Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 16 Mar 1967, p. 2

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Q THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thuredey, Merch 16, 1967 A GLANCE AROUND: THE GLOBE Immigrants From Britain Discouraged, Says Nixon TORONTO (CP) -- Liberal . Leader Robert Nixon of Ontario | Dairy Farmers says the federal immigration | TORONTO department is discouraging lauesd in the families from the United King- dom and Ireland settling in some Ontario cities because of © the housing shortage. He said the warns in a bulletin distributed to prospective immigrants not > to come to Toronto, Hamilton, Kitchener or Windsor unless they have prospects of earning $7,500 a year. Mr. Nixon, in a statement di- stributed across Ontario, | blamed Jack of leadership by the provincial government in the field of housing. An immigration department spokesman said, however, that the bulletins merely advise overseas offices to, warn immi- grants of temporary shortages. Draft - Dodgers OTTAWA (CP) -- Canada should not get involved in the matter of U.S. citizens living in Canada to escape the draft, Walter Gordon, minister with- out portfolio, said Wednesday. "T don't think we should take department housing Wednesday will insure dairy farmers against non - payment for produce sold to dealers. The proposed Farm Products Payments Act, introduced by Agriculture Minister William Stewart) was couched in terms that will allow the system to be) applied eventually to all farm products. Under the bill the Ontario milk commission will be able to collect fees from dealers to cre- ate an insurance fund. Farmers will be compensated whenever maintaining the graves of 36 Fathers of Confederation will government from now on, it was 'announced Wednesday. Where the graves haven't | The announcement may stir ja controversy, however. It left out the name of Hewitt Bernard, the secretary to the Quebec and London conferences at which the British North America Act was drafted. 'and monuments board, which ognize Bernard as being a father. However, the federal centen- nial commission has listed him! a dealer goes into bankruptcy or payment is not made within a 15-day period. The milk commission would have the right to collect monies | owed on behalf of the farmers, | and provision is made for farm- ers to refund money in cases : See aN nea .{where they are eventually paid! by both the commission and the Learn French = **#'«" | Any profits from administra- | OTTAWA (CP)--A new and|tion of the insurance fund would jcomprehensive order by Cana-|go to the government. \dian Forces Headquarters will} enable most English - language servicemen and civilian mem- bers of the defence department ROBERT NIXON Liberal Leader as one in biographies mailed! |teachers. the fathers. | The board was jas listed as gate, was Speares. : Sir Hector - Louis Langevin | The press release was issued Indian affairs and northern de- also of the national and historic parks branch, "This whole thing was pre- pared by the board," said a Unification Of Armed Forces Starting To Pay, Says Hellyer HAMILTON (CP) -- Defence! Minister Hellyer says unifica-| cation of the forces is almost a! fact of life and savings in money and personnel are begin- ning to show | Mr. Hellyer told an audience} of 150 at McMaster University| that the announcement of the! goal of full integration of the forces was accepted wholeheart-| --Canada has cut its intelli-| Bernard is among the 37 fig- be underwritten by the federaljures in the famed portrait of He is buried at Beechwood Cemetery in Ottawa. questioned |been badly neglected, they have|about Bernard after a check of (CP)--A bill intro- usually been qaared for by de-|a press release turned up sev- Ontario legislature |scendants or by private groups.|eral errors in the 36 names. | Edward Whelan, a Prince Ed- jward Island father, was listed E. Winslow and W .H. Steeves, a New Brunswick of Ww. ; An official of the historic sites,was down as H. S. Langevin. jrecommended federal care of|by the information office of the [the graves, said it doesn't rec- velopment department, home Fathers Of Confederation Grave Costs, Go Federal OTTAWA (CP)--The cost of|this year to thousands of school spokesman at the information | office. official. Development Minister who said upkeep of the graves. SEARCHED FOR GRAVES the forgotten burial places. The centennial commission is The press release attributed the announcement to Northern Laing, the board recom- mended that Ottawa pay for the The Boy Scouts, in a centen- nial project, had to use all their lore last year to find some of searching for descendants of the fathers to take part in grave- side memorial ceremonies this summer. amination of the condition of the graves," he added. 'Each will be marked by a distinctive plaque to be designed for this specific purpose, "Thirdly, financial assistance will be provided to individuals jor associations who wish to iparticipate in the erection and |maintenance of grave memori- \als."" gence units to one from five, won't be known until the field and reduced personnel by 30|Study has been made and a pro- per cent; posal outlined to the treasury --The newly formed construc- | board. tion engineering branch cut personnel at headquarters by 44 per cent, and in the field by 30 per cent. | 'Canada has neglected a very sacred duty in not giving these truly outstanding Canadians the care their last resting places --An integrated recruit-/deserve," Mr. Laing said. ing staff that has brought 10) Following is a list of the 36 Mr. Laing said a detailed ex-| Mr. Laing said the full cost! "This was issued by the in-|forecasts issued at 5:30 a.m. to- formation service," said a board day. | WEATHER FORECAST Sunny With C loudy Intervals Chance Of Some Snowflurries | TORONTO (CP) Official Synopsis: Southern Ontario on the northern fringe of a storm that now is moving eastward, caught from one to three inches of snow late Wednesday. North- erly winds behind the storm are bringing cold, unspring - like weather southward and below normal temperatures are ex- pected in southern Ontario for the next two days. Some light snow over Northern Ontario to- day is likely to move into south- ern Ontario tonight. Toronto, Hamilton, Windsor, Lake St. Clair, Lake Erie, Niag- ara, Lake Ontario, Haliburton regions: Sunny with a few cloudy intervals today and Fri- day. Variable cloudiness and chance of a few snowflurries to- Winds northerly near 20 today becoming light tonight. London, Lake Huron, southern Georgian . Bay regions: Vari- able cloudiness with a few snow- | Bill Approval : Plugs Loopholes night. Colder today and Friday. s Friday. Winds northerly near 20 today becoming light tonight. Sudbury, North Bay, north- ern Georgian Bay, Algoma, Ti- magami, Cochrane, White River, western James Bay re- gions: Variable cloudiness with chance of some light snow or a few snowflurries today and to- night. Mostly sunny Friday. Not much change in temperatures. | Winds light. | Ottawa region: Cloudy periods | early this morning but mainly | sunny during the rest of the day. Friday, sunny with some cloudy periods. Temperatures a little below normal. Winds) northerly 20 becoming light to-; night and Friday. Forecast temperatures Low tonight high Friday Windsor ...... coos 18 32 OTTAWA (CP) -- The Com- mons gave final approval Wed- nesday to a bill designed to} plug some tax loopholes con- nected with deferred _profit- Mount Forest . 25 Wingham .. 25 Hamilton: ..isssecs 10 30 St. Catharines .... 18 30 Toronto ..... coves 18 30 Peterborough 10 25 Kingston . 15 28 Trenton .. 15 28 Killaloe 0 25 Muskoka ... 0 25 North Bay 5 20 Sudbury .. 5 20 Earlton .... -10 Sault Ste. Marie . 0 20 Kapuskasing .... -10 16 White River ..... -10 10 Moosonee - 5 Timmins .. - -10 10 fs 'f] & SAVINGS CORPORATION Central Ontario Trust & Savings Corporation RETIREMENT SAVINGS PLAN Saves Income Tax end provides Retirement Income * * * Government Approved No looding fees or charges Payments mode before Feb- ruary 28, 1967 are deduct- ible for 1966 Income Tax Purposes. * Investment options -- Stocks --Bonds -- Mortgages %& Official receipt for Tax pur- poses. CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST 19 Simcoe Street North 723-5221 23 King Street West, 623-2527 OPEN FRIDAY NIGHTS end SATURDAYS | oo ee ee oom es EO ey AVI RO Six peopl been asked should redu keep the tax it means lir postponing c Rosen. "I think an cluding roa industrial c help the cit; aging mone with the ai know how to ly. Money : make mone} no matter wv city because to be a ¢ spending fo! Mrs. Fra Maomerseini Le |gress and attendance. e positive action one way or the |to get a chance to learn French edly by youn | i fath i hi hari 1 fter the Con- " t ; . y by ger members. er cent more men into the|fathers, the cemeteries where|sharing plans after the Con p -- "4 pape ltagenl 3 a The working language of the siaie climbed with the ex-| Drees takes 33 per cent fegee they are buried and the loca-|servatives called for a formal * IS cou on can € i Peron: riverine, session alarmed forces is generally Eng- ception of that of a few top of-| men to administer. tions: vote. th t f | «@ Mi Goon sid Canca alten 7 -- oan Lane my ficers "too old to try a new pair, --Combined information serv-| prince EDWARD ISLAND | Rhy woot tives stood | e S art 0 a won er U paid a Oe ' ' is will change. But the order " | ices reduced staff by 60 per| », |a1one agains e measure, 1 should do nothing to encourage s cl that the services of shoes. | | George Coles, St. Peter's, "4 | foreigners to break the laws et er ae Taner of The minister also criticized] pool and cut costs by $1,000,-/ 1 Hottetown; J. . H, Gray, |"asc, oa stus brisas tadée the! @ uropean vacation ' their home countries. ingual officers and men by f newspapers for opposing unifi-| eG jas Sherwood Royalty Association; |... B | |bilingual officer y His objective, he said, is one| Income Tax Act some tax as- BY oe sane Dime, be would lsbout 109 a year. | mot fighting 'nit with a number of| cy H. Haviland, St. Petet's,|sistance measures now incorp-| 4 This summer BOAC offers you a goa Me not favor laws to prevent cert-| Defence department studies} "A lot of information in NeWS-| specialities, equipped for the| Charlottetown; A. A. ,Macdon- orated "in the Canadian Vessel| complete program of British and | 'ant Le 0! ain people entering Canada, |nave shown that many French. | papers is misinformation," he/2i- water and land ald, New St. Dunstan's, Char-lconstruction Assistance Act,| @ European car and coach tours. You'll find all the facte in wi lastea cone sthomaeabed ss | tney were) speaking servicemen leave the| said. The government has allotted|/ttetown; E. Palmer, Sherwood|rnis act is repealed by the new three colourful new booklets. They're free and they give you LI pad Barn opp Bal particular group 'N armed forces after their first The main reason for Canada's | ¢1 500,000,000 for material, in-| Dove, a! Hcg gO Bo bill. E all the details you need to plan your Perfect summer vaca- | "The Newfo re {hitch because they ee their unified force, said Mr. Hellyer, | cluding anti - submarine escort| Or} st.' Dunstan's, Charlotte|,, Phere was no debate prior to tion. Be sure to get your copy. Fill in the coupon and mai ment annout I ' ti peepee will be ee i is to save money and pour it! ships equipped with two helicop- | own . s . final reading. it today to: BOAC, P.O. Box 426. Station B, Montreal 2, | increased te mmigration ites vitelde ctu few Ouehee! into new equipment needed by|ters each, tactical airplanes,|""" | Finance Minister Sharp said| Quebec. tion with ma TEL AVIV (Reuters)--A 'outer eof a tow Guener a small mobile force. self-propelled howitzers and ar-| NOVA SCOTIA that changes in deferred profit- E Please send me the free book(s) I have indicated P| penditures p! siderable drop in immigration| Several French-speaking offi- He said: mored personnel carriers. | R. B. Dickey, Amherst; W. A. poraen gyi -- ie 4 cng Ah Ag O Britain by Coach ( Britain and ing fiscal ye to Israel was an important fac-|cers have reached senior com-| ey a |Henry, Camp Hill, Halifax; c.|°S° : Finance M tor in bringing on the present]/mand -- Gen. Jean V. Allard. wu : s "a |Tupper, St. John's, Halifax; J. no yer had been cases | Legh et aoe EAE SEI Sad i announced a recession in the Israeli econ-|chief of defence staff, is a good| New Truth ~IN- LENGING LAW Meculy, camp Hill, Halifax; |where employers were gaining | cent a gallc omy, impartial economists here|example--but they have done A. G. Archibald, Robie St. Cem-|imwarranted tax benefits by ies tax, bringin reported. so partly because they became WALTER GORDON | hd Ceres TE: Ve ay Or raed rts sack Glas atch cnr ZONK___PROVINCE__ | dag. Construction workers are/proficient in English. Heads Committee Has Minor Problems In U S John's Anglican, Halifax. ticipants in such plans although the taxable among those worst hit by the : hada they were paid only small sal-| f panies and ¢ recession as the dro pin immi- P Il ; ; ' i NEW BRUNSWICK eee FA raised to 11 0 ution | BOSTON (CP-AP)--The Mas-|lation during present sessions to| ¢ B Chandler, Rockland; The new bill would tie ee ee rants reduced the needs f arke See eee ee grants uce needs for ith interest: rat d con: ' 7 = oe new housing. | OTTAWA (CP) --Davie OTTAWA (CP : sachusetts consumer who gets/deal wi a rates an County, Dorchester; C. Fisher,/amounts of tax benefits to the Rioters Tuesday night dl ' sd AW! ) ---Britain's}hooked on excessively high|sumer credit. Forest Hill, Fredericton, J. M.|amount paid in salaries. prota ranessman ars eronea ; = Ld tele a ths eaten the Tel puter (PC--Kaniloope) Pongo entry into the European Com-|credit terms has only himself} Legislation concerning inter-| Johnson, St. Paul's between| The bill requires that both ex- OPEN TONIGHT Cl Aviv city hall to protest. the|immediate actio fo clea wp {mon Market could hurt Canad-|to blame under a new "'truth-in-jest rates has not been. intro-ichatham and,/Newcastle; P. listing and future profit-sharing government's policy of '"mitun"|poltntion i Pie on, sons uP lian exports at first but it would|jending" law. |duced in Manitoba but Provin-/Mitchell, St. J&mes, Newcastle: (plans conform with the cave --a Hebrew word meaning te tae ioifg t eh ave He have long-term benefits, Ex-| The new act and a sister|cial Secretary Stewart McLean|s. |, Tilley, Fernhill, Saint regulations in order to be reg- utraiat. je eat aA Be ti nas Deen \ternal Affairs Minister Martin| measure require the lender to|Said there that government li-| John; R. D. Wilmot, Oromocto; istered with the revenue depart- Let Block é The word and all it stands fore? oy gerne, centur-|said Wednesday. |spell out clearly--and in large|censing will be expanded tolw. H. Steeves, Fernhill, Saint\ment. It defines what sort of stands ies of civilization than the Rhine) ye tog a g Sites Hiune «what thet tion is;cover several categories of| John, i Iv th has become the bugbear of thel|has been in scores of centuries. a Senate committee |type what the transaction is| Sit, erantore and: crovidions securities such plans must hold soive 3 OTTAWA growing number of workers los-| The federal government|that there might be "initial dif-|going to cost the borrower. jcredit gri to fe cca seclo: NEWFOUNDLAND jin order to qualify for registra-| parliamentar. ing their job: ] initiati ' P | Major provisions took effect|will be made q' ition, m ng Jobs as a result of gov-|should take the initiative and|ficulties for us in agriculture, |, 1 d Dermot P. Shea.|sure of the cost of borrowing. F. B. T. Carter, Anglican, \{102- ing anthem: ernment policy designed tolconsult Ontario and Quebec on|newsprint and aluminum" once|i2 "2" ei iel ri dward Island, Pro-|Forest Road, St. John's; A| " broader auth make Israel's economy again|this 'national problem." : jexecutive secretary of the Mas In Prince E' y Shea, Belved St. John' . ' viduals who competive in world markets. Mr. Filton dade ile. bret Britain gained free access to|sachusetts Consumers Council vincial Treasurer T. "eat ea, Belvedere, St. n's, | SERVICE. oe aehi a Impartial economists saidjcomments after Resources Min-|these products in Europe. | which priced for paattineyt, tet Guia Gest QUEBEC 1° PROMPT royal anthen i j F iti ; says ave , Jei \ eae eR RR ne ee Aaa ee MRM PRESCRIPTIONS | aoe yond the control of the govern- dealing ith he for|t Y *Atlanti net t ceommun.|. The law is new to the United|current session. |Royal, Montreal; T, D'Arcy Mc- N day that ment ' ' on ae . Pearl oe its aii ali . jh a ond. the |States. In Canada most of the| These are the teeth in the Gea. Cole te Neige Montreal: 7) a efit to : power and other purposes. - nvolving Canada an tity uroviness ate Gnidia Wie Massachusetts law: Violations) 7°, O16, de, Nelge, Montreal: he ae iganadn ta close 40 a , |!egislation that would determine/call for a fine of up to $500 or/ouebec: City; E. P. Tache, St. and God Sav f Se to the MOS! ithe interest rate on loans. |six months in prison, or both.!Tomas de Montmagny; J. C. anthems. an ee et, 6 ve wens. The Massachusetts bill re-| Failure of a creditor to disclose/chanais, st, Denis de Kamour- But on lyr ane on lines - gk quires that landers 'explain in|the required information Pied aska. said its orde: , e 1 . .|cept in the case of an accident "far too res ,, WRONG ADDRESS --_|many reputable people. The| world. Betall the coat Of 6 Tks, te acer -- ale i oe Hon! ONTARIO the detailed William McLaren, convictedjones I'm interested in expos- early basis and the total|Claiming any of the finance, col-| W. P. Howland, St. James, \ question dese of being drunk in a public place ing are the Byp-artists who Te. Bank Of England Asses fe for tneutante jlection, delinquency or refinanc-/Toronto; G. Brown, Necropolis, j The comm and ge $20 in magistrate's|vert to "high-selling tactics.' oe anni interest rate also ing charges. Toronto; J. Cockburn, St. ' if . i tabled the co court Monday, gave his address TRAFFIC REPORT LONDON (Reuters) | --The| ict be printed on the agree.| A retail instalment bill, which|James, Toronto; A. Campbell, |i City-Wide Delivery Commons by as 45 Drew St., which was re- ' Bank of England cut the bank nt in holdtace |paved the way for the truth-in-|Cataraqui, Kingston; 0. Mowat, | | Spadina) and ported in Tuesday's Times. This) Oshawa Safety League in-|rate by one-half per cent to six|™e" , \lending measure, also requires|Mount Pleasant, Toronto; W. MITCHELL'S i Maurice Bou is not his address. tm asking the city traffic|per cent today. BALANCE SHOWS \full disclosure of finance|McDougall, Beech wood, Ot- We ; of ecere ta tater The report $100 FINE |clinic for a report on its pro-| It was the second cut this} On revolving credit arrange-|charges in both money and per-/tawa; J. A. Macdonald, Catara- DRUGS we moke eny errors that cost you any penalty or Interest, tee wants | will_ poy or Alan Sipe of 241 Garrard Rd., year in the rate that sets the|ments, the creditor must list the|centage terms at an annual|qui, Kingston. "to do justic 9 Simcoe N. 723-3431 many of wh was reported, in Saturday's SAFETY G pattern for banks in the ster-|balance outstanding, a brief de-|rate. Times, a have been fined $500] Oshawa sb hee _ fant ling bloc. Jan. 26, the rate was'|scription of the transactions, the| One of the key provisions is J pty Pn agg personal inte when, in fact, he was fined only |it would fi mth fae gs cut to 6.5 per cent from seven./amount of finance and other|the right to cancel a contract--|_*" 71 Oo Ma . suggestions" $100 after being convicted in working che "in ina" Wik The announcement of the new|charges and the amount which|a sort of cooling-off period. De- WAS UNANI magistrate's court of impaired|the city's recreation depart-|CUt followed disclosure by _the/must be paid, and when. i: oe ee \ Canada's Largest Tax Service with Over 1500 Offices in North America | The eacoin The law also bans false or misleading advertising about rates or terms. treasury Wednesday that Brit- ain's balance of payments |Swung out of the red and into driving. COMBINE THINKING the music of was unanime jment. The League passed a mo- |tion Tuesday to set up liaison buyer to cancel an agreement jmade at any place other than The executive board of Osh. | SHOPPING CENTRE 'things, the programs in exis- with the department. e black in the final quarter Governments in Nova Scotia, the seller's address, The cancel- 22 ONTARIO ST. is expected | the current | awa and District Labor Coun-| jy annin lof 1966--the best trade balance|New Brunswick, Ontario, Al-|lation must be done by certified | ell will ereeagpae request that) pe sl Pye cape |showing the country has made/|berta, Saskatchewan and British|mail before 5 p.m. -on the next ince 4 w.m.--Set, 9-5, Ph. 723-7071 a ae area religion and union groups engel, BA, - "lin ef ath | ; . ' ? eakdave 8 a.in-9 p.rmecSet.. 9-5. Ph: 3 eunhine Thinking on lsKine "ikeler at Donevan Collegiate, will|i"_°lsht years. Columbia are considering legis-'business day y: ry qualification low income housing. A letter|address the Ontario County NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY i. sic of O'Can sent to ODLC by the Religion-|Association" for Children with Labor Foundation of Canada|Learning Disabilities at St.|» and Fridays } urges that the groups co-oper-|Gregory's Auditorium March ' " ate in talks over various local La me Eauel's yy bdo be te nes ays (sometimes Mondays), issues. The letter was read to|_/ nerapeutic Approach to} . an ODLC meeting Tuesday. . |Remedial Reading," and he} Jim takes home ; will discuss, among other | a single red rose and a bottle of Jordan Valley ICAL Plans for expansion of the; Oshawa Shopping Centre will probably be announced "with- in the first 10 days of April," says the centre's administra- tor, Mrs. M. M. Martin. BUDGET APPROVED tence in Montreal for children | with learning disabilities. Mr Engel has just returned from a/| three-day visit in Montreal with| Dr. Samuel Rabinowicz and Professor Brian Cleary. Board of control was inform- ed yesterday that the Ontario Municipal Board has approved the city's 1967 five-year capital forecast. | SALESMEN | William Rutherford, member | of ODLC's political action com-| mittee, said today he was refer- ring only to high-pressure salesmen when be told an ODLC meeting Tuesday he had no use for car, rea] estate or good names to rewamber If you have a ! Commercial Property | To Sell or Lease REG AKER, pres. BILL McFEETERS, vice-pres. SCHOFIELD-AKER | 723-2265 Red Table Wine. He likes the way its full-bodied richness adds to the pleasure of a quiet evening. So will you. Try all the Jordan Valley Table Wines. You'll enjoy them. ' If you are not insured by an Independent Agent, chances the insurance on your car and | home up-to-date. If you have a | "THE MOST PLEASANT PLACE TO LIVE" by Kassinger The Location The Setting The advanced method of construction The Quality and The Beauty of the Homes Are Unquestionable insurance salesmen. "I would are you are receiving only half loss, the same independent agent : ' fon Sateen ee an Over:S3 years In Busine the benefits you might expect is there again to see you get paid Without Comparison - when placing insurance on your promptly and fairly. | | re) h CITY OF OSHAWA | dwelling, car or business. To get all the facts about | n shawa -- PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT | An independent insurance complete insurance protection, | jr 3 : ' f DESIGN DIVISION sertueiie seta ook for the man who displays | 10 different Model Homies with Palighttul Styling Requires « : Panies. His job doesn't end with this Big "I" symbol. It tells you || Nd Breathtaking Interior are on display now. i PF a had SUPERVISOR Enjoy selling you insurance. That'sthe he's a member of the Ontario | H aio big difference in insurance-- Insurance Agents' Association. |. TQ KEEP BEAU VALLEY HOMES SPARKLING | Under ihe Mrsction, of the Chief Draftsman, te supervise a team ef @MRDAN INES the continuing, personal atten- It also means that he'll. give you | i | W soo nee trvice beyond the | CLEAN, THESE HOMES ARE SHOWN BY -- oound --o culverts, bridges, iinanicipel bulldings,- Phas ecu. | Anywhere...anytime agent. He keeps vol Wax L call of duty. | APPOINTMENT ONLY Must be registered os @ Senior Technielen with the A, 0. C. f, T. 4 Pr TOUR 2 Sey in Gols on oe age, morite! stotus experience, quoll- Tamura AGENT SCHOFIELD-AKER LTD. --_ 123-2265 4 q ficotions, and other pertinent information before 5:00 P.M.,. Mor & Jordan Valley Still Rosé Delectable, pink. always compatible ~seavel] vou [Tair a es The Personnel Office ? 25 KING City Hell, m Jordan Valley White Table Wine Light, crisp, medium dry . ste | Oshewe, Onterie. . ' ETRE ES

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