id and- 88 B ki Wi Den Mitchell scored twice for THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, Merch 1, 1967 21 TOOKLIN WINS |srookiin with unemates Terry traded at Touton and Peter Heron each | scoring once. Don Vanden Alan Boivin Top Scorer: notched two goals for Mill- brook and Arthur Morton one. d at 4.53 Midget Series bills and By CLIFF GORDON BROOKLIN -- Brookliniyy the first period and nelther Haines and Vesy eliminated Brooklin led 2-1 at the end Millbrook from the Ontario team scored the second. Minor Hockey Association mid- ger "C" playoffs with a 4-3 vic- i Brooklin meets Bobcaygeon in the next round, with the first game of the series at tory this week. Brooklin won |p rooxlin Thursday at 8 p.m. the series 2-0. Helps Mates Alan Boivin's. 13-point effort, led Avenues to a 26-to-21 victory over Hurons, in the final game of the Westmount Kiwanis Bid- dy Basketball League regular To Title Too Bill Bell each contributed | seven points in a game that they| could have won with just a little | pg accuracy around the bas-| et 0.0.H. 6-DAY DIVIDEND DEAL 6% DIVIDENDS PAID FOR THE NEXT 6 DAYS OSHAWA DISCOUNT HOUSE WILL PAY YOU A 6% DIVIDEND VOUCHER ON PURCHASES MADE IN THE NEXT 6 DAYS RO} age verge Bri-|Schedule LONDON (CP)--One o . if AVEN' 1 tain's best - known telephone| In the opening game of the Phe * song spon "een | numbers, that of. the Scotland|doubleheader played at the Sim- Jordan, Steven Rhines, and| coach Don Ormiston. Attention Fishermen ! MINNOWS Une 5" Oxygen Packed If Hlyvard police headquarters, is alcoe Hall Settlement House, victim of the change to all-|Bantings won their 13th-straight, Esl 725-0197 figure dialling, Whitehall 1212\defeating Maples 28-to-7. HURONS: Don Stauffer, Terry | SERA Aacstet has been reformulated 230-1212.|cy ogy pINISH Hinze, Bill Bell, Rodney Walms- | 'een semen Avenues won the race for first el bal and. coach place, over the Bantings by vir- tue of sinking 339 total points,|; EASY FOR BANTINGS one more than their rivals.) Bantings had little trouble! ' Bantings scored 338 points, aS/winning their contest, as they| |both teams won thirteen games/held the Maples off the score- | jand lost five regular season's|sheet during the first half of the! PROFESSIONAL i": game for a 16404 lead, In pacing the Avenues, Alan Teddy Recrulski scored ten! |Boivin won the individual scor- points, while Gino Pascuzzi ling championship with an even |200 points, three more than his Sore eoee Tver lel closest rival, Teddy Reczulskl of| sy points, while Geral |the Bantings. Randy Jordan, Of Mahoney and Serge Dupont con- |Maples, finished in third place tributed two points each }with 132 points. -- At The -- Avenues only held a slim 10- y . eca scored three to-9 lead at half time, then|Points for the losing Maples, Jopened it up by seven points, food Jim Atkinson and Randy and were forced to hold on as|Jrdan cashed in on two each. | they were outscored in the final} BANTINGS: Serge Du C : pont, frame. Along with Boivin's/Bruce Levey, Bill Boyd, Gino! points, Ken Jordan picked uP/Pascuzzi, Teddy Reczulski, Ger- | seven more, while John Szcze-|aiq Mah | panski added four and Ron Bol- od, nonin can Conch Haree) vin the other two. Sponsored By The Oshawa & Whithy Lions Clubs Randy Jordan, | For the losing Hurons, Don| MAPLES: ' Stauffer, Terry Hinze and/Paul Boyd, Tony Mercieca, Jim . | itt: TIS. 2 9m Speci FRI. 2 pm Special a | coach Lloyd Weldareck. | j H H . Lake Joseph Camp for the Blind ade aieuise siapabpe Opening Special petunia FRI. Opening Special eto ae SAT. 10 am Opening Special This coming Saturd 5e Roll 127 SPLENDIDFLEX | ing pi gy Ma oy meres) Wallets re Head Squares Pr estone MAIN EVENT-1 | 9:00, while at 9:45 a.m. Bant-™ Scotch Tape amera « 0 Rounds ings clash with Maples. These| With picture envelopes and fj Tekes 12 breck end white, color & Scarves Sins Gi ; | seadtieals, ies atte pine en Te 9 Son Paice gel tiga adie Reguler from 590 te 986 FOR PRICE SAKE, gel 1,99 § PRETTY BOY FELSTEIN of-3 in both series. The winners | SAKE A a en FOR PRICE SAKE ......., 996 FOR PRICE SAKE, och Or aeee (Ne. 1 Canadian Heavyweight Contender) --tfeaturing-- alt ogee dl s similar. series, |i _CRNRIneneE NeoNRRRaRRRRRUEREE cies T SetaNNEENRE SE RRM IR RESINS -- Vs -- Thurs., Fri., Sat. view Boys' Club ie 'the East SAT. 2 pm Special A Number Five -- Sewi Ald Colgate Congestald Philadelphia Bobby Slaughter Zimmerman Memorial Trophy. | ssorted Ear Muffs ewing $ Also MIKEAL FINAL STANDINGS = 100 Cracker Jack f teice,*sre,ri ere tore sie Flash Bulbs | finm..tircis*tttton %: | rior tom sropeston come by | id styles. se Sapenrres: colds. TANBURY | osc: 13 533026 HM FOR PRICE ri FOR PRICE f 50% OFF. Bantings, 4 [e) Compere 1.39. ease 5 U rite bes B or OPFOR INSLEY BPH Sane, don... 99 Va PRICE = [on'vmice cane... 20" Al Guitor Player and urons, 315 230 6 | Folk Singer ee GEOFFRION SIDELINED ALBERTO VOB Te SALE . NESTLES SPRAZE Pepsodent ORAL GARE BY LANDERS NEW YORK (AP) -- Righ . SEMI-FINAL Carousel winger Berni eet will Shampoo Technique Hair Spray Toothpaste Mouthwash miss Wednesday night's game) FRANKIE | BULLARD Inn against Chicago Black Hawks, | | For regulor or dry heir. Regulor Hale cream sinse. Coropare ity a yd haggay -- Your choice, Irium, mint fresh Astringent, Orel mint or Sep- OSHAWA New York Rangers said Mon- iM 3.98, FOR PRICE 1.25. FOR PRICE tine. 16 os. FOR PRICE Ilsss atte Cette Tos teat tant DMB si... OOP tray 08 PFodarate Sate" TPT Sc vom exes... 44? ruise = , . i GIAN CARLO BARAZZA 559 Bloor St. West Blere added that Rod "alien a onl "The Italian Terror" 723-5271 poe a ae ek 3 WAY SPRAY "MENNEN" SOF' STROKE AQUA-VELVA Top Brass Old Spice play in the National Hockey 6 5 oe -- sd hn Deodorant Assure Shave Cream Stick Deodorant By Revion. Cream Heirdressing for Hair Cream ry, ia or as "acs J foi Camo 325. fom erent ODOR mice 0! FOR PRICE SAKE .......... So. lh lL. ne TTF ron price axe SAKE.55066 NANNY CO NANA sae on wie " Otd fete Sedy ont Bene sale This co titl t TO THE DEALER: F om pi ot Mug Shaving Soap After Shave Lotion Talcum fiat Stlek v4 upon entities you to Sourences 50 | Pine, = F itive, tired burning feet <p, Werner per 250." "4 gg |For Price Sake So] ComPers 2° 4 Ad bron mice sae OB" fm nw ruhap dapemen gay 7¢ OFF | Butte cup When thie coupon redeemed FOR PRICE SAKE .... Ba FOR PRICE SAKE Sa Wem g POR PRICE SAKE... FOR PRICE SAKE . .. ry 53 in accordance wi eterms 3444 of this offer. Invoices proving : ae oS! gufficientstock to cover coupons must be shown on Lender's Hespite!l Pure Ve Grein H the regular purchase price of 6 ernesterew Morey ~~ . S hari er = Z Sales Representative or ma! $4 MONARCH Buttercup Margarine BNE ee us, ror mncrssnr.... T1*] Petroleum Jelly en ae ee 1.49 SUPPOSITORIES 99° Gient 8Y2 ex. size. 44° 100 tablets 77 Regulor 1.25 size. 11° Compare 89e. 65° ; FOR PRICE SAKE . FOR PRICE SAKE .. FOR PRICE SAKE FOR PRICE SAKE ..... FOR PRICE SAKE . Jergen's ee aa a yes = Coin Books Gift Tying Ribbon . 2 loves, $ inter 00 Ox Conedion, American, New- El p.sorted colors 8 henks "di -- ' _ sollte jinn oe Olas Oo (J FOR PRICE FOR PRICE SAKE, ber... OT war rrice | [rnrnet g wp WORE sake A tor WO Isak... OO Men's end Boys' coeal Pare: Minow Running Boots a Chaseback Tea Towels 17x37 Cxoch made, block wrper with white Alarm Clocks bos bt oe nderwear sole, Boys' 6 te 10. 1.76 i. 'i / Sele Continues et FOR PRICE : 2 ob on Keywound, assorted stylings. ateh by ition Bradley. Com- ¢ a pore 2.98, N R H HALE PRICE SAKE.. "4 for 99 Men's 6 to 12... 2. 33 FOR noni po (2.48 B FOR PRICE SAKE |. 99° on new MONARC ) ; GOLFERS EARLY d 3 In 1 Oil Masking Tape Marbles | Skipping Ropes } 'gino speciats Makes home peinting easier ond " An Ideal Child's gift. PALDI Buttercu p Margari ne pperemirerd headed rece Ae Me fee hee Com : 39%e. : 6 e bles by Montrose, 30 Regular 25¢ 6 2 wood a 08 teen, prectcs mat ton E rorenice saxe .... 22 PAI ¥ Retail Price f re: >< FOR PRICE SAKE 17 compere 3s. 58.88 MADE WITH SELECTED PURE VEGETABLE OILS Soft margarine with that expensive flavour. Best test for flavour in a margarine is to use it on hot food. And this is where the expensive flavour of Monarch shines. Monarch's flavour never loses any of its fresh, good taste. Fact is, Monarch keeps all its rich flavour no matter how you use it. And it's soft. Never hardens in the fridge . . . always ready for the table. Try it now at this money saving price. Monarch Buttercup margarine, in the buttercup yellow serving dish. REPLACEMENT e Bs Paint Roller Dunkit en " wide, ne water, ne peste, Goaters 'The eriglnc! paint brave end Full 74 length. New two roll thre- § roller cleaner, preservative and 66° sereal at thls price hak tanee there conditioner. Compare 89c. *- BB? FOR PRICE SAKE, pelr .... OOO FOR PRICE SAKE . Models Models} Kitchen Ware | Toys - Games - Cars, ships, cuperman, robin, bet- Play Set Dolls " Etc, plans. 12. pieces. 5 et heavy ma aig P eacraee bog . nickel pleted steel, rust h: 'ni' ts, Jr. ist All % Retail Price § sturdy, tong tostins. peadon. Pier ng Dells, Ne Compare 2.95. ?. Buy Now for Gift_ Spring anytime. § FOR PRICE SAKE ..... 99° YOUR CHOICE 33° - Record Caddy | Child's Ski Boots Holds 60 L.P.'e, Brass plated, B size 13 to 3. These must be easy to carry from room to & sold, Compare 12.95. ompare 50c . MAKE. AN OFFER FOR PRICE SAKE 1.88 Compare 3.50 YOU'RE THE BOSS DISCOUNT HOUSE - 1038 KING at GARRARD RD. 4 FOR PRICE SAKE Sani Foam Instant Cleaner Kills household germs ex it FR gece Cleons sinks, 99 walls or bath. Compare 1] ler 49 FOR PRICE SAKE 59 FON PRICE SAKE... _ Woods Alr Freshener Helps Prevent Mildew. Regular 79¢ FOR PRICE SAKE, yard...... Bar Stools Bronzetone legs, ayivel sect. Approx. 34" high. ~~ Regular 9. 95 FOR PRICE SAKE 4.99 Magnetic Flashlight Complete with batteries. Every- one -- hevé one in the car. Compere 1.50. FOR "PRICE SAKE ..... OFFICIAL TORONTO MAPLE LEAF HOCKEY ACTION Coloring Book Regular 49c FOR PRICE SAKE 29° OSHAWA Every item in the store, excepting cigarettes, am- munition, films, prestone and advertised specials is subject to 6% divi- dend. Melmac Dinner Plates Canedian made. Pink, tur- uoise, blue and yellow. ~ eee ee ie PCS SO ARS GSTS IRENA a ge Sek panes nace