: ----e=vss aa all Treatment Of Mercantile oe deed Kapuskasing coovces 10 38 i. Holds Attention Of Senate| Sunny With Some Cloud,jisie"# Sault Ste. Mari Canadians Confuse Young j.22utatiragirsareans ce End Seen To Snowdlurries\i:, an eight-month trip through the|Dec. 31, 1972. Commons, won Senate favor in} An amendment in the Com-| TORONTO (CP) -- Officialjintervals and not much change hd a matter of hours Wednesday|mons Tuesday removed the flat|forecasts issued at 5:30 a.m.:jin temperature Friday. Winds ) About evo utionary or and early today became the law] 1972 deadline and gave the cal Synopsis: Snow in southern light. es : of Canada. inet power to order faster sale,|and central sections of Ontario orthern ite River: Mostly The bills much - egg: Petaling pel rg igh cane end by ees a com yoo we | dia Snow- treatment of the U.S. - owne 'latures remain rela vely un-/flurries y. le change in : TORONTO sea epee World Bank Mercantile Bank of Canada held|ments demand that Mercantile|changed but warmer air push-|temperature. Winds light today, are confusing their le si go- GUELPH (CP)--Dr. J. ¢,|the spotlight during the hurried become a predominantly Cana-\ing vigorously eastward from|southerly 15 Friday. suggesting young peop hlan, 60 ident of |Senate debate. dian-owned institution. the northwestern United States} Ottawa: Mainly cloudy with a dg Fs ea ge go ac cwanity ot Guelph. said] In the end, Parliament re-|_,The penalty for failing to cut/should see decidedly more|few flurries today. Friday: be- as, mies sodas Wednesday he has accepled a|cessed for Easter with the bill a Maal selling Bg st springlike weather developing coming una if ,titernoen. ee ; it h di im- ts T-\by Saturday. Some warming is|Temperatures a e ow ; . oie The chairman of the Ontario position as a c ant with i in form. It goes im - ve > 4 | Economic Council told the On- the World Bank. He will serve reed ine tect ag tions reggae er anes tons ga vice .. normal. Winds light. Centennia Dining Lounge ; Board | tario Federation of Home and in Jamaica. operations of Canadas char- i ae egional forecasts: Observed Temperatures au * " end to | School Associations Wednes- A tered banks for the next decade. gem Wallace McCutcheon| Lake St. Clair, Lake Erie,|Low overnight, high Wednesday Featuring French Buffet Sunday : that tox day: City To Appeal The banks acquire a new|(pc_ontario) tried Wednesday |Niagara, Lake Huron, Lake On-|Dawson ........+. -24 15 mills wl "Advancing technology will i range of powers and a comple-|night to restore the deadline of|tario, southern Georgian Bay,|Vancouver .. 48 to'start accelerate the rewards of crea- KINGSTON (CP) -- City so-|mentary list of restrictions|nec, 31, 1972. But in a rare|Haliburton, Windsor, London, 53 ect. The tivity but it will not alter basic licitor Douglas Hardtman was|under the legislation, but it has|yote his motion was defeated 24|Toronto, Hamilton: Mostly pi average human values nor the need to instructed Wednesday by the|been the so-called Mercantilelto § along party lines. cloudy, clearing this evening. 48 extra thi Satisfy basic human desires. city's finance committee to ap-|clause that has roused political) 1~ had taken the Commons|Flurries of wet snow this morn- 7 Times 'a "In. the next century a mass- peal a recent court and fi four months of sitting before ajing. Sunny with cloudy periods they felt ive gh ee a a Bao aigroog Bon pana wed The 88 - shar dine forces|committee and a further fivejand milder Friday. Winds light. Lywda pears likely . 4 First National City Bank of New/days of House debate to ap-| Northern Georgian Bay, Al- i ees into service or tertiary indust- keeping with the Canada Cur-|york to sell 75 per cent of its|prove the bill. Timagami uthe up but t fies. . . Job openings are mul- rency Act. Magistrate P. E. C. goma, magam), soueer | @ Central Ontario Trust i tiplying in the fields of com- Baker dismissed a routine park- nig Brita ny reg Fh thing oh munication) of which education ing ticket March 15 against e 4 ury, NO ay: Mostly cloudy|@ & Savings Corporation fully hi ' today with a few snowflurries uny Ne might be considered one facet), Matthew Hudson, a Queen's Un thi ane: Cloudy with city real in travel, finance, insurance, : iversity law student who argued is morning. Cloudy with sunny RETIREMENT ete real estate, the distributive the wording was not that all right trades, research, health, recre- MATHEW DYMOND legal Canadian currency. = 8 do. So ation 'and personal services. |. . . seeks doctors | é' rice Boost For Farmers (Peking Doctors|] SAVINGS PLAN spends A text of Mr. Cranstons| | Expert Dies | speech was released to the| OTTAWA (CP)--Dairy farm-jtional provincial subsidies to Seves income Tox ond pes press before delivery. | Doctors Needed aac i Pee sing lb fers will get a long-tought brie improve oa that. a In Rural Rreas erevies Hermenem mere | TORONTO (CP) -- Health ' Biel) increase for manufacturing mi y prior agreement, these % Government Approved 80 Walk Out Minister Dymond told the leg-|champagne into mass produc-| with the help of a two-cent in-|provincial subsidies will die with) TOKYO (AP)--A Communist meee f din " LONDON, Ont. (CP)--About|islature Wednesday the Ontario|tion, died Monday, Pravda re-|crease in - pv aged price. pac chagh 4 pcre aged yg a Chinese -- said Wednes-|{m * No 'coding fees a 7 © ' os Council of Health is studying all |ported Thursday. Agabalyants, a| A new federal dairy policy an-|tario the subsidy was cents|day doctors and nurses are|i-- *& Payments made before Feb- 3 : " bg se ae 57? ae ford possible means of overcoming|scientist, wine grower and edu-|nounced Wednesday will give|a hundredweight. In Quebec it|leaving Peking and other cities rif cag 4 ich ga Our Chef has prepared for your dining pleasure this pargh pic ahead ri walked), current shortage of doctors, |cationist, won a Lenin Prize in|the farmer an at-factory return)was 17% cents in summer andjto work in the countryside, and purposes, Eester Sunday, March 26th, a Special @ff the job Wednesday. particularly general practition-|1961 for developing a method of |of $4.75-a-hundredweight begin-|33 cents in winter. it was believed here they may|M . investment options -- Stocks O 'a Retert w. eg Big ak ers. producing champagne by an au-|ning April 1, the start of the new; To help pay a vende yee be fighting epidemics. --Bonds -- Mortgages FRENC H BUFFET onal representative of the in-| Replying to a question from|tomated, constant-flow process.|dairy year. _ |increase, the Canadian dairy! The New China news agenc : ; ternational Chemical Workers|Richard Smith (L--Nipissing), : It amounts to a 65-cent raise|commission has ordered an in-\said the medical teams" "in| * C{Lcie! reetlot for Tex pur _OTTAW: Union, said "procrastination|Dr, Dymond said the council is ae : from the national average price|crease in its buying price for/many places are crossing moun- Dining hours are from 4 p.m. to 9 p.m. peda and delay" by the company in|also seeking ways of encourag- of $4.10, although Quebec and|butter to 63 from 61 cents altains and rivers to give treat-|M@ CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST : nate, P; pcre a gaps = ing general practitioners to go} Ontario farmers have had addi- 4 ioe ig! pa gl ao ment and spread knowledge Adults $4.25 Children under 10 years $2.50 et lamed by the men for the/to rural areas now lacking doc- e effect is to raise the re-|about the prevention and cure : / . "Te o etnam Toll (tat et cee oe Seen nics demeeecn fiat aie The men told union officials V T ] = 's for imece o1 . that has < they would not return to work oe Team 65 to 70 cents a pound. 723-5221 f until their complaints about The increase will permit pro- €XP067 suet Pass) working conditions were dealt) OTTAWA (CP) --James R. Rises Shar | cessors to pay farmers more F $ T | » ------ " ea with. |Brown, 41, yes nee re PD. y for the milk brought in to make OT seasons trave : $524,083. d head team of fi- i i fs 1900, F In Pri nance department officials who SAIGON (AP). -- The ever-[der and other products, "hell AIRNK Wea tity'%,_<CANA that' enc ewer n rison will study the recommendations ; mounting cost of the Vietnam governments buying price of|| dation--Annex to EXPO grounds. oan OSHAWA --Gave OTTAWA (CP) -- A steadyjof the Carter royal commission war was underscored today be spray processed skim milk pow- (250 yogi ou eeisa Ge NIGHTS thority @fop since 1964 in the numbers|on taxation and help formulate the announcement of record/der 'win go up to 20 from 18 perty of 4. sittthave | 599 BLOOR ST. W. to meet Pp d ' tax policies. American and Communist cas- cents a pound in a companion Also. inquire about our Bus Tours. month o of men and women serving pen-'"Mr. Brown, who will have the ualties last week while both) ove "cheese support will be Phone 576-3131 --_ PHONE 723-5271 The Ser peter tf ne shies wHten. = 7 title of senior tax adviser, will sides increased in total strength. announced tater, one = 4 unusual : t tabled wedosetay in the roa supervise tax analysts. He was Communist mortar barrages ceeded to mons : pe > ig vee cry ges accounted for saach of os ris- i Bonk Act x rom the University o' s ing U.S. casualties, and more : Solicitor - General Pennell ting. Wednes- i Commons esate See Saat Cauna ect gas van rend ee GOOD FRIDAY SERVICE me NDP--Winnipeg North that pen- Sol d Ie oH |war spots. Commons Se ee Women Mortar shells rained down on Apdl 3: last Dec. 31. PAULINE JEWETT Sponsored by the newly-formed Oshawa and District Evangelical Fellowship April 18. JAKARTA (Reuters) U.S. positions just below the This compared with 7,444 last/women are being smuggled CARtantyn Set sepa: with over twenty churches co-operatin ich egy March 31; 7,518 on pee Hi from Indonesian Borneo into a a as ae gees sli 9: ee a 1965; and 7,651 on March 31,/yalaysian Borneo and sold as : North and South Vietnam an secutive 1964. 2S aves for up to 500 Malaysian Varsity Post |along the Cambodian border "THEMES FROM THE CROSS" ue An official of the peniten-|dollars ($180), the official An-| grrawa (CP)--Former Lib-\Where the biggest U.S. jungle timates tlary eg gp a the cur-|tara news agency reported Wed-),.01 wip Pauline Jewett has |SWeeP of the war is under way. SPEAKERS opened uj rent count is 7,188. nesday. The U.S. command also dis- -- -- been appointed director of topics for ity', i closed that 18 such ground : : : ge mea e- Edges Sweeps now are being con- Major J. Woods --Oshawa Salvation Army Citadel } GREENE I ERE versity announced Wednesday|ducted, an indication that a Rev. R. Barker -- Christian and Missionary Alliance Church Agricult an that Dr. Jewett, political-sci-|high level of casualties can be Rev. A. Kudra -- Bowmanville Pentecostal Church eet eey ence professor at the university {expected to continye. ctliebloiaibe é : f position M DECORATION medical staff and a gallery forjand former member for North-| The U.S. command said that | Rev. D. Dinnick -- Ajax Baptist Church 4 of goverm Petty Officer Bruce Mairs, pictures of prominent men as- ete eb =, angel Dr. bb peeing Se sat Pooks Rev. C. Bright -- Erie Street Free Methodist Church } Pegg , son of Mrs. Emil Mairs, Bow-|sociated with hospital work. cDougall, who will re- last week wi mer- oe manville, has been presented ume teaching and research injicans were killed and 1,874 «= MUSICALLY -- were with the Canadian i Dec- POTATO GROWERS the English department. were wounded. covernmen oration, which is awarded for} Dr. Lloyd Busch, University @ Mr. George Bateman -- Soloist ei! (ane 12 years' exemplary service. bebe cae wih te ak @ Instrumental selections by members of the Salvation Army peg South SPEAKING CONTEST provincial potato extension @ Simcoe Street Pentecostal Church Choir that his p: The four winners in the Royal |specialist, Alliston, will be the its fight t Canadian Legion zone final pub-|speakers at a meeting of Dur- 8:00 P.M TO 9:15 P M mates of lic speaking contest at Bow-|ham County potato growers to ' siaby ' oe ment set | manville were from the Pick-}he held, March 28, in the com- MPs can ' ering area. Ron Murchie of|munity hall at Cavan. Ajax, zone public speaking chairman, conducted the con-|- SEA CADETS test. The prizes were presented| The band of the Oshawa Sea by James Woodward of Bow-|Cadets took part in the official manville. The winners werelopening of the Oshawa Shop- Joanne Gainor, Dunbarton; |ping Centre's 'Centennial Ave- CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH CENTRE AND JOHN STREETS ALL WELCOME Tl Short Form $2.00 Anot In A Sandra Clarke, Terry Quinney|/nue" last Saturday. The Sea DETROI and Allison McBain, all of Bay |Cadets, in a letter to the Osh- of the bis Ridges. awa centooaial co-ordinating in the tm ANVILLI committee several weeks ago, Ford and get peg lool offered their support in centen- their slun ville Memorial Hospital has de-|"2! functions. PUBLIC WELCOME sales so cided to levy a charge of $2 for ST. CHRISTOPHER'S "These are the eggs "They'll find them 1966 figure each patient using the emer-| 'phe all "ik all the kids y The late gency department of the hospi- e he Purpose. roc Mg simply delicious." nesday sh tal except those covered by Droperen, Tey addition to St. AUTOWORKERS will be hunting 22 per cer Workmen's Compensation or postion gt 400 poco ag rhe (OSHAWA) Easter cent and ¢ Ontario Hospital Insurance. separate school board's archic peal ee JUNIOR. FARMERS tect will call for tenders at the year ago Mrs. Robert Kerr of Acton, |¢Nd of March for the addition, CREDI T UNION GM sale formerly Pat Knox of Hampton, it was announced at a separate tal 875,184 has been elected president of pring eget Peoegr Prsbem an 519 below Neodaton® "Ne Fa™er'|ig be completed by the fall o 322 King Street West im) -- this year. t yet HOSPITAL DAY OSH AWA of 256,646 The Oshawa General Hospi- f year. a tal will celebrate National Hos- & : America pital Day, May 12 by purchas- sales to 4 ing place mats for restaurants Y still 12,309 at a cost of about $30 R low sales ss 1966. "7 Spirited change of pace for spring Ridingate Checks K by Cambridge | E ef : ---- Ani wt om Cambridge picks up the check, Ridingate checks in crisp, between- season pure virgin wool worsteds with an enviable air of spirited breeding. Collected in a full colour range arene including the subtle new "Sandpiper" Look for this label, tones for a distinctive suit with It guarantees quality. @ personality of its own, Doorway to a Man's World Ti a ' an KIN ae EAS DENTAL SECTION - Members of the medical staff / S of the Oshawa General Hospital ' will meet with members of the p dental association to discuss the H : establishment of .a dental sec- » * ; tion in the hospital "'with lim- - ; io ited privileges". Patients would J still require a doctor's signature aaa ; for admittance under the pre- sent medical act. 5 HOSPITAL ADDITION City-Wide Delivery | The Oshawa General Hospi- \ th Sie haere it grea? Peet de- MITCHELL'S ¢ 0 include a multi-purpose tects 8 35 DRUGS waich bane ee "aa crea . * aic ference room for the board and Laura Secord Easter Candy EASTVIEW PHARMACY 573 King East . . . 725-3594 -- HOLIDAY HOURS -- Thursdey Merch 23 -- 9 a.m. te 9 p.m. Good Fridey 10 «.m. to 1 p.m. -- 6 p.m. te 9 p.m. Seturdey, Merch 25 -- 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Easter. Sunday .--. Closed Mondey,.March.27.--.9 a.m. te 9 p.m. wing. It would serve as a con- 9 Simcoe N. 723-3631 ALBERT STREET UNITED CHURCH | the ORGANIST-CHOIRMASTER: HAROLD ELLs } MINISTER: REV. HELMUTH DYCK, B.A GALLERIES OPENING SOON N roe} Good Friday Service 7 PM. "THE SEVEN WORDS OF THE CROSS" A Cordial Welcome To All