Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 1 Mar 1967, p. 2

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2 memes rm nema Hh CARTER TAX SIDELIGHTS| WAT Fonmcast. iiss "A GLANCE AROUND THE GLOBE Board Of Arbitration Set Up To Settle Railroad Dispute OTTAWA (CP) --A board of arbitration will be set up '"'be- fore too long" to rule on a dis- pute between the railways and two holdout unions, Labor Min- ister Nicholson told the Com- mons Tuesday. He said, in reply to Michael Starr (PC--Ontario), that he must first meet with represent- atives of the two unions--the Canadian Brotherhood of Rail- Transport and General Facts Co. indicated that 70 per cent of those questioned felt housewives should "have the right" to save trading stamps and only 18 per cent wanted the stamps banned. : No Representation OTTAWA (CP)--Health Min- ister MacEachen told the Com- mons Tuesday he has received no representations from the OTTAWA (CP) -- Here are some sidelights to the Carter royal commission report rec- ommending sweeping tax re- forms, and how they might af-) fect you: | Authors now can average their incomes over a period of years to avoid heavy taxation in one year when they have a best- seller. This doesn't apply to sci- entific achievements after years of research, or the fluctuating incomes of actors, musicians, or professional athletes. The com- mission wants the privilege withdrawn or made available to all in similar circumstances. Purchasers of household appli- ances now pay a 12-per-cent sales tax applied at the manu- facturer's price level. The com- mission proposes shifting it as well to appliance repairs and equipment rentals. The commission says it can find no adequate justification for sales tax exemptions now per- mitted scripture, prayer, hymn and mass cards, and religious mottoes and unframed pictures used for the promotion of re- ligion. It would also repeal the ex- emption now made on the in- comes of members of religious orders who have taken vows of perpetual poverty and pay their earned incomes to their religious orders. But postulants under the age of 19 might be claimed as dependents of members of a re- ligious order if not claimed by their parents or others. The commission would intro- duce a new system of tax-spar- ing not tax-sharing. It would ap- ply to incomes of Canadians from direct investment in for- eign countries which do not have agreements with Canada for the avoidance of double tax- ation. Income from such coun- tries normally should be taxed, the commission says, to guard against Canadians finding tax havens for their money abroad. But in the case of investment in developing less - developed countries, some tax might be spared government order. TORONTO (CP) -- Official forecasts issued at 5:30 a.m. EST: Synopsis: A high - pressure area over Ontario will keep skies mostly sunny today but as it moves eastward a southerly flow will develop across the province. Milder air, with clouds, will spread into the province in this southerly flow during tonight and Thursday and give some showers or snow- flurries to the north country. Regional forecasts valid until midnight Thursday. You would pay normal income tax on the value of tuition fees Milder Air Spreads To Ont. Cloudy Weather Tomorrow Light winds increasing to south- erly 20 today. White River, Cochrane, west- ern James Bay regions: Sunny clouding over in the afternoon or evening with some light snow late in the day. Cloudy with snowflurries Thursday. Milder but turning colder late Thurs- day. Winds southerly 20 becom- ing northwest 20 Thursday. Ottawa and region: Mainly sunny today. Thursday cloudy with sunny periods. Cold today but milder Thursday. Winds northwest 20 becoming light APPOINTMENT way, " ; Workers and the group of seven auto industry over possible in- paid for your benefit by your age ; _ {this evening and southerly 15 shop-craft unions. stallation of anti-pollution de- ' " employer, as well as on scholar- Be ng el gs lg Ae Thursday. Then he would meet with rail- vices in automobiles. D S h 0 p t ships, fellowships, bursaries and|tario, Haliburton, Killaloe Forecast temperatures i . ways representatives. He was replying to repeated Tury S peec n arl y other awards to employees. But|southern Georgian Bay regions,|L0W overnight, high Thursday The CBRT has asked for an questions from Heward you wouldn't be taxed on thelWindsor, London, Hamiltoy |Windsor ......0... 25 a Douglas A. G. arbitration board. It has re- Grafftey (PC --Brome Missis- value of special clothing pro-|Toronto: Sunny and not so cold|St. Thomas ....... 20 40 Winstant jected. offers made by the rail- quoi) on whether there had Draws Rebuke Fr Burt vided by employers, moving ex-|today. Mainly cloudy and|London .... ges 3 instanley ways in mediation talks under been "'strong" representations om penses paid by the employer|milder Thursday. Winds north-|Kitchener ...... ..20 38 ong Pi gal eg OA Rh SR engage Me where necessitated by the job,lerly 15 to 20 becoming light|Mount Forest .....20 35 [| J. B. McMullan ond Co. berg following a general rail nounced that there would be e WINDSOR --Géeorge Burt,|time we meet him in Ottawa on|0F tools and equipment provided] this afternoon and increasing to|Wingham ........ 20 35 announces the appointment strike. last summer. immediate requirement for in-/~anadian UAW Director, today|the Canada - U.S. Automotive|by the employer for day-to-day|southerly 20 Thursday. Hamilton ........ 20 38 of Douglas A. G. Winstanley stallation of the devices. issued the following statement:|Trade agreement layoffs," Burt) Work. Northern Georgian Bay, Ti-|St- Catharines .... 20 38 representative in Whitby. Skyway Toll gle eelth maehaiat n8 Man: pindustry : Minister C. M.|stated. a : ial tax|™2gami, Algoma regions Sault |oronte: - a 38 ; IN y the gov */Drury's attack on wage parity) «« ere now is no special tax 4 » Kingston 0 f 120 Dundes St. TORONTO (CP -- Ontario wae 4 a" a vinced the device works. There|in his speech in Mantraal pane or hypo sige nig bt in addition to the sales tax on|Ste. Marie, North Bay, Sud- ramen is bo "Readi does not plan to eliminate tolls had been suggestions it "'acts|terday is one more flagrant ex-|prury implied Canadian auto|POker chips, but there is a 20- bury: Sunny and milder today|Killaloe .. 5 32 Phone 668-6201 ine" Wal from the Burlington Skyway as a pollutant itself.' ample of the Canadian govern-\workers should do" comment, (cent-a-pack excise tax on play- becoming cloudy with some|Muskoka ... 15 35 symposiu! and similar bridges in the im- Tradin Stamps He said the governmentlment's unwarranted interfer-leq Burt. "It's 'scab'. It happens|im& Cards. Hair-curling lotion light snow late tonight. Thurs-|North Bay . 10 35 || 4-8. MeMULLAN and CO. the' Ohi mediate future, Highways Min- g would await results of use in|fering with collective bargain-|to be the most hateful word in|{#ces & 10-per-cent tax, but mair|4ay cloudy and milder with a|Sudbury ... 15 3] Reel Estate Home an ried George Gomme said Tues-) poronTo (CP) --Members|the Bye sed barge A on, @/George Burt, director of thelorganized labor's vocabulary. 1|'Urlers do not. The comiation ew showers or snowflurries.'Earlton .......... 15 35 | tions at E ft Ontario legislature Tues-|Similar requirement in +/103,000-member Canadian UAW, andie.| recommends repeal of these an' J. B. Trotter (L--Parkdale) = ge ' charged today. ee ee Se other so-called luxury excise Tuesday, said in the legislature revenues lost through the elimination of tolls would be_ recovered through a resulting increase in tourism. Ontario Tobacco day were given copies of a 38- page brief from trading stamp companies which described as "yery illogical" suggestions that trading stamps have con- tributed to increasing food costs. The brief, from the Canadian Association of Stamp Compa- Restriction Order OTTAWA (CP)--An order re- stricting Canadian owners of DC-6 and DC-7 aircraft to oper- ations without cabin pressuriza- tion was issued Monday by the federal department of trans- "Prime Minister Pearson, flanked by almost his entire Liberal cabinet, told us at the annual presentation of Cana- dian Labor Congress that the settlement they forced in the railway situation was an ex- ception to policy," Burt re- try to come into any UAW local union meeting and try to tell our: members that their Canadianism requires them to scab." Burt pointed out that the rec- ord shows that the Canadian UAW began asking for wage parity at the bargaining tables taxes. Normally a loss sustained by a business can be offset against other income or against profits in other years, and the commis- sion says it supports this plan. But it wouldn't permit a busi- Forget It! Yes and Don't You Tw Ta OTTAWA (CP) --Jack Rox-|nies, was submitted in the wake |port. called. "But either it wasn't or|,. far back as 1939. "It has|"essman to deduct losses from burgh, a Liberal MP from On-lof Attorney - General Arthur} The requirements of the order|Mr. Drury wasn't listening." always been a demand at one operating a farm purely for his tario's tobacco country, com-/Wishart's notice of plans forjare identical to an order issued] The Industry Minister's|consdian members," he de-|Petsonal enjoyment, or from TORONT( plained bitterly in the Com-|legislation banning the stamps.learlier Monday by the United|speech, Burt stated, "puts him|ciared, "because they have|ther "hobby business" activity. BRID Ciglen and mons Tuesday about what he] Accompanying the brief was|States Federal Aviation Agency|right on the side of manage-|aiways felt that people doing|2"© Cost of reforestation should meai-o-rama of Toronto described as an "'insinuating"|a report on a survey of Ontario|in Washington banning flights)ment and jeopardizes the the samme work for ihe seine be allowed as a current expense Tuesday of CBC news item. housewives purporting to show|in excess of 10,000 feet. UAW's collective bargaining] ompany ought to be getting|(T, companies engaged in tim- the paymen The complaint was made tolthat a majority now save trad-| The FAA ordered the ban/iposition in our 1967 negotia-line same wages." Blbering operations. But the cost $8,000,000 in State Secretary Judy LaMarsh,|ing stamps and that of these 96|three days after a section of ajtions. He is deliberotely inter- aie of planting trees grown for sale New WHITBY STORE sale of aba a non-smoker since her days as|per cent were "satisfied with|fuselage on a DC-6B exploded|ing with collective bargaining) Because of the much smaller/as Christmas trees shouldn't es- Grass Oil health minister. She answers tolthe merchandise obtained." |while the plane was flying atling proceedures, something the|Production runs and other in-/cape taxation. ' Ltd. Parliament now for the CBC. | The survey by Canadianl15,000 feet over New Jersey. {head of his polilical party and ve, ie the Canadian 104 Lu in Dri Ciglen, a Mr. Roxburgh (Norfolk) said the Prime Minister of Canada|Plants prior to the | Canada- P rive : » |U.S. Automotive Trade agree- and Black, | the ac in os was -- o . promised would not happen. ment, the auto company man- 4 / >" promoter, w ty Sane Bare,» 2 ce" Ontario Highways Department), ier av mente elie (ar ae ttm ier] Money To || Blair Park Plaza longest tax newscast. year because it has finally be-|2@tional, Burt pointed out) were hear Asie come practical this year, not|#¥l¢ to make out a case against : 1 ANOTHER HOME ibi Free TV Question | Concentrates Freeways 67-68 |sms,rrarict us. 7et, 22tware panty and "hotdou nvest! OME OF 1622 exhib International Union, Burt em-|#8@inst the UAW's | pressure. oe ae OTTAWA (CP) -- Questions} TORONTO (CP) -- The On-|reconstruction of Highway 71/phasized. : In our 148-day strike against earn nice car about free color television sets|tario highways department's/between the Trans-Canada and Burt was replying to state- -- Resear ic ae kee RED he BLUE BRAND \ Santi te provided to CBC officials are a construction program for|the Minnesota border a ment made yesterday before be Ps Ss & e Pisiag 1 ; profits of sa "hoax," State Secretary Judy} 1967-68 will ~eageise 88 on ex-jeral other igo ghway|ine Reform Club of Montreal ctlaaiaa® -- hdl a m 4 LaMarsh told the Commons|tension of the provincial free-|projects would continue on an by Canada's Industry Minister] the saat ae ~y7 F Ceniiie fork r ¥ Tuesday. way s7steen in Pong Bone advanoed-scheduling basis. © M. Drury. bag hae sath 2 gods san saci rom Canada Packers Federal Inspected Plants | C 5 emeineat be Coevervais Canada Hignway Rig Oden g Pi ol a Figo | eeaptod "Mr. Drury's mastive ignor. tion to go the whole way." for five years | ons S hegectn : ance of the labor movemen Fence Kindt (PC -- Macleod), Gonne fold the Tegisiature|Seeates 30, ,the Toronto sndlshowed up in his Montreal by investing in Guaranteed t Mise Ladarsh aldo end it was|tcttny st department Will sng anes areas: Tretlepeech, Sunt as st does 'every LEWIS Invent ment Cotiete RED and BLUE BRAND CANADA PACKERS Tell: he s , darnitare, in the prime mint-|tPr and go8.008.00 on maintela'r ines, Lakehead, itchener| LOCKS STABLE DOOR OPTICAL [fh corns rencon oe I] Short Rib YOUNG TENDER PLUMP 1" : nance of highways in 1967-68\and Ottawa areas. OSWESTRY, England: (CP)--|f| - Established for over 30 years : ' TORONTC She said it ts all owned by|compared with $159,329,000 and| im. raha extension of Ot-|Thieves broke sre gg Sed 10% King Street West eee d Kid sumers' pr 4 Sie dake satan bar aati int awa's Queensway extension|shop of David Price and stole 725-0444 simiitenty casien 4 a om TURKEYS am | rasmus dictaphone at the office and at Opening debate on his de bpoabolype ny Highway 417, Mri heed "aly av agra eg me x ik nha nl Ais tes Chuck Roast fh lb t - supermarket home. partment's Psa $405,761, 2 now working on a device to Fi t b bieallaeaiolas sg tagged og 000 spending estimates for ' protect my own premises," he od names to rewamber i Parkway Concept |i, te minser sad 84. McKinnon Of GM |i 'gain on . LOIN PORK oe ,000 is you have a BURN'S BEEF y TORONTO (CP) -- Ralphlior municipal road-bullding and nae ae & SAVINGS CORPORATION] PEAMEAL BACK BEEF nization whi Knox (PC--Lambton West) sald|maintenance compared with|/ Announces Layoffs BUSINESSMEN'S P' BACON 696 Ib. BOLOGNA IVER OPS tact with in the legislature' Tuesday 2/$153,750,000 in 1966-67. LUNCHEONS To Sell or Lease eon (Ends Cuts) By the Piece L : pet gp concept has been developed for nnes ST. CATHARINES (CP)--Mc- Se -- 1.35 23 King $2. W., Bewmenville beget for § the St. Clair Parkway and/REBUILD SE Kinnon Industries Ltd, a | REG AKER, pres. 623-2527 CENTRE c| 3 Ibs 1 00 ¢ 69° of ton par work should start this spring.| Mr. Gomme said the Trans-|ynojy . owned subsidiary of CUTS LB. 89 ty LB LB. gimmick me He said the- parkway commis-|Canada is to be rebuilt at three DINNER BILL McFEETERS, vice-pres, ' The org '. General Motors Corp., Monday " OPEN sion formed last May has dis-|points, west of Desbarats in the) »,nounced further layoffs. Off- 5:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. suieay before the | Soanic soute end municipliieeloala in the Laksheat' area. and|ite,Wereer® are eftected foe the ac SCHOFIELD-AKER -- BURNS CANADA PACKERS BURN'S ent ee in the _ Gate Diver area have west of somes Corners west o! -- eel public alates eran <AneAsten 723-2265 er Ready to Serve Boneless: Swaet Pickled Polish Sausage gg lg spent . acquiring land|the Lakehead. soe , 7 Ki ow. ; C R Il ping bags. for the project. He said work will continue on|director of the company, said cueenaniaes oe Se Se , mgt oliage OLS ' The com salaried employees have been ¢ { briefs durin notified that 'Telit ----------------E See LB. « 59° day sitting. operations is necessary to meet LB Le. ' Women ! an. the reduced requirements of the CANADA -- ( Prices, whi market." DA PACKERS members at COMPUTER ous ante * arrival at the| He said 94 salaried employees ECONOMY PRODUCTS CANADA PACKERS aret Rouble Oshawa members of the so-|hospital last January. jhave. been laid off on a perma- s wife, called ciety of industrial and cost ac- nent basis and others are being Rindless Bacon WIENERS Ist Grade ernment to HOSPITAL REPORT d to oth bs withi countants of Ontario attended! During the week ending Feb, |trans'erred to other Jobs within BUTTER 59° dustry as a a dinner meeting of the soclety|/95 there were 310 admissions " = 49° 3 1 00 » not profits, in Cobourg, Feb, 21 and heard|ang 334 discharges at the Osh- Mics vg ont industries Lo 1. LB. LBs. o with 5.00 meet order not profits, Patrick Burns, Confederation|awa General Hospital. There pee ag ogc pact ad SEEK LEG: Life Association, speak on the|were 38 births. One hundred|'he layoffs, he said. In the last "Only law "Behind the Glamour of theland twenty-four major, 119 three years, the St. Catharines YORK BROWN'S BREAD GOLD SEAL sired result Computer". minor as well as 69 eye, ear, ng A ieagetha he i cael I C Big 24 ex. T N trols or ré SPACE. AGE cooRING [20% and shox! errant wer : CO UTCMI | sete B vosves 1.00 A | hee pei 7 . On ising firms A food forum "Tricks With @/ninety-five treatments and ex- 79° WIENER OR 3 lieve," the 3 Mix" will be held March 9 in|aminations were given and 36 Queen Mother GALLON HAMBERG BUNS 2 PKGS 49s TINS ge Women's cae he cee casts applied. The physiother- si | Consumer ! 'lapy department gave 957 treat- ada branche sponsored by the home eco-\ments and made 680 visits; Due At Service' SANAOA EARHINS uge ville and St nomics branch of the depart-|while the occupational therapy Lard GRADE EGGS for introduc ment of agriculture, a basic/qepartment handled 177 cases. | LONDON (CP)--The Queen = Ss. system in tl mix that is guaranteed to guide Mother will attend a special Margarine ing industri¢ a cook through any emergency SIGNAL HONOR ecumenical service in Westmin- : i. ' 1 Fey algo -- from tropical yeast rolls to| BOWMANVILLE (TC) -- Ajster Abbey June 30 to mark Shortening | 00 SF i 19 2¥ dox. 83° and ebit salmon pie and peach - filled|/native of Bowmanville, J. E.|Canada's centennial, it was an-| ' 6 large.... Eu small... . gimmicks' : pancakes -- will be used. (Ned) Rehder, son of Mr. and|nounced today. chance, " Mrs, C. E. Rehder, Beech Ave-| The sermon will be delivered A RESTAURANT OWNER inue, has been nominated to|by the Archbishop of Canter- P. E. I. POTATOES 79° dent of the 8 digg ge ™ a 65-year-old|write and decay the official) bury, Dr. Michael Ramsey, Lio- | 25-LB. BAG Humber br: 4 et East restaurant/exchange paper from the Unit-/nel Chevrier, the high commis- i ti f a fe owner, died early this morning|ed States to the International/sioner for Canada, will read the AN EXTRA SPECIAL FOR THE F. REEZER { cnauinet a at Oshawa General Hospital fol-/Foundry Congress meeting this|lesson. The service will include 5 LBS. of Canada Packers BUTTER FREE { zens better lowing an accident at his homelyear in New Delhi, India. Mr.|the Centennial Hymn and Cen- With Every Side or Hind of Beef \ aware of 1 when he fell down a flight of|Rehder is a consulting engineer|tennial Prayer, both composed micks. stairs. Lem had been unconsci-|in Montreal. in honor of the anniversary. COMMERCIAL tH AND BLUE BLUE BRAND RED BRAND Ts anole ' $ | HUCKS af if Taylor, pre SIDES .. LB. 50c SIDES LB. 56c | SIDES LB. 57. lea Consolid EEF Ltd., sugge 5 c A S H 5 HINDS .. LB, 59c B HINDS .. LB. 66¢ | HINDS .. LB. 67¢ Mortgage 2 of : | 'tgages | | FRONTS..LB. 45¢] s, QE |rRonts. ts. 47c| FRONTS. LB. 48 to 5 ° , - ob. . OB ff to 50 years ments on ho J i | Red or BI SIDE OF SELECT eager! ' | s the reach of % $ or Sie | Commercial |The compan rani } housing dev B % a B d i lea, 18 mile $ . $| 'ies ae LONG LOINS ¢ ¢ ' ---- CALL | THURSDAY, MARCH 2nd, 1:30 to 4:30,.6:00 to 9:00 p.m. [Hl aus sreaxs, us. QE] Mt STEAKS, us. Ls. i Fas a | at ST. y' -- 3 $ ST. GREGORY'S AUDITORIUM, SIMCOE ST. N. ALL FREEZER ORDERS CUT, WRAPPED AND DELIVERED FREE ' HOUS : # J | Regular and new blood donors are urgently requested to attend with or without an CONVENIENT CREDIT TERMS AVAILABLE p * j appointment. i Call o $ $| Our Blood Bank is desperately short and if we are ; org REAL ESTATE | =} j= : REAL E ' i} | TO MEET THE NEEDS OF OUR PATIENTS IN MARCH f an eh | : 4 . sal 66 §.8 841 $| NO LESS THAN 500 BOTTLES NEEDED TO BE DONATED 909 Simcoe Street North -- Oshawa 723-3361 RAE R. JONES | @ GIVE A BOTTLE OF BLOOD AND SAVE A LIFE 104 Lupin Drive, Blair Park Plaza, Whitby 668-4782 -- On Hwy No. 2 , 1 or 2 fyi ey ee ee te ee +r a oft Dap ee THE HOME OF THE KING OF MEATS" wh | --@ ----

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