Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 6 Apr 1967, p. 28

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26 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, April 6, 1967 At present only 40 per cent of Rambler components are BOND MARKET - made in New Zealand. To meet! TORONTO (CP)--The Cana- i ab i at | re i il tt i A il HG: Hs WP: Re | i 8 A |Commonwealth preference lim- dian Bond market was un- its it would be necessary to in-\changed in quiet trading Wed- American Motors Talks : Plants In New Zealand Peso Aneta ne. ru Goranioent ot TORONTO 10:40 A.M. STOCKS Distributed by CP Stock Toronte Stock Exchange--April 6 BA Oil Quotations in cents unless marked $.| BC Forest from previous board lot closing sale. BCPh 4% BL Hawk 7000 2% 2% rd - ¢ Hydro Brevi Reef 3700 3% W 30 --1 | € Mosher 1000 35 35 35 Con Paper N Mylama 700 19 #19 #19 --%% eee N Que Ragl 400 475 475 475 -- 5 | Jockey C N_ Sen 20500 344 33 3344+ '% Keiviatr Triad INDUSTRIALS | Bee hai | Kidd Cop K Kotia Abitib! 770 $11% 11% 112 Acklands 100 $7% 7% ey ino Agnew-S 725 $15 #15 Sis Alta Gas T 1105 $37 37 37 " Steep Rk Alta Gas p 210 $93 93' 931% Alta Gas w 100 835 835 835 Anthes A 415 $22' 22% 2224 Ve Ltd. 100 $48%4 48% ae tA Brazilian Bathrst A 50 $61%4 l'4 oie -- 2 | 1966, $36,397 Bail pine 727 $50% 504 50% |1965, $19.4 jowater 100 $7 72 Th--% 850 |funds) 135% -- wl Northern Bralorne 200 175 «175 «+75 +3 € ime Bnk € Morisn, 375 500 525 5% --I5| Con Blog' p 100 35 39. se 4. Aes i ' : could- be increased to this fig- Canada bonds were vaaha aol : UB BS es > AUCKLAND (CP) -- Ameri-\Commonwealth markets from | ure, with the 4%-per-cent April 1, can Motors Corp. may build/Canada, he said. But under the) watcon has discussed the pro-|1968, issue closing 100.15 bid ' " ' ; A " TC I A Y S S : « ¢ K S cars in-New Zealand instead of|American - Canadian rational- T ject with the New Zealand gov-|and 100.20 asked. | BUSINESS SPO LIGHT Sonate for, tie Commenweaiihy eae Se ee cco which has given the! Long-term Canada and pro- market. longer be any vehicles coming idea a warm welcome. New Zea- vincial bonds were unchanged Sales High Lov pee ove f = ' ports for American Motors, has|able to meet the preferential closing at 89% bid Sn ae Be been discussing in New Zealand|tariff basis among Common-|P0rt trade. At present its one bee Prag ey J , 2--Odd. lot, xd--Ex-dividend, xr--Ex-| BC Frest p 125 $538 53. S3'e + Ve ed I 1e Ou! i a plans to use its New Zealand|wealth countries. automotive exports are small) Day-to-day money traded at rights, xw---Ex-warrants. Net change Is! BC Pack B 150 $195s 19%% oie -- 96) assembly plant as a base for, In choosing New Zealand as|quantilies of spare parts, al-) AY | BC_ Phone 213 $66 654 ep 2% $89 89 i MINES | BCPh 5.15 545 $96 9% 9% West Indies and other Common-|said, he felt there was wide 0 per cent for re eB Se gel os at wealth countries. scope for expansion. The auto-|assembly in Australia is renee Te i vs waar 182-day Stock Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge CAE Ind | 400 $8% Bie Be -- M4 O OW! i Watson said a change had be-|motive business in Australia|Consideration. bills. Calgary P 100 $232 232 24 + % . ; [was pretty well entrenched. Be-| Customs Minister N. L. Shel-| P'S: _ GEREN ee es eH Calay $40 p 20 $107¥2 107% 107¥2 'Agnico a0 118 113. 113: =a | Gen Com BS 82k Oh TE) Were BC (CP)--F | Aksitcho 1000 «DC 1 | GCE Stone 80 $292 2a Ba -- 2 a (CP)--For sale: All Pitch 100 14 14 4 41] &, Packrs B ek a LI, |This small mining town in the Ang Ruyn 4300 160 155 160 -- 2) EOh fe ie centre of British Columbia Ang U Dev 1300 70 70 70 Cdn Brew AS AGN i ' Argosy 4500 152 148 14 =$ | 5 Bie Re te about 75 miles southeast of ' em Ww - ser, "Be a Be Sam] € Soe" eat og caf [Prince George redge 325 325 325 + 5 , Bethim 150 660 660 oe lava Re i Ns Not all of the town is for sale So's 224 oes L ve|--just 35 homes, six apartment $7)7s 71% 718 + '@|blocks, a hospital and various SSSS8SS88SnSen € Ind Gas $124 12/4 122 + Brunowk 214s BS SS Bs 0) ey 237 2h2 ead if shops and buildings. Comte "850 390 385 990 + 5 | Sp Marcon! Handling the sale will be Nel- er Se Se a ee | 4 Machi Cor Lt, ¢ Tung 2700 183 182 183 +8) 2 P ale ay ate 4 Y % son achinery i Eo ap- Cdn Keely 1000 8 | Ean Tire" 295 320% gore sore 1 14 Pointed by Cariboo Gold Quartz Sf: Leonert See. et below. | © Vickers 150 Sidia 144 dia a% (Mines Ltd. to liquidate Cari-| ha 30% 30% -- Ve Candor 13633 312 304 Wh-- C Westing » 225 $20% 20% 20% Cent Pat 2100 170 165 165 boo's holdings after the mine} . 5 [on Chemceli 135 $14¥e 14 14\e 75 polepolly e es a Hi | Clairton 281 $13% 13 13'4 suspended operations last Fri- Contabes PL. 0 a re Clairton w 100 800 800 800 25 | day. Con-Key See list below, pei ted A 4 390 390-390 5 Th losur es ft 34 Ccie Meo ls is is Columbia 750 $514 514 Sia | e closure came after 3 Chat NO 8 8 ei) Se oer ee ee ae years of continuous operation} ¢ Mogul 400 335 335 335 +5 | Con Bidg 200 145 145. 145 and ostensibly sounded the --s 325 $42 41% 41% 9, death knell for the small com- oe i oe ie Con Pap w 200 950 950 950 munity. Con Nichol! 8000 16a la 6a+1 Con Papr p 75: $26V%e 26% 26% + Ve A ° C Red Pop See list pele ys | Cons Gas 270 $167 16% 16% + Un During its operation over the Conwest VOUS 625 65 635" - Cosmos 100 $11% 11% 11% + % years Cariboo produced almost Copreorp 1000 58 58 58 +2) Crain RL 320 $460 456 ' i Cop Man oso Stall pelo, | Crow Nest 165 $16 16 16 + %/ $91,000,000 in gold bars. Senna $000 93) 31) | Crush Intl 350 $13% 13 13% But not all of the gold has ey 'an | my ' Cygnus A 500 395 395 395 D'Eldone 00 ee St below. | Cygnus B 260 $9% 92 94--\been marketed. | Denison 2290 $60'2 60's 604 2) Distl Seag 813 $3914 38% 38% -- ' , Dicknsn 100 340 340 340 Dome Pele 250 $57 57 57 During the years some has Bol agh $0 Gtk des sae gb | RIO a8 Sith 17m 7 sifted into cracks in concrete ast Su s Dotasco 19 $22 2 2 | -- Mar 120 210 210 210 +5 floors, some has accumulated Frobex 300 435 430 435 Dofasco p 3 $95 95 95 +14 Grit Maset 125 135. 135.138 | Dom Store 150 $20% 20% 20%+ a around debris in the mine and r ip vy" 7 Domtar 400 $17% 17% 1734 -- Ve h b bedded Giant Yk 200 770 765 770 Dunant 250 $3878 3%. yore p 4Some has become embedded in Sant Exp ee th NA Mf 41) Falcon 719 $90¥2 902 90) mud in and around the mine. Sarkar 1 28 tm 8b Fam Play 400 $37% 37 ut Grand 3000 35 35 35 +4) Fanny 260 $332 33 33% GRIND UP FLOOR Gin" ie eo ee ey | eet Gre e5giay 457 197 : pope 25 140 139. 140 4 aR Pion 200. $22% 21% 2244+ % The concrete floor will be pul- Headway 4000 19 «19°--«19 Sf ee oe 8 verized and washed in chemi- Hct lela 10) $29% 29% 29% + %| ©, St Ware 7100 $8% 8% 8% 5 Huds bey si ne "| GL Paper 175 $3048 30 30 --% Cals and run over with felt-coy- Hu-Pam 2000 10h 10% 10+ Wel permit, 8 $228 2 22m ered riffles to extract all the rane i sh eA Bk | Hard Crp A 250 $13. 13. 13 gold possible. Floor sweepings Jaye Exp. 7500 19. 18 1B Hawker $ S00 395° 395 395 -- 5 |will be washed, mud splashes Salen See list below Home A 180 $20% 20% 207a--e'. z i : % Joliet 200036 35% ri Home B 1075 $232 23/2 23% will be examined and debris Jonsmith See list below | Horne Pit 1000 290 285 20 +8 |will be searched for gold dust. Kerr Add 2605 $11% 11% 1i%-- Ww! HH Bay Co 1000 sive 18% 18% ' ; ; Kelly Dsd "il bis Fee Me oil gee $55 $32 31% 32 +% Nelson Machinery estimates luron ri 750 $10'%4 10% 10% Kid Coper 5650 ih "7 "7 --11 Husky Ol 2M $14 14 18k + the value of the gold recovery | L. Dufauit ert $125 125% 125% Husky B pr 210 $50' 5012 50V could reach $80,000. They also} Lakehead 500 2% 2% HO 1 areal lg ¥ ed ot ge ae oe estimate salvage, which in- ; i y engi, my et ee "| imp Oil 180 $8836 5826 seas? " cludes the town and machinery, | Uorado 3500 84 83 83 --g| 'MP Tob 200 $i4% 14s 14% --%/could run as high as $500,000. | Louvicr? 5500 23 23 23 | Ind Accept 565 $2434 24%@ 24% + V Macasse 2200 180 174 176 --6 | ind Adhes 300 $64 6% 6% But what now for Wells? . nd Miner! 405 $11 111 res Roa Ge ae 4 fe Wie Se Sek ae we Although the mine is closed | Martin 21100 % 2% 2% | ie cae eee jo% 10% | |some residents plan to stay in| ~ V Ly Me 10% 103% -- Mayenne ee aie ane Wey tk) Ante City pr 575 $194 19% 19% the town and earn a living the hanhine 1000 58) 8 se IBM 73$480 480 480 best way possible. | Merrill 7000 85 85 as -- 9 | Int Nickel 1165 $99% 99 99 -- 1% ra Meta $000 94 1 %| tnt Util 820 $2912 2914 2914 %4| Some hope a summer tourist Nat Expl $000 10% 104 10%4--1 | trae Wine cee an saree %|industry will be established. | en col 2500 aa Br BW» | Int Pipe w 685 $33% 331% Bat 8 | There is talk of opening a N Hosco 600 248 248 2B -- wy oe A a 10 10% {mining museum, of conducting | N_ Imprl 10100 395 380 385 +10 ba "4 15% y Ning 15000 16 1st te ty | James SM 500 370 365.345 --10 guided tours to show how gold) 1 $30% 30% 30% + %\is mined and there is talk of 5 395 3S 395 +5 "DS Te ah kh building motels. 1250 $2358 23% 23% f 13% 13) é NS ae ee | con con io ws as ae KEEP WATER, HYDRO Norbeau z100 4 0 Lav Fin oo $5 5 5S Because some residents plan arene 1000. 9% 94 Sat a) LAV E 125 200 $12% 17% 124-- Melia stay in the to th | Norpax See list below. Lau F 2.00 100 $21% 214 21% jto stay in e town, the com- N Coldstm 2100 71 71 71 toy ca tee a \munity water and electrical | North E See list bel f * ioe | eb as das UG Lite Invest 150 $6. 6 6 -\% Systems will remain intact. A N -Rank 1000 28 28 28 -_1 ie es ee one ie 8s community centre and some N Beave 1000 65 5 s "a Me 34 mm Onemaie 400 $10% 10% fom + wy] bob GA pr 25 $2812 2815 289 + te houses will also be left stand- | Orchan 100 235 75 ae a Rod $12% 12% 12% Ing. Osisko 00 63 8) HF] 60 $2970 29% 297% + Vu . Patino 270 960 930 930 Magna B! 3940 $is% 15 1544+ % Nelson Machinery has ap- ce las 2000 14 13° «14 +74 meee pes aa rif nin polhtes George Green as_ its ce ee Hist z 4 : 4 oe tak a Mel die ee |representative to take any ac- Plecer 100 $3214 324 324--%| Molson A = 250 sz 284 22% | tion necessary to keep the town | Preston 1225 $15%4 15 15 +%| Mon Food 225 going. Pyramid 100 365° 365 345 | Montex 1600 275 vs us +8) QMi 500 240 240 240 | Montex w 600 150 140 150 +10 'We haven't explored all the e Lith 10 7 297 «207 Mont Loco 215 $16 16 16 eis : Se ee ee Moe 330$102% 102 107 +1 |Possibilities yet," Mr. Green Quemont 1025 870 870 #70 | won" ie oo mt nde "jsaid. "The community can ayrock 500 130 130 --2) a la " Rio Algom _§70 $274 2734 27% 4 ve| Nt Contain 900 $5 6 § jon oe ee Rio A cw 1500 $13. 12% 13. + | Nat Drug 1100 $10 9% 10 + % We plan to sell all the min- x 1000 24 24 24 +1] Na Drug @ 195 $124 124 12% i i i - Roman 5697 $16 15% 16% + Ye| Nat Trust. 200 $1914 194 19% [8 machinety but we will re Sherritt 415 400 400 400 | Neon 10400 $614 6m 6% --~ 4 invest everything necessary to| Silvrfids 1200 328 320 30 -- 68 | oe . 306 553% $3' 53¥2-- 4 keep the town kicking."' Sit Miller 1000 «12 2 1 lor 4 12a 12+ Ve H sive PLE ly | Nor CHG P 200 S234 2314 o3r0 The fact that the cost of min-| Si! Stand 4800 108 «106 108 +68 | Nor Tar pr 725 $214 21% 21% ing has | risen | to almost equal} Siscoe 200 475 475 475 --S§ Nor Phone 72 $10 10 LS RS cP Stanrek 235 220 220° 220 | Ocean Cm 100 $214 21% 24 + Ma Steep R 1275 600 $5 600 | Ogilvie 2100 $14%4 144 14% Territory 1000 (+13 13 19 =, Oshawa A 198 $34 a4 uM ARK Texmont 2500 67 66 6 --1 oe pres 6775 a 13% 13% 4 % Torbrit 00 7 1 ca embina 00 $1034 10% 10% | token! 150 aU eh | POW Corp ose Siz tte 11 | TORONTO (CP) -- Banks| Tribag 250 125 125 128 | been: iron a TL a jmade the best gains on the| rin 500 9 ° oe i Com 34 § i Auatioh Gea: ae ae cL ON OM 863 $10% 10% 10% |Toronto Stock Exchange Wed- U Buffadn 2100 31 3731 Rank Org 3950 $5 § § jnesday. Un Keno 120 370 370 370 +10 | Revenue 100 $734 734 73h a Vespar 0 37 0370 «+ 8 R Nodwell 402 275 275 75 +B | Trading was moderate. lockower $64 6% 6) | | West nine nD an moa 44 419 | Romfield io a as ibe +5 | The industrial index ad-| Windfall B00 18% 18% ak 4 | Rothman 75 $28% 28% 28%-- % vanced .56 to 165.46. | Yk Bear 200 187 187 187 Royal Bnk 790 $81 81 81 | Zenmac 1000 25 25 «25 | Stl. Corp p yee Ne 4 O94 The bank surge followed) Zulapa 1500 17 16% 4--1} ada 4 108% 1034 + 3 ® - ; Ye 1 -- Ve) cecur Cap. 1080 295 Bs we tie news that Toronto' - Dominion Shell Inv p 100 $2R% 285 28S plans to split its stock on a} OILS, GAS Sheli iy 400 ws 5, sas. --5 |five-for-one basis, subject to} 3 Me 255m 2! ato Bre 45 are 410 --10 jiverwd A 100 $16% 16V9 1a ae " shareholder approval. m ue 1 18% 1 1 Simpsons 125 $27 26% 2634 -- ; - CE Ges 15300 395 390 395 +5 | Simpson $ 200 $17%4 17' 1714 "|. Montreal climbed 1% to 67%, S ie 01 605 605 605 --§ later Stl 100 $10%4 10% 10% |Nova Scotia 1% to 7614, and In 0 $38 7% 37+ a Socemine 275 $11 W a Cdn Trient 1717 $00 490 S00 1s faint ae ea Royal and Toronto-Dominion 1 Cont Del 400 $11% 11% 11%+ %| ST Radio 150 $29 90 + each to 81 and 6814. Imperial- arter 0 260 260 260 --§ | Steel Can 2575 $23 22% 227% Chieftan D 200 775 775 775 | Steinba A 100 $19% 19% 194 Ve Commerce, which had been} Dynamic $0 133 132 133 441 | Steinbg pr 210 $95 95 95 down for most of the session, rench 425 420 425 +5 | Stuart Hse 500 300 300 300 su % Int Hellum 500 370 365 370 | Suptest od 725 $2314 2314 23% bi Mnchan ged ay AM: mill, City Bi] Bw 130131 Tamblyn 3 $23 23 Among other _ industrials, | % % nv 300 $10%e 10% 10% | 7 97\ NC Oils 100 287 287 287 +2 Thom N P 200 $24% V4 24% Fraser moved up 1% to 27% Numac igi 4380 350 345 350 --5§ Tor Dm Bk 486 $681 6812 6814 jand CPR and R. L. Crain 14 umac 620 75 72 72 or Iron W 200 $33% 33% 33) Peruv 1000 275 275 275 --§ | Traders A ° 175 $93_ 9% 93a + Yt 'each to 70 and 46. Moore Corp. Petrol Tritt i 8k ee Transair 500 $5' 5' 5\a declined 1 to 101 ace 19100 247 240 245 +10 r Can PL 563 $287» 28% 287% + 4 . Toy Prairie Oll 4000 415 415 415 -- § | Tr Can Pl_p 100 $497 491 ae |, Consolidated Textile gained Provo Gas 5098 630 625 625 --5 Ir Can F Ww 1220 865 860 865 % to 8l. It had been errone- anger 100 247 247 247 +5 | rans it 560 $1744 173% 17% Spooner 9200 60 9 6 4.2] Un Carbid 2i30 szame. use. ase ously reported by the TSE that Triad ON 4150 199 198 199 +1] Un Gas 600 $125 12% 1244 % the stock had jumped 2%. | U Canse 267 254 254 254 + 4 Union Ol $75 $35' 35 | 35'4 4 Me : U Cansor 4117 9 8% 9 +14! U Corp B 300 $12% 12% 124-1 The western oils index W Decaite 335 283 283 283 +43 N cozath 400 120 120 120 * backed off 1.92 to 155.73, Hud Primary DI! ersa' 200 $5 5 5 5 ry wicca Varese B15 $34% 34 34% 4 i, SOn's Bay fell 2 to 31% and The Toronto Stock Exchange has been Maio oe os Wa 1434 Dome 1 to 57%. advised that the following compa et 9 100 have entered into underwriting and os; Walk GW 475 $33%4 331 3344 |, On index, golds fell .76 to tlon agreements which may result in| Weldwod jo $104 10% 10% 144.16 while base metals edged treasury shares of these companies be. urn 160° 160 r ing under distribution currently throvsh Westc'st Y2H0 $267» "2634 '267 -- Ie as, 0. ade) Vols: was ite facilities of the Exchange: Westee! 225 $22' 224 24 2,00 shares compared with | Lencourt 1250 17. 17. #17 | W Pacific 7800 $6 6 6 2,895,000 Tuesday. Sankey 1000 14 14 14 =| Weston A 752 $20% 2 20 --% C RedP 15500 BAW 7 1} LE ger ~ aa 4 14M + | Man Ms 2% Wa + Ys Seldon $300 142 re 9 iy | ae 100 $26 26 gem? "year ended Dec. $1: 1966, delex a 3000. 2: zs ee Baa) Cae eae |$1,141,668, 40 cents a share; sm | .m. Nora ee sig nig | pear Aha drtt |1965, $1,160,179, 46.4 cents. North Exp 250 27 97. 97 | FOREIGN TRADING | Ogilvie Flour Mills Co, Ltd., Pce Exp 15100 77 7% 77 +921 Clairfone 200 $134 13% 1314 -- % SIX y 99: 7. Siena ioe eu he ci eee 413% 13 « six months ended Feb. 29: 1967, 100 son, aad AD +10 |$1,440,000; 1966, $2,267,000, 100 $6034 60% 60% 4 \%4| Pickle Crow Gold Mines I 700 105 105 105 +2 |vear ended Dec. 31: 1968, $ 300 MS ; $00 $42 ta Hag 505 net loss; 1965, $227,466 net 100 710 710 710 --65 |loss, 100 490 490 G 100 600 400. 600 H - Tamblyn Ltd. » year ended| 891, $2.15 a wie foes 31: 1966, $6 Algo Cent --z10 $241 24% 2p | |share; 1965, $567,633, $1.93. A St 20. --%| aie ped tn ne an i se NET EARNINGS | | Thomson Newspapers Lid., Alcan 1545 $334 33% 3: va | year ended Dec. 31: 1966,| Alcan pr 75 $405~ 405% Pi s| Alberta Gas Trunk Line Co. $4, 708,164, 97 cents a_share;} Argus. B pr 0 $7 47 7 + Mh $5,031 oe oy Dec. 31: 1966,/1965, $3.541.784, 74 cents. rous C pr 200 $12 12 12 1} 7 a share; 1965,' Vulcan Containers (Canada) | Asbesti 5 r" h AN Sugar 540. '$94 og "gag 484,853,794, $1.69. Ltd., year ended Dec.. 31: 1966, Light' and Power $22, 602, 6 cents a share; 1965, Aveo Bank Mtl 311 $67% 67% om \Co. Ltd., year ended Dec. 31:/$60,284, 15 cents. 9,000, $2.10 a share; Weldwood of Canada Lid., 80,000, $1.13. (U.S./year ended Dec. 31: 1986, $2,393,262, 79 cents a share; C. E. Watson, director of ex-out of Canada which would be). 14 ig eagerly seeking new ex- with the 4'%-per-cent Sept. 1, 4 per cent. exports for Rambler cars to the|an alternative base, Watson|though the prospect of manu- 2 vest Ai facturing some parts for bulk, Treasury bills remained un come necessary because of re- cent trade agreements between|cause New Zealand had no ex-|ton said after discussing the) 'he fixed price of gold closedjcompany. But it might belthe United States and Canada. port trade in this field, it of-|matter with Watson that de-jbut the principle as submitted the mines operation, said the!harder to write off Wells. |_'The company now is covering!fered "more potential. tailed plans were not presented|seemed attractive. t YOLLES There's more to Value than just a low price! Here are three MONEY-SAVING Examples SAVE 41 07 " enies Mediterranean Triple Dresser Bedroom Suite In Warm Genuine Walnut Veneers Reg. 509.95 quality The craftsmanship and luxury styling of Vilas. Big 75' triple dresser has nine roomy drawers and expansive mirror framed in solid walnut; Amoire chest is 33" wide with three drawers concealed behind two doors. Includes big panelled headboard as shown fn and steel frame on casters big enough for Queen size 60' mattress and box spring as well as 54" regular size. Rich, genuine walnut veneers from the gallery of better furn- $25 A MONTH iture at Yolles. See this beauty now! ee Ve ih "as S Enjoy the French Provincial luxury and heauty of Four-Seater aw this oversize Suites in "> four-seater Reg. $299.95 Quality Embossed Br ocade in design-quilt | brocade SQAB.B8 ars sow mea $790.88 There's luxury and ease in full core foam cushions wrapped in -- $17 A MONTH dencor. The back is diamond tufted for extra comfort and beauty. : -4 The fabric is rich-looking imported brocade, latex backed for A revolutionary new process using full core foam wrapped in -layers of actra long wear and the calaucs have beck delicately 'blended : fluffy Dacron has added a new dimension of luxury to the loose seat and : j ; back cushions of this luxurious suite. To this we have added design quiltin with light and dark sel . seas 9 self tones to give a raised tone on tone em of the fabric to layer of foam that follows the outline of the pattern. The bossed effect. C'est magnifique! Full four seater size and priced ~ result is raised puffs that add to. the three-dimensional effect of the delicate to save you $51.07, ~ embossed brocades. Full four seater size. SAVE $61.07. WOLLES OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE - 125-3519 Telephone 0a, lines, $3,641,377, $1.26,

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