forward replies to box numbers to the Peat Moss advertisers as soon as possible, we ac- ea 0: cept i peal pay henge of tae. Lawn Seed arise rou Sellars or lake in forwarding Lovet. We: Garden Tools se cee cr otherwise, The Times will not| Garden Seeds be responsible for replies uncalled for) Universal Sprayers oe Weed Killers REGULATIONS Bug Killers THE OSHAWA TIMES wit NOT BE RESPONSIBIE FOR ERRORS IN ADVER- TISEMENTS SUBMITTED OTHERWISE ING NOT FOR MORE PRICE CHARGE FOR £ SERTION IN WHICH ERROR OCCURS. The Oshawa Times reserves the right to classify advertising according to its Everything For The Gorden Cooper-Smith Co. 16 CELINA ST. 723-2312 723-1139 Delivery Service Plumbing and Heating ting, new rates. Es plies. Stark u Engineeri ALL PLUMBING AND HEATING sup- Telephone Rug - Upholstery Service and used materials. Reasonable timates free. 723-1191, J. Foley. 725-3521, Harold H. td., Plumbing, Heating and ing, 255 Simcoe Street South. 24 stery OSHAWA RUG CLEANERS Professional rug and uphol- home or our office. Call for information, cleaning done in your 725-9961 ee TAUTON RD. E. ALL TYPES OF REPAIRS and remodel- (ust Eost of Ritson) ds ccsac A Lal An lente HOUR SERVICE T.V. RENTALS HOLMES ELECTRONICS PHONE 668-5679 TENT TRAILERS A SIOR. 6 ie 6s $349 up Book now for rentals, $35 weekly up. Also Camping Equipment. Open Weekends RUSSELL'S TEXACO 1600 King St. East 576-1264 and 723-0851 ler, $1,300. 728-2270. FOR RENT -- 1965 Cara Trail collapsi- |ble camper. Dining table seats four, two RAMBLER TRAILERS SALE -- RENT Open Sundays 2 - 4 P.M, BUDDY TRAILERS PORT HOPE INTERIORS by WINDOLF T.V. Rentals New Sets Lot at 401 ond 28 Shasta - Scotty Rambler Trailer new 1967 sales ond rentals, Richardson's B-A (fi Call @ Wide Selection of Fabrics @ Workmanship Guaranteed @ Easy Budget Terms THE FURNITURE CENTRE TO ve full years) Now For A Free Estimate 99 Simcoe St. North ° lh Upholstery ALCAN M4 Anieues Restored ee 39 Simcoe N. 452 Simcoe South 728-3651 723-0011 REUPHOLSTERING 725-9332 T.V. SERVICE HOUSE CALLS $2.50 WER ANTENNAS INSTALLED A-1 USED TELEVISIONS CITY TV. 725-0500 Taunton and Simcoe St. DEALERS WANTED for Wayfarer Tent Trailers Sales ond Rentals Write: Caravan Sales BOX 36 proper classification. In the coses of display advertisements The Times will not be held responsibil for more space than that which ft octual error occupies. The publish endeavor to reproduce all adverising ee correct, but angele no ieidlind of ad any form ore contoined tnervin IT'S EASY TO PLACE A TIMES ACTION WANT AD Call Clossified Direet 723-3492 INDEX TO CLASSIFICATIONS ! 1--Women's Column 2--Personal Sanseng Bros. EXCLUSIVE LAWN & GARDEN SERVICE 728-3755 In this field we ore the big- gest and best equipped in Oshawo and surrounding crea, For those who hove never heard of us, we have been around for the last six yeors, "BUT WE ARE ONLY GARDENERS" f you would like to know more CALL US 3--Sportsman's Colume ae 5--Tra cnarine. Equipment 7--Swap and Barter 8--Articles for Sale 9--Market Basket 10--Farmer's Column li--Pets and Livestoc® l2--articles Wanted 13--Articles for Rent lé--Agents Wanted 17--Female Help Wanted 18--Male Help Wanted 19--Male or Female Help Wanted CULTIVATING, mowing done. Telephone 668-3239. Janitor Service JANSSEN'S GARDEN CENTRE Commercial and. Residential Landscaping. 728-9429 Rototilling and. lawn 20--Real Estate For Sale 20a--Summer Properties CENTENNIAL Floor Cleaning. General | 2i--Farms for Sale maintenance. No job too big or too! 22--Lots for Sale small. If you want satisfaction give us| 23--Real Estate Wanted ® call. 576-0430. 4--Stores Offices and Storage 25---Houses Rent 38--Coming Events 39--Neticns BASEMENTS, yards, etc. "leaned. Rub- bish removed. his 2997, i6--Apartments Pid Rent ~ ----- =e ond Beare Money 1 to Loan lanted 1 WILL LOAN you up to $5,000 et 0--Automoblies for Sale reasonable rate "t Inferest to contelts Compact rs for Sele date your bilis or for any other worth: | = while purpose, providin: are st 33--Automobies Wanted lly employed and have' geod oeat| 34--Automobile Repair 723-4631 ree ped and Found peeieieas egal * 37---Auctions You'll i "Find Whatever 4 RU Fre Angus-Graydon PROFESSIONAL G CLEANING 2 Day Service e Pick-Up and Delivery F. 728-6254 heads SERVICE CALL ONLY 2.50 ast T.V. Service DOMINION TELEVISION 5154 9am. to 9 p.m. Amherstview, Ont. RENTALS Cabin Trailers and Tent Trailers. Reservations now ac- cepted, © WILDE RENTAL Whitby -- 668-3226 teed. ge tresses Oshawa Upholstering, 287 Dean Avenue, 725-031) CHESTERIELDS re re-styled. ea for fo order. fakes eat Y by experts, Street, 723-7212. Sales and Service _ Estab- high 'kmanship age Credit terms. t- furniture re-finished. z th rebuilt, Free estimate. See rour m re-coveri Slip covers mad Dalton Upholstering, 75 Charie: 13 B structure, APPLIANCE JOE'S COLOR TV and Radio Service SPECIALIZING IN EUROPEAN RADIOS AND TAPE RECORDER REPAIRS jlond W. 576-1670 l-channel antenna SPECIAL -- 40-foot tower installed, $50. Oshawa TV Supply Limited, Taunton Road East, lust east of Ritson Road. APACHE CAMPING trailer, condition, ail accessories included, Telephone 728-2217 after 5 p.m. COOK'S TRAILER SALES LTD. Simcoe Street North, city limits. Glendettes, Glenelles, Cita- tions. All trailer parts and accessories. Discount prices on new and used trail- ers. 723-9534. |TRaveL TRAILERS. and Corsair, Sales, Service, Part: cessories. Subway Trailer Park Nig 1010 Dundas St, E., Whitby, excellent $500. Golden Ac: end 668- eae "HITCHES made and Install- Ya mile north of REPAIRS Welding ie Nad all ent for rents Teh ae: Port- ARC AND ACETYLENE weidin re-|15* GOLDEN FLACON, gas ~ stove with : pairs, industrial and commerc! 3 as an tr Expert repairs to all makes Irs, Industrial H W3iloven, sleeps 'two, gas and electric Alpert Street, 723-575). lights, i x, toilet, Reese hitch, elec- of washers, dryers, ranges pA ee : iy «Gryers, ges, rarer tric brakes, approx. 1,500 miles. Olan, etc. ; 1--Women' s ; Colunin RR 1, Taylor Rd me : 2 @ ALSO PARTS AVAILABLE @ |eNconei ins "open fa you, new from|HITCH REESE tortion bar for house A LCA N Toronto! New, and gently used gar.|!railer, hardly used, half price. Apply ments, suits, dresses, coats. Also Joan"s}'27_Mesdowvale Stroy Boutique opening soon. 22 Simcoe: South.| MOBILE HOME, 4] x 10, Maple Leaf, FURNITURE, and APPLIANCE good condition, furnished. Telephone 728. 452 Simcoe S. -- Oshawa 4011, Telephone 723-0011 > * RRS A NOW FOR Parra Hikers B i) CAMPING TRAILER rental reservations | ring me your mowers, tillers, now being taken for Expo and summer | outboards oll mokes, oir RESULTS vacations. Book now. and avoid dis- Le i i lmit- cooled engines. Parts and pecially rhe Camels nimi poets Largest service in TIMES CAMPER for sale for pick-up. $495. Tele-| 7 phone 725-6064. 74 BARRIE AVE ACTION CLASSIFIED EXPO ACCOMMODATION. 15 - fool] |pairs to --------! Jack Lees, 728-6956. IGUARANTEE | REPAIR to "a "wringer! You Want--In the Times (cai ssbi70 or 32e8i1, 728-2791 or 725-4633 |NEW, USED -- vacuums, polishers, Re- ADS all makes. New hoses. Phone | Free estimates, 723-3492 trailer, sleeps 6. Electricity, water, pro-! | pane Palilgabslog and stove er miles! from Expo $100 weekly, 728-8253 Get Fast Cash The Quick Want Ad Way | 7--Swap and | Barter SIX SERVICE BAYS FOR FASTER SERVICE WHEEL ALIGNMENT SPECIAL Chev., Dodge, Ford, Ply- mouth, Pontiac. We correct whee! alignment, inspect and correct castor and comber, align toe-in and toe-out to correct condition 95. @ Parts extra if required. @ Torsion bor adjustment extra, @ BRAKE SPECIAL Most popular cars. First Quality Royaline. 4 wheels. 88 Plus $2.00 per wheel (labor cost) 6 WHEEL BALANCE SPECIAL Including weights per wheel each 1,95, SHOCKS, MUFFLERS, FRONT-END WORK AT COMPARABLE PRICES UNIROYAL CENTRES The New Name of DOMINION TIRE STORES 17 Park Rd. S. Phone 725-6511 FLOOR COVERING BARGAINS Clearance of discontinued patterns ,thousonds of yards from 29¢ ft. WILSON'S FURNITURE 20 CHURCH ST. TRADE IN Your present aerial or tower OSHAWA CABLE TV 723-5278 A 4 Alcan Furniture and Appliances, 452 {Simcoe South, 723-0011. White Feather Farms, Oshawa, 665-4752. Picked up, delivered at store or home. LADY WILLING to do house "cleaning In Whitby only. Phone 668-24 FREE! Furnace cleaned, adjusted tree. YOUNG MOTHER will ae ~ working NOROHEIMER piano and bench, | WOODEN OVERHEAD < by 7', $15. Telephone 723 73. SCUBA DIVING tanks, also 21-inch Philco, new picture tube, one year warranty, $69. Telephone 576- 'egistered half-Arabrian colt, -|four white stockings. Double er with brakes, BAY GELDING, Pal, fifteen hands, two 5j|11--Pets and- Livestock Telephon horse trail- 0735, idouble beds, $40 per week. Telephone| Guaranteed trouble-free winter If you 0. ne id 72' if purchase from Western Oii Company. ! Farmers Column Dhone Mrs. Kerr re anyiimey S76 8d otal te ara 725-1212. vate, Mi > 5 horsepower, Viking, 1964. a DEAD AND CRIPPLED farm ies Bicat 17--F F a elp Wa Cruise-a-day tank, $175, Telephone 723- RELAX-A-SAUNA _ $ leading ed up promptly. Margwill Fur Farm. freee, 0830. Portable steam bath for home apart- |Tyrone,_ Telephone Ccllect Hampton 263- ema ef He iP Wanted 25 HORSEPOWER Evinrude, Tong. shat, weate office. Free demonstration. 728-|2721. Licence 101-C-67. ees 1954 manual remote control, two gas|---- ~~ Rehan oar mare __|RAILS, CEDAR, good condition, For tanks. Runs like new, $150. Telephone,;OIL BURNER with controls and tank; |fencing horse corrals or lawn fences, REGISTERED 728-1086. redler oak table; lamp; dishes; skates; ane in 100 lots or more. Telephone a) hree pieces of Twindow glass, Tele- 4; 14 INTERNATIONAL class sailboat and! -- Tee-Nee trailer, $595. Telephone 668-5604) PPOne 7285674. = =§ss | COB CORN, $45 per ton, elso 2,000 Laboratory or 668-3525, TWO USED oil furnaces, complete none 70 R 14" Bethan 4c per bale, Telephone controls, excellent condition. Telephone ethan' H Fanae7 ee ee ue Technologist SUMP AND PRESSURE ¢ pumps, Flush-|Heintzman, excellent condition, $750 SeOND SPT To do bio chemistry in medi- nearest offer, Whitby 668-8432 after "5| HORSE BOARDING | stable In Orone, teat Boi ora ee pene toe le Slading oF bot sli Telephone We:| ol clinic. No night calla, fittings, trailers, boats, motors. f-ton| TYPEWRITERS, § $#. No money dow = Pp plek-up, "60 Buick, H. Chinn, 288 HIll-|$2. weekly. Adders, cashiers, fies, een 000 CLIPPING, re work aC lease apply to side. used, rentals, service, trades Bill |lowest prices. ai; and compare. . Hamilton, Raglan. 9609, Baers Sane ADMINISTRATOR 8--Arrticles for Sale UPRIGHT, Emoch Biundall plano, wel-|ALL TYPES OF HORSES for nut finish, good condition, $85. down, Telephone 942-1101. Oshawa Clinic phone 942-2178, PROFESSIONAL DOG SERVICES es FOUR BAR STOOLS, 29" in feight.|Cllpping, all breeds, poodies our spe- One portable clothesiine, two portable |clalty.. Free pick-up end delivery) board- 117 King St. E. ret heaters, almost new. Tele pa ane Te edie A Phone 0686. ni rman erd pupple SWITCHBOARD D ingl ------ tion. Best™ iter, r-old filly colt, onean ° tri broken for both Tyecyeer and western RECEPTIONIST Swar teayioatey, y,|Saddle. Telephone 725-8977. pedals, built-in Leslie, all-trensisior, No|REGISTERED biack thoroughbred| This position requires an ex- reasonable' offer refused, Telephone 725- werern trained and well mannered. Perienced operator preferably 3744, ay wi with typing knowledge, Ex- cellent working conditions and benefits. house trained, good watchdog, three years old. Telephone 725-2161. "set of doubles ted etag Savrg "ite. eat (eM teasia™om aes Convertible top, 4 rsepower motor | h, 1 in H and trailer, 725-7478, Tepe ceeniial: "Alte Enalin: wecce.! Stark Electronics FOUR-SEATER sofa with matching chelr| ADORABLE SIA ry 1 (pretly green). Good quality, reason-imaie and two fonale Fairer' arsed Instruments Ltd. able price. Telephone 728-0626. and Triple Champion €.H.M, Tele. THREE WAY combination, 21" TV radio|Phone 576-1858, AJAX and record player, all in good working| PONIES, Shetland and Welsh for sale. Condition, $80. or best offer, also tele- ' phone table, 723-8039, ce DA ARE a data 942-3 -2120 GOLD DUPONT NYLON rug, 10' x/BEAUTIFUL BABY BUDGIES; ready |RESPONSIBLE PERSON fo ming 1 11'; excellent condition, belge occasion-| for training, talking Fae Reka children, two school age, while | tree al vale Sood iA high chalr, lke) Broad, 114 Elgin Eas! "|works, Five-day week, Live In or eut, new. Telephone ey oo 725-6679. ; ----______________|€7¥.J RANCH, Reg'd, Ger a FURNITURE, new, Direct from factory|herds, pups. Show pie dead In fal ty Shep. AMBITIOUS, ACTIVE women for cus to you -- save. Danish, Modern, Provin-|ter horse, Pony. Pinto. Western saddies,|tomer service work, selling Beauty cial .Also_re-uphoistery and custom UPlequipment, _clothing. Ashburn, 655-4662. |Counselor Cosmetics, full or part-time. holstery, Before you buy, | try 468-6909. __leNOLIsH SuLLESS 7 Poise and personality bel considera- TELEVISION, Philip's, i7-inch, $88; y waiterouahbred, tion in applicant. 725-4816 GIRL for Smith's Coffee Bar, Appl a Simcoe Street South or phone 725- 3877. and box, 12--Articles Wanted ROOM AND BOARD, pius $25. Tae SNAP-ON TOOLS set worth $500, Finance arranged. will sell for $400, Telephone 728-458 chain block $15, popular mechanic book 1Sc., four flourescent lights $15, electric motors $5, antique stove $15, dryer $75, foam rubber, one-half price, aluminum camper windows $15, rubber boat $20. 728-3395. SET OF TWO with seven-mile range, tennae. Telephone .986-5573 or Blackstock M4INCH ELECTRIC STOVE, tour burn-| » with oven, white, three veins old: | 723 plus mobile an- channel _ eee 728-1600, 1 R, rd, adding machine, $20; cash register,| Electric Multiplier. 723-4434. v TOWER SPECIAL -- 40 ft. structure, channel antenna, $50. TRIO Tele vision, 728-5143, GOOD USED FURNITURE wanted, etc. Highest prices. SELL SELL ! SELL! That's the Job of Times Want Ads 723-3492 Cail anytime. Mac- to reliable middle-age woman to care for three children, two school- age. S7é 0465 after 4 p.m. PORTABLE SEWING machine, living|Neil's Furniture, 668-5481, + 968-6526. HOUSEKEEPER, to live in. or 'one day @ room rug, mantie mirror, floor polish-| VACUUM CLEANER and portable. tele-|week off, comfortable home, no heavy er, Grapes, dishes. 725-2998. _____|vision, good condition. Telephone 725-/ work. Telephone 725-4167. ONE LLOYD BABY carriage, like new.|2070. YOUNG LADY for full time work In Used outdoors only five times, brown|WILL PAY $2. each for 25 cent billsimusic store. Must have typing. Grade 8 and cream, $40. Spring for double bed,|(shinplasters). Telephone after $ p.m., |piano an asset. Apply In person, 9.15¢ bi BA's LD ene mG eet age by IEF j11.15 a.m., Tuesday. Wilson and Lee, BROWNIE UNIFORM (complete), size|TRADE 1921 or 1922 United States sil-|7 Simcoe St. N se 10, $6.00, Call 725-7903 after 6 p.m. ver dollars for Canadian before 1964. EARN $23 WEEKLY pilus FREE MAPLE SYRUP. Take Hwy. 35 from "401| Apply 200 Bond St. East, after 4 pinata Ls Your spare time. Just fo Con. 12, Manvers. Andrew Heaslip,|BROWNIE UNIFORM, complete, size SAVANE. eee call Bethany 17r1) I7. Also a sah ot bunk Beds. ANT IG | ested a lh experience nec. North American Fashion BEST BUY -- Continental beds, mat-|Condition. Telephone 725-1445. |Frocks, Ltd., 9000 Pare G Mv. eorge, . tresses, ail sizes and types, headboards, TENT TRAILER, or cabin traller, good|¥-3999, Montreal, Que viet Pee one-third off. 723-3889. icondition, Telephone 728-3102. EXPERIEN. ---- 72 Ls cee CON | ENCED typist, familiar with BOAT, $100, tractor $60, benches $10, financial statements, required for Char- tered Accountant's office. Must be quale ified in general effice routine. Telephone Burrows, Selby and Company, 728-7554 for interview appointment NEED A JOB ? | Read Help: War:ted Ads Daily In The Times , a on hid P For 2 ship. ing | a ear: mC FILL SP guest, Phe writer te |