Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 1 Mar 1967, p. 20

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Sw by CVE MAAS Se A ew '> . sy ee ~veEpwevs ees Be @ CUT © wey eS SS PSP eee VS eee oe ee ' nce e - o "i . ees < 20 THE OSHAWA Tm, Wednesdey, Merch 1, 1967 ii Stock Market Prices Firm BOND MARKET yee closing at 87% bid and-8¢ Broo! ye TORONTO (CP)--The Canad- Day-to-day money traded at Til RE A A ABS Re tS RG ke Ak i a a a yt sk HC Pidgeon ph dena ge iad ead gee fag oA Treasury bills closed at 4.53 : 'On: ; Investors Shrug At Report}iisi:" 'i "aati iy St! te Short - term Government of ' TORONTO (CP) - Pricesiindex to 137.87 after tumbling) Canada ane ree te 2 , firmed on the Toronto Stock Ex-|5.82 Monday. Dome rose 1 to) cents on he csaeron npr : Tuesday as investors|47\4, Home A % to 22 and Pa-|!, 1967, issue closing at 99.7 GUARANTY TOD AY S STO KS shook off immediate reaction to|cific Pete and Central-Del Rio|>id and 99.75 asked, the report of the Carter royal]% each to 11% and 1214. Long-term Canada and pro- TR UST veinies sw idk lens pee oron O Oc ar e commission on taxation. Among base metals, Denison|Vincial bonds ended up % with Distributed by ¢P Steck Bales High Low a.m. Ch'ge The industrial index, thelwas wp 1% to 53%, Rio Algom|the 4/4-per-cent Sept. 1, 1983, is- 32 KING ST. E. Tones et Se ee sl ee | ee ie +e market's key indicator, moved/14 to 24% and Lake Dufault % noe xn dividend, xr--Ex--| W Decelte 980 200 272 272 +7 * up .30 to 160.43, to 1534. ELECTRIC ENERGY UP Open To Serve You righis, sw ENWerrenth, Te CAAR Great - West Life, which] Advances outnumbered de-| The net generation of electric re ee INDUSTRIALS Has New Presi ent plunged 6% Monday, gained 2/clines 233 to 209 with 205 issueslenergy in Canada increased 9.1| MUU PERU See 0d MINES | apitie! 40 31% 11% 1% to 5744, Dominion Electrohome| unchanged. per cent in 1966 to 157,683,108,- s we te | Be ee By KEN SMITH Throughout his tenure, Mr.jfalse rumors, artificial excite-|14 to 164 and Alberta Gas} On index, golds were up 1.80 006. Kilowatt hours, the 'Du in Friday $ to 3 Stock Seles High Low a.m. Ch'ee) pits Gas w 200 775775 775 +18 (Canadian Press Business Editor|Kimber fought. to get more|ment and inside advantages by|Trunk and Moore Corp, 1 each/to 159.12 and base metals .31 to|' owatt hours, the Domin- Agnico mee 110 m0 10 nt Fi ome St 470 $2434 2884 24 | TORONTO (CP) --For John|staff, more money and more)promoters, brokers and floor|to 35 and 94%. Distillersig7 43 Volume totalled 2,405,000|ion Bureau of Statistics re- Saturday $ a | Rivpite 150 9 ? con 1760 $34%4 4% 24% + %4/Kimber, appointment as presi-|authority for the commission to|traders," he said. dropped % to 36. shares compared with 2,543,000|/ported Monday. The increase in fm Moly 2000 atte st at -- M4] lean or as $Eut Bu st * "Ident of the Toronto Stock Ex-/do just that. Now he will be} Last November the exchange| Western oils advanced 1.76 oniMonday, 1965 over 1964 was 9.3 per cent. ae Rin ee Ot de es | Shoe we cee oe change after being chairman of|\dealing with the same demands|moved to tighten its controls Argosy 3290 115 -10)«*113. +10} Argus 140 $14%4 14% 1484 the Ontario Securities Commis-|and criticisms as head of Can-jover primary distribution, but qrmere am eo FT| Ale guger" 00 'sie 'gia sie "Iston could be like the proverb.(ada's biggest securities market.|did not eliminate it as the Kim- REG. 49e! -- Atl C Cop 1000 90 90 Auto Elec 75 $5 nie ial jump from the frying pan He probably was best known|ber commission had recom: : ee, ie, ee | Seen ee ols Dw et we while boss of the commission |mended. Weston's Thaw use ew Bank NS 2072. 71% 72 +% . |for the report of government] Mr. Kimber, a quiet and hg Hawie iso o wo mo +8 Barteco a Be ae Bg chong eee gg Be Rg committee on securities Jegisla-|seemingly retiring hom hae not CHELSEA Bronsw , . tial 4 , hich he headed. yet made known his views on Com Mine x16 1 3 13 Bell Phne 2031 34% 4 «4% +%! with the financial community tion w E Hiton "ae Wey Ha 1] Beart 'us BA =n rocked hy srien of events ala, te qrecommende atte tel Pitt tefl BUNS tore am eo a Ft] be kor Gea nae _ [that had critics demanding bet) ss 1g e's operations already] While at the commission, he in st Cansere uf ooo 30 30 30 $2| BC Phone 185 Sus ASS + WO ter protection for investors. |rave been adopted, and several laid strong onaphasls on the 8 to pkg Cassiar 600 $164 16 16% Br Intl Fin 200 300 30 +5 proposals aimed at business|duties of company directors an ° Cent Pet (800 143 14) 141 --4] Calgary P 100 $23%4 23% 24 operations generally were in-jon the need for maximum dis- cee oe ie awl coe ak ee ee PRODUCE corporated into a complete|closure of ftounelal information Con-Key now W +) Ir 145 $20 20% 20'4-- Vo overhaul of the province's se-|so investors could assess pros- ea ee 1500 PEN] B 23 --1 on Malt 210 $21% 21% 21% TORONTO (CP) -- Wholesale Dctine laws i oki pects, i C ' € fein" is $8 B+] Con 'Grew" 1208 ame 7 Jy | (to retail carton eggs average nine Os € Marben 3000 205 200 205 --$| C Brew Bp 25 $45 45 45+ Ve| weighted prices quoted by the|NOT YET IN EFFECT WANTS MDRE DISCLOS ¢ heal ie as Bs & ta! Schae"s 0 eau" as « 5 [department of agriculture Tues-| One major recommendation] Only last week he suggested . ON THESE MONE Y-SAVING PRICES Big ic 1900 14 '14 € Curis 900 7 10 70 day: A large 46.3; A medium/about the exchange, however,jin a speech to the Toronto Een Nichol 3000 a uM 1 Yl con teat 7s sat seh eee -- 940.8; A small 31.6. still is not in effect. chapter of the Institute of Char- : sad , vee - '; Mr. Kimber called for an end|tered Secretaries that improved ' Hy 550 7% 6 + % H I ric to . A - ~ - Seema, so "ae "a SE awl € Imp oor dy 3 Oat H+) Begs: Wholesale prices to) an eee aistrbutions tech dialogs Teatt ecm wig Specially Selected -- Value Check'd -- Tender Young -- Picnic Style 0: Cop-m 40500 ms oer i oe ee a ae if nique, almost unknown on other|cluded in Ontario's new laws on! Cowich 2000 35 CPR 1760 $64% 6414 64% + %| Quoted by the Toronto Board of|n/que, cist amt ISTH] Py Ue HS AR "lita tom wim ee dams erchangs inthe won, the recommendan fe Crowpet #0 ! . oa .jin whi reasu: § Cc ; 7 y : 40-41; la 38-| in a UU a as € Westna 2800 19° We Te + Sel gg ba lige: ba small 25-26: (speculative company are sold|vented some of the actions now SHOULDER CUT C Deer Horn 1000 2 Chemeell 100 $134 13% 13% + 8) 'g4 95. GC 39.31 : through the facilities of the ex-|known to have been factors in co Rink with Seer, Sa ee Neild : change. the collapse of Atlantic Accept- La Denison 500 $544 54 S4\4+ 44] Columb! p 150 $20 20 90 Butter prices: Agricultural ge. Pp P' Ib .jtem are the dangers, among] Detailed disclosure of loans to | etl Be iin as By plied 20 ee ia iy stabilization board tenderable "Inherent in the existing sys-|ance Corp, Ltd 500 1 hd ioe wv Ci P. 525 $430 43 43 om Ve * f H 2 Sane Oem nm m +9| So baw. so fee itu pu" re cod ea hd past re others, of market manipulation,|management might have shown East Suil 100 75 875 575 --10| Con Papr p 1760 $25 25 25 UyNg se Score SY; aa the weak f the $150,000,- e weaknesses of the ,000, Too me Be cs] ee Be ee 000 empire, which collapsed in e ~ c t 9 7) Y Gluetve 'ny os oe nsf ceby ® . oe ee Steck Bales High Low om, Orgs DIVIDENDS June, 1965, he said. WELL TRIMMED -- ALWAYS TENDER -- BOSTON STYLE--FOR ROASTING~ (Idee! with Apple Seuce) ri | Goldrim =» 4500 «35.434 | Crush Intl 215 $12% 12% 12% Trang Mt x105 $177 17% 174 | BY HE CANADIAN PRESS |, "THe simple fact that the in- C fey BPRS" eh BR | EM Bae A Hho Mtn come teal" dealings" between the rr re Aa Li 8! 4 ry : . Grendue "250 970 970370 Dome Pele 500 $474 4734 734+ Vel Versata bo $54 su su | Anglo Canadian Pulp and Pa-|company and its insiders' would tb some Mire te te 23 | Beem amis oh | Mee, te i i lper, common 18 cents April Zshave had to be disclosed may oer ag nee ; Cr an: recor arc rst p Hh forestalled the Hast! 100 14 149 147 -- 41) D Glas: 800 $14 ide 14h Walk GW 2695 $334 32% 4 + %| we: ave s very Heedwey 1000 20h 20%. 204 Dom store S15 821 20% 21. + | Wourne 300 170 170 170 28.125 cents, May 1, record acts which have caused such P Hollinger 220 Sav aaa ah Dvextilo "so sume aes ait + 14] Westoel 300 szisa at 2% + | APPL 7. public concern when disclosed. TRA coo! CURED L) | ao | - - Huds Bey we 65 & « +% Ducen if 35 $4 0 0 +% we Pacitc $00 a Ri et %| Canadian Wallpaper Manufac-|. . ." . ' TENDER - YOUNG - EX LEAN--BUTT ESSEX BRAND - FULLY KED - MILD ¢ u-Pam Emco 275 $15ve 15% 154+ Ya] Weston 275 4. y,|turers Ltd., class A $1.40; class} Mr. Kimber, 49 this weeken SM KED PICNICS . 55 trish 3000 20 HD 2 7 ad A WOO $26 26V2 2wYa-- Vs id i" s ; Iron ey 200 281 28) 2) 4 fl iss Fs Phd Pedr % vin orn A 720 $0 390 390 ° B $1.40, March 27, record March|is a Toronto native. A graduate LB. \ LB. Soilet soo ss '30 St hic ena ee ee 17. of Osgoode Hall law school, he t 300 -- Maeted Jonsm 11000 28 2614 28 418! Ford Cute "a5 stanee 198 IeeH 'acetic aus Consol Textile Mills|W28 called to the bar in 1944 Mtoe we Ho Wo l toh te Wea Oe ay sad ll atone Ltd., common 12% cents, March be ake Wee ential Wines ESSEX BRAND - FRESH SLICED - (3 VARIETIES) FOR LUNCHES AND QUICK MEALS . . . HOLIDAY FARMS Kopan 8 10 $78 78 78 15, record March 6, CL Dutault 1580 $154 154 154 Wel GL Paper 100 $2614 26% a6¥h rere are E ie Investment Trust|! 'he Supreme Court of On- A okeg 79° BEEF STEAKETTES 5s t Osu 1000 "134 1348 136 Greyhnd" 100 $2114 214 21+ Wu] Spooner «1000S $5 conomic Investmen tario. PKG. AB. te Luz 235 $19 18% 19 Hard Carp 215 $164 16% 164 Agnico 400 150 150 150 +15 ITtd., common 8 cents, March Leltch 100 645 645 645 +8] Hays Dna 2100 $95 9% 94 SE BOF ald gh all =". Lg? ecard Manon 17, Lower "ao We ie home & ig oH | Somer 30 wo ow a0 Lafarge Cement of North CHIQUITA FINEST QUALITY me _ Macleod 00 7 oF Dickensn 300 370 370 370 --10 Matiom! 130 Sieh 140 14h-- Ve] BO) Gas ce see ee Sisco0 200 450 450 450 America, common 10 cents, OSHAWA TIMES Mayorun can 14 im m+ " Husky gil 500 $36 13s 13 -- Me Sullivan 100 430 430 490 --% |March 15, record March 7; class é tid 95 +7 tueny Be 4 4 Pg n= Distribution ef Treasury shares (A 15 cents, March 15, haw! PICTURE Las. ? Rie, PR AMMA | img, Se "| ewe gee geceroez er March 7; Jone 1s, record Jue | 5 my 3 / y vise a e lowing companies | {> i ae [3 ; Newconx Bo 51S 510 a imp Tob 655 $144 14a 14Va---- Ve] have entered Into Gaesrartiinn and op- i ep d Dee 1 Prey are RE PR _ W Herri 14014 Ind Accept 120 $2434 2434 24% tlon agreements which may resuit in record Dec, I. N Imperal. 2400 me 00 " $51 ites San 7 steel ie cet H fepteucautes. ot theme companies te] Monte x Apparel Industries veneer 4 cu j= | N Mylem@ 1500 184 18 184 Intercity 100 $15 15 15 4.%| the facllifies of the Exchenge, |Ltd., pref. 11 cents, April 1, rec- NU WAY PHOTO 6-0Z. CELLO BAG FRESH 3-LB. BAG eins WNnor 23000 13 12 13 +3] Int Bronz p 475 $24 24 24 +1%| -- Anglo American Molybdenite, Ansil ord March 15. je N Que Reg) 250 §25 §25 525 IBM 102$495 495 495 +35 | Mines Ltd., Candore Explorations, Can- 6 N Senator 2000 20 2 20 Int Nickel 1845 $94¥2 94 9414-+1%| eda Southern Petroleum, Cdn Nisto) Power Corp. of Canada Lid., SERVICE ¢ for 1000 10 10) 10 =! jnt Util 500 $28 27% 28 Mines, Con-Shawkey Gold Mines, Con-|aqmmon 11 cents, March 31, for Noriex 4500 26 24 «62% «+114! Int Utll pr 75 $30%4 30% 30% solidated Red Poplar Minerals, Cop- . Normetel a a as as inter Pipe Ms 3934 2 73% t Hy eon Mines Lfd., Daering Expior. aie bah . bis ge yh 251 King $t. £., Oshewe Northee ntpr ers Corp. Ltd., Gradore Mines, Irish/1965 series first pre! Worthget 270 800 495 495 Inv Grp A 1450 $10% 10% 10% Copper Aiines, Jelex Mines Ltd., 1.50 each A ge N Renk 50 0 «630 «(30 ITL Ind 150 $144 1s 14h smith Mines, Lake-osu Mines, Min-Ore|cents, April 15, record March 21. © = 10 <= 1.00 one Mild, Flavorful SPANISH ONIONS PACK OF 2 FOR 3 N Rock 8500 33. 31 33 +2] Jomes "SH 175 385. 308, gus Mines, Mount Wright Iron Mines, Nor-| Price Co, Ltd., common 18% 5x 7 -- 1.25 each Opemske 748 $114 11% 11+ We! Jefferson 325 $28% 28% 28% + | lex Mines Ltd, Norpax Nickel anires, ts, May 1, record April 3. Geman, oe i te | Sees cs So" as ae tn | pain "Cure sermne "nal T. G, Bright and. Co. Lid.,|| 20%, Discount on Order Y-OF-THE-WEEK 01 oe vermaque nie ° le o> Peremeq 3000 10 10 10 Kelly DA 500 485 400 485 +5 » Texore Mines Ltd., United Macfi of 3 er More Pictures = = Pex Inf 2000 146 M4 14 Labatt 100 $2ive 216 21k -- Mines, 'Urben Guedes "aines' Winer ;common 50 cents, March 31, e BUY-OF-T e ad eo. ane 2 2 ¢ +? Leterge, A 3 SIH 10% o oH + | drich Mines Ltd. record March : lly 30 3 ul the may 1 SAVE 17c! RED BREAST e Preston 135 S16 136 134+ 14) Loy co 2 $444 404 404 -- M4 } THES Lob Inc 210 $6% Purdex 1000 10 10 10 50 $11 1 Gio Men 1000 as as as He ue, 8 nt a, nets 7 re) ou J FANCY COHOE 6 ne 270 W% emont "150 880 880 225 $12 12 12 F m U All f Y eeee Roman" 400 sisme iste ise ase] UF i 100 $18%6 18% Thy ro Sooo be] ass-Fer Sherri. Toro a5 G0 5 410 Monten w 35 30 1m tm ie SAVE 4c! -- CHICKEN or SPANISH REG. $1.04 VALUE -- 15¢ OFF PACK -- ex | Sli Miller $00 13. (1313 Moore 240 $04 94 94M ' a : FREE MEASURING CUP REGULATED SUDDING Slivmg $500 35% 35 354+ %! Morse A 100 $203 20% 20% ' ¢ Siscow 400 410 410 410 Nat Trust 250 $184 18% 18% «sau DETERGENT | Stenrek 875 190 199 190 --3]| Neo 125 $6% s 6% GIANT jeep R150. 580 580580 NB Tel r 365 5 +3 (4 Tomet'? so 1 6 me +e | Na wire 8 rs sip Iie 308 SF + vs me Tex-Sol 3000 WV DY 2U%--3 Nor cn G@ 0 $13% 13% 1%-- SAVE Se ON DESSERT TOPPING Torbrit 1500 50 50 Nor CHG p 200 $25 25 25 2-0. Bs ooo 12 it tat Nor Phone" Sie stole. toe ate IP 3 79° A a ie ef aa CS PKGS. PRE-PRICED 69c! --- FOR DISHES . . . = ; re i'm ig 2G | a Be ee so agri awe 10: Wiles 500 42 42 42 Pac Pete 220 Sil 11 1 2 GIANT Won fee Se | fete ee ie China Lily Brand size Dae Win-Eld 0 Nw UM +h Price Com 765 $13% 134 1394+ % 2a Eermec™ 10 Hm Dy Hw--14] GN Se eow "ie sass as tk CHICKEN -- SAVE 6¢ 19-OZ. TIN ulaps 50 16s 16s 164 R Notwell 300 CE ma +10 19-02. ¢ ockow: " y 4 6 OILS, GAS Rockwell 340 $35 38 aS CHOP SUEY TIN 4 REG. 2 BARS 53c!-- 8e OFF PACK! -- oe land 0% + Aiminex 386-0. GS. 0 + 8 | Romfleld 1000 3030 30 +2 DEODORANT SOAP fe" ets the Bus u| Corte ae Oe at , 2S en CS Pete 20 220 3) 20 +4 | Selede 100 $10 10 10 BEST BUY! -- SAVE 2c -- DELUXE LIFEBUO 2 BAR PACK 43¢ © Ex Ges 1300 400° 390 390 Shell Inv w 950 875 860 875 +8 5-02 € Gridoll 100 595 HS Hs Shell Con 565 S25 254 am + Me if ¢ € forestd loo 222 217 222 +4 | Shop Seve 0 $14 BOTTLE ; San sup "Es Say 4 TM eee" Re 50s Fact et ry TANT DAINTY Cdn oe Seto Sea _.| erat am me etsy in aa | oe fan ood jee! an 2 Va ° Dev-Pal $00 185 185 185 Suptest od 450 $234 Bat DUNCAN HINES -- SAVE 10¢ 4 Dynami¢ 1600 165 162 162 Texeco 250 $244 24 Ua PKGS. French PY 302 42 42 420 Thom N P 500 $21% 21% 21%-- % i¢ Gt COllsds 250 $10% 10% 108 Tor Dm Bk 90 $6414 Sih Ode or" mn ee a1 | tae eet te on' - readers _ Okalta zoo 15 #15) «(15 Trader Ap 200 $23% 23% 2%-- % i --- SAVE 10c! -- ALL FLAVOURS MINUTE Permo 2000 25 244 25 +4! Trader 65 w 100 45 M5 145 -- 5 New Butter Recipe -- Golden and Fudge ow Fie one ast taal ae | Treen oe" EP = 69 rove r Scurry Rn 430 $21% 21% 21% 41%! Tren Plp 35 $9 4 4 BEST BUY! -- SAVE 8c! FREE SPOON IN PKG. MOTHER PARKER'S . 66 ; 99 gett SAVE 10c NESTLE' jc MESTLE'S INSTANT CHOCOLATE Should a "non-swinger TEA BAGS xc. 19° th pie J it e e B e e 9» QUICK TIN 49 VISIt Swinging britain BEST BUY !-- SAVE 23c! -- WHITE OR e COLOURED FACIAL TISSUES BEST BUY!--SAVE 6e BEEF OR IRISH PURITAN % > Yes. Very ! A camping vacation for a crippled child can be the most exciting event apcattaad ] 0 sty ae ity Because Britain of the year -- and beneficial too. There are five Easter Seal camps in 200'e e S EWS TINS 49° r caro male It py Smtr of chee Sons et || Oto ving 1200 clan oto thes week halide. Easter Seal clon I our fly to Britain for s swinging vacation. wd PP BEST BUY! -- SAVE 14c!--WHITE OR | i: thers preter the things which are uniquely British--the COLOURED WHITE SWAN FEATURE! SOLO COLOURED pee es The Job is BIG... The NEED is GREAT J me. 83° - Only BOAC with Air Canada flies direct to Britain, and this summer we offer you the choice of to 12 jet services | Sieh ee mana Montreal: And there ae several GIVE Libby's Quick-Serve Frozen Foods! Bargains In P. & G, Beauty Aids! Western Arrow services to London. g RAL He Save ---- Sliced STRAWBERRIES 39° Res. 1.19 ) CausT TOOTHPASTE 99° : TOE WES cooks ce av aei as wenecee besedes MY WN oe cen cas roe Spt wining wih eGo ney Srp ian Set amnion, ZR | | Rete Tnte tm st ge BR yuna a snouoms snaaroo gay nm} @ | aN st 08. eg. 1.39 SECRET DEODORANT > BOAC ud *OOSHAWAS ONTARIO. B we te at tee a . 1.19 ' Return Your Pink z Ob of Ota wee Jf Cell Now For Complete Travel Arrangements pian Rae SPROULE'S WILSON BROWN Ss MEADOWS TRAVEL SERVICE Red and White : ae Red and White . On jo De * 25 KING ST. E. OSHAWA PHONE 723-7001| Oshawa Rotary Club and Ontario Society For Crippled Children CORNER SIMCOE ot MILL Shiastns Plave BROOKLIN, ONT » -- - - +2 >

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