BLONDIE LI'L ABNER DONALD DUCK MY_ FINGERS ARE CAUGHT IN THE BOX 'my Lell RIGHT OFF ICHES--T TORE IT OH--ARE YES,AND cove] YOU HOME) INSIDE BEFORE YoU f AS )TEAR THE WHOLE rae HOUSE I Z ( DOWN © King Feanares Syndicate, las, (967. World a : [ i HOLD STILL// Ze > el HE ACTION CENTRE! WHERE PONTIAC, BUICK, VIVA, VAUXHALL, ACADIAN, G.M.C. TRUCKS, and FIREBIRD MEAN ACTION AND EXCITEMENT =" WITH MY SMELLAPHONE, AT LAST/7- GOOD FORTUNE IS COMING My WAY! LER ISTHIS - HE WAY TO ALEXANDER ONLY A @CHUCKLE!~ aS EE Fataren SynTleate, Yas, 1967. World ight revervad & \ MICKEY MOUSE ONE COPY FOR YOU, MR. DELMONICO.., AND ANOTHER FOR MISS JONES. PLEASE . FEEL FREE TO COMMENT » ON ANY DETAILS YOU DON'T FULLY [Gad CONTINUES TO IMPROVE, THE DAY COMES WHEN HE IS DISCHARGED FROM THE NAVY HOSPITAL SHIP REPOSE, BUZ SAWYER TONIGHT WE SAIL FOR HOME pa VIA HONG KONG! oe AND RETURNS TO HIS CARRIER GETTYSBURG. BY Le 7> VE I UND . JANE ARDEN SECRET AGENT X9 Bere 262 King St. W., Channe' 2--Buftale 3--Be Channel 1i--Hamilten 2 "PACK MULES, CHAMACO/ NOW ERSTAND/ PHeanwane LAREDO FOLLOWS E WAGON "TRACKS....- SEEMS LIKE A HEAVY FREIGHT 44 WAGON OF SOME KIND... WONDER WHY THEY'RE FOLLOWIN/ IT2 RTH G! COUNTRY... WHERE Wi BE HARD TO FOLLOW/ THAT'S DALEY...AND * MAGNUS/ SOUNDS LIKE THE FAT'S INTHE "7 LADY'S THE CLIFF MILLS MOTOR 123-4634 TELEVISION LO &--This Is The Life 3--Spectrum 2--Insight 11:60 A.M. li--Jr. Hockey 9--Meta et &--Christopher Program Channel 12--P SATURDAY SV&, 5.00 P.M. V--Dennis the Menace 7--Wide World of Sports Beat the Champ 3-6-12--Frankenstein Jr. &--Horse Race Aes 5:30 P.M. |--Flipper Gaddis 8--Gadabout 3-6-12--Bugs Bunny 2--Go to the Races 6:00 P.M, (}--Littlest Hobo 3--Lost In space 2--Death Valley Days e:78 P.M. 12--Love on a Rooftop ll--Little People 9--Flintstones 8--Movie 6 2-4--News, Weather, Sports 7:00 P.M, Til--Expo '67 9--Jackie Gleason 4--Round Table 34-12--Beverly Hill. billies 4--Film 3-6--Chureh 2--Faith for Today T:38 A.M. %--Wish You were Here &--Social Security 7--Discovery '67 4--Film Feature 2--Youth Searches 12:08 NOON 12--Living Word 9--Italian Album 8--Adventures in Para- dise 7--Dialogue 6--Extension 3-4--News, Weather 2--Senator's Report 12:15 P.M. 12--God Is the Answer 4--Let's Look at Congress 3--Living Word 2--Movie 12:30 P.M. 1l--Father Meehan 7--ABC Scope 6--Extension 4--Face the Nation 3--20-20 1:00 P.M. neon tinental Minia- re 7--Challenge 9--Leighton Ford Crusade &--Meet the Press 6--F.D.R. 4--Amateur Hour 3--Herald of Truth 7: P.M. 12--1 Spy 1i--News Special 4--Jackie Gleason 3-4--Tarzan 2--Flipper 8:00 P.M. 11--Jamboree 9--Academy Performance 2--Daisies 8:30 P.M, li--Little Theatre 7--Lawrence Welk 4--Mission: Impossible jockey 9:00 P.M. 11--Great Music 2-8--Movie 9:30 P.M, ie WSS, min NA Sans: MUGGS AND SKEETER Y'KNOW, THERES A LINE OUT INTHE PACIFIC OCEAN .. ?- y Palace 4--Pistols 'n' Petticoats 10:00 P.M. V--Let's Sing Out 9--Run for Your Life 4--Gunsmoke 10:15 P.M, 3-6-12--In Person 10:38 P.M, \1--Movie 7--Movie 10:45 P.M, 12--Outdoorsman 3-6--Sports Profile 11:00 P.M. 11-9--News 4--News 3-6-12--News 11.25 P.M. 4--Movie 11:30 P.M, 8-7--News, Weather, Sports 2--News TH:3s 6--Movie 3--Movie 11:40 PL 12--Movie 9--Answering Service 11.50 P.M, @--Movie 12:00 P.M. 2--Movie SUNDAY --Mademoiselle de Paris 7--Herald of Truth 2--Agriculture, U.S.A, 8:00 A.M. N--Sacred Heart 7--Christopher Program 4--Word of Life 2--This Is the Life 8.0 A.M, {1--Oral Roberts 7--Linus 4--Comedy Capers 2--Funny Company 9:00 A.M, \1--Cathedral Chimes 9--Cartoons 7--King Kong 2Porky Pig 9:30 A.M. (1--Italian Journal 7--Beany and Cecil 4--Uncle Jerry's Club 2--Church Invitation 10:08 A.M. 9--Stingray 7--Rocketship 7 &--Faith For To-Day 4--Time for Building 3--Hymn Book 2--The Answer 1:8 P.M. | 11--This Space Age 8&--Movie 4--Science Fiction heatre 36-12--Country Calendar 2:00 P.M, 12--Farming '67 jovie 7--Newlywed Game 4--Gadabout Gaddis 3-4--Vietnam Debate 2--Say It Now 2:30 P.M, 12--T.B.A. 7--Movie 4--Sports Spectacular 2--International Revue 3:00 P.M. 11-12--Leighton Ford Cru- sade 2--Meet the Press 3.30 P.M. 34--Film Feature 2--Say It Now 4.00 P.M. 11--Dennis the Menace 7--American Sportsman 4--Movie 3-6-12--Heritage 2-8--Experiment in TV 4:30 P.M. '1--Tiny Talent Time 9--Danlel Boone 3-6-12--Eyes of Tomorrow 5.00 P.M. 2-8--Wild Kingdom W--Tarzan 7--Dating Game 4--| Love Lucy 3-6-12--Nature of Things 5.30 P.M. 7---Movie 6-12--Hymn Sings 9--Brand New Scene 4--Report Card '67 3--Flipper 28--GE College Bow! 6:00 P.M, 1i--Lost in Space 9--Iron Horse 8--Tom Decker 4--2\st Century 3-6-12--Walt Disney 2--Bishop Sheen 6.30 P.M. 2-8--NBC News Special 4--News, Weather 7:00 P.M. 11--Walt Disney 9--Monkees 7--Voyage 4--Lassie 34-12--Hey Landlord 7:38 P.M. 9--FBI 4--It's About Time 3-6-12--Flashback 2-4--Walt Disney 8:0 2M. 1i--Movie 7--FBI 3-4-6-12--Ed Sullivan Show 8:30 P.M. 9--| Dream of Jeannie 8--Hey Landlord 2--Maker of Giants 4--Marineland Carnival 9--Peyton Place 4--Death of a Salesman 2-6--Bonanza 10:00 P.M, 1--Peter Gunn 9--W5S 3-6-12--Sunda' 10:30 A.M. $--Cartoon Playhouse 'y 2-4--Andy Williams 10:30 P.M, 1l--Music Go Round 11:00 PLM, 7--Movie 2-3-6-8-11-12--News, 11:38 P.M. 1--Mystery Theatre 7--Movie 3--Movie &--Johnny Carson 2--Merv_ Griffin 11.35 P.M. é--Movie 1 12--Conversation 9--Insight MONDAY 8.00 A.M. 9--University of the Air 4--Captain Kangaroo 8.30 A.M. \--Albert J. Steed %--Romper Room 8:55 A. 3. »M, 7--Dialing for Dollars, Virginia Graham 9.00 A.M, 1--Little People 2--Pick A Show 9.30 A.M, 11--White Hunter &--Glorla 6--Meta 4--Love of 'Ife 3--Ontario Schools 2--Jack LaLanne 10.00 A.M, NN--Ed Allen Time artoon Playhouse 8-2--Snap Judgment 4--Candid Camera 3-12--Canadian Schools 10.390 A.M. (1--Morning Time 9--Fractured Phrases 8-2--Concentration, 7--Dateline: Hollywood 4--Beverly Hillbillies 3-6-12--Friendly Giant 11.00 A.M. 12--Romper Room 11--Mike Douglas 9--Mr. and Mrs. 8--Pat Boone 7--Supermarket Sweep 4--Andy Griffith -6--Mr. Dressup --Matches and Mates 11:25 A.M, 3-6--Bonnie Prudden 1:38 A.M. 9--Magistrate's Court 8-2--Hollywood Squares 4--Dick Van Dyke 7--One in a Million 12.15 P.M, 'wu--Movie 12.00 NOON \2--Cartoons 9--Toronto Today 8-2--Jeopardy 7--Movie é--Luncheon Date 4--News, Weather, Sports 3--Popeye and Pals 12.30 P.M, li--It's A Match 8--Eye Guess 3--News, weather, sports 4--Search for Tomorrow 2--Merv Griffin 12.45 P.M. 46--Guiding Light 1.00 P.M, Theatre 9--Movie 8--Dialing for Dollars Virginia Graham 7--Fugitive 6--Luncheon 4--Meet the 3--Movie 1.30 P.M. 2-8--Let's Make a Deal 46--As the World Turns Date Millers 2.00 P.M. 7--Newlywed Game 5-4--Password 28--Days of Our Lives 2.30 P.M. 12--Calendar 9--People in Confliet 7--Dream Girl 6--Coronation Street 4--House Party BRILLIANT SCIENTIST! IF YOU VALUE THE US DOWN! | aoe LIFE..GET LIMITED FIRE,, UNLESSICAN 18 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturday, April 1, 1967 BRIDGE By B. JAY BECKER (Top Record-Holder in Masters' Individual Championship Play) South dealer. Both sides vulnerable. NORTH @ATO84 @KQ3 $1065 mAS WEST 462 @K753 9985 910742 @AIT4 $293 &Q983 &J2 SOUTH 4210 @AIEB oK82 &K10764 The bidding: South West North East 1h Pass 1@ Pass INT Pass 3NT Opening lead - nine of hearts, Good defensive play is mostly a matter of good technique, but there are hands where the out- come is determined largely by what amounts to psychological warfare between the declarer | |and the defense. Here is such a case. West led a heart against three no- trump. Had he led a diamond declarer would have made the contract with ease. | South won with the jack, led the queen of spades which won, and then the ten of spades which lost. Back came the queen of diamonds, a somewhat un- usual play because, with three |cards headed by only one honor, |more customary lead is a low card. But East's play was made with Machiavellian cunning and malice a forethought. He as- sumed that the contract could not be beaten unless his partner had the A-J of diamonds. To |lead low would be ineffective |since declarer, holding the king, would undoubtedly follow low and thus make the contract. East reasoned that the only by pretending he had led the queen from a Q-J combination would he have a chance of de- feating the contract. If declarer read East for both honors, he would naturally duck the queen to insure a daimond stopper, CROSSWORD since dummy had the all-import- tant ten. ACROSS 2. Be 23, Place Declarer sweated and strain- 1. Spill over 3. Baking 24. Male ed, but finally decided not to 5. Good chamber adult duck, which would have been friend -4,Through ---26, Kind with the ace - and promptly re- 9. Renounce 5. Colum- of turned a low diamond. 10. Trite bium: sym, meat He also was anxious to con- 12, Young 6. Robust 27, Fisher- vince declarer that East had mi poo bene -sgebal : pd Pep South was thus con- . lan wardly aske ronted with another tough pro- river 8. The 28,Bivalve [IE blem to solve. To play the ten 15. Level praying 29. Point = |from dummy could prove dis- 16. Defrauds -- of Yesterday's Amewer |astrous if it turned out that 18, 3.1416 9. Cries a . 19.Cardgame '11, Endures tooth 36. Soon a gy ssn shouatt 20. Perch 13. Flat- 30, Syrup 37.Diminish [ooh - Taehaea ts 21, Yellowish bottomed prepared 38. Taverns outh, once he con the 24, Fail to hit boat with 41. Scientist's |Jack to East, was that West had 25. Cereal 17. Exclamae almonds workroom: |the nine, in which case playing grain tion 31. Birds' abbr. low from dummy was absolutely 26, Man's 19. Fate homes 43, Negative essential. When he finally did nickname 22,Desolate --_33. Alongside reply Play low, East won with the 27, Europ nine, rteurned a diamond, and rabbit 1 j2 fs [4 7 18 declarer went down one. 29. Valley < 4 os ; 32. Liquor 0 t 33, Levantine Ly SALLY'S SALLIES boat 12 B ye 34. Music note ed YA, 35. Literary is V//\\6 |I7 Y oe (7) L ti i) 19 20 37. Fash GY, Y, L able hair Bi 22 23 GS . yieeee WAV Y a WY 3 yg ee 2 Y, LAL = (ei for boys e7 lee Gia eee 4 Keone 40. Venus, iat PL for one 32, Gita YG bad Y | 42, Fruit 4 ALLL 7 44. O'Neill and 35 Ey Y, 37 138 Tolstoi = heroines 39 Cia bap igor pe a 43 4 ia : 46, Finest 4 "As soon as you took your hat DOWN 4s Cia Y off, I knew you were 1, Sage genus 4 hs the father." pio Bh Nixon Worries Dryness In Car Back - Bencher . TORONTO (CP) -- Premier Sinus Problem Robarts was advised by one of By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD Dear Dr. Molner: Your col- umn has been very helpful to me. Now may I share a sug- gestion? I noticed that my sinus prob- lems were greatest when I was spending a great deal of time driving. I finally noted that the heater and fan were operating with the windows all tightly closed. The excess air had no place to go so it became compressed and irritated the sinuses. Does this make sense? Since then I have always made sure that a vent is open and I have had no more sinus problems. --MRS. C.Cc. Thank you for your helpful suggestion but I strongly sus- pect that the reason for its suc- cess is a bit different. I cannot 2-8--Doctors 3.00 P.M. 9--Words and Musie 7--General Hospital 4--To Tell The Truth 3-6-12--Take 30 2-8--Another World 3.25 P.M. 4--News 3.30 P.M. 11--Marriage Confidential 9--It's Your Move 7--Superman Show 3-4-6-12---Edge of Night 2-4--You Don't Say 4:00 P.M, 11---Super Comics 9--1 Love Lucy 3-6-12--Communicate 2--Mike Douglas 8&--Match Game 4--Secret Storm 4:30 P. 1--Fireball XLS" agree that air in the car could become compressed to a degree that would make any difference. However, hot, dry air, forced by the fan, can create a dry- ness of the nasal membranes that can be decidedly irritating. Thus keeping a vent open can It also prevents icing of win- dows and windshield, or fogging which can occur in humid weather. And while I'm on the subject of safety--how about your seat belt? Do you use it every time you drive? his back - benchers Thursday night to call an election soon, before Opposition Leader Rob- ert Nixon gets any more atten- tion. Leonard Reilly, Progressive Conservative member for Eg- linton, said: "I see no advan- tage in giving Mr. Nixon an opportunity for further expos- ure. Hit him early before he gets too much." Dear Dr. Molner: I am 76, broke my hip six years ago, and always carry a cane. Which side should I carry it on? I now carry it on the left, although it was the right hip that was bro- ken.--MISS A.G. I gather that someone is try- ing to tell you that there's a right side and wrong side. Well, there isn't. Carry the cane on the side that gives you the most support and sense of security and balance. Dear Dr. Molner: Does choco- late milk have the same nutri- tion as white milk? What is the difference if any? I am 12.-- M.T. No difference except that the chocolate adds a few calories. make a world of difference, as it did in your case. I am sure others will benefit. There are other reasons, sometimes more urgent, for see- ing that a cowl or other vent is open, down a bit. It is a safeguard against a leaky exhaust which can fill a car with a dangerous or the windows rolled 9--Mov; 8--Y. Bear 4--Mogie +1 Ing's Outlaw amount of carbon monoxide be- fore you know it. POP GOES NOB LONDON. (CP)--Pop singer Mick Jagger of the Rolling Stones surprised fans and ele- gant audiences alike by joining the exclusive Friends of Covent Garden Opera House. The asso- ciation's aim is to promote ap- a community of quiet elegance located in oshawa's northern _ residential area. if you are looking for a lot to buy . . . visit cedar ridge -- use a builder of your choice for information. phone 723-1194 yreciation of opera and ballet OSHAWA nd Jagger has been to several tproductions recently. Heenan ------ HO. body on m barre desir: "-- is thi said. see J out 1 me." The gangs cussit ade a year | greet Sport casine bling Dur notific