{ | 22 'HE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, Merch 1967 P ompi d ou | De Gaulle Meet | : ot ' PARIS (Reuters) -- Premier Georges Pompidou today met i President de Gaulle for the first time since the Gaullists suffered unexpected French election setbacks Sunday and Said afterward ,he does not think the president plaris to shake up his cabinet. oe The Gaullists lost 40 seats and scraped home with a bare -- majority in the National As- sembly in Sunday's runoff elec- tion. Pompidou said there will be no resignations from the cabi- net before the new assembly meets next month. Asked whether he plans to re- sign as premier, he answered: "T am not tendering my resig- ! rs nation." UNLIKELY TO CHANGE Observers believed de Gaulle unlikely to change either his policies or government despite the hammering his prestige took in the election, in which a tactical alliance of Communists and socialists brought the left WHEN RED LEADERS MEET forward as formidable po | sition force. Wladyslaw Gomulka, cen- day. At right is President fort to shore up East Ger- | tre, Polish Communist Par- Edward Ochab of Poland. man prestige despite the | ty leader, embraces his Ulbricht and other East Ger- West German political of- East German counterpart, man government leaders fensive in Eastern wpa \ Walter Ulbricht, after Ulbr- | came to sign a friendship | (AP Wirephoto via cable L C M L icht arrived in Warsaw to- treaty with Poland in an ef- from Warsaw) Ow ost ortgage oans ' RCHASES . | Get cash fast for house repairs, a new car, WITH COUPON PU Johnson Kennedy Relations Jo too 1™ = sev rsten. ON THIS PAGE \\ Monthly Payments ; ' ' s eS You Borrow As Low As : . 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Take home the sunshine Cut out this Flavour Sale coupon now! - SF ee flavour of Blue Bonnet ieee ; However, tourist establish- today! 7" . ments are not considered an Oday! ; a . extension of a private home In any shape of =-- / "even though this is a guests' z <a j --_-- _-- a, 2 \ A. SS ee permanent place of residence regular, Blue Bonnet oo oe a eee = HUNDREDS TO CHOOSE F The association asked for the family. It's made from 100% ANY PACK OF oa. Bia SI th rivat - -- consideration as private pure vegetable oll, and has & , Mee ~ : Vitamins A & Dadded. Blue NEGROES WELCOMED More women tion constitutes fraud. Ine SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -- bury Blas Bonnet Stock to cover all coupons sP There are about 400 Negroes in uy Siue Bonne onne must be shown upon request, the pion Bitch Society, John than any other representative cr ty tealning C H. Rousselot told a city college . s HY audience. 'They aioe wn margarine. M ar arin e Porbart Amante, Utd. : not in favor of white power or ' Toronto, Ontarle 7 black power--just the power of suns" all Americans," said the organ-| \__ ization's public relations direc- tor.