; eg WHITBY, DAY - BY - DAY Whitby Zoning Appeal Consumers Make ie THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, Merch 1, 1967 § ae ae [presenting briefs to the joint) The brief claimed that food Price Fix" Charge Senate-Commons committee on|prices "instead of being re- LONDON, Ont. (CP) consumer credit. \lated to means of production The Hamilton and District}are geared to how much can Charges of collusion, price-fix-|Consumers' Protest Association|be exploited from ing and even invasion byjeharged that the owners of the|sumer." Pickering CN Station Fa Tenders For Meters the con- Dismissed By Board Being Moved To Ajax BROOKLIN (Staff3 --Brooklin "criminal syndicates" were several large food store "gern "We as consumers are ask- |residents will have water/hurled at food store chains by|who controlled "over 75 per|ing the govern t of C P meters by June 1_if everything|two Western Ontario consumer)cent of the retail food sal f ' t : eS ICKERING (Staff) -- Pick- i 7 ' Ss r- Bay ¢ Mt every 4 s : sales of}. . . to protect us ins WHITBY (Staff) --The On-\who heard the Van Blokland|ering gooey gre ied The present station was built Wit oe Mi gater geadgp Anca PO as planned by the Brook.|Protest groups Monday. Canada" are guilty of collusion| robbery . yy el eee tario Municipal Board has dis-|appeal, said that in his opinion|proyed an agreement with the -- Se was being made to allow . lin Water C itte The protips were. Georg, ninelned peice sine. lies missed an appeal by Johannes|"Bylaw 2585 cannot be enforced|CNR to relocate the Pickering|me 2 station existed east offing ace in te snstalted 'on| a beaad iBaat ores J. Van Blokland against a de-juntil approval is granted by|station in the town of Ajax and|Church Street, now in the town|the approach to the Toronto Whitby Township Council au-| is cision of the Whitby committee|this board and that can only|call it Pickering Station for the|of Ajax. "hump line." thorized the calling of tenders| JUST. SOUTH ar of adjustment, because Mr. Van|be given after a full and proper|next 25 years. Pickering Township Council,| 1@ said the track woul for the purchase and installa-| f y] 115 BROCK N, re Blokland did not need to apply|hearing except in the absence| The station is located south ofjacting on a recommendation |instajied to reroute traine awn tion of up to 450 wat | i actetbited lt to the committee i irstlo' iecti t sia " rey fie installed to reroute trains away| ion of up to 450 water meters, | CIGAR ST 0 committee in the firstjof objections by interested rate-|Highway 401 immediately st\from the property committee A ; | STORE WHITBY =. place. payers." : rs : ¥ westitrom the property ']from the commuter service |at a meeting Feb. 27, acting on| | Te ak Mickinnd bad seats whe OM ruling. therein of Station Road. The CNR has/will advise the CNR that it Sleastern station at Liverpool|a' recommendation by the y. ie Ay ike Hoge one oe: ,|started construction of the new|not opposed to the move pro-|Road, Macdonald said the sta-| , | OPEN DAILY TILL 6 P.M, -- FRIDAY UNTIL 9 P.M er permission of the town's com-jwas that if Van Blokland|station at the bottom of Fairall|vided the station will be called]; hand Brooklin water committee. oM, ng mittee of adjustment to buy|"exercises his option to pur-Istreet in Ajax. iby its original name. sop, BOW nandies freight, and) «tia tenders have been at land at the rear of his apart-|chase the additional lands the : expres 4s Well as telegraph FRESH CUT FROM GOVERNMENT INSPECTED ent buildi t 20 sl sev; whi ; services and regular orders to received, they will be reviewed) BEEF is- m uilding at 201 Frances|severance of which has already i SLICED WHITE SIRLOIN OR WING Street, and to build a sixth|been approved, an application : = pase cbis soviet by the committee and a pro- we apartment suite on the land. |to the committee is not neces- apl a xpen ] ure According to Macdonald the|/posal made to council, The C all The committee approved the|sary." Pickering station receives committee will also recommend Ib gs land purchase but denied per-| All Van Blokland needs to do about 90 per cent of its present/a bylaw to govern and regulate x mission for the building be-lis to meet the requirements of freight from the town of Ajax.|the use of the meters. | 24-02. cause it was not a minor var-jan existing Bylaw, No. 2219, orecast t ' ' NAME RIDICULOUS During its session, council] 2 LOAVES 35° SUN-BRITE it ig giicy town Bylaw 2585. |and in the board's opinion, Mayor Harry Smith of Ajax|also approved a' payment of fee e bylaw was given three|"there appears no doubt that me ' : re ys : J 5 035 9 : , MARGAR a adits by. te toon counclilunder Bylaw $00 the omnerIl Toe (Staff) -- Pick-, The board anticipated that|said he did not care what the ie the Central Ontario} 49° rely ici ; aneal 4 ering District High Schoollthe. roposed administration|township passed and added that Joint anning Board. The} LBs. ut hs - not received Municipaljin possession of the additional Bbard has asked three munici-|.., & t id lit seemed ridiculous to call the amount includes the township's LI : iis ~~ See: ue Gea oe cones erect the necessary! tities in its jurisdiction to building would serve all publicl<tation by a name other than|share of costs of the Industrial| SLICED COOKED FIRST GRADE CREAMERY : a : 2 ' pass a five-year capital works|*lementary and second ary|the municipality in which it was|Waste Study, to which the six) BUT ° expenditure estimate totalling school systems within the dis-|located. municipalities are contributing. LB 63° - Town Agrees To Drain Pond $8,700,000, = trict. "Let's get the station built | : m- 5 : ee _ | The proposed projects include| pyROL MENT INCREAS and wait until township council | ¢ FRESH GRADE A" le Whitby Town Engineer Wal-|to eliminate hazardous traffic|the purchase of three new] Veil dain NCRE. SE has forgotten about it before WEBSTER | ts, kc c ter Evans reported to tn rari in hied hee jas school sites this year plus a 32-| Basing enrolment figures on ey the issue out of it," | TURKEYS + ia ib e- council Monday night that the}, Sesareims he other street./room addition at Dunbarton|calculated elementary school|sal ayor Smith, | 4 of cost of draining the pond and\or chief doesn't feel gees High. School for an additional/figures the board estimated| He said that he would bring, Lumber and Supply } m- : lie th 4 thi Wen even enough to restrict/7g9 students at an expected|that enrolment by 1971 would|the issue before council in the 701 Brock St. N. -- Whitby |! PRIME RIB FRESH a gon fag id ~ n| parking. ose cost of $3,500,000. reach 4,408. At that time the/near future. He added that the Ph. 668-4451 ! HAMBURG STEAK 3 lb ic e Blair Park Vista Area) No report was received on 8) 'The board estimated the new|board expects to have a rated!township could not have pre- } Ss. he would cost $400 and that some|Park for the area yet. The/addition would be opened injaccommodation for 5,960 stu-|vented the station move in the See us todoy for... | Highs Ce babs ac pled work could be started Se prigeein Pei Page ott pods 1969. The three sites forecast/dents and 5,066 students at an/first place. ALUMINUM DOORS | SAUSAGE of Police Chief George Rankine| Towa Clerk John Frost prior to lig ge) are expected to/85 per cent efficiency rating. _| The mayor said that thejf from 25.95 59° FRESH MADE suggested to council that park-|the March 13 council meeting juss acd: * : Fat Liteon seg eigel on Board of Transport Commis-] STEEL STORAGE SHEDS $92 50 | LB. : WIENERS : ; i ing be prohibited on the east/to see if any progress had been|NO 1968 PROJECTS beech A aghessge) st thejsioners would have the final] FRESH . side of Lupin Drive; the south) made. No new projects are expected|7€° ea ee ik et eset ISisay and suggested that the Ag A au spa ape aed pei -- ll BRAISING RIBS a "4 side of Dunlop Street between' The ratepayers, who have/for 1968 but a new administra- con o increase to 3,217 in tariff listings would come under] reecs - - + €0 umber 3 Lupin Drive and Dovedale|been lobbying for a park for|tion building at an expected sd dapaucad ie ithe Ajax heading. | si Drive: and on the south sidelover a year, plan to attend the|cost of $400,000 is scheduled for) The board, in their capital ' of Hutchison Street in an effort! meeting. construction in 1969 with a pro-|forecast noted that 50 per cent MA posed 1970 opening. of penegaa apes idan . . . The forecast also included a/4ny year was the enrollment in ns OPP Officers Probe 45 Accidents {new nigh schoot with accommo.|secondary schools in five), | "i dation for 1,000 pupils in 1970\¥ . Two more traffic deaths were oe men were arrested °"'for completion in 1971 at a cost| The board explained that the Ag recorded by the Whitby Detach-/WATTATs. ve a number of com-|estimated at $4,500,000. expected enrollment figures did . Me ment of the Ontario Provincial plaints against drivers including| No projects were foreseen by/not show the need that could uit Police in one of 45 accidents | several for failing to stop for|the board for 1971. POUR halos with crt pea rie nd investigated last week. Twenty-| school buses and the dangerous ree \Enreo. eueanicinaltives witiin te re. ' '| 12|practice of lane hopping. e ti our peraes wate selene drivers concerned all received Drifting Reduces a other serious accidents. Five| slice warnings; a A ili Gi : it drivers were charged, | The detachment points out Bus Operations UX1 lary ives '10 Detachment officers patrolled|that motorists are required to . al more than 16,000 miles of roads|give a clearly visible signal| WHITBY (Staff) pet bg Queen Scout Ring ng and checked 207 drivers. Ninety-|when changing lanes or moving\north winds, during the night, ; i. nine charges were laid and 87|from a parked position. This|resulted in heavy drifting on 8] WHITBY (Staff) --Mrs. Alex : warnings issued. signal does not give the right|number of rural roads in the/Scott, president of All, Saints There were 49 general occur-|to move or change lanes. It only|'istrict. The five degree above/Anglican Church 8rd Ladies m- rences recorded during thel|warns other motorists of your|zero temperature added to the/Auxiliary, presented Queen's e, week. These included four break| intent. You must first be sure|chill factor. Scout Tom Gordon with a er and enter, four thefts and one|such movement can be made| It was reported this morning|Queen's Scout Ring at its regu- X= assault. Two persons were|safely before you make such ajthat the operation of school lar_ meeting. he charged with liquor offences! move. buses was restricted this morn-| Tentative plans were made 1e- ing in some areas. The bus in od - -- a Seg - 1e- °° the Chalk Lake area was not|given to mothers c an ng Hospital Auxiliary Plans Formal Dance operates: white other buses. in)Cubs. They are reauested fo be ° Reach Towns confined their|' "a-day. - The Women's Auxiliary of| At the April 24 general meet- operations to poe roads. The|from this project to go towards ed Whitby General Hospital hasjing the name and theme of this|;,,,. serving the Raglan school|the summer camping fund. made final arr ts for a 1 dance will be chosen. |giq not operate but other buses ng "Formal Dance" to be held| The chairman of the Ways\in mast Whitby Township oper- a May 13 at the new centennialjand Means, Mrs. Frank Sevcik,|ateq as usual. One-Sto " building in the Regal. Room.|reminded members of the "Cof- Pp Mrs. Richard Matthews, in thelfee House and Discotheque" | 7 Yb of the president, Mrs.|sp ed by the Women's Aux- ROLK \' Created To DECORATING } ed H. P, Doner, chaired the meet-jiliary March 3 at Henry Street 'ol ing. High School. OF Individual SHOP ! nd Co-conveners of the dance,| Mrs. Dyson Slater, in the ab- AGES Requirements e Mrs, Edward McKim and Mrs.|sence of Mrs. Edward Robson, © Wail cad: Mura | " Victor Evans, asked membersjread her report on the poster paper. ure " of the auxiliary to arrange their|/contest among art students of @ Custom Vreperies parties early and make reserva- ee oe a e Morgrw tions at the April meeting. are: B' olan, Helen Muir an |] @ C.LL, Points end Varnishes Dancing music will be by the|Betty Kollaard. Receiving hon- STAFF ORD BROS. @ Benjamin Moore Paints well known dance orchestra ofjorable menion are: Darlene LTD John Elwood, Toronto. Dress 1s|Crawford, Janice Shaw, Karen . DoDD & SOUTER ) f optinal and a buffet will be/Kislak, Brigette Marlinkowski MONUMENTS served. and Vive Aberman. } DECOR CENTRE LTD. 668-3552 i] 107 Byron St. $., Whitby z WHITBY PERSONALS Leo Marne Ais . iL A well attended card party] Mr. geo ogy ee cael t,-at St./Toronto, visited on Sunday a ve pragma ei hall the home of his grandmother, a John the Evangelist parish hall)vts, Frank Roberts, $11 Byron 'il sponsored by Girl Guides of|street. North. They also called : a Canada Whitby District Associa-|on his grandfather, Mr. Roberts, off tion. District Commissioner |who 1s in Oshawa General Hos-|} ~ E Mrs. Harvey Whale extended |P!t2!: " A A | the welcome. Proceeds will as-| Miss Donna Stewart, Home : : sist three Whitby Girl Guides to|Economist of York and Ontario eI Nag an el you save up to fl : Counties, visited the Y's Home- .00 on your auto in nce. . wa attend Heritage Camp in July. {makers club last 'Saturday. She y ae dagoad 27 Winners were: Mrs. C. Camp- a 'y ee Jclgigty bai See .'.. ; a ii w S of Food in Canada." Miss Stew- a | bell, Marlyn MacDonald, Mrs. art showed a display of dolls | th M. Bowden, Mrs. C. Collins,!t¢q@m many countires she | in- Irene Dafoe, Eileen Woodman, |visited. The girls proceeded to) ! be Kathy Moyer, Marie Lintner,/make pizza which they had for | a Carolyn Allan, Mrs. W. Holley, |lunch. The fall project is 'Sleep. 597 KING ST. E., OSHAWA H Mrs. D. Douglas, Ivade] Robert-|ing Garments." | . éon, Audrey Hteg an - DIAL ie | gins terton, H. Grylls, Lillian) The Women's Auxiliary to Staples, Sheila Ellenson, Ber-|Catholic Church Extension is| 728-7567 t nice Taylor, Roy Tlott, Gretajmeeting this Thursday at the| | a 18 ie Lee, Andree Hay, Fran Murkar,/home of Miss Emily Foy, 314 4 bi M. Currie, Pat Sullivan, Vir-|Palace Street for its monthly ginia Wall, Joyce aes ag | meeting. P M. Thomas, Tom Farndale, V. " Paddick, Gert Garner, Laurie} The Ajax Kinsmen Club held Giroux, Merill Watson, Mrs, S. its annual "Ladies Night" at : Spellen and Kay Beware A lie cane 4 Peking "i | buffet lunch was served. buffet. Chairman for the even-| Whitby Plaza --- Whitby --- Phone 668-6941 The Onterlo Department of Labour has @ program which can ba ® Provides employers with training know-how. The Ajax - Pickering Nursing|ing was Kinsmen Danny Noland a you. © Helps to locate suita ; Staff Association is sponsoring | assisted by members of his com-| ~ 1 ee net eet The Apprenticeship Training Program is a combined Federal-Provincial ¢, Prone da ny oo. , ee ina a tour of the Hydro. Nuclear|mittee. The room was decorated We heve @ special price on home freezer manpower development plan. With it, the shortage solvers--well-qualified Processes spplications end transfers; conducts examinations; lesues Gere plant at Bay Ridges when alljin a centennial theme including Orders -- Ask cbout it. Cut end Wrapped Free: counsellors from the Ontario Department of Labour, can help you develop Sireatas OF Apprencoeship are Siunbfineien, employees of the hospital are|a six - foot 'Centennial Star' your own highly-skilled manpower res fi the future. Look into th @ Pays tuition fees, transportation costs and provides living allowances for invited for the tour starting at|/predominating smaller decora- jonah ed po ources tor the re, lo the apprentices at trade school j 8 p.m., March 2. Don White and|tions. Kinette Jean Noland as- RED & BLUE BRAND BEEF Apprenticeship Training Program today. Take advantage of the services é . staff of the hydro plant willlsisted her husband with the dec- available from the Ontario Department of Labour's shortage solvers, ¢ Counsels trainges, assist in conducting the tour. |lorations. Your company can enjoy these benefits through participation In For more information about Apprenticeship Training and how it can help your company, returg the coupon in this advertisement. A shortage solver will be in touch with you. Apprenticeship Training: e You create your own source of skilled help, @ Trainees become productive on the job. Ccotedl BROCK Now Playing Starting at 7:30 SIRLOIN, WING, 83° WHITBY One Complete Program each Eve. i ductive y © Trainees become familiar with your plant and equipment. Gent! : Ph end i i sila tiailaad saa? Byrd Sag fe Cad T-B ONE STEAKS @ Trainees become knowledgeable about new techniques. of Labours Apparieaatie Wate Wie ga sat ctacraa aa INTRIGUE TO ANOTHER! u e Apprenticeship develops loyal employees, e You develop a potential supervisory staff. NAME TITLE e You are prepared to maintain production and meet competition. oi _,@ The Government shares in your investment. COMPANY. What part does the Department of Labour play in Apprenticeship ADDRESS. Training? @ Initiates Apprenticeship Program. @ Develops training schedules for employers." Please mail coupon to: Apprenticesh!p Training, P.O. Box 52, Adelaide Street Station, Toronto 1, Ont. BEEF 25 CAPONS 53 ary) = A Pyia Re a. .! tas Ss <i TTI THE LIQUIDATOR' ; Recommended es ADULT ENTERTAI Also "RASPUTIN THE MAD MONK" Begins 7:30 Starring -- Sebo ipaareerg' Barbero Shelley ALL COLOR PROGRAM Begins at 9:05 A Federal-Provincial Manpower Development Program - The Ontario Department of Labour MENT