32 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, March » 1967 |26--Apartments for Rent |27--Rooms for Rent \30--Automobiles For Sale 30--Automobiles For Sele 26--Apartments for Rent |26--Apartments for Rent WHITBY -- Modern, two-bedroom apart- ment in eight-plex 'building, refrigerator | and stove, balcony, heat, pe Negial $125 WEEKLY RATES $ SAVE $ THIS YEAR By Moving To GRENFELL SQUARE ONE and TWO BEDROOMS OSHAWA'S LARGEST SUITES No Reasonable Application Refused FREE @ HEALTH CLUB @ SAUNA STEAM RENTAL 380-385 GIBB STREET ROOM SWIMMING POOL (IN SEASON) Indoor Parking Free Hydro Fabrice Draperies Balconies Public and Schools Close to Separate @ Elevator FAMILY or ADULT FLOORS FURNISHER or UNFURNISHED 723-5111 723-7811 French Provincial Kitchens Broadioom Corridors Walking Distance of Oshawa Shopping Centre Children's Playground INFORMATION You Will Enjoy Regal Living in our spacious suites PRINCESS | ANNE APARTMENTS FEATURE, personalized serv- ice, indoor pool, sauna room, large balconies, ample park- ing, full time manager plus many other extras. Visit Our Model Suite Open Daily 2 p.m. till 9 p.m. PRINCESS ANNE APARTMENTS 1221 Simcoe St. N. 725-9934 Sat. and Sun. 11 a.m. till 7 p.m. monthly, very central. 725-52 MAID SERVICE ONE, two, three-bedroom Spammers | A Lo Carte Restouront on medern building, centrally located, inter- Premises com. No children under 12. 725-8876. | WHITBY. Modern twobedroom apart. ment In six- abe Fill waolead and stove. Telephone 668-693: TWO - SaDROON se apartment, electrical ee ly heated, refrigerator, stove, drape: COMFORTABLE ROOMS Centrally located. Baby palcomne, Apply WEEKLY, RATES 25 Mill Street, Apt. 4 or 723-329: MAID SERVICE WHitByY -- Caaat Tasman ee | A La Carte Restaurant on premises. ment on' top flocr of sixpiex. Fridge,! MR. JAMES MAHER Mrs. James Maher WHITBY HOTEL _ 668-2337 stove, washer, dryer, individual hot water unit. $120 per month, Available April 1. Phone 668-2778. THREE - ROOM, newly decorated, fur-| nished apartment. Separate entrance CENTRAL HOTEL and bath. Hydro, heat supplied, tele- 723- 9121 vision, Pee: Very central. $85 month- asia eulaelasapieiaiaaiccnedeccatsaliai ly. 728-6697. _| NICE, clean, single room for working FURNISHED two-room apartment, near ladies, nice kitchen, Private entrance, downtown, for one or two adults. Apply parking facilities. dy Brock Street East. Me Divert Siroat LARGE ROOM or room and board for | WHITBY -- Three room and bath, sec- gentleman or lady. Lunches packed, ond floor furnished apartment, Heat, meals. Telephone 576-1244, hydro, water supplied. Immediate pos- PLoc MAIN FLOOR, session, $95 monthly. Telephone 725-0303. | private entrance, heat and hydro. sup. SUBLET -- Two - bedroom apartment. plied, Telephone 725-8608 Telephone _728-5620._ SINGLE clean quiet room, bus stop at FOUR - ROOM apartment « 'on main floor. door. Close to hospital. Light housekeep- Private bath, heat, water, stove and re- ing if desired. Telephone 728-5984, frigerator included in rent, Street. Telephone 725-3938. 68 Wayne TWO jarge unfurnished rooms, refriger- . ator, te heat, light and water supplied. NEAR CREDIT UNION | building, two- Suitable for light housekeeping. !mmedi- bedroom unfurnished apartment, $110) ate Possession. 339 Perry St., St., Whitby. monthly. Couple only. Stove and refrig-| ONE CLEAN fully equipped housekeep- and pedis Apply 330 Buena Vista, Apart- ing. room, centrally located, TV pe EL --.. parking. Telephone 728-8214. WHITBY -- one-bedroom apartment in Saal lice modern apartment building, appliances LARGE | furnished housekeeping | 'aon, supplied. Close to bus stop. Apply Apt. parking facilities. Working couple or gentleman preferred. Apply 194 King 6, 105 Craydon Rd., Whitby. jonas | Street West. FURNISHED self-contained, two - room TWO furnished rooms for clean couple at npecnent, |. tatrigeretor, nd ret 240 Ritson Road South. Fer further in- }tenna, heat, hydro supplied. parking. Telephone 723-2013 after 5 p.m. formation apply 214 Arthur Stre For Prestige Living LA CONTESSA| "| APARTMENTS | @ Entronce controlled. by closed circuit TV @ Free hydro and electric | heat Sauna Bath Swimming Pool e e @ Rec Room @ Fabric Draperies e Close to shopping, school | and churches. VISIT (LA CONTESSA" | 140 Nonquon Road RENTAL DOLLAR | CAVALIER VISCOUNT DIPLOMAT AMBASSADOR APARTMENTS Modern equipped with and stove, broadleom in halls, intercom F. M., eonies. One bedroom $95 and up. Two bedrooms $115 and up. Close te shopping cen- GET MORE FOR YOUR and tre and all schools FREE TAX! SERVICE BY 340 Marland Ave. | APPOINTMENT CALL 728-4283 for appointment or see Henry at Apt. 111 convenient, refrigerator large bal-; The best value in apartment living can be seen at @ REGENCY TOWERS eo 349 MARLAND AVENUE PHONE 725-2227 AND _@ PREMIER @ CLOSE TO SHOPPING CENTRE APPLY OR TELEPHONE THE 321 MARLAND AVENUE PHONE 728-6722 MODERN 1 AND 2 BEDROOM SUITES NEWLY DECORATED STOVE AND FRIDGE BALCONIES FABRIC DRAPES LAUNDRY FACILITIES FREE HYDRO {oC IN HALLS ELEVATO! LOCKERS CONTROLLED ENTRANCE AMPLE PARKING CLOSE TO SCHOOL AND CHURCHES ABOVE NUMBERS Want-Ads Don't Cost - They Pay! [es | 725-148] | ROYALE | APARTMENTS 1 and 2 Bedroom Suites Available For comfort and convenience see these all electrie apart- ments. Located near schools end shopping, with direct bus route inte town. Extra large balconies and closet space, Te view anytime eall: 728-5282 '728-1717 SHELDIAN MANSIONS 2 and 3 bedroom suites: Rie pool, opposite south GM. Children welcome. Twe baths in all twe and three bedroom suites, 885 OXFORD STREET 728-7942 SUBLET. Two-bedroom apartment, stove and refrigerator. Damage art pre- paid. Available" y. P| 728-1296. 1 SOREN kitchen and room. Telephone 725-3643. LARGE ing room, with stove, extra storage space, parking, close to Hing COMFORTABLE ROOMS -- bedroom and kitchen, 5400 AT LEAST FOR YOUR CAR IF IT RUNS... . AND HAS 1967 LICENSE PLATES ON ANY TRENT 7; BUS stop and Wilson - Olive shopping japartment in plaza, $11 weekly. 728-4439 after 4 o'clock. supplied, TWO furnished rooms for rent. jAveiiotie Available immediately. Telephone 668-4021. THREE FURNISHED rooms, $10 \ peat | ONE- OR TWO-BEDROOM apartment, one per room. Close 13 bus and shopping or two children welcome, woman in Telephone 723-4712 or 576-2410 and ask j}same building will care for children of for Joe. "i 1 Wersina COrenis, Telephone 7078: eOrRORNE MART. << Laree Hitline? WHITBY -- Two - bedroom apariment room, refrigerator, sink, rangette and with broadioom, drapes, fridge, stove. dishes, business girl only. Private home. Heat and water supplied. Available now. Telephone 723-1612 Telephone 668-4363. ROOM FOR RENT within walking dis- ~~ Two-bedroom building, electrically refrigerator, drapes WHITBY, modern stove, laundry and parking facilies, new. $115 monthly. 668-6907 ONE-BEDROOM furnished or unfur- tance to Oshawa Shopping Centre, lady | jnished apartment. Private entrance and preferred. Telephone. 728-3690. | Sel RRL ar ARGS hag parking, rea- LARGE h + room, G ane € furnished, including refrigerator and MASON STREET -- clean four-room stove, for one or two gentlemen, central. | japartment, close to -hospital and bus, | 303 Pacific off Park Road South. 725-0803. jnot suitable for children. Reasonable |rent, Telephone 723- 7917 i) NEW HOME, LARGE bright room, close to town, "bus, and hospital. Pleasant residential 'area. | two-room apartment Kitchen Privileges optional. Apply 58 {plus kitchen, Reasonable rent. Heat, Aberdeen Street or telephone 728-3978 | jhydre paid. Telephone. 983-5667. NICELY furnished room and fully! | Two-| BEDROOM apartment, free serv equipped kitchen. Newly decorated. All| jices, bus at door, walk-out balcony, conveniences, TV outlet, parking. One electric heat. Telephone 725-9872 person only. $4 weekly. 725-8560. MODERN THREE-BEDROOM apart- CENTRAL, clean bedsitting room aur} ment in triplex, main floor. Only $45 able for gentleman or lady. Abstainers. }per month. Available May 15. Apply 196 Parking available, Telephone 723- 1989 | Stevenson Road South. evenings. |TWO-BEDROOM apartment in duplex, COMFORTABLY - furnished room for jground floor, newly decorated. Near lady, close to bus, beard optional, Wil- jcity bus stop. Immediate possession.!son Rd. South Telephone 725- 8845, | Telephone 725-3652. FURNISHED bed - sitting room, "kiteh- | TWO-ROOM furnished ~ apartment, ~on|en and washroom. Close to shopping! ground floor, private bath and entrance, | plaza, bus stop, $10 weekly. Abstainers | terlesiater and stove included. Ritson preferred. Telephone 728-6168. be South area. Telephone 725-1901. ee PRIVATE. furnished apartment, bed. 28--Room and Board -- room, kitchen, living room, suit couple Close to Shopping lor two gentlemen. 306 Pacific Avenue. 723-7580. Centre. SINGLE ROOMS SUBLET -- Two - bedroom apartment in new building. Stove, refrigerater -<up- [plied. Convenient laundry facilities. and BOARD Ample storage space, parking. Elec- trically heated. Heat, hydro pald. 728- . 0626 or 728- Apply: THREE - | -contained apart- ivisi ment. Adults only, abstainers. Heat, y be Division SA water supplied. Apply to 68 Drive, side door, before 7 p.m. | WENTWORTH APARTMENTS -- Large ATTRACTIVELY cles f apartment includes inter- FURNISHED ROOM Available in private home. Call between 5 and 7 p.m; 82 PARK RD. N. rear eta ey eee 728-8671 cludes heat, hydro, refrigerator, stove. ROOM AND BOARD for gentleman, good Apply 396 Pine Ave. 725- 5-5363. home cooking. ee packed. Apply 148) eae Ritson Road South. new bulld- | an Ing. Simcoe Street North, Sauna, indoor $16 WEEKLY. | Room and board for | Pool. Children welcome. Six months left gentleman, good meals, lunches pack-| on. lease, Telephone 725-6130. ed, parking, close to bus stop, Telephone | ar 728-4845, EDROOM apartment, stove, re- i frigerator and drapes, no damage de|ROOM AND BOARD for young "Tad | central, laundry done, seven-day week. | josit, Available April 1. Telephone 723. 728-3577. hoea or apply 170 Park Road South. 28-3 FIVE-R $125 month In-/ COLBORNE EAST, 57 -- Room and board, gentleman to share, single beds, | com, balcony, drapes, refrigerator, | | stove, heat, hydro. Telephone BU lla | BACHELOR | APARTMENT, $80 monthly | includes heat, hydro, stove and refriger-| ator, Television outlet. Handy to bus st 723-5958 or 725-5325, THR FIVE-ROOM | apartment, cluding hydro and heat. Available April close to north GM and downtown. SUBLET. Large modern one-bedroom| ROOM AND BOARD for gentleman, very | apartment, heat and hydro Included, re- 147 Brock Street East or 725-2938, Reduced rent. Telephone 728-140 ROOM AND BOARD, lunches packed, six FOUR-ROOM apartment, seif- -- day week, for two gentlemen, abstainers. | son and King Streets. Telephone 728-1603 ROOM AND BOARD Yor ~ gentleman, days. home cooked meals, TV, parking. 43/ SUBLET. Two-bedroom apartment, seit-| Garrard Road by K-Mart. | Whites Stt6444 or $34 Dundas East.) vwca. residence. Apply fo the Residence ys Supervisor. Telephone 725-1322. | Two. artment In new five-|---- IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY 1 and 2 Bedroom Apartments Free hydro, water, heat and parking. Starting at $109 monthly. Adults only. 723-6455 723. 6944 Between 6 and 9:30 p.m. $105. PER MONTH ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT Wall-to-wall drapes, heat and hydro, refrigerator and stove. | Immediate possession, | 728-9726 BONUS | We Pay Moving Expenses | | and 2 bedroom, large apart- | | ments, fully equipped. | 190 Nonquon Road 728-9726 FURNISHED and UNFURNISHED | | | 1, 2 and 3 bedroom apart- ments. Controlled entrance, Twin elevators, swimming pool, fenced playground. 723-2347 LUSANNE VILLA 330 GIBB STREET Exciting prestige building. Centrally located, electrically heated. Roomy breakfast nook and kitchen. Tennis court and barbeque. | @ FOR RENT e@ Apts. Houses, Rooms, Room and Board. Office Hours: Tues. to Fri. 10:30 am. to 7 pm, Sat. 'til 3 p.m. LANDLORD'S ASSOCIATION __55 Bruce St 728-1070 $118. MONTHLY, two-bedroom apart: ment in modern building. Hired to shop- ning, transportation. Refri gerator, stove, paved parking. Adults only. For) inform: 728-4500. | ONE-BEDROOM partment, refrigerator and stove. Heated. Laundry facilities. Ample parking. A Bh aah Apply 1510) Simcoe St. N., 7: mae Ae -- $60. ay for small three-roomed apartment, heated, --un- furnished, ground floor, private en-| | france. ness Excellent for widow or see busi- rg! two-bedroom apart ent own basement. No iease. Both avaliable" April 1, 668-2900 ove-| [THREE ; \ONE™> television antenna, private bath, park- Good clean local cars for ing. Immediate possession. Apply 212 cash Athol Street East, telephone after 4 p.m. : 725-2642 | MORLEY STALKER SUBLET -- Large two - bedroom apart MOTORS ment, $120 per month. Lusanne Villa, 137 King West ilable i iately, Telephi 7 apne le immediately. elephone 23: 1723 8311 723. -6322 TWO - BEDROOM self-contained apart-| M ment, $105 monthly. Available April 1} RA BLER selephone ion: | SALES -- SERVICE ONE-BEDROOM furnished apartment, | private entrance, parking, suitable for | and PAINT one or two persons 1, Telephone 723- 3204 after S p.m central, single room, home cooked meals. | frloscator, drapes and stove Flan private entrance, heated, vicinity Wil- | Telephone. 725-7755. Contained, frig and stove, $122 monthly.|Cimirao number of vacancies in" the | "ap plex built in stove, refrigerator, drapes, | $0: Autemobiles For Sale | | parking, central, available now, adults phone 723-4948 after 5. | |MAIN FLOOR. Three rooms, plus sun room and bathroom, washing machine, | MORE CASH jstove, refrigerator, private entrance. Available April 1. Telephone 725-1483. =| SPECIAL L bachelor « apartments in; apart: ment bullding, bedsitting room, kitchen, men ng; ,bedsiting. room, kitchen, DODD MOTOR SALES athroom. rivate. arking. urnis' $95, unfurnished $85 monthly. Telephone | 314 PARK RD, SOUTH 728°9672. 723-9421 MUST SUBLET due to transier. Modern | |two-bedroom apartment, good location. electric heat, stove, refrigerator and |drapes, laundry facilities, reasonable rate. Telephone 728-5282. THREE - ROOM basement apartment, | Private entrance, furnished or unfurnish- | ed, $90 monthly, heat and hydro in- cluded, garage. Telephone 723-3692. | ROOM furnished basement | apartment, bright and clean, close to hospital, adults, parking. Telep! | | 9686. Paid for Good Clean Cars. Trade up or down. Liens paid. | Rebuilt Transmissions GUARANTEED WORKMANSHIP 576-2610 Oshawa Transmi-_-?on ervice 1175 Nelson Street WANTED BEDROOM furnished apartment, Near Steinberg's, | King Street East. Telephone 728-0746. | ONE-BEDROOM basement apartment, Private bath and entrance. Suitable for couple, $70 monthly. Call 728-1731 after p.m. ADELAIDE AVENUE ne and Used Cars asy to finance at NICOLS MOTORS LTD, WHITBY -- 668-3331 CONVERTIBLE TOPS Nylon $89.00 up WEST. Two-bed- room apartment in apartment building,| refrigerator, stove, broadioom. Tele. phone 725-651. Repairs to all makes of cars. THREE-ROOM apariment, two - plece Antique upholstery and re- bathroom, heated, near store and storation. school, child welcome, outside Oshawa, | Biions Haroon 4aa-r106, BILLS CUSTOM AUTO TRIM FIVE-ROOM, second floor apariment,| , 409 Brock St. S., Whitby |unfurnished, private entrance, all con-| Days. 668-8101 Eve. 655-4575 jveniences, newly decorated. Quiet ten- SAVE DOLLARS! Several good used ants only need apply. $75. monthly. 1184 cars, 'SS's and up. Trades" accepted. Cegar Street, Terms arranged. R. WHITBY -- One bedroom apartment, in| Bloor East. eS &-plex, will decorate to suit tenant. Heat- |GRILLS, "radiators, all car parts, ed, available immediately. $95. per!models our specialty, Courtice month. Telephone 668-6980 Wreckers, 723-5238, LARGE, ree-rOOMm partment, ~gultable 1959 | FORD, « cheap } Fransportation, for couple, $85 monthiy. Telephone 728- or best offer. Telephone 7 tte: TT in OEE sil re etter 6 Bm LIENS PAID OFF. We trade up, down Choose from over 60 cars. No down pay- ment. Gus Brown Motors Ltd. 78 7373 SELL H 1963 PARISIENNE, , 2-door, 327, "bucket ° seats, console, power Steering and brakes, duel speakers, tinted giass, posi traction, _Tetephone 728-4170, SEL we SELL ! cia tien eaten fam ite, a 1964 PONTIAC ~ Parisienne ~ convertible, That's the Job black and white, 283 automatic, power of Steering, power brakes, A-| Condition. | Times Want Ads sedan, good motor, hody needs ark Best offer. Telephone 723-7329. Telephone 723-6577 betore 2 723-3492 Pe PONTIAC Strato Chief, six cylinder, B. Motor Sales, 509 Cate Auto "$75 fyae ~ CHEVROLET, * V-8 automatic, | four- automatic, $1,900, like new, 10,000 miles. | Telephone' 723-4849, ; Por SELEGT JSeD GAR '66 AMBASSADOR DPL.- HARDTOP Completely equipped. Lic. '27009E. '66 AMBASSADOR 990 CONVERTIBLE Completely equipped. Lic. 27005E '66 CLASSIC 550 SEDAN Bright red. Lic. H99787. '65 HUMBER SUPER SNIPE Luxury sedan. Lic. 27011E. '65 DODGE SEDAN Automatic, radio. Lic. 27016E. '65 PLYMOUTH SEDAN Red, automatic, radio. Lic. 27010E '65 CLASSIC SEDAN Automatic, radio. Lic. 27018E. '64 PONTIAC SEDAN V-8, automatic, radio. Lic. 27022E. '64 VALIANT SEDAN Automatic, radio. Lic. 27024E. '64 AMERICAN 2 DOOR Automatic. Lic. 27021E. '63 CLASSIC SEDAN Two tone and radio. Lic. 27031E. '63 AMERICAN SEDAN Radio. Lic. 27036E. and Lots More to Choose From. IF YOUR CAR IS WORTH $800. YOU WILL RECEIVE $1200 AT TRENT $195. DOWN-Up to 36 months to pay. Written 30 day complete mechanical guarantee. TRENT RAMBLER King St. E. (at the Town Limits) Bowmanville -- 623-3305 "NOBODY UNDERSELLS TRENT" Bowmanville or Peterborough '6) CHEVROLET convertible, V4 matin radio, full Fy yp like new. payment. per month. rea Wellman's 3B 7351, man's 728-735) [standard transmission, radio. free driving. $6 per week. Lic, X1 Weliman's 7-735) cellent condition. Best offer, 668-6028, 142 VOLKSWAGEN, shows « Lic, 399333. Wellman's '6 HILLMAN Minx, c mer, per gallon. No down payment. $60 month. Wellman's 723-7351. "41 PONTIAC Strato Chief 4 - d stationwagon. One owner. Light g standard, two-door sedan. MUST SELL, 1961 Pontiac sta' transmission. Telephone 723-0170, 1959 BUICK, tour - door hardtop. 725-7730. '59 PONTIAC Parisienne, tw hardtop, six cylinder, standard, moter, good condition, Good snows. $350. 655-4997 after 6. 34,000 miles. Telephone 725-7465. MORRIS Oxford sedan, good lt new plates. $90. Telephone. 2477. automatic, $1,395. Telephone ooh 3491 31--Compact Cars for Sal owner, automatic, radio. No down pay- ment, $25 per month.. Lic. X3662. Well- '@ PONTIAC stationwagon, six cylinder, Trouble} 4 VALIANT Sonn 200, two-door hardtop, bucket seats, 27,000 miles. Ex- Telephone exceptional 2 care, no down payment, $37 fer month. rr, radio, automatic, bucket seats, up to 35 miles body with white top. 32,000 actual mile- 1966 PONTIAC Strato Chief, six cylinder, Reasonable. 4, Apply 117 Trent St., Whitby. 668-4862. wagon, four-door, six cylinder, standard 5 consider older car, preferably '57 Chev- B whitewalls, 1963 PONTIAC Laurentian, V-8 auto- matic, power steering, radio, whitewalls, 1964 BEAUMONT, hardtop, 'six. cylinder, | |30--Automobiles For Sale |36--Legal |38--Coming Events "auto- | (| COUNTY OF ONTARIO Tenders for "@ PONTIAC convertible, V8 euto- matic, full power, radio, wevtewalls at ' t wheel discs. Above average. No down payment, $37 per month. Lic, K3842. Equipmen Waliman's 728-7351. ile eed 6) CHEVROLET stationwagon, one| Sealed tenders, clearly mark- ed as to contents, will be re ceived by the undersigned un- til 4:30 P.M., April 4, 1967, for the following equipment. 1, One 31,000 G. V. W. Truck, Cab, Chassis and Dump Box. Trade-in 1961 Dodge Model D-700. . One 31,000 G. V. W. Truck, Cab and Chassis. 3. Two 40 H.P. Industrial oan Tractors with Loaders and Mowers. Trade-in 1960 Massey Ferguson tractor loader Model MF 35 and 4383. | door reen age, 6 cylinder engine, automatic trans- A mission, radio, snow tires, windshield International Harvester washers and back-up lights, 728-5853 tractor loader Model after 6 p.m. B-275. One 3" a ah Pump -- 15,000 G. . One Vibratory Compaction Unit for use in confined areas, tion- will rolet, as trade in. Telephone 728-4733. 196 BEAUMONT Sport Deluxe, Aztec} §- One 600 Ibs. Sandblasting Bronze with black interior, two-door Unit. hardtop, sports option, 327 \V-8, four- speed. Positraction, reverberator, $2,550. Tender forms, specifications and further information may be obtained from the office of the undersigned. jody, | two | Lowest or any _ tender necessarily accepted, hape, | W. A. TWELVETREES, Lae oP. BAG County Engineer, | 605 Rossland Road, le | | East, not | % VOLVO and PEUGOT %& MERCEDES BENZ General Repair and Auto-Electric Service 449 Ritson Rd. South eNO ZOLTAN and. NICK'S Your Authorized Datsun and Fiat Dealer Specializing in Volkswagen Repair and Service 160 Simcoe South | 728-0051 PUT "AWAY a tidy sum n by | renting { oer. Phone 723-3492 and place . for rerk ad In The Times. Jake and Bill's Garage 728-0921 _ WHITBY, Ontario, | CHARLES V. STI | Street, Oshawa, RT, 102 Church | will nct be responsible | for any debts contracted in my name |by anyone un or after this date, March | \M, 1967, without my written consent. --Charles Vv, Stewart. 37--Auction ction Sale AUCTION SALE | | | School articles and property for Darlington Township School 32--Trucks for Sale jist INTERNATIONAL | Va-ton truck, A-l Condition, new valve job, new six. | tires. | Sales, 509 Bloor Street East. | "55 GMC panel truck, asking $200 or beat | Telephone | | offer. New '67 plates on it. 942-5223. Licence 51063C. R and B Motor | Area Board, | SELLING AT OLD HAMPTON at | SCHOOL an| | SAT., MAR. 18 AT 1:30 P.M. A-1| Bel Space Heater with pipes, 2 Toilet Stools with water tanks, 2 Wash Basins with fittings, Pressure Pump and Water 33--Automobiles Wanted | Tank, Several metal partitions, Folding Bed, Teacher's Chairs, ARE YOUR MONTHLY CAR PAYMENTS TOO HIGH? Consolidate your bills. We trade up or down,: | BILL WHITTICK MOTORS LTD. 1250 Dundas E., Whitby 668-5871 Side Boord, 3 Arm Chairs, Antique Teacher's Desk, 2 Book Cases, 4 Tables, 25 Folding metal Chairs, 2 Piano Benches, 2 Hot Plates, Record Player, Couch 4 Insulated water Containers, 2 Pictures, scenes, Dishes, 2 sets Drapes, Tools, Crocinole Board, Cup- board, Magazine Rack, Pian- CARS WANTED Buying A New Car ? Sell your used car to "Ted" Talk 'Cash' to the Car Dealer and 'Save', TED CAMPIN MOTORS 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 MOTOR CITY AUTO WRECKERS K. SUMERSFORD LTD, Base Line South of Courtice Phone 728-3261 Motor City Auto Wreckers owned and operated by Kenneth Sumersford Ltd. New os, 5 Teacher's Desks, Hoses, 215 Desks, 5 School Bells, Lawn Mower, Blackboards, Cupboard. On the property you will find a large Brick Building 2 storeys high with basement and around | acre of land more or less. Terms on pro- perty given day of sale, sub- ject to Darlington Township Building Zoning By-laws. Terms on articles Cash. No Reserve. CLIFF PETHICK, Auctioneer ART ROBINSON CARS WANTED Best cash prices in town. Scrap or wrecking purposes, All hours. _ 725-3176 50 Wayne 5t. | anytime. Robert Nichols. WANTED: Cars and trucks for wrecking, No charge for towing. Telephone 728-4549 AUCTION SALE Stirtevont's Auction Hall, 33 Hall St., Oshawa, Thurs., March 16 at 7:30 p.m. Single beds, dining room tables, chairs, record player, table saw with motor, ency- clopaedia set, vanity, office choir, electric ironer, other articles to numerous to men- Gi) |Wreckers, Enniskillen, 263-2508. eeere parts for sale. Iron and met Bloor Street East. 725-2311. |WANTED -- Cars, trucks, farm tractors | for wrecking. Free estimates. Parr Auto| SHAW AUTO WRECKING CO. Cars| ae tion. Terms cash. MYLES KING, Auctioneer Les |38--Coming | Events wiETEEN SIXTY-SIX, four-door fiac Laurentian. Must be # clean c 728-8410. 34--Automobile Repair OSHAWA TOWING SERVICE 24-HOUR SERVICE 728-7711 ___ Also Used Cars" for Sale FRED STONE Brooklin -- 655-3653 REBUILT ENGINES 6 CYL. Exchange Price as Low as $165.00 8 CYL. Exchange Price as Low as $200.00 Pon- Wil pay"eathor "ath Bhs a" Bonin SUNNYSIDE Monster BINGO TWO JACKPOTS 55 and 57 $500. in 52 Nos. or less 24 HOUR TOWING RUSSELL'S TEXACO King St. E. and Darlington Class A licenced mechanic Open Daily 7-11 also weekends, 723-0851 after hours call 623-7354 $200. In announced Nos. $25 Consolation Prize. $10 per both games $150 Jackpot $20 PER LINE $50 FULL CARD FRED STONE Brooklin --- 655-3653 REBUILT ENGINES 6 CYL. Exchange Price as low as $165.00 8 CYL. Exchange Price as. low as $200.00 $800. REGULAR GAMES $20 PER GAME $40 IN 17 NOS. OR LESS $150. SPECIAL GAMES $50. 35--Lost and Found LOST. Student 'swatch. Swi nurse's fario Hospital, Whitby. Reward, phone 668-5218. make. Vicinity af downtown area or On- i Tele- | DOOR PRIZES EARLY BIRD GAME AT 7:45 JOB SWITCHES The average man between 20 and fo a totally new career. And the place to look for rhe oest iobs column 'nm The is the "Help Wanted' Times' C'>> tied Section. Whether -ou unemployed or looking fer a better job, a "Help Wanted" now! can expect to switch jobs six or seven times. In many cases the change will be ADMISSION $1.00 Every Thursday RED BARN . BUSES LEAVING FOUR CORNERS at u LIONS MARCH SPECIAL BINGO $1,850. IN CASH PRIZES Plus Ten -- $10 Door Prizes and Ten Centennial Souveniers $3.50 Value. This Week Only 2 JACKPOTS $200 Each BOTH MUST GO Increased to $300 In 52'Nos. or Less PLUS $10 per line both games Early Bird Game 7:45 Sharp Guaranteed minimum $10 per line and $50 full card $150 Jackpot Game * 20 regular games at $20 Double in 15 Nos. or less Last 5 games, $30 per game Admission $1.00 Bus service leaving King and Simcoe Street at 7:00 and 7:15 p.m. Wednesday, a March 15 | JUBILEE PAVILION ~JAYCEES Monster BINGO Admission 50c Two Jackpots 53 and 58 ONE MUST GO $500 IN 50 NOS. or LESS $200 In announced Nos, $25 Consolation Prize $10 per line both games $175 Jackpot $20 per line. $75 full card 20 Regular $20 games pay double in 17 Nos. or less. Five $30 Games Early Bird Game 7:45 P.M. EXTRA PRIZES __ Every Thursday at the Jubilee Pavatic BUSES LEAVING | FOUR CORNERS at 7:00 | and 7:15 P.M. ond Returning after Bingo children under 16 not admitted THE DUTCH CLUB CENTENNIAL BAZAAR BAKE-SALE THIS SATURDAY, MARCH 18, 3 - 10 P.M. Many games. Many prices, AUTO WORKERS CREDIT UNION HALL 322 KING ST. EAST, OSHAWA BINGO, Bathe Park, Bulalle Avenue, Thursday, 2 p.m. big ol Share the Wealth, 1 specials }_and d_lackpots. Hedwig's 2 Auditor- jum, 41) Olive 'Ave., Thursday, at 1 at 8 p.my Prizes and refreshments. Births, Deaths, Memoriams Cards-of-Thanks, Obituaries will be found on page 38 TIMES Classified ACTION ADS for RESULTS Telephone 123-3492 for all other departments 723-3474 Open Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Saturday 7:00 and 7:30 P.M. 8:00 a.m. te 12:00 p.m, visit CARI GINGERE our. sincere Joseph Ging thank Fathe and Armstri --Mrs. Anni JENKINS Motors Mai Anderson Fi Dyck of Alb his words « thank you t Dr. W. Gran --Mrs, & lysys -- to express o everyone wh these days o dear brother with beautifu pathy, and | Special thank