siinidaesiainaiaiai a -- ae THE OSHAWA TIMES, ARE YOU GOING TO | Wace YOURE INJAIL, Mi] ¢ X WONDER IF I WAS A DARNED FOOL! 6 Tosiiay; fibniary 20; 1967 Hou CIVE HIM UNCA DONALD, MAY, NOW T'LL HAVE TO BLY SOME GUY A ' ' A TICKET, tMOsT SE YOUR NEW BICYCLE. -- Seren CER (ae, , BRIDGE P be MI] [BLANKET TOo' e E By B. JAY BECKER st. TI ect (Top Record-Holder in Masters' Housewif a "u Individual Championship Play) euit famil loa extra mo z 5 South dealer. , Both side vulnerable. plan S - The fir NORTH to 3 p.m. 4KI7 family fe 99742 be home : @A9863 and in ti ' &6 later shif PUCKER UPR, BLONOIE--* DUSTED HIM ON BOTH SIDES! IF WEST EAST to prepar IM GONG TO HAVE in p E. CAN' DO ME A COUPLE MORE. THAT #1085 626452 de tan GETTING MORE Like WAY..TLL BE ABLE TO GET JANE ] | was ¥ 106 father he PROREEDONAL POOTRALL K AWAY FROM THIS OUTFIT/ S> @Q510 txtee en EVERY iene ay hQ974 #103 The sh ri ' SOUTH the Esse be Fa] @Ao facturers = ¥KQJ8 systems { a o4 The co: 9 | hAKI852 a labor s! 7) : The bidding: a plant South West North Fast a a 72 oe fe te 000 lett = 19 Pass 29 Pass gg gen im he it sinen th 6y -- plications were hire ram) Tiiek f VK RAERS COREE 3 5 SOME THIS 44 EXTRACTED FROM MY cu ~ Opening lead -- queen of dia- of them j = CAREERSS CHEST-- LOST 3 DAYS' PAY BECAUSE NOTHING SERIOUS, | [ DALEY ANDHIS )> ie f oS Shad, to earn | NO NEED TO SPY, MRS. ONE HOUR OF YOU, LI'L FELLA!7--AND THIS PHIL.YOUD BETTER | | RELIEF MAN ARE. | a ! al | Triumph control is the key fac- rest are FLINTNOSE." | WILL AFTER HE'S \ A\ KNIFE--REMOVED FROM MY COVERING THE f H p tor in the play of many hands, UNIONS TAKE ONLY MY OWN FIRED-HES ||| BACK~S'GHIT--- FORCED ME. TO o fk BEFORE THEY FIND j However, it is a two-way strcet The shi | VALUABLES." DESTITUTE!! BUY A NEW SUIT-- YOU DID, Ss AWAY OFF THE tial dae be naga be sitar the he shi = YOU LITTLE RASCAL !/ ° OOF... q a ' y , operation SB ET) 3 =O 4 i offence or the defence. This deal Internatio | o ' : wt bs dq? shows how the defence can ex- chinists it 8 i ercise control over trumps to United St a] A { defeat a contract. : at Ingers a i The two spade bid was a slam Patrick ond fs ; try. When North, to identify represent: =| H full value fo¥ his previous raise ers, says Oo 7 : in hearts, jumped to four hearts short shif fa ; South went on to the slam after the comp 177) : first making sure that North soll, and with the ace, ing full t Declarer won the . diamond The ho aeemeameenonse = lead with the ace and played a health an low heart to the king. The out- fits, but THE CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LTD Sn hnged el ° on whether West took the king plans, Me kith the ace. $1.30 an h First, let's see what would $1.25 in | have happened had West taken are due the ace at this point. He would August. presumably have continued. with Mary 0 a diamond for South to ruff. a railroad Declarer would then cash the a ace of clubs and ruff a club; A 00 next play a heart to the queen Dartn and ruff another club. This & plus tax would establish his remaining For C clubs as tricks, and all he would ee ease = -- then have to do is lead a spade Psd to the ace, draw West's last artmou Pee, TELEVISION LOG ial phate ok RUN HOME AN? " But West saw that if he took Th the king of hearts this might e me Channel 12--Peterborough 00 PLM, ; : é ons rae ws Channa! 1t--Hamilten | 7--Fugitive topo Bowe | happen. So he allowed the king oid town 4 Channel s--Recnester | 4-c.6°5" News Specie) | tite e late? j aes et a Channel 7--Buttave iio 4-4-cbonnle Braddon SON-IN-LAW, H As a result, South could no hag ee 'Toronte yo sock Channet ¢--Burtale wal) P.M. Scmaslatrales Court CAN FIX b| |!onger make the contract. If he After b Channei 3--Barrie 1-6-12 -- Public Eye 7---Dating Game THIS DARN .s| |tried to ruff two clubs in dum- t Cnanne: 9--Burtele ease we ie van Dias SCALE FOR | |my, East would overruff the riagtial e 7h 2B bs sce we -B--Hellyws quares M ' sii TUESDAY SVE. : ME? 3] {second one with the ten. 00 PM. venae a ig 1-Carton. tony. { And if he elected instead to 2 Fon 0 12--Cartoons Viewpoint 7--Neney Movie - H to reach t 1--Family Theatre 11.25P.M 9--Torento Today 3] |lead another round of trumps. 850 bronz rtsrerne" tSiewa Weather, sports | sNews" "Weafver, Sport a with seve &Passport 4-Skiing with 'sein 3--Popeye and Pals 3} {would oe the rei a win- cies. ury 8 PM, 2-8--Jeopardy m ning with the ace and leading a Missin 5:90 P.M. 7--Movie 12:30 P.M, Y a a F 8 . : third round of trumps. This 12--M = hi #McHoe's Navy 2A lohnyarnn Tie Match e would eventually lead to West's drawing ? usic Hep Ed llbahiod News; Weather; scoring the setting trick with town cres' ; d-Laredo ang toe "ie re es fe the queen of clubs. initials at | i a0 P.M. vie $-4--Search for Tomorrow West played on the assump- When th 2 -- Merv. Gri ; H EcReath tor the Top 0 eS PM, magi I'VE BEEN ON A tion that declarer had four ered the s 4 44:12-News, Sports pans add PO aie: +4---Guiding eign hearts and six clubs. By duck- the medal: b e:20 PM. l--Mystery Theatre N--Theatre STRICT DIET FOR ing the king of hearts he main- proved fru bi }2--Sirl_ trom | UNCLE piniecciy PMovie TWO WEEKS AND tained control ov als split ¥ ----Pierr ' ertol irginia Graham IT HASN'T BUDGED ------ a - R th 3-6-9--News; i i ather se iiaaine sports| acaptain Kangaroo 1Hen casey AN INCH OFF tion to w -2--Huntley, Brin 2.30 AM uncheon Date i68 LBS? D G ll S museum s SONOS on PM. peer pth OF shay tion evaulle yeen cept deliv | 11--Captain Nice €:55 A.M. 1:38 P.M, already ca M4 9--F-Troop 7--Dialing for Dollars 64--As The World Turns ----------antoi y @--America Girl Talk 2-8--Let's Make A Deal As F art ] . Scuanwinesnies sei taaltag 7--Newi' tied Ga e u . Petticoat Junction ee were Ga-password NEW: jews. lg -S--| fT hanged bs Reo SE Vote Result Ls News, Wesiher Sports 4 Rennie, Prudden Kpasle in Conflier "es mn ie . PI, le in Con 7 ; DONE SOME SNOOPIN' ABour )MMall [x WRIT DOWN SOME 7.0 P.M, Ot Sie a va Ihe PARIS (AP)--Protests filled G c one YOU TWO. YOu SHAPE UP "Att! | ©! AGREEMENT BETWEEN ar fig dcLove "ot Lite Laas San le? ~~, geet cg ae oe HONEST. 'THAT'S ALL R.C,KLONDIKE'S W_| YOU AN' MB, YOU FIGURE. it -69-11-12---Onterl ra P pe ae aco GOT T'KNOW ABOUT HiS PARTNERS, 2! | IT'S FAIR--SIGN IT. <<\ , : "¢=Dangerman Tick Ue tanta apne pene! > ati cage rough H weved after is being ; HERE, SONNY... wT, ae ; ee wee A.M. a eee Searle the official close of the cam- money, w y 3--Candid Camera N--Ed Allen Time 9--Words and Music ; _ : | i ' 2-8-11--Girl_ fr we 01 8-2--Another World paign for next Sunday's Na- farmland § 4 a = 'Lae . rs f | i UNCC cata Schools ves 7=General Hospital YOUR HEALTH tional Assembly election, be the dis \ $4-12-RedsSkelton Hour | Cccandi Camere, Pei THke 2 he F se om gh oes ag sone prgy Have 30 P. 3.25PM, oggi tarde, a A. te | OHO a wa Lesion Means Damage the etate radio and TV nete est island, 1invaders 9--Fractured Phrases \1--Farmer's Daughter . |works. bei be 4--Red Skelton 8-2--Concentration 9--It's Your Move "T can see only one explanas referendum nae Mla Bree tinpiiies sesipemen sion, 0 Fl Of A T tion," said former premier CHECK ac Baron 36-12 Friendly, Glant pee eee ot Niglt r aw ny ype Pierre Mendes - France. 'For BERLIN ed SS a anes : the first time he is afraid." The 9:30 PLM, 12-R R 11--Super Comi --Merv Griffin eoMike Deugies bol Lave cacy By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD WG campaign officially ends 24 staff of a t--Love on a Rooftop %--Mr, And Mrs, 8--The Match Game : ? 4 % ; director te ee Bed hours before election day, or 4--Petticoat Junction 4--Andy Griffith 3-6-12--Communicate r ' taken to a J--Minl-Skirt Rebellion ' 7--Supermarket Sweep | 4--Secret Storm Dear Dr. Molner: Please tell| At 77 and in good health, I'd|Friday night at midnight. De ar me what a lesion is.--Mrs. W.H.|go ahead with the operation,|G@aulle has announced he will : see syst CROSSWORD It means damage or flaw of|Risk to health is negligible|address the country Saturday phsther 'i almost any imaginable type. |Chance of success is excellent, Might. sored won A broken bone, a cut, a wart,|The stirrup is one of a linkage} Jean-Louis Tixier Vignancour, Bit to dete a sore, a bunion, a corn, al0f tiny bones: which transmit|® right-wing candidate, called Waar dor A re tumor, a bruise, a scratch-|the sound waves. If they be-(°" TV employees to strike half ggg de i=) ACROSS DOWN 15.Points these and many others all are|come locked in place, even loud Hon rd before de Gaulle's anomie o 1. Goad 1. Setting pts lesion: noises cannot get through|Proa cast. He suggested that 6 = 6 Spinning 2 Travel which as ot ves ete ie clearly ye ge workers strike also. OLDST! et's sa) ve an ulcer hat angered the 0; itios to dooum ' g pposition 9. Weighing 3. poste tel pres 3 on your ankle. We refer to it as} Dear Dr, Molner: Why do so|most was that no one will be FRUITL: device areeg peg : a lesion, regardless of how it got many reducing diets ask you tojable to answer de Gaulle on Mrs. Alf 10. Its cap- 4. Matter: duits al there. Or take some sort of reduce fluid intake? I realize|the state networks. During the earned her = * ttal is law 17. "Com- OMMATR AIL} problem involving a nerve. It) when the body loses water this|official campaign period the op- 58. years $ = Seatac SUN. gn EVIE NIEIOMME | may be infection, or the nerve|wilj result in a weight loss, dut|position and the present Gaull- . naa pep Prince aiocstaeys or Ee ees may be pinched, or some diease|jgn't this quickly replaced when|ist_ majority in the assembly oe ee a 12. Examina- anal Errore" ; m@ jmay be attacking the nerve!normal diet is resumed?--N.D.|split radio and TV time. But bats eae tous 6. Malt kiln servant Yeterdsy's Amewer (sheath. The word lesion still] You are quite right. The rapid|this airwave campaign officl- H ba 13."Tremulous 7 Brier 18. Tree 80. Laughing [Covers any of these. loss of a few pounds by "drying |ally winds up Friday night. Melon at 14. and 8.Belonging 21. Border 31, Without; It does not mean a disease.|out" may encourage some diet- outs to the 22. Confusion Fr. Measles is an example. The dis-/ers to keep on dieting. However, 2 WOMEN GUNS rosa authorof 23. Posted pep cal pone is : hcg wae but oe priya is ist by bg DON'T FANCY DOLLS TUEBINC 5 "Tristram 24. Lures . each spot on the skin is a lesiun.|fact that they soon become dis-| TOKYO (AP)--Chinese Red West Germ once Shandy" 25. Seine 37. Turf A lesion can be as small as|Couraged when the rapid loss Of/Guard dolls are jostling for ing with ; 29, Santis 4 9. Mix 29. Appore 38, Girl's a pinprick, as obtrusive as a/Wweight does not alge ke (SPACE in Japanese shop wine : year ago, = , ent: 11, Mad tions name black eye, as harmless as a| That's one reason why I take/qows but don't seem to have stitute rep fe abbr. wart, as dangerous as a cancer, |such a dim view of 10-day or/moved out of the stores in guns in 29 rs Poised Tp sae as complicated as a dissecting|two-week "'crash diets." They/jarge numbers: They appeared 'with one c deste V, Z aneurysm or as out-of-sight as|may seem to show a reduction|with shipments for the annual 34 per cen garden an itchy patch of athlete's foot.}0f Several pounds, but as soon|celebration of Japanese Girls' 21 per cent Oo 28. Wares It's a handy word which saves|@8_ the dieter starts drinking/Day, March 3. than one ¢ 26, Poker a lot of time, but you are notje¢nough water, most of the 27 stake the only one who is a bit puzzied| Weight returns, and the real loss . i 27. Casks 14 OG by the term. It's a Gok war of|may be only a pound or so. SALLY'S SALLIES OLD M poop herd 13 7 18 VTS saying "the place where some-| Note t9 M.T.: With the pain - BUDAPE , Shoo! thing is wrong." é Agree aay s rian anthr atars you describe, and inability to lz TW ; ; : y BI} 21 22 : : : ; nly ---- \\ termined: t $2, Hard VA, Dear Dr. Molner: I have se-\Taise your arm, I certainly found oa YOULL JusT Goon ENCE] | WHY LAR heed, 4 ; vite the |Suggest going t dist. sgteacins HERE IT 1S ONLY TUESDAY TIGHTEN YOUR mae Fe a Foe OULWHAT 960 Mgt | [A WEL aL TA oBB OT a 73 [24 25 vere hearing loss and witty the/suggest going to an orthopedis the Danube ANP YOU'VE SPENT YOUR THE NEXT FEW WEEKS AND CALL A LESSON IN BUDGETARY | IN DEFICIT palescsr most powerful hearing aid, I century ma WHOLE WEEKS ALLOWANCE... m7 PAY HIM BACK IN| | CONTROL... FINANCING 2' J Noe. 26 21 V777A \can hear only close-up conver-| POSES THE QUESTION someone & | = ft eee INSTALLMENTS.. I HAVE A ; fi x2 inlet V/, lA sations. I have been advised by|.;o5 ANGELES (AP)--Amer- He has bee Lr roe nA A BETTER IDEA, ) 4 36. Glory 28 VW3 30 [31 the hearing agency and an earlicans give 40 per cent of their Prince Bel : : Md GRAMPS... 7a 37. Type of AL i surgeon to have an operation tojincome to government at. all son of the =] v Ny t | K ps 32 33 134 U ZA3s loosen the stirrup in the earlievels, says California State the time, mi i og 5 y\« ; 39 me us a 36 W737 136 which is supposed 0 have be-/Treasurer Ivy Baker Priest: mains uns¢ : Po 4 . Two-spol Y, come anchored. It will not re-l«phe question is whether we go ; card store normal hearing but willljg 59 per cent or 60 per cent." SPIRIT wa 40, Baking 39 yr tly improve what is left eens PE cua S aoa greatly improve what is 'elt. U.S. treasurer under President YPSILAN a paw sg 7a a2 Y | Iam past 77 and in good gen-|Fisenhower, Mrs. Priest said p 4 There are i=] car 74 Yj eral health. Is such an opera-}there is a need to "face the| les emeee~ weve = ern Mict = . "26 | tion likaly to be successful, or is}realities and cut into the waste| "I'm sorry, Mr. Burke, but my beard-grow it unduly risky for health orjand_ inefficiencies in govern-| husband doesn't even want are de cit further loss of hearing?--W.A. |menf." me to work.". They're gl