cs 18 THE OSHAWA TIMES, SAY, Al WELL, GOODNESS KNOWS BUT THIS ONE LIVES RIGHT Tuesday, April 4, 1967 *COOL FCAT!" YOU GALS GOING SOMETHING OUGHT TO GOT A PERFECTLY ONLY TROUBLE | | IN HONG KONG, OH, WHY HAVENT " -- ona terri BE DONE ABOUT HIM, BRILLIANT IDEA! 15 SHE LIVES IN I THOUGHT OF HER BEFORE? THEY'D M FOLLOW ME, (AM, I HAVEN'T oe. T TELL YOu , MIAMI, FLORIDA, | $| MAKE A PERFECTLY STUNNING S GIRLS! geEN THAT! 24 HE NEEDS A } | COUPLE, seid rahi A Widow, 700! . . a RESERVATION! 35 By B. JAY BECKER q ¢ A im (Top Record-Holder in Masters' ' = j Individual Championship Play) = a4 is North dealer. TOI ° =] H ' East-West. vulnerable. is df } NORTH 1d --S AB rights, i be bet : $A; ee Zo. @AJ10962 ws : eKIB8 IG6Y BANK IS) TT TOOK ME NOW WHAT ARE YOU GOING : CU DUET © Pe aica, Mges TO DO WITH ALL THE Buy A NEw ONG ROOK BACK...., z RECKON wer LOOKS LIKE THEY GOT IT rane EAST Stock 'MM GOING TO ALL THESE MONEY, ELMO? PIGGY BANI JANE AN' THE OTHER WOMA\ RIGHT ENOUGH....... #KQI105 497432 i eee Cee ZIG READS FIVE HORSES...THREE | | MENTIONED, THAT MEANS THE FIRST, WAQI 9653. ged BS r FOLLOWIN' THE WAGON AT A TWO WERE OUT 10 GET THE a @53 eKQ7 ann eit « LATER TIME..... FREIGHT WAGON h762 hi Ang Rt : f SOUTH peal 6 Argosy = BS ( 9 K1082 a, = 84 Broul fF Ss &AQ10953 etal fa hy The bidding: Camp ¢ Z worth Fast South West € ia > % Pass 2 Cdn Ke - Ae Sse te a Opening lead--king of spades. covers The most interesting hands to Cassiar play are those where the con- Pioalteh WUAT cy "AMERICAN ARE YOU -- tract is in danger. Hands that Coch WV ee BREATHE-IN ie GOING TO patlotnge NE NECN | [eerrer aur 1 Maggecidglicea Heel oo one tain AND BREATHE-OUT! WOU! jut of Magnus's sight, x-9 silently STALLING,G-MAN, eet ate peeled & mor HAVE THEGALL g: signals to Daley. UNLESS YOU i cones ei ie con we . ic Greens g | THINK YOUR The hands of real interest are C Red | fa } ¢ & 4 like the ones shown here-- Sah here declarer sees as soon as Crowpat 1 Ww z rr} peop beng dummy comes down that the paid = +) outcome is uncertain. Denison Ee ( South's first reaction should Discovery - fal SS sn be that he has to lose a diamond Donaida 5 (v4 . EASY, MAGNUS, and one, two or even three yaks tx) hearts, depending largely on East Su os which defender has the ace. Frobex His next reaction should be to ean + search for the method of play Grdroy that gives him the maximum F oshaga 3 chance of making the contract. Gunnar a > ea" ERE a ne we ee ee |In doing this, he gives weight Haseue Ito the strong probability that High-B! West has the ace. of hearts, Hollinger since West freely bid two ie TH E spades, but at the same time Jaye Ex he allows for the possibility that iio' \East has the ace, since East Joute! j K K jalso bid. peas | His attention centres next on Kid Cop |the chance of establishing the hie gg suit for discards. How- Con nce East is likely to ob- Leitch WHERE PONTIAC, BUICK, VIVA, VAUXHALL, ACADIAN, 262 Kine St. W es A634 LIMITED tain ihe lead in diamonds while Cioerin | this G.M.C. TRUCKS, and FIREBIRD MEAN ACTION AND EXCITEMENT g ina Meta ta oan Lorado |sibility is viewed with grave Malertic A a OED, tin, are PM, sittin, tt dl scieaiit stein scant scel cigi pan martom! : | Along about this time should ives ALL TAKEN CARE | jcome the thought that perhaps Nx Inty To Cuan Se pet Be V I S I O N i O G | HUBERT |the diamonds can be established Marcil DRAWER! 17'S FULL | uae without permitting East to take Mt Wrt { H OUR PT.A. the lead, and at this point the Multl-Mi i] Channe' 2--Buttale bo ' j : oF JUNK I! : i iT] hanna iberne : revit 00 nA | Se eeu | LACKS IS DIRECTION! best line of play begins to Nealon Ehannel e--veronte $HaliWeed Palace ipa bone | ITS A DO-NOTHING ar te eres 5 Chane! 7--Buttale 4-Science Test | 2--Matches ana Mates GROUP! IN MY Suiting the action to the N Imper: FS Channei 8--Rochester 3-6-12--News- 11:25 A.M. PINION thought, Sough ducks the king N Que R a 0 Chane! $--Toronte | magazine | 2-6--Bonnie Prudden OPINION , THE of spades! This unusual play Nick Ri a v Channel 12--Peterporough 36-12-Publie Eye s--Magisivate's Court | SCHOOLS IN has everything in its favor. Jt Norbaska = $40 TUESDaY_ VE. 127-4284e1007 News | S-Dick Van Oye | Efe ecg permits declarer to establish None Zz - a Weather 'and, Sports 7a-Hellywoed saveres | ETC., ETC. = the diamonds without interfer- Northeal : " 11:20 P.M. 12:00 NOO! ence from East and does so North €x V--Family Th ee ; y : oy 0 a! Hey TEP: oMeney movie without costing a trick, since it Nose : Highway Patrol 11--Pierre Berton 6--Luncheon Date merely exchanges the diamond Opemska 6--P. 5 * , * sttiihed we «| Scar ener OO | Se Ness loser for a spade loser. Peramag a | P.M. | movie? eM 24--Jeopardy, Assume West continues with a Patino 8--McHale*s Navy | iMovie |12--Movie i spade (his play does not really Pine ir Peedi 1 | 2¢--ohnny, arson as 12:38 PM, matter). South discards a dia- Preston 1 3--Laredo . events liait's 8 Match mond, cashes the ace of dia- 6! menine i 2--Of Lands and Seas e P. +News Weather; = |monds, and ruffs a diamond Quonto 2 on MM, I--Mov' rt i t stattow's Business Shit we vn West eye, Guess . STEP UP THERE, DEAR- Ort a chine gaa ante oye Rie aioe -- Vi 64--5 t rrow iY i . $--Reach for the Top =| 6--Movie tMerv. Griftin ida YOU'LL COME THROUGH diamond high. Rane 5 4-12--News, Sports, | 12:00 A.M. tai4. PLM, a Bt : Rowan € Weather oe | 11--Mystery Theatre ey one . ged he igre pp -- Sherritt i 6:90 PLM, 1:00 PA in dummy, an iscards three Silvma | eit from Unc | = wegumspay =| 1h--theae hearts on the established dia- $1 died } 3+69-- News; ae SoUniversity of the Air #Dialing for Dollars, monds to make the contract: Stanrck er; oris i | #-2--Huntley, Brinkley ea lee It pays to plan the play. Te. Cor ; seaag hl an Uaioe? J. *steea par real ine Tex-Sol MM. -- | HI ; : U--Capein Nice ema AN Mote CONSIDER MERGER Tribag. --F-Troop hed ialing for Dollars, t .M, PITTSBURGH (AP) -- The Un Keno Poerta Virgins. Sree fe ere rival National Professional Soc: Ue ca sHon nooners N--Little People x 2:00 eM, cer League and the United Soc: White. Sta SO YOU GROSSED THERE'S NO REAL DOUGH NOT? 2--News; Weather; dunele. Bobby iy ll Spaced cer Association have been dis- Yukon' € FIVE G's ans WEEK IN PEDDLING STEAKS AND ko Aol adh aa tcosiie ; geo mt Lives cussing a possible merger, it WITH YOUR OVERHEAD -- CHOPS AND SHRIMP WHAT THIS TRAP 7--News, 'wean, Sports | -"Pick'a shows 12--Calendar was learned Monday. In a INCLUDING MY PERCENT COCKTAILS. WITH THE NEEDS 1S A 9:30 A.M, People in Confiler statement issued here, the com- ee SOU WND UP Ni JOU Gor 10 EXPANE. sere oe | eres missioners of the two new Aiminex pa re ey) \ Bi cor to Bene | 7--Combat 3-6-9-11-12Ontario 6--Coronation Street YOUR HEALTH leagues said they have been eg i KE A BUCK EIGHTY! i conf Por eigiaperre 6-Dangerman ; Schools 4--Linkletter's Party conducting a dialogue on mu- CS Pete wd ; (@/~ | | THE suckERS 3--Candid Camera ee ka 1--Marrlage 'Confidential tual problems for some time. € Shiacit = ENTERTAINMENT! 8--Girl from UNCLE | 11--E¢ Allen Time 9--Words and Music The statement made no men- Can Sup ( Oo Ki sek Stage, a cortoen Playhouse #-2-Another World 2 tion of a merger, but a spokes- Cdn Tricn < ' Pa ind . e : s ' =} saint Sitin | Phuc comet | evel ae, | Strokes In Series man for Pittsburgh Phantoms eat OM Ee Fart as eee ss 2 : 3412-Take 3 2 of the National League said this Chieftn 4 AVEGE | a ga came " was the eventual aim. Spree 7--Invaders N-- Marta tine 3:30 P.M. Fargo fan s--Red Skelfon 9--Fractured Phrases ea tle Theory Discounted y French P 2 See l® | SEoatite Netweot | tartan Bont Sy SALLY'S SALLIES St -6-12--The Baron oe | in i Hove Ferd "Friendly lant | S4e-teedge of Night By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD -- N Gon 11:00 A.M, q conarnst | NC Oils Love 'ona Rooftoe | Mike Douglas nfoper Gani Dear Dr. Molner: Is it true|could be healed readily by keep- Numac 4-Petticoat Junction 9--Mr. And Mrs. 8--The Match Game that if a person has a stroke hejing it clean, wrapping it or . pls : will have another one for sure?|splinting it to hold it still, and Place G I had a small stroke 2% years/letting it heal. Bore CROSSWORD ago which made my left side} But you cannot do_ these Triad Ow useless for 20 minutes. I am 66.|things to a rectal fissure, so cae | ' Somebody told me that Ijsurgery is often required to Vendoo =} ACROSS 3. Gaming 23. Maxim would get another stroke some-|close it. pines oo $ aiother: ube 25, Reigned LIMARI time in the future. I am taking The ton = Sp. 4. Spawn 26. Tri- blood pressure medication--| Dear Dr. Molner: I am 70 and| ' advised tt 6. Coronet of fish butes TP. physically on a par with my age : ten' aerka b> 11, Constel- 5. Half ems 27. Showed No, it is not true that a stroke|group except that I have a rec- | treasury s! | lation 6, Tantalum; the is always followed by another|tal polyp, walnut size and just ing ait (a) 12, Fireplace sym. way and it doesn't seem to me that|beyond the 20-centimeter range. ZN Hea acl & residue 7. Doctrine 28, Fe- somebody. was either kind or/What factors are involved in| + Sop netcen eres Cn Lnert Ss iG 13. Entree 8.""Moby male - helpful in telling you so. determining whether this growth] "Now, those aren't rose-cole a, sig Wale Disney Piodtions 15. Traveler's Dick" sheep [ff should b x hh Wer Right Reserved Diente by King Pests Brest, pursuer «3 an GARR! | A stroke ie either a clogeing| 0000 Be Fomeved via a snake) Ord Ginaaem are they? oe Fj 9. Rebuffer "pnalle Yesterday's Answer [Or a rupture of a blood vessel Or major ern. 7 want to see the world as Cop Hen" Echt y snake r " Lae GRANDMA DOESN'T] [GOSH, IT's FINALLY) ] [AFTER ABOUTA MILLION 10. Like pelt 42. Leading in the Drain; BPG MAY De By ese cadniteiment Which crite a rely, 28 Deeldove me FEEL LIKE BEING OUR] HAPPENED..." YEARS, THE OLD GAL 14. Music 33. Egyptian actor weak spot. Or high blood pres.| Mean a ich snips} wae Jonism PITCHER TODAY/ : HAS RUN OUTOF pp by one goddess 44. Gear sure may be a factor. Or a clot|ite polyp, off while the doctor GEIS NEL FEST Norlex "4 18. Electrical 34. Nickel: wheel may have lodged in a narrowed USes a proctoscope. BOSTON (AP)--Doug Fergu- Hiab unit: sym. 46. Behave vessel, | Factors indicating urgency of|son, an All-America centre who North Exp 24. Music note colloq. 38. Malayan 47, By way of If a stroke occurs, it is only|femoval would be change in|led' Cornell University to the id ee 25. Oldtime 20, Seizes boat 48.SonofRa |good sense to take whatever|Size or bleeding; since it is welllu.s. collegiate championship, es Pete 3 office 21, Dramas 40. Fish 49. Hebrew precautions are. indicated to| Within range of the proctoscope,|worked out Monday with Bos- furniture: 22. Near 41, Formerly letter prevent another. In your case it can be watched easily. _ |ton Bruins of the National Qa 2 wads. 7 r--y |you are under medication to} For the Same reason -- its}Hockey League. A club spokes- IN 29. Part of iris 1 fz f [4 Is GY 6 |? 9 fio keep blood pressure under con-|accessibility -- immediate re-/man said Ferguson, who had Abitibi 30. Scotsman's trol. movel Should be seriously con-|heen placed on the Bruins' ne- Acklands & "alittle n VA There is no way to say posi-/Sidered, because removal anc|-otiation list, may be tested in are oe +i while = % tively that another stroke can-|€Xamination is the only positive|3oston's last two games. The Algo Cent . Small Fy 14 Gia WY not occur. But it is equally im-|method of knowing whether i'}/3ruins also announced the re- Nid pt da boa a4 7 £4 |possible to say that another one is malignant. Some rectal pol-|-all of left-winger Ross Lons- Alcan pr $5. Aad: Lat, e YO, 8 GY will occur, because there are|YPS are innocent, others can-|yerry from Oklahoma City of Anis A 36. Girl's VT MN //er 122 24 innumerable people who have|Cerous. -- : he Central League. ABU WHAT DIDTHE ) (HUM -tO TAKE. ! Grandpa RETIRED + $0 ANOTHER BATH 'Sue Wa Y had one stroke without having] Neccesity of major surgery argu Cpr [==] DOCTOR SAY THREE YEARS AGO! CAN'T HURT Him ! 37. Bend down 25 [2 [27 a subsequent one. Daag ee cet evn 'oes, and I don't know of any Ail Sugar 3 ABOUT GRANDPAS 39, Jap bie col¥o ds found Be ate ther effective treatment for aie Ne 5 STIFF NECK ? mile 2 Y Y We Dear Dr. Molner: The doctor|nant and surrounding eet; his loss of pigment in the skin. Bank N & s SSUC -- ea io Phew 7 aes says I have a fissure in the/shouid be removed. Bell Phne re rectum and may eet ia i' €xp067 Brazilian " i 7, V7, What causes it? Could i : : etch mths 6.78 ane 1 gad bg Gig YAWA/A |\constipation?--F. M. Note to Mrs. J. B.: 1am de} Four Seasons Travel Bc suger' a a ake ST Se W779 V7AT7A a0 ta 142 A fissure is a split in the/lighted that Oxsoralen su BC Sar a Pine YY YW, mucous membrane and can be|ceeded so beautifully in correc | sre exclusive agents for CANA- CAE ind 51 reed ce) 44 / 45 |40 [47 the result of constipation or ofjing your vitiligo--skin diseas ANA Village. ONLY accommo- Calgary P 72) 52, Candle V) some irritation or injury to the/The drug has to be given wi' ene to EXPO grounds poi ae aht & . poe aA rr) membrane. ; ae Heigrerige and ppt mu $6.25 Pec pero beset on c Pacirs B Expansion and _contraction|be just as exact in proper e ' P an Perm 5 -- ii Vt can cause a small injury to/posure to ultraviolet light--si Ree Jeu FSBPBE Our BUN heute: Sas Bec = 2. Bow grow into a longer split. or lamp. Even so, it does r Phone 576-3131 ¢ Brew Ap 4-4 A similar injury elsewhere'always work--but sometimes . Sonrew Pe