Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 28 Feb 1967, p. 7

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, Februery 28, 1967 7A mer rgan PRESIDENT REMAINS From the start, the promoters Cowans, was confirmed as pres- of the new bank had no diffi-jident. He was to hold this of- gd in winning the wholeheart-|fice throughout the bank's his- ed support of the citizens of |tory. | Three yi , 9 .|new seat. Deiawn, 'They aid ant at In due course, the former of-|Three years later, though de a John, the older of the two; The latter had only been in By 1892, for the first time in/number of directors was ralsed operation four days when thelits history the deposits of The ms j Ontario Bank discontinued busi-|Western: Bank of Canada ex- -- eile fo tet vith Bove ness in that town. ceeded one million dollars, McLaughlin elected to fill the rmer was : His brother, William F.|fice of the Ontario Bank .|posits had increased by only} organ in course, adhere literally to their Cowan, though perhaps abler,quired from that institution, |$250,000, its assets had climbed! He. as head of the McLaugh it made avowed intentions to offer their|and more enterprising, was pre-|was converted to accommodate |t0 two million dollars. ue Carriage Company, had just April 15, oe pce gon their/cluded from holding anything/not only the business of the On-| Unfortunately for Canada °P8@nized the McLaughlin wane : ape autabliehed aha enter more than a directorship On thejtario Loan and Savings Com- |generally, the 'nineties were| Motor Car Company -- in later Wits was tals Ge board of the Western Bank/pany, but also that of the West-|very lean years and~the bank,|Years the nucleus of the Cana- h W. R, nihar et Midland "i yan since, as vice-president of Thejern Bank. This was a most con-|in common with similar institu- dian operations of the General Bowinaiie ms Ghee as "i one or cat Standard Bank of Canada, he/venient arrangement for McMil-|tions, came to feel the effect,|Motors Corporation. At this publisher, labout 1888 en year until'was shortly to take over the/lan who managed both. |By 1898, the directors summon-|time, The Western Bank of Can- aad be : presidency of the latter institu-| The majority of the directorsjed up sufficient courage to open|ada had twenty-six branches | Before the bank commenced |tion. lof The Western Bank of Canada |additional branches -- Picker-|representing it in Ontario. eran news- operations on September 26,| Nevertheless, they were both|were, of course, directors also|ing and Tavistock were the| The annual meeting of 1908 The Re 1882, Henry Brien and Thos. H.|to exercise a considerable influ-|of the Ontario Loan and Say- (places selected. |was the last held by the bank, in watt: McMillan, as provisional direc-jence on the affairs of the new|ings Company. | A good harvest in 1901|before its disappearance as a a ae k jtors, had been replaced by Dr./bank as was Thomas H. Mc-|. At this date, with branches in| brought a high level of prosper-,Separate institution. The pre- |Robert McIntosh of Newcastle|Millan who, in addition to his|operation at Tillsonburg, New|ity to Canada and the result was|Vious year had been character- iterests of jand Thomas Paterson of Bow-/duties as cashier of The West-|Hamburg, Millbrook, Paisley |quickly refiected in the fortunes ized by a world-wide stringency a_ sturdy jmanville who, with the otherjern Bank of Canada, was also,Jand Port Perry, the number of|of its banks. in the various money markets principles, five men, were elected to the|throughout its history, manager/offices had been increased to| The first change in the bank's|from which effects Canada had not escaped free. |permanent Board. of the Oshawa office. eight. Board came in 1907 when the set for an application to Parlia- ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION ment for a charter in the name of "The First National Bank of | Canada", : | Though a -notice of applica-| Western Bank Of Canada First Started In Oshawa oo n's kschar he stan it was not until May 17 the fol- le following article by ty of Ontario -- / ., lowing year, that the charter 014 C. F. E. Carpenter is reprint- members > Tate: out (iio ek We od Oe be te was granted to an institution to) ed from the November, 1964 |cil, one member usually beinglopened a store and post office |>© Called, however, '"The West- | edition of Current Account, |selected from the eastern part at Hamer's Corners, ane mile |°™" Bank of Canada'. personnel magazine of the |of each township and the other/east of Whitby, that was the| While no explanation was Canadian Imperial Bank of /from the western portion. In the|only one of its kind between|forthcoming, it could only be Commerce.) : case of Whitby Township this|Port Hope and Toronto); the|assumed that the change was) With the proposed establish-|meant a representative from|Hon, Thos. N. Gibbs, who, as|governed by the geographical| ment of another Canadian char-|Perry's Corners, as Whitby was/first reeve of the village of Osh-|description formerly applied to) tered bank, to be known as the/first known, and a representa-|awa in 1850 later represented|this part of the Province of On-| Bank of Western Canada, a ref-|tive from Skea's Corners, which|South Ontario in the Provincial |tatio which was known as Can-| to The Western Bank of/was the early name of Oshawa, Assembly and became a mem-|ada West. | rage Fe Percar at this|)That great rivalry existed be-|ber of the Senate, and James| The streets of Oshawa were Periculagl . perencg ; tween the two places was per-|Cowan and his brother, William /|still lit with oil lamps and tele- aiiced that the jhtee ipadtutien haps natural. This was only in-|F. Cowan, who were to become|phones were still no more than | Benan in Oahava thd late tensified when, in 1853, Whitby|intimately connected with the|a novelty. | : ee ite ge . ' ye was organized as a separate|#ffairs of the Western Bank of} William F. Cowan, Reuben S§. | sorption rages b 'The St on municipality and named as the| Canada. Hamlin, William fF. Allean,| ard Bank of Canada, its actly, |Couty town. Whitby invariably] Though Oshawa was already |Henry Brien, James A. Gibson, faucet" V-lcame off best and, in winning|served by a branch of the On- Thomas H. McMillan and John | When also it is mentioned that |'t® Tce 88 the county town, ac-|tario Bank, there seemed scope |COWaM, were named provisional in the days the bank came into|'t 2180 had the armory and|for yet another venture. Al-\directors; the latter was elect- existence, Oshawa had a popu,|'lding the Registry Office, the|ready, in 1872, Thos. N. Gibbs, |°4, President. | talon ot itn hk cee ay House of Industry and the jail; |Dr. William McGill, and the two| Allen was domiciled in Bow- | ay Gh oRUEN cps Fitticuit tolit also had the armoury and|Cowans and a few local busi-|/manville, and Brien in New| understand the reason for the the government experimental|nessmen had established the| *'*- The remainder came/ i i from Oshawa, It is perhaps sig-| need except that Bowmanville, farm. Ontario Loan and Savings Co. nifteant that, of thoes | a sister town of Oshawa, pre-| Even the roads and the rail-; jt was not long before the ive w rectors viously had the head office of|W@YS were planned to develop company, finding it a problem Feohien fhe WiStey orine West.| the Ontario Bank in its midst|the trade of Whitby and, as alto readily employ the fundsiern Bank. A sixth, Thomas H.| and that other banks -- though|result, Oshawa continued to|niaced at its disposal, anxious|McMillan, was its cashier, or| with one exception never in|come off second best finding it-tto establish a local bank that\general manager, during the operation -- had been projected|Self with nothing more than alwould mect the needs of locallwhole of that time. : for Brantford and London. few small factories. industry: (this being hampered] Of added significance was the In the early days of Ontario] Those citizens most promi-|by the restrictive policy of the|fact that of a subscribed capi- the townships of Whitby andjnently connected with Oshawa|Ontario Bank act, which, at this|tal of $500,000, half of this was Pickering -- at that time thelin its early times, were John|time was in some difficulty)|taken up by the provisional only inhabited part of the coun-|Borlase Warren, the first agent|got together and the stage was|board. : a GROWING with OSHAWA © SHIRTS PROFESSIONALLY LAUNDERED : @ DRY CLEANING TO PERFECTION ¢ PICK-UP AND DELIVERY Gillard Cleaners are fast a prone the 24th Anni- versary of the opening of OSHAWA'S most MODERN - DRY-CLEANING AND SHIRT LAUNDRY PLANT... During the past 23 years residents of OSHAWA and surrounding districts have placed confidence in the management and staff that their Dry Cleaning and GLOWING.CLEAN. OSHAWA BRANCH 43 saat OUR NEW BUILDING AT 471 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH A PERSONAL MESSAGE from President Alex B. Walker The members of Branch 43 of The Royal Canadion Legion are very grateful to: the citizens of Oshawa ond district for their support ond assistance in Our endeavours to build e new Legion Hall in Oshawa. This new building is just another Indication that Branch 43 are keeping pace with the growth of Oshawa. Through these facilities we will be in a better position to offer more service to the veterans and their families in the Oshawa District, It may surprise many people, but the work of our Service Bureau Is increasing each year, and this is probably due to the age of the veterans, both of the First and Second World Wars as they feel the effects of wounds and disabilities suffered through the hardships of wor. And as the veterons pass on, their widows find it Increasingly more difficult to maintain a decent standard of living ond we are always willing to offer whatever assistance is needed, 1 feel that we in the Legion ore an integral port of this community, and in this our centennial year, the veterans of Oshawa and all Canada can look with pride on the part they played in shaping the history of our Country. And as we served our Country In wartime, so we shall continue to serve in peace time. Our new building will be officially opened on Saturday, April 8th and | would like to extend an invita- tion to the citizens of Oshawa to Join with us on this memorable occasion. | also extend an Invitation to all veterans of Oshawa who are not yet Legion members to come in and see us and we will be only too glad to welcome you into our membership, : . Another important date | hope you will moke a note of is Sunday, May 28th when Branch 43 Is the host ALEX B. WALKER Branch for the 1967 District Drumhead Service and we ore hoping to make this an otustanding event in the Legion's Centennial Programme. President Alex B. Walker A VETERAN'S ORGANIZATION Serving Veterans . .. Their Families ... Their Dependents Branch Activities In Aims and Objectives Community Affairs of the Legion Social Activities Shirt problems will be properly looked after. This con- fidence has not been displaced and we treasure it sin- cerely .. . During 1967 we will continue to give you 100% satisfaction and service to the best of our ability. "GILLARD IS YOUR CLOTHES BEST FRIEND" SHIRTS White . . . Fresh . . . Crisp. Thot's how you Identify shirts done by us. He'll alwoys be satisfied . . . so will you... ' hip of Minor Base- @ To perpetuate the memory For Legion Members ® Seer ah Or Pore of the fallen. : i : @ Attractive lounge rooms. @ Conccnh voice" In come fd thes pac oe @ The "Quiet Room" for munity. affairs. Fale eee he: television. @ Assistance in canvassing @ To strive to ensure the @ Darts, billiards and snook- for community efforts. preservation of democracy. er, shuffleboard, peg pool, @ Donations to charitable or- @ To advocate the mainten- Cribbage and euchre -- ganizations and commune ance of adequate military bowling and curling. ity projects. forces for the defence of @ Social events. @ Sponsorship of track and our country. : field. : @ Above all . . . comrade- : @ To work toward everlasting ship! @ Membership in various peace for the entire world. civic organizations. GILLARD | Keeping Pace With The Growth of Oshawa/ "JOIN THE LEGION -- IN YOUR REGION" CLEANIT SERVICE Limited Royal Canadian Legion -- Oshawa Branch 43 92 WOLFE STREET OSHAWA PHONE 725-3555 a 4 A ee eA ee en ee ok. 6 ke Ak kk

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