Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 30 Mar 1967, p. 18

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By the end of 1966 the gov-| READY FOR SPORT which emits a beeping signar, ernment had implemented 125! A 26-year-old Swedish inyen-jso that blind people can play of the commission's 276 recom- {tor has produced a soccer ballifootball. government by Auditor-General Maxwell Henderson, who said in his report to Parliament the| 18 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thuredey, March 30, 1967 Federal Administrative Costs STUDY COMMIT TEE FORMED Cli b 30 P C I F Y eit hod Mniplemented mendations. Mr. Benson said : cee } sovernmen that since then, a further 29 aes | im er ent n our ears less than half the Glassco com-jhave been approved by the cab-| ig Stron er Position Sou ht WINNIPEG (CP)--A 30-per-| 'The minister spoke to the, Mission's recommendations. __{inet. | MR cent increase in the fed-|Manitoba tax sub-section of the DANCE Bags | jeral government's administra-|Canadian Bar Association, p ina tive overhead in the last four! he text of his speech was | ' years resulted mainly from sal-| given to reporters in advance! > re] NEIL COLLEGIATE sleep. SI i 8 P Beside ary and price increases, Rev" |of delivery, | WITH THE stan: Minister Benson said Wed-| i j > iti- | rn TORONTO (CP) "ie On shtrancement of the final] to encourage development of nesday cieht. minuets pec ee Bother mgd ga, | es Chane tario School Trustees' and Mu-} date for teacher resignations} educational television in all Mr. Bens "ho also is pres- be | | S PEC T R UM S laughter nicipal Councillors' Association} to April 1 from May 31 each provinces : ident yee ieee in| p E. Hutct voted Wednesday to set up a! year; : al cabinet a spon- | H by, E. € committee to study a variety} Application of provincial] The meeting rejected a res- ils fee egietienting oii * FRIDAY * . Sat., April Ist - 8:30 - 11:30 R. Powe of proposals aimed at strength-| capital grants on the basis ofjolution calling for Jan. 11 to be mendations .of the ° Glassco| p ALL COLOR SHOW A DRESS SHIRT AND TIE borough: ening a ion - school} 30 pupils Py aad class-|set aside as a national holiday|royal commission on govern-P The Big Fun Dance iN ADMISSION $1.00 TICKETS AT THE DOOR onto, an on n salary talks with ee, a the ireaeet marking the birth date of Sir, ment aber tore said the real The Sounds of the Big Beat ei v " "~ wae 7 : ' -t ; John A. Macdonald. One dele-/growth of administrative over-| a | rs. M. aaPieFeslutins prsened fo] an on pasing sowed scoollate remarked that the school ead as Yess than to percent The Pee to Meet THUNDER ALLEY" | f= nies, ing called for either zonal or| instead of only those with Asn tt Cavaco tebe tadSebind alec | Little Caesar LVIS pA RE SL. E if peg tind province-wide salary schedules.| speed limits of more than 35 T oO D A Y al E . stater ( One from Brockville public} miles an hour; | so | A school board proposed all} --An increase in provincial ond the Consuls | xcitement! dventure under the seal lg teachers' salaries be negotiated} grants toward operating costs | Admission 1.50 BEST OF COUNTRY MUSIC . -" veal: N by a provincial board. All res-| of vocational schools or Doncing © 12:30 } . q Fred M: olutions were sent to the new] classes; ncing ¥ to t2: "wu "uw | i salary committee for further} --A two-year extension of the N ASHVILLE REBEL : Mrs. C study. indicated deadline of two St. Geor The Brockville resolution re-| years for local authorities to) | bey ceived little support from dele-| agree on forming area-wide | me | gates who argued that it would} boards of education before IN CAR HEATERS NO EXTRA CHARGE | ters of E remove much of the school| the province intervenes to | li, EEE IR. LS ER BG Servic board's remaining autonomy. force action; a Scarboro A Belleville delegate said} --Use of the number of pub- most school boards really have| lic school supporters rather i : no autonomy in determining] than total population in de- } TODAY C salaries since they have to base| termining a community's rep- = them on those paid in Metro-| resentation on county school c a] ing GOH hee AD politan Toronto. area boards; , | * i .Hdal Wallis The new committee was in-| --Reciprocal tax agreements | "YOUR BEST SHOW VALUE" EPR TENN ---- neue structed to report back to the} between public and separate! FEATURE TIMES : DDODE MARSHALL: PAT PRIEST: PAT HARRINGTON SKIP WARD FRANK McHUGH we ELSA LANCHESTER 38--Co association's next annual meet-| school boards to allow par-|] WEEK NIGHTS 7 ond 9:10 oO D & re) he 1S TECHNICOLOR® eee ing. t t SAT. CONT. FROM 1 P.M. \A_ g. ents to send their children to vay FEATURE TODAY AT: ( ' Resolutions approved by the meeting included one asking the association to approach the education department for more provincial aid for education. Other resolutions given ap- proval sought: the school of their choice} when they move to a new | area rather than be bound by the tax support they gave previously; --Establishment of an appro- priate interprovincial agency Welcome News For Banks SUN. CONT FROM 2 P.M. 39 KING E. 1:30 - 3:30 - 5:15 7:20 - 9:25 Regents THE BIGGEST COUNTR | JAMBOREE EVER Mis, FUMED . In Bonds Yields On Market ep ¢ Sincin' Time MO\ OTTAWA (CP)--Bond yields} 'The formula also provides in' AND ING! " in the money market today sig-|for disappearance of the ceil- ' nalled welcome news to Can-|ing if the average market yield HO ada's chartered banks -- the|on government bonds of three- certain release of the interest/year duration and less 'is sus- ae 8 S S ' im ceiling on their loans as of next Jan, 1 The ceiling on loans has been fixed at six per cent since the tained below five per cent dur- ig ay three-month period of| The formula {is calculated on | WE GET At Robbies We Your Times Des Ad-Visors Invite You To Take present Bank Act went into ef-javerages in the money market Insist | fect in 1954. for each Wednesday. Today ts | STUBBORN That Our Advantage of Their AL The new Bank Act, effective) 'te Jas esday of the three- May 1, provides for a ceiling)month January - February- AT TIMES Cook Takes ge @ of 7% per cent during the re-|March period, during which At ] maining months of 1967. yields have averaged below five D | B - per cent. Least One Day 20 Reg. Thus, the ceiling is certain to Off a Week. . | SNOWE iZZ A advance Jan. 1, 1968. | Plus $1( 15 ISSUES USED | Rea Phone 723-0241 } in or 728-0192 About 15 different bond is- and we feel that this should be made mandatory sues are used in the calculation. On EP '§ Yields of all have dipped far in every kitchen. Why not give the little COOK | below five per cent this year in your kitchen this Friday Off and treat her oa 3 and investment dealers said 7 to an order of our... fh there is no possibility of a G change during the day to upset la | chijertge FISH 'n' FRIES es The banks regard the free- | me ' lo dom to charge a broad range of rates as essential to competing effectively with other lending institutions. They testified during Com- mons committee hearings on the new legislation that the six- per-cent ceiling forced them into a variety of service charges to fit their lending to}; the risks involved. eS The Bank of Montreal has al- ready announced that the inte- rim ceiling of 7% per cent will allow them to reduce their prime lending rate to 5% per cent and pay interest of four per cent on non-chequing sav- ings accounts. Special Offer! | 34.2% 60m" STA INCLUDING The STONEMANS » WEBB PIERCE » The CARTER FAMILY» WAYLON JENNINGS MARGIE SINGLETON * OSBORNE BROS. + PORTER WAGONER » NORMA JEAN If you have a house, room or apart- ment to rent, or an article you no longer use to sell, Place a Times Action Want Ad during this special offer and see for yourself the result-getting power of Want Ads, our 39" | Rabbies King St. West Across From K-Mart Phone Ahead at 728-6756 Also Featuring: Burgers; Foot Long Hot Dogs; Home Made Pizza 'FOR LIFE From Age 65 mB TODAY » MARK WEARS A MASTERPIECE INSERTIONS OF AN Here ts lal vide . meee jon oly Liew tgp ae |e nc oe eT " --_ee ene / ACTION WANT-AD | | FOR THE PRICE OF ---- wu, Your Times Action Want Ad runs 6 times for the price of only | 3 and applies to ads placed by individuals to Start Monday, March 27th, through to Monday, April 3rd. Want Ads will be accepted up to 12 noon Saturday, April Ist. at this special rate. SORRY, NO COMMERCIAL ESTABLISHMENTS, PLEASE. 3 DAYS FREE! Use the terrific. pulling power of Times Action Want Ads all year . but during International Want Ad Tighten Up Your Eat Belt at McMURRAY'S with FRENCH FRIES AND GRAVY @ Big "M" Burger AND COKE ROGER WOLFE UNIT MANAGER 723-2883 725-4563 By completing the enquiry form below, you can obtain details suitable to your personal situ- Home: long . . . the cost is low. . Business: " Week you can receive 3 days free. Immediately your ad brings results, call us to arrange for cancellation. LREVES UML TEN A UNIVERSAL PICTURE ADDED ATTRACTION! ation. SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY of CANADA Oshowe Shopping Centre ' J 1 y ' 1 WEEK-END SPECIAL Coorsh - Delicious HOT CORNED BEEF ON RYE! McMURRAY'S Drive-In Restaurant 1349 SIMCOE ST. NORTH Phone 728-2291 | Reach An Eager Audience of Prospects With acti CLASSIFIED Telephone 723-3492 THE OSHAWA TIMES -- 86 KING STREET EAST I NAME ..ccccccccocteccecoe eee f {| AODRINE. Scciccstascoueasesss ' U I) GOCUPATION 5 si0sSassaweaoesd J ' iy Exact Dote of Birth 2... eens ASTRONAUT 3:00 6:10 - 9:30 ABILENE 1:30 4:40 - 8:00 (epprox, PHONE 723-2643 FC

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