Soviet Ship Sinks Killing 79 Off Coast Of Skagerrak Straits AARHUS, Denmark (Reuters) |shortly after sending a distress A 2,435-ton Soviet trawling fac-|signal at about 3 a.m. (9 p.m. tory ship sank in the Skagerrak}EST Monday). There was no Straits off the north coast of|immediate indication of the Denmark today, killing at least|cause of the sinking. ' 10 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, February 28, 1967 | US. St epping Up War More | Snowdon Denies Rumors BEFORE THE MAGISTRATE | | Entered Plea OfNot Guilty But Johnson Govt Quiet Of Marriage Split - Up By JAMES MARLOW ling North Vietnamese shore or the start of a new, stepped- 120 miles By JULIAN BATES NEW YORK (Reuters)--Lord | fromjup effort to force the North to| Snowdon today tried to carry on| ss n y tried to carry On|T must be able to move around I just must be able to work as an ordinary journalist. i don't intend to sit back and not work, Oshawa Man Fined $50 Associated Press News Analyst/installations | WASHINGTON (AP) --_ It|Hanoi. _.____|the peace table. |working as an ordi bh : : 7 ; | sounded a bit ike: February, | For weeks the administration Yet, despite all the sott-wonk lraphel here after Genylar ten. Hke an ordinary photographer." gs a ed be 79. ae Naval i page said roe TAMBIT *"/played all this in a rather lowjing throughout his meeting with|line r if ih hina It is doubtful if the New York| The Danish Navy sal survivors, which were picke e g withiline rumors: of a rift in his six- |men were rescued from the icyjup from two lifeboats by Toronto 'sa _|press will allow him to do this F 2 re i |today and Wednesday--the time |a"™ of the North Sea, but little|another Russian vessel, were |he had planned to spend quietly \ope remained of finding any|suffering from severe exposure. Quotations in z----Odd lot, x rights, xw--Ex- from previous James Mitchell, 21, of 239)suspended sentence after plead- 1965. ; oe ; : Cordova Road, was fined $200 orling guilty to a charge of false) That was the time of the pig| Key until it became apparent)reporters he left little doubt the|year marriage to Princess Mar Neu sit ; ald bia Gar |the war had entered a newjwar has intensified to make the|garet 60 days in jail after pleading pretences arising from herjexplosion in Vietnam but the phase and bombing had Pedrenaietd bladed start talki garet. not guilty in Oshawa Magis-|passing a bad cheque for $35.|Johnson administration didn't| SiH lio end Hid alking about how) Lord Snowdon, who arrived) ./ in, y SP DEES lather eubvivors Alive trate's Court Monday to a|Magistrate Dodds also imposed/make a big thing of it at the)" rt 4 a Gk a sted: i. ai here Monday from Japan, said AIMCO RRS MeL alge ed The bodies of 43 men were|EXPOSURE THREATENS charge of dangerous driving. ja limited' probation SupULAUnE Ame. SN Nee eee iton| Web Nes a Ane will meet the Princess in The tographs he took in is on . "| ecovered and were being Rescue workers said it was Bahamas March 9 for a 10-day pan. impossible for a human being i ann 1 i ids iati were the start of a step-u Mitchell was clocked at 70|that she be of good behavior! Now there can be no doubt|the bombing raids as retaliation i p-up, raph : Jal : : f miles 'per hour ina 30 mile per|and keep the peace. the United States is stepping up|for_ "'Provocations"" from the| Johnson weDen: |vacation together. Newspapers, television cam. brought into Danish ports, by ove ive in the ice cold waters Stock $2 hour zone at Park Road and the war even more but the|North. An American air base at| "I would say there is some) .When asked to comment on eramen and magazine writers) or eaid' naval spokes-/ 'the straits for more than an Accra 'Adelaide Avenue on Jan. 23, |DAMAGE Johnson administration is much|Pleiku in South Vietnam had|activity taking place that wejrumors of a rift, which began in|Mave tried (9 reach him since The shi , js-|hour po ae Eric Brown of 49 Warren restrained about saying so. been shelled. | ror et say is normal through/Europe and were boldly front- res shed Hing oe ge into lcd aes Ponies eg A dozen 'hips remained at rds Par eres 5 paged in New York newspapers | ae Bae eekeno : the scene to search for the re- ru i ASSAULT Ave., entered a plea of guilty) Two years a this th, During the weekend US. ae ; : p years ago this mon g This sounded like one of the|Monday, he said: She Ege aD aves 0 Our, maining missing men, but re- Paul Young, 33, of 1313 Cedarjto a charge of willful damage|the U.S. really began to inten-/Navy planes began mining the i St. was fined $50 and costs|after destroying city property| sify the war against North Viet- rivers of North Vietnam, long- pre icesegape ad of the year.| "The first thing I knew about Leigpe apap bs Pe ag the rumors Canadian Film ported poor visibility and severe Arcadia 5 when he pleaded guilty and was|to a cost of $13.99. The magis-/nam with bombing raids that|range American guns began vie aout Epona I think|it was when I read the things pate ll gp " Ps taal cold. Saas and the , if you searched, find|in the New York evening papers) new film Aca na The first vessel to reach the Beret u Bethim é Black Bay 5 BL Hawk 24 Brunswk 7 Bunk H 106 Camp Chib 4 yoren Ob eRe: Released In March 2.2 of the sinking, a notorious assault|trate called the act 'very ir- ver have st 'shelling the North, never have stopped except for| shelling e some comparable action here/today. |peare's Taming of the Shrew, | paras " " MONTREAL (CP) -- Loca- shipping "graveyard ws U.S. Navy began shelling the and there! come simil ti Ae _|North Vietnamese coast. ne Pike ilar actions.|; "This kind of gossip -- such < ; P S I wouldn't want to put my|rumors--began the day after we|Sta'ting Richard Burton and_ ee . ; : \tion shooting in Vancouver for treacherous and shallow waters National Film Board's off the coast of Denmark, was convicted of common \ @ following a Feb. 4 incident in-jresponsible" and fined Brown'some brief holiday truces. volving Young 9 alg Pot $50 and costs. | And at that time naval ve acott of 139 Garrar 0a! MINOR sels--the North called them| But at his news conference|cregipility in doubt by saying|were married." |Elizabeth Taylor. | Wearing white satin - silk\the Magistrate D. B. Dodds told ; _, _,{U.S. vessels, the U.S. embassy|Monday President Johnson--re-| it Young that his action was high-|_ Brian Small, 17, of 74 Cabot ; ; A inis f 1965--didn't make it never had happened before) Jacketless and relaxed as he},,. : ' ' ' ve ; ssi sse! Vili "is ly improper and warned him|St., was fined $50 after plead-|Vignitogas ships started: shel: miniscent of ound momentous| atc, ten have somebody do alinterrupted work on the 4,000 trimmed with white. mink a1id)Waiting for Caroline has been)"nicxed up the. 27 pons Com. 4 against taking the law into his|ing guilty to a charge of minor : hbo Els : =| little research han find that on|photographs he took in Japan, pouagae ie oe royce jewels, yi sp cong | at thelr ns P P : Teen a own hands. consumption. loccasion something had hap-|Lord Snowdon said in an inter- Ss alke wi urto, actor ontreal studios ends in March. haar ; ; fo Candor 106 Rita McCaffery, 835 Oxford| 2 pened that was at least com-|view 12 hours after he slipped Laurence Harvey and Mia Far-| The 90-minute color produc- ures ane fat em ged pooh x $150 FINE St., pleaded not guilty to a| or lan a eve 0 men parable." quietly into New York that he|!o™', rank Sinatra's wife. As|tion, starring Alexandra Stew- lists. geod & Men pro: org Although Wilbert Simpson, 37,|charge of common assault but! | A little research showed the|evaded reporters at Tokyo Air- iy fog the theatre, members|art of Montreal, is to be shown [a= eS mere of Parag tem page sige ocho was found guilty and ordered ms . . (eee ota dia ne port by travelling a day early veal teh te SB scatatideed 5 first on CBC television and will Coin Lake § guilty to driving -|sign a one-year recognizance to, ; id concede thejand using tourist class. ss smiled{then go on general movie re- oniagas sion, Maxisirare ga -- keep the peace. Prime Example Of Govt. Rid s:eran weekend activity is wien : saat happily. lsake: i GUARA RTY Se ee him guilty and fined him 'more far-reaching" than what ETTER London newspapers coupled; As ¢ j New Rings y C Bellek = & and costs or 30 days in jail.| LIQUOR ey sues NELAON oe ; had been happening during the| On the flight from Japan he|their front-page stories of tral oe Doe Miss Stewart has TRUST € Callan 2 Simpson claimed he was turn-| Jules Roullard, 119 Brock St. Be as he tel W. Neville Keefe, general|last few weeks. He could have|Wrote a letter to the Princess--|Snowdon's denial of a rift with |(Wo leading men, Robert Howay | € Marben 7 ing the car around when stop-/F., pleaded guilty to a charge) , oS ae eile = oil based . i Georgian Bay|said the United States had gone|(escribing his last four days in|pictures of the smiling Princess|0f Vancouver and Francois} TE © Mogul ped by police on Jan. 12. of being in possession of liquor} ustry department is pointing regional evelopment council/beyond anything it had done/Japan when he: grew a beard|at the movie premiere. |Tasse of Montreal. Also ap-} 32,,KING ST. E. fon Negus x in a place other than his resi- to' the southern Georgian Bayjoffice in Midland, says capital! before. to hide from Japanese photog- | : ; | C- Rambler 1 IMPAIRED dence' Roullard received a $20/ad Muskoka area of Ontario expansion in the past 18 months! phen th : raphers--and postcards to Vis-| ; et Open To Serve You € Red Pop 6: Yvan H. Gilbert of 253 Athol|'i-6 and costs or 10 days. Paul|as one of its prime examples of/has been greater than in the| yion yeti he Statement! oount Linley and Lady Sarah| Heeety nee |Toronto and Bill Lassiter of the) ea St., pleaded not guilty to alyjorees of 380 Gibb St.. Osh-/"eW industrial de v.elopment/previous 10 years. bl catatat meaning of the) armstrong - Jones, their chil-| PORTSMOUTH, Englan q/B.C. Lions, who appears in! Mi GUE Thurs: 9 to 5 Craigmt charge of drunk driving, but awa, and Wayne Little, 310 Gil.|sparked by government help| Some of the major new in- J ' re dren, he said. : \(CP) --Police were asked to|Character as a football star. Sona x was convicted on the lesser bert, Whitby, received the same|and local initiative. : : |stallations are plants being built sees said: He mailed them in Seattle|KeeP an eye open for a missing} Besides being used for fhree| Friday q to G D'Aragon charge of impaired driving and| rine for the same offence. | More than $100,000,000 in pri-|in Collingwood by Goodyear) "I think that each day the|while changing planes to go to|car in this Hampshire navy|weeks on location, Vancouver is pec Or fined $100. Mr. Gilbert caused vate capital has been poured | Tire and Rubber Co, of Can-|road we follow is a search for)New York. |town. It wasn't stolen--the ow-|the home of the film's et §6Saturday 9 te { [hol ae an estimated $3,500 damage into close to 70 new or expanded/ada, Harding Carpets of Can-|peace. Everything we do is in| Because The Bahamas vaca- ner just forgot where he parked |ducer, Ron Kelly, and its script y Dome after he hit three parked cars MARKS THE SPOT industrial enterprises in the re-|ada, Electronic Components|that direction. I believe that|tion was so close, Lord Snowdon it. iwriter, G. C. Robertson. © Dunraine while driving east on Athol| INDIANAPOLIS (AP)--State|gion, the department says in ajLtd., and Barton Distilling|what I am doing--the course|said, he did not consider it a | East Mal Street. troopers throughout Indi-jreport it is sending out to in-|(Canada) Ltd. open to me now--is the best|/worth going back to London for tl "ine 125 FINE ana mark the scene of fatal|terested trade journals. In Midland, there are new/|calculated to bring that about|just a few days after his three scl $ Fr k Cruikehanks of 296 traffic accidents with aj| Until 18 months ago when the|RCA Victor, Motorola, an Gee days' work in New York. He is Gnt Maset G tell St slew 77 d $125 on white cross by the roadside. In|boom started, the region was|Lembo Corp. plants. "T don't see any other altern-|staying at the New York home la py a ued nee ate ang|{uture,, crosses where a life largely dependent on the seas-| Owen Sound is providing alative . . . . Our principal ob-lof an old friend, Alexander Lic Gortdem = ol ot "5 i 'uhicls while|Might have been saved bylonal industries of farming and|new home for Canadian Pitts-|jective there is to provide the|berman, editor of Vogue maga- arentrey 3 ¥ Seay te a ueaee OF Bicone wearing a seat belt are to be|tourism. It was accustomed to burgh Industries, RCA Victor,;maximum deterrent to peoplejzine. randuc baa -|marked with red paint. Thelsettling down "to a long winter|Goodyear Tire and Rubber and|who believe that aggression) Lord Snowdon appealed to bi Green Prt 1 SEVEN DAYS police say there might have|of economic hibernation" when Bow Mar Assemblies. pays with a minimum cost tolallowed to work a i ordin i Gunner \ Robert L. Dubeau of RR 1,|been 267 fewer fatalities in 1966|crops were harvested and tour-| Corning Glass Co., is building} us and them." photographer Whed ba a aeai| Hastings Trenton, testified on his ownlif seat belts had been worn. ists went home. a plant in Bracebridge. | He said this after trying to ment for the. London Sanaee| Hods "Bay behalf and claimed extenuating Several communities were|. Not counting additions to ex-|tone down his '"far-reaching"|Times or other publications iets ta circumstances but still found FACES THE MUSIC designated as ones of slow eco- isting plants, these alone will|phrase by saying: "I don't| He had been working in Japan Irish Cop himself with a $20 fine or seven _|nomie growth, chronic unem-|provide an estimated 6,500 new) mean to imply that these week-|for four week yhat h we y ain tal | CINCINNATI (AP) --Charlie|ployment, and low non-farm|jobs. ; ee four weeks on what he called | Jelex xz days in jail on a charge of be : ' ployment, jw non-farm) } end actions are in themselvesjan "essay" with text and pho- Joliet a ing drunk in a public place. Underwood's will provides that|family income, and became el-| But the industrial boom has|a far-reaching thing." tographs of Japanese life. Kerr aoe "On your own evidence," saidjhis friends shall hold a memor- igible in August, 1965, for £OV-|caysed some concern in other| Congress produced both} "There's no question of me) gee Magistrate Dodds, "I'm obliged]ia} party 30 days after his ernment help under the Areal 4. ctions. A housing shortage|Praise and criticism for deci-|trying to hide in New York as! irk Min 4 to enter a conviction. Obvious- i ih Development Incentives Act. f & shortage! sion to mine North Vietnamese| The (New York) Post suggested. | FN ti! ly, you're a man who shouldn't death with a Dixieland band.| Captial grants are made un-|May develop when hiring of| waterways st suggested. | Kopen be drinking." Dubeau claimed|Filing it for probate, attorney der the act for both new indust-|plant workers begins in ear-| Senator Stephen Young (Dem. a beet | do.cetles tates ecileney. Tm Charles W. Greger said the gM ea ate tion earer ae? nest, and municipal authorities | Ohio) said the aim of U.S. LEWIS | were in electe: e the|/party would probably be held 1. ; l|are moving to meet it policy apparently "is to make LL ven-( s . : Pr hs . ' . a ss L Lae ---- by Underwood's son and widow Hie er telagel dl ona 1} Requirements for new water gg il candes eat OPTICAL of the finest Canadian. whiskies, this country has ever tasted' teu 3 SUSPEND SENTENCE - though they might not spend/land and Owen Sound, with ef-|mains, sewers, roads, schools|even the water. buffalo." He 101% "King Stre + West If by Gilbey' wat Brenda Bagnell of 429 Austin|the $2,500--a quarter of the/fects spilling over into thejand hospitals will strain munic- protested the new military a King Ssrest Wost it aes © Mate Ain | Court, received a six-monthiestate--he specified. smaller nearby communities. |ipal resources. move. 725-0444 { Minor 1 \ = MultiM eee, | N Harrl é | OPEN DAILY Ni Imperal 7 T0 6 P.M YOUR N Que Reg! | ep PLYWOOD [ae FRI. TILL 9 P.M. = HEADQUARTERS ; See | N Rank Obaske 1 1279 SIMCOE ST. oo uae Gpemske | COE ST. NORTH -- OSHAWA 728-6291 -- YOUR ONE-STOP BUILDING SUPPLY CENTRE ae Pine Point Pp cr FI R SOUTHERN PECAN Pyramid Wall -- ne CASH and CARRY ae io PLYWOOD Panelling IN 100 FT. MEASURING TAPE ie hr, : A low cost quality t that's ideal for th ing j L Sati (ight. madium er dark) q y tape that's ideal for those spring jobs Satellite WATERPROOF BOND 4x 8 sheets, around the house, garden or yard. Regular 8.98, Si Miller 3 GOOD ON ONE SIDE ao 3.99 | write THEY LAST : DOORS Sia ; Steep : Sullivan Unx4x8 -- Trough & Texmont . Prehung, full 11/4" thick. T i Tombill icant 6.75 MAHOGANY LOUVERED P LYWOOD CEILING Hl ILE Accessories Hes orice compaeohle wih ete Tormont | seeteees foe, gusty Beat, See Uy ASbestes Yax4x8 8.40 INDOOR SHUTTERS SPECIAL Rand A ti Plain Whit ee 2,12 | srities for above: doors. Regular 2495. gh seat Availeble in 24 sizes from andom Acoustic | ain i e 3" corrupated down Urban @ .: r pipe, Mw xdxt 9.75 11/16 x 4 x 8 coca suitable for be i 12" 24" T, d PE IR er staackaeyes 2.16 NOW ONLY teu seeeeres al to . each vanities, kitchen cupboards, china 12" x 12" Butt Joint 64 - ongue on 3" corrugated elbows bbl . 11 40 cabinets, etc. pes. per' carton. Groove. 32 pcs. per carton. | each ee Ue RoE wx4x8...... r) Regular 11.90 PER SQ. FT. Trough ends, 23 69 GOOD TWO SIDES Step-saving family gift! 10 ren Se. Fr. Ue r 10 My Ce lac Ree 256 . Ol : ££ ORT E | SPECIAL 95 ONLY 2 ONLY 2 Trough connector 306 ercinaes sake oe 6 50 Cesh and Carry Carton Lots Only aes re Sail ea ally any ase 3 hook Ce es"? Ht % x 4 x 8 seek ae 8 FLOORING sq. + per carton. pitt rive hooks 226 ¢ Ee. Gas Fagin er ley ikele ba o ete Mb Bee B20 SPECIAL DISPOSAL BAG ar 9 85 Ss Charter O Yaw 4x8 ......;; a Butler with lid. 4 95 Chiefian D Vinyl Asbestos, 1/16 gouge, 9 x 9. ONLY sis ioe eae as 2 rene mua 11.20 1"elor carton tats enh) igs 7 eens Regular 11¥gc. NOW each .... ® Gt Cols %nx4x3 12 85 D GREEN PLASTIC Tot. Hellum ile Ee Jie PMS a e Vinyl Asbestos, .080 gouge, 9 x 9. Mill City Regular 14e each GARBAGE BAGS N Cont STANDARD NOW each : ee . Factory reject. 4x 4x8 - Ain a SHEATHING ; sheets. Regular 3.70 50 ... 3.15 Okalta Vinyl Asbestos, .080 gouge, 12 x 12. SPECIAL for: a Pa' G vertine. i; % ace 3 60 ROW aon eee ec ; Provo Gas S/16x%4x8 ...... e 2 49 ZIPPER SEAL ts - Vinyl Asbestos, .080 9 i - 4,30 AUTOM ATIC tt ee . PLASTIC BAGS sae iti saa eae! Ra Se BA 8 U_ Canso 6 boos 110 * 15" aa as W Decalta Vth a8 issacds 5,85 Vinyl Asbestos, 1/16 gauge. 12 x 12, ONUY cea es as 79° Opens, closes garage door Heritage. Reg. 20¢ each, IND Rede d Gi. 7.20 from inside your car NON Se eS ZIPPER SEAL Abitibi é Acklands In bad weather, at night, push-button y Alta Gas T Mx ESE. Ss 8.75 portable transmitter opens, closes door, SANDWICH BAGS Ages a lights up garage. Electronic components 20 bags 6' x 6", Alcan SELECT SHEATHING guaranteed one year--operator five years. ONLY beeen ene ee eens 59° Aerie» 4 45 Operator and nas 2 S/16 x48 .:...:7 Transmitter ....;. ' SIFTER SPAY Asbestos x S ce $210. Atl Suger cast 5.10 Extra Transmitter $35. FREEZER BAGS Atl Sug A aa Installation ... $30. 10 bags 712" ' ~ Renate F gs 2¥e x 1d, gar mada... or OY oe ee, Berk NS 5ex4x8 CANAD ; Bell. Phne T 8 'ongue and Groove . .. Us REOToP ZIPPER SEAL % Bramalea : ST E E L COMBINES MODERN ARCHITECTURE os ; Brariien FACTORY GRADE baibleledeg = STORAGE BAGS j ae ey A © WOODEN DOOR press on wall... : BC Sugar Off Cer Specie GARAGE DOORS ae oo ae ee Bt ae j ane $ ' pr 4.92 or os TWeRNaER sep eoaatn Ube that's all? ONLY 2 rs 4 BCPH aad, %x4x8 ....0... 08 ay e+e Fully weather-stripped THE ORIGINAL SELF-STICKING : Can Bread wikus 8.65 | °C oe §9.25 =~ 3/6" saa vat DIMENSIONAL VINYL WALL cal wer "x48 .,e0e. ee joes Screen PANELS BY Can Malt Oe 6708 Si i iiss 59,25 +++ Self screen ond window storing ly Decro-tile UTILITY an rm Wetth ss. 7,65 66.75 PINE Model EOVNR-R2110 j oe 90" x 770"; oc ecci e 13m x 2! 8" x 6 BM 3» » the washable wall panel with 4 Cdn Brew 66.75 re 20.50! TAPPIN BUILT IN OVE Hive an nrg wal Ds . is ' 9'0" eis : ' 1% x 2' 10" x 6 10". N ave an uninteresting wall? Decro- & Birch & Basswood MOG os esrn. 'A Bit 15! 90! per bag 4.65 EACH .. 3 29.50 tile-it-yourself in minutes. Ideal for \ éB A ee ya Fa . i ee € ¢ MOULDING 18 OY x66 eases 136.00 3" x 15"--60' ina REDWOOD Hoa a 3-dimensional contro! panel encasing on automatic clock, timer, kitchen, bath, den, oy TOOM . Ye x 4 x 8 Sheets c omila 136 per bag 4.70 13% x 2' 8" x 6' 8" 31 25 rotisserie and oven light switch, plus a handy cooking temeprature guide. Box of 6, 12" x 12" panels, covers sheep We have in stock a large selection 160" x 7'0" .... 00 4" x 15""--45' per bag 4.65 ne 2' 10" x 6 10" 2 Other features include automatic roast contorl, top light, built-in rotisser- 6 feet. Reg. 1.90 é Food pr of ornamental . moulding, pitcure Available with 2 lights in each E a" EACH as 37.25 a Vite hier one peek Faitiaty large capacity wedgewood blue REG. 3.98 3 lie] as frame moulding and wood carving. single, door, add 3.40 per light. B 415 28G° 134 x 2' 10" x 6' 10" oven with removable liners and broiler tray. 3 72 5 ; ¥ 2 30' per bag 4.60 EACH 38.95 ONLY Aen aaa 269.00 SPECIAL Us n @ ¢ Tadarésin}