Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 28 Feb 1967, p. 8

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SSS 8S OHH He ewe NYS ~ Wee VRS SSS OSS BH we RS ws r j ~ SPECIALISTS in PROCESSING | and PACKAGING... DRY and LIQUID MATERIALS BA THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdey, February 28, 1967 Oshawa Plays Major Role In Eaton's "Progress Era' Eaton's Oshawa Store, openedjretailing concept, undertaking|Simcoe Street North in 1926,Jopening of the Yorkdale Shop- in 1956 by John David Eaton,/an expansion program -- thejand two years later a groce-|ping Centre, the largest retail president of Canada's largest/most extensive by any Cana-jteria was added which remain-|project of its kind in North retail organization, has the dis-|dian retail firm -- which hasjed in business until 1938. , America. tinction of being the first store|brought about the establish-| In 1942 the first Eaton's Men's| Shopping centre outlets have integrated in a shopping centre|ment of modern new stores,|Clothing Shop in Oshawa was also been built at Haney, B.C., by the Company. renovations and improvements] opened in conjunction with the|Dauphin, Man. and at Thomp- It launched what was to be/to existing units and increasedjorder office. Both were moved/son, Man., Eaton's northern- one of the most insignificant per-| warehousing facilities as welljto a new location at 35 King|most retail operation, bringing fods in the history of Eaton's,|as other important changes in/Street East in 1949. Clothing|to 13 the number of shopping and indeed, in the history of re-|its operations from coast to/gave way to heavy goods injcentre units doing business at tailing in this country. coast. #4, and on November. 1, 1956|the end of 1966. Many changes have occurred,| The story of Eaton's in Osh-|the present store, the most mod-| Eaton stores have been plan- and continue to occur, since the|awa has been, in itself, one ofjern Eaton outlet up to that ned as well for incorporation in advent of what can best be de-jcontinuing expansion dating/point, unlocked its doors to the|proposed shopping centres at scribed as a 20th Century 're-/back more than 60 years. public to serve, like its prede-/Toronto, Moncton, Saskatoon, tail revolution' beginning in the) The Company's first direct/cessors, the shopping needs of|Winnipeg and other key loca- early 1950's, and dominated by|link with the city was the estab-/a thriving community. From|tions. the development and growth of|lishment of a factory manufac-|the beginning, the Oshawa|NEW CENTRE the multiple-store shopping cen-|turing ladies' whitewear in 1903./Store has been an integral and Of importance to Oshawa cus- tre, particularly in suburban/Employing 75 -- Roe Fs sie Bye t of the Hse -- : Pe sa a adjoining large metropol-|when it began, the personnel/department store complex, nu-|storey Catalogue istribution : fea cies. nigel strength had doubled within|cleus of the Company's Central|Centre being built at Scarbor- Pa sg Boe De ag hong BP foo IN FOREFRONT five years of operation. Division operations covering alljough, and scheduled for occu-|,q, who have climbed the lad- Eaton's has been in the fore-| A Mail Order (now Cata-/of Ontario. pancy later this year. The cata-| ger of success from obscurity front of this still relatively-newllogue) Office was opened at 52/LIST GROWS logue house, to be devoted pri-| 1, stay 1965. h held the f i The list of Eaton stores lo-|marily to soft goods and small}, n May, se ee oe 208 a cated in shopping centres has\hard goods, is part of Eaton's|/0W/98 eee! Positions: ; t I C t grown rapidly since that date|continuing program to expand|Vce-President, finance man- a 10na rus n 1 yY jmore than ten years ago that|Ontario Catalogue operations, Paglia ge and director. jmarked the first integration injand provide increased efficien- He satte ri com me an today's. 'one - stop' shopping|cy for the distribution of cata Dany ad a-Clevk Ie the Acenunt- D M T h 1965 malls. jlogue merchandise. Depadiaieot aad wae 4 pene oors a C ' The second retail outlet was| Meanwhile, Eaton's is playing| D8, atte gos rEg completed at Gander, Nfld. inja leading role in the master|_ v4 Ainted saneral ci e National 'Trust first opened] 1n 1965, the Oshawa opening|1957 and in 1960 a third opened|plans for three of Canada's), rer en Agr babe 5 offi i * in Londen's Wellington Square,|most imaginative projects -- re-|'@"" in May and comp-| its office doors on 32 Simcoe St.|marked the company's 3lst of- . 4 ah g ' troller in April, 1946. j fa Oshawa in March of 1965. |fice. Today, National 'Trust|one of Ontario's most up to date|development of the downtown He was first employed by The office which employs|operates a total of 39 offices in|Urban plazas. areas of Toronto, Montreal and/ 4. McLafighlin Motor Car Co. is i Other large stores were estab-| Vancouver. ix persons, all from (sO ees ence, basaion, lished in the Brentwood Shop-| The Eaton Centre to be built Jan. 5, 1918. awa-Whitby area, is @ fully in-)Oshawa, St. Catharines, Winni- ' Mr. Pierson was educated in ' _|ping Centre at Burnaby, B.C.,|in Toronto will include not only tegrated page piagy tt an ee ee pec Park Royal in West Vancouver,|retail activities, but also office ee Public and Secondary complete "Tange seed 14 billion dollars in assets un.(Halifax and at Pointe Claire,|and residential components, |°°(00# -- _ also took a course savings services. word 6.0. der adenliisteation Quebec. representing the finest in mod- Las 1 7 -- through Mr. J. G. Hungerfor Bs He In Toronto, two new suburban|ern architecture, planning and ie he "i ension University. chairman of National rust} The rapid expansion of Na-|stores, Shoppers' World on east| technology. 5 7 as been a member of the stated two main reasons foritional Trust offices across Can-|Danforth, a short driving dis-| As the Company moves clos- Unite 4 Bi Stewards of 4 opening an office in Oshawa. Jada reflect the expansion Of/tance from Oshawa, and Donler to its centennial year in 1969, i a1 urch since 1945. He "First, of course, was our de-|services. offered by National/Mills, both in large shopping|it does so with keen optimism,|\¢ aie Gi life member | of sire to offer complete trust serv-|Trust. As a result of Canada's|centres, were completed in/an optimism well substantiated|/,9°°%° Order Lebannon No. ices to this rapidly growing/economic growth National Trust| 1962. by the unprecedented growth 39. He is a member of the area. We believe that Oshawal|now off i .: H . line i Board of Directors of Oshawa ww offers the public a com-| Climax of the Toronto region-|and expansion that began at General Hospital since 1961. HAROLD PIERSON - « « Comptroller Pierson Had Clerk'sRole |. MANUFACTURERS OF: @ BATTERY ELECTROLYTE @ ANTI-FREEZE COMPOUNDS @ POWDERED CLEANERS & DETERGENTS @ LIGHT METAL ASSEMBLIES DIVERSIFIED CONTRACT PACKAGING:-- | Over a decade of experience in packaging for the automotive industry and ofter-morket, Department of Defence Production and Supermarket Trade. Ask the man who buys from us. For prompt ond courteous personalized service -- please get in touch with us ony time. FLEXPAC PRODUCTS Limited Osk Hac has a splendid future and we|plete range of financial serv-|al development plan was reach-|Oshawa, Ontario just over ten would like to share in it. As youlices including savings accounts,|ed in fra, 1964 with thelyears ago. He was president of the Great. 819 FAREWELL AVENUE @ OSHAWA e 728-4671 well know, Oshawa now has the/Guaranteed Investment Certi- er' Oshawa Community Chest Norman Dc highest per capita income of/ficates, Natrusco - a mutual from 1960 to 1966 inclusive. turned the fir: ---- awa Shopping CITY'S GROWTH, EXPANSION ORDERLY, WELL-PLANNED any Canadian city. fund type of investment -, agen- "Secondly, we already serve|cy service, custodianship serv- a number of clients in Oshawalice, estate executor, estate and the opening of a National/planning, full real estate serv- Trust office in Oshawa will en-jices, trustee and guardianship able us to maintain more direct|services, retirement savings ceremony, alo Wandless, A Branch, Mr. derman Chris Alderman Orv During the Centennial Year, as the Shoppir Bumper Crop from Houdaille contact." plans, safe deposit vaults, cor- National Trust Oshawa Man-|porate trust porn and em-| 1967, Canadians generally will ag AB ager, Donald Malcolm, 37, has|ployee benefit plans. reflect on the past 100 years Phoping. Cott been with the company 14 years} Discussing National Trust's and assess the progress they nee starting in the accounting de-jexpansion program, Harry H. have made during that per- = ae partment and working his way|Wilson, President, says, "I inne Cuamhaat te canenae secant tO ment, Trust Pension, Business/think this demonstrates our pol-| 5... past performance, and ore bo yrs through the Savings, Invest-jicy of reaching out to take our Development and Advertising|services to the public, rather the growth of our industry, business and community. ... Oshawa Oshawa Shopr forces in what departments, finally receiving|than relying on the public to ~ his appointment in Oshawa in|come to us. As we do s0, I feel that we gest open ma 1965. "We think, too, that we have| C82 justifiably feel proud that ix Canada. After graduating from Upper|something special to offer. We| We have kept pace with the For the T. ] Conada, College, Mr. Malcoimjhave been in business since eighty d a of it was their fi i A. at Trini . suburb: ci, Une fe yee eye ape i? nae one ince his arriv: wa, Mr.jof knowledge and experience ' ° ° gamble with '| one of the guide lines. Osh- Malcolm ips member in thelit is, ot course, because we| ome Of ih fude linet, Cat In Oshawa, bumpers are big business. The bustling in shopping. Club of Oshawa, and the Osh-|wisdom that we continu nenec| iy well planned growth and Oshawa plant of Houdaille Industries, Inc. produces sore, the mau, e und awa Ski Club. the top trust companies in Can- In 1898, on the northwest cor-jada. It also, of course, permits mer of King and Victoria Streetsjus to attract, and keep the best in Toronto, National Trust open-|people in the business, parti. ed its doors for the first time.|cularly in fields such as invest- Today, National Trust is one|ments."' expansion. Industry and business, hav- of the best-known most respec- ted companies in Canada. TOTAL ASSETS The company progressed steadily through the following/19,000 people who work 'at the decades and with its astute/Oshawa plants of GM of Canada management and conservative|drive daily varying distances up investment policies, managed to|to 70 miles from the surround- keep total assets on an upwardjing cities of- Toronto, Lindsay Peterborough and Trenton. trend during the lean thirties. ONE THIRD On third of the more than ing once established them- selves within the borders of Oshawa, in the main, have remained and flourished, some of them for over one hundred years. It should be our: fervent hope and effort that the same situation exists in the years ahead. Efforts have been -made in the past to establish more di- versified industry within the borders of our city. This should be one of the most important aims and undertak- tant factor in any communi- ty. In this respect we in Osh- awa have been most fortu- nate. Public spirited people have always come forward to help and serve our communi- ty in every worthwhile ef- fort. We can be proud of our the lion's share of bumpers for Canadian automobile companies, as well as a large portion of cars made in the United States. Houdaille-Oshawa is geared to meet both the quantity and quality requirements of the Canadian automotive industry . . . not only for bumpers, but for an ever- increasing volume of inner-body stampings and structural components. Its chrome and nickel plating concourse an vast parking Pec Sin "Keeping € brings succes which has apy With the post war years, Can- ings in the future and every | achievements in this area in Cen : : many years | mda experienced a period. of 1,400 CARS effort should be made to ach- | Past years and can look to facilities are the most modern in the country. y of the Pedla anprecedented growth. To keep pace with Canada's booming economy -and population, Na-|two eight-hour shifts 1,500 pas- In a norm! working day of jeve that end. Any disruption or loss of business or indus- and determination to do bet- try has less impact upon a | ter 'Other important products manufactured at Houdaille- who are prese year in Oshay By keeping tional Trust continued opening|senger cars and 300 trucks are| community which has diver- Sincerely, : . "? thi offices in the 10 principal cities produced by General Motors] sity in both. Michael Starr, MP Oshawa include deep-drawn steel bathtubs, sinks, and Sod oa in Canada, plants at Oshawa. People are the most impor- Ontario Riding ° ; . a humble tin = -- main frame stampings for snowmobiles. 1961 to one of ; fabricators of occupying mi equare feet epace in the ¢ In addition t tory the com premises in } Toronto, Win Calgary and 1 facturing is al some of these ib ae : the eovtal an Your Authorized . en Bottler For: e Pepsi-Cola Canada Ltd. ¢ Crush International Ltd. | S M ; T a Houdaille-Oshawa is Canada's largest producer of automobile | bumpers. It is one of several diversified manufacturing opera- tions of Houdaille Industries, Inc. in Canada. | BEVERAGES HOUDAILLE-OSHAWA LIMITED A DIVISION OF | HOUDAINE: m 750 Farewell St. Oshawa : oe

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