Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 28 Feb 1967, p. 17

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1 | i] y 1911 SAW SELF-S A RECENT AIR VIEW OF PRE sioner TARTER SENT SOUTH PLANT COMPLEX IN OSHAWA OF GENER ssi nn ie Siam fi . | General 300,000 Cars, Trucks GM's Output Yearly Motors of -£anada| In 1915, the Chevrolet Motorjlion cars and trucks. The sec-} General Motors of Canada, officially came into being in|Car Company of Canada came 1918. But it had its real begin-| into being under the McLaugh- Bui oe hie reap aid mee ag hay anita tas fou ning in 1907, when R. Samuel/lin banner and in 1918 Mc-| While the third took five and a distinct Ms manufacturing McLaughlin and_ his brother, | Laughlin and Canadian Chevro-|half years, the fourth took five|groups operating if Canada. It the late George McLaughlin,|let merged into General Motors|years and the fifth million was;employs nearly 20,000 people, sons and associates of Robert a Canada, Limited, with R. S.]attained three and a half years|principally in Oshawa, at its McLaughlin of Oshawa, who!McLaughlin as its president|later, in 1965. To date the com- 3 BS s operated the largest horse-|and his brother, George, as|pany has built about 3,750,000!" PAPREn Er er Saree drawn carriage firm in Can-|vice-president, Mr. McLaugh-| cars and trucks. plant in Ste. Therese West, as"he is} Que., and at the new plant of ada, signed an agreement with lin, or "Mr. Sam" | General Motors has been W. C. Durant to use the Buick/known affectionately at GM, is|nioneer in many _fields. The General Motors Trim in Sand- y signed. x - have probably forgotten that of Windsor. At capacity, GM the first year 0-|of Canada and still comes into], ee wae i ee a sasiceran le In 1908, the ) of pr ooh teype ge jan Oshawa-produced car was employment in Ste. Therese duction, the McLaughlin Motor | work each day when he is in Car Company produced 154) Oshawa. cars. Today, General Motors of /30-YEAR JOB Canada builds more' than} It took General Motors 30 300,000 cars and trucks a year.lyears to produce its first mil- jthe first to have stop lights, alwost will be 2.500 people and 'most important safety feature'jy Sandwich East Township it that motorists now take for wij} be 1.750 people, granted. A great many other A ajoy GM: oneration. i important automotive improve aj Ef perauion: im | 5 Canada McK is | ments were also the' direct re-|C3" ada is McKinnon Industries AT OTTAWA'S REQUEST rls of the pioneer work, done Windsor, 'McKinnon plans He tion system for which the com- the 'making of a car. They pany got its first. patent. In range in variety from ball- |1920, the adjustable front seat bearings to complete engines, | | | Sa | AL MOTORS -»» New Truck, Body And Chassis Plants Are Shown With Main Office and Parts Warehouse GM MADE MILITARY VEHICLES Here's GM Highlights 1907-1966 -- (Following is a chronological list of highlights in the life of General Motors of Canada from 1907 to 1966) 1907 -- McLaughlin Company signed 15-year contract for sole man- ufacturing rights of Buick automobile in Canada. 1908 -- Production of the first Me- Laughlin-Buick and 154 cars were turned out the first year. McLaughlin-Buicks cleaned up trophies on Canada dirt tracks. Mechanical development of the year was the introduction of left hand steering. 1910 -- R. S. McLaughlin was elect- ed a director of GM in U.S.A. 1911 -- Big development was the ap- pearance of the self-starter. Engineers of the McLaughlin Company at Oshawa contrib- uted importantlly to the ex- perimental work. co anadian production of Chev- rolet 490 started at Oshawa. The McLaughlin Carriage Company was sold after hav- ing turned out 270,000 horse drawn vehicles. 1918 -- McLaughlin and Canadian Chevrolet companies merged into General Motors of Can- ada Limited with R. S. Mc- Laughlin as president and G. W. McLaughlin vice-president. 1920 -- One of the developments of the year was the adjustable front seat invented and pat- ented at General Motors of Canada. 1921 -- Canadian Products Company organized at Windsor to build engines and axles for Oshawa production lines. World's first stop lights appeared on Oshawa-built cars. 1923-- The first balloon tires made their appearance; four-wheel brakes were prefected; duco it iso Peg ORIGINAL McL Ce lacquer finishes began to be used and Alemite pressure lubricant made its appear- | ance, 1924-- Oshawa engineers did pioneer work on crankcase ventilation and Company got first patent. G. W. McLaughlin retired. 1926-- Big year for plant expansion at Oshawa. Sales and Service forces in the field expanded. First group insurance plan started, 1927-- Present main office building at Oshawa erected and ad- ministration moved from the Auditorium Building. 1928-- vehicles. In 1940 the first army trucks came off the line. 1941-- New plant at Windsor built by GM for manufacture of Browning machine guns. First armoured vehicle produced in Oshawa in July of that year. 1942 Production of civilian cars ceased for the duration in February. First tank hulls produced in north plant in October. 1943-- GM of Canada service flag unveiled showing 3,298 em- ployees in the armed forces. Production of Canada's 500,- 000th fighting vehicle cele- brated at Oshawa. Wm. A. Oshawa built 104,000 units; | Wecker became vice-presi- employees totalled 8,129; | dent and general manager. truck production was d | Producti of ito air- td Windsor and the engine Plant previously under Cana- dian Products re-opened un- der General Motors of Can- ada. In December the western assembly plant opened at Regina. 1930-- Oil cooling system introduced for Chevrolet's new six cylin- der engine. 1931-- Buick brought out its first 8- cylinder engine and in the next four' years mechanical developments were numerous on all cars. No-draft ventila- tion appeared on all Fisher oBdies in 1933; knee action suspension was developed in 1934 and all-steel tops ap- peared in 1935, 937-- Overhead bridge erected to carry units from the body shop in the west plant to final assembly in the north plant. 99 March 4, the millionth car to be built at Oshawa since 1908 came off the line, 39-- _ War in Europe. Experimental work was begun on military eer pecsth wegen ek ee plane fuselages reached the rate of one a day. First gun- mount produced in April. 1945-- Wm, A. Wecker became pres- dent of General Motors of Canada June Ist. R. S, Mc- Laughlin became chairman of the board. Production of first post-war civilian auto- mobiles started in October. 1946-- An Oshawa-built Chevrolet be- came the first car to be driv- en by road from coast to coast in Canada. First annual dinner of the 25 Year Club held at the armories in Osh- awa and the Prince Edward- Hotel in Windsor. 1947-- First Retirement Program for General Motors of Canada employees inauguarted April Ist. 1949-- Seba irmesstoe ROIS 20000855 First post - war designs in- troduced by General Motors and employees viewed models | at staff garage exhibition. 1950-- General Motors of Canada built its two millionth unit. Construction started on cen- AUGHLIN CARRIAGE SHOP AT ENNISKILLEN STARTED IN 1869 BY ROBT. McLAUGHLIN «+» Robt. McLaughlin, second left, Has Hand On Head Of His Eldest Son, George tral parts distribution ware- house, April. Revised. Re- tirement Program inaugu- rated. 1951-- Central Parts Warehouse opened at Oshawa. Zone of- fice opened at Moncton. First defence contract signed; pro- duction began on the M-135 6§-wheel drive cargo carrier. Employment of General Mot- ors of Canada in Oshawa, Windsor and the field aver- aged 11,060 for the year; to- tal payroll was $39,364,000; total number of units pro- duced at Oshawa reached 187,465 for a new record. 1952-- First time Canadian automo- bile manufacturer exceeded 200,000 units in one year. 1953-- New production record esta- blished with 219,000 cars and trucks produced in the cal- endar year. Pontiac and Buick passenger car _ production transferred to new 20 acre acre South Plant building. 1954-- South Plant passenger car as- sembly in full production of Chevrolet, Pontiac, Buick and Oldsmobile in new 49 - acre plant. 1955-- New South Main Office oc- cupied by departments and personnel directly concerned with manufacturing opera- tions. 1956-- : Third millionth vehicle built in May 1956 -- took 5% years. Delco Dry Cell Auto battery production started in Septem- ber. 1957-- | William A. Wecker retired as president of GM of Canada under terms of GM Retire- ment Plan. He is replaced as president and general mana- ger E, H. Walker previously president and general mana- | a GM subsidiary in St. Cath- arines, Ont. ; 1958-- GM celebrated 50th Anniver- sary. 1959-- Construction of new 10-acre Chevrolet Corvair plant com- pleted. Chevrolet Corvair in- troduced and production start- | ed at Oshawa. /1960-- Construction of 12-acre ex- tension to Parts Warehouse. Vehicle production exceeded 200,000 units (209,405) for first time since record year of 1953, Buick Special, Olds F85 and Pontiac Tempest intro- duced to Canadian market. 1961-- Four millionth vehicle pro- duced in June, 1961, took 5 years, Chevy Il and Acadian introduced 'and _ integrated with Corvair production. 1962-- Employment and production reach new highs -- 14,400 employees at Oshawa, 1,300 vehicles per day. 1963-- Chevelle, Olds. F-85, Buick Special, Beaumont series pro- duced, Record year -- 308,- 223. Record day -- 1,807 units. 1964-- Ste. Therese, Windsor Trim and Oshawa Truck Plants un- der construction. 1965-- GM vehicle? produces its 5,000,000th New car assembly plant at Ste. Therese, Que- bec, in production of Chev- rolet and Pontiac. Upholstery manufacturing plant at Wind- sor, called General Motors Trim Limited, produces trim sets for Oshawa and Ste. Ther- ese. New truck plant in Osh- awa produces first runs of a greater variety of GMC and Chevrolet Trucks. Record em- ployment exceeds 20,000. Pay- roll $142,000,000. Production record 419,795 cars and trucks. Daily production 2,000 units. GM Photo including the crankcase ventila- duce many items which go inte was invented and patented by transmissions, suspension units General Motors of Canada and and steering gears. two years later, four wheel Another GM company is brakes were perfected. GM en- Frigidaire Products of Canada ad gineers in Oshawa also con- Limited in Scarborough, .a sub- ar e 1C es work that led to the develop-\urb of Toronto. It produces tributed to the experimentaljelectrical household appliances }work that led to the develop-|Such as ranges, refrigerators, washers and dryers and it also manufactures automotive com- ponents for Oshawa and. Ste. During World War II, the en-|Therese West such as fuel and tire facilities of General brake lines and radios, Motors of Canada were con-| The fourth member of the verted to wartime production.;|GM group in Canada is Gen- 7 ° _|GM turned out hundreds of/eral Motors Diesel Limited, in By April 1, 1940 GM had con- Hae ba Pi ots 'ten ug ive thousands of fighting vehicles|London, Ontario. GM Diesel verted its plants to war pro-| Qorlikon guns and even snow- as well as airplane fuselages, | builds and services Diesel loco- duction and turned out the first| mobiles. gunmounts, etc. motives for the railroads of military vehicle, an 8420 which} when war was declared in| In 1952, General Motors be-jthe world, highway and city was an 8ewt,. 4x2, bearing|1939 GM was employing ap-|Came the first Canadian auto-|Passenger coaches as well as bodies adapted for use as' per- proximately 4,000 people inmotive company to produce |earth moving equipment under sonnel, radio and load-carry-|Qshawa, By the middle of the|200,000 cars and trucks in one|a Euclid trade-mark. ing in general. By 1941 the|war in 1943 employment had|Year. Since then, records have| Total employment by GM volume of output of products| increased to over 7,600 with ap-|been broken practically every | companies in Canada exceeds for war was 125 per cent of the/ proximately 6,750 of these en-|Year. 130,000 people |volume of output of cars and|paged in producing military | trucks for civilian use. |products and the rest. working) From then until the {of the war GM produced a Bes ag he Sas as with war's| GM Canada Builds Total variety of war products. Thisjend in sight, Government con-| s Of 5,000,000 Vehicles included five standard models|tracts had been recalled. Then} of military transports, seven|began the tremendous task of The history of General Motors|ufactures automotive compon- jof Canada can be traced back|ents, The Oshawa plants cone special model machinery lor-| reconverting for peace-time ries and 27 specialized model|production. By October every- to the McLaughlin Carriage|,-. Company which began a in: tain more than 190 acres of trucks. From the start of war|thing was ready and on October niskillen, Ontario, in the 1870's.|floor space. production until the end of the|3, 1945 the first post-war car, war GM produced over vs Chevrolet, rolled off GM's The company later moved to| At Ste. Therese West, Que Oshawa. There, in 1908, the Mc-|pec, the company produces military vehicles. assembly line. Laughlin Motor Car Company|nacsenger cars. This plant has s & : Building Started In '50 ' So h Pl C | ee about 2 2acres under roof. GM Ss ut ant omp ex bile, Trin coken oe The company's trim plant at gan at Oshawa in 1915 with the|Windsor, Ontario, covers 14 Building the south plant com-|acre plant went into full pro-\formation of the Chevrolet hk oridccia eoah alate plex of General Motors in Osh-|duction of Chevrolet, Pontiac;|Motor Car Company of Can-|"'°* ®"@ Produces up Ty. awa is a project that has been|Buick and Oldsmobile. ada. trim for the passenger car going on for more than 16} The neucleus of the present! -1n 1918, the McLaughlin com-|Plants at Oshawa and Ste. Ther- years, During that time chang-jcomplex was formed when, in/nany and the Chevrolet com-|°S® West. es have taken place which have/1955, the south main office was/nany were mreged into General| GM of Canada bulids over altered the area from a 500/added to the chassis and body| Motors of Canada. Today, there|300,000 cars and trucks a year. acre field to Canada's largest/plants. are almost 20,000 people on : automotive plant. Included in| With the expansion of the new/GM of Canada's $131,000,000/, Among the benefits GM of- the 128 acres of buildings are/truck plant built in 1965, all ex-/annual payroll. fers its employees are cost of a central parts warehouse, body|pansion from 1955 on has been! GM has built more than 5,-\l/ving allowances; -- vacations and chassis assembly plants|in the form of additions to]990,000 vehicles in Canada. The|With pay; a Suggestion Plan for passenger cars and a truck existing buildings. In 1959 a 10/first million were built in 30 which pays up to $6,000 for one assembly plant. acre building was added to the|years: the second million in 13/SU&Sestion; company-paid pen- | It all started in 1950 when/passenger body plant to facil-lyears; the third in only 544|Si0n plans; hospitalization, med- lconstructior of a central parts|iate the assembly of smallerjyears. The fourth million, com. |ical and surgical benefits; sick- |warehouse was begun. This pro-/cars, In that building, which|pleted in June, 1961, were built |"eSs and accident plans and life |ject was completed in 1951 andjhas grown to 14 acres, GM is|in five years. The company) !"surance. The company pro- lin the same year the present|now building Chevy II, Chevel-|built the fifth million vehicle ont Vides free safety glasses te method of parts distribution|Je, Oldsomible Cutlass, Buick January 29, 1965, pe keep GM plants 100% eye-safe, from the Oshawa-based central|Special, Acadian and Beau-| GM spends over $850,000,000 in|" addition, for salaried pere ment of the self-starter, As well as vehicles however, produced armored cars.) WARTIME PRODUCTION vehicles, 'mosquito fusalages, ' Browning In July, 1939 the Canadian Government sent in an official|GM " request to General Motors of ee sana etaber of "the. same|Machine guns, Polsten 20° mm automatic guns and universal i , clared war on ; year Canada de mounts, anti-tank gun car- Germany. | parts office began. sonnel, there is the GM Savings. Almost before the parts ware- house was completed the se- cond building in the complex was started. A new 20 acre south plant building which forms part of the present pas- senger chassis plant was com- pleted in 1953. Passenger car bodies were' still being built in the north plant and shipped to the south plant for .final as- sembly. During that year, 1953, new production record of {219,000 cars and trucks was reached. NEW PLANT At the same time construction on another new plant was start- ed. Completed in 1954, the 49 mont models. ing is now 'being used to as- semble Chevrolet and Pontiacs. DOUBLE SIZE In 1961 the parts warehouse, which had doubled its size in 1954 was expanded again with a 12 acre extension that brought it to its present 24 acre size. A new truck plant, built in 1965, is now being: used for final assembly of Chevrolet and GMC trucks as well as the pop- ular Chevy Van. An addition currently under construction is) to be ready to transfer the as-} |sembly of truck cabs from the |west plant to the south truck plant in time for 1968 produc- The main build-|Canada each year for goods, services, wages and taxes, It|S'0ck Purchase Program. spends more than $1,000,000 an-| Col. R. S. McLaughlin is nually in 24 Canadian cities. |Chairman of the oBard of Gen- GM builds Chevrolet, Chevel-jeral Motors of Canada, Limited, le, Chevy Il, Pontiac, 'Acadian, |E. H. Walker is president and Beaumont, Oldsmobile Cutlass|general manager, L. A. Hast- and Buick Special passenger|ings is vice-president and dir- cars.as well as Chevrolet and/ector of Sales; H. E. Pierson is GMC trucks. Over 256,000 indiv- | vice-president of finance and F, idual parts for GM vehicles are|E, Conlin is vice-president and stocked at GM's central parts | director of manufacturing. warehouse in Oshawa. In addi-| % tion, the company has nine} SINGLE DAY th . roe s " Ss | ane ola Warehouses | In a single day, as many as , een cars and trucks have been BUILD CARS |produced at General Motors of At Oshawa, GM of Canada|Canada in Oshawa, for the dome tion. A-NEW GMC 960-SERIES TRUCK COMES OFF THE LINE AT NEW GM TRUCK PLANT builds cars and trucks and man-!estic and export markets. «++ Plant Opened Week Of September 13, 1965 In South Oshawa Plant 4

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