Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 28 Feb 1967, p. 64

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18 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdey, Februery 28, 1967 27--Rooms for Rent FURNISHED KITCHEN, '30--Automobiles for Sale |38--Coming Events one or two mission. Good bod: "62 CORVAIR, 6 cylinder, standard trans- ly and tires. New bat- bedrooms, for one or two gentlemen, 26--Apartments for Rent 26--Apartments for Rent Apply at 62 Aberdeen Street. tery, $75. aRonires new clutch, Tele- BACHELOR APARTMENT for rent. |ROOM, FOR RENT in ensemne ine Buick dead eanlion Aosiy | close ings. Telephone jThe best value in apartment af Sassi. couple. Telephone after "| jose to Fitting: lephon 6-217 Borkinehen" Avenve Or elchone " 715: be seen ot ED room for rent. Telephone | 9762. eis ee ROOM, unturnished va pal" owe dna MITRY. ghared haluskean |S! CHEVROLET Bel Alr, four-door, six FE ee ce Taegp ee % B\CENTRAL WHITBY. Shared housekeep- cylinder, standard, radio, new plates, $] 450 00 : 1 y @ REGENCY TOWERS. @ new home. ne. Telephone 725-7497. 349 MARLAND AVENUE PH. 725-2227 AND 5 ied and me. Hot dryer. @ PREMIER @ | 321 MARLAND AVENUE PH. 728-6722 MODERN 1 AND 2 BEDROOM SUITES NEWLY DECORATED STOVE AND FRIDGE BALCONIES FABRIC DRAPES LAUNDRY FACILITIES FREE HYDRO BROADLOOM IN HALLS ELEVATOR LOCKERS CONTROLLED ENTRANCE AMPLE PARKING CLOSE TO SCHOOL AND CHURCHES CLOSE TO SHOPPING CENTRE APPLY OR TELEPHONE THE ABOVE NUMBERS Drive, side door. TW ravine lot, broadioom throughout, refri fore 8 broadioom, drapes, heat, refrigt able, Telephone 668-4656. THREE-BEDROOM apartment, on Col- Motors main office. For call 723-8771 FURNISHED BACHELOR | suit one or two, central. Telephone 725- 8285. Heat and hydro, Bus at door. Telephone | Ito 728-9558. |Apply after 12 noon. Two - BEDROOM heated apartment, it. | SINGLE, ine rth Generat (at Fors betas. $105 monthly. 'Telephone 723-3050. ) BEDROOM apartment in duplex, erator, stove, close to schools, bus, $110. Available March 15. 723-8083, 725-5905 be- 'ator, stove,| water supplied. Avaliable ees ...|/Ng room for young WHITBY -- Modern, two-bedroom apart-|TV, board optional, kee I gle aoc $075. Telephone 655-3492. ~ V- pein 3 FORD Galaxie 500, V-8 radio, clean and reliable. No down pay- ment. $38 per month. Licence H90179. Wellman's. Telephone 728-7351. CLEAN, quiet room, bus stop)7¢4 CHEVROLET, Bel Air, one owner, Close to hospital. Light house-!¢ cylinder, standard transmission with ping if desired. Telephone 728-5984, | radio. $100 down, $59 per month, Licence radio station. shopping centre and ohh Milled coc at 486875. Wellman's. 728-7351. | THREE - ROOM aperiment, seif-contain- Ung rooms stepen an pearoom ted. Adults me Any et ga if 25 one large furnished 31 --C t Cars for Sale water suppli vy sy! in i t Ld to 12 noon, S pin. © . & McMillan |reasoneble, rent, near hospital and north: WHITBY -- Two bedroom apartment with| clean gentleman. '28--Room and Board OFFICE GIRL WANTED to nished apartment with one other girl in apartment elephone 728-4084. RGE SINGLE ROOM in Whitby for ZOLTAN and NICK'S Your Authorized Datsun and Fiat Dealer Specializing in Volkswagen Repair and Service 160 Simcoe South share fur- building, $38.75 monthly. Telephone 668-4870. entrance, suitable for two girls, reason- borne Street East, next door to General appointment, ROOM AND BOARD for gentlemen, cen-' Oshawa 728-0921 trally located, large clean room, home 1959 VAUXHALL ¢ Seda ee ee jan deluxe, stan- apartment, cooked meals. Apply 147 Brock Street dard. Very good condition. $200. Tele- eM dace iin RO phone 725-0462. [ROOM A AND BOARD for BACHELOR BASEMENT unit, one room, bath, refrigerator, steve, all ences, parking, private entrance. You Will Enjoy Regal Living in our spacious suites PRINCESS ANNE APARTMENTS FEATURE, personalized serv- ice, indoor pool, sauna room, large balconies, ample park- ing, full time manager plus many other extras. Visit Our Model Suite Open Daily 2 p.m. till 9 p.m. Sat. and Sun. 11 a.m. till 7 p.m. PRINCESS ANNE APARTMENTS 1221 Simcoe St. N. 725-9934 For Prestige Living Sion March 18. 723-7500. convenl- |Ritson Rov Road South. Hos-|LARGE WARM _ ROOM, pital area, suit business person. Posses-|Lunches packed. Parking. stop. Ist. "Telephone 668-4363. 728-0051 four apart Fas ate rea SINGLE ROOMS | VoLvo and PEUGOT ydro, refrigerator an Stove. Pine Ave. Telephone 725-5363, % MERCEDES BENZ THRNEROOM . 'apartment, completely and BOARD General Repair and furnished, close to downtown, private Auto-Electric Service Jake and Bill's Garage 449 Ritson Rd. ule Apply: 25 Division St. ing. Lunches packed. Apply v8 32--Trucks for Sale 1951 CHEVROLET pick-up in A-) con- dition. Telephone 576-1777. 1950 GMC half ton. A real work horse. good meals. lose to bus Telephone 7 728-4845, Gentlemen, ONE-BEDROOM apartment, heated. Telephone 668-6980. WARM single room for lady. Ciean, quiet.) ROOM AND BOARD or lust room fer gentlemen. Near south General Motors. sonable. Six minutes from four corners.| 863 Ritson Rd. South or telephone 723- 8 apartment, semi-private entrance. Rea- After 5 p.m. 725-9820. ONE- AND TWO - ments -in eightplex. Available March 1, $110 and $100. 725-7846 or 655-3574, bedroom house, | available} ROOM AND BOARD March 1, south end of Whitby, top floor, |tady, jarea | 8364, for professional Rossland and Simcoe $95. Licence V0775. Weliman's 728-7351. 33--Automobiles Wanted CARS WANTED non-smeker. 576-2345. BEDROOM apart-/LARGE ROOM to share, Close to Fittings and bus stop. home cooked meals. 251 Bruce Street or 728-1941, Buying A New Car ? beds. Sell your used cer to '/Ted" Good single hardtop, ment in eight-plex building, refrigerator One, jarge "room with 6 and stove, balcony, heat, hot water, $125/ cooking privileges. Good location, Wil- jTelephone "s23158, Very good condition. IN PRIZES moniniy, "very coniral. | 73s o22, |son-Olive area. ra. Telephone inden SaNTIKE Gail va ane | "rer Tar ' ny ; Tae ee ga asherina" yee | PURMIBHED dosbie room, sult" Twa l tute rsue aster "ovetene, 'hs, auth pee ing bath, | He ; ad tely." $60 |!adies or gentlemen, use of kitchen, free | Sayment. $55 per month. Licence 16568X. monty. Col parking, central. Telephone 728-4187. _lWeliman's, 728-7351. h _ . single room, AA BASEMENT apartment, Private entrance. [RSD Eee pate 1963 RAMBLER Classic, one owner, Os awa Lions Club 2 JACKPOTS Nos. 52 and 58 ONE MUST GO $300. in 52 Nos. or Less $200. in announced nos, $25. Consolation Prize PLUS $10. per line both games Early Bird Game 7:45 Sharp Guaranteed Minimum $5.00 Per Line $25.00 Full Cord | $150 Jackpot Game 20 Regular Gomes at $20.00 Double in 15 Nos. or Less Lost 5 Games $30. per game < ADMISSION 50c ne 'Service Leaves King and / Simcoe Streets at ~ 7:00 and 7:15 p.m. The biggest prize money in the area for a 50c admission charge. Talk "Cash" to the New Car Dealer and "Save". WHITBY -- Two centre! locetion, adults only. 668-3532. Two - B ly heated, refrigerator, stove, drapes.| Centrally located. Baby welcome. Apply} 25 Mill Street, Apt. 4 or 723-3295. FOUR-ROOM saga ie apartment, three-| piece bath. Heat, hydro included. monthly. Bus at door. Couple preferred. Telephone 728-1705. BACHELOR apartment for gentleman, furnished if desired, very central, avall- able February 1. Telephone 725-6797. AJAX -- Large one and two - bedroom apartments. In apartment building, close to schools and shopping. Telephone Ajax 942-0130. THREE-ROOM unfurnished apartment, private bath, heavy wiring, parking. No children. To be seen 6-10 p.m. at 208 Gliddon Ave. TWO-BEDROOM apartments, sey Urbina 8 291 Marland Ave. Apt. 107. Telephone 723-6134 or 723-9358. ONE-BEDROOM furnished for Immediate rental, suitable for mar- ried couple. 513 sb aad St., Whitby. Call 728-6581 after 6 p.m. UNFURNISHED, three - room apart- ment, main floor, private entrance and bath. Central. One child welcome. Tele- Phone 725-6166. FOUR-ROOM apartment on main floor. Private bath, heat, water, stove and re- frigerator included in rent. 68 Wayne Street. Telephone 725-3938. TWO-BEDROOM Mali bath. apartment apartment with pri- Immediate possession. Chil- Apply 206 Roxborough or LA CONTESSA | APARTMENTS @ Entrance controlled by closed circuit TV @ Free hydro and electric heat @ Sauna Both @ Swimming Pool @ Rec Room @ Fabric Draperies @ Close to shopping, school ond churches. VISIT 'LA CONTESSA" 140 Nonquon Road 725-1481 @ FOR RENT @ Apts. Houses, Rooms, Room and Board. Office Hours: Tues. to. Fri. 10:30 a.m. to 7 p.m. Sat 'til 3 p.m. LANDLORD'S ASSOCIATION 55 Bruce St. 728-1070 REGENT ARMS Immediate Occupancy One and two bedroom apart- ments, close to Oshawa Shop- ping Centre. Adults only. 723-6455 - 723-6944 Between 6:00 and 9:30 p.m. = Bt 3876 after 5:30 LARGE THREE-ROOM apartment, |29--Wanted to Rent ~ TED CAMPIN MOTORS EDROOM apartment, electrical- executive moving into Cshawa, re quires a three- or preferably a four-bed- |room 576-0721, 9 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 MOTOR CITY AUTO WRECKERS house to rent, north end. Phone $85.!30--Automobiles for Sale K. SUMERSFORD LTD. Base Line South of Courtice | Attention Ford Owners MacDONALD FORD SALES King St. W. at Stevenson Rd. Complete Mechanical Service Phone 728-3261 Motor City Auto Wreckers owned and operated by Kenneth Sumersford Ltd. ART ROBINSON CARS WANTED (Oshawa) Limited GUARANTEED WORKMANSHIP Oshawa Transmission All Make Cars -- Licensed Mechanic -- Shell Products Best cash prices in town. and Service. Scrap or wrecking purposes. 3.5241 All hours. 723-5 725-3176 50 Wayne St. johgall et ge hte trucks for wrecking. Rebuilt Transmissions iNo <haroe for towing. Telephone 728-4546 WANTED -- Cars, trucks, farm tractors for wrecking. Free estimates. Parr Auto Wreckers, Enniskillen, 263-2508. HAW AUTO WRECKING CO, Cars ught, parts for sale. Iron and metals bought. 89 Bloor Street East, 725-2311. 576-2610 Service 1175 Nelson Street newly decorated, private entrance, four- piece bath, parking, suitable for couple, $85_monthly. Telephone 728-6036 after 6. TWO - ROOM apartment, self-contained, botany entrance. Heated and hydro juded, (ee 723-3211. monthly. Telephone 728-5494 7 oe clean ""MORLEY STALKER 34--Automobile Repair 24 HOUR TOWING RUSSELL'S TEXACO King St. E. and Darlington Class A licenced mechanic. Open Daily 7-11 WANTED local cars for MOTORS 137 King West 23-8311 723-6322 BEDROOM apartment, stove and ONE - refrigerator. Children welcome. $75 monthly, Telephone 725-8493 or 725-8088. DREW STREET, rooms, furnished, central, adults or work- Ing couple, or ibd individuals. No chil- ™ -- Three or two s| dren. TO SUBLET, very clean two-bedroom epartment, two bathrooms, with swim- ming pool. Five minutes walk to south |General Motors. Telephone 723-8200. TWO - BEDROOM apartment In medium sized apartment building. Stove, refrig- erator and laundry facilities. Close to shopping and transportation. Adults only. Apply 286 Saguenay Avenue, Apt. 7. TWO - ROOM basement apartment, com: pletely furnished. Suit two gentiemen or working couple. Apply 482 Cromwell Avenue. ONE-BEDROOM apartment, tree hydro, heat, refrigerator, stove and drapes. Available April 1. Telephone 725-4858, 723-8701. ONE and two-bedroom apartments, fur- nished or unfurnished, heated. $75 to $90. Telephone 668-4812. NEWLY decorated, ground floor apart- ment, one bedroom, three-piece bath, re- frigerator and stove. Private entrance, parking. Available immediately. 70 monthly. 728-6246. TWO-BEDROOM basement apartment, private entrance and bath, $95 monthly includes all utilities, laundry facilities. Available March 6. Telephone 723-1036. THREE-ROOM self-contained apartment, ground floor, stove, refrigerator, TV out- let, private, entrance, centrally located, $75 _menthly. Telephone 725- 7279, $105 MONTHLY. Two - bedroom part- ment in modern building, rerinerater and stove supplied, centrally located. Paid efter March 15. Telephone 725- wey -- Two - bedroom @ apartment with broadioom, drapes, fridge, stove, heat and water rd ots Available Nearch 1, Telephone 668-436 TWO-BEDROOM apartment, built-in stove and refrigerator, drapes, park- LUSANNE VILLA 330 GIBB STREET Exciting prestige building, Centrally located, electrically heated. Roomy breakfast nook and kitchen. Tennis court and barbeque. NEW BUILDING One, two or three bedrooms now available. Mala Glen apartments, 835 Oxford St. Free hydro, free moving. Now open for inspection. Telephone 725-0657, 728- 2226. MODERN, TWO-BEDROOM apartment, in quiet ecriealdi at ol All. conveni- ences, including swimming pool. Tele- phone 723-0770 after 4 p.m. LARGE, one - bedroom apartment in apartment building, refrigerator, stove, washer, dryer, ample parking. $95 ing available, located in Elgin Court. Adults only. Telephone 723-4948. BOWMANVILLE -- apartment on beautiful treed lot. frigerater and stove. ately. Telephone 725-8576, SUBLET -- refrigerator and stove, club, recreation hall, Telephone 728-5620. 27--Rooms for Rent ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOM Available in private rem. Call between 5 and 7 p 82 PARK RD. N. 728-867 | CENTRAL, clean, furnished double and single rooms for gentlemen, private en- trance. 49 Drew St. it. Telephone 723-5537. LARGE ROOM or roon Gall and board for gentieman or lady. alias packed, meals. Telephone 576-1244. two-bedroom free swimming pool. monthly. 787 King Street East. Tel 725-1551. or 723-7011 for appointment, TWO firstiN ROOMS. FOR RENT, $10. and $12. week- Vv. OPP Queen's Hotel, 67 Simcoe Street floor apartment, sos, jenet lg March 1. Apply 290 Montrave, Apt. 4, rips 6 p.m. or telephone 728-4047 any- im cana Panelled furnished bed-sitting room for one or two girls in two-bathroom home. Parking, laundry and kitchen facilities. T 728-9279 after 5. ONE-, AND TWO-BEDROOM apartments, heated, Stove and refrigerator included, ample parking, private entrance, handy ae shopping area on Simcoe St. N. 725- ONE, two, three-bedroom apartments, medern building, centrally located, Naat com. No children under 12. 725-8876. RITSON ROAD NORTH, Self containel three-room apartment, furnished, suit quiet working gage tad teacher, adults only. Telephone 725-3 TWO-BEDROOM oy for rent, $90, monthly, heat and light Included, self- contained, Dundas East, Whitby. Also apartment on Townline, Oshawa. 728-7680 or 668-6229, FURNISHED housekeeping room with sink, very central, women only. Tele- Phone 725-9559. TWO furnished housekeeping rooms for single gentleman or married Apply 319 Ritson South or telephone 525. 6363 after 5.30. TWO OR THREE furnished rooms, suit- able for couple or single girl. T Repairs to all makes of cars. Antique upholstery and re- BILLS CUSTOM AUTO TRIM 409 Brock St. Days 668-8101 also weekends. 723-0851 ofter hours call 623-7354 FRED STONE Brooklin -- 655-3653 REBUILT ENGINES 6 CYL. Exchange Price CONVERTIBLE TOPS Nylon $89.00 up toration S., Whitby Eve. 655-4575 i os Lowas $165.00 Rebuilt Transmissions 8 CYL. Exchange Price Guaranteed Workmanship, as Low as $200.00 -- 576-2610 -- AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION Oshawa CENTRE Transmission Service 1038 Simcoe St. N. 728-7339 1175 Nelson Street. Transmissions are Our Only Paid for Good Clean Cars. Trade up or down. Liens paid. DODD MOTOR SALES Business -- Repairs, Adjust- ments, Exchanges. All Work Guaranteed. OSHAWA TOWING SERVICE 24-HOUR SERVICE MORE CASH 314 PARK RD, SOUTH 723-9421 4 Black Coupe, power brakes, power windows, FM-AM radio, power steering wheel. 300 hps. 327 728-7711 Also Used Cars for Sole 34A--Auto Upholstery OSHAWA AUTO TRIM All types of custom upholstery Head Linings etc. 1965 Corvette antenna. Retractable speed transmission. 23-4864. N Four-room, heated | Re- Available immedi-|1959 PONTIAC "Parisienne, 7 hard. top. good running shape. $260. Telephone 38--Coming Events apartment, | Whitby 668.6445, health |/1958 CHEVROLET 283, stick shift, motor good, | Whitby, 668-6255. GRILLS, radiators, all car parts, Late Trees cules eeeley Courtice Auto DNIPRO HALL LIENS PAID OFF. We trade up, down. EVERY TUESDAY Choose from over 60 cars. No down pay- 7:30 P.M ment. Auto Seat Covers etc. Convertible Tops etc. Tractor and Truck Seat Covers 62 Bond St. W. (at Church) 725-8042 35--Lost and Found LOST -- Brown leather wallet trimmed with darker brown. Contents very im- eatin Reward. Telephene 57 16- 285. RAMBLER SALES -- SERVICE and PAINT New and Used Cars. Easy to finance at ICOLS MOTORS LTD. WHITBY -- 668-3331 2- door, har body rough. $125 or best offer. BINGO Gus Brown Motors Ltd., 728-7375. '62 OLDSMOBILE Super hardtop, powered. Needs All regular games $10 Share the Wealth 88, two-door + some work. $795. 105 Craydon Road, Whitby, Apt. 10. Jackpot $150. 55 Nos SAVE DOLLARS! Several good used ' . cars, '55's and up. Trades accepted. or $20 Consolation Terms arranged. R. Bloor E B. Motor Sales, 509 Good service for greater attendance. 41 B roof rack, radio and rebuilt transmis- sion, offered or will sell. Telephone 263-2997. 1957 | |der, runs good. $120 or best OF i. oy aera | phone ipbevebanlil '@ PLYMOUTH Fury, two-door hard- |top, power four barrel carburetor, dual exhaust, ex- cellent condition, Best offer. 728-1800. Cadillac py hi Wed. RUSTY '58 Ford, seat belts, radio, $125 cr just motor, $200. What a motor! Tele- ARCH | Phone 723-0170. ot 8 P.M. Sharp 1966 IMPALA, two - door hardtop, V-8 1 jal UICK Special station wagon with FREE ADMISSION Will trade for best Volkswagen EVERY WEDNESDAY All Proceeds to Charity Jubilee Pavilion DEATHS ENGELBERT, Ib husband of Lorraine Cox, fath garet and Davia by Oshawa paal Bes sevicd at the funeral home, Tuesday a 330 p.m.) JEFFERY, Victor Suddenly at Bowmanville, on ead February 27, 1967, Victor Jeffery, 63 years, 64 Duke Street, Bowmanville, beloved husband of Margaret Davie, dear father of Ross Jeffery, Oshawa, Marieanne (Mrs. Ray Stainton) Penny, Bowmanville. Resting at Morris Funeral Chapel, o'clock. Interment tery. JENKINS, Mervyn Suddenly at his late residence, 135 Albert Street, on Monday, February 27, Mervyn Jenkins, in his loved son of Elizabeth and the late Wil- liam Jenkins, dear brether of Cooksville and Mrs. J. A, Reynolds (Margaret) of Toronto, predeceased by a sister Mrs. Hamlin (Elsie) in Wales and @ brother David of Oshawa. Resting at M:cintosh-Anderson Funeral Home, 152 King Street East. Service in the chapel on Thursday, March 2, at 2 o'clock, Interment Mount Lawn Ceme- tery. LEW. Mary Entered into rest in the Oshawa Gen- eral Hospital on Monday, February 27, 1967, Mary Jazda, beloved wife of Nick Lew, mother of Mrs. Leslie Leighton (Stephanie) and John Albert Lew of Oshawa and sister of Mrs. Helen Hura of Cluny, Alberta, in her 63rd_ year. Resting at the Armstrong Funeral Home, Oshawa, with Requiem High Mass in St. George's Ukrainian Cathclic Church Thursday, March 2 at 9.30 a.m. Interment Resurrection Cemetery. (Prayers at the funeral home Wednes- day at 8 p.m.) PARKER, Stewart C. > Suddenly at Oshawa General Hospital, on Monday, February 27, 1967, Stewart C. Parker, (RR 2, Whitby) beloved hus- band of Marion E. Thompson and loving father of Roy Parker of Whitby, In his 62nd year. Resting at Mcintosh - Anderson Funeral Home, 152 King Street East. Service in the chapel on Wednes- day, March 1 at 2 p.m. Interment Mount Lawn Cemetery. SCILLEY, Jack Suddenly at his residence, Street on Sunday, February 26, 1967, Jack Scilley beloved husband of Jean 859 Law Central Council of Neighborhood Association BINGO, -- AT -- OSHAWA CIVIC AUDITORIUM Friday, Mar. 3 Over $5,000.00 PRIZES $1,500 Jackpot $500. Snowball $150 Special Game $1,000 Escalator 20 Regular Games $50 -each 9 Early Bird Games 5 Late Games $50 each Admission $1.00 (receive one cord for regular games.) All games 25¢ double card except jackpot, $100 in Door Prizes All games will be played on double cards. Share the wealth--7:15 p.m. Regular Games -- 8:15 p.m. BUSES Leaving Bond and Simcoe St. 6:30 p.m., 7:00 p.m., 7:30 and 8:00° p.m. Available After Bingo. Hendrie, dear father of Valerie in his 60th year. Resting at Mcintosh-Anderson Funeral Home, 152 King Street East. Service In the chapel on Tuesday, Febru- ary 28 at 2 o'clock. Interment Union Cemetery. STORIE, Jennie E. At the family residence, 447 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa, on Monday, February 27, 1967. Jennie €. Dearborn, beloved wife of Alexander G. Store and loving Danes of Miss Mae Storie at home, Mrs. R. Burr (Marion) Oshawa, Mrs. J. Peterson (Pearl), Minneapolis; Douglas and Edward, Oshawa; and James Storie of Vancouver. The late Mrs. Storie is resting at the Mclintosh-Anderson Fu- neral Home, 152 King St. E., Oshawa. Service in the chapel, Thursday, March 2 at 3:30 p.m. Entombment Union Ceme- tery Mausoleum. (Friends will be re ceived at the funeral home 7 to 9 p.m. Tuesday, and from 2 to S and 7 to 9 p.m. on Wednesday.) STAFFORD * BROTHERS LTD. Authorized Dealers ROCK OF AGES FAMILY MONUMENTS 318 Dundas St, E. 668-3552 Whitby, Ont. Kindness beyond Price, yet within reach of all GERROW FUNERAL CHAPEL 390 KING STREET WEST Telephone 728-6226 IN MEMORIAM MATTHEWS -- In loving memory of a dear mother, Esther Matthews, who passed away February 28, 1954. Past her suffering, past her pain, Cease to weep for tears are vain, She who suffered is at rest, Gone to Heaven with the blest. --Ever remembered by Polly and Bill. VICKERS -- In loving memory of a dear mother, Margaret Vickers, who passed away February 25, 1963. We do not need a Eyed day To bring you to our mind For the days we do not think of you Are very hard to find. If all the world were' ours to give We'd give it, yes, and more, To see the face of our dear Mom THE CHANDA CHAPTER SFB 5. . Nateray Presents their 16th" Annual Night of Barbershop Har- mony. FRI., MARCH 3 and SAT., MARCH 4 at EASTDALE one at 8:03 P.M. Featuring the Renowned RYTHM COUNTS From Toronto And the 1966 Current Com- edy Champs, plus local chapter quartets, and the Oshawa Chapter Chorus. TICKETS $1.50 Available at EDGAR'S DECOR CENTRE King St. West NEED A JOB ? Read Help Wanted Ads Daily In elephone 63 997 DNIPRO HALL PONTIAC station wagon, 6 cylin Corner BI Bloor and Edith Sts. Sts. | 725-6958. The Times EUCHRE WOODV! x wees ITY automatic, radio, brakes, 383 cu, power steering, Inch engine with BIRTHS Lunch and Prizes. 728-6387. ATTRACTIVE bed-sitting room for lady. Sink and refrigerator. Close to hospital and buses, Telephone 728-1914. nished with Mei ent second. fi Parking. $12 weekly. Ti ELGIN STREET EAST -- Room, fur-|? 24 COLBORNE STREET WEST. two furnished rooms, kitchen privileges ar- ranged. Young business men preferred. Telephone 723-4935. FURNISHED Secroons; separate cook- ing and laundry conveniences, sult one or more persons. 604 Oxford Street. Tele- apartment. 0 phone 725-7824. [1955 WILLYS JEEP stat new | served: pasey Ie erenunea Hay and, bias are] it MAIN FLOOR -- two-room unfurnished | TWO LARGE ROOMS, furnished, with oem : baby" brether, Daryl Douglas, 7 pounds,|kin Private entrance and bath.|kitchen and feilet, private ' entrance, |Phone You'll Find Whatever 10 ounces, on Saturday, February 25, Free parking. Avaliable March 1, Tele-|laundry facilities, dryer free. Located|1954 METEOR, '67 plates, ree good " 1967 at the Oshawa General Faas phone 723-6549, King - Division. Telephone 728-2805, transportation, $75. Telephone 728-1322. | You Want--In the Vimes |Prove parents are Betty and Bat "after 4 pm, suronnatic, pe steering, brakes. Radio, Admission 50¢ tc. Low mileage, top TC LIE HANNA -- Bob and Dot (nee Kellett) Couple. | phone 723-3390 50c KINSMEN BINGO | jare Proud to ee the arrival of a c coax pee, son, Kenneth Robert, § Ibs. 13 ozs., on i964 CHEVROLET 'si station wagon, V-8,| 2-- $200 -- Nos. 52 and 50 Tuesday, February 21, at the Oshawe 283 moter, standard. 30,000 miles. $1,600 cash. 623-7204. General Hospital. A wee brother for 1 MUST GO Debra. Special thanks to Drs. Sander- '58 JAGUAR, 34 litre good motor and ee son, Gilchrist, Ross and Anderson, also tires, e older small ; fourth floor staff. oa on trade. Privately owned. 723-2573 id "pave 7 ter 5. McTAVISH -- Tracy is very happy to DODGE, excellent condition, low Ss ee i announce the arrival of her little sister, mileage, V-8 automatic. Telephone 72 ee Saturdays Ad Nancy Elizabeth, 5 Ibs., 3 ozs. on Febru- HA 8359 after 5.10 p.m. 26 ADMISSION 50c pt Aa ver at brigade stab Hos- a! 'roud parents are Alan a Eee PONTIAC stationwagon, V2, stan-|/EUCHRE, Boys Club, Eulaile Ave-|bara, Sincere thanks to Dr. Beckett fone good condition. $200 or best offer.|nue, sponsored by Eastview Ladies Aux-|fourth floor staff. 728-2722. Wary every Tuesday, 8 p.m. S0c. Tea Hennely) are happy to announce poll of @ son, Stevan George, weigh- ing 8 Ibs., 15% ne = 1967, In Scarbero General Hos- DEBOSKY -- Bernard and Una (nee the ozs., on Friday, Febru- Come smiling through the door. --Ever remembered by daughter Lily, sen-in-law Mit and family. VICKERS -- In loving memory of @ dear wife, Margaret Mary Vickers, who passed away February 25, 1963, | lost a wife with a heart of gold, wis was more to me than wealth un- fold. witout farewells she fell asleep With only memories for me to keep. She was a wife so very rare, Content in her home and always there. | treasure still with love sincere Beautiful memories of one so dear. --Lovingly remembered by husband Fred. A LASTING TRIBUTE For Permanance and dignity we suggest MOUNT LAWN MEMORIAL PARK BRONZE MEMORIALS OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 24 Hour Phone Service 728-6555 After Hours 725-7928 ee CARD OF THANKS BOULD -- We wish to express our sincere appreciation to our friends and neighbors for their kindness and floral tributes extended to us at the sudden peeing of @ loving son and brother, Herbert Bould, also City Police, Rev. Herbert and cashes Fs Funeral Home. he Bould family. TARASIUK -- My family and ! would like to thank Mayor Ernest Marks and the many friends, relatives and co- workers for all their lovely flowers, gifts, cards and visits during my recent stay in the hospital. Special thanks go to Doctor Gill and Doctor Kowalski and all the nurses and staff of the Oshawa Gen- eral Hospital. --Dmitro Tarasiuk. YAKELEY -- In the midst of our sor- row, we wish to express. our heartfelt thanks and appreciation to our many relatives, friends and neighbors for the kindness and sympathy shown us in the(ti loss of @ beloved son Mervin Nell Yake> ley. she especially wish to thank the Rev. Ww. Cc. McClure for his consoling 1 words: all the donors of the many beau- i floral cfferings, the pallbearers, and : Town Funeral Home for their kind. efficient management of the serv- Entered into rest in the family residence, 370 Windsor Street, Oshawa, on Sunday, February 26, Heal Ib eneelerty pg tod and the Bowmanville. Service in the chapel on Thursday, at 2 Bowmanville Ceme- 1967, Sist year, be John of '|vice will be held in the chapel Four courteous advice please MRS. A. G. STORIE visit the Park Office. Mrs. Alexander G, Storie, a 723-2633 descendant of one of nia pio- 1 neer families in the Oshawa LOCKE'S FLORISTS area, died yesterday at her Funeral arrangements, and |simcoe Street North home after floral arrangements for all several months of failing occasions. health: daughter of Edward Dearborn and the Storie, founder and first presi- dent of Fittings Ltd., in June, 1911. the board of trustees and an elder of St. Church. She was also an active member of the women's church|} T group. (coins) for each pattern (no stamps, Brooks, care of The Oshawa Times, Front Street West, Ontario. Ontario residents add became an accomplished solo- ist and sang at Christian Church which is known today as Centre Street United Church. states of U.S.A., abroad and the West Indies, her husband also managed _ to spend summers at their home on Scugog Island. husband, Alexander G. Storie, chairman of the board of Fit- three sons. They are: Mrs. Reg- Miss Mae Storie (at home); Mrs. Minneapolis, Minnesota; Ices. las and Edward of Oshawa and ig ef Eric of King City, in his 4ist year. By AL McNEIL Resting at the Armstrong Lal gd iad Oshawa, with funeral service In e rene vi chapel, Wednesday, March 1, at 2 em. MONTREAL (CP)--A vin Interment Oshawa = Union tage bill of fare, featuring Cemetery. L.O.L. Enterprise No. 2167 will "hold ] athletes competing for world, international and national ti- tles, has been lined up for the sports-minded visitor to the :| 1967 Montreal world's fair. Twenty-five months of plan- ning have gone into the pro- gram. With a bit more than two months to the fair's open- ing date, Expo 67 officials feel confident they have hit the formula that will provide a summer of diversified sports entertainment for their guests. "While many sports govern- ing bodies were interested in participating in Expo, we had to be selective and choose only those which will invoke major interest and involve Canadian, international or world titles," says Col. T. J. E. McLelland, head of the fair's sport department. Several such champion- ships, including an interna- tional professional soccer tournament and a track and field meet that will pit top athletes from the Americas against Europe's best runners and jumpers, will be held in the 25,000-seat, $3,500,000 Au- tostade. Other events will be held in conjunction with the fair, but with venues scattered throughout the Montreal dis- trict and ranging as far from the fair site as Sherbrooke, Que., 95 miles east of this city. Expo 67 opens April 28 and runs through to Oct. 27, and table tennis has the honor of starting off the sports parade one day after the official opening. PLAY IN NIGHTCLUB An international tournament is scheduled for April 29-30, featuring top players from South Korea, Japan, England, Sweden, Czechoslovakia, West Germany, the United States and Canada. This tourney will be held in the Garden of Stars pavilion on Ile Ronde, a man-made island in the St. Lawrence River, adjacent to the main fair grounds. The pavilion will be used as a nightclub and the setting for children's shows on other occasions. International professional soccer rules the playing field of Expo Stadium--the Auto- stade--from May 31 to June Col. McLelland says he will "Some of the teams that ap- plied haven't got national par- ticipation in the fair, and this has caused some delay in the final selection,"' he adds, ex plaining that if a team is not from one of the 72 nations taking part in Expo, it is in- eligible for the soccer tourney. An estimated 5,000 boy scouts from around the world are expected to descend on the site from July 25-28. The scouts will hold their own swimming. canoe and sailing championships. : They wi a od their swim OBITUARIES MERVYN JENKINS A Welsh - born Oshawa res- ident, Mervyn Jenkins, of 135 Albert St., died suddenly at his home Monday, Feb. 27, He was in his 51st year. Born in Treharris, Wales, July 24, 1916, the son of Eliz- abeth and the late William Jen- kins, he came to Oshawa in 1929. He was educated here and worked here as an electrician with General Motors mainten- ance department for 28 years. He was a member of Albert Street United Church and be- longed to the Electrical Main- tenance Club, the Little The- atre, Bowmanville Legion Choir, and the St. David's Club of Osh- awa. i During the last war her ser- ved overseas with the 19th Field ' Artillery. Mr. Jenkins is survived by his mother in Oshawa, his broth- er John of Cooksville, and sis- ter Mrs. J.A. Reynolds (Mar- garet, of Toronto. He was predeceased by a sis- ter, Mrs. F. Hamlin (Elsie), in Wales, and brother David of Oshawa. He is resting at the McIntosh Anderson Funeral Home. A ser- Thursday, March 2 at 2 p.m. conducted by Rev. A. Dyck of Albert Street United Church. In- terment will be at Mount Lawn Cemetery. STEWART C. PARKER The death occurred sudden- ly, early today, at the Oshawa General Hospital of Stewart C. Parker, RR 2, Whitby. He was in his 62nd year. Mr. Parker is survived by his wife, the former Marion E. Thompson whom he married in Toronto, Nov, 2, 1929 and a son, Roy, of Whitby. The funeral service will be held at 2 p.m:, Mar, 1, at the McIntosh - Anderson Funeral Home. Interment will be in Mount Lawn Cemetery. First Reader Douglas Leiterman of the First Church of Christ Scien- tist, will conduct the service. A son of the late Joseph and Rhoda Parker, the deceased was born in Oshawa. He re- ceived his education at the King City, Ont., schools and had been an employee of Gen- eral Motors for 41 years. At the time of his death he was an inspector. He was a member of the First Church of Christ Scientist, Oshawa. The former Jennie E. Dear- born was born in Oshawa, the former Elizabeth Henry. She married Alexander G. Storie, son of the late J. D. Mrs. Storie was chairman of Andrew's United life, Mrs. Early in Storie Well travelled in the southern |2 Mrs. Storie and Mrs. Storie is survived by her ings Ltd., three daughters and inald Burr (Marian) of Oshawa; J. J. Peterson (Pearl) of --Mr. and Mrs. Albert Yakeley, brothers Glenn and Deryl. James of Vancouver. : c Funeral Home with service in the chapel, p.m. Rev. J. F. G. Morris of St. Andrew's United Church. Cemetery Mausoleum. ceive 7 p.m. and 9 p.m. and Wednes- day, 2-5 and 7-9 p.m. Cross Roman Catholic Church, for Mrs. Maria Sousa, 220 Glid- don Avenue, who died of juries sustained in a motor acci- dent last Thursday near Ajax. ments and prizes come true with this Star quilt. "Morning Star" quilt that's so easy to piece. pattern of patches; charts; easy directions. TERN NUMBER, NAME, AD- DRESS. NEEDLECRAFT DESIGNS in new 1967 Needlecraft Catalog! Two free patterns, knit, crochet fashions, everything. 25c. of Prize AFGHANS has 12 com- plete patterns. Beginner - easy knit, crochet. 60c. plete patterns for 12 superb Doug-|heirloom quilts. 60c. She is also survived by a niece, Mrs. Gladys Lawson of Oshawa, 11 grandchildren and 11 great-grandchildren. The late Mrs. Storie is rest- ing at McIntosh - Anderson Thursday at 3.30 Service will be conducted by Interment will be at Union home will re- today between The funeral friends FUNERAL OF MRS. MARIA SOUSA Requiem High Mass was sung t 10 a.m., Feb. 27, in Holy in- The mass was sung by Rev. M. J. Darby, pastor of. Holy Cross Church. Prayers at Re- surrection Cemtery, were re- cited by Rev. Smythe. Father Darby recited prayers at the McIntosh - Anderson Funeral Home Sunday evening. The pallbearers were Jack Felix, F. Branco, A. Brito, J. Brito, Rex Kennedy and Robert Gillard, Something For Everyone Sports' Plan For Expo '67 meet on the site at St. Helen's Island pool, and will sail on Lake St. Louis, 10 miles up- stream from Expo, using the facilities of the Royal St. Lawrence Yacht Club. Their canoe races will be over a new course set in the man-made Lac des Regattes on Ile Notre Dame. If this new course proves satisfac- tory, the Eastern Canada canoe championships will be held there July 28-30, the Ca- nadian title decided over the same stretch on Aug. 4-6 and the North American canoe championships Aug. 12-13. On Aug. 4-6, while the ca- noers are busy, there will be a North American all-Indian field lacrosse tourney in the Autostade. All-star players from Indian leagues in the United States and Canada will take part. The two-day, 31-event track and field meet will follow la- crosse into -the stadium on Aug. 9-10. Sanctioned by the Interna- tional Amateur Athletic Fed- eration and the unions and federations of all participating countries, the meet will em- ploy a unique format to select participants, The 68 contestants repre- senting the Americas will be selected from among the: fi- nalists in events at the Pan- American games, which will be held at Winnipeg just prior to the Expo meet. An equal number of contestants to rep- resent Europe will be drawn from the finalists in the Euro- pean championships. There will be no prelimi- nary heats and each event will be a final between two contestants from the Amer- icas and two from Europe. Of the 31 events, 20 will be for men and 11 for women, VOYAGEURS ARRIVE On Sept. 4, the final lap of the cross-country voyageur canoe pageant will wind up at the Canadian pavilion on Ile Notre Dame. The voyageur event is being held to mark Canada's centennial celebra- tions. Crews from each province and the territories will start their trek from the British Columbia-Alberta border 100 days prior to Expo's opening and paddle and portage their way east. The final lap will see them navigate the nearby Lachine rapids. The off-site events for the summer include the annual Valleyfield, Que., world chame pionship powerboat regatta. The races will be held on suc- cessive weekends, with July 7-9 reserved for craft powered by outboard motors and July 14-16 for inboard engines only. Sailing will play a promi- nent role, with the fair offer- ing races for nine world titles at suburban yacht clubs on weekends from July 3 to Sept. 16. Two Canadian skeet cham pionship events will be de- cided in the last week of May and the first week of June at the Montreal Skeet Club. OSHAWA TIMES PATTERNS A SPARKLER By ALICE BROOKS Make your wishes for compli- Use sparkling colors for this Pattern 7447: THIRTY - FIVE CENTS please) to Alice Needlecraft Dept., 60 Toronto 1, ¢ sales tax. Print plainly PAT- 210 _ .MOST BEAUTIFUL Sensational, new value. Book Museum Quint Book 2 -- com- Bargain! Quilt Book 1 -- 16 Fo] 4893 SIZES 10-18 LOVELY LINES By ANNE ADAMS Spring's shapes are the love- liest in years. Inspired by the new, gentle mood, we design this flowing dress with front pleats in perpetual motion. Sew it now! Printed Pattern 4893: Misses' Sizes 10, 12, 14, 16, 18. Size 14 takes 214 yds. 39-in. FIFTY CENTS (50c) in coins (no stamps, please) for each pattern. Ontario residents add 3c sales tax. Print plainly SIZE, NAME, ADDRESS, STYLE NUMBER. Send order to ANNE ADAMS, care of The Oshawa Times, 60 Front Street West, Toronto 1, Ontario. Spring's Fashions are a JOY FOR ALL SIZES! See 115 styles, two free hat patterns, fabrics, accessories in new Spring - Summer Pattern Cata- log. Gift Coupon for free pat- omplete Patterns. 60c. __itern in Catalog. Send 50c. = Os!

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