Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 5 Apr 1967, p. 5

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l ince's ntario fight- gainst thing, 1. On it un- along, locks nl ag- es of | ZOv- Ik Se. Insur- really ) the tram, d out with tives , but were ae | was iate" , any lence n the » in- edule $ in- time * but ut it h it } set- on a e. the spot with ether r in- plan said sdule g its r. ke @ ASIP nde sion | be- des- Any ; of mn is leg- rr #@ cer n On t te has rest, co- and rate, real nore yrize neon bber even lays, Amy otor to- line own the itar- Red for tons june arly wa, y in mL} Ne ee WHITBY DAY - BY - DAY Whitby Brownies Earn Many Merit Badges WHITBY (Staff) -- During} the last four months a large] number of badges have been) earned by members of the| Whitby Brownie Packs, Those who earned the badges were: | FIRST PACK | Writer: Caroline Knowles. Collectors: Cheryl McLuhan.| Dancers: Donna Holmes, Toy- maker: Susan Hood, Robin Edey. Skater: Donna Holmes. SECOND PACK Writers: Debbie Wall, makers: Susan Davies. THIRD PACK Toymakers: Mary-Lou Jar- din, Patricia Jardin, Yvonne Owen, Debbie Laturiski, Wen- dy Judge, Sharon Bibeau, Joanne Forbes, Rochelle Oeceul- lette, Cathy Spellen, Cathy Webber, Wilma Van-Berkel, Cathy Keyes, Cindy . Keyes, Cathryn Norris, Lisa Donohue, Toy- Keyes, Lisa Donohue, Rhoda Newman, Diedre Newman, Louise Lecours, Kim Alyward, Karen Alyward, Colleen Aly- ward, Cathryn Norris. Michelle Grenier, Sharon Madi- gin. FOURTH PACK | Minstrel: Daryl Holley, Toy- makers: Lesley Hawkins, Deb- bie Duggan. FIFTH PACK | Golden Hand: Debbie Polson, | Joan Morris. Wings: Debbie Polson, Joan Morris. Minstrel: ! Joan Morris, Toymakers: Jill Ottenbrite, Susan Wolters. Col-| lectors: Jo-Ann Toben, Jill) Ottenbrite, Martese Susan Wolters, House Orderly: Susan Wolters, Nancy Morris Darlene Byrnes, Michelle Berg-| man, Laurie Gibson, Joan! Toben. Writers: Joan Morris. SEVENTH PACK | Jester: Allison Weir, Cooks: Rhoda Newman, Diedre New- man, Louise Lecours, Colleen Alyward, Sharon Madigin. | House Orderly: ward, Kim Alyward, Alyward, Louise Lecours,| Cathy Keyes, Cindy Keyes,| Cindy Keyes, Mary-Lou Jardin, Patricia Jardin, Rhoda New- man, Diedre Newman, Debbie} Laturiski, Wilma Van-Berkel,| Cathy Norris, Joanne Forbes,|Arlene Barnes, Jody Batherson,| of Colleen Aly-| woman: Karen|Dancers: Allison Weir. Lorraine Hannah, Caroline Stubbings, Wanda Collins, Heather Andrus. Needle- Caroline Stubbings. Toymakers: Vicki-Lynn Rey- nolds, Julia Tone, Laurie Plum- mer, Sharon Hayton, Sandy Rints, Debbie Thompson, Heather Andrus. House Orderly: Julia Tone, Bonello,| | | | WHITBY -- AJAX THE OSHAWA TIMES , Wedneedey, April 8, 1967 § E President D. C. Burnham Westinghouse Electric Lisa Donohue, Cathy Spellen,|Heide Pederson, Susan Allan. | Corp., steps from a new two- Beth Mowat, Wendy Judge,| Sharon Bibeau, Charon Madi-| gin, Cathy Webber. Collectors: Mary-Lou Jardin,| Patricia Jardin, Yvonne Owen, | Debbie Laturiski, Wendy Judge, Signallers: Caroline Stub-} bings, Wanda Collins, Lorraine} Hannah, Heather Andrus. Skaters: Judy Darbyshire. Thrift: Debbie Camplin, Lynn} Camplin, Debbie Craig, Debbie Rochelle Oeullette, Sh aron|Thompson. Bibeau, Joanne Forbes, Cathy Spellen, Cathy Webber, Wilma Van-Berkel, Cathy Keyes, Cindy 6th Scout Group R A father and son_ banquet! was held for the first time by| the 6th Whitby Scouts and Cubs| at Whitby Community Arena. The social convener, Mrs. M. Stickland, and members of the! Knitters: Caroline Stubbings, Debbie Camplin, Wanda Col- lins, Lorraine Hannah. eceives Its Charter Leader. Mary-Lou Pollock. | The charter was presented} by Mr. Markwick to Mr. Philip. | Mayor Newman was presented| with a centennial badge. A gift! was presented to Mrs. W. Gin-| passenger battery - power- ed vehicle called the Mark- St. John's To Dedicate Stained Glass Window «0s er Michael Pridie and Assistant} WHITBY (Staff) ~ An open-|dents of the district are expect It is interesting to note how! Safety Check Lane cordance to the percentage of tower at St.jed | ing in the bell John's Anglican Church, Port Whitby, will be filled this year when a Stained glass window is installed. Due mainly to the enthusiasm |not been revealed but it is said shaped vehicle has a top speed of 25 mph and range to attend. Details of the window have po it will not only be beautiful but most appropriate to the build-|" ing itself |\Co priced under $2,000. |the funds were collected as no} scribed as a donation Pickering Turns Down t PICKERING (Staff) --A pro-|Devonshire had been informedjasked only that plans poked shepeine pape 2 uae that three conditions would have |proved in principle. He said poo: toad, nort 0 ighway ; ;,~ the shopping centre would pay ; 401, was turned down by Picker to be fulfilled before a zoning $35,000 in taxes annually. 7 change could be made for the }ing Township Council Monday | | nicht, property. PARKING PROBLEM | Appearing as a one-man dele-| The changes included that no} Councillor John Williams said| gation for the developers, E. G jconstruction be started until the the location was not a good one Devonshire told council that |Site had water and sewer ser-/for a plaza because of the park- eight to ten million dollars from | Vices, prior to the completion of ing problem in the area the Bay Ridges population was|the Highway 401 access arrange. Councillor Norman L suggested cussed at a future meeting since Liverpool Store Plaza iis: terjected be. ap agreed to a meeting to discuss the splitting of Pickering Town- ship two weeks ago and that this meeting had not yet been held. BYLAW TABLED A bylaw establishing pro cedure of meetings of the Pick. ering Township Council was abled. Reeve Clifford Laycox the bylaw be dis- Councillor Ronald Chatten in- that couneil had Deputy Reeve J. McPherson said there were only six meet ng nights a week and she was not going to start attending Sun- day meetings Waller) = going into the Ajax shopping ments with the county and de jsaid he was all in favor of a plaza annually, jpartment of highways and until| project that would bring com-| st site p oie vy approved by | mercial taxes to the township planning boare c : Reeve Clifford Laycox sald; Mr. Devonshire said that all a -- eg a fourth| that when the plan was pre ithe conditions were within the Sine d a ty levelopers | sented to planning board Mr.'control of the township and He ante equate parking for | Deputy Reeve Mrs. J. Me- /Pherson said she folt the loca-. tion was not a good one for a shopping centre. Councillor Donald Beer sug gested the developers be given a chance to present their plans THREE CONDITIONS Village Sewage Disposal 'System Plan Discussed 5" PICKERING (Staff) -- More|the service would be {naugu-|chatten asked what proportion village councillors than rate-jrated. lthe developers would be pre- iipayers attended an information The consulting _en-|nared to pay towards the cost of village : : _ meeting held at the Pickering gineers, Gore and Storrie Ltd.. bringing water and sewer ser- iii eat : : }/Village Community Hall Mon- agreed to meet the OWRC, April |yices to the site OF $$ ON day 13 to discuss going ahead with) Councillor Harvey Spang said BRAND NEW NEW ELECTRIC CAR IS INTRODUCED | The mesHing was = the poe Bh eg der ge ge te access could be a problem and BISCAYNE V/8 SEDANS by Ontario Water {esources | the iC goes ahead wi he | suggested council take a lon | ette which he introduced to of 50 miles between charg- |Commission vice-chairman T./main trunk and sewage treat-jnard look at the p neil or BEL AIR V/8 SEDANS a press conference in Bey- ings of its 12 - volt lead H. H. Root, MPP from Dufferin-| ment plant before making a decision. IMPALA V/8 HARDTOPS erly Hills Tuesday. The jeep- acid batteries. Westinghouse Wellington, and was held to in The OWRC had suggested con Mr. Devonshire said he would! wie iee nee a ¢ says early models will be |form villagers about the sew-/structing its part, the trunk and like to discuss details of the | spies | treatment plant, before proceed- ing with the feeder system. Gore and Storrie engineers told the commission they were ready to proceed with the col- lector system immediately. The Ontario Water Resources Commission project engineer and district engineer lalso attended the meeting | All council members, with the jshopping centre at /meeting. In a recorded vote only Coun- | cillor Waller and Reeve Laycox| voted in favor of amending the | age system a further | (AP Wirephoto) | See Our WAGON LOAD of BONANZA BARGINS SAVE HUNDREDS WHITBY 300 Dundas St. E. jexception of Basil Kearney, bylaw to permit the centre. | | were present along with several Under an agreement with the | tatapes ers. Everyone at the/OWRC the. village will install | meeting appeared in favor ofthe feeder system while OWRC system and. the/will construct the trunk, pump- ing station and treatment plant The village will pay an annual fee to the OWRC varying in ac sewage capacity of the treatment plant Near Pickering "See Initially} WHITBY --The Ontario De One-Stop D. CLARK, B.A., are that WILLIAM G. rtion of the cost was sub-| e of the many talents of Dr.|partment of Transport, with the nrad Lindemann, former di-|co-operation of the Whitby De rs' uxilia were inite 's, Robert Kozlenko, Mrs. . ; pr . fe Peplgg Piya an Mrs. : Paui|°t, # G. Perry and the atta 0! sD U {rector of music at the Ajax|tachment of the OPP, has set up DECORATI G i ; ; jation and support of many|BOARDED UP High School, was offered a safety check lane at the Pick the practice of law as Head table guests were:|Hatfield for their assistance| (thers -- including quite a| For many years the opening : a » was offered. ton Ghhing OA the MA p Mayor Desmond Newman,/with the groups. Inumber not connected in any|in the bell tower was boarded| ¢ ie created a detailed sketch| oo * of the Macdonald-Cartier SHOP We eae gene ones Toller eit way with the church -- a fine|up and painted over. While it iy gga This x aS Freeway 3 ss : - cing » Te example of the craftsman's art/was possible to copy church) | . re. personalized) the Jane, which will be in LAWSON committee treasurer, Mrs. W./peated his speech for the bene-| will be installed in time for the/architecture over the centuries orders of china plates showing operation all this week, fs han ; ras ea Ta Ginter, secretary, Mrs. Robert Kozlenko, Scout Leader, Rob- ert Carlson and Mrs, Carlson, | Assistant Leader Leighton) Smith, Group Committee Chair- man William Philip, Cub Lead- Eastern Star Accepts Three Invitations |menyet qi ritaries andres! johns, met Mrs. Grace Guthrie, Worthy Matron, presided at the meet- ing of Whitby Chapter, No. 248, Order of the Eastern Star. Past Matrons and Patrons of the Chapter present were Mrs. Anna Patterson, Mrs. Pearl Roper, Mrs. Julia Thomas, Mrs. Mae Phair, Mrs. Louella Cook, Mrs. Helen Breen, Mrs.. Mary Inkpen, James Martin and Ed- win Breen. Mrs. Peggy Wynn, PM, and Richard Wynn, PP of Bedford Chapter, as well as other visi- tors were welcomed by the Worthy Matron, who also ex- pressed her appreciation to the officers and members for their fit of all present. Scott belongs) to the 6th 'Whithy Scouts Troop. Following the dinner enter- tainment was provided under) and Robert Richardson, ductress and catering convener, requested the assistance of the members in catering for the Rotary Club during April. She also asked the Chapter's wishes in regards to catering for a wedding reception. Mrs. Bessie Cosway, asso- ciate conductress and ways and means convener, reminded of the Games Night, to be held April 19 in the Masonic Temple. Invitations were received and accepted to visit Markham Chapter, May 17; Ontario Chap- ter, Pickering, June 5, and Blue Ray Chapter, Port Perry, June 90 'Members and visitors enjoyed faithful attendance. The Worthy|a social hour, during which Patron, James Martin, also/lunch was served by Mrs. added his welcome. Belen Breen and her com- Mrs, Jacqueline Guthrie, con- mittee. WHITBY PERSONALS Almonds United Church Women Afternoon Group has invited the Evening Group to attend its April 5 meeting when Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gagnon, Eu- clid Street, were his brother, Omer Gagnon, of Dalton and Mrs. H. T. Fallaise will be the |also Mrs. Gagnon's sister, Mrs. speaker. Her topic will be "Patches and Home Brew." Members of Whitby Chap- ter, No. 248, Order of the East- ern Star, will be guests, April 4, of Mount Denis Chapter. Easter Sunday guests at the Divine residence, Euclid Street were: Mr. and Mrs. Bert Cun- ningham, South Porcupine; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cunningham and family, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hornell, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cookson, Seagrave; Mrs. Chet Snoddon and daughters, Brooklin. The junior Andrew's Church, direction of Mrs. J. Baxter, en- tertained residents of Fairview Lodge, Friday evening. St. Mark's. United Church evening of cards at the home Women, Unit 9, enjoyed an evening of cards at the home of Mrs. H. VanDeuren, 112 Bow- man Avenue. The hostess was assisted by Mrs. Keith Lunney. Games were played at eight tables with a prize winner at each table and also two win- ners of door prizes. A tasty lunch was served. Guild To Entertain St. Mark's Women WHITBY (Staff) -- Members attending the All Saints' Angll- can Church Evening Guild meeting, conducted by . Mrs. Horace Hiscox were reminded of the April 6 joint meeting when the Guild will entertain St. Mark's United Church Women. Mrs. John McKibbin will be guest speaker. The meeting was followed. by a good used clothing "Oppor- tunity Sale' with Mrs. Jack Wilson acting as auctioneer. Refreshments were served by Mrs. H. Bayes, Mrs. H. Pryce- Jones and other members. Avila Joley, Montreal. Ajax _ Kinettes executive members met Tuesday night at the home of Kinette Mary Outram. Plans will be discuss- ed for the general meeting. The Ajax Varsity Chapter, IODE, at its April 3 meeting at Holy Trinity Church, will show floral arrangements, Mrs, George Dunn will chair the meeting. | Mr. and Mrs. W. Gunder en- jertained leaders. of the 6th Scouts and Cubs and Group choir of St.|/Committee members when their under the|son, Kenneth, was invested into |Scouting. Kenneth is the first Scout to be invested since the | formation of the troop. Taking part in the ceremony. were Robert Carlson, Leighton Smith and Robert Richardson. The hostess served refreshments. Mrs. A. Vallee, Brock Street North, spent several days in Richmond, Quebec, visiting Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Paquette. officially declared Town of Whitby week of celebration of|simple geometric bar tracery Canada's birthday. ; ; An outdoor service of dedica-| tracery with plain glass, this the direction of Robert Carlson ition, with. the unveiling of the|did not seem suitable. window, will be held at 3 p.m.,| July 2. | Brooklin Man | 'Seed Champion BEAVERTON -- William Bat ty, RR 1, Brooklin, won the grand champion award for the exhibitor winning the highest number of points in the wheat, oats, barley and corn classes at the Ontario County Seed Fair and Hay Show. Forty exhibitors placed 80 entries. Other champions were: hay, fall wheat, Bill Batty; barley, Jim Rennie, Blackwater; oats, |Bruce Heayn, RR 3, Port Perry; potatoes, Albert Hockley, RR 1, Claremont and ear corn, Mur- | ray Dunkeld, RR 2, Claremont. | Ken Fallis, soils and crops| branch, Ontario Department of} McMorine, plant products divi- sion, Canada Department of Ag-| riculture, Toronto, were seeds classes. Eugene Lemon,| silage classes. More than 70 farmers at- | Hockley. Professor R. S. Faulk- ner, department of crop science, University of Guelph, spoke on} "Making High Quality Hay."| Alex Gray, deputy reeve of have a demonstrator who will|Thorah Township, extended the | welcome on behalf of the town- ship and county. and to install what is termed Leslie Smith, RR 2, Port Perry; purposes. rector of St. John's, a campaign was start-|), 1963 by the| 72 \sp' church tOlia sil ed in February, men's club of the raise funds for the installation of a stained glass window in the tow ar iBrooklin Hall BROOKLIN (Staff) -- In re- cent weeks Whitby Township Council has been giving seri- ous consideration as to whether to sell the Brooklin Community Hall or retain it for community The problem will be discussed at the April 10 meet-/County one-act play ing of council. house its municipal offices Agriculture and Food and Ken |Prior to the construction of the|groups took part. Members of the winning cast| One of the factors entering) were: new municipal building. | the|into the problem is the cost of/ Stell, judges of the grain and smalljupkeep and maintenance. Some|Carl Wilson. Mrs. members of council are ques-|Cl Stouffville, judged the hay and | tioning whether the community|The plays were lis interested in retraining the/by R. Williams of the little church in all its glory. BRAS Cone L ----jto the cause and, while sup- | . plies Decide Future jexhausted, some plates, spoons| jand notes can still be obtained| \from Mr. Perry. County Wins Drama Test | |Shine," presented by the mem The building has been used/bers of for/many years as a commu-|Farmers, won first prize in the! nity hall, Part of the building|/ Junior Farmer was used by the township to|Festival at Idling about 199 cars a day LAW APPOINTMENT WILLIAM G LAWSON, B.A. and WALKER IRWIN, B.A.Sc., LL.B., is now associated with them and will carry on pleased to announce Barrister and Solicitor, & CLARK PHONE 668-5862 107 Byron St. S., Whitby ver plated spoons These |driver who wishes to have his| ve also been augmented by|vehicle processed may volun-| SAVE $ $ ON These were sold at a very rea @ Broadloom y | : : Officers. of the OPP are pick- 1 t. N. Whitb 668-3392 or even decorated curvilinear meen OO8t wl ig eh the| ine vehicles at random from the | @ CLL, Paints end Vornishes 10 Brock $ Y 2 were well received flow of traffic and sending them|{ @ Benjamin Moore Paints The same sketch was used On|through the lane where their As a project, originally sug-|DOXCS Of "'hasti-notes" and|roadability is being checked. DoDD & SOUTER porari rs -- A large number Of|pested by Rev. G Ni \finally around June 1945, part] A spokesman for the detach-| | ' } . George Nichol-| | A spokesman for the ach- | TD jof the sketch was engraved on|ment said, however, that any| DECOR CENTRE LTD. oons with many other popu-|tarily visit the lane. AUTO INSURANCE nd light bulbs also contributed of the latter have been "JOHN 597 KING ST, DIAL 728-7567 BROOKLIN -- The Ontario} "Rise and} | Wy A YOUR \ MONEY EARNS ||. . 3% \f you are an Abstainer you save up to $22.00 on your auto insurance. INSURANCE LIMITED PRESIDENT --~ CLARE A. SHANK RIEGER E., OSHAWA le the Brooklin Junior} ON TERM DEPOSITS Zone Drama Now P. Snelgrove. Peel, | Halton and Ontario count} (I OR 2 YEARS) BROCK rage WHITBY Diane Graham, Pat!) GUARAN] y TRUST David Hawthorne and 5 dot Almack, of} FEDERALLY INCORPORATED AND SUPERVISED aremont, directed the play.| adjudicated Capital and Reserve $26,000,000 Brampton Deposits in excess of $410,000,000 laying--One Complete Each Evening Starting at 7:30 Begins et 9:05 hall and paying for cost of its| who gave the best actor award ity. There has been some discus- sion regarding the establish- ment of a board of manage- ment for the hall which would comprise five non-elected members and two elected rep- resentatives. Thieves Ransack | Cigarette Machine WHITBY (Staff)--The Coach House restaurant, Dundas Street West, was broken into late Tuesday night. Whitby police said today entry was gained by prying out a rear window. A cigarette ma- \chine had been pried open. The amount of money taken is not yet known, but it is believed to be a small amount. | Damage to the window wae (ROR cco: t \aG5/ Requirements 1 MONUMEN STAFFORD BROS. LTD. MONUMENTS 668-3552 318 DUNDAS EAST 89% of our mortgages, Government Guaranteed tended the afternoon program joperation so no direct respon-|to Carl Wilson. which was conducted by Albert|sibility rests on the municipal-| The drama competition to} select a provincial winner will] |be held in Memorial Hall, Uni versity of Guelph, April 8. The {Ontario County group will com- |pete against four junior farmer jgroups from different counties. JUST SOUTH OF SHORTY'S CIGAR STORE OPEN DAILY Save On Meats of Known Quality Rein Harmatare, Manager Tel. 728-1653 22 King St. E., Oshawa 115 BROCK N. oat ROSEMGRS MURGH TECHNICOLOR® FROM WARNER BROS Recommended os ADULT Also--Starting ot 7:30 "THE BIG --with Sidney James, Sylvia Symes ENTERTAINMENT JOB", It's a Lough Riot! and Joan Sims. WHITBY SLICED Cooked HAM §9i estimated at $5. | | } | ASPI CAN YOU BETTER FAST! RIN HELP FEEL HEADACHE. Picnic HAMS SMOKED ¢ Ib FRESH SHOULDER PORK ROAST FRESH BUTT vw. 39° PORK CHOPS us, 59° FRESH CUT RIB STEAKS _» 69° RUMP ROAST BEEF _--,_ 79° TURKEYS "+72 00s.v. 45° PRIME RIB 59° Sth & 6th Ribs MAXWELL HOUSE Ib. bag Reg. Grind Coff i o1ree Ib SUNBRITE MARGARINE 4 Ibs, TOMATO JUICE 3 MAPLE LEAF TENDER FLAKE LARD A Ibs. SILVER RIBBON CHOICE QUALITY 20-02, 5 TINS 48-02, TINS ROAST BEEF HAMBURG STEAK FRESH COUNTRY SAUSAGE FRESH MADE WIENERS BRAISING RIBS 3m 51. WHITBY MEAT MARKET Whitby Plaza -- Whitby -- Phone 668-6941 @ AM Meats Government Inspected @ We hove a special price on home freezer Orders -- Ask about it. Cut RED & BLUE BRAND BEEF €LOSED MONDAYS and Wrepped Free. HAMBURG PATTIES 3 |b. Tulip Margerine 3 lb. MAC & CHEESE & CHICKEN LOAF Cooked MEATS IDEAL FOR BAR-B-Q RIB STEAKS 1.09 79 4aY 65

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