Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 1 Mar 1967, p. 14

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14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, March 1, 1967 ANN LANDERS . J * S 9 | THE STARS SAY vag aah gn . oe eet ENERGY AT cca Buying A Car This Spring: sy ertumrazrs. [ered Dini te wetioct ST BOUND, te. (CP---Kas ' . | creative fields -- especially in : ; FOR TOMORROW : cycling tour of Prince Edward Use Caution And Ask Questions) music and writing Seed bate aca No daydreaming this day! By JEAN SHARP they must be registered and, |With both creative and business LEFTOVER TRICK ation. "The eknyy si ri 'son ' to if you have a serjous com- |affairs governed by generous} Add freshness tc leftover|¢@rm money and get into shape Solicitious Mother aalihuavaualdenuasas plaint, you should tell the reg- linfiyences, make the most of|casseroles by adding layers of|for her venutre by operating a Few consumers can really istrar tint crisp shredded western iceber, dicab, a two tri- be sure of what they are doing Kao wh t me bee ee lettuce grated carrots' and cycle, at the Montreal World' 7 ow at your warranty |ahead with long-postponed plans p rage 8 Causes Son Trouble when they buy a car, but covers, and pay no attention |and new ventures which can|Cubed tart apple. Fair site. the Consumers' Association of 1, verbal promises because materially effect your future. Canada says if you exercise as he ant : : : caution and ask questions, you oe unlikely to bed rtm scatter energies, how: may minimize the chances of E houia he ( getting into financial difficul- h 'hed new -- th is len |FOR THE BIRTHDAY ties over your purchase. Ty find & decler hg 'ates If tomorrow is your birthday, An article in the current 43, seriously 'and makes a |YOUr horoscope indicates that edition of its publication, Ca- onecientious inspection of his |YOU can make fine headway in | Dear Ann Landers: The man] Dear Ann Landers: I am a I am about to marry is 20|widow whose husband died al- years old. I am 19. The prob-/most three years ago, I have a lem is his mother. friend who lost his wife two Loufe sets the alarm clock for|Years ago. We have known 6:45 a.m., which would give|Sther for . ym time L gr him plenty of time to get ready, |have seen Mr. Solo around to nadian Consumer, lists cost (21. the coming year if you concen- a lot lately--also unaccompan- factors to consider before you trate on your most ambitious pick me up at 7:45, take me toj, 4 buy. Shop before you buy be- |goais and are willing to assume my job and get to his place of 'A few weeks ago I wrote Mr woaie Salus tas cause prices vary, but know |'ome---but not ¢ noaeyre| y §: * prices of si 2 e--bi not too many--adde ae yen oy ee ic a weex(8010 & note suggesting that the car with sales tax and Jue uy want cheapest, bacie |TesPonsibilities. Pisceans some- ALL MERCHANDISE MUST _About three mornings a +4 since he is without a wife and finance charges, your pas- .o2> then spend money, ailding times have a tendency to take BE CLEARED ' his dear mother thinks heir am without a husband we senger motor vehicle permit, on too many burdens, but this . extras. Price everything you insurance against liability for habit can be detrimental _be- bodily injury and property 2". cause it invites fatigue. Occu- BUY NOW! SAVE NOW! damage, running expenses, The CAC recommends mak- |pational progress and increased repairs or replacement of ing the year of the car a con- jearnings are a likelihood be- parts not covered by a war- dition of sale. If the model is |tween now and the end of ranty, accessories such as misquoted by the dealer you |March, the last week in Sep- snow tires and seat covers, 8" cancel the contract. tember, throughout November | and annual depreciation. Clock mileage is unreliable, |and next December. On the fis- é A new car will probably but oa miles La 7 ed pes Pg P organ od sins in - car to ®verage figure. the cloc Pru, the firs ree weeks in A BAKING POWDER _ give the traditional coffee- peel nig sgh satya shows a great deal more or |September and throughout Oc- THREE FLOORS OF QUALITY FURNITURE cake appearance to an | suggests you consider whether ¢S8 than this you might ques- |tober and next December. Con- @ BUDGET TERMS OR CASH e doesn't get enough rest, 80 Shelought to get together--perhaps tip-toes into his bedroom and)r could cheer him up. He did turns off his alarm clock. Of|not respond to my note and I course he oversleeps, which|fee] that maybe I made a fool causes him to be late for work: |o¢ myself. Naturally, I am late also. What should I say when we Louie has begged his mother/next meet? It is just a matter to stay out of his room and/of time before we run into one keep her hands off his alarmjanother again.--Durham Widow but she continues to do it any-| Dear Durham: Don't say any- way. thing. You've said too much Please tell me what to do.|already. If you give a small No Interest Or Storage Charges on Our Loy-Away Plan! Everything Must Be Cleared! All Sales Final ! No Phone Orders Accepted ! All Discontinued Items Prices As Marked ! lem has caused some|dinner party and wish to in-| quick bread, baked "in the Cac). t>. bake, easy « to tion it. A leased car could |servatism will be important bi Bitter arguments between|clude Mr. Solo, along with oth-| round' in a tubular pan to enjoy recipe ; -- id -- lg have covered 30,000 miles ey- |during the first three weeks of Open Thursday and Friday Evenings 'til 9:00 p.m, us.--Burned Up ers, fine--but a widow who : 'altar meio rs 8 ery year of its life. June, however. Closed All Day Wednesday my Dear Burned: Tell Louie to|°ffers to "cheer up" an unmar- te | page at datstund the You should ask who the | This new year will be excep- put the clock under the mat-|tied man might be classed as Raisin Nut Bread Offers Be ae oe ait 'ou Previous owner was and |tionally good for those engaged tress if he doesn't want Mom|°V¢etly aggressive. Nothing ---- on the money your. check with him. If you live in |in creative pursuits--either vo- to turn off the alarm. pyro -- as dead " h T Fi : E 'é oe 'o Rac aay ate ta ' province with a central reg. satiny "d averationally rs ° ' . Bebe ; : nie istry of liens on cars, make |and personal relationships wi uaee as oo oe sigs 5 ortcut oO rine ating | -- pool ga age eg ine tise 4 o The CAC says you be Seay Boverned | for 4 | : , > ' P * -- sho ot ev i - |mo; ie year. ard o to be agg -- Queen Eats Muffins: Quick Breads are a delight; Sift together 1% cups flour,| know what will happen if you ir a car Sk ease te Poel oa Sow ion a FURNITURE INTERIORS ae Be yp Rey th : to make and a delight to gb gee eg baking pow-| are unable to make @ PAaY- jien on it. this month: Jahe, late 'October: 96 KING STREET EAST OSHAWA lear her. You told her to go With Afternoon Tea They are easy to make, yee toe salt i aioe 'eo Ser ment. Insist on having a car in- |and late December -- an all- with him and make conversa- : to bake, and hon ys yas peat ee S intl flute one ante "Never withhold payment of spected by a garage of your |around good period for all PHONE 723-7928 tion on her own, or else stay During the October, 1957,/either direct from the hor 7: bi p cainne anal 22 instalment without taking choosing. If the dealer won't |Pisceans. Ul home and stop complaining, |"isit of Queen Elizabeth to Can-jcold and buttered in @ lunch) mk, oll, '4 cup ral legal advice or obtaining the , let you, don't buy the car. | A child born on this day willl= There was even a hint of praise ada, chefs across the land pre- box or rewarmed for elegant /nuts. lender's written consent. Noa- pared these muffins for Her|teatime enjoyment. | Add wet ingredients to the| payment may give the lender pcg Mae oe Sen a We Majesty's afternoon tea. We! This recipe for Quick Raisin dry ingredients, mixing only| the legal right to enter your a understand that Royal Cana-|Nut Bread combines your kind/enough to combine. property, seize your car or The notion that men must go/dian Air Force dietitians stan-|of favorite chopped nuts and| Pour into a greased tube other goods and sell them, no to cocktail parties for business|qardized the large - quantity/one cup of raisins in a cinna-|pan. matter how you protest or reasons is as phony an excuse recipe from which this version)mon flavored batter, As an| Combine brown sugar, re-| how much you have already as sitting up with a sicklwas derived. On many occa-|additional touch of delight,|maining % cup raisins, remain-| paid," friend." Cocktail parties are alsions the Pfess Corps assigned|there is a baked-on crumble|ing teaspoon cinnamon, rem- Know how much the credit substitute for getting stoned in|to the tour devoured the muf- topping of raisins, brown sugar,|maining %4 cup flour and mar-| will cost you, too. If you shop some crummy bar. Only the|fins so quickly it became neces-|butter and cinnamon. garine or butter. Crumble on| for jt, you will probably find furniture is different. sary to have a few in reserve] 'pis quick bread is baked in|top of batter. differences in the deals you So who don't you stick up for|for the Queen. "the round" in a tubular pan| Bake in a preheated moder-| can get, us women joa Figg ail se Preheat oven to 375 deg. F. land the result is a wreath- ed Ag (350 nt F.) for 35-40 KNOW DEALER are 80 prejudiced in favor o' i een|Mminutes or until done. men that I'm beginning to pam a page Magna dg oe: Baap Remove from pan gently, to| Find out about the dealer wonder if maybe you aren't a|'UPS- : appeal of both avoid disturbing the crumble,| you propose to buy from if man yourself.--Thumbs Down| Sift or blend together: ' let cool on a wire rack. you can. In some provinces On Landers 1 2-8 cups all-purpose flour quick RAISIN NUT BREAD Dear Thumbs: A husband|2% teaspoons baking powder ake : Mrs. L who abandons his wife at cock-| 1% teaspoon salt 3 ee a a Has Your Food Dollar Lost It's S-t-r-e-t-c-h-? wears a tail parties is not going to] Cream: % Cups on knit dres change because I tell him to. b ' purpose flour. | Phone H white' Eopecially whee he didn't ask| % CUP walle Enea wm 1-3 cup granulated sugar show he or my advice, it was his wife y ing powder 723-1 163 i who wrote. I' repeat--meke it| Blend in gradually: a Clb> _Availian On your own or stay home. % cup granulated sugar 3 tablespoons saled off and Stretch FOOD CLUB eggs SOCIAL NOTICES | 2st" wnt ast, na muy. 08% iota Add dry ingredients alter- | FORTHCOMING MARRIAGE nately with 144. cups milk, 2 teaspoons cinnamon Guaranteed To Save You $100.00 Year | The forthcoming marriage is ledid weed "ge aa sh 1 cup raisins | announced of Theresa Ann,|liquid a ms, combining} 1.5 chopped nuts | daughter of James Alberi|lightly after each. cca ae THE FOOD PLAN THAT | ey, Os: F the lat : Mrs, Aughney, to James Wayne| % cup wheat germ {oe Se | HAS PROVEN ITSELF Cughan, son of Mr. and Mrs.|! _ cup raisins, cut in half. : | : RC. Cughan, Smiths Falls.|, Fill prepared muffin cups | a coe es ook ces a ee ee ee || e wo- is full. H Monday, 'March 27, 167? at], Bake in 375 deg. oven for 15) $33 kien Ra. Sy Oshawa -- 11.00 am. in &t. Gertrude's 2 20 minutes, or until golden 1 om interested in your food plan, Please have your Representative rown. all at: Roman Catholle Church. Remove from pans and serve| |. ' NAME ...cuwenecceswess Mie cio neie sas mppie 6 oo eb UNS tp wESsoMRCce MARRIAGE warm or cold. x Pee hgh a Joseph| Makes 16 muffins. These floral patterned draperies printed snic. awa, sh to an- nounce the marriage of their} SENATOR MAKES GIFT on fine quality acetate-rayon, fall In daughter, Sharon Kathryn, to) TORONTO (CP) --Former| [an #0 deep luxurious folds from their pinch pleats -- and catch the light in a shim- mer of color: blue, golden. brown, or olive, on natural or off-white grounds -- John Peter Lauri Halonen, son|U.S. senator Maurine Neuber- si ' of Mr. and Mrs. John Halonen,/ger of Oregon has given York WIFE PRESERVER _Brooklin. The ceremony 'y took| University more than 200 books place on Friday, February 17,\and congressional records on| Use a water pistol to wet 1967 at 7.00 p.m. in the chapel|U.S. foreign policy. Dr. T. Olson|down cracks in plaster before of &t. George's Memoriallof the political science depart-|patching. The water's where AN To Her New Salon. ORIOLE COIFFURES Church, with ae t it, without er oes ee ee eles oe eS Se Meat Market "Zu with a fine gold overay lace effect, Pigg 3 Fully sateen lined to act as an Insulation Theresa S against spring and summer sun. Come James ¥ | Servi 8 2 A OPENING THURSDAY, MARCH 2ND Beene complet wh emp hole ~ ra rg | ALL MEAT GOVERNMENT INSPECTED to hane, truie's e = urch, day's at Qudy Sublock 2 Week-End Specials ! a. | James ! 4 gad . Cc 12 WIDTHS PLEATED TO 72" pick A cs and. her staff 2 Sweet Pickled Rolls 59 2 | Sino Wish to Welcome Clientele Both Old and New | 97 C | 45" Long ° BREAKFAST BACON 9% First BREAD mor BQe ce - LOAVES Simcoe St: KING/PARK PLAZA e- or i OSHAWA an A E 4 € theriag mi church in PORE SAUSAG _ ° 2 WIDTHS PLEATED TO 90" Indians a Mrs. Siblock is BEE LIVER 2 300 Miss Valer . ies S / co-chairmer Formerly of The BEEF sli 68" Long 24,97 were in iss Step Bobette Salon wn oan WILL BUY aso | of Beauty. BY gli ' $ : Q7 pa sto JUDY SIBLOCK BOLOGNA 8 Ibs. 90" Long e the superv SKINLESS a owe aca WIENERS 3 Ibs. ed in maki SHOULDER \@ LAMB CHOPS 2 Ibs. Mrs. Dowe |@ ANY ONEITEM............. j | Has Been a Top Stylist With Linda's Hairstyling "or the Past } e FREEZER SPECIAL. BEEF HINDQUARTERS ... Ib. 59e i FRONTS ....... -.» tb. 45¢ DRAPERY FABRIC CLEARANCE! Two Years ai a aa i a j iil : sie : Walker's special purchase of a mill clearance makes this tremendous : Only ago ---- Lynde Bowe WE DO CUSTOM CUTTING saving possible, It's a wonderful opportunity to make your own drapes 9 ef jprentice; ; lairstylist * 'e FOR AN APPOINTMENT CALL @ OPEN ALL DAY WEDNESDAY @ and pocket ni savings. Choose from blooming floral and contemporary ; : d @ CLOSED ALL DAY MONDAY e patterns. Fabrics are mostly viscose and rayon. Most widths measure 45", y Values up.to 2.98 yd. 576-0630 OPEN HOUSE WEDNESDAY EVENING MARCH Ist 7 to 9 P.M. EVERYONE WELCOME -- REFRESHMENTS Norm Fisher's Meat Market 22 Simcoe St. North Phone 723-3732 YOUR HOME DESERVES THAT WALKER'S TOUCH OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 728-4626 & 5 KING STREET EAST BOWMANVILLE 623-5451

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