Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 3 Apr 1967, p. 12

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12 THE OSHAWA TIMES, CHRISTY WAS SOMEONE: | -------- = WELL, GUESS TLL WIT aay | HES STILL Monday, April 3, 1967 HELLO, GRACE- WELL, 'BYE, TERI- THE SACK, CAN'T TAKE : | d SUCH ADEAR,| OUGHT TO: |. if GUESS WHERE Ee I HAVE TO CALL 'THIS NIGHT LIFE ILKNEWHER | FIND HIM ~~] r fe GRETCHEN... ee ANY MORE. 4 Oey | share BRIDGE ~ (3 i Die = > \ if ; i i" ye oe "5 By B. JAY BECKER a _ i (Top Record-Holder in Masters' T a Individual Championship Play) N 5 mS { FAMOUS HANDS TOR a py H East dealer. Toront é North South vulnerable. Pea) I rights, x hy NORTH _-- ce i \ @KQ86 : WAIS \| I CAN'T VE CHECKED |||" IF THE PHONE GOES BEN SAID JANE SEEMS 10 BE L HAD BEST TAKE IT EA9Y.....,.DON'T @AKI9 Stock | gre" Fateh lt Gat es aged i TEN MINUTES WITHOUT] ° SAFE.....FOR THE TIME BEIN®.... WANT 'TO SCARE 'EM INTO HAIRMIN' hJ2 Advocate a : SEEMS TO BE TRACKS OF A FREIGHT JANE.....BUT L RECKON I COUL? WEST EAST Akaliche wetted 18 WAGON.....NOW WHY WOULD THAT wsT CLOSE UPA LITTLE...... 431092 4753 fry. Mot F BUNCH BE FOLLOWIN' IT? > 98743 9652 Ang Ru} 0742 $1053 get fas { Fe] 84 . #10965 Argosy ri 5 : E Png eet rex o 3 ¥KQ10 Barnat bax} OQ86 jethim = : wa HAKQTS aratcine = The bidding: Bree em es se Pass 29 | Camp Ct Pass 8NT Camp RI Cc Tung Opening lead -- three of Cdn Keer "a eas at jhearts. pd WITH ('LL MAKE. 'EM PAY AT LAST/! BUT-5°B/-SO /S JOE BIFSPLK-THE Italy has won nine of the last Cantre THIS Li'L THROUGH THE GOOD LUCK IS WORLD'S WOREBT SINKIT 'lten world championships in Coptain _ GADGET NOSE --- FOR THE COMING AH DONT SEE.NO DISASTERS \ | o> ||which it has played, but it was Chimo \S { INSERTED PRIVILEGE. OF Td Ma ||not ever thus Coch Wil " AH IS CAUSINT SHECKSIT IT'S J | PS . Coniagas * BREATHING!" a Back in 1951, an American CKey | Se team composed of George Ra- : : Heed a Fe "pee, Samuel Stayman, Howard Cc arco z rc} *'\Schenken, John Crawford and C Mogul =] -- (his writer traveled to Naples Son han Ee YOUR and easily defeated an Italian Con Nich J / team which had won the Euro- C Ramok : ba DECISION, DALEY! , € Red Pi = ec 4 UNLESST i|}|pean championship that year. Cop Man r wo z The personnel of the Italian Bren, 2 CAN ARRANGE team has changed considerably Beatin" " ASW since that time --. only Pietro Dicknsn DEAL! Forquet of the 1951 team has an? \ Q F * j ; ° survived the change and keeps Donalda aD on winning one world cham- Eon aaa ae ae ware Sa RE aaa aaa aE Wa ee pionship after another. B Mer ' But in 1951, when Italy played A in its first big international Siewn es championship, the Italian team Goldrim |showed signs of inexperience Brae, T fad E |and instability. The accompany- Granduc jing hand, which produced a gain pian : |of 1,500 points for the American Gunner team, occured early in the Hollinger match, int" Bible" The irrepressible Crawford Irish Cop holding the East' cards, decid- goilst ed to open the bidding with a ig tie WHERE PONTIAC, BUICK, VIVA, VAUXHALL, ACADIAN, 262 Kin St W 723 4634 |heart. Kid Cope G.M.C. TRUCKS, and FIREBIRD MEAN ACTION AND EXCITEMENT " . LIMIT | South passed for reasons un- irk Twn +] Twni known, and I, having the West t Dufauit eens raceme eet eee cenit ee ee ee dreadhal hand wes nevertheless a - - dreadful hand was nevertheless iss me . a shade better than Crawford's ¢ 90 YOU HAVE YOUR YES, MNAM/ Z CERTAINLY HOPE HUBERT also passed. Matto! porteeac wan RIGHT HERE! HE PASSES! The Italian North bid two eet hearts, presumably showing a Me | CLASS AT SCHOOL? Channe! 2--Buttale 4--Andy Griffiths 10:30 A.M, THESE TAKE THEM BACK | | good hand, and South jumped to Meta" hanno! a-Barrie, 36-12-Show of the Week 11--Morning Time. MEAT BALLS three notrump after East I wren Channel ¢--Yoronte N--Merv Griffin" Fall sow lb passed. Thirteen tricks were Multi-MI z Channel J--Botalo Big Valiey 7: Dateline'. Hollywood there for the asking and the iN Sau 2) Channel. ¢--Toronte serene Sinatra | ereErengly Giant ager gad scored 720 points on ay ieee -- 10:00 P. | ¥ M, = Channel 12--Peterporough 7Blg Valley | s-12--cnee Helene Of course, North-South rea- Newiona z MONDAY EVENING A Challenge Mid ikon RSaN lized that they had suffered a N Que Re 5:00 &.M. 24--Run for our Lite |'1--Mike Douglas terrible loss on the deal in hav- Neg chou ete AR he tae en sR ing failed to undertake a lay- paeee Ecsupsrown 9--This Land Is People | 7--Supermarket Sweep down grand slam, and they also Norte te ZoHotaay Patrol preach gh se en ecard Sutin -|s realized that their bidding meth- Opemeke 6--Passport 3--Probe - Profile 2--Matches and Mates sige idtte pti not geared move eo . smiliaene dae 1-98-1642 : Pr 0 dealing with psychics. Pax int Hay al tig ay 'Weather "ind ato aaa Ae" gy The American North - South PSed Expl 7--News | 5 M. 9--Magistrate's Court pair arrived at the grand slam 5 ge Al 1 Tor ane and Seas winless iy P.M. | 28-- Nolivieed seoares in bang-bang style. The bidding a Poin i 6:00 P.M. | i--lerre parton sh 4--Dick Van Dyke Show 7 as went: Preitea 8--How's Business ews, Weather, Sports y I DON'T KNOW-LET Purdex te 4--Movi 9--T 3 eRitigen's stand NTE PAM. | o3-Seopardy i ME HAVE ANOTHER East South West North | Pyramid o 4-12--Weather, Sports 7--Movie }--Money Movie 4 Pass 1 Pass 16 2 grr 3 3Gllligan's Island 2-8--Johnny Carson é--Luncheon Date ® LOOK AT THE Pass 2NT Pass INP st? z 4: PAM 11.35 P.M, | &News and Weather z MEAT BALLS Rio Aigon z | 12--Combat 3--Inspector Maigret | 2--Popeye and Pals = North k h A Wea l1--Pierre Berton 140 P.M, | 12.15 P.M. Ne RX I JUST SENT 0 new that South had to Mkead 343--News, Weather, elec nae | Lats it ae 2 (ae. BACK have = least 19 vag 93 his Sil, Eureke ; wire ' Ree ne j jump to two notrump and there- Sil Miller PrN oll cI ali a pe i ed : se i fore realized that making thir- Han 7:00 P.M. mg Pisa i i | N--Gilligan's stand STovainey: Theatre schewy Wenn { "\T@ Cy, os a Stenrek pm tste . ttre. Adventure bisoeaady | a--Merv. Griff } 5 Sunburst {aidwestern Hayride | University atthe alr | s4--ouiging Ugh | 1 ie | | SPANISH LIKE CAPITAL lS HI jar t +44 : . See Weuiher, I in: lice q AA = i : The population of Madrid ros@ Lie 7:30 P.M. | 'l--Albert Steed 9--Movie ®. H by 73,218 last year to 2,866,729, Tribag Ay Dakteri | eromher Rea | &Dialing for Dollars y U_ Mining Fe ore | %--Dlaling For Dollars, | r--Fuative eran Pettitt 5 ; Un ieeee 4--Gilligan's Island | Virginia Graham | 6--Luncheon Date SALLY S SALLIES Vespar 3-6-12--Don Messer | 9:00 A. 4--Meet the Millers White Star 24--Monkeos | | Tattle People | 3-Movie wilco 8:00 P.M. -3-- n | 1% PM. | nr 9--Bewitched 4--Bonnie Prudden | 64-As the world Turns YOUR HEALTH weiter A 8--! Dream of Jeannie 9--Uncle Bobby 2-8--Let's Make @ Deal Yukon = 4--Mr. Terrific Seek chew 2:00 P.M 3-6-12--Thi i if : M, S ee, lee Ee | ae g d ( 8: .M. | 2 N--occasional Wile Se ae | ree ee urDS uggeste Ronit ' 9--Andy Griffith Sebsols " | 12--Calendar CS Pete | 8--Captain Nice 2~Jack LaLanne | 9--People in Conflict Cc Dehi Aca ns 10:00 A.M. | 7--Dreem Girl , F 0 s h B ¢ Deihi w if ucille Bal am ronation Stre Cc Ex G 5 ooo ee | ee or Uverweight boy ¢ ear V=Petticoat Junction 8-2--Snap Judgment 2-6--Doctors ¢ ftomnestd ountr let 4--Candi F .M, ili Cares | Seihcchomhan 9 Words 'and Muste By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD Cent Del 7--Felony Squad Schools 8-2--Another World Chieftan D rans eau maa AURA eT --------| Dear Dr. Molner: My son is| -One important matter to con- 4 ee CROSSWORD 13. He is 4 feet 11 inches tall|sider is whehter the boy is get- Gt COlisds and weighs 115 pounds which|ting plenty of exercise, or does Meese mn makes him overweight. |he tend to be a sitter? Exercise Mill City . oe ---- 10, ee rene I would like to put- him on ajis a normal way to use up ex- . Narac a na gebiriniy "2 ened x ae diet but am afraid this would|cess calories as well as contrib-| "Don't be so exact, When I'm Peruv a Gh antos "building begets interfere with his growth. Is/uting to his general health. in the rough, figure it Tle. @ iS McCrea fish 14, Not any there a remedy like growth] As to a growth stimulator-- out roughly. soe A oO 6. Scrub 43. Maturing 48. Fires hormones or other medication? | growth hormone--I would aban. |----------------_-_--__--______---- Ranger = 11, Egyptian factors place When could he start dieting? /don that thought. First, there) oo. peari hon th se Hd Bie dancing 44, Glides projec- FY |Obviously puberty is now begin-/is no indication that the boy Ter rine aie, i the Fined U_ Canso > girl tions ning.--Mrs. J. E, M. needs it. Second, it is not gen-|'% eepiost oa nless me cin Wares tad 12, Agree- DOWN 21, Sick A This lad is within normaljerally available except for ex- ao a ee nea Hh ivity, W Decaita MM ments 1. Part of 22. Stoke RIENIOMMSIEISITMY |limits in height for his age. But perimental purposes. While a Sink now of anything that i aae & 13. Describing Tel-Aviv 23.Sacred Saturday's Answer jas you say, he is overweight. | good deal has been printed and bids oy: jes The Toror S an 2, Bulging bull: 32. Warning Depending upon his present|said about it, its use is aimed] * nee es pavises it | unreliable jars Egypt. signal eating habits, a simple restric- | essentially at cases of abnor-| -- fe ra her song ged 24, chara 33. ute tion of sugars, confections, des-|mal lack of growth and we need pert * rr gen serts and fats may be all he'to learn a great deal more Ph Bice GRANDMA {1s eee: skal f % the facilitl a ig roe ap ; -- 25. Scientists' a5 een needs, Starches -- including|about it before we advise it for am Moy geo dag » Tagged work ere sugar--and fats are high inanyone who decides he would Sk elas 5. Timid rooms, 87. Turkish calories and can pack on the|rather be taller than he is. Cdn. Nisto 17. Exclamation 6, Back. for short regiment | i i 19. Roman rite Pa 26. Ente 89. Be pounds, but they are not neces-/ Ultimate height--and this lad One - , rain caida sary for normal growth. |has at least three or four more peg d 7. En- ing 40. Dance j EI ; ' If he avoids sweets, he will|years to grow--is largely gov- O'Eldona 20. Rule, as closure 27. Decade step ; : Irish Cop paper 8. Alas! 29, Fly aloft 41, Rough still get such starches as hejerned by heredity, and we Pee Exp 22, Back 9.Completely 31. Noblemen ave needs from other foods. If he|ought to be sure we know what Slivma 23. German stops eating fried foods and/we are doing before we inter- Se Po river 1 3 5 'o 5 Tio gravies, he will cut down his/fere too casually with nature's 24, Under- a be Y a ' fat intake, but. will certainly|plans. IN] ground m1 7 Tz get enough fat for his needs Abitib! ae ee " from other sources. Americans} Dear Dr. Molner: I have been Ackinnds a y 0 1% 1 (777, |on the average eat something|told that eating too many aha Ge 27, Three- //, \like twice as much fat as {hey|pickles and olives can make Ri Gan am : eS phi is V77\'6 / T fe need or should eat. jyour red blood corpuscles turn pers . Nol No! No! ppecenl 3 Y 3 LL Y La Likewise he can drink skim|white. I eat at least one small «» NO.-NO!-NO: 2 1 milk instead of whole . milk.|jar of olives a week and five iT SI ITAR mammal : ; F C1 TT NOT... YEAs YEA -Yep ! Sree Geer 0. Public WAY La L- YA. This again will reduce his fat|pickles.--C. M. : GARY NESBI Nol. 1 gr GY Y intake but will not deprive him! Forget it. There's nothing to ' Bur...No!-No! vehicle (74 Y : Representative y, 81. Place for te leo A of calcium and the other con-|the story. h / Anke YW stituents of milk which he needs i 32, Exclamae 1 ee btn} _|for strong, sound growth. Note to M. V.: Methods used SU x LI FE a tion WY, Y Your own. doctor may elect by different laboratories in 34, Baseball 30 GY ea) $2 fas] |to put him on a more specific|measuring cholesterol le v2) s position: diet of 1,000 to 1,500 calories|results in some modest diifer-| Assurance Company abbr. 34 7435 V//)36 [37 but in that case you should fol-jence in setting a '"'normal"' fig- of Canada bgp toate i YA Y low his directions as to what/ure. Some use a reference tevel an elming 38 139 40 the diet should contain Jup to 250, others 300 milligrams . 3 amount Ms It is, however, possible tor |per cent. y Cehave Thenvion beter 4 yy Lhd to reduce his total calories Sature Being substantially without harming| Note to Mrs, L. K, B.: Your » = between YA** him and - without. retarding tus friend is misinformed. I did not Phone 725-4563 ples K mention any operation that will

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