Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 28 Feb 1967, p. 62

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of « 16 TH IE OSHA WA TIMES, Tuesdey 1, Feb ruery 18 , 1967 eo « It's Still The Fr 2ezin Sea: son But H Hot "Action" Clas Sl ieds Wi ill Thaw Thin gs Out Call T he Dir ect Classifi ified Ni umber 723-3492 8 am im. to 5 p.m. Mon day to Frida Yr, Saturd ay 8 to 1 28 asian REA 16 Sir y Acc S E 2 VV ounta ints gos c pans isg teeth ry R ela doe oe cokcening service Service. tase Trade: se ace WALL 8am 108. No D : N SCOTT'S SCR e Osha V2 Ki Mer ur Al HopK! shawa 72! ing St Charter- liown se Va: Accounts. a soliaas Monthly sel ----_ P BOOK » 13 tra 55 ay ba R stalments TODDLERS P TV--R ByR J Articles for --< 3509; §, T. Honk .o1hawe, vila emodelli FROBEL ARADISE adio R . SCOTT ENTenrain Rent FACE -PRIEDLANDER oe @ Bath Ing Day Nur MONTES T.V -- oer i leg tie 18--M Bankrupcy, sr DER AND, CO. che s tien" 'sive cota -- .V. Rental Sg C ale Help W 8, 728-7: Ma Simei Fics Pop e ens dert child enj Ne s HEEL Bar, ban- Lb 'a GORDO 371 oe St stees | Racreati rful mi enjo ; w Se CHAI kite AS: nted secure sl ane ret hori] --" Rooms Rapieter --_ pag pn tai eucne AN er racing acta, _ es rahe) MECHANI 20--Real E Josery ov en ied "General FS a Fei t call we ates Senet heey ca ia als, 105 sch rom sup aM ~ plies Fifth c iiuke: fav Salo eee ~oBeatiawd owo' pai intin : 4 LIA ni ens ines Me ctisnsa shoo, ealershi entice East. JOS plaas Tr iN, Chart 's Quoli rtment [] and 452 Si NCE 1 EARL. OF TREE! s Oppo fi ership lephon ustee, 17 jered accou KA ity Build of Osh- INTER! Deco Sime ) uneany Aucenican mone rtuniti Call" at compar flat ro IE Blu - e 723-4833. Bond $t in- SSING' er, hangin OR decor: ratin 723 oe South y Seat EVEN EARUM Ns Vv. ies '| betwe ny be! ate eprinti reat ER CON ng, wood fi ating, g -0011 i SEAR Neos cur as ALU p.m. for en 8 a.m nefits. REAI a F SELL ing Call tod STRUCTI m aed egg « painting, a cane fo 8 Are hin ur A suchen. ABL Nag appointment and 5 LTOR u DR. la ION Oo, 723 ree pape POO aa mewn y, 623-3 ment. Servici LIM! Blueprint Fal Bo RE wen A tetera hase bt gt PERT bene Woiti R RECEPTION hl DISTRIBU : 3-3396, hm ervicing Oshaw Hoe 7 eta ee 'ire norha ere x | plomiblag Cran Sent bare ing for CABLE T 3 RAPS. TORSHIP TOOL R fr ovr 31 peo U) otostatic copies, 'oofing arg and are V; ae ea ing Trades copies, ALL iti tr Sa beeen more nteed, Bett . ? 'a AVAILABLE pooner 723-2265 rs INC oofing, BUILD 725-69. rg eyes eati 6%) £ T 1 Call 942-2 places, chimneys, LOING "REP 37 eas PLUMBING AND ing TOW NA AS oe Wages LARG b @ Oni & 40 2714 ay eure he Ains 2 gem ers HEA 7, E Fo IN nge 5 E rick ; ADDITINS For, eae nd ely SE Fe pre, tea fines sigh elephone 7 NEW ' DUSTRIAT. T¢ an eoReEY HO oe ine REM ¢ Fine eau thy 668- LL Tye 'Street South. and Engi stark 23 [Peo S=|M 'D B TO ei walk- ME Pi inc! Indust: ODELL ee ne ECORAT! ALL TYPES OF : ed | aud -8131 a YY NA loor St OLS parate out 1 furni rial a ING one: Remon ING, pe A Bale SP AIRE -ond TemOdaT ICE wv We Pp MOTE' 0 Ws bath dini basem $32 e nd o fi . & sed s CAI tie ' SH roo! n ent, 0. pipettes cnet ri tae ogg ie rats, Frag est ce Trae materia Restonanie Fast Say ONLY 2.50 fit Deut on eit CAKMIBANS OWER CONVER Te Mary AWA Fp hg Aa Foal 2 epen es inship. le quality |fe . - Uph Farag ray MV. Servi : 4 RAZILIA VBALIZES Mod: TE RE D' 290 own 21 is ho MODE olster ey. D . Service REL, P HK 2 erate i Ri F D'HO -- 6% payment of my SA recreatl LLING, tri y Servi (@) 410 HEA OINTED , investme or ne TEL A% int be CONST NDON mates. tin im oe PRO ice Bb MINIO SNEED Protas fee lave nt required ra w dining roo! '. CUTE and erest, R RU é hon st po! FE: pw ME EVE nto th m oR (A Divis CTION CO CARPENTRY e raszaae Preogghy RUG CLEANI 728 EVISION DEFEND s i agit Siar Vast a able roughly experi must Ce on Bagi ile N ion of A ; Samnent werk Peal - + EA -51 Le by OF ISP a mark, to t xperie! bungalow wi ie) = rm a work. Tr) 54 OF 44 105 )H fc et rai nced, in wi bed: 4 In Hi stron UALIT Brae aoninee NIN mH 9 E DEAD 4 exciti and gon n stoft F g roo th s room five DO NC 4 pairs Ty ree wrainenen, $25 7000 F 2 Da G pa dptolnd thd a.m. t : ng ace ize servi f and poi m, 2 fi eporate di ocre NO' yrs, Hi erving pent, Sad jes, 728-7680 ree Pick. y Service ae, repair: SERVI 0 9 p.m. Sten ba oe op eptance 49369, ice. Wri or- H rch, gorai ireplaces, din- room he REPAIRS Ww ! tS soma iti eral re. Ansa Delivery Joes coLoR iia: towers, anten- 8--Articles f Ta a me as POWER excELLENT_orroRT Sete Box iy Sota os snl soa sate : ge ce. 725-0576 -Gr cialty. airs. Ei and 'or S DI and M rn' bal has PORTU 500. Aski icely | ardenin ALTE ts 72 aydo Pais uropean Radio 5 ale RECTLY OTORS aia sae opening t NITY. 0. ing pri jond- give u RATIO MOB 8-625 n hie WV a7 Ppa ervice. FROM aussting 5» bene for 8 lect r ice $17 + $0 IL 4 i work TOWER a8. a spe 8--Arti MOTO YOU a yestion: arsanat uervioe resident ' oe to ADDITION nate? Saba 2 FOR 1 RUG el ag ood sec ery a na Ai R VEHICLE sea a, ren . een Price $38 gy vag poner NS wae 4 ee preres lec omen's Col me tba brushes, "ee lek all _ BO ends SALESMAN OPENIN it ben i never condton ec R S-FAI ate liver ick up the | lumn S| Ao Di dale ick-up, ae makes, x agape Com ENING ¥ i oe ith firep . Liv. So | needa, Ser v | Geta gave or wots HAIRDRES pak Se BANS aaa seta Mea eas Vik gi ieee] com itchan, od Mer J a Speci M Operator ( ervice W, some ER naskan oh rene 0213. NORTH OF BC Tl rite B iniuin gras | i salary , ga ) om good store ame cialty. jobile J 0) ahd AC SIN WHI SERV eee aioe INS. Al Leja p hea alt oe MES ox 47257, Mite tk ue 4 rage, C ioderni voh s All Af K-8-390. ask fo 1700 LEA S G EEL A\ ICE Hiroowge rag bry $m It types of gocd tore F BOWMANVILL prese 1, Oshaw 12 educe- . Phillips | lose zed alumint en & ter 9 p.m 8 Osha 4 SIMCOE NERS CHOO Chev LIGNMEN os Has bunk aiiheaee oe mat: Sere nave living ae aie To ond emplo en age: fa Times. a ps School to Dr. larae "ih 725 Sons Denti -» 728-929 wa 725 ST. N L abit Dodge. IT SPECI re cornea beds ses, $9.88 mat- a. rshdlg yo quarters, sh ~ Gen- pref de yed and 8 20 epee ROOM . : hy ki WEED -6126 istry 8 -9961 . "i th, Ponti , Ford, AL a Church 19.88. W 8; roll. 17 eblanc eee nh owing | age. A present pply in re anx 0 are TO pboard otpedcdi laa n CARE! INT! p eel ali Hae Wa Ply- O-PIECE Me BE cable Lawsy 5--Em walter, oanyé 12 | 49386 II replies employment, Raubcon BBY AR MOVE young f a sane by hurry? Sur FOOT, ERIOR | C corre ignment, i e corre Al one CHEST urnl-| RELI ploym 23-7461. |M » Oshawa ph pert Hal eich is whi OUND nigh a bora? Flow a Hi urgeon, 172 (DR. JOHN S by W S li Ag tal deaa iripaet ie LT, coffee STERFIELO, RELIABLE tA ent W. Sees Times. nt ncome anal Tom at you by ght 7 deep ing. street, Mr e y WIN ign toe-i r and bs Tie condition FIELD, two end eet toni FEST Bg bate lan TER ae ime 6 2. Box oe | qe WORD hoya RATES Drapery S rast osnawe, ey areal lg os fa ch oation: eer CLOSED FoR cae fo table lamas. | 17 --Fe stephone 72-7237. 19 a Tien ina vith attached have wien REST sh -- ervi o An overi stery OS arts e nse '0 irch_15._Bl LIDAYS = Fa mal : --Mal 51 or ire go i : 1 ; e xt . ° ._Bill Ys -- le le pl rog edationl wordy ech 8 Oshaw 'i Aeties Resore HAWA on. ro eid raat oe on Raa * Help Wanted verge ol gag room an mein vend foundry wane tional ions of yy each; ne is, 1.20; a's Onl 9 Si es justm oad East condition. ator, Wes nted ares jor, Cat ed @N tive UWbe-seried 131 4 words, 3: conseci DE y imece N Re ent SERRE 'Appl etic pecs V C B 1 for ieeatl ) a2 U= Cl ; RiSERATORS y 153 se . (ele) est in 4 Sos be DRAPERY SERVICE samedi no AUTY BRAKE SP a ea ee on Calling | Ses 'gg divin ee res 700 if at hy per faked ied RVICE rial ae hel gd re-u| Most ECIA 668-5374, - od running ord the ti Blocks living i g ow struction c! 'ost grow home ly you thi way. Res' Ft a ii 8 a MODERN Bese cetera! ALO Quality "Royaine. 4 Ll. rh tnt becky -- your spore owas An Whi ue | che nonpolar ae pure words ounti cL ase aur. ane SK ine. 4 ist |F oa mater an A $$ r spa tied wages pai y a . en -M. Mod street purcnoser initial, counts os My bees EANER: RE-UPH stering, 73. poy ING ST. whi URNIT Elmer furnit von pel re perso s paid rea. he _and b ca eh in 6A o gu 2 thai 7 Ss lished jOLSTE 78 Chi (N . EAS ] kk, (0 ee hae 260 2602008 Your Rep ecom n. to quali re is in i ath. n kit- e ac reer oberon ou n_24|Dressmak ied Ise. Free Sean wana ee haba oy Plus $2 4.88 Home say. oniy"S18, mont Ma lay vicinity = Don't in 5 2320701 ale | te from immaculate ything ri BIRTH mber 'counts two akin ee OR inates. rman Estab- upstai s Theat (prema ladl whe FRERI Furn bu edi monthly. "Berane PH n't de- or _Appo' Go the. lone Paintin; condi- uence ena -- DEAT +o | DRESSM ig ota Pita tu Heo gh el pei PH irs) re r cost) el Tarauteod reel 4 Simcoe Barons' ONE intme! ra indscay 9 insid usiness. Ne HS -- re-! AKI 11. olst rnitu rms. (@) pu' feed t cleaned eee M nt aes ge a ping le wish $2.25 per OTICES re-styling KINO, ALTER reer ure retinahed. PE! INE 723- WH & Fasizia. | troubleree i, adjusted 725- RS. HILL WA good se paved outsides. wees te is s Gor insertion, with 28 eal ee men's TATIONS "and Sales end fn AVOnUS -- 011 pte BALAN PEW 'abbas ELE A fe. For Pe 9696 hes nant S A RE zed lot. driveway porn Mi not cen ergne, 287 Currie. Ave. ch if ny ey ui Cc AK af COnmnny. rson to ning f intm q ae FS paid sect ll -- DRESRAKINO Gustie Ate ay Service ond Cat Shampoo as 98 each ee wich per whee ay Pale eee ai mise esis al Interview qisblianad full High or ladies and tog FAMILY ee én here irst 3 covers, esses, Bot Expert f 1823. TS nd § whi co ic Mul rates che sta G e ed Watki part yao | Sted aia! ie fe -------- Senshi lore 'i APPLIAN Including Sin . _ SHOCKS, eg 95 COFFEE TABLE ad ain Tone] For ne ROOM HOSTESS py atkins spn eo Legs abl CENTRA CARD ys charge It not | pe | uated lenin Mag hh le REAK' |ampoo or 5.98 C "END LERS. THREE-P| ephone 668- be ooo bs w dinin Soumane Whitb: ings. Ar i School | lose in attach: @ Cle $2.25 (OF THAN t paid g and S RE E Includ: ae ond Se OMPARA\ WORK A excellent iECE sect 7 ca AE thorou g room 49157, On y, Osh eas Reet in the to i frame by pia agg iota Ty y y upplies PAIR Including Shampoo en : BLE PRICES. as ater Spam ional chester able ahly experi must |THRI Sr Cua Tie awa, | 7 co i aa i x 16 liv cha anton 33 / E S PING }amMpoo 5.95 ICES ELEC S$ pm. $125. T etea wi to trai xperie' HREE shawa T bo erred area. Or jesirabl 16" liv AR ir ghedt st 33 words xpert Incl es end UN acTRIC suai Ment on. ize in staff iced, _ {reaul ee ae et es as eat ai ball tusbist e with Sey bee raid wihin 8 edaitionel now j a nen uding Shampoo 4 IROY god. Fanal SEAL 3% coal, a sell ees service. Wri and organ- Hie fo One S$" REPR _@ call ee oh che yard ven 'Sep peel dah coe im "u we. on all m |ampoo. ar 5.9 AL shana pai, cont tine Ta In Oshawa Tit rite Box an |Knowledg Oshawa, REPRESENTAT pointme to-nite f 1. Give re agar pt Tg yds ec schatl desi akes M EXPIRY and 4 CE SKATES Fi Ra REL, Times 49370 |wnolee salty yernate,, (ll er Ives nt to in or an club. Cal (Word beards splay); $ @ ALSO range ARC DAT! NT area Vege 'elephon: : Ureuen ae Mborecsing ae an o] spect, op- to ca te) Ie entn ICE SA PART! " ao | :: bk e [priced heed Plt glesih COCK RE sales 1S King sh hea anvil, _200 A $ sen $2.54 PeR SALES och' thereafter Pcie sant S AVAILABLE vai dresses Sl er DOMINION" bwely poe sireet sticks. equipment a Min ascblis WAITRE bl ates "ees "Supply 2 be 2 ag FARM hi INCH PER IN! LCIUM CHL SALT A 2 bd Beauty: al 2 a aan 17 e TIRE Pa brig MiNiowe Tséaaae Contrer "204 Must riage not ne od ponidte riment ine weet ant ee ae pig fied field ponds D SERTION. WILD B ORIDE F LC an 104 ee won Pho 'ark Rd RES con Staak, ad 21-35. A tween essary. Li Gr ADiET 3 itby. Telepl oH} cl e shed. in, hen house, 9. ST Pore oe EADLINES B ph er FEED a N 2--Personal ond St. E. "rom St n 7286511 aey. re22 at Wolfe hiner, | Chub, salt age in iM ages come Deitel tree aie oe Peo pa ata VI @ Cl m, DAY IRD ER S 2 Si and A a 9356, retch - USED East. ee Nel. reo n. teleph pol letied with PE ET Sh will ea: 'ated ach | LosT ogy FEEDIN' EED 1 imcoe $ PPLIAN ies SAV your Goodri 1D TIRES) mo en ie GENO ampbell elephone manager fast i can make 3 seven ead of sily sup: pols ar test Ane Fo! is P IG STA' 'elephone ms 0 CE vob 1 of ec. 15 food Pe rl ry SHA PERSON §-4922. nor inte if} mod room ho cattle. TI = rooms DAY UN! OTTING TIONS ne 723. shawa crie M superfi FOO! -20% dollar. naan King a ee ee, No Ph HOTE eleven- TO TEACH 7 interview lern ki ies hae he pv or BIRTHS me Post PI SOIL -0011 Osh urduff luous h D BILL. ON YOUR FiBeRo street West. 725 BAB jone Cal : phone 6s6-dl53 ACH guitar | rooms. L bia Gedo ok. on, New "pryieg AND DI CATION EAT PO NEw, : 8 awa, M will oir Stock . OUR RGLAS FE lest. | 725: SABYSITTER 'alls Plea 668-4253 girl, peer reste fund' ocated nd 2 bal wih DAY EATH PEA TS pairs. USED th. Ph lar, 6th, be i your Si artes ¢ NDERS mother wo to mi se 2 BDI diplacy jons to ind of on th- ki w IN OF PU T rs 10 -v o one , we in lo free peda to ia chee acts 46-3824, rks, Ii ind tw ied Tg Hidde ha! Tele tow pen good itchen. Sind OPTS NICATION PLANT BAKE: ea et maaae Now Rest ag er es "aotel nl eer vatty-tor tes shes Did ais Be Re |B Sok vein. FalapnoneOshawe Real Estate f of) by deo rool bse close to maton. p.m, DAY ANKS GAR ES wai ANTEE ares. Phone i or a es u alr also. a T. Wi 17S. Nel-|S! At ig shawe 'or S 900 wit riced ri $8 go ri P DE sher DR hone ppoint- 'eod ae un esti e1-| Sliver _G pi al w ri ight grote pevtiegg rs corse Rami Tae or 7 ranges. Free ies pte wae or hag iu Sg Par still age a freexer pest 125-1608. STINGHOUSH | freezer iar Gr es nds: Apel Hime, no eve. -! a Pig gre pele ft Mage NORT 5 rs r . Mus Ey gle ed gall a, OOTING C ITE PRE nger! §. 23-4641 S a dich end our fomous ica al RITERS, new winger quired. er coartinaek wi sian * CEN call us now isd Schad, Wie CANCELLATIONS yh apes Marl PURITY DOG POUND DON -- Trailers oe Berto ae at" Royel eater sa BOS, Be eo aly forencel re RAL a soon ite al EC' s pr eV. ; jes. es T + 72: Serv- 7417 $ re - am. DAY oF si urY od Mea: van AND, TLEisc RAMBL ea epbeaines a gear aera 18--Male H vaste] | ONTARI J ee shaped I e' U Ta rv Hi coe e rant ee $ ft. O 'al rtiou! ; i iescre ort Cooper sa ieee © sen Teas | Sh > ae ee A S| wh sp Wend | [TRU ar paper sian espe SE caged i p -Smi Land 'Surveyors TROLLOPE- ae bbe Op -- RENT 98. For ox jul a |p. ision, FED, USED wrin | Web EW PRO ef Marg car ee at fintthed | er Urn doy's it mss | pee en Sunda 4b nanal more i a (eee mura meine Mast po! ave av FESSION ike Bel 3 5-3867 | Pri base: forwa every end NTAL $1 el TV. Street rio B ys 2-4 ppointm informati BUY th, 723-0011 and. Ap $34.50 $, rtunit' ery lucrati Geor: monte 23-135 \ rice $22 od rd repl eavor 00 0. '--Radi East. UD P.M.. ator ent pho jon | and AND $I pliances, and| men y and ative op- RAL is | rge Twa 72 8 sreierraany a 16 Celi dio Repairs DY TRAILE 1h "ge ees snd apooncs"Gne Iocan S| VinL-Weldd the seeking 2 PH_ SCHOFIELD Will Cruikshonk 723-2008 doraged cleged 0 pay the! 723-231 me FEM ae see RS ambers Fi oe Poe See eer my ea a tig ot lle yoko ' ie Ed lord Johnston 728.3205 LO piles, how penile terdell of loss o -2312 ' CAMP! 401 93 ood Bere arte Saab b0 723-3271 resent li awa Val appli- anch Maib m 8-106 W gence jwever Cau forwardi 'ough Sither 72 shod TRA and 28 3 Ritso Ltd now vehicles largest ile by ly e licensees ley. Ou' | ch Styl M le Boud 725 6 vill be odes eee rather' such eid DELIVE! 3-1139 > Vacatl ing Pbeconlay a Hn n South . Osh on Pe lg is lee' ieamer| 10 jarning _easi are presi r Ful ncome hey e el Dale reau 72) 9345 e/ in 20 oe for Bid sch gad negli- ESTAI RY SERV ment. Ph Pasig linh Pt reserv: B. mane Say United oe ae soft} W ur with al sily $30 ent- a price $2 ome Reg Ak 8-2233 you will 1 plies Heedt tll Pas BLISHED ICE hone Carrol Forges and arvations argains f e King St. aatlinicua bere n saws, ant; Thi | the w per shawa. 2,900 Bill M er 623-56 buy. thi lied for |MA 1909 SERV Goin je TO Ex mping Nan Becdalindd out of 'or bab' ONS ee titan sar sreat|. vant is long- ork thi bunnaled Lar, -- NW cr aat 725 38 ra is ping Unlimited 728-9 hi vo and ck Maca aren ion i sough ey galow ge solid : ers -020 e wit! THE O' REGULAT joney to ICE wii Yo Exror Ret ited a2. make the baby b going |g wcll Rae nmliah 728-5365. ai} cedur sa mir t-for in badions, 1 ee lid | brick OPEN 725 : ed : Tesponsisit FOR 1ONS AL Loan COLO Teale Ser tehilerec mesons a2.) furni much ne usiness to 9. nglan, lianas | oa e that ch aculous 2 goo. ms, lar airs ha DAILY 1726 h nh oP TISEME SIBIE h TIMES Will A LOAN up 1 R x allers, Reserve Tem| fo iture -- eded roo to .-- Marké ars, tabla rs ond bui emicall pro- J aired ge livin a Membe 9 TILL _ has been THAN IN WAITI MES ONS IN ADVER pA nie 0, $9,000 to BLACK an 5A--C Skies, Whitby r_quick all geek slashed et Bask: = oe wells | perth Dae dint Wee of the 9 from to} Teen PL ALR Cae a) one Bld gle lea consolid K and am nel eae sale. Spri slashed et Up to yl plast jaugahydi pc. ba jodern sipenited dining E LIST 0.D.R age Ps VERTISEME! ReRrion: 6 De Aerie: ronena ood credit? Second more WHITE _ [ely ping - Sate Han. pring fill ppb agli Ng engl Ae "bath. Dowratalrs oe MOR and SELL | la er ss tld Dea ne ah ad Fike ia ge Pd ena TH FOR ae P SITES $7. ; High ith vinyl led APP ih cafes, Adled lounge ure. bedroom nstairs a 4 TGAG bMS ent $4,; SERTION. IN ¥ Ge YOR BEYOND 11 f|sotate your's oo inter E BES eae for & 88; Lo oh chal Fe Second LES d to eit Pg bus- cs ec ayabin wit pt. hos 360 ES AR ene 4 AA hich inl OND. THE Seman puree Me inlerest to T CA Hachette! S shee st $19.88; rge siz rs fror $ gr pen: either use etc, ha' Gus Jivi betirborn 4 itch L860 hin RAN The Osh HICH E SINGLE THE | stead! BY cle gd erest to ata Ld elif Hala a ee Poel" Bab e cribs f m 1.75 pe ade M ; sively ri se tape ve s living om and en, g St. We GED bid Hagia Time AROR OCCURS. 73-463) empioyed uti Pell Pagid Ube dnd oles fom els fro y carriage rom Cortland r bushel acIntosh ange profi eupholste! Or ex- garage a room, 2 spaci- est, Osh PO proper Madvertting accor the RS. M 2 oS Rave sae ber 6--Mari Ontario, rt. Field pens fro m $29.9 s 1966 Ww s $2.7 , first gr ness itable r. Loni sepa ind paved car brick awa IX el Lote good are rine Hn blo m $9.88; S 5; P fe olaccheun' 5 pe 'ade f secured repeat i] rate a drive ae url f In the a right to ertee credit . Equi yd from $1 8; Str eye ee aus ink on bushel ew broch by mai busi- nd public sc Near unning eae oe a ; eit jages : ot. ipmen Rocke! $12.88; ollers -- M contro! rst grad ls hav: chures e mailiny ic scho' ore heed ie oe ee n TELEVISION gai Gits CRA t_| PE dump Conmod Moxie ed aroha Wie furnish f mchweek We | Fg Bg a " a ectbiah oi f nts S T E IN' mode $. ow and all i f or with m b s years. | endeavor to repr. an thot which th MO C FOR vv ye oh Ni etm n con A aeiiar eae you, Ph aggesiANR dior R yar. matter to isa a The which. the G LEAN Cc y fibre: ERVICE rch St. RNI- goma xs to bec itial hel trainin: extras i ched g ungaloy EAL E 00 is ot Wiefaeetbaa dd b luce all publishers fe F ER, SH restliner glas - sail " Thick Orcha atel 'ome suci Pp. neces: i and s_ includ jarage; m 5 40 Ki STATE plex al ow. idl Uae AY ee dveriing TY REC ARPER Northcraft Peterboro boats ONTA ckson_ Rd. rds Ltd. 500. Invest: cessful im sary stove, le built in any King S$ LIMITED nigh hous ror cacaltiee sme no libilty LO YO EPTION Huds i yonab 'ough and TV ONTARIO ar N., Wh hd cai ip $3 medi- corlon floo garbage di oven S treet E t for IT'S EA! Vheon x N UR O OSH utboard outs, E TO Telephone 723- ayPotaoes, nitby ike ve all ani om $3,- lacciei rs and isposal ToP f 'ast TIMES oe TO m Mo WN AWA motor: vin- WE 9A -- , free del Mr, very v. ytime. Ai sc on bi Groadioan, You'll '00 CTION PLACE A ys neys avai A YACHTH SP RS 'ck AES ima oO . Hend aluable tice As 'aped lot beautifull oom. pe love KING! LIVIN Call Clos: WANT AD ind Se f aoa 723-81 HAVEN 40-foot ECIAL wa ggs & P bile Sohn ee owe Paley es With vay 4 land- inch_bun me AS G | sified mort, mort 'or first WanchAR GH 86 ch towe wens: oN oultr : 8-4603, E ely pati Besdinoned lic 3 bedroo xe 773.3 Direct i" gages, N gages. O Evinew AFT," Ces anne! r struc Ms ite Feath SY FR y ; L ast O 0, h domed |i with a m h ol -3492 ortgages, lo bonus. pen : week. de moto' Grew. Travelle $50 antenn ture, all icked up, Ae Ran" Ts ae SH arge shaw: allway, living large jouse, pr ond a s, second us. Fir pee, Noe Pen hoody imi Osha a inst ie , delivered." Osh AILY IPP ty ranch a rec roorr extra | room stoirs gre mo! st tin, AS agate rb imited, wa T' alled 10-- Agatha gf = R pe hor style corn, wi large fi ) and 5 re cha: ements rtga: FIN Ma cn 'di oats.) ju Ta ys A F store 55-4752. - rool use with executi land: , with ba finish room INDE sed, for sale ges FINAL cLaaia wen days, Bf st anat hes Ros upely 1e armers' or hae, REC m apa ith se tive scoped paid ed C san d £ EAD AND CRII s' Col : EIV roo! rtmen' parate now t and h is wel lose c Xx TO pur- boards. Only ANCE. 196 a. Ritson Fae 8 aio CRIPPLE olumn Mat monn Ss Huge a Held gate edge ae aoe ee M. F. SWARTZ ctietom tn ie = RUTHERFORD'S oat Peer aa eer ening com * tpt. Lare. at mi tt el sed rere 2--Per: n's Col 2 Kin arivea' ane aslé var 8 mM gro! 5 Licence ed fat valle Tee Bis ing e ompan y 5' living e bale on info +s de gaa Oshi 9 St. E 7 |FipREG! ee OG bee edroom ups, L 1956 hol ra sa dg YT em experien v, Mus: ex- kitche room 'ony off OR Ss seorteman' awa, Onte ast 28-5 pRitahiageonta Whit $49 , Dini iving R ee ee mpton 263- revious nce, grad st have fi in. Att and spaci Imm TH E ot 8 Col ih See C -514 $4 non ele We % $ ng Roo 'oom, | 'ain, eaten. y 43. ucati shiph le V1 four ached jacious aculat ND Motorcycles lume 745) io aieae 3 Bering controls. Uh Ree fare 599 m. $399, eae, eee AL FA tion bi ing and ed- 'i unfurni garag and e3b LAB iene a ; 3-4697 Bond and Division a Aviaetrorat levaue Immediate de eect ica loader. Pah oe eo responsibility" ond i rectly. coms. ished Heya dining rea Succi brick xle Re te he st and Plots. Tele Ra ana Nena ng RU eliver --Pets 08-0757. In Be iidece sae | i chen wi , off mod Lor, pointme Mi icles for arter M 2nd 7 . Tel S$ 26° ci ind No. 2 east UTH yor |F and Li ' retur licence wn a ncom ov with bui moder ge roo ni terarme Basket ORTG . T eA ephone 720-7245. hd 156 ERFORD' Py oa ivestoc an ons ' $3,600. dowr Pro saggehetd ph Rudd Belle om, 2 fran and Suna AGES : WERS diver. -- Simco D'S alone quiet pon k forthe rate Fr 8 new down perty scaped Hives wall | and trim, d s di sight, gal wi e St eleph ins y m the and good m ma' 9 lot. ive, W is ipraticis Wane @ RESIDE "BUILT IN ater 6 gM galey "head HP outboa FLOO auth. ona tl ie apace broken and AL pariona: Rese atulns ele ple ay this bese a ae bi ay a x Tetons: OF Re @ COM NTIAL AT OUR OSHAW. : bat bay be R COV Relic inion thet stated as pair. eae giving with buil suites, and 3 yment. easonabl 17,- jom, tw 1s-Empoymen fun 'raidiaie on ce. MERCIAL | yu OWN PLANT 7S ery sso) CI BARG ERING (ts ype. Sham mare curiae M4 setbiowrators Sci oe, eam completec Soe al pc pr service pict pie tor Hdageo dts ot ois wa wap and Bart eaten vy ae Sane OSHAWA a2? pid day Crone ovens Bal $3,000 DO arene Female Help etail: fistisnte Gombe less mo a bette o one © er seMibag th disconti oe cee Ne ere ence Md IME ate. {c iving root oom in lance o} WN 19--Male Help Ip Wanted is call Dou s. Com n- ney. r tower Chev, sedans MC ait rom 29 jousand. ntinued a pric No -- Su ua Pre gg S wit! jaundry mis: Se in gage, 3 nod NH gy sel has BRAN g Terw plete 0 oles as bul; beets Ww le ft. Ss of . NPT eer a M ith drye room por- close. bedro A. m R. smn mite sae et INVESTMENTS LT -- SHAW (Binsin ie a nie ILSON'S FURN yards |ReAvaiing tet and" compare 7 Leche 4 ther det Call aa oe coef seperate, bungalow xe 15 Eran ee ties King E S$ LTD. A T 8- fe Millside ang' Ps, laun- we 0 Ch ITUR Broad. eel Aasy av08 OO an ae Feta ites lic and off ma Real thas ged . SUP ip Arti | ihe ane Fare . H.| fur BUY, $s urch St. E |PRoi 4 Elgin ing strai ies, read L M fur- TAU ping, ete hom in| poe Fae Fi R 723-115 PLY . cles fo Hes furniture 'or ELL AN PROFESSIONA ie aed y AK J L NTON ' ed stores "Oiares anted FIRST AND "a 735 57 LTD CITY r Sale Trading race le EXCH Clipping, all AL DOo 1. Full ER Com ust Lis wtoe A be RD. public a a cinerttoav oe avaliable. $ SECON -6210 TAUNT servi TV tel South, 723 c b Ade rg ANGE vi "ee pie ee or Pa 2 pletely d ted 1% b urSaeA epllt E. ee Foun wr ke paikiens gant. Open and snareeee ) ON RD. E. i gg Mg levisions eakantie as Simcoe tity ana Gor eine FB perro im ot rt-Tim storey b uplexed 9 gar jaths, d split | ye a galag iliag Rent 34631. and no origage at ln 7 ust East 2s an ool ap boon > Sositialballce Da German Aud feat hes ba th jady job; kd venien rick resid "room, 'age, lai louble a level, jay loam paar gy fod Firs een on my| 723-81 of Rit Als open 7 rs. Service up. Al ieee fad | eee Bbherd pveole yi board- benefi , top Osh tly loc idence. Con- service rge lot, ttached ing s pat rll ee rant, *call_ anytime 31 son) b jo T.V. days a bdivged ela ats xP led blade FOR SAL Labia eee Pinsche! efits. Tel wages )shawa, j ated in nort on- aski s. A re , Close t ni uppl Bo Aornlie for, dela le SECOND ime 723 lack end towers week. Fincoe 'South, 725-01 Mr aC» rashes, All ae Is, 655-3881. ter aie: elephone and Simeoe just one meets ing $23 tr famil 7° all ight for aoe for Sale and Hennick mcane. mrorte TELEV -8132 nos, white color and iMELARY 7 "73-0001. site, ae edies. British Ce ole street jock 4 500. ly home old Ph pg 1S , _ roto! ite T.V. nd 825: Y 36" te ances, REGIS _Telephy Build LIN leganc ee eRe rom D tor Sale FiRst Ce. rristers, iid Hence 24 ft Nolg --TPADIO oi! Service Vins." Soe ex Mies range 452 |mare, Nene esha m 32 DSAY ane rs this Aaa ld POR ceafes heh L Coll ae ly Aah Bl sy penal: Bia Gucee Sr call = oe to ia Sh ee 4-5212 Saad ans ence ts | te in eo coll 723 on A Whitby Rochon aia av . a E : | work . Call 72 * DROOM le tor h \WANTE hone 728-487; laze ane 'show. f s living eting i ing service ion and in excel- 9p | are Aust n Manto all NTA aan e: ford: play rings salina: | Wet! = oe 2, Sheek. TOO amily 'ond aint in spa- Pia 5 prepaid pois Z m, ¢ --Netloos Evento ical Servi sec Lis is FOR anteed, pehae taba $15.; a an ae | evenings. ¢ age rege i: room room, | ing room ing buildi id. Be read) All all sales AVAILAB ices HOL SALE 531.3 oh "amplifiers, gg ole T mings: od home for. regia MAK abe por Giana | OP ing. ady for not get AVAILABLE | for MES = USED ado, $10.7 at, $202 5,835 7 a co rene ER appearance s. The ed- EN EVEN Sail ' or on, organist, 'naek 0.3 washer on 8) aint 'aah: Arti SS 14 Ae is kee of thi exterio ' INGS , ples = ta een Cageoy ELECTRO Hep isn, oe aioe Bee icles Want @ work on i cre. Mu I Dial 728-4678 required, siephone 7abd84t Optional *av0| 5 NICS TRIO T endition ibis Betore 6 cottee, 329. TV] HL dear SED FURNITURE oa jigs and fixtures precited Pe ek Pood | «20 M -4678 quired. : azz | HO! abl ITER p.m, two iture, Call w - Gan + skin e ap- aga | INE 72 ELEVISIO able price, R FoR int ny, | 1S--Ar ee oe $3.25 per terms we price $32 Bab Jeans os ae Bee Allah 8 5679 35 8-5143 N Vacuu Eo ~~ Reason- Article: Piasge _-- hour. te FINAN ranged 2, pore HAL head dl Ernest M FILL $ Division NACUUM, REPAIR Telephone efor Rene A ILL HEL CIAL A : ohn O'D: urter 72) -9365 EL Ann Phone ike REGIS w St. eres ie. ree 5, ail Tab! ent pply Bo P YOU SSISTAN' Jack H riscoll 8-5416 Wal nT help 723-3492 OOMS with payin baer eg RE na re les, Chai x 4949 Cc LIS SELL ICE logan 725-8 ter M you Peat Bigg . ith Sao walk wu kering. m service, Mah ui 3, Cutl airs, Lin OSHA 7 ENTRA T WITH OR BUY 72 585 a acariter te oe ouTr Main an. Urns ef, Gla ens, Dish WA T L ONTA Ww. MEMBE 8-1554 ad, dag eel TIT, ine 0213.) Wear Punch nar eAteE IMES AFTER RIO TRU' 'a. fist RODR P. Dain. eh 10) Scout Ml fea More orca Bridel TRUC pelidag ecscrentl ST ves a aaa gy ae ue oulfit, ex cura; Mi Formals ridal tT KD Tscn. Thom LEASE C H and M.L 5337 pel aii § , Mink Stol s, White ° drive RIVE om Hou pson 72 ALL 5V; URRY L. LS. er 2 ARGE. Stoles. spri stake R Ralph ston 8-2870 Va ro AST C | ANT' ing rush truck, : H Schof 668- c om hi HANCE! 463 Ri T'S REN per doy, Needed Fyre larvey. Ho, ield cey ponte vine 'Holl E! iecnerd tson Rd. $. 7 TALS | C sasalts hohe Wetas 655 bats si lly decorat tel hee ag oud! Kno . $ 725- ff ns & ion ed, t . 5-3338 ooper-Smi ice Phone Series 401. B Neweditan Fi i Kaghrye 16 ith Met fen ee oe i doa to lo Bo CE 52 ss th ij se J pr LIN ie) RE 21 jan i Cost to ean A ST. . SULTS? _ $15,500, $3 town, F $3,500 Ve Pea Acti Use Ti gage arrd 3,500 di ull price tnon C ction W. imes oage arronees by ah Steve Enc ant Ads seat ede aie 1856. George N Se eey. THING? Place Lloyd Cor * finder. lost ad ad in Lucas Pe jal 723- Di i ick You GUIDE | 16

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