Q@ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, Merch 18, 1967 A GLANCE AROUND THE GLOBE Ask Security Commission | Big Stick Out In Both Houses Define Finance Companies TORONTO (CP) --Leslie Rowntree, commercial affairs minister, said Friday the On- tario Securities Com mission will be asked to make a wide- ranging study aimed at coming _7 up with a definition of finance companies. Mr. Rowntree said the defini- tion must be made before he can introduce legislation effect- ively regulating finance comp- anies and other "near banks" without denying them necessary freedom of action in their oper- ations. The minister spoke as he in- troduced second reading, ap- proval in principle, of a bill em- powering the cabinet to pre- scribe categories of companies with a view to regulating them appropriately. The proposed amendment to the Securities Act of 1966 also empowers the commission to dictate the form of finance HON. H. L. ROWNTREE Study Definition company prospectuses and when necessary to stop primary distribution of securities to the] public. | Student Leaders TORONTO (CP) -- leaders said Friday a behind-\qealers received second read Dairy Farmers TORONTO (CP)--A bill to in sure dairy farmers against non Student payment for produce sold to affairs, conceded that the delay OTTAWA (CP) -- Typically{a horse roundup. The chartered enough for St. Patrick's Day,|"thoroughbreds" would be cor the big stick was out in both|ralled while the '"'mavericks and houses of Parliament Friday. j{scrubs'" were left outside. In the Senate, M. Grattan| The longer this situation was Wrong View |ment for heavy spending, par- it would be to bring the banking MONTREAL (CP) -- Profes- ticularly for the CBC. -- joperations of these firms under 'sor Andre Gunder Frank, a In the Commons, the shil-|federal law. 38-year-old specialist in Latin-|lelagh was applied liberally to' Marcel Lambert (PC -- Ed- |American affairs who teaches'the government's bill amending monton West) attacked the bill's jat Sir George Williams Univer-'the Bank Act. stipulation about 'Canadian res- jsity, said Friday he has been| The bank bill made progress, idence" for bank shareholders. jprevented from attending con-jhowever, as the Commons, This was "pseudo-Canadian- ferences, in the United: States!passed another 30 of its 162,ization." The government because of his political views. |clauses. That left 44 clauses still should be specific and say that, Typical For St. Patrick's Day O'Leary belabored the govern-|allowed to continue the tougher | * | WEATHER REPORT Mostly Sunny Weather Forecas Kingston ... 'Trenton .. |Killaloe ... seeee |Muskoka .. 28 [North Bay 25 Warm Weather Expected = samp 8 |Earlton. ..:..s0c005 20 Senator O'Leary (PC --On-/TORONTO (CP) --_ Official|with cloudy intervals and a little Sault Ste. Marie ....5 - 28 ario) told the upper house it is|forecasts issued at 5:30 a.m.|milder still tonight and Sunday.| outrageous" for the CBC pub-|rst- ; Winds light. : 'ie affairs program called Sun-| Synopsis: Extremely cold| Ottawa and region: Mainly ge re ® weetor Sotget of weather prevailed a 6 sbctians@thy. Ghd Cnntiauing cold to- aul lof Ontario Friday but tempera-|day. Sunday sunny followed by At a time when the govern-|:yres today will be a few de-|increasing cloudiness and not so| ment was supposed to be cut-|prees above Friday's .though|cold. Winds northwest 15. ling expenses, the spending esti-|<ti]| far below normal for the Forecast Yemperatures mates for the publicly - owned|date. Further moderation in| Low tonight, high Sunday corporation were going to rise temperatures is expected Sun-|Windsor ........... 5 on Open To Serve You about 25 per cent. \day. St. Th § 5 30 The big stick also was applied "Lake St. Clair, Lake Erie, fae cm] Mon. - Thurs. 9 to 5 30 ram) Friday 9 to TRUST 32 KING ST. E. Friday to Mr. Justice Leo Lan-|Niagara, Lake Ontario, Halibur-| Kitchener dreville of the Ontario Supremejton regions, Killaloe, Windsor,| Mount Forest A West German citizen, Prof.|to go. for the purposes of C; |Frank lived in the United States| But the bill that will cover ownership, '75 per cent of the jfrom 1941 to 1959 but refused to|operations of the chartered|shareholders of banks shall be apply for U.S. citizenship be-|banks for the next 10 years was/Canadians." | cause he disagreed with the |blistered more by opponents for. Jack Horner (PC --Acadia) |"political actions taken by the Sins of omission than those of|said the move to free chartered 1U.S."" commission. banks from the current interest { "I refused to fight in Korea) Gerald W. Baldwin (PC-- (ceiling on loans is wrong under on conscientious grounds," he|Peace River) renewed the Con-|present conditions. 'The country said in an interview. "Since|S¢rvative attack on the bill for,was still facing an inflationary | then, you might say I have/not bringing "near banks" situation. | |moved further to the left anq/Under the umbrella of federal The effect would be to boost |have been called a Marxist." |!egislation. the cost of money to the average) | Prof. Frank came to Montreal HORSE ROUNDUP {consumer who was already hard! | : : montreal) He compared the situation to!hit by inflation. in May on a visitor's visa to teach courses on Latin Ameri- can history and economics at Sir George Williams. In Washington, Phillip B Heymann, acting administrator ./of the U.S. state department's .|bureau of security and consular Manning Issues New Appeal For Realignment Of Policies : EDMONTON (CP) -- Alberta; mitted to the implementation of} -|In Issuing a visa to the profes-/Premier E. C. Manning has is-|coercive measures in order to} the-scenes battle is being waged | ing approval in principle, in SOF was "'terrible' but said it sued a new appeal for a re- force individuals into some pre-| Beall ! by university presidents to stop/the legislature Friday. passage of a bill which would' When the farm products pay allow a student to sit on the|/ments bill becomes University. of Western Ontario|Qntario milk commission wil board of governors. Ibe able to collect The bill was approved week by the legislature's Prl-l fund. Farmers will be compen vate bills committee by the legislature, it would be | into bankruptcy or payment is the first time a student would | not made within a 15-day per- iod sit on a board of governors in| any North American university. | Peter Larson, president of the University of Western Ontario's Studets' Council, said in an in- terview he understands Ontar- io's Committee of Presidents, made up of presidents of the 14 provincially appointed uni- versities, is trying to force the government. to stop passage of the bill. Hugh Armstrong, president- elect of the Canadian Union of Students, also said in an inter- view the university presidents have engaged in behind - the- scenes politics to stop the bill. Negligence LONDON, Ont. (CP)--Dr. J. M. Growse of London and the Sisters of St. Joseph of the Diocese of London, who operate St. Joseph's Hospital, are being i sued for negligence by a Lon- | don woman oon a Pearl C. E. Price is claiming; HON, STANLEY RANDALL general damages of $20,000 in! Economics Minister an Ontario Supreme Court suit.| Supreme Court non-jury sit-| Made Easy Plan tings start June 12. A statement filed with the TORONTO (CP) -- Econo- court claims Dr. Growse was|Mics Minister Stanley Randall negligent because he admin-|announced today that condo- istered a barbiturate drug, so-|minium housing will play a role dium pentathal--an anesthetic--|in Ontario's Home Ownership to Mrs. Price when he knew,|Made Easy plan. or should have known, she was| Builders. use condominium as allergic to all forms of barbi-|a term to describe multiple-unit turate drugs. housing in which each unit is She was given the drug Jan,|Purchased by the occupant, 11, 1966, after being admitted |Tather than rented. Randall made the an- to St. Joseph's Hospital for an| r. ' operation, the statement says.|nouncement in reporting to the It also claims the woman de-|legislature on the government veloped "a large blistering,|housing program. blotchy rash over her body| He said Attorney-General Ar- consisting of reddish blisters."|thur Wishart will soon introduce The blisters subsided, but her /|legislation permitting '"'stratifi-) stil] /cation" of land titles, covered with reddish purple; 'Very simply, this will per- blotches, it says. mit persons to purchase indi- The hospital also is charged vidual apartment units or indi- with negligence because its vidual row or town houses staff allegedly did not advise|Within a larger multiple devel- Dr. Growse that Mrs. Price|/Pment being disposed of in a ae lne ate ies was allergic to barbiturate |Stratified-title basis. drugs. et permiiurate The minister said such con- |dominiums will permit elderly Farmers Union |persons who no longer need or }want homes to live in apart- GUELPH, Ont. (CP)--Repre- ments aa losing home- sentatives of the Ontario Far-,°Wner Status. mers Union will go to Michigan : : state to determine if milk is Soviet Union being imported from Canada| WASHINGTON (AP) -- A sat: because of a price protest by|ellite launched by the Soviet some U.S. diarymen, Walter|Union a week ago broke up into Miller, union organization direc-/ several pieces, officials of the tor, said Friday. |U.S. space - tracking network Mr. Miller said the union is| said Friday. interested in the methods used| The London Evening Stan- and success of the protest, cal-| dard had reported earlier Fri- forearms and legs are led by the National Farmers! day that the spacecraft -- the Organization in the U.S, 146th in the. Cosmos series -- Locals of the Ontario Union| Was in orbit as possibly the threatened to dump their milk! largest satellite ever launched. last year during a disptte over The Russians never have dis- milk prices. closed the purpose of the large B k F 1 4 jnumber of Cosmos spacecraft Take fraliure!: |they have placed in orbit. FLINT, Mich. (AP) -- Buick motor division of General Mo-| tors Corp. said Friday it is| recalling 5,780 LeSabre and | Wildcat 1967 models because of | the possibility of brake failure. | The company failed to install a gasket to prevent an upward! pull on the brake pedal from | disconnecting the brake assem- bly. Fast Action HOUSE SALES! Call @ Member of the OSHAWA end DISTRICT REAL ESTATE BOARD and List Photo O06 | MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE Buick said such a disconnec- tion and loss of braking power | would be improbable even if the | pedal were pulled upward with unusual force. law, the fees from| Professor had violated U.S. im- sources tabled in the legislature | Presses the government's inten- last | dealers to create an insurance| Migration If passed| cated whenever a dealer goes was. not due solely to political alignment of conservative poli- scribed mould." _| consideration. tical forces. He said Prof was "complex"' The paper emphasizes a be-; lief in the basic worth and dig- Frank's case| nity of the individual and ex- The appeal was contained in because l the a white paper on human re- the | Friday. tion to make human resources | Mr. Manning has repeatedly pear goon! esi es called for unity on the right to As a policy. statement, the| prevent what he has called the paper aise might be regarded | deterioration of 'Canada's party|.. an election document. This| Residents of Pelee Island, Can-|*7stem- was illustrated by Mr. Man- ada's most southerly part, who| Inclusion of the idea in a/ning's statement that it would have always had transportation| Paper, largely an outline of So-|receive wide distribution. trouble because of the island's|Cial Credit policy, promoted it) There is much in it to attract isolation, are still hoping a/from the realm of personal] voters. jhovercraft can solve their prob- Pinion. : _. | Among other things, it calls jlem despite an unimpressive. The paper, by its own defini-|for establishment of a man- |performance by a 744-ton craft tion, is a "non-partisan docu-' power reorientation fund to as- Friday. ment, intended for all citizens, sist people thrown out of work The hovercraft was to trave)|!'Tespective of party affiliation,|py technological advances, and ligik Peles lands : . |Who desire a cessation of Politi-| who enrol in retraining pro- tom Pelee Island in Lake Erie,|caj hostilities among those who grams. eight miles off the Ontario| hold in common the ideals and| It also suggests all Indians mainland, to Leamington, 19 aspirations underlying the poli-|and Metis receive the same fa- miles. to the north, but was| ies and highhscon it outlines. cilities and services available to | @ paper provides the first) all others. And it wants pensions junable to make the scheduled broad outline in recent years of tied to the cost of frien, wages jtrip because of five-foot waves|the policies of the Alberta So- related to productivity. jand winds gusting up to 65) cial Credit party, and lacks any : miles-an-hour on the lake. |reference to the controversial) regulations in _| past. Hovercraft KINGSVILLE, Ont. (CP) -- The islands' 371 residents are|monetary theories which first BUSINESSMEN'S seeking federal and provincial|led the party to power in Al- LUNCHEONS. jaid in obtaining a hovercraft tojberta in 1935. Instead, it out- 95e -- 1.35 jencourage tourism and enable| lines a conservative devotion to pas school children to attend main-|Private enterprise and the pri- = schools daily. |vate man, H DINNER | 5:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. | | WARNS SOME | Good Food | Reasonable Prices i The paper warns against} Pile spas ¢ Hotel "those who define their utopia! HOTEL caecaetee | | psa i llectivistic and socialistic | work television program, Sun- i ae | of PING 3, day, will end at the end of the ene and who are then com nounced Friday. DRUG STORES OPEN THIS SUNDAY Marce Munro, acting director of news and public affairs, said 12:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. KARN DRUGS LIMITED although the CBC will continue | 28 KING STREET EAST PHONE 723-4621 JURY & LOVELL LIMITED time public affairs show, it! 530 SIMCOE STREET SOUTH PHONE 725-3546 should take a different form in. the fall of 1967. | Mr. Munro said that Sunday's 7:00 A.M. to 9:00 P.M. jexecutive producer, Daryl| Duke, will continue to be assoc-| BISSONETTE'S SHELL STATION 381 KING STREET WEST liated with the public-affairs de- | partment, working on special COOPER'S TEXACO STATION 410 RITSON ROAD NORTH |projects for next season. {| Sunday was a replacement | SPUR OIL STATION 78 BOND STREET WEST this season for the CBC's| former public affairs program, ROBINSON'S B.P, STATION 574 RITSON ROAD SOUTH This Hour Has Seven Days. DURNO'S SUPERTEST 574 KING STREET EAST BILENDUKE'S ESSO STATION 1004 SIMCOE STREET SOUTH * BILL'S WHITE ROSE Sunday Off TORONTO (CP) -- The net- WHEN YOU NEED | "HOME-NURSING" CALL A V.0.N. Nurse ) 725-2211 "EVERYONE" RED FEATHER AGENCY | ADULT PRESTIGE RESIDENCE OSHAWA'S MOST EXCLUSIVE APARTMENT ADDRESS! LIFE LINE | 376-2111 With Your Telephone Pastor -- Rev. Fred Spring @ Daily Messages, Encouragement and Prayer @ Be Sure To Call Today |PARK ROAD NORTH 352 WILSON ROAD SOUTH RUSSELL'S TEXACO 461 PARK ROAD SOUTH BILL'S B.A. SERVICE 284 SIMCOE STREET SOUTH MacDONALD FORD SALES (OSHAWA) LTD. KING STREET WEST at STEVENSON ROAD A very few suites ore now avoiloble for rental; Contact Mr. Norman Oster at 723-1712 or 728-2911 for an appointment, G@ORGIAN mansions | ----/lower fares. day. |per cent and freight hauls 33\goma, Timagami, White River, per cent, the airline reported.'Cochrane, western James Bay | But net income of $2,909,878 was | regions, off about }orevious year. Court. A parliamentary commit-|Toronto, Hamilton: Mostly Wingham 28 dian|tee rec ded he be ousted|sunny and continuing cold today.| Hamilton . 5 32 Saturday S te { from the bench for misconduct.|Clear with a few cloudy inter- St. Catharines 8 32 The committee tabled a report|vals and not as cold tonight and TNO o.oo copes 8 32 that said the jurist was "unfit|Sunday Winds north to north-|------ wontoernre for the proper exercise of his|west 10 to 20 today becoming judicial functions" because of|west to southwest Sunday. his acceptance of shares in| Lake Huron, southern Geor- Northern Ontario Natural Gas|gian Bay regions, London: Vari- while he was mayor of Sud-|able cloudiness with a few scat- TRIM THE bury before his appointment to|tered snowflurries and contin- the bench, juing cold today. Clear with FAT Air Canada_ reported Passen-|cloudy intervals and not as cold ger and freight traffic levelsjtonight and Sunday. Winds OUT OF rose to record levels but net in-|northwesterly 10 to 15 today be-| ji come dropped partly because of coming west to southwest Sun- -- YOUR Passenger traffic was up 11) Northern Georgian Bay, Al-| North Bay, Sudbury, the Sault Ste. Marie: Mostly sunny | 'and not as cold today. Clear $1,000,000 from INCOME TAX We exercise your rights-- in making deductions, and Now you can hop the reducing your toxes! Be- COMPLETE ; - cause BLOCK knows toxes RETURNS inside-out, we'll make sure Pacific with BOAC oo ee deduction--and maximum ° & Se. Starting April 1, BOAC has 8 savings! Our service is LIFE brand new hop... . we can fly you quick, convenient and in- UP right across the Pacific, all the way to Australia. At the expensive. same time we're introducing new low fares--from only eee ce- GUARANTEE pecememees $817* return. That's $274* less than the current lowest South Pacific fare. We'll jet you direct from New York or San Francisco to Sydney. And, if you wish, you can stop over in Honolulu, Fiji and New Zealand at no extra fare. On our flights Down Under you'll find all the famous BOAC features . . . gourmet foods, vintage wines. Magnificent Rolls-Royce 707 jets. And a new luxurious economy class seat with loads of legroom. Sound too good to miss? Hop along to your BOAC travel agent and he'll give you all the details. *14/28 day economy aaa from Canadian and U.S. west coast to Sydney. Subject eT > BOAC | li We 9 oucutete prep of every tox return. If we moke ony erronm that cost you eny penalty or interest, penalty or interest. _ HR Biexe : K¢ | a Canada's Largest Tax Service with Over 1500 Offices in North America 22 ONTARIO ST. Weekdays 9 a.m.-9 p.m.--Sat. 9-5. Ph. 723-7071 NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY # pinewood terrace Located on Wilson Road North, Just south of Rossland Rd. East. KASSINGER Another beautiful new Kassinger development, Every home in Pinewood Terrace is designed to complement the gentle sloping valley. Homes with a fresh new glamorous look about them... with new innovations to make life easier .. . housework less a chore... with better, more spacious floor plans... attractive balconies and sliding glass patio doors. Bathrooms with more vanity and cupboard space .. . larger mirrors and added powder room. And kitchens with loads more cupboard space and roomy eating areas. The homes in Pinewood Terrace are priced conveniently for you, from $19,675.00 to $22,950.00 and finance terms and trade-in plans can be easily arranged with 634% N.H.A. Financing. Pinewood Terrace incorporates Kassinger conveniences, the convenience of services which make Pinewood Terrace "ANOTHER PLEASANT PLACE TO LIVE". : OPEN EVERY SATURDAY and SUNDAY From 1 to 5 p.m. (Any other time by appointment) MODEL HOMES ARE DECORATED wot SCHOFIELD-ARER ius 10 723-2265 A RRB ---- NIRS - of Ke: who h New | Ay QUEBE " task of « contacts was assig' Hiroux, 3 Canada's partment. Mr. Hir rector of | and will c tion of Qt erations i York and He now merce anc PAI AT- By THE FRIDAY, Aspe committe: Mr. Just be remov Supreme The re] who. was nection w years ago unfit to e: tions. Senator committee will ask f tion for r The Con Act revisi plaints ab moval of terest ceil Finance nounced t will offer new bond: The bur farmers a per - cen' planting t acres. MONDAY, The Con p.m. to Bank Act. Senate me BEFOR Aje Utt AJAX - J 17, of Ajax ed for hea of uttering when she a ering Towr day. She wa ing two cot Aja xstores set at $1,00 Also chai counterfeit : ae ! i Sy, -- A r «