DONALD DUCK LI'L ABNER JULIET JONES HENRY NUBBIN MICKEY MOUSE GRANDMA Hl WHAT IS THE SOUP OF THE DAY; UNTIL, WE RUN OUT OF IT! ALEXANDER GRAHAM% SMELLP~ITS ME" 'SAVE ON 3 OF PONTIACS MOST POPULAR MODELS NOW !! TRADING POST SALE!! THE CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LTD. © PARISIENNE @ LAURENTIAN © STRATO CHIEF Where Your Mills Men Are Men of Action! Now _ Give / THESE CLIPPERS / TO NUBBIN, TWINK, | HE'S SUPPOSED To BE TRIMMING THE HEDGE. 4 AND IT'S GONNA BE THE SOUP OF THE DAY BUZ SAWYER sO ANDI UKE YOU. TO HAVE DINNER © King Ponteres Syndicate, lang 1967. World sights reserved. JANE ARDEN HE'S THE WORLD'S WORST JINXK---?? mY HAVE HEDGE CLIPPERS FOR YOU! = i Cl 4 SECRET AGENT X9 i ~ [THE SAME DEDICATION IS NEEDED IN MY WORK... © SPORTS COUPES © 4-DOOR SEDANS 262 KING ST. WEST 723-4634 TELEVISION LOG | caossworp Channe: 3--Buttaie Channel 3--Barrie Channe) 4--Buttaie Channe) ¢--Toronte I i 10:36 A.M. 9--Cartoon Playhouse @--Thiz Is The cite 4--Look Up and Live 11:08 A.M. hannel S--Rochester =| 11__wrestiing Channel! %--Toronto 9--Meta Channel 11--Hamiiten Channel 12--Peterdorough SATURDAY VE, 5.00 P.M. 1i--Dennis the Menace 7--Wide World of Sports 4-3-6-12--Masters Golf Tournament f--Horse Race 5:30 P.M, 11--Flipper 8--Gadabout Gaddis 2-Go to the Races | 6:00 P.M. | (Littlest Hobo 9--Thunderbdirds 8--Flipper 6-12--20-20 3--Lost In Space 2--Death Valley Days eo: P.M. 12--Love on 8, Rooftop li--Little People | THERE'S GoT TO BE SOMETHING LACKING IN A CIVIUZATION THAT DOESN'T IT CAN'T LAST, EARL... AWFUL, EVIL THINGS LIKE GRINNELL HAVE TO GET THEIR, COMEUPPANCES! HOW MANY PETS BO YOU HAVE NOW ,MORTY@ INCLUDING THE ANTS} Jj AND, GOLLY, HE'S SO WAIT, 1 WANT TO MARK AN ITEM OFF THELIST / GOODNESS, ICE CREAM WOULD BE MELTED BY THE TIME HE BACK, etek alse MUGGS AND SKEETER 11--Great Music | 2-4--News, Weather, | ports | 7:00 PLM. Mi--Expo '67 9--Jackle Gleason 4--Round Table 3-+4-12--Beverly Hili- billies 2--News, Weather," Sports 7:38 PDA. 12--1 Spy N--Peter Gunn 4--Jackle Gleason 3-4--Tarzen 2--Fllpper 8:00 P.M. 11--Jamboree 9~Academy Performance 2--Daisies 8:30 P.M. Ti--Donna Reed 7--Lawrence Welk 4--National Geographie 3-6-12--T.B.A, | 2-8--Get Smart | 9:00 P.M. | 2-8--Movie | 3-6-12--T.B.A. 9:38 P.M, 7--Hollywood Palace 4--Plstols 'n' Petticoats 10:00 PLM. 1i--Let's Sing Out 4--Gunsmoke 10:15 PLM, | 3-6-12--In Person | 19:38 Pm, | '--Movie | $--Run For Your Life 7--Movie 10:45 PLM, | 12--Outdoorsman | 36---Sports Profile 8--Christopher Program 7--Bullwinkle 6--Feim Feature 4--Niagara International ° Skating Tournament 3--Hymn Book Tis38 A.M. %--Wish You were Here 8&--Social Security 7--Discovery '67 6--Expo '67 3--Spectrum 12:08 NOOR 12--Living Word 11--World In Color %--Italian Album &--Adventures in Para- dise 7--First Name Only 6--Du Cote De Quebec 3-4--News, Weather 2--Let's Look At Congress 12:18 P.M. 12--God Is the Answer 4--Let's Look at Congress 3--Living Word 2--Movie 12:80 P.M. li--Father Meehan 7--ABC Scope IOwCcasSe 4--Face the Nation 1i--Continental A¥inie- tu re 7--Challenge 9--Spectrum 8--Meet the Press 6--F.D.R, 4--Amateur Hour 3--Herald of Truth 1:38 P.M, 9--Platform li--This Space Age ovie 7--Iissues and Answers 4--Old Songs Theatre CHAMACO! IT GOES, DOWN "THE SIDE OF THE CLIFF / [3 MAYBE THE OTHERS KNUCKLE as } ACROSS 4. Before 24, Past [RIAs PRBAIDIAM | Se ules 1. Three 5. Church 25, Pelt MIE IME TMC IAIMIE!D | 11--Music Go Round | goddesses spire 26. Eve- AILIAINMEPIATRIAIDIC| 4-What's My Line =| oof destin 6. Animal ning --(DLLISHENIEIDMNE LOIN} 11:00 P.M y DIEISIPIOINIOIEINICIE| wie | 6, Branch 7. Over: poet, sun god [EIVieja} 2-3-6-8-11-12--News, } 11.Onone's 8. Russian 28. Dickeys [R/E/DIMIOIN] Logeneee seers | toes river 30. Heron ic] 11.25 P.M. 12, Weird 9. Taunt 32. Black, fata | 4-Giaatest Headlines = | 13. Urban 10. Command: hard R ee , ist | urchins: ic wood una oee 2 was. 14.Work hard 33, Man's 3--Movie | 45.ThePiper's 18. Gritty name Yesterday's Answer Le ey scareon | son. 19. Pole 34.Japanese = 88. Hebrew | 11.38 &. | 16. Goddess 20. Founder of box. measure { rsancead dN PM | of dawn Babism 35. Did the 39, Make | 12--Conversation | 17. Permit 21. High crawl lively | 9--Insight 18. Roasting priest 37. Soft 41, Hasten | anvil PMs | "rods 22, Pro drink 42, Perch | 20. Happen roe AM. 28, Knife TR 4 Mel? le Pp yo $--University of the Air handle Y: bagel peeatoe | 27. By N --Y; 12 --Albert J. Steed lf #Rompe. Room - Hasy 13 14 7--Diall "Dollars, . Wren or Virginie "Graham sandpiper Is Y 16 Y 17 ow 30. Amend 4 11--Little Peopl VV, V7, sotincle Benoy 31, Baker's Wb4G 9 CAG ioBonnie. Prud pe Soa Ie] WB [za [es ee] in! foe | See Z se AM 36, Morse} 27 WY 2B yon ad | 37. Soak " Meta 40, Not 29 YH? Scone aetols healthy Y Y S/ 3b 132 V/ GY G 2--Jack carne eg moped YA, Y, Yi (/) V1, 118d Allen Time * duck 33 [34 [35 77436 V/ZA37 |38 [39 facing" fren? | 8, Cony - 4 6--Ontario Schools 46, Desolate 40 4 42 TizeCenadlan "schools DOWN ah 10.30 AM. 1. Speedy 43 yy I ing Ti | schreclured Prirases | * Lit dd 45 7) 46 | 8-2--Concentration voice | 7--Dateline: Hollywood 3. Duration Za 3412--Country Calender | 4--Beverly Hillbillies 2:00 P.M, 12--Farming '67 9--Movie 1i--Dance Party 7--Newlywed Game 4--Gadabout Gaddis | 3-4--Counterpoint 2--Say It Now 2:98 P.M. 12--T.B.A. 7--Movie 4--Sports Spectacular 34-12--Vimy Ridge 3:00 P.M, 11-12--Leighton Ford Cru- sade 2--Meet. the Press 3.30 P.M, 12-3-6--Eyes of Tomerrow | a--Sey It Now 4.00 P.M, 1l--Dennis the Menace | 7--Hall of Kings 43-6-12-- Masters Tourna- 1:08 PLM. ment 11-6--News 2-8--Experiment in TV 4--News 4:30 PLM. yah beady \--Tiy Telent Teme ne #--Daniel Boone F Mo' 5.00 PM, Me os oak 28--Wild Kingdom * 4--Movie W--Tarzan | 7--Dating Game 11:30 PLM, 5.30 P.M. §-7--News, Weather, . . Sports 7--Movie Movie €12--Hymn Sings 9--Sam Snead Wis 4--Crosscurrents é--Movie 3--Fiipper ippel $Vovle 28--GE College Bowl 1:4 Pat 6:00 P.M. \2--Movie I1--Lost In Space 11.98 PLM. 9--Iron Horse t--Movie pe Paaiall entury Pad oi 3-612--Walt Disney 12:08 A.M. 4--Bishop Sheen $--Anawering Service 6.20 P.M. 2-8--Bell Telephone Hour SUNDAY 4--News, Weather 7:30 A.M. 7:00 P.M, 1}--Mademoiselie de Paris | 1i--Walt Disney 7--Herald of Truth 9--Monkees Agriculture, U.S.A, 7--Voyege 8:00 AM. s-Lassie N--Sacred Heart 3-4-12--Hey Landiord 7--Christopher Program 7:38 PA, 4--Word of Life 9--FBI 3--This fs the Lite 4--It's About Time a. AM. 3-6-12---Flashback {1--Oral Robert: | 28--Walt Disney 7--Linus 8: PM. 4--Comedy Capers | iMovie 2--Funny Company | 7--FBI 9:00 AM. | 4612---Ed Sulliven i1--Cathedral Chimes wabsh 9--Cartoons | 8:38 P.M. 7--King Kong 9--i Dream of Jeannie 2--Porky Pig 2-8--Hey Landlord | j | 9:90 AM. | 'l--Itallan Journal | 7--Beany and Ceci! } 4--Uncle Jerry's Club 2--Church Invitation | 9:00 P.M. 3-6-12--Friendly Giant 11.08 A.M. | 12--Romper Room 11--Mike Douglas 9--Mr. and Mre 8--Pat Boone YOUR HEALTH Hair - Pulling 7--Supermarket Sweep. 4--Andy Griffith 3-6--Mr. Dressup 2--Matches and Mates A.M, 11:28 36--Bonnie Prudden ss AM, 8-2--Hollywood Squares 4--Dick Van Dyke 7--One_in & Million 12.00 NOON %--Toronto Today 8-2--Jeopardy 7--Movie é--Luncheon Date | | | | | } | i $--Magistrate's Court | | | | 4--News, Weather, | Dear Dr. Molner: My daugh- \ter, 16, began pulling out her Sports eee cele eyelashes, then her eyebrows 'iWie about four years ago, and for ett Get hogy the last two years has been its a } han: a &--Eye Guess |pulling a spot about four inches o-News, weather, sports|ACTOSS On top of her head al- earch for Tomorrow! most bare. punk AS | We have had her checked by | elated a ifamily physician, psychiatrist oe jand psychologist, and all say it jis just a habit. Will this go on and on? Would hypnosis help her?--A.C. li--Theatre 9--Movie @--Dialing for Dollars Virginia Grehem 7--Fugitive 6--Luncheon Date : 4--Meet the Millers It may be a habit, all right, ie }but I would proceed on the as- 2-8--Let's Make s Deal \Sumption that she must be se- 44--As yy World Turnsiverely frustrated in some way, 7~Newlywed Game because something must lie be- 12-6-4--Password hind the habit. 24--Days of, Que Lives | phis hair-pulling trick is more 12--Calendar expectable at a younger age, but at 16 it is time to look deeper for a cause. Mere habit, without some underlying com- pulsion, doesn't satisfy me as an explanation. I am reluctant to suggest hyp- nosis. That might better be de- é--Coronation Street 4--House Party 2-8--Doct: ors 3.00 P.M. 9--Words and Musi¢ 7--Generai Hospital 4--To Tell The Truth 3-6-12--Take 30 2-8--Another World 3.25 P.M. P Baie dS ee jthe psychiatrist, but I surely 1--Merriage would return the girl to one or Confidential the other for more investiga- %--It's Your Move tio 7--Superman jon. 3-4-6-12--Edge of Night 2-8--You Don't Sey 4:00 P.M. Dear Dr. Molner: What is the '1--Super Comics cure for a person who has | 4--Marineland Carnival %--Peyton Place 7--Movie 4--Smothers Brothers 10:08 AM 2-8--Bonanza 9--Stingray | 7--Rocketship. 7 @--Faith For ToDey 4--Lamp Unto My Feet 3-6-12--Stanely Cup 10:00 P.M \--Peter Gunn 9--WS 4--Candid Camere Mostly Psychological By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD |be Trick How long before the eggs are laid? Does hot soap and water kill crabs? What will?--M.A.S. Phthirus pubis, or the "'crab louse" can be transmitted from person to person, or through in- direct contact--a toilet stool that has not been adequately cleaned, via clothing or bed- clothes. When a female crab louse lays eggs, she glues them to the base of a hair, usually ig the region of the crotch, but sometimes elsewhere on the body. The egg hatches in about 10 days; a female can begin laying more eggs almost imme- diately after birth, will live about 30 days and in that time lay 300 eggs.° The lice can hide in the seams of clothes, too, so frequent and thorough cleaning is necessary. Hot water and detergent will kill both lice and the eggs but taking an ordinary bath with soap will not. Thus for clothes, thorough termined by your physician or|washing or dry cleaning is es- sential as well as thorough cleaning of bathroom or other places where the insects may A very few lice can cause a great deal of itching and scratching, and when a patient is not treated promptly, irrita- = ie Saiz communicate (taken amphetamines for: 10 | 2--Mike Douglas years?--J.T. | 8--Match Game | Stop taking them | | 4--Secret Storm | 4:38 PLM li--Fireball Xts | '9-Movie Dear Dr. Molner: How are | &--Yoo! Beer "crabs" transmitted? Can they 4--Movie 2612--King's Ovtiew come from the bathroom stool? { tion and skin infection is a very frequent result. Several very effective medi- jcations or lotions can clear up |the crab lice quickly, but have a physician tell you which to / 14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturday, April 8, 1967 BRIDGE By B. JAY BECKER (Top Record-Holder in Masters' Individual Championship Play) South dealer. Both sides vulnerable. NOBTH @AK108 ¥QiTs 31094 & WEST 63 9754 Osé4a 931033 @K9853 AQ HAs 6532 sO @QI2 AKS 3764 bEQT The hdding: Opening lead - five of diz- monds. A great many players use the Stayman convention to locate # . |possible 4-4 major suit fit after partner has opened the bidding with one notrump. The responder invokes the convention by bidding two clubs, an artifical call requesting. the opener to name a four-card ma- jor if he has one. If the opening bidder 'cannot oblige, he is re- quired to bid two diamonds, after which the responder bids in accordance with his hand, | Thus, in the present deal, North has every right to think that a game in spades, if part- ner has four of them, is more likely to be made than a game in notrump, and he therefore responds two clubs. When South denies a four-card major, North with 10 high-card points, goes jdirectly to game in notrump. While the Stayman conven: tion works well in most hands, jit is not an unadulterated bless- jing. At times it helps the de- fenders, as it did in this case |where the bidding. helped West to find the best defense. West made the normal lead of a diamond. East won with the ace and continued with the }queen and it was on this trick |that W est made the exxcellent |play of overtaking the queen and continuing with the nine to force out the jack. As a result, South went down, losing four, diamonds and @ club for a one-trick defeat. Had West. not overtaken 'the dia- | |mond, South would have made three notrump. West knew from the bidding that South could not score more than eight tricks, even if the jack of diamonds was promot- ir};ed into a trick by the over- IR} | take. West could tell from seeing dummy that declarer would be unable to cash more than four spades, three hearts (South had denied four hearts), and the jack of diamonds if he had it. It was therefore 100 per cent safe to overtake the queen of diamonds to insure defeat of the contract. SALLY'S SALLIES "He's too wide-awake, so we'l} all have to sit out thie daby-sitting assignment till he gets sleepy." use and how. Reason: Self: medication entirely too often leads to skin irritation from in- correct or over-use of the. medi- cations. Dear Dr. Molner: I have & birth mark and read in a mage azine about a special light that can remove it. Are there ahy other ways? I am 16.--B.M. The light you read about might possibly be laser, with which a great deal of experi- menting is now in progress. There are other familiar meth- ods, long in use, and very-effec- tive. Depending on the location of the mark, you might have your regular doctor remove it, or go to a dermatologist or |plastic surgeon if an absolute minimum of scar is required. Chain Link Fences You owe it to yourself to get cur price on any fencing Job, residential or industrial, big or small. Prompt service end quality werk- manship ef @ reasonable cost. Call us now for @ free estimete. A-ONE FENCE Co. call 723-5377 eye