Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 28 Feb 1967, p. 3

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, Fehruary 28, 1967 3A ' pene i OSHAWA'S ECONOMIC BACKGROUND ] e , a arriage iraae 5 ; 7 y | See e .e | O TOW ) y ft | : By The ;sranted a bonus of $50,000 to in population and large num- ° |HON, STANLEY J. RANDALL|the company to rebuild. bers of immigrants. : | Minister Of Economics And Peeia een aes bagel Increases in population -have | y McLaughlin car- t i ras v Development | riage works to redirect its OE etiony Page Tag Bi oes ' With an industrial hase as|Production to motor 'vehicles. 8" : : : : old as Confederation itself, the |in 1907, the company began consumer market, fostering a , ee tS {City of Oshawa enters Can-|Producing automobiles using /climate-favorable--to--the--culti- f lada's second century as one ot eres Buick engines and vation of further industrial lthe fastest growing and most/McLaughlin-built chassis. By ndvantes " 'progressive cities in the coun-|!915, McLaughlin had affiliated|"" oe A ag. jwith Chevrolet and three years | Central Ontario {s the key- i A son Ge Goaaaiin (up llater the associated Oshawa Stone of the province's 10 econ- os ban, enowned as Canada's larg-|qnerations became General/omic regions, both geograph- : ef 3 a : & oe , oe est source of cars and trucks,| yotors of Canada icaily and economically. By the HON, STANLEY J. RANDALL a -- ' . _ mneeemecunene , \Oshaw also boasts 70 other} From this and Bihar beals year 2000, Ontario's population : PRESENT CITY HALL OPENED JAN. 21, 1954 BY HON. LESLIE M. FROST, QC, THEN PREMIER e important industries which con- ms Rin- is expected to total 17,000,000 oan the 4 t soa! of : : 5 |tribute in no small way to the|nings, modern Oshawa has} _or 214 times its present size, |Peem the longest period of sus- e -- « Departmental Overcrowding Has Created City Hall Problem For Several Years development and prosperity of emerged. Commerce and in-|Already Central Ontario region tained growth since the Second . SPY mI UM a Te aR Bed the city and surrounding area.|qustry are playing the major|Contains about one-third of | World War. ae Hee cnet James McCansh Oshawa's widely diversified' 1, in th ty' eth qjOntario's population, and is the | Canada's centennial year a i ened ee : parol ge i adage PRE Tye BO ay ifastest growing ofthe 10 econ-|should see a continuing growth & eS * ae 3 rom bathing suits and_ rail-|@evelopr : : . jomic regions. More Yhan 50 per}; - 4 by Heads C Of i road equipment, to hair tonic,| The Central Ontario economic | cent of all immigr4nts to Can- ee s A] swimming pools, and sulkies'esion, of which Oshawa is alada settle in Ontario, a great | (hough this increase will prob» e James McCansh, president of|for harness horses jmajor centre, has a lot going/many of them in the central/@bly fall short of the record j|the Oshawa Chamber of Com- General Motors, of course, si Gis onsen hace, region. advances of the past few years. * |merce, is one of the most ac-, : h creases | ay : : ; : i Hive 'hukineas anen in the: come far the largest company in'in secondary manufacturing! vaieTo economy continied|Ontario has a growth potential 4 ; : | munity. the city. The automobile in- employment have provided jobs |! expand in 1966 --for thejof nearly seven per cent in e He has been manager of the dustry is forever bound in the for both the natural increase sixth consecutive year. This has 1967. 1 jmain eg rel vt of Pag annals of Oshawa's history. ee Bank of Montreal since Febru- : n te ' nay As early as the last quarter : ah of et i he sod orgie of the 19th century, Ontario O BIDEE AC UVAUES So. Sune oH ue had a flourishing carriage in work-day schedule, especially dustry, In 1871. it employed id jin the realm of the C of C. nearly 4.800 persons and as a | He has played an important eet sha ' }role on all of the Chamber's ; m | Z e adie dustry, turned out goods valued ° ° * Renee eee vmct few tears [At more than $3,000,000 Now Celebrating 10 Years in Business s > ' ' |He is also active as a director lof the Greater Oshawa Com- Mainly to the more populous | munity Chest. Scotland and came to Canada Wood stands, the prime source in 1923 and /Bank of Montreal iver. He served extensively with|Central areas of the province |the bank in that province and {also was 'accountant during the plant was established in Wind- | Second 'branch in London, England . |countant at {Toronto branch later, he was named assistant|/Kingdom, Oshawa moved quick- jmanager there. Mr. McCanshily to help one was Sound branch of the bank in|transition period. The McLaugh-| 1950 and took over his present/lin carriage factory in Oshawa | Oshawa post in 1959. the province's sixth largest in Markets were restricted areas of Southern Ontario with jn Suitable roads. Ontario's hard- Suppliers of ... Brass Components to Canadian Industries LOFTHOUSE BRASS MANUFACTURING LTD. 310 HOPKINS ST. BOX 35 Mr. McCansh was. born the in- south- for found in the f raw material soon dustry, were joined in Vancou- While first Canada's auto World War with ajsor in 1904 by a group of Can- adian businessmen who ob In 1946 he was appointed ac-jtained the rights to produce and the bank's main/distribute Fords in the British Three years|Empire outside of the United its older a difficult of Owen |industries weather manager of the WHITBY jburned in 1899 and the town) ae # j RE : come i. ME CITY COUNCILS ONCE USED THIS BUILDING AT RICHMOND, SIMCOE STS. ..- It Was Torn Down After Opening Of The New City Hall Oshawa Favorite Mecca For Shoppers Near, Far Pah ng ER these outlets is reflected in| Oshawa hasn't nearly reach- tirement in 1895 was continued recent announcements whichjed its potential as a shopping by the Robson family under the| stress their expansion pro-jcentre mecca, one which style of James Robson and Sons. | grams for the near future. serves a wide area. Thanks to/ fFolioying the death of James' A major modernization and|the city's strategic location in| pop on the businesswas carried renovation program has beenja populous area, plus the per on be his two sons, Frank pias Robson Leather -- Started In 1865 The Robson Leather Co. Ltd. | was Established 1865 by the late James Robson and William Oshawa 'has the distinction of : being.. the largest shopping centre between Toronto and the Quebec border on the Lake Ontario shoreline and the trend in this direction. is encourag- e future. started by a group of down-|capita earning power of its in-|,, : go o some of the rea-(!0wn merchants on Simcoejhabitants, it has a sound) caries ei igi ec sora! street re hareigge: 4 below the future. Hes Robson took over and: con- The average weekly earn-|yas' designed to add consider. FIRST MANUFACTURERS --_ [tinued as President of the com- ings in Oshawa in 1965 waS)ahiv to the good appearance| Oshawa's first manufactur-| PanY agit is death in 1935, $117.59 as compared with $91.01) oF 'the street and will be fol-lerers, incidentally, were two|4 TAA B gs business was con-| in Canada. llowed by similar projects down-|s killed mechanics named tinue Peet two sons Charles Retail sales here in 1965 /town, Beagle and Conklin who ar-/@"4 Edward Robson. : totalled $109.1. million reflect-| "the downtown merchants|rived here in 1793. They made| Zhe original plant was sit-| spinning wheels, hand looms uated on Oshawa Creek on Mill : al > street ; but later burned down. sn id SoUIDIENS. 108 Nase The Robson family then took William) Bambride. establish-|°Vet the Whiting Plant, which ed a carriage and blacksmith manufactured scythes and farm business here in 1846, In. 1885/ Machinery, at its present loca- Robert Warren bought the John tion at foot of Whiting Avenue. Amsberry blacksmithing and! Present office building was tool factory and converted it|built in 1916. into a factory.. In 1858 Joseph] Robson Leather Company Lim- ing an increase of $12.1 mil-\sre hopeful that the proposed lion. me Urban Renewal Plan. will be vc Geawa's personal an eae by Central Morgane posabie income for 1965 tolalled jwouiq give their ares. and. en- $170.7 million, up $21.2 million tirely new look. from 1964. & _| The Oshawa Shopping Centre Cheques cashed in 1983/35 already announced expan- totalled $5.75 billion, double the| ion plans for the near future $2.86 billion in 1961, and an/(they include a post office and increase of $.94 billion over theatre), The centre, inci-|Hall of Rochester, N.Y., pur-jited became the largest man-| 1964, dentally, is one of the finest}chased the Oshawa Manufac-|ufacturers of shoe upper leather, The picture for building per-| chopping malls of its kind on|turing Co. work (Coulter Man-|in British Empire and during mits issued in this same period|the North American continent|ufacturing site on Richmond World War IL produced 60 per | was equally as bright -- it|today and includes the Eaton's|St.) The. firm made agricul-|cent of all shoe upper leather totalled over $69 million and|of Canada store first Eaton's|tural' implements and farm |used in manufacture of foot- more than 4,000 dwelling units| tore to ever be included in alhand tools. {wear for Canada's armed for- were constructed. ay mall complex). The McLaughlin Motor Car ces. Oshawa holds it position as Co. was organized in 1907 with} In December, 1963 Robson-, the largest shopping centre in R. S. McLaughlin as president.|Lang Leathers Limited amal- the aforementioned area ad In 1911 the Pedlar Metal Roof-|gamated with John A. Lang and cause of two factors -- the re- ing Co. was reorganized and/Sons Limited. Now known as:- tail outlets draw strong support formed into a joint stock com-|Robson - Lang Leathers Lim- not only from local residents, pany under the name of Ped-|ited with plants in Oshawa, Kit- but also from those within a lar People Ltd. The production |chiner, Cobourg, Barrie and Lon- ONE LENGTH For normal highway driving keep at least one car length between you and the car ahead for each 10 miles per hour. If wide radius outside the city/you are going 20 mph, four/of autos started in part of the|don. (such as Peterborough, Co-/car lengths; 40 mph, four car/McLaughlin carriage plant in| Company still under leader- ae bourg, Ajax and Bowmanville). |lengths. Allow even more space!1911. This was one of the his-|ship of Mr. Charles N. Rob- at high speeds, on slippery pave-|toric events in the business |son who is now Chairman of ment and after dark. history of the city. the Board. EXPANSION PROGRAMS The prosperity enjoyed by | | | When In Need Of The Best... Suporwised JANITORIAL SERVICE MYERS PRODUCTS (OSHAWA) LIMITED RALEIGH AVENUE P.O. BOX 235 OSHAWA | Frees Estimates + Without Obligation 'a : ne Lis ghey PO FA eo er) , achee*e ANGUS-GRAYDON --A NAME THAT IS SYNONYMOUS WITH QUALITY --- VALUE---SERVICE IN OSHAWA! If Your Rugs Are Valuable To You ... then they deserve the best RUG CLEANING Modern equipment, skill and experience gueren- tee you the best of results when we clean your soiled rugs, be it wall to wall or loose rugs. Free pickup and delivery. Only 10c sq. ft. EXAMPLE: ONLY 510 $0 t 9 x 12' oS ANGUS-[;RAYDON CARPET COMPANY 'LIMITED 282 KING ST. W. OSHAWA = _-: 728-6254

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