Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 31 Mar 1967, p. 16

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16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, March 31, 1967 BRIDGE By B. JAY BECKER (Top Record-Holder in Masters' Individual Championship Play) TEST YOUR PLAY 1. You are declarer with the West hand at Three Notrump, North leads the five of hearts, which South wins with the ace. South returams the queen of des. How would you play the hand? OK64 39 9510 e oatt @KQ78 fs HAQSS 2. You are declarer with West hand at Five 'The bidding has been: West North East Gouth 1@ 2h 8@ 4% 4¢@ Pass 56 North leads the king of How would you play the hand' @AKI7 Q10 852 eu $20 j 259868 |"."| 641078 &Qss | SILLY? THAT'S A SURE SIGN You're HOWD YOU LIKE 70 SIT UP ON DECK [ON second [YOUR X-RAYS LOOK BETTER EVERY TWO, I DON'T FEEL DAY, COMMANDER, TOMORROW WE CAN TAKE THE DRAINAGE TUBE FROM NOUR SURE, TLL HIDE fT UNDER THE PILLOW WITH MINE! } | SO STRONG, NURSE, | GETTING WELL. A I JUST HADA NIGHTMARE 7 WA MAYBE I'D BETTER ASBOLIT BEING ROBBED STAY BELOW WITH BUZ SAWYER DONALD DUCK WHEN I SAID "I 00" I WAS STANDING ON MY HEAD HOLDING MY BREATH! TROUBLE is, MY MARRIAGE NEVER HAD A CHANCE-- IT WAS JINXEO Tan, 1967, Wedd dchts vommved| BLONDIE @ King Features Spadionta, 1. What you have to POLLUTED EXACTIYT AND SO WE. AIR--YES--- A SIMPLY CHANGE. Sone bar: alt eset this: @AQIOT2 WAS $108 4 976H Let's say you covered the queen of spades with the king, which would win the trick, and that after you cashed four clubs and then tested the diamonds by leading the A-K-Q, you dis- covered that the suit was di- vided 4-2. That would be the end of the road because, what- ever: you led now, you would wind up going down one. South's unusual queen of |Spades lead strongly suggests a jholding of four or five spades |\to the A-Q-10, and what you lhave to do is try to guard LI'L ABNER JULIET JONES THE ACTION CENTRE WHERE PONTIAC, BUICK, VIVA, VAUXHALL, ACADIAN, G.M.C. TRUCKS, and FIREBIRD MEAN ACTION AND EXCITEMENT 262 King St. W., ! THE CLIFF MILLS MOTORS 723-4634 LIMITED AS A SUPER- EFFICIENT HE SAID HE WAS GOING. 7:20 P.M. 2--Clutch Cargo J--News, Weather, Sport 8:38 A.M. 7:30 P.M. | --Bonaitre! Ei z nv Heves 12--Rat Patrol 9--Cartoon Playhouse 1--Time Tunnel @--Three Stooges 9--Pistols 'n' Petticoats 7--Rocketship 7 4--Movie 3-4-12--Curling 2--Wells Fargo 2.0 P.M. 1l--Mystery Theatre YOUR HEALTH against that possibility by per- mitting the queen to win. If it jdevelops that South actually jhas the hand shown, or a rea- sonable facsimile thereof, you jmake the contract as a result jof having ducked the queen. |. It is true that if South has only four spades to the A-Q-10, |he still beats you by continuing |with a low spade, but in that case, you can always say you did everything possible to make the hand. 2. Ruff the club, lead the TELEVISION LOG ert Sanyo if North follows low. The fi- EE Ge co nesse, if successful, will pro- Chan .: é 11:08 A.M. * Channel rie N--Ret Patrol Stone Raneee duce twelve tricks because you .. Channel 4--Buttale 7--Phyills Diller 8-2--Secret Squirrel can draw the last trump bate Pmiahoeg 24--T.H.E. Cat 7--Casper cash four spades, disca z ph eS eoreres two hearts from dummy. A' Channel 9--Toronto Sef ag ll 1:38 AM. you would lose is a heart trick. ° 9--Mission Impossible $ oA you would lose is a hea CK. =] Ghennet 12--Perervorougn | gAY°ONOer? ne If the finesse loses to the =} sain vars Bi 9--Beatles king, as well it might, the con- z= oe 29-News 6 Sow tins tract is still sure to make. The -» 6:00 P.M, Tete tee is 7--Bugs Bunny | only tricks you lose are a dia» ~° Vopamntiy teetre 11,20 P.M, Fit ae mond and a heart. aN | | &-Superman éViewpoint 4--Lone Ranger If you failed to finesse the 2 | | eee 11.25 P.M, 3-Cimarron City diamond, the contract would go ." | | SoMovie. Ten Vane PE Ea oda down if it turned out that North ete PM Sports z Tease had the king of diamonds, was 13 Troop 11.90 P.M, ovie short in spades, and South had S-MeHale's Navy 7--Movie 7--Bugs Bunny | the ace of hearts. 1 2--Of Lends and Sess anes A aay Road Runner | q ae bidet err Movie is 28--Cool McCoo! - lews, Weather 11.40 P.M. 12:30 P.M. h 7 Sports 12--Bourbon St. Best 11--Whiplash Less Emp asis 5 $--Seaspray 9--World Hocke) 7--Magilla Gorllle Fi &--How's Business? 11.45 Pak &Super 6 wows 7--Movie le 4--Beagies i It's About, Time 11:38 PLM. 3--Western Jamboree n clalls { eas ie 4--News, Weather, 2-8--Smithsonian sell Sports 1:00 P.M. bes_Newss Weath N--Movie 1--Outdoors Unilmited CALGARY (CP)--The princt- i or wort A-Skling, Tips cae pal of Queen's University, King- y Se cuhliey-eetnks * nn SO A | 4-Rural Review ston, said Wednesday universi- F ae A--MOVie | .3-6-12--Golf Classle ties must slow down the rate of : Fd Reece section: | Sebo a ie sig production of specialists in fa- $--Phyllls Diller M--Gadabout Gaddis vor of providing broader educa- alld sarunay | SHWE, ton. 4--People Are Funny 8:00 A.M. 4--Bat Masterson I do not think that bridge WOULDN'T YOU WELL, WELL -- (T'S 3--Monroes N--Outdoors Unlimited 2:00 P.M ual human beings and their so- KNOW THAT AN APE CERTAINLY NICE OF YOU a Weather Davey and Goliath | 11--Vise cial structures can bear the UKE GRINNELL OPERATES TO COME SEE ME. iy 4--Captain_Kangeroo ee rate of scientific advance that is now projected," J .A, Corry told a special University of Cal- gary. convocation. Dr. Corry, a political scien- TO HAVE HIS $2--Tarzan Hercules 2--Greatest Show | : tist and autho 7a f six PRESEN -¢ Hornet 9:00 A.M 3.00 P.M, | : author, was one of s ap uidanpi ean 'Rat Patrol 4--Fun to Learn Po Interpol H las iC ia persons. awarded the new hon- 4--Wild Wild Wes? 3--Mr. Magoo -Time | Ap ti orary degree, doctor of the Uni- 8:00 PLM. | 9:30 A.M. 3:30 P.M, | mi ) , $--Movie | 11--Sonins Ti--Mark | Saber e versity of Calgary. Prime Min- 7--Time. Tunnel | 3-Ontarlo Schools &--Wrestling ister Pearson was another. B STICKY POINT, ALL " GRINNELL WOULD HAVE TO 34+-12--Get Smart | 2--Stingray 8:30 P.M, j 10:08 A.M. 7--Pro Bowlers. Tour 2--Of Lands and Seas 4:00 P.M. Dr. Corry expressed, 'grave 11-2-8--Man F. 9--Stingra' concern that universities are ive} Batt ahron Wee? LUNCLE $--Flinttones oo one coming more and more to be 's H 7--P. '" 4G jassic . LOOKING INTO A 88! 2 Tommy. Hut Pa pi aie SOIC BC Sports Pre- thought of as provincial rather 34¢12--Tommy Hunter 9:00 P.M, nt re 12--Movie 10:30 A.M, © King Fosteree Spudicata, lan, 1967. World rights rewrrond. sents 4.20 P.M. W--Wrestling By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD | Lack Of Red Cells than national institutions... ." 7--Rango V-Hobby Time ' Dear Dr. Molner: Would you; Aplastic anemia {is not con- Save Pacepace Kiceties SONEL Highlights discuss aplastic anemia? Canj|tagious. Neither is it in any Wh Wii0n Filan BuT UMNoT Shee 3-Popeye and Gumby | &--Bowling you contact it from others who|sense similar to cancer or leu- SURE i iid = have it? Or is it in hol ame kemia, It is the seceaenes Ok ay ed In Quebec "THEY VO. category as cancer an leu-/the bone marrow being unable CROSSWORD kemia? What are the symp-|to produce adequate numbers of] gyrpEc (CP)--The Quebee : Ca Wa ons alate tients poem Se eee TE {6 a 6 ruger Pulp and Paper Co. to S ~~ | See ee ENTERMMARIc| laplastic aneriia are the same|B-12 or folic acid. build a $75,000,000" industriat oS 2 : pees ening 6. Mug for co. SITE TM DEIRIT] as those of severe blood loss: complex at St. Felicien in the = aids "peer Signs Weakness, pallor, shortness of| Dear Dr. Molner: I forgot tolr... st. Jean region 50 miles b 6. Hits 7. Floor as breath. The cause is consider-|get my cold shots. Is there still northwest of, here. S| i 2 Bis F : 4 i " ably ce a _ a Guaorga cS no ys . a gg oa nade Ps 12, Silent Behaves . Born Anemia in general is a lac ertainly, bu e public 'Wednesday authoriz () =-- 38. -- 9%. os 29, Pi ie of sufficient red cells or a lack|name is 'flu shots. The 'flu can|Claude Gosselin, lands and color olar of necessary components--prin- i " aforests minister, to sign an = 10. Elk SL Boy's cipally iron--in the cells. There eee ee ANE Ene Of year. as agreement with the Kruger 17, Tree nick- * Jlare various causes, among SS, ee ee company 'dealing with wood bag ets | Sh Pen them low Of bioad ~- unusually sy gira el wear i supply sources. a BUT NOBODY HAS SAID SHE FD eric oy trange graces aa heavy menstrual periods, &@ltimeq warm Terms of the agreement were LOOKS GLIMMER Suber egast bleeding ulcer, hemorrhoids or : not revealed. = e part 40. Toward rps ° One booster shot a year ordi- 21, Timid 35. Hewing the lee oe eno Se eens narily is sufficient if you had 22. Exclama- tools 42, Con- ieee a ls different\one the year before. When you| Note to J.H.: The swelling, tion of 36. Immersed; federats in this respect: The bone mar.|have not had the vaccine the itching and headaches all could ann oko "a -- row, which manufactures red|year before, two injections are be related to nephritis--and it = -- mand err' __ |biood cells normally, fails to do|needed to bring your protection patlcat with iis Muiee 0k an ae a oo 3 ey fe 10] |so in this disease, or it does not|¥P to maximum level. be andes estat produce enough of them. . ' " Y This can result from various| Dear Dr. Molner: How does . types of poisoning, some of|2 Person feel before he knows) SALLY'S SALLIES j ric 3 > yyy them being from benzol, or|he has gout, - he te - ' from metals such as arsenic,|acid in the es ae 1s WY Ae scribed the signs only as a y mercury or lead. Overwhelming infection can be a factor, Cer-|Piercing pain, swelling and red- WGZ 20 UY f the affected joint.-- e is PO ol YW V/AZA \tain medications can be toxicness of the affected joint. IVE CONVAKED HER J] [(...HELPS GET RID OF THE one at tee 12s V77es les few [er | in some cases. And there are/MRS. GC. MY SMELLY GLUE... FISH, SMELL! 4 Banish cases in which we cannot deter- ate - pic grime j we 28 Y mine the cause. , or stones. ie a | hoa: awa Y Since the condition involves|be painful or not, depending on a . ting 3° V/ZA3' an actual shortage of red blood|location. It is seldom that a per- se G) 45. Indian's 4 cells, the use of vitamin B-12,/sonhas any wa; of suspecting Bs { se shelter v7 32 [33 Vi V/7A \folic acid or iron, so useful in|gout until it becomes painful-- { 4 46. Custom Sa tat ize. aT RENE forms of anemia, does not helpjeither Se at. i | 47. Fall aplastic anemia. toe, or other joint--or the like- = flower 4 ARS Y, Rather, the treatment is based|wise very painful experience of 48, Meaning bad bas UY, laid on repeated transfusions to keep| passing a kidney stone. Kidney : DOWN 3 ae the patient comfortable and ac-|stones are common when uric 4 1. Quote Y tive. Since the life span of alacid is elevated. 4 prod oy a Wie red blood cell is from 60 to'90} Blood analysis can show the = -- Ys days, the transfused cells are|yric acid, but this usually is not = bea 33) {gradually lost and anotherjdone until some painful sign in- transfusion must then be given. dicates.the need of it. (* ') f 5 j ee

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