Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 2 Mar 1967, p. 13

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Me} ) Hobby Night For Neighbors Anna Davy's Centennial Project As her own, personal oe ne embroidery, smocked nial project, Mrs. Alex Davy,|cushions, smocking for dresses, Keewatin street south, opened |stuffed toys, painting freehand her home Tuesday evening tojand by numbers, copper tooling, neighbors and their friends for! aluminum etching, glass etch- an evening of hobby craft. ing, wire jewellery, plastic em- Mrs. Davy believes that a bedding, textile painting, "Hobby Home" helps to make|Ukrainian cross - stitching, a "Happy Home" and the pur-| Easter egg coloring, candle pose of her social evening was|Ctaft, popsicle stick craft, cig- to help develop an interest in|arette carton fun, rug making hobbies for a past-time now and| baking, busy work for tiny tots, later on in life, |tatting, hooked velvet cushions, She had thirty different hob- hand loom VW eAVINg, JI SAW bies displayed and the hobby. | Puzzles, refinishing furniture, ists available to discuss them|"ollections, stamps and coins, and give instructions. Cata-| Ceramics, sewing and dress- logues and folders concerning making. other hobbies were available for Mrs. Davy edi born and the guests to take home. reared on a farm in the Parry : : ; \Sound district. She learned Brief instructions were given|many handcrafis first from her on rug making, footstools, felt) mother and aunts, then from plate decorations, ? textile painting and Easter egg!she was a school teacher for six coloring, Ukrainian style. years. The company divided into| She has been married for four groups for individual instruction|years to Alex Davy an IBM on smocking, tatting, Ukrainian | computer engineer, who shares cross - stitching and knitting|/her pleasure in hobbies and en- and hair-pin lace. joys carpentry. He built a cot- The hostess served refresh- tage in Muskoka and finished ments while discussions of many|his home in Simcoe County. He | Mrs. Perey collections, night classes and self teaching. | THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, Merch 2, 1967 13 SOCIAL & PERSONAL Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Telephone 723-3474 for Women's Department Transval, South Barbara Neath John Barker, president of the serving in re Chapter of Par-| payer and gs sy as : in Taiwan, Free China. Mrs. jents Without Partners, showed | erry Grant: Mrs' Kenneth |two films, "Children On The Cain, Mrs. Keith Ross, Mrs. Move" and 'Mr. Findlay's Feel-| Edward Drapak, Mrs. William ings" to the regular meeting of|/Reimer took part in the pro- the Oshawa Chapter at Simcoe|gram. It was announced that Hall; Tuesday evening, The Osh-/Mrs. Victor Henkelman would awa Chapter's president, James open her home on Glencairn Williams, announced that the) avenue for the next meeting chapter's charter would be Pre-jwhere the speaker would be] - sented at a dance to be held'/Mrs. Elmer Boomer. the middle of April at the |Carousel Inn, : : : ed members of Gamma Epsilon Mrs, Donald Rice, Hillcroft|Chapter of Reta Sigma Phi at street, opened her home for the its February meeting. Mrs regular meeting of the First! George Armstrong spoke on Baptist Women's Auxiliary. |"'People" tracing present cus Those taking part in the meet-jtoms and superstitions from ing were Mrs. Arthur Howard, prehistoric man to the present! Mrs. Edgar Anderson, and Mrs day. Walter Nickerson. Mrs. Ander- son will be next month's hostess president . of the Westmount Neal and Mrs./United Church Choir at its an-| |George Dunn were appointed nual meeting, The vice-presi- |co-conveners of the fall tazaarident 'is Jack Wilson and the to be held by the Westmount! secretary treasurer is Mrs {United Church Women, at the Jack Wilson. regular meeting of the UCW,|- Sa ROLY this week Mrs. William Reid showed, films of Italy at the regular| meeting of Centre Street United} ij § ssisting ' M te ne dee Sulphur and molasses is said ert Lick, Mrs.. Arthur, Magee,|!0 have been gran is Mrs. Dean Peel, Mrs. Cyril/cure for the family's spring Me ittan (fever. We may not need such a Clark and Mrs. Archie Britton tonic but a delicious molasses Mrs. R. D. W. Guselle gave dessert would be ideal to top an illustrated talk on Cozumal,|off an Easter lunch or dinner |Mexico, to members of the " ' S aeay a | travel group of the University) MOLASSES LEMON PUDDING | tablespoons cornstarch tablespoons sugar 14 teaspoon salt Miss Gloria Irwin entertain Bernard Owen was elected Sulphur, Molasses Comes In Dessert Women's Club at the home of|4 rs. Z. T. Salmers, Glencairn 2 street, on Monday evening. Mrs. Gordon Ferguson open-| 1-3 cup cold water ed her home to the First Bap-| 14 cup molasses tist Young Women's Mission|11% cups boiling water Circle where letters were read|2 egg yolks from Miss Marie Armstrong,/2 tablespoons butter Juice and rind of 1 lemon egg whites Combine cornstarch, sugar and salt with cold water. Stir until smooth. Add boiling water and molasses. Cook until thick j = N Add a little of mixture to the beaten egg yolks, lemon juice, rind and butter. Return to re- |maining pudding, stir and cook jone minute. Remove from heat Fold into the stiffly beaten egg whites, Cool. Six servings. Perron 2-8 grandmother's | es solid comfort. A T-strap de- sign with Lastex instep Strap distinguishes this shoe selected from that collection to be worn with slacks, shorts, culottes and tailored sports skirts and blouses. Colors are navy, red; flag blue, saga green and white and the sizes run from 4 to 11 in narrow and medium widths. --By TRACY ADRIAN most es- warm wear IS a One of the sential items for weather. casual sports shoe that is attrac- tive, comfortable, colorful, and will take giant steps to make summer foot With those aims in view, U.S. Rubber did a new collection: called Kick- ees in a sturdy duck and denim fabric with a cush- joned insole for soft but happy CONFIDENTIALLY YOURS Tice Lriiio "KO At 7 MONTREAL, March 2 -- There's nothing quite like it -- this savings plan that com bines savings, life insurance and a cash bonus all in one. Designed, of course, by THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA to fill yout , _ Special needs. Scotiabank's Personal Sec rity Program (PSP) is simple and secure. All you do is choose a savings goal and make monthly deposits toward it for just fifty months. The full amount is life-insured and when you reach your goal, your pectenine pays beck what you've saved, plus a generous cas nus. Anyone under sixty is eligible, so I suggest you start today to make it pay! sii satis " LOVELY You!... fresh, appealing, poised and so completely confident in your femininity. That's how you'll feel when you've discovered the beauty secret of DEMURE, a mint-fresh, gently medicated feminine douche to relieve irritation and help destroy odour-ausing bacteria. With Demure you can be sure of personal cleanliness. After internal bathing with Demure, you'll feel fresh, beautifully ait Combine Demure with SHY, the joseless feminine syringe that's so easy to use. It comes in a lovely case -- a simply beautiful 'disguise'! 1 = pees ideas were still in prow iker ands of wood -- WIFE PRESERVER FUND OVER 'un TOP MRS. JACK ALLIN AND MRS. ALEX DAVY, HOSTESS March's Birthstone Ensures Fearless, Relaxed Character Written for The Canadian Press By MARGARET NESS If you were born in March and have an aquamarine--the birthstone of the month--it's supposed to ensure that you're fearless, amiable and relaxed. Perhaps more important--this year you'll be right in fashion. Aquamarines come in colors from clear sea green to blue and it is the green shades that are in style for spring. They complement the yellow tones-- from pale daffodil to brash gold --that are popular in all the col- lections in Paris, New York and Montreal. Aquamarine jewelry is also a good contrast with pink, another color favored for. spring fashions. As with most precious stones, the aquamarine has a long his tory. In early Egypt it was be- lieved, because of its sea green color, to have the power to in- voke water spirits to the aid of the wearer. Greek goldsmiths used the stones in their ornate jewelry. But they were expensive be- cause they were imported from the Far East and had to come by camel caravan across the Arabian desert and then in galleys across the sea. WEIGHED 229 POUNDS Later, aquamarines were the only stone cut with facets--the planes of the stone--by the Romans. In 1910 the largest aquamarine ever discovered was found in Brazil. It weighed 229 pounds and was pale yellow-green, not considered the best color. How- ever, by then the gem trade had learned that by applying heat cautiously 'to, some gems the color could be changed. The treatment was successful and the color changed to a rich sea blue, making it much more valuable. It was cut and yielded 200,000 carats in cut stones. While the aquamarine isn't found in .any of the royal trowns, it was considered suf- ficiently valuable to be listed among the crown jewels in four countries. Largest of these is an uncut stone of 1,650 carats among the crown jewels of Portugal. In 1660 Charles of Spain presented Leopold I of Austria with a 492- carat stone which was added to the Austrian crown jewels. NAMED IN 1754 Queen Elizabeth, wife of Fred- erick William IV of Prussia, owned a handsome aquamarine and bequeathed it to the crown treasury with a rider that Em- press Frederica be allowed :to 'Apple Sago Sauce Has Variations | One of the many apple reci- wear it during her lifetime.|pes that will give a meal a lift | This aquamarine was of more|is apple sago pudding. Varia- than passing interest since it/tions in seasonings such as nut- came from the clasp of Napol.|meg, orange, or lemon create eon's coronation mantle. a delightfully different taste The Russian crown jewels in-jeach time. clude several aquamarines, a : A large one of which is from the APPLE SAGO PUDDING collection of Catherine the|,1-3 cup sago Great. 3 cups milk Aquamarines. are found in|.}4 CUP dined 1 Brazil, the U.S.S.R. and a cou- " rer lg He ee Ini m teas ' ple of states of the United Miavorine cah be 8 Ashe: States. The name tes fr ; vt Sad toaee freee tate spoons orange juice, or 1 to 1%4| for water --aqua --and blue- tablespoons lemon, or few green--marine. Before that it|8tains nutmeg. lhad several names. Soak sago for one hour in | March has a second birth-|Milk. Add sugar and apples. stone--the bloodstone. It's pop- Cook in top of double boiler ular in men's jewelry because|UNtil sago is clear. Add your of its deep, opaque color of choice of flavoring. Chill. Serve) green flecked with red. Medie-|With whipped cream, custard val legend tells that the req|Sauce, or hard sauce. Makes flecks came from Christ's blood |SiX small servings. |when it fell on a green stone at} the foot of the 'cross. The bloodstone makes a hand-| To clean odorous ashtrays some ring for a man, either/apply full-strength ammonia, polished or cut as a signet. 'wash in hot, sudsy water. KEEP IN TRIM _ Over -eating Is Cover Up _ For Something Missing | By IDA JEAN KAIN Recognize too that a feeling of | Joy in everyday living makes deprivation is a subtle form of lfor success in reducing. To stay ' ; | lwith a slimming pattern of eat. Self pity. In this frame of mind ing, it is important to have a}you can't see anything but the clear idea of the factors that|gloomy side, so you think influence action, Here is a typ-|'what's the use!' You look upon ical letter: a sliming patern as punishment "I've started so many diets,/. . . as something being taken, tryin gto Jose 40 excess pounds, away from you. With that view- I lose for a time but I cannot for|point, you are not likely to win. the life of me continue. When 1/Actually the protective pattern think of not being able to eatjof eating is a certain way out all the foods I crave, I get de-|of your weight worries. A new, pressed. I feel sorry for myself|viewpoint, coupled with a goal, | and think 'what's the use!' Is|could work wonders. there any hope for me?" The rewards of honest fact Yes, there is hope if you'll try |facing can be tremendous. With \for a new point of view. Thejinsight you can think in terms mind once stretched by newjof what you want .. . not in ideas never goes back to its old/terms of deprivation. Think in| dimensions. First off, it's a mis-|terms of new goals. In essence, | take to exert will power trying|do not aim just to weigh less, | jnot to eat. Since you obviously|but to make a rich, full, won-| |feel seriously deprived, this is/derful life. When you equate) ino solution, Your will power|food, excess food, with the good | should be directed toward happy |life, you then tend to centre living, building confidence andjyour life around food. This can a purposeful life . ... not merely|be joyless. toward resisting fattening foods.| Turn your energies toward USES COVERUP |positive living. A surprisingly | On the surface, it would ap-|effective way to do this is to, pear that the feeling of depriva-|picture in your mind's eye what | tion {s solely for rich, delicious}you want to have brought into foods. Understand however, that reality. Exercise of your imag- | over-eating can be a cover up.jination . . . your imaging fac-| That is, over-endulgence in rich|ulty . .. is a subtle way to direct | food is often an attempt to;your will. Get enthusiastic | make up for something missing|about the plan . . . expect to in your--life, get: more-fun: out-of-tiving, .-<f HOUSEHOLD HINT "layed and discussed included: |landscape. --|quilting, driftwood, flower ar- |ranging, The hobbies on view, dis-| Together they garden and| Wooden clothes hangers won't! The Imperial Order Daughters oa snag fabrics if they're given alof the Empire has raised more They have a baby girl, Dawn coat of shellac before being!/than the planned $50,000 for its knitting, crocheting, Marie, seven months old. 'used, centenary fund. |if you prefer the tranquil | TEA LOVERS... if you're particular about your favourite cup of refresh t, I strongly r d you to DOMINION's own Richmelio Tea. Not only ~! is it the finest quality Orange Pekoe, but the low price ensures you extra savings all , Domino, Symphony and Hilltop, for instance. Domini really is 'just my cup of tea'... and mainly because of the meat, of course! Add © picce of orange peel to the teapot @ fom minutes beford serving for delicious flavour! THERE'S SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE in Britain... whethes you enjoy the "swinging" life and revel in the . a new fashions, and smart discotheques... or' - ide, 'the the pomp and pageantry. Whatever | your preference, I know you'll never forget CARPET CLEANING | If your rug is valuable to you. , no more. Modern equipment, skill and only fully experienced men guarantee you the best of results when we clean your soiled rugs, whether it be wall-to- . It deserves the very best .. . and it costs wall or loose rugs. Other services offered by Angus-Graydon are binding, repairing, fringing, dying, alterations and eustom installations. The Cost Is ONLY 10c per square foot Example 9' x 12' Only $10.80 NGUS-(;RAYDON CARPET COMPANY LIMITED "Carpet Cleaning Division" your trip with BOAC. This summer BOAC ---- offers you more transatlantic flights than ever before. You can choose from a total of 57 flights every week by BOAC with Air Canada; so there's almost certain to be a flight at the exact time to fit in with your holiday plans. With BOAC you can fly to London or stop over in Glasgow and Manchester at no extra fare, HERE'S MY RECIPE for the tenderest pie crust you've ever baked .. two i ients ni --_ 's special Tender Pastry Recipe on the back of the bag. Follow it and you can't go wrong! What's the secret of Monarch's success? Monarch Soft Wheat Flour, unlike alle purpose flours, can guarantee lighter pastry every time. You see, it calls for less 'teni It' suited today's kind < have a baking probiem, switch Flour and you'll soon be famous for your °LAN NOW TO TAKE AN UNFORGETTABLE TRIP on one of CN's "Name Trains". What is a "Name" train? Plenty. The Panorama and Super and Vancouver. The Scotian, Ocean Limited and Chaleur between Montreal and the Atlantic Provinces offer the finest in com- fort and elegance. See the majestic Cana- Jian Rockies from a glass-topped "Scenera- nic" observation ear -- or for a magnificent new of the Maritimes, ride in a "Skyview" Sleeper-Lounge, 3elieve one who knows, you can't beat CN's "Traveliving" with ounge cars, Hospitality Hours and Bingo. All this plus delicious neals served in attractive dining cars for a gracious fun-filled way to travel, e only way I can describe Brights Y, Here is a wine that will please everyone, at a price that will please youl Feature it at a "Sherry Party" and listen to the "ohs" and "ahs" or try a wine-and- cheese party starring Brights 74 PORT -- now there is an inexpensive "crowd pleaser" if there ever was one. These are two wines ae fog pies ae ~ -- -- two fine nadian wines rights that grace tome; please any budget! . sad TAKE A BREAK FOR BEAUTY'S SAKE with CALGON BOU- QUET® -- so luxurious, so feminine, yet so ' nexpensive! Fragrant Calgon Bouquet trans- 'orms your bath water into silky soft, relax- . ng beauty magic for your skin. The ten-|;; doug ions and cares of the day will quietly. lisappear as you 'relax wrapped in the ragrant softness of Calgon Bouquet. Soap fives rich lather that rinses away cleanly. ind gently. You step from your bath smooth,' : adiant and delicately perfumed, And -- refreshing thought -- nips el ee gene cS -- away afterwards. So do as I do mhe end of a busy day'and slip into 'something com: + +a Calgon Bouquet beauty bathe 7 re Jo.you have an unusual "Centennial Project? Write to me, | 3arbora Brent, 1511 Crescent St, Montreal 25, and from time TELEPHONE 728-6254 0 time L will repring the vost interesting!

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